1. Ruby Cohn, New American Dramatists, (London: 2. Preface to the American Dream. Naturalism in Edward Albee's the Zoo Story, Tw
Notes 1. Ruby Cohn, New American Dramatists, (London: Macmillan, 1982) p. 5. 2. Preface to The American Dream. 3. Interview in Michael E. Rutenberg, Edward Albee: Playwright in Protest (New York: DBS Publications, 1969) pp. 231-2. Albee refers to Rose Zimbardo, 'Symbolism and Naturalism in Edward Albee's The Zoo Story, Twentieth Century Literature, 8, no. 1 (Apr 1962). 4. Interview in Rutenberg, Albee: Playwright in Protest, p. 247. 5. New York Times, 28 March 1976. 6. New York Times, 18 Feb 1963. 7. Los Angeles Times, 27 Dec 1964. 8. Digby Diehl, 'Edward Albee Interviewed', Transatlantic Review no. 13 (Summer 1963) p. 72. 9. New Yorker, 19 Dec 1964. 10. Quoted in Anita Maria Stenz, Edward Albee: The Poet of Loss (The Hague: Mouton, 1978) p. 55, n. 15. 11. Tom F. Driver, 'What's the Matter with Edward Albee', The Reporter, 2 Jan 1964. 12. Diehl interview, Transatlantic Review, no. 13, pp. 71-2. 13. Pittsburgh Press, 3 Feb 1974. 163 Edward Albee 14. New York Times, 30 July 1967. 15. New York Times, 18 Apr 1971. 16. Charles Marowitz (ed.), New American Drama (London: Penguin, 1966) p. 11. 17. New York Herald Tribune, 3 Oct 1971. 18. Interview in Rutenberg, Albee: Playwright in Protest, p. 298. 19. August Strindberg, Letters to the Intimate Theatre, tr. Walter Johnson (London: Peter Owen, 1967) p. 19. 20. Saturday Review, 24 Jan 1970. 21. Newsweek, 4 Feb 1963. 22. San Francisco Chronic/e, 12 Oct 1978. 23. Washington Post, 26 Mar 1967. 24. Interview in Rutenberg, Albee: Playwright in Protest, p.
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