Parish and Town councils submissions to the South Oxfordshire District Council electoral review This PDF document contains 28 submissions from parish and town councils. Some versions of Adobe allow the viewer to move quickly between bookmarks. Click on the submission you would like to view. If you are not taken to that page, please scroll through the document. Derek Shaw
[email protected] Berrick and Roke Parish Council Parish councillor OX10 6JW 21/12/2012 18:06 "We understand that the proposed changes in ward boundaries would move Berrick and Roke from the Benson ward to the Chalgrove Ward. Our villages border Benson but are over 2 miles from Chalgrove. We wish therefor to oppose this change since our electorate interacts, almost exclusively, with Benson concerning shopping, social activities, library etc. We feel that sharing councillors with Benson would enable our electorate to receive better consideration of their needs. Such a change, involving only about 250 people, is unlikely to have any significant effect on the ratio of councillors to electors. Dr D Shaw, Chairman, Berrick and Roke Parish Council Dunkeyson, Nicholas From: Claire Dunk Sent: 02 January 2013 13:47 To: Reviews@ Subject: FW: Draft Recommendations on new electoral arrangements for South Oxfordshire - Bix and assendon Dear Sir, Bix and Assendon parish council fully supports your draft recommendations for a new 2 member ward of Woodcote and Rotherfield. Regards Claire Dunk Parish Clerk 1 Dunkeyson, Nicholas From: Reviews@ Sent: 07 January 2013 11:16 To: Reviews@ Subject: Custom Form Submission Received R m m Custom Form Submission Received Review Editor, A new custom form submission has been received.