"Ewi Against the First Quarter ¦ OPEN SATURDAYS of , Bmffl DURING AUGUST, 9.30 to 6.00 THURSDAYS, P.M
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<#¦ •*•'****¦¦ ¦ "XST’? • -; • THE EVENING STAR 'Talkathon' Credited i Washington, D. C. A-5** With McMath Defeat WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IS, IMS HHr Idaho Republicans In Arkansas Runoff | S| By th. Associated Prats I I Jl K Renominate Wood, LITTLEROCK, Ark., Aug. 13. Bl A new. unique method of political 9 Bj Hp Jsjls campaigning, the “Talkathon,” w H Arch-Enemy of U. N. with ftt g, jjjjF was credited today giving By th« Associated the Arkansas Democratic guber- Brass natorial nomination to a little BOISE, Idaho, Aug. 13.—Repre- known country judge. sentative John T. Wood, one of Judge Francis Cherry today the most outspoken foes of the turned back Gov. Sid McMath’s bid, backed by President Truman, United Nations in Congress, won for a third term as Arkansas’ chief the Republican nomination from executive. Idaho’s Ist congressional district Gov. McMath conceded his de- in yesterday’s primary. feat at 10:35 p.m., (CST), slightly The big. bald four hours after the physician, who more than served a term as Socialist Mayor polls closed in today’s runoff of Coeur d’Alene in 1912, charged primary. in his campaign that the U. N. “A trend has been definitely es- charter was primarily clearly written tablished and it shows that I B Wk flHBBb by the Russians, and blasted the people desire a change in the JBWBMy W «—mbA k |B^MBBfIB|gBM UNESCO as "the greatest subver- administration,” Gov. McMath |BflP M IPIIHHI 1T sive plot in history." . said. : fl jfl jmjmk mm* jflflßfc&. Complete “I .|> 9 returns from 320 of concede the election to Fran- 399 precincts gave 14,379 cis Cherry pledge my support Wood and to 12,266 for his opponent. State to him and his administration.” Senator Erwin Schweibert. Mr. Led by 41.1 M Votes. Schwiebert conceded Wood’s nom- By 10:55 p.m., Cherry, who took ination early today. an early lead ahd was never Dr. Wood will be opposed in headed, was ahead of McMath by the November general election by some votes. E [j IT S LIKE this—Gov. Stevenson, Mrs. Gracie Pfost of Nampa, 48.000 }y ¥ ; at- HE LISTENS TO THE PRESIDENT—Adjust! a S ‘ red-haired real Unofficial returns from 1,618 rlp€d lrt wi red ’ °° •» estate dealer whom of h his necktie T- «r the be looking toward thethe White House. *"? *? ocratic presidential nomSw Anders thf an- he defeated in the 1950 general State’s 2,286 gave speaks J re *°rter » ou ‘- boxes lookfnr*toward* to Mr. Truman at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. swer to a question and asks to “bo by Cherry 122,151 S,de Wh,t * newsmen election but 783 votes. votes; McMath the House ’ gentle 76.500. ? with me.” —AP Photos. Returns from 308 of 399 pre- - gave - Mrs. Pfost State The Talkathon is a trademarked nm - " ''jm cints 9,676; audience-participation program. ' Senator L. Cotty Lowry, 4,392; Truman II Representative The candidate sits before a micro- (Continued Page.) former Compton L From First Truman-Stevenson Text White, 4.662, and Dr. phone and questions Paul Eke, answers expected By th« Associated Prats University popped by the visible audience or he to hit the whistle 20th day of January—l almost former of Idaho pro- radio listeners. stops just as he did in winning re- Following is the text of the gave you two months there. fessor, 1,879. Mr. Lowry conceded It also developed ' years remarks by Gov. meeting his defeat. into a fund-raising medium for election four ago—but it Stevenson. The has been very Mr. Cherry’s campaign. seemed doubtful that his cam- President Truman and Senator satisfactory from my viewpoint. Representative Hamer Budge. paigning Sparkman to the Republican, unopposed will be that extensive—- '¦ newsmen after We have discussed various was in the by - I?. congressional Owned Ad Fins. some 31,000 m v —^4! Jmt Truman-Stevenson conference 2d district G. he covered miles then. W things. The details O. P. If? elm \v*2M yesterday will be nominating The idea, conceived and owned One authoritative source, ac- mLmjm, on the political cam- worked out at a later date, but race. Democrat W. by cording pC flfl^gi^ paign: H. (Pete) Jensen, Houck 8c Co., a Miami (Fla.) to the Associated Press, flfit'V.wTtf I think we are both happy and a fanner from •x/w. Downey, will oppose advertising firm, was first used said the President made a whistle- slip satisfied that the meeting him in the stop Gov. Gov. Stevenson: I have had took general election. Mr. for campaigning in the Florida offer to Stevenson, but a place. I sure that I Jensen at the same very pleasant opportunity to am am. had no opposition. Governor’s race last spring. Itcommented time: '¦ jL Senator Sparkman: The Presi- the lunch with the President and wasn’t quite as successful there “You are one who has got to 1 dent has suggested I as it was campaign. It is up to members of the cabinet. An- that had for Mr. Cherry. run the to say something in order to pay Mr. Cherry you.” other such lunch and I’llbe so 5 entered the cam- for that luncheon. I don’t Louisiana Men Indicted paign without a political record The nominee’s response was not fat I won’t be able to campaign, quoted. I’m afraid. know, perhaps the shorter the that could be attacked. He had speech I make, Hebert Election served only chancery No Conclusions on Speeches. I have also had the good for- the greater In Probe as a judge would be price. By East On point, of tune to meet all the White the rite Associated Prati in Arkansas. this one President I enjoyed A prematurely grey Truman’s principal House staff and had a person- have the meeting NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 13.—A man of 43, advisers said here today. I enjoyed Mr. Cherry possesses a today that “no conclusions have ally conducted tour, with Sen- have the Federal grand jury indicted five convincing opportunity to meet voice. Throughout the campaign been reached” on.the President’s ator Sparkman and myself, with Gov. election officials on conspiracy he answered an speaking program. around the White House. Stevenson and President Tru- charges today after an investiga- estimated 30,000 and questions—many of them No thought has been given to I have also had the oppor- man members of Gov. Ste- tion of the 1950 election of United over and venson’s staff, the over again—in a soft conversa- a back-platform drive of the pro- tunity for a briefing on the White House States Representative F. Edward tional portions of 1948,-with the Presi- staff and members of the cabi- Hebert of New Orleans. tone. international situation and also I dent criss-crossing the a very net. have enjoyed the lunch. Five Plaqaemines Parish (Coun- country, satisfactory and reassur- I have this spokesman said, “but you can ing and gratifying -talk with the enjoyed the briefing on ty) Election Commissioners were rest is going the world situation and the named in the assured that he to President about the campaign. general one-count indict- Maryland Democrats campaign.” I am deeply grateful to him discussion that we had ment. President Truman and Gov. for his proffer of co-operation relating to the campaign. The indictment said the com- Stevenson already have bumped in every respect and in every I am looking forward with a missioners were supporters of great Mr. To Begin Campaigning into each other on speaking dates, degree. I am sure that both deal of interest to the Hebert, who last month was re- but the matter is being on. Senator campaign. I elected from Ist Maryland worked Sparkman and I feel have told the Louisiana’s con- Democrats are not Gov. Stevenson has planned to ourselves richly by this Governor that I was subject to gressional district. waiting Day, rewarded until Labor as tradi- open his campaign on Labor Day opportunity confer his command and subject to Indicted were: tion has it, open to with the his to their cam- in Detroit. President Truman President here this afternoon. call, and I look forward with a Angelo Trumbaturi, Henry Geh- paign this year. tentatively had accepted an en- great bauer, sr., Emile E. Brooke The President: Governor, it deal of interest to the Mumphrey, Lee, newly named gagement in Milwaukee, the same has been a pleasure to you campaign of carrying the Anthony Mumphrey and Joseph State chairman of the day—September have truth Democratic 1. Neither had and the Senator here and have to the American people. If we Bazile. campaign, said today his organi- been aware of the other's inten- you meet all the staff, able to Representative Hebert starting to work and to are do that. I shall have said the zation is at once tions. the you every indictment “was —‘‘we not see White House that confidence in the outcome politically in- are willing to wait until May Speak On Same Day. will occupy after the of the spired and designed to Labor Day.” 4th—the campaign. embarrass In Springfield last nifht, Gov. those who have stood up for Mr. Lee listed arrange- rights these events to Stevenson said that if erners concluding here States and constitutional kickoff the campaign: cap ou$“I conferences government.” , ments be worked think 2 Southern 6.0. P. Leaders with Gen. Eisenhower An Eastern Shore Democratic both may speak the same THE PRESIDENT APPROVES—Gov.