Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

October Vol. 592 Pretoria, 31 Oktober 2014 No. 38170

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CONTENTS • INHOUD Page Gazette No. No. No.


Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of

Government Notice 861 Magistrate’s Courts Act (32/1944): Definition of local limits of districts created in respect of the Gauteng and North West Provinces ...... 3 38170

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 31 OKTOBER 2014 No. 38170 3




I,Tshililo Michael Masutha, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, acting under section 2 1(a) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), hereby, with effect from 1 December 2014, in respect of the magisterial districts created in terms of Government Notice No. 43 of 24 January 2014, define the local limits of each such district as indicated in Schedules 1 and 2 respectively.

Any amendment to the name of the district, sub-district or place of sitting under this Notice shall be applicable to the place appointed for the holding of a court for each regional division and all seats mentioned in the Schedule to Government Notice No. 219 of 27 February 2004.

Given under my hand at on this the4")-\day of 0100 Qe

Two Thousand and Fourteen.



This gazette is also available free online at 4 Column A Column B SCHEDULE 1: GAUTENG PROVINCE Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsEkurhuleniNo.43Magisterial of 24 Central January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourtsPalm districts Ridge established for Starting from the intersection of the Motorway with the eastern boundary of Busoni Rock, Point-to-point descriptions This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at southernboundaryproceed inboundary ofof an Linmeyer,Linmeyer easterly of Moffatt then Township.direction in Park, a north-easterly along Thenthen the southernproceed N12 direction, motorway, boundaryin then ofuntil in South an easterly Hills until direction, it intersects along with the a northerly direction along this eastern it intersects with the eastern thereTulisatheboundarynortherly eastern proceed Park, directionboundary thenof inTulisa asouthern northerly along ofPark. South boundary the Thendirection Hillseastern proceed asof along Elandspark willboundary furtherin the an N12 easterly of appearuntil Southuntil it intersects directionitfrom Hillsintersects the until map.alongwith it withintersects the From the N17 N12 southern there motorway.motorway. with proceed the boundary southern From in a of thenthere,Proceedproceed proceed proceed insouthwards ain inwesterly a an southerly easterly along direction directiondirection Natalspruit along alongalong Leondale River the until N17,N3 Road untilthe until intersectionuntil it itintersects intersects the intersection with with with Venus Leondale the with N3 Drive, Natalspruitmotorway, Road. which Then isRiver.and the easterlyboundarynorthern boundarydirection of Katlehong alongof Katlehong South the spruituntil South. the until intersection Then the intersectionproceed with in a anspruit. with easterly the From N3 direction there, motorway. proceed along Proceed the in northerna north- in a westerlyKoppieskraalsoutherly direction direction No.157No.157. along along until From the thethe southernthere intersectionN3 proceeduntil boundary the with inintersection a theofsoutherly Koppieskraal southern with direction boundary the until eastern along it intersectsthereof. the boundary eastern Then with proceedofboundarythe the eastern farm in ofa fromthenTamboekiesfonteinboundary southerlythe map, of thendirection, Tamboekiesfontein north-easterlyin a southerly,then north-westerly, until then the westerly, intersection along then the southerly,withmunicipal both the thenboundary R550 westerly and as will thealong furthersouth-eastern the appearR550, No.173-IR. From there proceed along this boundary of line.proceedboundarybeacon Proceed of in ofMagagula a Magagula northerlyin a south Heights direction Heightswesterly township. untilalongdirection the theThen intersection along western proceed the railwayboundary within a westerlythe line untilwestern until itdirection it intersects intersects boundary along withwith thereof. the thethe southern railwayeastern Then termsMagisterial Column ADistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C No.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government withdirectionboundary the Municipal along of theRietspruit boundary eastern Agricultural boundary running east-west of Holdings Rietspruit through (A.H). Agricultural RietspruitFrom there, Holdings A.H. proceed Then (A.H) proceed inuntil a north-westerlyit intersectsalong the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thedirectionMunicipal eastern until boundary boundary the intersection of in Garthdale a westerly with the A.H direction, eastern in a north-westerly boundary then south-easterly of Gardenvaledirection direction,until A.H. it intersects Then then proceed south-westerly with R550. along motorway.From there From proceed there in proceed a westerly northwards direction along along the until R550 it intersects until with the south western it intersects with the R59 No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 a northernproceedBrakensdownboundary direction,in ofa south-westerly Brakensdownboundary then north-easternuntil direction ittownship. intersects along direction with the the southernuntil southern it intersects boundary boundary with of of Kromvleithe Kromvlei western Cemetery, Cemetery. boundary then Then of in Proceed in a north-westerly direction along this Brackenhurst.easternBrackendownsBrackendowns. direction Then until From proceed it intersects there, along proceed with the thewestern in north-easterna northern boundary direction boundaryof Brackenhurst along thereof. the in western Proceeda northerly boundary in direction,a north- of along this boundary until it intersects with the western boundary of withTownship.thendirection theeastern western Then along direction proceed Hennieboundary until westwardsAlberts thereof. Street alongThen until theproceed it intersectssouthern in a boundarywithnortherly the southern of direction Meyersdal boundary along until the itof intersects westernMeyersdal it intersects with Hennie Alberts Street. Proceed in a northerly proceedofintersectsboundary Busoni in Rock with ofa northerlyMeyersdal, the in anorthern westerly direction which boundary direction along then of untilthisbecomes Busoni easternit intersects Rock. the boundary eastern Then with theproceed until boundary eastern it intersects along boundary of the Busoni with northern of the Busoni.Rock N12, boundary until whichThen it Ekurhuleni East Springs theStartinguntilis N12 the it fromstarting untilintersects itthe intersects point. intersection with Modder with ofLaris the Road. Street.N12 From with Proceed Alliancethere, inproceed Road,a north-easterly proceed in a south-easterly in direction an easterly along direction direction Laris along Street along the untilboundarynorth-western it intersects thereof. boundary with Proceed the of southern the southwards farm boundary Modderfontein along thereof. the westernNo.236-IR, Proceed boundary untilin an it easterly intersectsof Modderfontein direction with the along No.236,western the 5 6 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column establishedB for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts southernDroogefontein boundary No.242-IR. of Modderfontein Proceed southwards until it intersects along the with western the western boundary boundary of Droogefontein of the farm until This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at untilalongit intersects the the intersection southern with the boundary with southern the eastern of boundary Droogefontein, boundary thereof. of then Vischkuil From southern there, No.274-IR. boundaryproceed Then inof anStrydpan proceed easterly southwardsNo.243-IR, direction theuntilintersectsNo.287-IR.along eastern the the intersection boundary easternwith Proceed the boundaryeastern of with inHetblok, an the boundaryeasterly of N17 Vischkuilthen motorway. the directionthereof. eastern until itFrom alongintersects boundary there,there, the northern with ofproceedproceed the the farm northern boundary inin aNooitgedachta southerlywesterly boundary of Hetblok directiondirection No.286-IR of Hetblok until along it theindirectionintersectionuntil N17 a south-eastern until along it withintersects this the directionboundary south-eastern with the along until R42. it thisboundary intersectsThen boundary proceed of with Daggafontein until inthe a north-westernsouth-westerlyit Gold Mine. boundary direction Proceed alongthereof. inintersects thea westerlyProceed R42 with the Blesbokspriuit. Proceed northwards along Blesboksruit until the it intersects with Marievale Road. From Sharonthere,boundary proceed Park ofuntil Sharonin ita intersectswesterly Park township.directionwith the R51. along Then Proceed Marievale proceed northwards northwards Road until along italong intersects R51 the until eastern withit intersects the boundary eastern with of withthesouthernPhasenorthern northern the southern3. Proceedboundaryboundary boundary boundary southwards of of SharonKwa-Thema Sharon thereof. along Park Park. Phasethe untilFrom From eastern it intersects3,there, there, until boundary proceedit proceed intersects with of the inKwa-Thema in a eastern witha westerly westerly the boundary south-eastern Phase direction direction 3 untilof alongKwa-Themaalong it boundary intersects thethe VlakfonteinThemathereof.north-westerly Phase Then Road. 3,proceed until direction Then the in north-eastern proceeda south-westerlyalong inthe a northernbeaconnorth-westerly direction of boundary Langaville along direction oftheExt.9. Langaville south-eastern along From Vlakfontein this Ext.9, beacon, boundary until Road proceed of until Kwa- in a it joins with it easternwest.Pilandsbergintersects Then boundary proceed with Road. 12th of BrenthurstProceedin Avenue. a westerly northwards ProceedTownship. direction inalong Thena along northerly Pilandsberg proceed Springs direction northwards Road along untilwest, along it12th untilintersects Avenuethe it intersects eastern with until Springs boundary itwith joins theRoad with Column A Column B Co lum C termsMagisterialNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts established for of boundaryBrenthurst, of then Krugersrus. eastern Fromboundary there, of proceedWeltevreden, northwards until along the western boundary of Point-to-point descriptions it intersects with the western This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at westerlydirectionKrugersrus direction along until R29 alongit intersects until Kingsway it intersects with Avenuea railway with until Blesbokspruit.line and R51 (Kingsway Proceed inAvenue). a northerly Proceed direction in a north-along it intersects with R29. Proceed in a westerly

Blesbokspruit all around the perimeter boundary of Kingsway township until the intersection with No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 thereof.eastwardsKingsway From Avenue Avenue, alongthere, the proceed until as southern will furtherin a boundarynortherly appear directionof from Lindelani the along map. until the From it easternintersects there, boundary proceed with the of southwardseastern Lindelani, boundary until along it intersects with the southern boundary of Lindelani Village. Proceed Ekurhuleni North Kempton Park westernStartingnorthernintersectsit intersects boundaryfrom boundarywith the with the intersectionof Alliance N12the of farmLongmeadow,motorway, Road. Longmeadow of the Proceedwhich northern then is No.297,the in northern boundary astarting northerly Proceed boundarypoint. of direction the in anfarm of easterly Longmeadowalong Bergvlei Alliancedirection No.37, No.296Road along with until the thethen it Andrewdirectionuntilsouthnorthern the Maphetoeasterly intersection boundaryalong Drive. directionthe ofnorthern with FromKlipfontein alongthe there northernboundary Chloorkop proceedNo.12, boundary of until inBirch Road a the northerly ofAcres untilintersection Birch theExt.6, directionAcres intersection thenwith ext.6. along Chloorkopnorthern Then Andrewwith proceed Zuurfonteinboundary Road. Mapheto in Proceed an of Drive,Avenue/ easterlyNorkem in a untilproceedstreamPark, the until until intersectionnorth-easterly the the intersection intersection with along the with withrailwaythe north-south south-easternthe line.south-eastern Then running proceedboundary stream. boundary in of Thena Isiphetweni,south-easterly of proceed Isiphetweni northwardsMin, direction Township.and Emangweni along Then the boundarybecomesrailway line ofR25, until SerengetiSerengeti andthe intersectionthen Golfuntil continue intersects with From eastwards Link with there, Road. the proceedalong Thensouthern R25,proceed in boundarya until southerly eastwards thereof. direction along Proceed alongLink Road, the eastwards western until it it intersects with the western A.HAgriculturalalong until theit intersects Holding southern (A.H). with boundary theFrom southern ofthere, Serengeti proceedboundary until southwards of it Maristerintersects along A.H. with Thenthe the eastern easternproceed boundary boundary eastwards of of Bredell alongBredell 7 8 Column A Column B Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts established for A.H.the southern Then proceed boundary southwards of Marister along A.H, the until western it intersects boundary with of Benonithe western A.H until boundary it intersects of Benoni with Point-to-point descriptions

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at the south-eastern boundary of Vlakfontein No.29. From there, proceed in a south-westerly thendirectionRoadBlaauwpan. southern No.5 along becomes Proceed theboundary southern Busschan southwards of boundaryBrentwood Road along and of Park Vlakfontein,Roadthen proceedA.H, No.5 along and then in athen south-westerlyRoadsouthern westwards No.5 boundary until directionaround of BlaauwpanPomonaalong Busschan A.H, until it intersects with westerlynorthernuntilRoad it untilintersects directionboundary it intersects with until of Impalathe itwith intersects northern Atlas Park Road in withboundary a westerly the(43). western From of direction Impala there, boundary Park then, proceed township. thereof.northerly southwards Then direction,Then proceed proceed along and southwardsAtlas then along Roadnorth- the directionproceedalong the westwardsalong alongwestern PretoriaR21 boundary alonguntil Road, Ridge of until !mpala Road it intersects Parkuntil ituntil intersects with the Hatting intersection with Street. R21. with Then Then Ridge proceed proceed Road. inalong Froma northerly Hatting there, it intersects with Pretoria Road. From there, proceed in southerly TerracewesterlyStreet in Roaddirectiona northerly until along it directionintersects Barbara until with Road it Betschanaintersects until it becomes withRoad. Barbara Then Driefontein proceed Road (59). Road, in a Then northerly then proceed Lunik direction Drive; in a north-along then BetshananorthernBushwillowsproceed Road, inboundary a Park.Park,westerly then ThenLaurieofthen Eden direction easternproceed Road Glen untilalong boundaryext.60. it R25intersects From ofuntil Greenstone there, thewith intersection proceedR25 (Modderfontein Hill in awith westerly the easternRoad). direction From boundary along there, the of in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of until the intersection with the intersectionboundarynorthern ofwithboundary with Sebenza van Modderfontein Riebeck ofSAPS Eden avenue.through Glen Road. theext.Proceed Fromeastern 60, thennorthwardsthere, boundary northern proceed alongof Linbro boundary northwards Van Park Riebeck ofA.H, Eastleigh,along throughAvenue the the untilwestern western the until the Ekurhuleni South East Benoni theStartingNo.371,boundary southern from which of boundarythe Longmeadow isintersection the startingof the No.297,farmof point. the Witfontein eastern until the boundary No.16-IR; intersection of proceed Bredell with the inAgricultural an northern easterly boundaryHoldings direction (A.H)of along Bergvalei with the Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Colum C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts Tweefonteinsouthern boundary No.19-IR. of WitfonteinFrom there, until proceed the intersection in an easterly with direction the western along theboundary southern of boundarythe farm This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at PretoriaThenof Tweefontein proceed Road. Thensouthwardsuntil theproceed intersection along in a south-westerlythe with eastern the eastern boundary direction boundary ofalong Zesfontein of Pretoria the farm until Road Zesfontein until it intersects No.27-IR. it intersects with southwardsalongproceedwith R51. the in railwayProceed an alongalong easterly line Alliance thesouthwards untileastern direction Roadit intersects boundary along untilalong itR51 withintersectsthe of until N12Lindelanithe iteastern until intersectswith Village the boundary railway with until the line. itof intersectsN12 Lindelani Then motorway. proceed withVillage. the From westwards southernProceed there, it intersects with Alliance Road. Proceed No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 alongsouthwardsproceedwithboundary R51. Apex in Thenthereof. a Roadalong westerly proceed ProceedEastMain direction until inReed a westwards itsoutherly becomesRoad along until R29directionalong Dewald it untilintersects the alongit southernHattingh intersects R51with Road, boundaryuntilApex with it RoadintersectsuntilMain of it ReefLindelaniEast. interests with Road.Proceed R29. untilwith Then From it R23.westwards intersects proceed there,From there, proceed southwards along R23 until it intersects with the southern boundary of Leachville. VanofTamboville.Proceed Tamboville, Dyk Road,westwards From until which there, the alongbecomes intersection proceed the Atlassouthern in awith north-westerlyRoad, Van boundary until Dyk the Road. directionintersectionof Leachville, From along there, with thenthe proceed Mecury south-eastern southern Road.northwards boundary From boundary alongthere, of Roadaroundproceed No.5. Blaauwpan in a Proceed northerlynorth-easterly until in direction an the easterlydirection intersection along direction along the steam,with Mecury along the until westernRoad Blaauwpan. untilNo.5, boundary the then intersection Proceed Stanley of Brentwood in Road, withan easterly a then stream.Park southern direction A.H.; Then at proceedeasternProceedboundary boundaryin of a Bredell northerlynorth-easterly until A.H, direction the until intersectiondirection the along intersection along the with eastern the thewith western eastern theboundary western boundary boundary of boundary Bredell of ofVlakfontein, BredellA.H of Vlakfonteinuntil A.H. thethen Fromintersection the No.29-IR. south-there, Emfuleni Vanderbijlpark directionStartingwith the southernfrom along the the north-westboundary northern of boundarybeacon Witfontein of ofthe No.16-IR, Patriotsfontein, farm Patriotsfontein which isthen the northern startingNo.564- point. boundary; proceed ofin Holfonteinan easterly 9 10 Column A created in Courts Column Bestablished Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict Gazette the districts for proceedNo.556- ;northwards until the intersection along the with western the western boundary boundary of Tweefontein of the farm until Tweefontein the intersection No.523- with ; then the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at theredirectionintersectsnorth-eastnorth-eastern proceed until with runningthe northwards boundary intersectionthe N1 railway motorway, alongthereof. withline. the theThen Proceed easternand eastern proceed then boundaryin boundaryproceed an along easterly of thesouthwards ofTweefontein the north-eastdirection farm Tweefonteinalong alonguntilboundary thethe the N1intersection railwayin No.523- untila south-easterly it line, intersects . withFrom until a it withboundaryHoutkop the easternR54. Road. of Then Vyfontein, boundary From proceed there, thenof inthe proceedaneastern farm easterly Vyfontein boundaryin andirection easterly No.592- of alongTshepiso direction ; proceedthe R54/R28Township, along southwards the until untilR54 an theuntilalong intersection intersection the the intersection eastern with with directiontheboundary north-western along thereof.of Bedworth the boundary north-westernProceed Park ofsouthwards until Sharpeville boundarythe intersection along township. of the Sharpeville westernwith From the boundary northern there,until it proceed intersects bankof Sharpeville, of in the awith south-westerlyVaal the then River. western western Then theboundaryproceed western in ofboundary a Vaal westerly Oewer of directionVaal until Oewer. it intersectsalong Then the with northernproceed Olga bankinKirsch a northerly of Street. the Vaal directionThen River proceed untilalong iteastwards theintersects western along with thenboundarydirectionnorthOlga proceed Kirscheastern along of northwards Streetthe boundary the farm north-easternuntil Bronkhorstfontein along theof the intersection the Farm westernboundary Donkerhoek withNo.566-boundary of Donkerhoekthe western; No.570-ofthen Zoekoefontein proceed boundaryuntil , then the northwards proceedintersection untilof Zoekoefontein it intersects in alonga with south-westerly the with No.573-; easterneastern the Johannesburg Central Johannesburg Startingwhichwesternboundary is fromtheboundary of startingBronkhorstfontein, the intersection of point. Patriotsfontein of thenthe N1 western No.564- (motorway) boundary , with of Beyers the farm Naude Patriotsfontein Drive, proceed No.558- in a ;south- then until the north-west beacon of Patriotsfontein, BraamRoaddirectioneasterly and Fischer direction along then Drive.Prellerturn along north-west Then Drive Beyers proceed until Naudeinto it becomesnorth until along it Hofmeyerintersects Braam Fischer withDrive, Preller Drivethen TanaDrive. until itRoad, Proceedintersects then in with Rustenburgan easterlyConrad 15t Avenue. Proceed along 1st Avenue until it intersects with Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts Avenue.Drive. Proceed From inthere an easterly proceed direction in a south along easterly Conrad directionDrive until along it intersects Jan Smuts and end Avenue at Jan until Smuts it This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at itintersects intersectsuntil the withintersection with William Oxford withNicol Road. Bompass Drive. Then Then Road.proceed proceed Proceed in ain northerly southerlyin an easterly direction direction direction alongalong along OxfordJan BompassSmuts Rd untilAvenue Rd the until directionintersectionboundaryintersection along with ofof GresswoldwiththeHighlands the northern Corlettnorthern Township.North Drive.boundary boundary until Proceed From theof of Waverely Waverleyintersections there, in an proceed easterly townshiptownship. with in direction a theuntil Fromsoutherly northern it intersectsthere, along direction proceedboundary Corlett with along inthe Drive ofan southern theSydenham easterly untileastern the No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 Street,Georgetownship.Ext.3.along along Avenue,theProceed Proceed municipal the municipaluntilsouth in boundaryanthe along easterlyintersection boundary the all N12 directionthe until(motorway)waywith at until Clubalong Balfour it Street.links untilthe Park northern upit Thenintersects with township. Lowerproceed boundary with GermistonThen southwardsthe of proceedmunicipal Sydenham, Road southwardsalong boundaryin Hariotdale along Club at intersectsElandspark with Township. R103 (Voortrekker Then proceed Road). in a westerly Then continue direction westwards along this untilmunicipal the intersection boundary until with it theboundaryZooSouth way farm alongRand asuntil of theRoad, willthe you municipal furthercemetery, which reach appearis Kromvleiboundary at andthe fromnorth-western proceed Cemeteryuntil the the map. along northern in beacon ThenBrackensdowns. the boundary proceed municipalof South southwards ofCrest boundaryProceed(Johannesburg township. around alongalong Then Zoo) thethe proceed municipalperimeter Rietvleiwestern all directionintersectionTedderfieldboundary alongofalong BrackendownsA.H,with the R550, untilthe northern northern the along intersection until boundary the boundarythe municipalintersection with of ofClaremont, the Claremont boundary, withN1. R550Proceed until township. (Kliprivier through the northwards intersection ProceedDrive).the northern along Proceed within a the north-easterly theboundary inN1 boundarya untilwesterly theof thenNorthcliffboundarybetween Soutpans RidgeGreymontuntil the until Northcliff theand intersection Albertskroon Ridge. Proceed with Township. Cedar in an Street. easterly Proceed Proceed direction in a westwards northerly around directionalongthe perimeter Cedar along Street; of this the until the intersection with N1. Then proceed northwards along the N1 until it 11 12 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 JohannesburgNo.43terms of 24 January North 2014 of Government Gazette theRandburg districts Startingintersects from with theBeyers intersection Naude Drive, of R512 which and is ourthe starting Crocodile point. river, proceed North East along the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at ofsouthernthenCrocodile Lindley proceed boundary A.Hriver until eastuntil itand italong intersects intersects its north-eastthe southernwith with the theboundary. southern southernboundary Proceedboundary boundary of Lindley north of of Erasmia alongLindleyA.H until the SAPS, Agricultural north-easternthe andintersection then Holding(A.H), proceedboundary of the in directioneasternanRietfontein easterly untilbeacon direction itNo.532 intersects of alongthe until farm.with itthe intersects thesouthern Then boundary proceed with boundary N14of the directlymotorway. farmof the Knopjeslaagte farmsouth Then Vlakfontein along proceed No.385.the No.294, alongeastern Then until boundaryproceed in the an southeasterly in ofa ext.township.northsoutherlyuntil 26, along the south direction,Then intersection the alongboundaryproceed until the of inyou R562untilwestern an reach easterlyit withintersects boundaryR562, the direction eastern andwith of thenthe alongboundary Blue southern proceed theHills southernof A.H, boundaryKnopjeslaagtein an then easterlyboundary ofeast Olivenhoutbosch direction No.along of Olivenhoutbosch385. the alongThen southern ext.26 proceedR562 ThenM1R55.boundary proceed(Ben Then Schoeman)of proceed inBlue a southerly Hills in andanover easterly directionR101 R55 until until direction along the you intersection thereach along boundary the intersectionwithsouthern of the Centurion western boundary with 1, boundarythe untilof easternCenturion it intersects of Centurionboundary 1 over with the 1.of directiontheboundaryRandjesfontein intersection along of President thewith A.H. southern the Then Park southern proceedA.H. boundary Proceed boundary south of southwardsRandjesfonteinalong thereof. the eastern Fromalong until thethere, boundary eastern proceed ofboundary Randjesfontein in a south-westerlyof President A.H Parkuntil it intersects with the eastern directionboundaryRd.until Proceedit alongintersects of Mayibuyethe southwards southern with theTownship. boundarysouthern along ModderfonteinProceed ofboundary President westwards thereof. Park Road, untilalong From until the the there,the intersection northern intersection proceed boundary with in with Modderfonteina south-westerly ofthe Mayibuye, northern Thenwillthenroad, further northern proceed until appear the boundaryin aintersection southfrom ofthewesterly Commercia map. with directionThenthe north Township, proceed along western northin until a boundarysouth-easterly westernthe intersection boundaryof the direction farm with of LongmeadowChloorkopLongmeadow, along Chloorkop Road No.296. until as 404749— Column A Column B Co lum C B Magisterial District created in Courts established Point-to-point descriptions termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts for westwardsthe intersection along with the thenorthern northern boundary boundary of Bergvallei of the farm until Bergvallei the intersection No.37. Fromwith the there, N3. proceed Proceed This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at southerlydirectionsouthwards alongdirection along Marlboro the along N3 untilthe drive M1it intersects until until thethe withintersectionintersection Malboro withDrive.with Corlettthe From M1 Drive.there, motorway. proceedProceed Proceed in westwards a westerly in a

along Corlett Drive, south along Oxford Road, and west along Bompass Road until the intersection No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 intersectswith JanWilliam Smuts with with Nicol 1st Braamavenue. Avenue. Drive. Fischer From Then Proceed there, proceedDrive. south proceed Then in along a proceedwesterlynorth 1st Avenuealong southdirection Jan until along Smuts italong intersects Braam Avenue, Jan Smuts Fischerwith until Tana Avenuethe Drive Road.intersection until until Then it it intersectsmunicipalwesterlyproceed westdirection boundarywith along Beyers along Tanauntilas Naude will BeyersitRoad intersectsfurther Drive. until Naude appear itThen with intersects Drive, theproceedfrom R564. over thewith inmap. ProceedtheBeyers a north N1 Then motorwayNaude westerlynorthwards proceed Drive. directionuntil westwards alongProceed alongR564, in along a Beyersuntil north- the it intersects with it theintersectionnortherlyNaude municipal Drive ofdirection boundary,R512 until and italong intersects R114.all thethe Proceed easternway with until the boundariesin the easterna northerly municipal boundary of direction Rietfontein boundary of along Rietfontein intersectsA.H, the Nooitgedacht R512 A.H. with which Then R512 is A.H alsoproceed again, up along to by inthe a Johannesburg West Roodepoort CountryStartingCrocodilethe arm Estate,Lindleyfrom river, the which proceedNo.528 intersection is the in(see anstarting map).easterly of the point. Proceed Crocodile direction northwards along River the with southernalong the southern R512 boundary until boundary it ofintersects Ruimsig of Ruimsig Countrywith the intersectionthen(A.H).Estate in Proceed a untilnortherly with the in the aintersection north-westerlydirection, eastern boundary withthen directionthe north-easterly north-westernthereof. along From the direction there,boundarynorth-western proceed along of Roodekrans theboundary in a same southerly of boundaryAgricultural Roodekrans direction until Holdings along A.H, the boundaryproceedthe eastern in ofuntil a boundaryLazersouth-easterly the intersectionPark. of Proceed Roodekrans direction with southwards Muldersdrift along A.H, Muldersdrift then along Road in anthe as Roadeasterly eastern will furtheruntil directionboundary it intersectsappear alongof on Lazer with the the themap.Park, Municipal eastern Then then 13 14 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts alongeastern R564 boundary until it intersectsof Eagle Canyon with the untilsouth-western the intersection boundary with of R564. Randpark Then Ridge proceed Township. southwards From This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at withthere,boundaryuntil the proceed it northernintersects of inQuellerina a boundary withsouth-easterly the until N1 of motorway. Quellerina.the direction intersection Then alongFrom proceedwith thethere, south-westernthe proceedsouthwardswestern eastwardsboundary boundary along the of along of N1Sophiatown Randpark until the it northern intersects Ridge SAPS. easterlyIndustriaintersectsProceed direction inNorth with a south-easterly untilaalong Municipal it intersectsthe Municipal boundarydirection with boundarythe along as N1 will motorwaythe further all western the appearway as boundary will through furtheron the Newlands,of appearmap. Sophiatown Then from Montclair, proceedthe SAPS map. untiland inThen an it southerntheintersectionRoad.proceed intersection Then boundary southwards with proceedwith the railwaytheof alongconsolidated Sowetoin line. the Highway.N1Proceed until Main the in From Reef aintersection south-westerly there, Gold proceedMine, at Main directionRand in Reef a westerlyLease Roadalong Gold East,the direction railway Mine,and Newalong lineuntil Canada until thethe a south-westerly direction along the New Canada Road until the ZondieasternDobsonvilleintersection Township. boundary ext with 2,From of theDobsonville Soteba, there,eastern Dobsonvilleproceed ext.3,boundary Dobsonville in a untilof westerly Soteba the Gardens intersection directionTownship. until alongthe with Proceed intersection the southernnorthern southwards with boundaryboundaryR558. along Proceed of ofthe westernthere,intersectionnorthwards proceed boundary along with in ofan athe Witpoortjie. easterlystream. R558 until Proceeddirection From the intersectionthere, northwardsalong proceed the withnorthern along northwards the northernthe boundary stream along boundary ofuntilthe Doornkop western of Doornkop boundary 2, until 2. the Fromof it intersects with the WitpoortjiehikingBreaunanda,northern trail until boundary until untilit becomesit intersects it intersects of Breaunanda. the with eastern with the the Crocodile boundary ProceedKrans Alwyn River. of westwards Breaunanda, Hiking From there,Trail. along until Proceedproceed thethe northernintersection northwards boundary with along the the of southernCrocodileboundaryproceed boundary River, northwards of Featherbroke until of Featherbroke along Estatethe eastern Estate. until boundary From there, of Rangeview proceed eastwards until the alongintersection the southern with the it intersects with the eastern boundary of Range view township. Then it intersects with the Crocodile River. Then proceed Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column establishedB for Point-to-point descriptions Colum C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts Countrynorthwards Estate, along which the Crocodileis the starting River point. until the intersection with the southern boundary of Ruimsig This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Lesedi Heidelberg StartinguntilLiza No.675-the from intersection the ; proceedintersection with in athe ofnorth-easterly N3eastern motorway boundary direction with thethereof. along north-eastern Proceed the north-east inboundary a south-easterly boundary of the ofFarm Villa direction Villa Liza,

along the eastern boundary of Villa Liza until it intersects with the north-western boundary of the No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 easterntheafarm south-easterlyboundary farm Rietvalei boundary Vlakfontein of Rietvalei,No.172- direction of No.16-IR.Vlakfontein ; until along it Fromintersects untilthis thereboundaryit intersects with proceed the until withnorth-eastern init intersectsathe north-easterly western boundary with boundary south-eastern direction thereof. of Masetjhabaalong Then boundary the proceed south- View of in then proceed in a north-easterly direction along the north-western township.boundaryitintersects interests Then of withwith Sonstraal proceed thethe south-easternR550. Agricultural southwards Then proceed boundaryHoldings. along eastwards the thereof.Then western proceed alongProceed boundary R550southwards eastwards until of Masetjhabait alongintersects along the this eastern with View boundary the untilboundary eastern until it thenorth-easterlyof railway Sonstraal line A.H until direction until the itintersection intersects along the with westernwith a therailway westernboundary line. boundaryProceed of Kaydale in of a Kaydaleuntilsouth-easterly the A.H.intersection Proceed direction with in along a the thewesternGroenfontein map.way boundary throughProceed No.395, the ofin aJameson farm southerly which Rietpoort Park, isdirection, the which No.193, provincial thenis also until easterly boundary a themunicipal intersectiondirection of boundaryMpumalanga. along with theas the willmunicipal Proceedeastern further boundaryappearboundaryin a southerly from all of westwardsalonguntilboundarydirection it the intersects westernalongof along the thefarm with boundarythe Mpumalanga Malanskraal Suikerbosrantthe western of Lagerspoort No.407.boundaryProvincial Rivier untilThen until of boundary itLagerspoort proceeditintersects intersects until westwards with No.406.withthe the intersectionthe Suikerbosant along Thensouthern the proceed northernwith boundary Rivier. the northwards boundarynorthernProceed of the farmboundarynorthwardsintersects Riviersdraai of with alongthe No.416- thefarm the western Schikfontein western ; proceed boundary boundary westwards No.421- of of ;the alongElandsfontein,from farm there,the Elandsfontein southern proceed until boundary itwestwards intersects No.412- of Riviersdraai along with thethe southernsouthern until it ; then proceed 15 16 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column establishedB for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts westwardsboundary along of Schikfotnein, the river until it intersects with the western boundary of Schikfontein No.421- ; until it intersects with Suikerbosrantrivier, then proceed south- This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thenboundaryintersects proceed of with in Schikfontein a thenorth-westerly northern until boundary direction thereof. along the Then western proceed boundary eastwards of Schikfontein along the northernuntil it it intersects with the R42. Then proceed northwards and then wayTownshipboundarynorthwardseastwards until the as throughintersectionwill along along further thethe appear R42 farmwesternwith untiltheKoppieskraal from western boundarythe the intersection map. boundary No.157.of Then Diepkloof withproceed ofThen the the untilfarmproceed municipalalong theDiepkloof intersectionthe eastwards municipalboundary No.182. along with boundary nextThen thethe to proceed municipalmunicipal Ratanda all the Merafong Oberholzer northernStartingNo.675,proceedboundary which fromnorthwardsboundary until the is it the intersectsnorth-west of startingalong Phatiki the point.with beaconuntil N3, the theuntil N3 ofintersections itthe motorwayintersects Farm Phatiki withas will the No.55- further north-easterneastern , proceedappear boundary boundary fromeastwards of the Leriana map.of alongVilla No.41. Then Liza the ThenNo.42, proceed until northwardsthe intersection along with the theeastern northern boundary boundary of Leriana, of the thenfarm eastern No.697-IQ boundary which ofis Romaalso the reachboundaryyouprovincial reach the north-westernofboundary the Vooruitsig north-eastern of north-west.No.48- beacon beacon , thenthereof. Then the of westernThenthisproceed farm. proceed boundary eastwards Then in proceedan of easterly alongthe farm northward the direction Houtkop provincial alongalong No.43- boundary the , untilwesternnorthern until you theHolfonteinproceedboundary south-eastern in of ofuntila Houtkop southerlyHoutkop beaconit intersects until direction inthereof. anyou with easterly reach Fromalong the easternthe there thedirection north-eastern eastern proceed boundary until boundary westwards the beacon. of south-easternthe of farm Holfonteinalong Then De the proceed Pan southernNo.49-beacon No.51- along , untilboundarythereof. . theFrom you eastern reachthereThen of theeasternFromOogproceed intersection van there boundary southwardsWonderfontein proceed with theof along alongOog eastern No.110- the vanthe south-eastern boundaryeasternWonderfontein , boundary thereof. boundary until ofFrom Deit ofintersects Pan, thereOog then vanproceed with Wonderfonteineastern the southwards northernboundary until boundaryalong of you the reachthe farm of until it intersects with the south-eastern boundary thereof. Column A Column B Co lum C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government GazetteDistrict created in theCourts districts established for withDriefontein the eastern Gold Mine.boundary Then thereof. proceed Then in an proceedeasterly directionsouthwards along along the boundarythe eastern until boundary it intersects of Point-to-point descriptions This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at fromwithDriefontein the north-westmap. MineFrom untilprovincialthere, it intersectsproceed boundary in witha northerly by R501. the farm Proceeddirection Turffontein westwardsalong the No.126, provincial along as R501 will boundary further until it until appearintersects you Mogale City Krugersdorp direction,there,Startingnorthernreach proceed fromthe then boundarynorth-west the thealong north- southern theof beaconwest Doornhoek southern beaconboundary of the boundary of farmuntil theof Buffelshoek Phatikithefarm ofintersection Doornhoek the No.55, farm No.468-, which Buffelsfontein No.392,with is easternthen the proceed starting the No.344-, boundarysouthern eastwards point. in boundarythereof. an along easterly Fromthe of No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 farmsouthernproceedHartebeesfonteinElandskraal Hartebeesfontein boundary eastwards No.470-, of until Groenkloof along and No.472,the intersectionthenthe southernNo.464-, thenthe southern proceed with untilboundary the theboundary southwards southern intersection of Bultfontein of boundary Buffelsfontein along with untilthe theof eastern Bultfonteinthe eastern No.465- intersection boundary boundary No.475,and thenwith of thethen ofthe ofeastern No.498.Kafferskraal boundary From until ofthere Kafferskraal the proceedintersection No.501-. with Then the southern proceed southboundary wards of along the farm the eastern Hartebeeshoek boundary in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of theRhenosterspruitboundaryHartebeesthoek, farmmap. RhenosterspruitProceed of Broedertroom southwards until then it No.495-. intersectsthe No.481-,southernalong Proceed withthe untilboundaryR512, the in the easternan until intersectioneasterly of the boundaryLeeuwenkloof intersection direction with thereof. R512along with No.480-, Thenasthethe will northernnorthern proceed furtherthen theboundaryboundary appearsouthwards southern from ofof easternalongMooiplaatsnorthern the boundary eastern boundary until boundary itof intersects ofMooiplaats Mooiplaats of Rhenosterspruitwith until theNo.524. eastern Proceed (municipalboundary eastwards thereof. boundary) along Proceed until the it northernsouthwards intersects boundary with along the the of it intersects with the northern boundary of Lindley ThenalongAgriculturalLindley proceedthe easternA.H Holdings. inuntil a boundarywesterly it intersects Then direction proceedof Lindleywith the alongin A.H, aneastern easterlythe until southern boundary it intersectsdirection boundary thereof. alongwith ofthe Fromthe Lindley southern north-eastern there, until proceedboundary it intersects boundary southwards thereof. with of 17 18 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Colum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts intersectsthe Crocodile with theriver. R512 Proceed road. Then in a south-westerlyproceed southwards direction along alongthe R512 the untilCrocodile it intersects river withuntil the it This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundarydirectionsouth eastern along of theElandsdrift boundary the farm south-eastern Elandsdrift untilof the the farm intersectionNo.527-. boundary Lindley Proceed No.528-.of with Lindley Muldersdrift in Froma until southerly therethe Road. intersection proceeddirection Proceed in along witha southin thethean easterlywesterlyeasterneastern south-westerlytheA.H.directionNooitgedacht southern Proceed along southwardsboundary thedirection A.H Muldersdrift until thereof, alongalongit intersects RoadCrocodilethe Then eastern until with proceed itriver the boundaryintersects eastern until westwards ofwith boundary Nooitgedacht the alongeastern of Rietfontein the A.H, boundary southern until ofintersects boundaryNooigedacht Proceed with inof a it intersections with the R512 road. Then theElandsdriftproceedroad intersection until southwards No.527. it intersects with Proceed alongMuldersdrift with the inthe R512a southerlyeastern road. until Proceedboundary it direction intersects in ofalong an Nooitgedachtwith easterly the the eastern southeastern direction A.H. boundary Proceed along boundary of the southwardsElandsdrift Muldersdrift of the farm until along theThen easterneastern proceed boundaryboundary westwards of of Nooitgedacht alongRietfontein the southern A.H.A.H. Proceeduntil boundary it intersects in ofa southerlyNooitgedacht with the direction southern A.H until along boundary it intersects the easternthereof. with alongtheuntilnortherlyboundary map, this it intersects untilboundary directionof Rietfonteinthe intersectionwith untilalong the A.H, westernthe as easternwith it zigzags boundarythe boundary eastern along thereof. theboundary of municipalRoodekrans Then ofproceed boundaryRoodekrans A.H in then aas south-easterly will inA.H. afurther westerly Proceed appear direction direction in from a it intersects with the southern boundary of Ruimsig Country Estate. ProceedFeatherbrookeboundaryriver. Then westwards of proceed Featherbrooke Estate along southwards until the southern Estate. along boundary the Crocodile of Ruimsig river until until it itintersects intersects with with the the Crocodile southern it Proceed westwards along the southern boundary of boundaryAlwyntheProceed Crocodile Hiking of in Breaunanda. River.trail.a southerly Proceed Proceed direction Then southwards southwards proceed along along alongthein an eastern theeasterlythe HikingCrocodile boundary direction trail river until of along Rangeviewuntil it intersects it the intersects northern until with withit theintersectsboundary thenorthern Krans ofwith intersects with the eastern boundary of Rangeview township. Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts alongBreaunanda the eastern until itboundary intersects of with Breaunanda the eastern until boundary it intersects thereof. with Fromthe R28. there, From proceed there, southwards proceed in This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundaryproceeda westerly northwards ofdirection Randfontein along along the theEstates R28 eastern until Gold boundary it intersectsMine, then of Robinwith proceed Randfontein Park inuntil an it easterlyRoad. intersects From direction with this the intersection, along southern this southern boundary until it intersects with the eastern boundary thereof. Then proceed in a No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 ofwithuntilthereof.northerly Helderbron theit intersects Fromwestern direction there, until withboundary alongthe proceed the intersection railway the of in Helderbromeastern a line.westerly with Proceed boundary the directionA.H. southern westwards Proceed until along boundary northwards the along northern the of Eljeesee railwayalong boundary the line, A.H. western ofuntil Thenthe it Gold intersectsboundary proceed mine it intersects with the northern boundary boundarywestwardsboundaryit intersects of alongEldoradoof with Vlakplaats thethe A.H. southern untilProceed itboundary intersects southwards of of with Vlakplaats Eljeesee alongthe western the A.H,A.H. eastern Proceed untilboundary boundary westwards thereof. of Eldorado Then along proceed the A.H southern until in a it intersects with the eastern boundarynortherly direction ofof Delareythe farm along until Delarey itthe intersects western No.164. with boundary Then the proceednorthern of Vlakplaats boundaryin a southerly until of Groenplaatsit directionintersects along No.157.with thethe Proceedeasterneastern western1Q.boundaryin a Thenwesterly boundary proceedof Wolwekrans direction of southwardsthe farmalong No.156-IQ, Wolwekrans the along northern untilthe eastern No.156-it boundaryintersects boundary IQ. ofwithProceed Groenplaats theof Sluis eastern northwards until until boundary the it alongintersection intersects of the Sluis western with with No.46- thethe thealongnorthwardsuntilnorthern intersection the the northern intersectionboundary along with boundary the ofthe withthewestern western farmthe of Witstinkhoutboom, western boundaryWitstinkhoutboom boundary boundary of Kaalfontein, of Rietpoort ofthenNo.155-1Q. the northern farmthen A.H. easternKaalfontein Then Proceed boundary proceed boundary northwards No.44-IQ.of Houtkopin aof westerly Kaalfontein Then alongNo.49-10, directionproceed the until Doornkloofeastwardswesternboundary boundary No.392.along of Doornkloof this of Proceed Rietpoort,northern A.H in untila boundary thennortherly the western intersection directionuntil boundary the intersectionalong with theof the New northern western withThorndale theboundary western A.H, untilthereof. then boundary you western Proceedreach of 19 20 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column establishedB for Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsMidvaalNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette theMeyerton districts Startingthe north-west from the beacon intersection of Doornkloof, of the whichN1 motorway is the starting with the point. municipal boundary, proceed in an This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at intersectsalongaeasterly southerly R556, direction with direction until R550 along alongand the Kliprivier R556 municipal until Drive. boundaryit intersects From untilthere, with the R59.proceed intersection Proceed eastwards within a south-easterlyR556. along Then Kliprivier proceed direction Drive, in it intersects with R59. From there, proceed southwards along R59, until it municipaltheboundarywith boundarywestern municipal ofboundary boundarythe as boundary farmwill further untilDiepkloof of makingDiepkloof appear No.182- a zigzag untilfrom it.the Fromalongintersects map. there, Kliprivier Then with proceed proceed theDrive, municipal in until ina south-westerlyan it easterlyintersects boundary direction within direction the the middlealong western along the of intersectionValsfonteinProceed withNo.183-.untilalong intersectsthe ThenProceed municipal proceed with in a boundarythewesterly in municipala north-easterly direction in an boundary easterly, along direction R42as then will until along further southerly it intersects the appear eastern direction with from boundary the the western map. of it intersects with the middle of the eastern boundary of the farm until the Schikfonteinboundary of untilthe farm the intersection Schikfontein with No.421. Suikerbosrand Proceed River.southwards Proceed along in an the easterly western direction boundary along of boundaryproceedthe River, southwards of ofuntil Riviersdraai,the farm Riviersdraai along until this it joins western No.445. Suikerbosrand boundaryProceed until an easterly Proceedthe intersection directionin an easterly alongwith directionthe the southern southern along it intersects with the western boundary of Elandsfontein No.412. From there, provincialasKleinfonteinSuikerbosrand Proceedwill further boundary southwards No.446, appear Rivier, untilfromuntil until along thetheit intersects intersectionmap. the eastern Proceed with with boundary thein thea northernsoutherly provincial of Modderfontein, bankand boundary south-westerly of the Vaalof then Mpumalanga River. directioneastern Proceed boundary alongProvince, inthe a of it intersects with the eastern boundary of Modderfontein No.410. untilalongmunicipalwesterly it theintersects directionR42boundary until with alongit untilbytheintersects the municipal itthe intersectsfarm northern with Panfontein boundary the with bankrailway the of R42. Meyertonline.the From VaalProceed Souththere,River, northwardsin (Kookrus).proceedauntil northerly the inalongintersection Where adirection westerly the the railway alongmunicipal directionwith linethe Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished Point-to-point descriptions Co lum C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts for directionboundary alongintersects the boundary with the eastern until it intersectsboundary ofwith Rust-Ter-Vaal the southern township, boundary proceed of De Deur in a northerly Estates. This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at intersectionwesternProceed boundaryin a with westerly the thereof. southern direction Proceed boundaryalong in the a northerly southernof Althea direction boundaryA.H. Proceed along of De thiseastwards Deur western until alongit boundaryintersects the southern untilwith thethe

boundary of Althea A.H, until it intersects with the western boundary of Walkerville A.H. Proceed No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 itA.H,boundarynorthwards intersects until itof intersects withElandsfonteinalong the the municipal with western A.H.the N1boundary, Proceedboundary motorway. westwards which of FromWalkerville, is the there,along starting proceedthe until southernpoint. northwards boundary along of Elandsfontein the N1, until it intersects with the southern Randfontein Randfontein theneasterneasterlyStartingMigalsoord, proceed boundary fromdirection southwardstheuntil ofnorth-westalong it Migalsoord intersects the along northernbeacon withNo.152. the thewestern ofboundary westernThenthe farm boundary proceed boundary of Witstinkhoutboom Witstinkhoutbocm northwards of Wolvekransof the farm along No.155-IQ;Wolvekrans untiluntil the ititeastern intersectsinterests proceed No.156-IQ, boundary withwith in thean andof thenorthernboundary farm Deboundary ofLarey Greonplaats No.164-IQ. of the farm in an From Groenplaats easterly there, direction proceed No.157-IQ. until in a it northerly intersects Then proceed direction with the along alongeastern the the boundarynorthern eastern of untilsouthernproceedboundary it intersects southwards boundaryof De Lareywith thereof. the alonguntil eastern the theProceed north-west western boundary eastwards boundary beacon of Eldorado along of of Vlakplaas Vlakplaas A.H.the southern Then Agricultural A.Hproceed boundary until inHoldings a northerlyof Vlakplaas (A.H). direction Then A.H, it intersects with the railwaytheintersectsalongEljeesee western the line witheastern A.H. boundaryin thean Then easterlywesternboundary proceedof Helderblom boundarydirection of in Eldorado an easterly A.H,untilof Helderblom untilA.H, direction it until intersects along intersects From withthe southernathere, railwaywith proceedthe boundary line. southern Proceed southwards of boundaryEljeesee along along the until of it it intersects with another railway line running in a thisNo.247-IQthesoutherly R28.eastern From direction. until boundary there, it intersects Then proceed until proceed withit inintersects aan westerly southwards eastern with direction boundary R28 along and along the thereof. then new the municipal boundary railwayThen proceed line boundary of theuntil southwardsfarm it intersectsas Randfontein will further along with 21 22 Column A Column B Colum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts established for appearboundary, from the all map.the way Then to proceedthe western in an boundary easterly, thenof Azaadville southerly Township.direction along Then the proceed municipal in a Point-to-point descriptions This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Toekomsrus,Toekomsrussoutherlyboundary direction until thenTownship. itsouthwards intersectsalong From the along with municipalthere, thethe westerneastern boundary boundary boundary until of of Toekomsrus. the farm Zuurbult Following No.240-IQ. the municipal From proceed eastwards along the northern boundary of it intersects with Rietrivier Street in Tenthere,boundarynorthern Acre proceed A.H. boundary of Proceed Panvlaksouthwards of northwards GoldPanvlak along Mine, Gold alongthe all thewesternMine. the way eastern From untilboundary there, theboundary intersection proceedof Zuurbult of Ten westwards with Acre until the A.H, it intersectseastern alonguntil it theboundaryintersects with northern the of boundarywithboundary,municipalintersects the railway of boundarywith Dennydalethrough line.the northernThen theas until willmiddle proceed further itboundary intersects of theappear in a farmof south-westerly withDennydale from Oog the the Vanwestern map. A.H. Wonderfontein direction Proceed Proceedboundary alongwestwards westwards thereof, No.110-IQ, the railway alongwhich along until the lineisthe alsoitmunicipal untilnorthernjoins the it the westernboundary boundary of Doornfontein of the farm until Doornfontein it intersects No.50-IQ. with the southern Proceed boundary northwards of Holfontein along the No.49-10.western alongitboundaryProceed intersects the eastwards westernthereof. with the Fromboundary along western there, the of southernboundary proceedWitstinkhoutboom northwardsboundary of Witstinkhoutboom. untilof along Holfontein you the reach eastern untilProceed the itnorth-west boundaryintersects in a northerly of beacon,with Holfontein the direction whicheastern until is Tshwane Central Pretoria theStartingintersectiondirection startingway untilfrom point.along the the with intersectionthenorth-west the northern municipal beaconwith boundary boundary.the ofR80. theof Kameeldrift,Then farm Proceed proceedKameeldrift eastwards northern southwards No.313, boundary along alongproceed the of municipal the Hornsoord in R80 an untileasterly boundary A.H, the all withthethroughHartebeespruit,Pumulani N1. Hartebeespruit. Suiderberg,Proceed A.H. Proceed northwards and Mountain Hartebeespruit then in analong View,along easterly the Gezina, theis municipal alsodirection N1 aRiesfontein,until municipal along boundaryit intersects the boundary.and municipal until Waverley with the the Proceedboundaryintersection untilmunicipal the southwards until intersection with boundarythe theintersection easternalong with by Column A Column B Co lum C termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts established for intersectsboundary with of Eersterus the railway Ext.6. line. Proceed Proceed southwards in an easterly along direction the eastern along boundary the railway of Eersterus line until until it it Point-to-point descriptions This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Strydomintersectionintersects Drive with with by aNellmapius theSpruit. municipal Proceed Ext.8. boundary. eastwardsProceed Proceed southwards along in the an Spruiteasterlyalong untilHans direction the Strydom intersection along Drive the municipalwithuntil Hansthe alongsouthernsoutherlyintersectionboundary the boundary directioneastern until with the boundary thereof.thealong intersection eastern the Proceed of eastern boundaryZwavelpoort with in the boundarya westerly easternof Zwavelpoort until of directionboundary the Zwartkoppies intersection No.373. along of Zwartkoppies the Proceeduntil with southern thethe in intersection southernNo.364. aboundary southerly Proceed boundary untilwith direction thethe in a No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 directionboundarythethereof.intersection eastern Proceed alongof boundaryGrootfontein with the westwards thesouth-western of south-westernGrootfontein until along it intersects the boundary No.394. southern boundary with Proceed theof boundary ofGrootfonteinnorthern Grootfontein in a of southerlyboundary Zwavelpoort until No.394. directiontheof Bashewa intersectionuntil Proceed along it intersects A.H, the in withuntil aeastern westerly with the thewesternnorthern intersection boundary boundary with thereof. the of northernWitkoppies Proceed boundary northwardsuntil the of intersection Witkoppies along the withNo.393.western the easternProceedboundary boundary westwards of Grootfontein of along Doornkloof until the ThetheboundaryNo.391. northern western Proceed ofboundaryboundary Sterkfontein southwards ofof SterkfonteinMidstream until along the Estateintersection NO.401.the eastern coincides Proceed withboundary withthe in awesternthe ofwesterly Doornkloofmunicipal boundary direction boundary. until of along the Midstream intersection Proceedthe northern Estate. in witha withuntilintersectionsoutherly Swartboomspruititthe intersects municipal direction with Summitwith boundary along Rdwill this byProceed furtherintersects Bridleboundary, appear Parkin witha north-easterly A.H. thenfrom N14. Proceed westerlythe From map. there, alongdirection Proceeddirection, proceedSummit along in then a Rdnorthwardsnortherly R114 inall a the westerlyuntil directionway alongit intersects until direction R511along the untileasternanthe easterlySpruit it intersects boundary until direction the with of intersection Sunderland M24.along Proceed the with southern Ridge thein a untilsouthern north-easterly boundary it joins boundary with of Hoekplaats directionR55, of and Hoekplaats along proceed until M24 the No.384-JR.northwards untilintersection it intersects alongProceed with R55with the in 23 24 Column A Column B Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsMagisterialNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict Gazette created in theCourts districts established for theboundary southern ofboundary Claudius, of untilClaudius it intersects township. with Proceed the eastern in a westerly boundary direction thereof. along Then the proceed southern in a Point-to-point descriptions This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at north-westerlyproceednortherly indirection a northerly direction along direction the along eastern alongthe boundaryrailway R55 until of it Claudius intersects until with it intersectsthe railway with line. the Proceed R55. Then in a line until it intersects with Kalafong Road in westernAtteridgevilleAtteridgeville.Atteridgeville,Gardens. boundary ProceedNo.646. Proceed then of Kameeldrift Fromnorthernall northwards the there, way boundary proceedNo.313. untilalong the Kalafong ofinProceed intersection Elandsfonteina westerly Road northwards direction withuntil No.352, the along northern until the the northernwestern boundary intersection boundary of the with farmofof the it joins Arcindian Street in Lotus Tshwane East Ekangala alonguntilLunsriemStartingKameeldrift it theintersects from No.612)western until the the withnorth-western proceedboundary north-west the western along of beacon, beaconEkangala boundarythe northern whichof Ekandustriauntil of is the boundaryit the intersects farm starting TownshipEkangala of Ekandustriapoint.with the (north-westNo.610- northern in . anProceed beacon boundaryeasterly northwards of direction thethereof. farm north-eastFrom there beaconproceed of along this thefarm. northern Then proceedboundary along of Ekangala, the eastern in an boundary easterly direction of the farm until in the a ThenSectionnorth-eastsoutherly proceed D directionuntil beacon along you the untilthereof.reach northern it theintersects Then south-eastern boundary proceed with ofthe southwardsEkangala beacon northern thereof. Section boundary along Then D the inof aneastern proceedEkangala easterly boundaryin Sectionadirection westerly ofD until township.Ekangala direction the there,eastwards,proceedwesterlyalong proceed the northwardsdirection southern thenin a southerlynorth-west, along boundary along R513 direction the then of untilwestern the in alongit farmaintersects westerly boundary R568, Ekangala withuntildirection of theitNo.610-Ekandustria, intersects western until until this withboundary thenitboundary intersectsR513. slightly ofThen intersectsEkandustria. withnorth-west, proceed R568. with in FromThenthen a the Tshwane North Pretoria North directionStartingisalongwestern the startingthe fromalong boundary. western the the point. north-west northern boundary Then proceedboundary beacon of Ekandustria in ofof a theSterkwaterslightly farm until north-westerly Sterkwaterthe until north-western it intersects No.106- direction, beacon with , proceed thena ofmunicipal Ekandustria,northerly in an boundaryeasterly direction which Column A Column B Colum C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in theCourts districts established for traversingmunicipal through boundary the middle until it ofintersects this farm. with From the there, northern proceed boundary in a southerly of the farm direction Rooiwal along No.270. the Point-to-point descriptions

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Proceed in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of Rooiwal until the intersection with middleN1. Proceed of the southwards farm Waterval along No.273. N1 until it intersects with the municipal boundary through the . Proceed in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of Doornpoort until it intersects with the N1 motorway. From there, proceed in a No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 westerntownship.southerlyboundarynorthern boundary Thendirection boundary of Rietfontein proceed ofalong ofRietfontein. Villieria,in the untila westerly N1 it then intersectsuntil Then northerndirection proceed with boundaryalong Frederika in the northernof StreetRietfontein inboundary the until north itof intersects ofWaverley, Gezina withsuburb. then the it intersects with the northern boundary of Waverley a southerly direction along the western ThenboundaryRoad. proceed Then of of Les inproceedLes a Maraiswesterly Marais northwards until township.direction it intersects along along Then with Voortrekker Frederika proceed the R80. inStreet From Roada westerly untilthere, until it itproceeddirectionintersects intersects in along awith withwesterly Voortrekker the the northern northerndirection along R80 until it ends and make a 902 turn in a northerly direction. Proceed in a northerly VisserhoekContinuedirection alongin No.435- untila westerly R80the north-west until direction beacon along thethereof. Magaliesberg From there, until proceed the south-west in an easterly beacon direction of the alongFarm . From there, proceed in a northerly direction along the westernit intersects boundary with of the middle of the Magaliesberg Mountain Range. thenorthern northern boundary boundary of ofWildebeeshoek Visserhoek, then until northern the north-east boundary beacon of Middelwater of Wildebeeshoek No.593- No.309- , then . directionintersectionNo.257.boundaryFrom there, Thenalong of proceedwith Ga-Rankuwa proceedthe the northern northernin a innortherly untila boundarynortherlyboundary it intersectsdirection directionof Soshanguve along with southernalongthe eastern SouththeSouth boundary eastern boundaryExt.1. Ext.1, Then boundaryofthen of the Medunsa,proceed southern Farm thereof Kameelfontein in then boundaryan untileasterly eastern the of directionSoshanguvebeaconproceed alongof in the Easta northerlyR80Farm Ext.3 until Sterkwater untildirection the No.106- intersection along the , which eastern with is the boundary startingR80 again. pointof Soshanguve Then proceed until in the a northerly north-west it intersect withM35 (Soutpan Road). Then from this intersection, 25 26 Column A Column B Co lum C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 WestonariatermsMagisterialNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict Gazette created in WestonariatheCourts districts established for southernStarting from boundary the south-west of Vleikop beacon A.H in anof Vleikopeasterly Agricultural direction until Holding (A.H) proceed along the Point-to-point descriptions it intersects with the eastern This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at asoutherly railwayproceedboundary line.direction along of Proceedthe the farmuntil northern inSmallbankit intersectsa north-easterly boundary No.279, with of the Dennydaledirection proceed northern along inboundary an the easterly easternrailway of Dennydale direction lineboundary until until of intersects it Smallbank intersectsFrom there, with within a AcretheRandfonteinMiddelvlei eastern A.H in boundary aNo.255. No.255,southerly A.H, then Fromof then Ten directionsouthern there southernAcre proceed A.H. untilboundary boundaryFrom in an ofthere, easterlyZenzele of proceed Pelzvale direction,township, along A.H, along thethen then eastern southernthe southern southern boundary boundary boundary boundary of Tenof the of it intersects with the southern boundary of the farm farmboundaryintersectsproceed Luipaardsvlei alongof with West theNo.243- Rand northerneastern A.H,; until boundaryinboundary it anintersects easterly ofof Panvlakwith Westdirection the Rand eastern Gold until A.H. itMine boundaryintersects Then in a proceed southerlyof with the theLuipaardsvlei; along eastern direction the boundary northern untilthen it thereof. From there, proceed in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of West Rand theA.H,ofdirectionintersects farm Lenz.until Roodepoortit Thenalongintersects with proceed thethe boundary westernwithNo.302- southwards the railway boundary ,until it along intersectsline. of Then theWest western withproceed Rand R558, boundaryA.H. eastwards which Proceed ofwill Lenz, along also in a thenbe thenortherly, the railwaywestern western then line boundary boundary untileasterly it of until it intersects with the northern boundary of Lawley Ext.2 thetownship.intersectsboundary.intersection southern Then with Proceedboundary with proceedthe the southern in western of awestwards Doornpoortsoutherly boundary boundary directionalong untilof theof the Elandsfontein farm along northern Doornpoort the municipalboundary No.308, No.347. boundary ofwhich LawleyProceed is also allExt.2, westwards the the wayuntil municipal untilthe along it intersects with the western boundary thereof. it WeltevredendirectioneasternwithProceed the boundaryeastern along in aNo.357. northerly theboundary of municipal Davonia, From direction of there,Davonia whichboundary, along proceed joins No.363. the withuntil westernnorthwards atheProceed municipal intersection boundary in along aboundary north-westerly of thewith Doornpoort municipal andthe northernproceed direction until boundary intheboundary aalong intersectionwesterly as thewill of Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Courts Column Bestablished for Point-to-point descriptions Colum C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette the districts Mine.further Proceed appear westwardsfrom the map, along until the it northern intersects boundary with the of northern Driefontein boundary Gold Mine of Driefontein until it intersects Gold This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at easternwith the boundarywesternboundary boundaryof of the Oog farm Vanof Oog the Wonderfontein Vanfarm Wonderfontein Smalbank in No.279 No.110; and from until that it intersects point proceed with thealong north- the a northerly direction along the municipal theboundary starting in point. a northerly direction until you reach the south-west beacon of Vleikop A.H, which is No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 SCHEDULE 2: NORTH WEST No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentColumn ADistrict created Gazette in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C Ditsobotla Lichtenburg theneasterlyStartingProceed in a directionthenat south inthe aa south northnorth westerlyuntil easterly westeasterlythe south direction beacon direction direction east of alongbeacon thealong along farm the theof thekwaggerfontein eastern Rhenosterfonteinnorthern southern boundary boundary boundary No.297. No.304.ofuntil the ofThen northern farmWaterkl000f Proceed proceed Zyferfontein boundary in No.266. a southnorthNo.293 of theSaamgevoesproceednorthernboundaries eastern inboundary ofNo.526.a northSaamgevoes of westerlyofContinue the Grootfontein farm No.526. direction Draaifonteinin an easterlyNo.319Then until proceed No.314. theuntildirection north inThen a westthen south in southabeacon easterlysouth westerly easterly of then the southerlydirectionfarm direction Rhebokfontein alongdirectionalong the on it intersects with the Sterkstoom River. Then thenProceedRietfonteinNo.317. in a north Thenin No.447.a easterlysouth proceed Proceedeasterly direction in a directioninsouth ato south-easterly the easterly southuntil it west directionintersects direction beacon until with to of the the south northfarm eastKwaageshoekwest beacon beacon of of No.448.Reitfontein the farmfarm 27 28 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy Zuurfontein No.454. Then proceed in a southerly direction until the northern boundary of Vlaknek This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at proceedboundaryNo.467, along untilthen theit in intersects a northern south westerly withboundary the direction northern of Kruidfontein and boundary then ain south ofa souththe easterly farm westerly Kruidfontein direction direction along No.470. then the a western Thensouth withofeasterly boundariesNo.472.the the farm directionnorth FromSchoongezicht of west therethe along farmsbeacon proceed the No.124. Rietpan western of inthe a Then No.479,southerlyfarm boundary proceed Goedvooruitzicht Corsindae direction until in a the south untilNo.118, south westerlyit No.120. intersects east Grootpan beacon direction From with No.117 ofthere, the along the north farmuntil proceedthe west southernitVlaknek intersects beacon in a alonguntilwesterly,beaconsoutherly the the ofsouth directionthen DoornhoekKlippan westnortherly, tillNo.15 beacon the No.46, south thenin aof and south westerlyeastGruisfontein Kaalfontein beaconwesterly then, ofNo.40. direction. southerlytheNo.48 farm Then until Klippan Fromthen proceedthe lastlythere, south No.15. in proceedwest a Proceed southsouth beacon in westerlywesterly toa southerly, thethereof. south directiondirection Then westthen ofproceed the farm in aVlakfontein north westerly No.86. direction Proceed then in a south westerly direction untilon the the southern south east boundaries beacon southThenboundariesbeaconof the proceedfarms;westerly of the of Vlakfontein in Rhenosterdoornsfarm direction a south Turflaagte westerly No.86,until the No.30. Platvallei No.88direction southern Thenand No.74,until boundaryKoppiesfontein proceed it intersects and Goedgedacht inof aKaalaagte withsoutherly until the the No.79 No.86.southdirection road. until east Then Thenalong the beacon continues south proceed the thereof. eastern in a northwithbeaconsouth the easterlywesterly ofsouth the directionfarmwest direction Zooihuisbeacon until then ofit No.148. aintersectsPleizier north Thenwesterly No.113. with proceed the andThen south a in continuesouth aeast north westerlybeacon inwesterly a north of direction Makoeiespan directionwesterly until untildirection the No.97. it northintersects then Then east a No.91,Zoetmelksvaleianorthproceed north easterly westerlycontinue in a north into No.93. along in the westerlya north farmtheThen eastern then westerlyalongdirection a boundarynorththe direction alongsouthern westerly ofthe Keeromuntil boundary western back the to No.96 eastern theboundaryof Lusthof eastern and boundary until ofNo.79 boundary. Keerom the andnorthof the BloedzuigerspanNo.96, Then west farm proceedbeacon then Kaalpan in ofain Column A Column B Column C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict Gazette created in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat Point-to-pointNo.82. Then descriptions proceed in north easterly direction along the western boundaries of the farms This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at easterlyuntilBloedzuigerspan the direction north east along No.91 beacon the and northern untilof Bethlehem the boundaries north westNo.75. beaconof LusthofProceed of LusthofNo.79., in a north No.79. Kleinwesterford westerly Then proceed direction, No.78 in athenand north a westerlydirectionandirectionnorth easterly easterly directionuntil proceed direction the until untilsouth to ittheuntilit intersectsintersectswest south the beacon south western withthe east Molopoof the beacon thebeacon farm river. of ofroad. Mooimeisjesfontein the DoornplaatThen farm From proceed Wagendrift there No.106. along proceed No.118. No.100.Then the Molopo inproceed aThenIn north a rivernortherly proceedin westerly a in north a in No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 theinsouthuntil western a norththe westeasterly south boundaryeasterly beacon directioneast ofdirection beaconof Strydfontein the until farm of ituntil intersects Strydfontein Strydfontein theNo.326. north the Proceed No.326.west R505No.326 beaconroad. in Thenuntil a Thennorth its ofcontinue norththe proceedwesterly farm west in Rhenosterfontein inathen beacon. westerlya north a north easterlyThen direction easterly proceed No.304,direction to along the Kagisano-Molopo Ganyesa easterlydirectionStartingwhich is directionthe onuntil startingthe the north untilwestern point. westthe southboundary beacon west of beacon the farm of theKoodoosZuurbult farm Kolokolani KopNo.247. No.206. Proceed No.211. Then Thenincontinue a south proceed in easterlya south to the directioneasterlyboundarysouth east directionalong of beacon the the farm untilsouthern of Highlands Kolokolaniit intersects boundaries No.230 No.211. with of thein the aThen R375south farms; in andeasterly aDonegal south R378. direction. westerly No.238, Then proceed ThenReitzdaledirection continue in No.239,aon north the ins western easterly Chwabea south southintersectsthenNo.240 easterlyeast and withbeacon until direction,the the ofR377 souththe farmroad. the east Caverssoutherly From beacon the No.75. ofR377direction Mirfield Then road proceed No.88.and proceed then Thenin inaa southa northproceed north easterly easterly easterly in a northerlydirection directiondirection thendirection, until until north the it theKoodooboschdirectioneasterly farms; directionKoodoobosch along No.203. the until northern theThen No.203, north proceed farms east Wolfdran Baviaanskloofinbeacon a south No.214, of easterlyWeg KopjeNo.204 Draai direction AllenNo.205. and No.219,alonguntil Then thethe proceedHope northeastern No.233,west inboundaries an beacon easterly Faith of 29 30 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy No.238 and until the south eastern beacon of Mosita Native Reserve No.251. From the south east This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at directionthewithbeacon south the north toeast of the Mosita beaconeast north beacon Native west of Wierealsput beacon Reserveof the farm of No.251No.268 the Bontbok farm andproceed Gemsbokspoor No.258.the R377 in a Then southroad. No.314. proceed Theneasterly proceed Then indirection southerly proceed in a southuntil direction in it westerlyaintersects south to directioneasterlydirection,easterly direction until direction then thethe tonortherneasternnorth tothe the northern easterly, north boundaryboundary west boundary then ofbeacon Kromlaagtetheeasterly, offarm ofthe the Kromlaagtefarm then farm No.544. Vogelvlei a Beestdam southerly No.544.Continue No.450. No.449. direction Then in Then a southerlyThenproceed andproceed in thena in southdirection ain aeasterly a westerly easterlynorth to westtheNo.535,Kromlaagte south beacon east Middelkop of No.544,beacon. England No.532, GansvlakteThen No.523. in Hoepvlei a southThen No.543, proceed westerlyNo.531, VerdwaaMakte indirectionHarbro a south No.527, along No.540,easterly southern Mateba Gruisthen south RandboundariesNo.524 westerlyNo.536, and of until Sweettheto untilthe farms; Valleysouth the ofeast northPutpan beacon east No.618, of beacon Putpan Geluk of No.618. Hamburg No.619 Proceed No.617. and inuntil a Then south the proceedsouth westerly west in direction a beacon south alongeasterly of Zoetvlei the directionsouthern No.623. toboundary the Then south CapewesterlycontinueprovincialNo.622. provincial direction in Then aboundary. north boundary proceed until westerly the Then inproceednorth a alongdirectionsouth west in thewesterly beacona westerly untilNorthern the ofdirection Summerfeild direction,north Cape westuntil Provincial then it beaconNo.480. intersects southerly boundary ofThen the withdirection, alongfarm theproceed NorthernTwistfonteinthe and Northern in then a Capenorth a Theneasterlyriver.north in westerlyThenadirection north proceed westerly direction along in the direction ato northprovincial the south westerly along boundarywest the direction beacon provincial until ofalong the Garaphoane boundary western the provincial boundaryuntil No.502. it intersectsboundary ofThen farm proceed untilwithPoler Kgokgolethe No.428. in eastern a North arounddirection,westboundary beacon the thenof farms the of an thefarm Egham easterly farm Bute No.297Mowbray No.306.direction and No.246. Then alongHowden along the Then No.295. Northern the proceed provincial Then Cape in proceed a boundaryprovincialwesterly in a direction proceednorthboundary easterly thenuntil which thenortherly direction southgoes Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy to the south west beacon of the farm Zuurbult No.247. Then proceed in a north westerly direction This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Kgetlengrivier Koster Startingdirectionuntil the from north along the west thenorth northernbeacon west Ofbeacon boundary Zuurbult of untiltheNo.247, farmit intersects which Woodstock is withthe startingthe No.397, eastern point. proceed boundary in anthereof. easterly From there,intersectsNo.399.northern proceed Fromboundaryboundary with in there, thea southerly of northernof the proceedJP farmuntil directionboundary JP northwards No.367. along thereof, From along the thenthere,eastern the proceed easternproceed boundary inboundary in a an westerly until easterly itof intersects direction direction withalong along the the the it intersects with the eastern boundary of the farm Amorville Amorville until No.38170 it STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 there,northernuntilNo. 394. it intersectsproceed Fromboundary there, in with a of southerly proceedtheRietfonteinAmorville northern in direction untila until northerlyboundary the the alongintersection intersection direction thereof. the eastern alongProceed with with the the theboundaries in western westerneastern an easterly boundaryboundary of the direction following ofthereof. Rietfontein along farms: From the withanintersectionRietfontein, south-easterly the eastern withWysfontein theboundary direction southern No.427 alongof Municipalboundary theHartebeesfontein boundary ofboundary Magaliesburg of Magaliesburg running No. 431,Nature in a Koedoesfontein north NatureReserve. south Reserve From direction. No.432, there,until itProceed proceed intersects until the inin No.northernthe northernsouth-easterly152. boundaryFrom boundary there, ofdirection proceedCyferfontein of the along farm in southerly untilCyferfonteinthe Municipalthe directionintersection No.35. boundary along Proceedwith the allthe western the Westernin anway easterlyboundary until boundary the direction ofintersection Migalsoordof Migalsoord along with theall theintersectionproceed southernway until in withsoutherly boundariesthe theintersection southern direction of the withboundary following along the southern thereof.the farms; eastern boundaryMoadownsFrom boundary there of No.39,proceed the offarm VlakfonteinMoadowns in Platklip a westerly No.40. No.37 No.39 direction FromRietfontein until alongthere the boundarydirectionintersectionNo.33, Grens along thereof. with No.31, the the Fromeastern eastern Weltevreden there boundary boundary proceed No.26, of ofinthe thea Elandsfontein Weltevredenwesterly farm Weltevreden direction untilNo.21, the along No.16. intersection the Proceed southern with in boundarythe a southerly southern of Booyskraal No.20 until the 31 32 Column A Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat WeltevredenPoint-to-point then descriptions southern boundary of Hartebeesfontein No.14 until the intersection with the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thewesternmunicipaluntil way the boundaryuntil intersection boundary. the intersection of Morgenzon Proceed with the with westnorthernNo.9 the along Proceed western boundary the southmunicipal boundary of along Wildebeeslaagte boundary, of the Leeuwfontein western then boundary inNo.72 a No.3 northerly which ofas Morgenzon will isdirection alsofurther the all alongsouthernnortherlyNo.173,appear the fromKlipan boundary directionsouthern the No.140 map. ofalong boundary theuntilProceed farmthe it intersects western Leliefonteinof in Leliefonteina westerly withboundary theNo.138. direction No.138western of FromWolvengat alonguntilboundary there the the proceed intersection untilnorthernWolvengat the in intersectionboundary a No.2. westerlywith Proceedthe of directioneasternwithAlmoro in the a boundarydirection ofalong of Kerkgrondthe Kaallaagte farmthe southern Kaallaagte No.131, to the boundary thensouthern No.136. proceed Thenofboundary Kaallaagte in proceed a westerly thereof. in until adirection southerly Fromthe intersection alongthere direction theproceed municipal alongwith in the the a boundary westerly easterneastern intersectionand southern with boundaries the western of: boundary of Nooitgedacht 131. From there, proceed in a northerly Kerkgrond, Bultfontein No.132, Nooitgedacht No.131 until the northerlyofboundarydirection Schoongezicht directionalongof Schoongezicht the untilalong western it intersectsthe No.124. boundarywestern with Proceed boundary ofthe Nooitgedacht western in aof westerly Schoongezicht, boundary until direction the thereof. intersection Kruidfontein along From the there,southern with No.470, theproceed boundarysouthern Vlaknek in a boundaryproceedNo.443inNo. a 467north-easterly until in of a theDoornkom northerly intersection direction directionNo. along with 418,with that thealongeasternthe north southern the boundarywesternwest eastern boundaryboundary boundaries ofboundary Opengevallengrond of ZuurfonteinTweefontein of of Uitspanpan Tweefontein, No.454. No.441. No. No.444, Then421,then From Bankdrift proceedeasterneastern there Lekwa-Teemane Bloemhof westuntilStartingNo.397boundary beacon. the which onwestern of the Then Melrose is north the boundary proceed starting west No. beacon524 ofinpoint. farma until northerly of Grootdoorns the farmintersection direction Vuurfontein No.116, on with the thenNo.117. the western northernin a Proceed northerly boundary boundary in direction a ofwesterly Grootdoorns of Woodstockto directionthe north Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy No.116 until the north east beacon, then in a north-westerly direction till the south west beacon of This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at farmbeaconfarms; London Schoonzight Kareeboschfontein No.112. ThenNo.237, proceed Leeuwbosch No.222. in a northThen No.236, easterlyproceed and direction Commissiesin a northerly on the Rust directionnorthern No.234 boundariesuntil until thethe north of the easteast directionuntilintersectseasterlybeacon the ofdirectionsouth along withthe farmwesternthe the on north Hartsfonteinwestern the beacon south east boundary beaconand of No.216. the western farmof of farm ThenZoetendal Zoetendalboundary Ho proceed No.394. No.175of No.175. the in Then afarm northuntil Then proceedVaalboschfontein thewesterly proceed south in adirection western inwesterly a north No.188 thenbeacon direction westerly untilnorth of it No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 ZoetendalMietjesdoornsNo.175.directionSpioenkop No.175. Thenthen No.166. aNo.187.proceed northContinue Then easterly Then in alongin a a south-easterlyalong northdirection the Mietjesdoornssoutherneasterly on the direction boundary eastern No.187 until until ofboundary Spioenkopthe proceed the north northern until eastin No.166 athe northbeacon boundary northern in easterly a of north Zoetendal boundaryof thedirection westerly farm of boundaryuntil the north of Mietjesdoorns east beacon No.187thereof. until Then proceed in a southerly direction along the eastern it intersects with the eastern boundary of the farm ThenNo.214.insoutherlyGoedgedacht a westerly proceed Then direction directionin No.197. in a asouth proceed south then Continuewesterly easterly ato northerly the direction tosouth direction the direction southeast proceed untilbeacon east until untilthe beacon ofthe north the the south south farmofwest Goedgedacht east westZoutpan beacon beacon beacon No.212.of of theNo.197.of the Rietpan farm Thenfarm ThenGraspan No.214.proceedRietpan in a RietfonteinbeaconwesterlyproceedNo.230. ofContinue indirection Kalkputsa No.247 southerly onalong No.245.then the direction northernthea north Then northern until easterly proceedboundary the beacon north direction in until aeast ofsoutherly the Rietfontein beacon along north direction theeastof RietfonteinNo.247 southern beacon along proceed of boundarytheNo.247. Graspan western to Then the until No.230. boundary south in the a south northTheneast of northwesterlyboundaryeast bacon westerly direction of of Verlatenkraal the direction farmuntil Verlatenkraalit intersects No.352along the until with No.352.Vaal the the Vaalriver Then river. untilroad. proceed Then the Then intersection proceed in proceed a southerly along in of a thedirectionsoutherlythe Vaal R34 river on anddirection the in the aeastern south N12 then 33 34 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy motorway. Then proceed in a south westerly direction along the Vaal river until the north western This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Zendelingsfontein.Zendelingsfonteinof boundariesbeaconMatlabans of theStadof Karee farm No.294No.299.Then Kareepanpan proceed inaNo.300 Continue pass a onwesterly the the Then rail western directionway proceed and boundary N12until in a motorwaythe north of south Matlabans westerly untilwest the beacon Staddirection south No.299. of west thealong beacon farmand the north westerly direction, until the north west beacon of whichproceedKafferpan is the in startingNo.273, No.273.a north point. Gezichteasterly Then in No.265direction a northerly and until until direction the the north north along west west beaconthe beacon western of ofthe Boschplaatsboundaries farm Vuurfontein No.138.of the No.117, farms; Then Madibeng Brits StartingNo.556.boundaryprovincial from From boundary ofthe Limpopo there, intersection proceedof Limpopountil of the in the a intersection province, southerlyeastern boundary proceeddirection with the inalongof aneasternthe easterlythe farm eastern boundary Elandsfontein direction boundaries of along the No.23 farm of the the withprovincialPaalkraal following the northernfarms: Paalkraal, boundary Ruigtepoort of Borakalalo No.162, Nature Klipvoor Reserve. Agricultural From there, Holding proceed until thein an intersection easterly direction with the thesouthernthealong Baphuthing western the boundarynorthern Baboundary Ga boundary ofNawa the of farmTraditional the of Syferbult Traditionalthe nature Council. No.232. reserve Council From From untilthere, all there theit intersectsproceed way proceed until in with a in thesoutherly a the northintersection western westerly direction boundary with direction along the of alongboundaryBarunning the north-south. asprovincialsouthern willTraditional further boundaryProceedboundary appear Council in of fromuntila allsoutherlySyferbult thethe waymap.intersection directionuntil until From the the there, along intersection withintersection proceedthe westernMunicipal with within a boundary thesouth-westerlythe boundary MunicipalGauteng of theby provincial boundary directiontheBakgatla farm proceeduntilboundaryElandskraal the intersectionin ofas a theNo.470.will south farmfurther westerly FromRoodekopjeswith appear thethere, direction south from proceed No.203. the eastern along map, in From a theallboundary northerly thethereeastern way proceed ofdirectionuntil boundary Palmietfontein the in intersection alonga northerlyof Palmietfontein the No.72. western directionwith theFrom Municipal southernthrough,until there, the Column A Column B Column C termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict Gazette created in ofPlaces the magistracy appointed as seat intersectionPoint-to-point with descriptions the southern boundary thereof. Proceed in a westerly direction along the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundaryinsouthern a northerly boundary of the direction farm until Langrad along the intersection the No.143, western thenwith boundary thethe western Municipal of Palmietfontein, boundary boundary thereof. Vlakplaats through From the No.74, there, farm westernproceedNo. 139

until the intersection with the southern boundary of the farm Elandsfontein No.23. Proceed in an No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 whichboundaryeasterneasterly is theboundarydirection of startingElandsfontein along thereof.point. the until Fromsouthern the there,intersection boundary proceed with of inElandsfonteinthe provincial boundaryuntil the intersection of Limpopo Provincewith the a northerly direction along the eastern easterlyintersectssouthernStartingPutten directionfrom bankNo.56. with the of the Fromalong Molopointersection northern there, this River, boundary proceedboundary of Proceed the until easternsouthwards of in itthe anintersects boundaryfarmeasterly along Sekei with direction theof theNo.310.the eastern northern farm along From Dalysboundary theboundary there, southernPan of No.94 proceedofDe the bankPutten, withfarm untilin the Dethenan it intersectsNo.72,Twyfelhoek Riespoort with No.62. the No.69, southern Then Stinkhoutboom in anboundary easterly of directionNo.68, Strydfontein all along the wayNo.326. the alongnorthern Proceed the boundariesmunicipal in an easterly boundary of Zondagspan direction until it alongtheWonderfontein intersection the boundarysouthern No.336. with boundaryuntil the Proceed south-easternthe intersection of Strydfontein westwards boundary with along until Molopo theofthe Naauwpoort intersectionRiver.northern Proceed boundary No.326.with westwards the of Proceednorthern Wonderfontein along southwardsboundary the untilriver of Khunwanaboundaryinmunicipaluntil a westerly the intersection boundaryof Location Kunanadirection all Location withuntilalong the thewaythe the municipal4.intersectionuntil southern Proceed it intersects boundary.boundary in with a northerly with the of ProceedtheTraditional Mooipan directionsouthern in until a Councilalong boundarysoutherly it intersects the boundary easternof direction Mooipan. with boundarybythe along Siberia.Proceedeastern the of easternproceedboundaryProceed boundaryinwestwards until an theeasterly, intersection of along Damaskus northerly, the with southern westerlyNo.346, the southern boundary andthen southerlyboundary westwards of Jakhals directionof thealong Put, farm along thenthe Jakhals southern northwardsthe traditional Put No.597.boundary along council Then the of 35 36 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy Voorspoed No. 596, then northwards along the eastern boundary of Regen Vlakte No.338, then This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at easternwestwardsPan No.257, boundary along until theof Koodoosthe southern intersection Rand boundary No.321, with of the Papie's Gemsbokpan southern Vlaktea boundary No.309, No.323. of Groot MositaThen Gewaagd northwards Native Reserve.No.270, along Klip Fromthe thethere,intersection easternwaynorth-eastern proceed until boundaries the with eastwardsintersection boundary the ofeastern Faith alongofwith aNo.238,boundary TraditionalR375. the southern HopeProceed thereof. Council. No.233, eastwardsboundary Then ProceedWolfdraai proceed alongof inMosita No.214. ina R375 north-westerlya north-westerly Native untilKoedoebosch the Reserve intersection direction direction No.203, until along with alongthe all Mamusa Schweizer-Reneke StartingThenthedirectionRiver, Traditional proceed onwhich theuntil northwardsCouncilis north thethe northstarting west boundary alongeastbeacon point. beacon theuntil of boundary itthe intersects of farm the until farmWelgevonden with it Welgevondenintersects the eastern No.3. with boundary No.4. theProceed southern Then of in Dalys proceeda bank north Pan of easterly inMolopo No.94. a south thereof.easterly directionThen proceed along inthe a easternnorth easterly boundary direction of Welgevonden until the south No.4 western until the beaconsouth east of the beacon farm directionNo.17proceedNo.6.Doornpan Then until in until No.262.a proceedthe south it southintersects easterlyContinue in westerna north withdirection in easterlya beaconthe south R506along directioneasterly of theroad. farm eastern directionProceeduntilLot 25the beacons No.9. southuntil in a thenorth Thenofeast farmssouth beaconwesterlyproceed Defencewestern of directionin Lot beaconNo.7a 36north No.6.and along ofeasterly Lot Lot Then the22 36 thewesternboundariesbeacon eastern boundaries of beacon the of farmSchietfontein of ofRietpan Stropan the farms; No.254. No.246 No.247 Lot31 Thenand in aNO.12, until northproceed Stropan westerlyRustfontein in a No.247north direction easterly No.289 south until east directionand the beacon. untilnorth along the west Proceed north the beacon southern west along Thenthereof.InsouthNo.248, aproceed north easterlyThen and westerly inproceed then adirection south continue directionin easterly alonga north in the proceedadirection easterly south southern easterly untilbeacon boundary itthe intersects direction alongWilgervlei of Rietgatthe withuntil northern No.362 the theNo.387 Hartsriver. intersection boundarysouth until its boundary,Then south of thefarmproceed east R506 Poortjeand beacon. in road.then a Column ADistrict in Column B Column C termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government created Gazette of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat continuePoint-to-point in a southerly descriptions direction until the northwest beacon of Klipsruit No.384. Then proceed in a This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thendirectionnorth southeasterly until easterly directionthe direction until the then north westerly east beacon direction of Klipspruit until the easternNo.384. boundaryContinue in of a Doornbult southerly south east beacon of Klipsruit No.384. Then proceed in a westerly direction boundaryNo.165No.165.farms;No.393. Doornbult until ThenFrom of its Grootdoorns proceedthere south No.393, proceed west in a Vleesschkraal beacon.No.172south in a westerlysouth Thenthen easterly untilNo.145proceed direction anddirection in alonga untilsouth thethealong westerly southernsouth the easteasterndirection boundary beacon boundaries until ofof the DoornhoekDoornhoek northern of the its north east beacon in an easterly direction. No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 tosouthofContinue untilHoits southNo.394westerly the on southeasterly the proceed direction eastern east beacon in beacon toanboundary the easterly in northern a of south ofHartsfontein direction Grootdoorns easterlyboundary to thedirection. No.216.of No.172 norththe farm east ThenIn until Lanverwachta beacon south itcontinue reaches westerlythereof. in theNo.196. a southerlynorthernThen direction Then proceed boundarydirection proceedalong in a the easterlysouthernHoutvolopNo.220. direction, boundaries Pienaarsfontein No.111. then of Thento the the No.113 farms; proceedsouth and Hartsfonteineast toLondon beaconthe south No.112 No.216,in aeast westerly until beaconKoppie it intersect direction. Allenof Houtvolop with No.221,Continue the eastern No.111Diamantfontein on the boundary ineastern a south of theeasternsouthinboundary a easternwesterly westerly boundary of Hamansvley boundariesdirection direction of the to farmthetoNo.110of itsthe eastern Vryheidsouth farms; in a baconwesterlysoutherly No.134. Kleinbegin of thebeacon. directionThen farm No.386 proceed SandringhamProceeduntil and its in south auntilin south a westerlyNo.118.eastsouth westerly beacon. easterly Thendirection direction Then proceed beacon untilproceed along inthe of a southin aNooitgedacht north westerly westerly direction No.258. direction Thenalong until continue the the southern southern to the boundaries boundarysouth westerly of of Niekerspan Niekerspan beacon of No.128. NooitgedachtNo.128 Then and proceed Morgenzon No.258. in Then a a southerndirectionsoutherlyNo.127, boundarytodirection until the south untilof theeast the farm beaconsouth Killarney east of Homerule beacon No.52. Thenof No.53. Homerule proceed In a No.53. northerlyin a north Then directionwesterly proceed directionproceed in a westerly to the it intersects with the eastern boundary of Moneyskop No.126. Continue in 37 38 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy south west beacon of the farm Pendomer No.51. Then along the western boundary of Pendomer

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at No.51 proceed in a north easterly direction then north westerly direction unit its north west northerlyFouriesgraafbeacon thereof. direction No.23 From untiluntil and inintersectsthere Pudumongthe farmproceed ofof theNo.22,Rosenburg in Pudumong a westerlycontinue No.19. River directionthe Then south and in thealong awest north beacon.the easterly road. southern ThenThen direction boundaryproceed through in of a Schoonheidtheboundaryuntil farms; the Rosenburg north No.2of Marokane westuntil NO.19,north beacon No.1 east Botmanspoort until of beacon. Schoonheid its north Continue eastNo.12, No.2. beacon in Vlaklaagte a Then north thereof. proceed easterly No.10, Then directionon and proceed the Wolhuterskop northern along in a souththe boundary northern No.829 easterly of easternnorthGoedehoopdirection easterly beacon along No.36. direction ofthe Republiek Continue western along No.37. tillboundariesthe the southern Thensouth proceedwestof boundaries the beacon farm; in a north ofHoningspruit Goedehoop easterly direction No.32, No.36No.36. anduntilUitkykThen untilthe proceed No.34 R34 the southroad. andin a Then continue in a north easterly direction until the western boundary of Weltevreden No.28, Matlosana Klerksdorp No.242-.northStartingwestproceed beacon westerly onto Then itsthe of north direction norththeproceed farm west east untilWelgevonden, inbeacon a you north intersectthereof.of easterlyBoschpoort which Then with directionis theproceedNo.253 northstarting on proceed in west Goedvoorruitzicht apoint. north beacon in westerlya north of farm easterly direction No.242- Goedvoorruitzicht direction to northern the norththen easterlyuntilintersectsdirectionboundary it intersects direction then untilwith south-easterlyyouOpraap with through intersect Bonnie No.335- the with directionEsperanceSkoonspruit north Kafferskraal westerly along No.342-IP river No.243- the beacon. and Zwarlaagte R30north north Then road westeast proceed No.116 along boundary.beacon. the insouthern a Palmietfontein Thennorth-easterly Proceed proceedboundary in a southerlyNo.343-directionin until south it farmboundaryDoornfonteinProceed northern in then boundary,a southerlyNo.358- No.358 in a westerly untileastern northdirection, it intersects direction,eastern boundary then beacon.southwith then until farm southerlywesterly Then Doornfontein proceedthen direction, south No.345- in untileasterly south thenorth westerly northernuntil western it intersects direction boundary beacon. with on of it intersects with Doornfontein No.525 northern Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy Palmietfontein No.374. Proceed on the northern boundary of Palmietfontein No.374- until it This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at intersectiondirection,intersects withthen of Welgegund the south north-west easterly No.396- beacon direction, north of eastfarm then beacon. Buffelsdoorn south Then westerly, proceedNo.389-. then in Continue a south south easterly westerlyin south directionwesterlyuntil the directionuntil it intersects until you with intersect Palmietfontein with the No.403- N12 motorway. north west Proceed beacon. west Then on proceed the N12 in until a north it intersects easterly No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 westerlyfarmswith Stilfontein west direction boundary farm. onuntil Vaal Thenuntil the Reefitintersection proceed intersects Gold inMine withaon south Bsouth Vaal boundary westerly westReef beaconGolduntil direction it Mine intersects of farmB on boundary. theRoodepoort with boundary the Proceed . No.435-. of Proceed Stilfontein in a southThen in a easttheintersectsproceed Zwartkoppies beacon. in with southerly Then Zwartkoppies No.431- proceed direction southern No.431-in north until boundarywesterlysouth Kanana east direction untiltownship. beacon. it intersects along Proceed Then the withproceed Elandslaagtein south Elandslaagte southwesterly No.427- westerly No.427-direction southern until southalong it SyferkuilproceedNo.13-southernboundary, inNo.20- thena southerly southboundary, eastwesterly direction untilbeacon. through on ProceedDoornplaat Opraap on theNo.14-western No.334 southern southern boundary boundary boundary, of Syferkuil until and it intersects No.20-Syferfontein until with it it intersects with Doornplaat No.14- north west beacon. Then throughalongMajesspruitintersects thethe westernsouthernwith No.19- Majesspruit boundaries boundaryeastern No.19 boundary ofof MajesspruitSyferkuil north until eastern No.20- Majespruit No.145-. beacon. and ThenSyferfonteinNo.145-south Then proceed proceed until eastin ina the north-westerlyabeacon. southerlysouthern Then directionboundary directionproceed on boundaryintersectionStrydfonteinof Strydfontein of of WelgelegenNo.320- south No.320-. east then No.316-beacon Thennorth proceedwesterly of until Welgelegen it intersects directionin a westerly No.316- onwith the directionsouth beacon. western east onThen boundarybeacon the proceed southern of of Uitval the on boundaryfarmthe No.6-. southern until Then theof VlakfonteinsouthNo.313-.proceed east ContinueNo.315-in beacon.a north then on easterly Then the in south southern proceed direction westerly boundary in untila on north the the of northernwesterly Doornfonteinsouthern boundary direction boundary No.313- Vlakfonteinon of theuntil the eastern Vlakfonteinfarm No.315- Doornfontein boundary untilNo.315- it of 39 40 Column A Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government GazetteDistrict created in ofPlaces the magistracy appointed as seat intersectsPoint-to-point with descriptions the south west beacon of Frischgewaargd No.307-. Then proceed in a north This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at alongboundarywesterly the directionwesternof Rietkuil boundariesuntil No.309- the eastern till of thethe northfarmsboundary east Frischgewaargd beacon.of Rietkuil Then No.309- No.307, proceed thenFrischgewaargd in proceeda north easterly on No.336-the directioneastern and ThenNo.263.DoornpoortWitfonteinNo.234- proceed Then No.306north No.488 proceedin awest northproceed and beacon. in Doornpoortwesterly a easterly through Procced direction direction No.262the in aalong northuntil through and thethe easterly railway easternsouth Leeuwfontein direction westuntil boundary beaconthe onNo.275 intersection ofthe ofWerk southernfarm northern Met Werk of Lust Rietfonteinboundaries boundary. Met No.263 Lust of Maquassi Hills Wolmaranstad northernStartingnorthuntilBoschpoort thewest fromboundarysouthern beacon theNo.253- intersection ofofboundary Boschpoort the , then farm in ofBiesjeslaagte ofa No.253, Boschpoortnorththe western westerly which No.397, No.253-boundary isdirection the startingproceed then toof alongthe proceedpoint. in farm anthe easterly westernVlakplan to south direction boundary No.381 east beacon along withto until the of the easternintersectionnorthern boundary boundary with the of of eastern Brakpan Biesjeslaagte boundary until the and thereof. intersection then northernThen withproceed boundary the southernin a southerlyof Brakpan boundary direction No.380 of Doornpanalong until the theuntilDoornspruitNo.371. easternthe intersection From boundary No.353.until there, the with Fromproceed intersectionof the Doornpan there,eastern in an proceed with easterlyboundary until the inthe southern directiona thereof. southerlyintersection boundaryalong Proceed direction the with along thea northerly western the Proceed boundary western direction boundary in of boundaryan Doornpan alongeasterly of of easterndirectionboundary boundary along alongthrough thethe ofWitpoort southern easternthe farm No.281 boundaryReitkuil as No.309. will ofof DoornspruitWitpoortfurther Proceed appear all untilinthe afrom southerlywaythe theintersection until map. directionthe Proceed intersection with along the in theamunicipal southerlywith eastern the northwardsintersectionNo.307.boundary Proceed of Reitkuilwithalong inthe thean until eastern easterly the intersection boundary direction along thereofwith thethe which southernsouthern is also boundaryboundary Makwassiespruit of theFrischegewaald farm Frischegewaald river. Proceed until the river until the intersection with along the western boundary of Column A Column B Column C termsMagisterialNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat BlaaiwboschkuilPoint-to-point descriptions until the intersection with the southern boundary of Doornbult No.224. From This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at there,Rietpanboundary proceed No.214. of Anniesrustin a Fromwesterly there No.223 direction proceed until along the in aintersection northerlythe southern direction with boundary the along western of the Doornbult boundary western thenboundary of the southern farm of andthe No.175.alonguntilFromRietpan the there the intersectionuntilProceed boundary proceed the intersection in in withauntil awesterly north-westerly the the northern withintersection direction the boundarywesterndirection along with boundary alongthereof,the southern the and ofwestern the then boundary farm boundaryproceed Vaalboschfontein of in oftheZoetendal northerly Vaalboschfontein farm Zoetendal direction untilNo.188. the No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 thenortherlyDoornhoekdirectionintersection farm Doornhoek alongdirection untilwith the the theNo.165. boundaryalong intersectionwestern theProceed ofboundaryeastern Spioenkop with in athe boundarynorth-easterly of eastern Spioenkop until the of boundary Doornhoek,intersection direction No.174, thereof. alongand withand then the From thethe southern proceed southerneastern there, boundaryproceed in boundaryboundary a northerly in of ofa KlipspruitDoornbult No.384. No.393, Proceed all the inway an untileasterly the directionintersection along with the the southern southern boundary boundary of Klipspruit of the farm until untilboundaryProceedthe intersection the intersectionin ofof an BrakvalleiKlipspruit easterly with the of directionNo.396. until theeastern eastern the From alongboundaryintersection boundary therethe northern thereof.proceed with of Vlakpan theboundaryThen along northern proceed thisNo.381 until boundary boundary intersectionsouthwards with the in of ansouthern Brakpanwithalongeasterly their the boundary directionNo.395. westerneastern Temba offarmalongStartingBiesjeslaagte the Klippoortje thefarm on northern Vangheiningthe No.397 north No.564. boundary whichwest No.565.From beacon is of the therethe startingFrom offarms proceedthe there, point.farmWaterval inWatervalproceed a northerly No.561, inNo.561, a anddirectionnorth untilproceed easterly theuntil north in thedirection an north east easterly beaconwestthen direction beacona southof the boundaryandproceedeasterly until directioninthe of an northWorchester, easterly until east it directionbeacon intersects then ofin along Worchestera with south thethe easterly northernnorth No.481.Then west alongboundary beacon the proceed southern ofof Lochnessthe southwardsfarm boundaries Lochness No.478, along of TowerNo.478. Vooruitzichtthe easternNo.480 Then 41 42 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy No.7, Vlaklaagte No.8 and until the south east beacon of Langkuil No.13. From there, proceed in a This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at westproceedNo.43.south beacon westerly Then in ofa northproceedthe direction farm westerly inHaakdoornbult untila westerly direction it intersects direction then No.49. with a westerlyuntil From the north there direction west proceed beacon until in it aintersectsof southwards the farm with Klipplaatdrift direction the north it intersects with the Platsrivier River. Then Thenaneasterlyalong easterlyproceed the direction western direction in a southerly untilboundary along it intersects directionthe of southern Haakdoornbult withtill the boundarythe south north until west ofwest itsZaagkuildrift beacon southbeacon west thereof. of Woolhuiskraal thebeacon Fromfarm , Zaagkuildriftthenthere, No.45 continue proceed and No.46. in untilin an westerntheontoMandelamotorway. south the boundary east N1.Village Then beacon Continue of in in Boschrust a aof south southerly Klipplaatdriftin a easterlysoutherly No.52 direction andNo.43. direction Irragasiesouth along Then westerly,along theproceed No.69 N1 the asmotorwayuntil N1in it a willmotorwayit south intersects further proceed easterly untilappear with untildirectionthe the on intersection R101and the along aroundmap, and N1theback with the thesouthernandbeacon north 121 westernof to boundary the the same south beacon tofarm, eastern intersect of then the beacon farm southwardsthe N1. Klipdrigft of Thenklipdrift along proceed90. 121 theThen then eastern southwards proceed proceed boundaries eastward in along a westerly ofthe to the N1the directionfarms boundarynorth Klipdrift eatern along of the 90its Vastfonteinfarmwith WatervalGrootvlei R101 Agricultural road. No.273. No.272. From Then Holdings Thenthere proceed proceed until in it northerlyain intersects westerly a westerly along direction with direction theTshwane R101along along untiltheRiver. R327 the From southern road there until boundary boundary proceedit intersects inof of athe ThenSterkwaterBezuidenhoutskraalnortherly proceed No.106,direction in a northerlythen through No.96. continue direction theFrom farmin therea northuntilBulfontein proceed it westerly intersects No.107 in directiona southwith until the westerly tothe souththe southern north thenwest west aboundarybeacon north beacon westerly of of thethereof. the farm alongfarm westernthenorth Soshanguve easterlyboundarybeacon direction ofSub-district of Vygerboschlaagte Vygerboschlaagte along boundary the northern No.236. until boundarythe Then northMmakaunyana proceed westof Vygerboschlaagte beacon in aschool, northerly thereof. continue untildirectionThen it proceedtointersects thealong south inthe with a Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy the eastern beacon of the Kalkbank No.234, then proceed in a westerly direction through the farm This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundaryintersectsuntil it intersects of with Koedoespoort the with southern the Ga-Motle proceed boundary a north of Koedoespoort easterlyThen proceed direction No.174. in auntil north the Then westerly south along east direction the beacon, southern until and it thenproceedwesterlyWildebeestkuil proceed untilindirection a in northerlyit a intersects No.173.northerly until directionthe From with directionsouth the there, until west western until it proceed beaconintersects boundary ofin withthea south of farm the Wildebeestkuil. Klipvoor westerlyAasvogelboom Dam.direction, Then Then No.176. proceed and proceed then From in ain there,north southnorth it intersects with the southern boundary the farm No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 beaconproceedNo.164.easterneasterly ofboundaryinalongThen thea northerly farmcontinuethe untilsouthern Ruigtepoort direction it in intersects a boundarysouth along No.162. westerly with the of the westernKlipdraaiThen untilsouthern proceed boundarythe No.166 south boundary in thena untilwest north ait of beaconintersectsnortherly easterlythe farm thereof. direction withTambootielaagte the From southalong there, east thethe Mosses Kotane Startingtheeastern farm boundaryonWaterval the north No561,of thewest farm which beacon Paalkraal is theof the starting No.556farm point.Koodebloem until it intersects No.944 with and the the north Limpopo west Provincialbeacon of eastuntilwithboundary. thebeacon. easternnorth Proceed Then west boundary proceedbeaconin a north of ofin the easterlyCyferkuila southerly farm Cyferkuildirection No.330. direction No.330. alongContinue along the Then the provincialin aLimpopo continueeasterly boundary provincial directionin a northerly until untilboundary it intersectsthedirection north until directionnortheasterlythe south easterly direction untilwestuntil the directionbeacon untilnorth theof untileastern the south it farm intersects boundaryeast Pony beacon No.395. with of the of Continue Pony RailwayRustenburg No.395. Line.along Platinum Then the provincial proceed Mine. boundaryinThen a southsouth proceed in westerlywesterly a south in a it intersects with the north east beacon of the farm Spitskop No.410. Then easterlynorththecontinues Syferkuil easterly direction along No.9direction the along eastern Limpopo until the boundary theprovincial provincial south westand boundary boundary continuebeacon untilin of ain Tusschenkomst southerly thean easterlysouth then east direction south beaconNo.15. easterly thenThen of Tusschenkomst southerly proceed direction in thenuntil an 43 44 Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy No.15. Then proceed in a south easterly direction until it intersects with the north west beacon of This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at easterlyfarmRenosterspruit Doornpoort directiondirection No.28. No.21to until the Then thesouththen southproceed continue east east beacon in to abeacon thenorth of south the easterly of farm Doornpoortwest Elandsfontein direction beacon No.21. untilthereof. No.23.the Then westernThen Thenproceed proceed boundary continue in in a a southalongof north the inMankewLangrandGelukthe a southernsoutherly No.24. No.927. No.143. boundary directionThen Continue Then proceed until In continue ato it westerly intersectsthein a south southerly in adirection westsouthwith thebeacondirection westerly untilElands init untilintersects adirectionRiver. south the Then westerlysouth untilwith proceed westthe direction. eastern beacon in a south Then boundary of thewesterlyproceed farm of untilsouthRuffelsfonteindirection it westerlyintersects along No.85. direction thewith Elands the Then toElands thecontinue river south river. until to westThen the beacon. southproceed east Then in beacona south continue inwesterly a insoutherly a northdirection directionwesterly along thendirectionthe river in a it intersects with the eastern boundary of the farm intersectsuntil theit intersects eastern with the boundarywith Elasnd the R556River. of the road. Proceedfarm Then Ledig in continue aNo.969. south westerly alongThen proceedthe direction R566 in in untila a southerly south the south westerly direction west direction beacon until it beaconsouthof the eastfarm thereof. beaconKoeddoesfontein Then of Zandrivierspoorttheproceed farm No.94. Vlakfonteinin a northerly Then No.211. proceedNo.207, direction Then continuein proceed untila northerly it intersectsin in a a southdirection south with westerly westerly till the it southintersects to direction the east south withbeaconuntil west the the ThenproceedNo.201,of the proceed farm inSyferfontein a Blinkklippenin north a northerly westerly No.178, No.201. direction direction and Then along until proceed the thethe westernsouth north in awest west westerlyboundaries beacon beacon direction ofof ofthethe farmfarmsto the Elandsdoorn farmsouth BlinkklippenNo.161. east No.144.beacon. Then farmLangverwachtOkkerrskraalLeeuwkopProceed Okkerrskraal in No.123. a No.280.northerlyNo.284 No.280. Then proceed Then direction proceed Continue in untila innortherlyuntil ita in intersectsnorth an easterly directionwesterly with direction thedirection along southern the until western boundary thethe northnorth boundary ofwest east De beacon Paarlbeacon of the No.246. of farmof the it intersects with the north west beacon of the farm Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy Then proceed along the southern boundary of De Paarl No.246 in a westerly direction until the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at southboundaryLimpopo west beaconProvincial until it intersectsthereof. boundary. Then with Then continuethe north proceed in west a northin beacon a north easterly of easterly the direction farm direction Koodebloem until alongit intersects theNo.944 provincial with which the a is

the starting point. No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 Naledi Vryburg directionStartingalonguntilNo.509, the onthealong Manchesternorth the eastern thenorth east northern beaconwest No.503, beacon boundaries ofof Massouws Lawaais Lawaais of the of Vlakte farm KopVlaktethe followingNo.592,Morgenzon No.585. No.585 Komspruit farms;Then until No.607. proceed Sansthe No.587, northern ProceedSouci in a Welgeleven No.602,south boundary in a westerlynorth Schilpad No.586, ofeasterly thedirection Hil farmand southnorthNo.580Dryfesdale easterly eastern then No.579. directionto beacon the southThen ofalong the ineast a farmthe north beacon eastern Elma easterly thereof.No.575. boundaries direction ThenProceed toofproceed theDryfesdale in northa south in easta northeasterlyNo.579 beacon. easterly anddirection Then Verkeerdevlei direction proceed to the tonorth in the a witheastnorthernwest the beaconbeacon N14 boundaries motorway. ofof Middelmeetthe farm of Proceed the Villa farmsNo.615. Franca along Vaarwel Then No.680.the N14 proceedNo.683, Thenmotorway inO'Reillys proceed a south in a Fonteinineasterly a north No.686 directiondirection westerly and until untildirection until it the intersects the north on north the boundarieseasternboundaryeast beacon beacon of of Klipfonteinof the Klipfontein of farm the farmKaalplaatsAnnex Annex Blaauwboschpan No.625 No.625. No.235, until Continue Graspanit intersects No.237. in No.234, a with Insouth a theeasterly and easterly Losasa Mooiplaats direction direction river. ThenNo.233 along along proceed the inthe which northern eastern to the proceedNo.231,southN14 motorway easterly untilin a easterly directionruns alongdirection along the until boundarythe theeastern north until beacon east the beacon north of the east of farms Stroppan beacon Mooiplaats No.247.thereof. No.233 ContinueThen proceed and in aWitpan south in a it intersects with the northern boundary of the farm Schietfontein No.246. Then directionsouthernintersectioneasterly alongboundaries direction of the the eastern untilsouth of Stroppan the east boundaries southeast beacon No.247, beacon. ofof Jalatheand farms;JalaSchietfontein Then No.10 Luzonproceed and No.271,No.246. inthe a R506south LotThen road. westerly30 proceed No.267, From direction therein and a southerly untilproceed along the the in 45 46 Column A Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government GazetteDistrict created in ofPlaces the magistracy appointed as seat southPoint-to-point westerly descriptions direction until the south west beacon of Lot 25 No.9. Then proceed in a north This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Thenwesterlythen north in a direction south westerly westerly untiluntil until the it thedirectionintersects south south east along west with beacon thebeaconthe southernsouth of Lotof westMakouspan 36 boundaries No.6. beacon then No.260. ofof proceed thethe farmfarms Then in Vredeburg a Vredeburgproceed westerly in No.256.direction No.256 a north directionContinueandNo.33. Losasa along Thenin aNo.258 south theproceed eastern easterlyuntil in itboundarya intersects westerly direction of direction tillwithRepubliek the the intersection until north No.37 the east R34 to of thebeacon road.the south south Then of east the east continue beaconfarm beacon Doornbult inthereof. aof south Doornbult Then No.29. westerly in aGoedehoop southNo.829No.36. westerly Then Botmanspoort No.36, proceed directiondirection Uitkyk in No.34No.12 throughalong a north and andthe the westerly untilsouthern until farms; Honingspruit Rosenburg directionMarokane boundaries No.32along No.19 No.1, of norththe RepublieksouthSchoonheid western west west beacon. No.37 boundariesbeacon. No.2, and Then Wolhuters Then Goedehoop proceedof the in a Kopfarms; northin westerlyuntil the direction south eastalong beacon the eastern of the boundary farm Madrid of Batlhaping No.816. From Ba Phuduhutswara there proceed traditional in a south council, westerly thesouthdirectionbacon eastern east alongthereof. beacon beaconbeacon the Then ofnorthern of ofthe the the proceedfarm farm farm boundary Therons Eensgevonden Bastplaats in a southRustof Batlhaping No.806. No.802, westerly No.807. ThenBa continues direction PhuduhutswaraThen proceed in southalonga insouth a easterlysouththe traditionaleasterly southern westerly to direction the council boundaries directionsouth to east the to of until ThenwesterlyproceedPaddafonteinBastplaats proceed direction in No.802a innorth No.753, a alongnorth easterlyand DorstwesterlyBiesjesdalthe directionwestern No.754, direction No.799 boundaryto and the alongthenuntil south thetoof the west itsBiesjesdal north westernsouth beacon west west boundaries No.799, beaconof beacon. the farm of Salpetre Then Limerickof Annas the proceed farms; PanGeluk No.755. No.800, inAnnas No.749. a Thennorth LaagtefarmGelukDoornfontein Wilde No.749,No.611 Als andLaagte KalkNo.653. Dorenpoort Plaats No.611. Then No.655, proceed No.612Then continueRocklands untilin a norththe in southern aeasterlyNo.654, north westerlyboundary directionand until direction ofuntil the Schiet thenorth along westernPan west No.613.the beacon boundaryfarms Then Als of of Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy proceed along the southern boundary of Schiet Pan No.613 until the south west beacon of the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Ramotshere Moiloa StartingfarmMorgenzon Morgenzon on the No.607, north No.607. westwhich Then beacon is the continue starting of the in point. farma north Schuinsdam westerly direction No.1, proceed till the north along west the beacon northern of

boundary in a north-easterly direction until the north east beacon of the farm Wildebeestkop No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 beacon.ProceedinNo.2. a southerly From Then along there, directionproceed the proceed northern untilin a along southerlyit intersectsboundary the eastern direction withof Sebenani theboundaries along north the inwest westernofan Wildebeestkop beaconeasterly boundary of direction the farmand of Sebenani SchoonlaagteuntilSebenani its north and No.103. until No.4east it southsoutherlyintersectswesterlyintersects west direction directionwith beacon with the the alongnorth of south Logaga eastthe east western southernbeacon No.124, beacon boundariesof boundaryand theof Middelrand thenfarm proceed ofVan theMiddelrand Tondershoek farmsNo.122. in a Koedoesrandsouth Fromand No.10.westerly Lekkerlach there, ThenNo.9 proceedto the No.8proceedand north untilin until a west insouththe a it beaconKalfontein, of Kalkfontein Zwartfonteinand then a No.1.south No.34. Promwesterly Then there, proceeddirection proceed inalong a southwardssouth the northerneasterly along directionboundary the western to to the the boundary southnorth west of farmsproceedNatureBergfonteinbeacon Zandfontein Reservethereof. in a No.60. southerly No.35,From until Then itthere, Langgezochtdirectionintersects proceed proceed along inwith aNo.56,in westerly athe southerly northwesternand direction until west direction boundaryit intersectsbeacon along along ofthe with Rietgatthe thenorthern thefarm western southNo.91, Rietgat boundary boundarieswest Palmietfontein No.91. beacon of Pienaar ofThen of the StinkhoutboomtheNo.92 southsouthern until east boundaryit beacon No.43.intersects Thenof of the withWillowpark proceed farm the WillowparkN4 in motorway.until a southerly it intersectsNo.41. From direction Then therewith proceed until thecontinue norththe in south ainwest westerly a westsoutherly beacon beacon direction ofdirection the thereof. along farm until SouththeSuidFrom magisterial No.36 there, African untilproceed border boundary it intersects in boundary a south in witha north westerly as the it westerlyMafikengwill direction further then Magisterial show along a westerly on the theDistrict northern Map.direction boundary. Then boundary until along itThen intersectsof the the proceed South farm with Moilos Africaalong the 47 48 Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy Boundary proceed in a northery direction until it intersects with the N4 motorway and Gopane 2 This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Rustenburg Startingthetownship.starting river onuntil Thenpoint. the it north intersectscontinue west in withbeacon a the ofnorth the westMagaliesberg beacon ofNature the farm Reserve Schuinsdam B, proceed No.1 in whichan easterly is the northerly direction until the Ngotwane river, then continue along theproceedinroad.direction merger a north-easterly Then untilinthen proceeda southerly thea southerly north direction southerly eastern direction direction until along boundary thethen and thesouth a then R565 northof east the an whicheasterly Magaliesbergbeaconeasterly merges directionof direction the onto Nature Wildbeefontein until theuntil Reserve N4it it intersects intersectsmotorway B.Mine. Then with withcontinue From proceed the there, R510R565 past easterlyandPaardekraalroad. then Proceed direction, a north No.279. in aeasterly then north From a easterly southuntil there it intersectswesterlydirection proceed along directionwithin a norththethe MadibengR510 untileasterly roadthe Magisterial directionnorthuntil the east Thlabanethen Districtbeacon a northerly boundary.SAPS, of the thendirection farm Then in a easterlyaproceed south easterly alonguntil the the direction Maumong western until boundary school. it intersects Thenin a southerly proceedwith Tlapa direction,in Aa southtownship. then easterly aFrom south direction there, westerly proceed until direction, it intersectsin a north then No.297southerlyuntilwith theyou until southintersect direction west with alongbeacon the thenorth of easternthe east farm beacon boundaries Pearl ofNo.401. the offarm theThen Zwartkoppies farms proceed Zwartkoppies in No.296. a south Thenandwesterly Rooikoppies proceed direction in a Thenproceedeasterncontinue proceed boundary into athe in southerly anorth westerly of Kafferskraal east direction beacondirection No.342,until thereof. to the the and northernFromnorth until there,east thewestern beacon southproceed boundaryeast of in Buffelsfonteinbeacon a southerly of theof Buffelspoort Gauteng direction No.344. Provincialalong No.343.Then the it intersects with the northern boundary of the farm Kafferskraal No.342, then theintersectsDoornhoek,boundary. farmintersection Doornhoek withThen Doornkloof ofthe proceed theNo.392. north north westernAgricutural in Then westa westerly in partbeacon a southerlyHoldings, of direction Rietpoort of the zig-zag and untilfarm A.H. New it direction Cyferfontein Thenintersects Thorndale proceed along with AgriculturalNo.35. thein the a western westerly north Holdingswest boundary direction beacon until of until of it Then along the Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy southern boundary of the Rustenburg Magisterial and Kgetlengrivier Magisterial boundary proceed This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thedirectionin map. a northerly From then the directiona northerlyR30 road, then direction proceed a north until westerlyin a itnorth intersects direction, westerly with thendirection, the aR30 northerly thenroad a as direction,northerly it will further directionthen aappear westerly until on

it intersects with the south west beacon of the Magaliesberg Nature reserve. Then proceed in a No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 MagaliesbergNaturenorth easterly Reserve. Reserve Nature direction Then B. ReserveThen proceed until proceed B, in which a northerly in is north the startingdirection westerly point. until direction the south to west the beaconnorth west of Magaliesberg beacon of it intersects with the western boundary of the farm Rustenburg Taung Taung RoodepoortintersectproceednorthernStarting on inwithboundary athe northerlyNo.815-Roodepoort north of west indirectionSterkfontein a No.815 cornernorth-easterly on ofnorth farms farmNo.812- west SterkfonteinVyeboomsvlaakte direction beacon.until then, ThenNo.812- a proceed southerlyNo.814- proceed on western direction thein a northern north-easterly boundary on boundarythe easternuntil on you theof it intersects with Moretele township. Then intersectsboundariesboundary with of of Roodepoort farmsR504 Vyeboomsvlaakteroad and No.815-. Pudumong Proceed No.814-, river. inProceed Verona a south No.813-,in easterlya southerly and direction Zwartkoppies direction along along No.21- the the easternwestern until it thenPendomerHighlandsboundary south westerly, No.842-.No.51-ofNo.842- farm andPudumong Thenand south Modimo proceed easterly No.22- No.843- in a onwesterly until until it intersects directionit intersects on with thewith then northern the northnorth boundaries west beacon of the of farms farmfarm . Continues on the western boundary of Pendomer No.51- in a south-easterly the southern boundary until it intersects with Harts ThenthenNo.848-.River. south in aThen south-easterly onThen theproceed proceed eastern in directionona boundary south the northern easterly on until farms boundary itdirection intersectsTweelingpan inon an withthe easterly No.848- northernthe northern direction eastern boundary beacon of boundary, Tweelingpan of Tlapengof Tweelingpan Panmure No.846-, No.848-. CapeNorthernbeacon.No.849-, provincial Then Capeand Kokumingboundaryproceed provincial on until No.850 boundary. Kopje Enkeluntil Then you No.851- proceedintersect south-east in with south farm boundarywesterly Kopje Enkeldirection until it No.851- intersects on the south Northern with east the it intersects with Harts River in Motsweding township. Then 49 50 Column A Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government GazetteDistrict created in ofPlaces the magistracy appointed as seat proceedPoint-to-point in a northdescriptions westerly direction until the western boundary of the farm Thoming No.893.

This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Proceed along the northern boundary of Thoming No.893- in a westerly, and in a southerly northThendirectionNo.1040- proceedeast on boundary thein insouth eastern a north-westerly westerly of boundary.Hoekplaats direction direction until No.1040-. until the alongnorthernit intersects Proceed the boundary boundary with on thethe of of south northernthe Dingley farm east DingleyDellboundary beacon No.1041- Dell of Hoekplaats farm No.1041-. until Vaalbult the southernKlipplaatsNo.922-,No.922-. boundary KankaroThen No.804 proceed No.921-, inof a the north in farmnorth-easterly Marea easterly Klipplaats Amoet direction, direction No.895-, No.804. then on Kang inContinuethe a No.796-,north-westerlyeastern on boundaries and the Kgantsang southernon the of east the No.797-boundary farms:boundary untilVaalbult of until the thefarmon thenorthSouth Sterkfontein southern west west beacon, beaconboundary No.812-. whichof offarm Then Dwaal is Dwaalthe proceed startingVlakte Vlakte onNo.805-until point. theNo.805-. westernAs indicated thenit intersectsboundary proceed on the withof inmap Sterkfontein a western north marked. easterly boundary No.812- direction of until the Tlokwe Potchefstroom easternStartingboundarydirection boundaryfrom alongof the the north theoffarm Witrandfontein northern Witrandsfonteinwest beacon boundary until of No.348.the of farmRooipoort Then Rooipoort proceed until No.354,the in intersection northerly proceed direction with in an the easterlyalong western the boundarynorth-westernKaalfontein,Kaalfontein until No.349. then theboundary intersectionsouthern From of there, Wilgegund boundary with proceed the southernofNo.375. inLeeuwfontein an easterly Proceedboundary direction No.350,in of a Wildebeestlaagte north-easterly along until thethe intersectionsouthern direction No.374. boundary along Proceedwith thisthe of it intersects with south west beacon of the farm withNo.383.boundaryin thean easterlyeastern From of Wildebeestlaagte boundarythere,direction proceed alongthereof. in the anuntilFrom southern easterly the there, intersection directionboundary proceed along in withof a Wildebeestlaagte, northerly the northern direction boundariesboundary untilalong the theof of intersection BuffelsvleiBuffelsvleieastern there,boundaryasNo.383, will proceed further until until inappearthe the an intersection intersection easterly from directionthe withwith map. thea along municipalProceed northern the northern boundaryinboundary a southerly boundary runningof Witkoppiesfontein direction ofnorth-south Witkoppiesfontein along through No.392.the municipal untilBuffelsvlei From the Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C termsNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy intersection with the eastern boundary thereof. Proceed southwards along this boundary until the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at intersectionalong the southern withwith thethe boundary easternsouthern boundary of boundary Boschhoek, of of Klipdrift. Boschhoek then northern Proceed No.393. boundary southwards Proceed of Klipdriftalong in an this easterly No.395, boundary direction until until the easterlyadirectionthe south-easterlyboundary intersection directionalong of Eigenaarsfonteinthis with directionalong boundary the the northern alongnorthern until No.442. thethisboundary boundaryintersection boundary Proceed of ofPalmietfontein inuntilwithFrischgewaagd an theeasterly easternintersection No.410.direction No.562,boundary withProceedalong until thereof.the this the north-western in boundary, intersectionan Proceed easterly then in No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 proceedawith southerlymunicipalrunning the municipal in north-south directiona boundary, westerly boundary along directionthroughuntil the therunning municipal Buffelsfonteinintersection along north-south Vaal boundary withRiver No.443. through the until northern Proceedit Frischgewaagd. intersectsintersects boundary in awith withnortherly of Vaal Froma Wildebeestpan municipal River. there,direction From proceed boundary along there,No.442. in the boundaryProceed alongof Witstinkhoutboom this boundary a westerly Proceed direction, in an easterly until the direction intersection along thiswith boundary the southern until thewesterlyboundary intersectionwestern direction untilboundaryof Hessiewith the along the intersection ofuntil easternthe Hessie thenorthern intersectionboundary No.386.with boundary the thereof.Proceednorthern with of the WitstinkhoutboomThen inboundary northern a northerlyproceed thereof.boundary northwards direction until From thereof. the along there,along intersection Proceedthe theproceed western eastern with in in an a thisintersectioneasterlyboundaryRietfontein boundary direction withof No.3. Nooitverwachtuntil the along Proceed theeastern intersectionthis northwardsboundarynorthern No.385. with boundaryProceedof along Eleazar southern this in until No.377. aboundary westerlyboundary the intersection Proceed untildirection of theRietkuil in intersection aalongwith northerly No.378. eastern this boundary directionwith Fromboundary the southernthere, alonguntil of the westerntheNo.354.proceed western boundary inProceed boundary a westerly of in Cutoutofa direction westerlyCutout until alongNo.387. direction the theintersection southern along the boundarywith southern the southernof Rietkuil,boundary boundary until of Rooipoort,the intersection of Rooipoort until with the From there, proceed in a northerly direction along 51 52 Column A Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette District created in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat intersectionPoint-to-point with descriptions the western boundary thereof. From there, proceed in a northerly direction This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at Tswaing theStartingalong starting the frompoint. western the northboundary west of beacon Rooipoort of the until farm you Mooiplaats reach the north-west No.9, proceed beacon in a thereof, south-easterly which is LocationboundaryNo.165,direction alongNo.4.Schuinsvlakte ofof the Gannapan theFrom farm northern there,Gannapan untilNo.166 boundariesproceed the No.11. andintersection in Marotzi ofa Proceed north-westerlythe farms: withNo.167until in a theLynplaats north-easterly easterndirection the No.8, boundaryintersection along directionHendriksdal the ofeastern alongthewith No.7, farm the theboundary DrieanglenorthernKunana of DeelpanproceedintersectionKunana Location inNo.106. awith northerly theuntil Then eastern it directionintersects proceed boundary untilinwith a thenorth-easterly thereof. intersectionsouth From west thedirectionbeacon with eastern the of along northernthe boundary farm the Mooipanboundarynorthern of Mooipan No.104. boundary of the No.104, Thenfarm of a north-easterly direction along the southern boundary of Mooipan until the No.107,Deelpan, until and the proceed intersection in a easterly with the direction western alongboundary the northernof Rietkolk boundary No.99. From of there, proceed fromboundarynorthernin a southerly the map.boundary of Vaalplaats, Fromdirection ofthere, Vaalplaats along until proceed thethe intersectionNo.108.western in a southerly Proceedboundary with direction a in municipal of an Rietkolk easterlyalong boundarythe until direction municipal the asintersection alongwill boundary further the northernwith untilappear the the directionwithProceednorthernintersection a municipal inboundaryalong a with southerly the boundarythe municipalofnorthern Reitzdirection running untilboundary boundary, along the through intersectionthe of thenReitz easternthe farm inNo.119. an boundarywith Taaiboschpan easterly theProceed western of direction Reitz in No.135. a boundaryNo.124westerly until Proceed theuntil direction of intersection theReitz in intersection a along southerlyNo.124. withthe southerlyboundaryfarmthe western Valeiplaats directionof boundary boundaryValeiplaats No.142. along ofof theuntilSchoongezicht theFrom farm easternthe there, Schoongezichtintersection boundaryproceed until the with in of No.109.intersection a theValeiplaats, north eastern Proceedeasterly with boundarythen the indirection Platvaleia northern southerly thereof. along No.144, boundary direction Proceedthe northernuntil ofalong inthethe a Column A Column B Column C No.43termsMagisterial of 24 January 2014 of GovernmentDistrict created Gazette in of Placesthe magistracy appointed as seat Point-to-pointintersection descriptions with the northern boundary of Leeuwkuil No.284. Proceed in an easterly direction This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at therunningalong municipal the through northern boundary Kamaland boundary until No.285 of Leeuwkuilas will further until appear the intersection from the map. with Proceed a municipal southwards boundary along the intersection with the northern boundary of the farm Dieselboompan until No.290. the intersection Proceed in with an theeasterly eastern direction boundary along thereof. the Proceednorthern in boundary a southerly of No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 directionProceedDieselboompanboundary along in thereof. a thesoutherly until eastern From the direction intersectionthere,boundary proceed along of with Dieselboompanthe in theeastern a westerlyeastern boundary boundary directionuntil theof Wesselsdal intersectionofalong the farmthe southern untilWesselsdal with the the intersectionboundary southern No.326. of withboundarydirectionuntil the the southern intersection alongof Palmietkuil boundary the western with No.319. thereof. the boundary western Proceed Proceed boundaryof in inWesselsdal aa westerlywesterly thereof. direction directionuntil From the along alongintersection there, thethe proceed southern with inthe boundary a northerlysouthern of GelukproceedPalmietkuil No.333, in a until southerly until the theintersection direction intersection along with with thethe the easterneastern northern boundary boundary boundary of of Klipdrift, the of thefarm thenfarm Klipdrift eastern Gunsteling No.335. boundary No.345. Then of theHolpan,northernFrom farm there,Holpan Diamant boundary proceed No.342. Aar of No.359,inNooitgedacht Then a westerly proceed Doornbult directionNo.343, in aNo.365, southerly untilalong Bossielaagte the thedirection intersection northern along No.369, boundary with the theuntileastern eastern ofthe Gunsteling, boundariesintersection boundary then ofwith of thedirectionintersectionFromboundary northern there, alongboundaryof withSimonsvallei,proceed the the of south south-eastern inSimonsvallei a southerly untileastern the No.382. intersection boundaryboundarydirection Proceed along of with SimonsvalleiSimonsvallei, theinthe an western easterly No.382. untilboundary direction the Proceed intersection alongof Vlakpan thein a northern southerly No.381.withuntil the southernproceedboundarysouthern boundary in boundaryof a Simonsvallei northerly of thethereof. farmdirection until BossielaagteFrom the along intersectionthere, the proceedNo.369. western with Proceedinthe boundary a westernwesterly in a until boundarywesterly direction the intersectiondirection thereof.along the Fromalong southernwith there,the the 53 54 Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsMagisterialNo.43 of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy southern boundary of Bossielaagte until the intersection with the western boundary thereof. From This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at directionintersectionthere, proceed along with the in the aeastern northerlyeastern boundaries boundary direction of: ofalong GoedgevondenGoedgevonden, the western No.366. Rietgatboundary No.387, Then of Bossielaagteproceed until the in intersection a southerlyuntil the southernaalongwith westerlyboundary the Harts southernboundary direction Riverof Rietgat until boundaryof along the theuntil farmintersection thethe of Blesbokpan intersection southernRietgat. with Proceedboundary the No.227.with southern Harts in Proceedof a River. Rietpan,westerlyboundary Proceedin a untildirectionsouth-westerlyof Rietpan inthe a intersectionnorth-easterly along No.225. direction the Proceed southern with direction along the in southerndirectionintersectiontheintersection southern alongboundary withboundaries withthe the western theof western the N14. of: farms: boundariesBlesbokpan From boundary Kameelpan there, ofofNo.227, proceedthe Hakiesrust No.214,farms: Boesmanpan in Hakiesrusta No.230. Broederspustsouth-westerly No.228,From No.230, No.213,there, directionHakiesrsut Graspan proceed until along No.217,No.230,the in the intersectiona northerly N14,until thethen withMunicipal Losase BoundaryRiver. Proceed as will infurther a northerly appear direction from the alongmap. ProceedLosase Rivernorthwards until along the municipal it joins with the Ventersdorp Ventersdorp Startingbeaconnorth-easterlyboundary from of untilthe the farmdirectionthenorth-west intersection Mooiplaats along beacon the withNo.9, eastern of the thewhich southern farm boundary is theGoedvooruitzicht boundary starting of Plaas point. of No.637 the No.120, farm until Plaas proceed you No.637. reach in anthe Proceed easterlynorth west in a westerndirectionProceedboundaryKwaggaslagte boundary in of an Schoongezicht, easterlyNo.121, of Schoongezicht directionnorthern until alongtheboundary No.124. intersection the northern Proceedof Zwartrand with inboundary the a southerly northernNo.123 of Witkrans until boundarydirection the intersectionuntil alongof Witkrans the the intersection western with No.130. the along the northern boundary of Goedvooruitzicht, and northern boundary of boundaryintersectionthiswith boundary,the easternnorthern until with thenthe boundary boundarythe intersection in western an thereof.easterly of Hartebeestlaagteboundary with Proceed direction the southernof southwards Klippanalong No.146. boundarythe No.140. alongfarm Proceed Raythis ofProceed Leliefontein boundaryNo.134, in an northwardseasterly alluntil No.138.the the direction way intersection along untilProceed along thisthe Magisterial Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Point-to-point descriptions Column C No.43terms of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy eastwards along this boundary until the intersection with the eastern boundary of Klippan No.140. This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at eastwardsboundaryProceed alongin of a Almoro southerly the municipal No.173. direction Proceed boundary along eastwards untilthis boundarythe intersectionalong untilthe northern the with intersection the boundary western with of boundary Almoro, the northern thenof boundaryMorgenzon of No.9, Morgenzon as will untilfurther the appear intersection from thewith map. the northernProceed boundarynorthwards thereof. along Fromthe western there No.38170 STAATSKOERANT, 31OKTOBER 2014 alongtheuntilproceed north the it intersects northernwest in an beacon easterly boundary with of the directionKleingenoeg Mooiof the River. farmsalong No.17. ProceedKleingenoeg the northern From along there No.17, boundary the proceedMooi Goededacht ofRiver Morgenzonin a in south-easterly aNo.27, northerly and IQ No.696,Klipgat direction direction No.18and until thenprovincialbeaconRoma in a No.42 westerly boundary,of the until farm direction proceedit Buchansvale intersects along in a withsoutherly the No.61. thesouthern Gauteng Fromdirection boundarythere, Provincial along proceed theof Leriana Boundary.eastern along No.41theboundary Then provincial until along of the Roma boundary thenorth GautengNo.42, east and alongthebeacon eastern the ofprovincial boundary Leeuwpan ofboundary theNo.58 farms in and aBuchansvale southerly the southern direction. No.61, boundaries Prestonpans Then proceed of theNo.59 infarms a and south Leeuwpanuntil westerly the south No.58, direction east therebeaconDouglasdaleRooipan still along of No.96,Turftontein No.95the provincial and until No.126, the it intersects easternboundary, then continue withboundary proceed the northin a inof southerly aeastDe south Beersbeacon easterly direction Kraal of the direction until farm the Rooidraai until south the east southNo.85. beacon east From of No.94, Rysmierbult No.88, directionthefarms;Gerhardminnebronin intersection a westerlyGerhardminnebron along the withdirection easternNo.139. the eastern to No.139, boundaryThen the south proceedboundary Gerhardminnebron of westWildebeestlaagte in of abeacon westerlythe farm thereof. directionWildebeestlaagteNo.122 proceed andon to the Katdoornbosch the southern south No.374. east boundary In beacon,No.138 a southerly of thenuntilthe Then proceed in a south westerly Witrandsfonteinitsthere,direction south proceed westuntil beaconthe in No.348, a intersection westerly thereof. then direction a Then southerlywith theproceed along southern direction the in asouthern westerly toboundary the south boundary direction of east farm beacon,untilof Syferfontein Leeuwfontein the andeastern then No.351. boundaryNo.350 continue From until inof 55 56 Column ADistrict created in Places appointed as seat Column B Column C GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,31OCTOBER 2014 No. 38170 termsNo.43Magisterial of 24 January 2014 of Government Gazette of the magistracy aPoint-to-point westerly direction descriptions until the south west beacon thereof. From there, proceed in a south-westerly This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundaryofthedirection Lustfontein, southern along of Palmietfonteinboundary Doornfontein the eastern thereof. No.345boundaryNo.343. Then and proceedThen of Biezenhout the proceed farm in a westerlyLustfontein No.357in a northerly direction until No.346 the direction along intersection until the thealong southern intersection with this the boundaryboundary eastern with inNo.222,proceeduntil a north-westerly the Klippaninintersection a north No.221, westerlydirection with until the direction along it southern intersects the along western boundary with the thesouthernboundary south of the boundarybeacon offarm Zwartlaagte, Klipfontein of of Zwartlaagte Klipfontein, Kafferskraal No.344. No.116. and From Buffelsvallei all Continue the there, way proceednorthwardsboundaryNo.154along the as in municipal ofwill aalong Roodepoortjenortherly further this boundary appearboundary direction until from until until thealong the intersectionthe map.intersection the intersection westernProceed with with boundary inwith the anthe theeasterneasterly southern northern until boundarydirection theboundary boundary north along thereof. westof thereof.Roodepoortje the beacon Proceedsouthern Then of Goedvooruitzicht, which is the starting point. 38170—

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