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BECKLEY and STOWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES for the MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING on THURSDAY 2Nd NOVEMBER 2017 at 8.00 PM at BECKLEY VILLAGE HALL, WOODPERRY ROAD BECKLEY AND STOWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE MONTHLY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ON THURSDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 2017 AT 8.00 PM AT BECKLEY VILLAGE HALL, WOODPERRY ROAD MEETING NUMBER 02.11.2017 Present: Cllr David Scott (Chair) Cllr Michael Soanes (Vice Chair) Cllr Chris Cox County Cllr Kirsten Johnson District Cllr John Walsh Sue Cox (Clerk) 1. Apologies for Absence: Received from Cllrs Camps-Walsh and Rust. 2. Declarations of Interest: Abingdon Arms planning – Cllrs agreed it was not necessary to declare an interest as there is no profit-share for members. Cllr Scott declared an interest as a neighbour for the planning item at Lower Farm, Otmoor Lane, Beckley. 3. Matters raised by Members of the Public: No members of the public were present. 4. Minutes from previous meeting: held on Thursday 5th October 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman. 5. Matters arising from previous minutes: Planning application decision for Blencowe and the Neighbourhood Plan. 6. Planning Correspondence Received: Planning Applications: P17/S3574/LDE Lower Farm, Otmoor Lane, Beckley, OX3 9TD Use of land as residential garden. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use SODC to determine the decision for this application P17/S3728/FUL Abingdon Arms, High Street Beckley, OX3 9UU Demolition of existing toilet accommodation. Construction of new toilet accommodation. The Parish Council considered that this application should be approved. P17/S3729/LB Abingdon Arms, High Street Beckley, OX3 9UU Demolition of existing toilet accommodation. Construction of new toilet accommodation. The Parish Council considered that this application should be approved. Minutes 2nd November 2017 Chairman’s Signature 1 P17/S2869/HH 4 Beckley Court, Beckley, OX3 9UB Amendment No 1 – dated 25th October 2017 Proposed new front/side extension and roof pitch raised to adjoining structure (as amended by drawing number 1501-P-100 rev B to set back from footpath received on 25th October 2017) The Parish Council had No Strong Views on this application. Planning Decisions: P17/S3249/DIS Sandy Warren, New Inn Road, Beckley, OX3 9TZ Discharge of condition(s) 3 (materials), 4 (landscaping) for planning permission P17/S1821/FUL: Proposed erection of a detached two- bedroom dwelling with access. Fully Discharged on 18th October 2017 P17/S2840/HH Grey House, High Street, Beckley, OX3 9UU Take down stone boundary wall adjoining public footpath/vehicular access. Rebuild with existing stone, with minor alterations and new wall capping. Planning Permission on 2nd October 2017 7. Correspondence Received: For Action: • OALC – Introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations – information for Cllrs and Clerk on the new regulations for 2018 For Info • SODC Town and Parish Forum – 1st November 2017 • TVERC Latest Newsletter for 2017 • OALC Newsletter for October • Community First Oxon – Attracting new volunteers in your community – free event • Cath Dale, SODC – Tennis across South Oxfordshire • OCC – Oxfordshire Housing Survey 2017 – return forms by 17.11.17 • Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – Autumn Newsletter 2017 • Planning SODC – South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011-2033 Update • Sue Ryder – Nettlebed Hospice – Support Your Local Services • CPRE Oxfordshire – Comments on South Oxfordshire Local Plan • Bob Bixby – Playing Field – Motorbikes • SODC – Presentation from Parish and Neighbourhood Planning Group briefing on the Local Plan on 11.10.17 • Thames Valley Police Newsletter for October 2017 Minutes 2nd November 2017 Chairman’s Signature 2 • CPRE – invitation to a talk on Survival of the English Village on Saturday 11th November at Lewknor Village Hall • Peter Ross – Orchard Rent • Summary Leaflet – Police and Crime Plan 2017 to 2021 • Invitation to AGE UK Oxfordshire’s AGM and Dignity in Care Awards 2017 – 3.11.17 • OALC – Community Resilience Innovation Fund • TOE2 – New funding for Woodlands • Thames Valley Police - #ProtectYourWorld Campaign Support 8. Payments and Accounts: cheques/DD to be considered for payment in November: 02.11.17 BGG Garden and Tree Care – September playing field £216.00 chq 1620 02.11.17 Interdirect Ltd – Domain Name Hosting – annual fee £120.00 chq 1621 02.11.17 Beckley Village Hall – Room Hire – July to September £48.00 chq 1622 02.11.17 Ron Jones – Mole control for October £60.00 chq 1623 02.11.17 HMRC – PAYE – NIC due £16.32 chq 1624 30.11.17 S Cox – November wages £797.73 chq 1625 02.11.17 D Scott reimbursement for Stack-a-Stage invoice £84.00 chq 1626 10.11.17 NEST Pension £5.88 DD Total = £1347.93 9. To approve and accept the Annual Return for the year ended 31.3.17: The Annual Return was presented to the Parish Council and has been approved and accepted by the PC. The issues arising report and plan of action were agreed. 10. To consider the formal letter of engagement from Arrow Accounting: This was agreed and signed by the Chairman and RFO. Clerk to return agreement to Arrow Accounting. 11. To review the following documents for the Internal Audit (previously circulated): a. Financial Regulations – January 2016 version – Reviewed and accepted. b. Model Standing Orders for Local Councils – Part Two – Reviewed and accepted. 12. To receive a Village Hall Update from Cllr Scott to include additional works: Quotes for acoustic ceiling panels and tennis court refurbishment will be offered for consideration at the December meeting. CT Walters, electricians via Kingerlee, have been to the hall to quote/plan for the installation of hand driers. Darnell, plumbers via Kingerlee, have drained- down the grass roof system for the winter. Additional landscaping has been done and new planting has taken place. A sound system and projector are now being considered. Gigaclear internet is installed and working. 13. To consider works to the Field Gate on the playing field: The gate should fill most of the gap, to include a new hanging and shutting post and a pedestrian gate. Cox Farms to cost a proposal. 14. To consider cash flow, grant funding and loan drawn-down for the next month: No requirement for draw-down. Minutes 2nd November 2017 Chairman’s Signature 3 15. To confirm plans for Firework Night on 4th November 2017: a. Food – Update - FOBS providing burgers, sausages, condiments etc from a gazebo. Covered by PTA insurance and Level 1 Food Hygiene. b. Drinks - Update – BVHMC/BIG Ann Henman, Judy Bushrod, Gina Robson and Susy Jepson have kindly offered to serve mulled wine, tea, coffee, hot chocolate and squash. c. First Aid – booked by Clerk d. Fireworks – booked by Clerk and insurance certificates received for file e. Bonfire – to be built by Cllr Cox f. Risk Assessment – discussed and amended at the meeting – Clerk g. Float for bar and gates – Clerk and Treasurer BVHMC to arrange h. On the day – Saturday morning - put tapes, rope, barriers out for parking and firework and BBQ areas on the playing field. Lights needed for car park and gate entrances. i. Firework Signs – Cllr Cox and Scott have erected signs around the parish. 16. To receive a report from County Councillor Dr Kirsten Johnson: Cllr Johnson has been occupied with transport issues regarding the bus service in Wheatley. £4.4m of subsidy has been withdrawn from County bus services. A helpful meeting was held with Stagecoach Oxford regarding bus subsidies and possibilities for the future. Cllr Johnson will be putting a motion forward to get public bus services back into the villages. Smaller buses could feed into larger hubs, such as the Park & Ride. Some areas have community services such as The Comet/Otmoor Flyer, but there are not countywide community services. Car sharing has not worked in villages. Old bus routes were not updated when road layouts changed. Some believe that houses are not selling in Horspath as a result of no bus service at all in the village. The Otmoor Flyer is now breaking even, but would stop if the Four Parish Councils withdrew subsidy funding. Beckley has agreed to provide one quarter of subsidy, a <£500 annual subsidy to cover 2017&18 to be paid in January. Speed limit reduction on the Horton Road – no further action to be taken in the short term. Oxford to Cambridge Expressway Action Group – Cllr Johnson has details which she will forward to the Clerk if any of the Cllrs wish to join the Action Group’s mailing list. 17. To receive a report from District Councillor John Walsh: The Local Plan is out for consultation until 30th November 2017. The SODC offices at Wallingford are to be rebuilt over the next couple of years. This was the cheapest alternative to staying at Didcot. Unitary Authority – nothing has happened since the summer, but a couple of working experiments are taking place. Bin collections – now with two lorries. There have been teething problems with the food bin collections and some bins have not been emptied. 18. To receive a Visual Playground Inspection Report from Cllr Michael Soanes: PC discussed replacing the chippings in the play area. The chippings would have to be delivered in bags to the car park and transferred with a skip loader. Date to be agreed to undertake this work. 19. To consider Preparing for Winter and Snow Clearing Plans: Cox Farms will clear the village as necessary in the event of snow and invoice the PC at an hourly rate. 20. To consider Parking at School Times on Church Corner: This was not an issue for the PC and the School could take this up with the County Council if it is a problem for the School. Minutes 2nd November 2017 Chairman’s Signature 4 21. Date of Next Meetings: a. Thursday 7th December 2017 at 8.00 pm at Beckley Village Hall – move date to Wednesday 6th December 2017 as some Cllrs are not available on the 7th.
Recommended publications
    The Beckley Newsletter News Views and Comment from around the Parish Summer 2013 Produced under the auspices of the Beckley and Stowood Parish Council Any comments or opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Council ________________________________________________________________________________ NEWS FROM THE PARISH Battery recycling on your doorstep COUNCIL May 2013 Oxfordshire Waste Partnership is now collecting used batteries for recycling. Place used batteries in a clear plastic bag (eg a sandwich bag). Leave the The Parish Council met on 7 March, 4 April and 1 bag on top of your wheelie bin on collection day. May, with an additional briefing meeting on 19 There are some free plastic bags promoting the new May in preparation for the Village Hall consultation scheme pinned to the notice board in the village meeting on 23 May. At the meeting on 1 May, hall (or ring Clare on 01865 351134 for a supply). David Scott was re-elected as chair, and Michael School car parking Soanes as vice-chair. Please park safely, and if at all possible use the car park at the Abingdon Arms. Beckley Village Hall new build project See report from the chair of the parish council and The Village website the chair of the management committee. Up and running at www.beckley-and- The playing field The remains of the bonfire have been cleared. Correspondence There was broken glass and an accumulation of Parish Clerk Sue Cox’s telephone is 01865 351415, debris in the rough area behind the hall, dangerous email address for all Parish Council business is: to children and dogs.
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