K|B]Z ;/Sf/ U08sl K|B]Z D'vodgql Tyf Dlgqkl/Ifb\Sf] Sfof{No Kf]V/F Cfiff9 @)&*

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K|B]Z ;/Sf/ U08sl K|B]Z D'vodgql Tyf Dlgqkl/Ifb\Sf] Sfof{No Kf]V/F Cfiff9 @)&* dg;'g k"j{tof/L / k|ltsfo{ of]hgf, @)&* k|b]z ;/sf/ u08sL k|b]z d'VodGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no kf]v/f cfiff9 @)&* Dfg;'g k"j{{tof/L / k|ltsfo{ of]hgf @)&* ljifo;"rL kl/ro !=! k|b]zsf] kl/roM !=@ of]hgfsf] k[i7e"ld -;+lIfKt ljkb\sf] l:ylt, of]hgfsf] cfjZostf, cf}lrTo_ @= dg;'g k"j{tof/L tyf k|ltsfo{ of]hgfsf] p2]Zo #= sfo{of]hgf lgdf{0f k|lqmof $= ;Defljt hf]lvdsf] ljZn]if0f $=! klx/f] $=@ af9L $=# sf]le8 !( %= k"j{tof/L / k|ltsfo{ ;DaGwL d'Vo of]hgf %=! k|efjdf cfwfl/t dg;'g k"j{;'rgf k|0ffnL %=@ v'nf :yfgsf] klxrfg, ljsf; / pkof]u ^= cfktsflng ;fdfu|Lx?sf] lgsfout If]qx?df pknAw >f]t ;fwgx?sf] cf+sng &= ljifout dGqfno / ;/f]sf/jfnf lgsfo ;+u ;DalGwt k'j{tof/L / k|ltsfo{ lhDd]jf/Lx? *= g]kfnL ;]gf, ;z:q k|x/L an g]kfn / g]kfn /]8qm; ;f];fO{6L (= nlIft hg;+Vof -ljifout If]qx¿ cg';f/_ cg';'rLx? cg';'rL !M ljifout If]q / If]qut ;xof]uL lgsfox?sf] lj:t[t k"j{tof/L tyf k|ltsfo{ of]hgfx? cg';'rL @M k|b]z tyf lhNnf :t/Lo ;Dks{ gDa/x? 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