Draft Minutes
MINUTES ALAMEDA COUNTY PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1182 Main Street, Sunol (Sunol Railroad Café) November 3, 2016 (Approved December 1, 2016) REGULAR MEETING: 3:30 P.M. A. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m. by the Chair. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dionisio Rosario, Chair; Jerry Caveglia, Vice-Chair; Al Minard; Linda Willis and Audree Jones-Taylor COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED: Commissioner Tony Koep; Maryalice Faltings; Annalee Allen STAFF PRESENT: Liz McElligott, Sharon Grewal and Nilma Singh There were approximately eleven people in the audience. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. OPEN FORUM: No one requested to be hear under Open Forum. D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS ~ October 5, 2016 Commissioner Caveglia made the motion to approve the October 5th Minutes as submitted and Commissioner Minard seconded. Motion carried unanimously. E. CHAIR AND STAFF REPORTS ~ None G. OLD BUSINESS 1. Partial Demolition-11882 Main Street, Sunol, CA ~ Staff requests the recommendation of the Commission regarding the Certificate of Appropriateness for the partial demolition of the subject structure. ~ Action Item (See separate staff report attached) Ms. Grewal presented the staff report. Public testimony was called for. Rosemary Chang, Chair, Sunol Citizens Advisory Council, stated that the council and the community is in full support. Darryl Hansen, a Sunol historian, explained the history of Sunol and discussed historical preservation and perhaps a historical museum in future. Van Reasor also spoke in support. The Applicant described the project and in response to the community, provided further details re history, square footage of addition, sitting capacity, septic tank and parking.
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