Welcome to Your Year of Impact and Day 2 of 31 days of living with impact.

Olivia Pope is the hugely powerful White House ‘fixer’ in the hit TV series . Her team are unswervingly loyal, willing to go ‘over a cliff’ for her. When they don’t fully understand the reason behind what she’s asking them to do, they do it anyway. Why? Because they know she is one of the ‘good guys,’ bringing ‘light into the dark’.

They are motivated by her vision. Their ‘over a cliff’ loyalty could not be bought with a bonus or pay rise. They have bought into Olivia’s vision. Her vision is their vision.

Olivia Pope may be a TV character, but she is playing out a profound truth. If you are to have impact in the world, you must inspire others with your vision.

You have to be beyond personal ambition. You have to be about more than ‘me.’ Your motivation must be about more than money.

People will not ‘go over a cliff’ to make you more money. They will not follow you to make you more successful. They will follow you when your vision inspires them: when your vision becomes their vision.

People will follow you over a cliff because you are leading the way for them to fulfill their vision. Your vision is also theirs.

You are here with me because you share my vision. My vision is a world where good people play their part and make their contribution because right now the world needs good people to play their part.

Today’s Direction

What’s your vision?

What ‘s your bigger picture?

Write it down now. Perfect it later.

My vision is a world where…

Detach from you and move to the impact of you.

Go Big Picture. That’s the source of your impact in the world.