Church in America Does Not Wont Privileged Position
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PREFIGUREMENT OF EUCHARIST Soldiers Attend Requiem Sappleineift to the D^yer CathoUe Register Of Would-Be Infantryman N ational National Otkland, r j» f — An honor write (3T send get-well cards Section Section guard of Infantrymea terred to him.” a^paUbeiron at the Requiem More than 3,000 U,S. infan trymen around the world re THE Man for Timmy Heart, nine* sponded with letten and year-dd leukemia vietlm who cards. He received a "com- wanted to be "J o t a plain old miasion" as captain o f the w a lk ^ aoldier.” • honor guard at Port lUley, Tlie boy's iUneu came to Kans„ and the 30th Infant^ public attentlott when bit at Port Sill, Okla., sent a spe mother, Hn. HiHred Mean, cial medal Inaoibed: "Hmo- REGISTERj (Name Roistered in the D. & Patent Oftlee) wrote to the Army Tim« t ^ M ean— An Outstanding new^per of hit pUj^t and Walking Soldiek.'* MsW iR OP AUDIT RURIAUnUMAU OP CIRCULATIONS hit amUtlon with the request: Before the deluge of maQ n d i Paper N Onuwetw) with NCWC Waihtnftfln Kews Heedeouten tar Rs Own Lessetf Wbe, Bm B t Owe *Tt would make him the hap- the lad lapeed into a coma. SridBl SerriM, tutlifhmi Ntw* S tr r im , Mlwiion SorleM, ktfietaue News Pbotse aad NCTO natare SerrIe* 'I piect little boy in the world if He did not regain conadous- T hw rs^y« M arch 24, 1960 siome real aoldien would ness. '•SB r r PAPAL DELEGATE TELLS SYM POSIUM Church in America Does Not Wont Privileged Position Chicago.—“I feel that it is a true interpreta SPECIAL COmriSSfON E8TAB U SH B D tion of the feelings of the Hierarchy and of Ameri can Catholics in general to say they are well satis fied with their (institution and pleased wi^ the CANADA AIDS LATIN AMERICA fundamental freedoms enji^ed by their Church," O tta m a , Ont — Canada’s nurses, teachers, and aodal heart to lia Latin American Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi. Apostolic Delegate to Bishops launched a program to woriters. brothers.” help the Church in l^Hn Ameri In addition to urging Catiio- Lut October the Bishops re the United Slates, said at a session of a Loyola Uni ca meet tts tremendous prob Uc educational institutions to leased a report that showed that versity symposium discussing “Leo Xm and thet lems. accept more Latin American more than 1,000 priests, re Modem World." ' ' “ ■ ‘To golds the efforts of Cin- students and to foster ex ligious. and laymen from In commenting on Chiireh- \ ada’s 7,788400 Catholics In changes of student aad teadter Canada are sorting in 20 Latin State separation in the United JE8U8 TEED8 5,000 MtHACVLOESLY the plan, the Hierarchy ^ b - groups, the Bishops asked that American countries. [N(^C Statea, the Delegate said that llahed a Biihope’ efforts be increased to contact Radio and Wire] U. S. Biahopi and Catholk THE IH E U E OF THE BIASS tcfo r the for His gifts. He did the seme at the Last for Latin America, which will Latin American Catbdlc sto- Americans in general believe I fourth Sundiy tn Lent is one of Jew, the Supper, and the Canon o f the Mass, b^ttmlng help set up a national office dents attending Cadadisn non- that the freedom enjoyed by ' v M tn a l Joy th st sh ou ld fill th e h esrti o f th ooe with the Preface, is also essentially a Oank» to be known u the Canadian Catholic colleges and nnlve^ their .Church “is to a L ^ e ex 1 h are draw n closer to G od th rou gh L en ten giving bleeaing aald over the aacramental Bread Catholic Office of Latin Amer sltia so that they will not lose tent retponflMe for the expan- , p n d k ee o f dcrO ftoo end eeH -deniaL P rom the and Wine, the iriiole acrrlce being therefore lea. ‘The office will be estab their interest in the faith. don and consolidation o f the ft e w ord of the Intnft, ‘H ceU re” (R eU ee), known as the Eucharist, Ia , "tbankiglving.” lished ih this dty in the bead- St Francis Xavier's Unive^ Church in this great country.” I th e S n aday is k n ow n as L aO n re Sunday. S t Matthew in his aecount o f the inddent quartets of the CUnedian Cath AnUgoniab, NB., w u “Whether they ronain a mi To these periupe worn and tried by.’ tbe says (xlv, 19) that Jesus "blessed and broke the olic Conference, which b simi asked to fnmisb hdp in credit nority or become a majority,” I lonten fast, ^ (Se^el o t the Mass (John tI, loaves, and gave them to His disciples, ind the lar to the NCWC o f the United union and co-operative move be added, “ I am sore that |l-U) pictures Christ mineuloBs^ feeding a disdples gave them to the crowds.” He b n ^ SUtes._____ ments. CathoUe Americans will not <4 5,000 penons'-with fire lo m s and two the loaves st the Last Supper also, and this VOLUNTEERS Mass medis of communica jeopardize their cherished reli fitbee. TIm words used to deecrihe the actions symbolic adtion is such an important of the TO GIVE AID tions and educational institn- gious freedom in exejumge for at Jeeus afe remarkihly like ttioae oaed hr Els Eucharistic Sacrifice that the H w in the Canadian piieets and quali tions were urged to help Canada a privileged porition.” “grow dally near, in mhvl ind I tnstitotfon o f the Sudurlst, and putpoeely ao, Apostolic Church wu generally, called “The fied lay persons will be encour The ArcbMahop spcAe on aged to vdunteer their terv- for He intended the ndracle of the loaves to Breaking of the Bread.” Distribution of the Leo'XnTs concept of liberty I prefigure the sacrament of Soeharist lorrei and fishes by the Apoetles indicates the icea, colleges and aniversltlee Georgetown Alumnus and on Church theory and prao- I *When He had givn thankB,” we are told, share they and fiidr succeators would have In will be asked to accept many tice in regard to Church-State I Jfaaaa dlatrOnted the loaves. That la. He redted the edministration of HJs tacramanta, the moct more Latin American students, over them a prayer, bleaatng and ( M glorious of which is the Eucharist and lay b en ^ ctors will be Nomd U, S/Senotor Archbishop Egidle VagBossI Leo XUfs concept of liberty, urged to donate tangible goods, Salem, Ore. — Hall Stoner the divinely prescribed form C A m oues asirAfir l o y a l t o t a i t h sneta as traniporUQon equip Lusk, 76, Justice of the Oregon be said, has been put into prac worship.” ment. Supreme Court, named by Gov. CHAJTGE A RM IE8 tice in the United Statu from The sad‘fact, said the Bishops Mark 0 . Ibtfield o f Ore its beginning.' He pointed out that the two IMPRISONMENT OF BISHOPS “it that there are today some gon to fill the nnexpired F a th er R ob ert Arrow “ TJberty Uadtr G «r^ he Popes also said, however, that, 167,000400 CatboUci In the U t- term of the late Sen. Rich smith, SJ. (left), and F r> declared. “U an axtou tint alt^pnf^ .the. Church deems it in A m eriou continent^ or ard !>. Nenberger until the No titen Robert T. Becka. 8J. sigpJflu American freedoiu wrong to place the various GIVES CLUE OF RESISTANCE about 30 per cent of the Cath vember elections. Is an alumnus (ri^ t), were ordained in Tokyo u most Anerlcaae Rader- forms of divine wwship on the of Georgetown Univerrity. He Is by CardinaMedgnate Peter Ttt- stum It. To this sym pttb^ Hong K o n g .T h e -ptUCB catad the fullnoM o f hia priestly and distortions.” olic popnlation of the worid, same footing at Catholicism, also a member of the Knights of rao Doi, Archbiihop of Toyko. observer, it sp p ea rs that llen n ^ven by Rad C h t n e a e Ufe. It is tragic irony that he Meanvdiile, in other parts of with only 85,000 priests to en the Church does'not condemn Columbus. They both served in the U.S. Americans reeofniae that dm- thiMB rulers who, to gain tome E.(alMald now be accused of work the CommunlA world, Blshope sure for -them the benefits of Icourts to B idiop Jam es arin^ forces sgiinst Japan, and dience to the laws o f the Cre Falsh, IS I f, m l B ishop Ifr ing against their interatts.” were convicted by Red courts their religion, that is, about Bom in Washington. D.C., in great, good, or binder tome 1883, J u s t i c e Luak attended now tb ^ are serving as ndesion- ator is essential for true lib great evil, allow custom or li^ n s Sung, 8J ., are regardw .In Boston, Cardinal Cuahlng in Czedio-Slovakia and Yugo- nine end one-half per' cent of all the in t^ world.” Georgetown Prep Sdtod and ■ries in Christ’s army. erty. usage to he a kind o f r e ^ o n fnd: “We can tee in Biahop flavla and a- priest w u sen evidan ea of th e con tin u ing Georgetown University and its Father Arrowsmitb, from Loe baying its place in the state.