College Bowl Quiz Taken by Fifty; Eliminations Will Begin
Lrll anu u'wstrr " outtPentern at Memplia 46th Year MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 Vol. 46, No. 8 Southwestern Musicians Republicans Sweep Mock Poll; To Preform This Sunday The Southwestern Ensemble will Goldwater Over LBJ 277-217; present a concert of Telemann, Bach, Mozart, and Handel this Johnson Captures Faculty Vote Sunday in Evergreen Auditorium. On Wednesday, October 28, Southwestern's The Ensemble comprises four vio- students and faculty voiced their preferences in a mock election held in a lins, two violas, one 'cello, one bass, joint effort of the Young Democrats and the Young Republicans. and two oboes, played by various Democratic nom- inees were: Johnson for President, members of the student body and + Gore for Senate (long), Bass for Directors sttute faculty, and is accompanied by Senate (short), and Grider for U.S. Kenton Stellwagen on the organ. Directors Institute House of Representatives. Nom- There is no charge for admission. inees for the Republican The first selection will be the ticket New Dorm Policy were Goldwater, Kuykcndall, Baker, Trio Sonata in C Minor by Tele- and James respectively. mann, followed by the Trio Sonata In a memorandum to the faculty in D Minor by J. Sebastian Bach. The voting was divided into two and staff President Rhodes an- Immediately before intermission sections-one for the students and nounced this week that the resi- will be the Trio Sonata, by Mozart; one for the faculty. There were dence halls would be open to all it consists of three parts, the Al- 494 student voters or approxi- applicants regardless of race be- legro in A Major, K.
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