Church in America Does Not Wont Privileged Position

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Church in America Does Not Wont Privileged Position PREFIGUREMENT OF EUCHARIST Soldiers Attend Requiem Sappleineift to the D^yer CathoUe Register Of Would-Be Infantryman N ational National Otkland, r j» f — An honor write (3T send get-well cards Section Section guard of Infantrymea terred to him.” a^paUbeiron at the Requiem More than 3,000 U,S. infan­ trymen around the world re­ THE Man for Timmy Heart, nine* sponded with letten and year-dd leukemia vietlm who cards. He received a "com- wanted to be "J o t a plain old miasion" as captain o f the w a lk ^ aoldier.” • honor guard at Port lUley, Tlie boy's iUneu came to Kans„ and the 30th Infant^ public attentlott when bit at Port Sill, Okla., sent a spe­ mother, Hn. HiHred Mean, cial medal Inaoibed: "Hmo- REGISTERj (Name Roistered in the D. & Patent Oftlee) wrote to the Army Tim« t ^ M ean— An Outstanding new^per of hit pUj^t and Walking Soldiek.'* MsW iR OP AUDIT RURIAUnUMAU OP CIRCULATIONS hit amUtlon with the request: Before the deluge of maQ n d i Paper N Onuwetw) with NCWC Waihtnftfln Kews Heedeouten tar Rs Own Lessetf Wbe, Bm B t Owe *Tt would make him the hap- the lad lapeed into a coma. SridBl SerriM, tutlifhmi Ntw* S tr r im , Mlwiion SorleM, ktfietaue News Pbotse aad NCTO natare SerrIe* 'I piect little boy in the world if He did not regain conadous- T hw rs^y« M arch 24, 1960 siome real aoldien would ness. '•SB r r PAPAL DELEGATE TELLS SYM POSIUM Church in America Does Not Wont Privileged Position Chicago.—“I feel that it is a true interpreta­ SPECIAL COmriSSfON E8TAB U SH B D tion of the feelings of the Hierarchy and of Ameri­ can Catholics in general to say they are well satis­ fied with their (institution and pleased wi^ the CANADA AIDS LATIN AMERICA fundamental freedoms enji^ed by their Church," O tta m a , Ont — Canada’s nurses, teachers, and aodal heart to lia Latin American Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi. Apostolic Delegate to Bishops launched a program to woriters. brothers.” help the Church in l^Hn Ameri­ In addition to urging Catiio- Lut October the Bishops re­ the United Slates, said at a session of a Loyola Uni­ ca meet tts tremendous prob­ Uc educational institutions to leased a report that showed that versity symposium discussing “Leo Xm and thet lems. accept more Latin American more than 1,000 priests, re­ Modem World." ' ' “ ■ ‘To golds the efforts of Cin- students and to foster ex­ ligious. and laymen from In commenting on Chiireh- \ ada’s 7,788400 Catholics In changes of student aad teadter Canada are sorting in 20 Latin State separation in the United JE8U8 TEED8 5,000 MtHACVLOESLY the plan, the Hierarchy ^ b - groups, the Bishops asked that American countries. [N(^C Statea, the Delegate said that llahed a Biihope’ efforts be increased to contact Radio and Wire] U. S. Biahopi and Catholk THE IH E U E OF THE BIASS tcfo r the for His gifts. He did the seme at the Last for Latin America, which will Latin American Catbdlc sto- Americans in general believe I fourth Sundiy tn Lent is one of Jew, the Supper, and the Canon o f the Mass, b^ttmlng help set up a national office dents attending Cadadisn non- that the freedom enjoyed by ' v M tn a l Joy th st sh ou ld fill th e h esrti o f th ooe with the Preface, is also essentially a Oank» to be known u the Canadian Catholic colleges and nnlve^ their .Church “is to a L ^ e ex­ 1 h are draw n closer to G od th rou gh L en ten giving bleeaing aald over the aacramental Bread Catholic Office of Latin Amer sltia so that they will not lose tent retponflMe for the expan- , p n d k ee o f dcrO ftoo end eeH -deniaL P rom the and Wine, the iriiole acrrlce being therefore lea. ‘The office will be estab­ their interest in the faith. don and consolidation o f the ft e w ord of the Intnft, ‘H ceU re” (R eU ee), known as the Eucharist, Ia , "tbankiglving.” lished ih this dty in the bead- St Francis Xavier's Unive^ Church in this great country.” I th e S n aday is k n ow n as L aO n re Sunday. S t Matthew in his aecount o f the inddent quartets of the CUnedian Cath­ AnUgoniab, NB., w u “Whether they ronain a mi­ To these periupe worn and tried by.’ tbe says (xlv, 19) that Jesus "blessed and broke the olic Conference, which b simi­ asked to fnmisb hdp in credit nority or become a majority,” I lonten fast, ^ (Se^el o t the Mass (John tI, loaves, and gave them to His disciples, ind the lar to the NCWC o f the United union and co-operative move­ be added, “ I am sore that |l-U) pictures Christ mineuloBs^ feeding a disdples gave them to the crowds.” He b n ^ SUtes._____ ments. CathoUe Americans will not <4 5,000 penons'-with fire lo m s and two the loaves st the Last Supper also, and this VOLUNTEERS Mass medis of communica­ jeopardize their cherished reli­ fitbee. TIm words used to deecrihe the actions symbolic adtion is such an important of the TO GIVE AID tions and educational institn- gious freedom in exejumge for at Jeeus afe remarkihly like ttioae oaed hr Els Eucharistic Sacrifice that the H w in the Canadian piieets and quali­ tions were urged to help Canada a privileged porition.” “grow dally near, in mhvl ind I tnstitotfon o f the Sudurlst, and putpoeely ao, Apostolic Church wu generally, called “The fied lay persons will be encour­ The ArcbMahop spcAe on aged to vdunteer their terv- for He intended the ndracle of the loaves to Breaking of the Bread.” Distribution of the Leo'XnTs concept of liberty I prefigure the sacrament of Soeharist lorrei and fishes by the Apoetles indicates the icea, colleges and aniversltlee Georgetown Alumnus and on Church theory and prao- I *When He had givn thankB,” we are told, share they and fiidr succeators would have In will be asked to accept many tice in regard to Church-State I Jfaaaa dlatrOnted the loaves. That la. He redted the edministration of HJs tacramanta, the moct more Latin American students, over them a prayer, bleaatng and ( M glorious of which is the Eucharist and lay b en ^ ctors will be Nomd U, S/Senotor Archbishop Egidle VagBossI Leo XUfs concept of liberty, urged to donate tangible goods, Salem, Ore. — Hall Stoner the divinely prescribed form C A m oues asirAfir l o y a l t o t a i t h sneta as traniporUQon equip­ Lusk, 76, Justice of the Oregon be said, has been put into prac­ worship.” ment. Supreme Court, named by Gov. CHAJTGE A RM IE8 tice in the United Statu from The sad‘fact, said the Bishops Mark 0 . Ibtfield o f Ore­ its beginning.' He pointed out that the two IMPRISONMENT OF BISHOPS “it that there are today some gon to fill the nnexpired F a th er R ob ert Arrow “ TJberty Uadtr G «r^ he Popes also said, however, that, 167,000400 CatboUci In the U t- term of the late Sen. Rich­ smith, SJ. (left), and F r> declared. “U an axtou tint alt^pnf^ .the. Church deems it in A m eriou continent^ or ard !>. Nenberger until the No­ titen Robert T. Becka. 8J. sigpJflu American freedoiu wrong to place the various GIVES CLUE OF RESISTANCE about 30 per cent of the Cath­ vember elections. Is an alumnus (ri^ t), were ordained in Tokyo u most Anerlcaae Rader- forms of divine wwship on the of Georgetown Univerrity. He Is by CardinaMedgnate Peter Ttt- stum It. To this sym pttb^ Hong K o n g .T h e -ptUCB catad the fullnoM o f hia priestly and distortions.” olic popnlation of the worid, same footing at Catholicism, also a member of the Knights of rao Doi, Archbiihop of Toyko. observer, it sp p ea rs that llen n ^ven by Rad C h t n e a e Ufe. It is tragic irony that he Meanvdiile, in other parts of with only 85,000 priests to en­ the Church does'not condemn Columbus. They both served in the U.S. Americans reeofniae that dm- thiMB rulers who, to gain tome E.(alMald now be accused of work­ the CommunlA world, Blshope sure for -them the benefits of Icourts to B idiop Jam es arin^ forces sgiinst Japan, and dience to the laws o f the Cre­ Falsh, IS I f, m l B ishop Ifr ing against their interatts.” were convicted by Red courts their religion, that is, about Bom in Washington. D.C., in great, good, or binder tome 1883, J u s t i c e Luak attended now tb ^ are serving as ndesion- ator is essential for true lib­ great evil, allow custom or li^ n s Sung, 8J ., are regardw .In Boston, Cardinal Cuahlng in Czedio-Slovakia and Yugo- nine end one-half per' cent of all the in t^ world.” Georgetown Prep Sdtod and ■ries in Christ’s army. erty. usage to he a kind o f r e ^ o n fnd: “We can tee in Biahop flavla and a- priest w u sen evidan ea of th e con tin u ing Georgetown University and its Father Arrowsmitb, from Loe baying its place in the state.
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