Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA October Vol. 592 Pretoria, 31 Oktober 2014 No. 38170 N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 404749—A 38170—1 2 No. 38170 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 31 OCTOBER 2014 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received due to errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advised that an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents were received by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the sender’s respon- sibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order. Furthermore the Government Printing Works will also not be held responsible for cancellations and amendments which have not been done on original documents received from clients. CONTENTS • INHOUD Page Gazette No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICE Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Government Notice 861 Magistrate’s Courts Act (32/1944): Definition of local limits of districts created in respect of the Gauteng and North West Provinces .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 38170 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 31 OKTOBER 2014 No. 38170 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT No. 861 31 October 2014 MAGISTRATES' COURTS ACT, 1944 (ACT NO. 32 OF 1944): DEFINITION OF LOCAL LIMITS OF DISTRICTS CREATED IN RESPECT OF THE GAUTENG AND NORTH WEST PROVINCES I,Tshililo Michael Masutha, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, acting under section 2 1(a) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944), hereby, with effect from 1 December 2014, in respect of the magisterial districts created in terms of Government Notice No. 43 of 24 January 2014, define the local limits of each such district as indicated in Schedules 1 and 2 respectively. Any amendment to the name of the district, sub-district or place of sitting under this Notice shall be applicable to the place appointed for the holding of a court for each regional division and all seats mentioned in the Schedule to Government Notice No. 219 of 27 February 2004. Given under my hand at on this the4")-\day of 0100 Qe Two Thousand and Fourteen. TM MASUTHA, MP (ADV) MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICES This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4 Column Acreatedin CourtsColumnestablished B SCHEDULEfor 1: GAUTENG PROVINCEPoint-to-pointCo lum descriptions C No. 38170 2014 GAZETTE,31OCTOBER GOVERNMENT termsEkurhuleniNo.43Magisterial ofof 24 Central JanuaryGovernmentDistrict 2014GazettethePalm districts Ridge Startingproceed from in an the easterly intersection direction of the along N12 the Motorway N12 motorway, with the easternuntilit intersectsboundary ofwith Busoni the eastern Rock, This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at boundary of Linmeyer Township. Then proceed ina northerly direction along this eastern thenortherlysouthernboundary eastern directionboundary of boundary Linmeyer, along of ofMoffatt then South the ineastern Park, Hillsa north-easterly asthen boundary will southern further ofdirection, appearSouth boundary Hills thenfrom of until inthe South an itmap. intersectseasterly Hills From until direction, therewith it intersects theproceed alongsouthern with inthe a there,thereTulisaboundary proceedproceedPark, of then Tulisa inin asouthernan northerly Park. easterly Thenboundary directiondirection proceed of alongalong Elandspark in an the easterly N17,N12 until untiluntil itdirection intersects itit intersectsintersects along with withwith the the N17the southernN12 N3 motorway.motorway. motorway, boundary From and of thennorthernProceedproceed proceed inboundarysouthwards a westerly in a southerly of along Katlehongdirection Natalspruit direction along South. Leondalealong River Then the until proceed RoadN3 the until intersectionuntil in itan intersectsthe easterly intersection with directionwith Venus Leondale with Drive,along Natalspruit Road.thewhich northern isRiver.Then the www.gpwonline.co.za easterlyboundary direction of Katlehong along South the spruituntil the until intersection the intersection with a spruit. with the From N3 there, motorway. proceed Proceed in a north- in a westerlyKoppieskraalsoutherly direction direction No.157No.157. along along until From the thethe southernthere intersectionN3 proceeduntil boundary the with inintersection a theofsoutherly Koppieskraal southern with direction boundary the until eastern along it intersectsthereof. the boundary eastern Then with proceed ofboundarythe the eastern farm in ofa fromthenTamboekiesfonteinboundary southerlythe map, of Tamboekiesfontein thendirection, north-easterlyin a southerly,then north-westerly, until thenNo.173-IR. the westerly, intersection along From then the southerly,withtheremunicipal both proceed the thenboundary R550 westerly along and as this will thealong furthersouth-easternboundary the appearR550, of line.proceedboundarybeacon Proceed of in ofMagagula a Magagula northerlyin a south Heights direction Heightswesterly township. untilalongdirection the theThen intersection along western proceed the railwayboundary within a westerlythe line untilwestern until itdirection it intersects intersects boundary along withwith thereof. the thethe southern railwayeastern Then termsMagisterialof GovernmentColumnDistrict AcreatedGazetteintheCourts districtsColumnestablished B for Point-to-pointCo lum descriptions C No.43 of 24 January 2014 withdirectionMunicipalboundary the Municipal along boundaryof Rietspruit the boundary eastern in a Agricultural westerly boundary running direction, Holdingseast-west of Rietspruit then (A.H).through south-easterly Agricultural From Rietspruit there, Holdings direction, A.H. proceed Then (A.H) then in proceed untila south-westerlynorth-westerly it intersectsalong the This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at thedirectionFrom eastern there until boundary proceed the intersection ofin Garthdalea westerly with the A.H direction eastern in a north-westerly boundaryalong the of R550 Gardenvaledirection until untilit A.H.intersects it intersects Then proceed with with the R550. along R59 motorway. From there proceed northwards along R59 until it intersects with the south western 2014 31OKTOBER STAATSKOERANT, No.38170 aproceedBrakensdownboundary northern in ofdirection,a south-westerly Brakensdownboundary then until north-eastern direction ittownship. intersects along directionwithProceed the the southern southern untilin ita intersectsboundary boundarynorth-westerly ofwith of Kromvlei Kromvlei the directionwestern Cemetery, Cemetery. boundaryalong then Thenthis ofin thenBrackenhurst.easternBrackendownsBrackendowns. eastern direction direction Then until Fromalong proceed it intersects there,until this along itproceedboundary intersects with the thewestern in until north-easternawith northern boundaryHennieitintersects direction Alberts boundaryof Brackenhurst with alongStreet. thereof. the the Proceedwestern in western Proceeda northerly inboundary boundary ain northerly direction,a north- ofof www.gpwonline.co.za direction along Hennie Alberts Street until it intersects with the southern boundary of Meyersdal withTownship.intersectsboundary the western withThenof Meyersdal, the proceed boundary northern westwardswhich boundary thereof. then alongThenof becomes Busoni theproceed southernRock. the ineastern Then a boundary northerly proceed boundary of direction along Meyersdal of the Busoni along northern until Rockthe it boundaryintersects western untilit Ekurhuleni East Springs Startingisproceedof theBusoni starting from in Rock a northerly thepoint. in intersection a westerly direction directionof thealong N12 untilthis with easternit intersectsAlliance boundary Road, with theproceed until eastern it intersects in anboundary easterly with of thedirection Busoni. N12, whichalongThen theuntilboundarynorth-western N12 it intersects until thereof. it boundaryintersects with Proceed Modderthe ofwith southern the southwards LarisRoad. farm Street.boundary ModderfonteinFrom along Proceed there, thereof. the proceed inwesternNo.236-IR, a Proceed north-easterly in boundary a south-easterly untilin an it easterlydirection intersectsof Modderfontein directiondirection along with Laristhe alongalong No.236,western Street thethe 5 6 termsMagisterialofGovernmentColumnDistrict AcreatedGazetteintheCourts districtsColumnestablished B for Point-to-pointCo lum descriptions C No. 38170 2014 GAZETTE,31OCTOBER GOVERNMENT No.43 of 24 January 2014 southernalongitDroogefontein intersects the boundarysouthern with No.242-IR. the boundaryof southern Modderfontein Proceed of boundary Droogefontein, southwards until thereof. it intersects along then From thesouthern withwesternthere, the boundaryproceed boundarywestern inof boundary of anStrydpan Droogefontein easterly of No.243-IR, thedirection farm until This gazette isalsoavailable freeonline at No.287-IR.alonguntil the the intersection eastern Proceed boundary with in an the easterly ofeastern Vischkuil directionboundary until it alongofintersects Vischkuil the northernwith No.274-IR. the northern
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