College Bowl Quiz Taken by Fifty; Eliminations Will Begin
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Lrll anu u'wstrr " outtPentern at Memplia 46th Year MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 Vol. 46, No. 8 Southwestern Musicians Republicans Sweep Mock Poll; To Preform This Sunday The Southwestern Ensemble will Goldwater Over LBJ 277-217; present a concert of Telemann, Bach, Mozart, and Handel this Johnson Captures Faculty Vote Sunday in Evergreen Auditorium. On Wednesday, October 28, Southwestern's The Ensemble comprises four vio- students and faculty voiced their preferences in a mock election held in a lins, two violas, one 'cello, one bass, joint effort of the Young Democrats and the Young Republicans. and two oboes, played by various Democratic nom- inees were: Johnson for President, members of the student body and + Gore for Senate (long), Bass for Directors sttute faculty, and is accompanied by Senate (short), and Grider for U.S. Kenton Stellwagen on the organ. Directors Institute House of Representatives. Nom- There is no charge for admission. inees for the Republican The first selection will be the ticket New Dorm Policy were Goldwater, Kuykcndall, Baker, Trio Sonata in C Minor by Tele- and James respectively. mann, followed by the Trio Sonata In a memorandum to the faculty in D Minor by J. Sebastian Bach. The voting was divided into two and staff President Rhodes an- Immediately before intermission sections-one for the students and nounced this week that the resi- will be the Trio Sonata, by Mozart; one for the faculty. There were dence halls would be open to all it consists of three parts, the Al- 494 student voters or approxi- applicants regardless of race be- legro in A Major, K. 225, the An- mately 60% of the student body; ginning with the summer session. dantino in E Flat, K. 67, and the from the faculty there were 55 This was the official statement: voters, also about 60%. Allegro in D Major, K. 245. During WHEREAS at its meeting on the subsequent intermission Bassist The students were solidly RIepub- March 20-21, 1963 the Board of John Williams has consented to is- lican. Sen. Goldwater carried 56.1% Directors of Southwestern At sue a limited number of auto- of their votes. Tabulation of the Memphis, following careful study graphs to interested parties. Fol- student vote follows: Goldwater- and with appropriate regard for lowing the intermission, the pro- 277, Johnson-217; Kuykendall-271, the action of the General Assembly gram will be concluded by the Gore-190; Baker-270, Bass--196; of the Presbyterian Church in the Concerto in F Major, No. 4, by James-245, Grider-222. United States, without dissent, Handel. The faculty, on the other hand, voted to accept as day students, be- Guest conductor for the perform- ginning were emphatically Democratic. with the session of 1961-65, ance will be Burnet C. Tuthill, the applicants qualified by character Pres. Johnson received a 2 to 1 Director Emeritus. demonstrated academic ability, and The entrance to the colncert hall victory from them. The results of seriousness of purpose, without re- is directly northwest of the attrac- PRESIDENT PEYTON N. RHODES VIGOROUSLY RETURNS one of the faculty-staff vote follows: gard to race. de- tive new billboard, an edifice Derrick Barton's serves as the two officially dedicate the new Goldwater-18, Johnson-36; Kay- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- signed to promote the intercourse tennis courts. The early morning match saw the ex-tennis coach in SOLVED that kendall-17, Gore-28; Baker-18, in continuation of between the Church and the read- good enough form to hold his own against Southwestern's own Davis this non-restrictive policy, the Bass-35; James--19, Grider-36. ing public. Cup veteran. Photo by Jim McKnight Board does hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the intsitu- tion that beginning withthe sumn- Stylus Solicits Material: College Bowl Quiz Taken By Fifty; mer session of 1965, both day and residential applicants qualified by character, demonstrated academic Prose, Poetry, Drawings Eliminations Will Begin Next Week ability, and seriousness of purpose is being sent by Martha Hunter A call for quiz books and old quizzes from magazines be enrolled without regard to race. Stylus members are sorely distressed at the lack of material so far. out by Professor Hill, chairman of the College Bowl committee. Anyone How can you ever expect to achieve any status on this campus without having such material and willing to lend it to the committee is asked being a member of Stylus? And we all know that this necessitates turn- to bring the material to the Adult / Old Issue Reborn ing in your best poetry and prose+ Education Center office. to any Stylus member, even John Gore's Absenteeism Once Southwestern's team for the SC Committee Will Solicit In New '65 Guise McQuiston. Gore's Absenteesm College Bowl is chosen, three or The proposed new constitution Because of our hopes to publish E plained By ouncil four hour-long practice sessions will Prospective SW Students may appear before the Student the magazine in January, and be- Expla Council be held each week. Such sessions Members of the Student Welfare Council this week in a second at- up question and answer tempt to ratify cause the organization needs new To clear up several misconcep- will eat Committee and Smitty Smith, sen- the document. Last members to carry it on in the fu- tions involving the candidates for material at a formidable rate so ior class president, met Friday to year the council considered the re- ture, we are pleading with you to quiz books will be of considerable formulate plans for a permanent vised constitution for over two contribute your material between US. Senate from Tennessee, who help in keeping a stock of questions team of students to aid the Devel- months. A vote on the constitution now and the first of January. were invited to speak to Southwest- ready for the practice session. opment Office in promoting South- came too late to make possible its About fifty people took the gen- groups. approval by the student body be- For those of you who like to ern students during the campaign, western to interested eral knowledge quiz. Approximately After talking with Dean Canon, fore the upcoming elections; Coun- sketch, design, doodle, your pen the Student Council, which extended half of these will be asked to take Dick Johnston, chairman of the cl members felt this was one of and ink masterpieces are being the invitations, explained the cir- part in the elimination rounds student committee, stated that he the main reasons for the defeat of sought for a cover and illustra- cumstances and results this week. using a mock set-up of the buzzer such a panel of students repre- the constitution in the vote by the tions for the magazine. Betty Sue felt Dean and Martha Hunter stand All four candidates were invited system utilized on the show. From senting all phases of campus life council. Students and council mem- these, the team of four and' two would often be better able to pre- bers have stated an interest in see- ready day and night (outside the to speak. No specific date was set 6~1 will be selected. The sent the college than an adult who ing the legislation come before the Lair) to receive them. for any candidate, but several open alternates elimination rounds will begin some- would only be telling about student council earlier this year for con- The Stylus box is still in Mrs. dates were suggested to the candi- time next week. life. sideration. Wolf's office and the next meeting dates. There was no attempt to is Wednesday night at seven o'clock in Voorhies social room. bring in opposing candidates at the SW Radio Programs Come and see. same time. Republican candidate for the Will Be Syndicated Freshmen Will Have long term, Dan Kuykendall, ac- The new Southwestern radio pro- cepted and spoke to students in gram, "From the Tower," begins Elections Wednesday last Monday's convocation pro- locally on Sunday, October 25 at On Wednesday Freshmen will gram. His opponent, Democratic 9:00 p.m. In Memphis it will be elect their class officers for the Senator Albert Gore, first told the heard over Radio Station WMQM year, Dan Daniels announced this Council that he would have to wait (Dial 148), then will be syndicated week. All those interested ii run- until after the Senate adjourned to radio stations with our four- ning for an office submitted peti- before setting up his campaign synod area. tions signed by twenty-five Fresh- schedule, and later declined, claim- Here is a schedule of the first men by 10:00 A.M. Friday. At ten ing too tight and limited a sched- programs: Friday morning in Hardie Audito- ule. Senator Gore last appeared at Nov. 1: Dr. Jack Farris, "In rium Daniels met with Freshmen Southwestern in 1963. Defense of Humanities." to meet candidates, to hear Republican candidate for the Nov. 8: Students Judy Moody, speeches by presidential candidates, short term, Howard Baker, spoke Jim Fall and Bob McLean, "An and to pose questions to the other Wednesday night in Hardie Audito- Experiment in International Liv- candidates concerning their offices. Congressman Ross Bass, accepted ing." Elections will be for class presi- the Council's invitation, but no Nov. 15: Adult Education Center. dent, secretary-treasurer, vice-pres- satisfactory time or date could be Davis, Hill, Harding, and Faux. ident, historian, and representatives worked out between the Couincil THRONGS OF MEMPHIANS AND MID-SOUTHERNERS GATHER Nov. 22: Athletics. Coach D)on to the publiactions board and to and Mr.