Chapter 3 KEVIN SOLEZ – MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta
[email protected] Megarian Myths: Extrapolating the Narrative Traditions of Megara Studying the local in the framework of localism is to study the parameters that constrain the lives and thoughts of people who conceive of themselves as belonging to a particular place. I am inspired by Conceptual Metaphor Theory,1 where the physical structures of the brain that encode sensory-motor experience are recruited by the brain for cognition about all abstract things.2 The local experience of individuals in their landscape and culture, much of this dependent on their home territory and mobility, is the source domain for their thinking about everything else, including places and people that are not present, and not part of their locale. The local referents and their dynamics - sensory-motor experience in the first place, but also geography, rituals, stories, institutions, ancestries, cuisine, economic activities, etc. – structure the thinking of those embedded in the locale and constitute an individual’s template of cognition. 1 The importance of the local and local experience in Conceptual Metaphor Theory can be seen in the work of Z. Kövecses, e.g. “In many cases the ‘same’ bodily phenomenon may be interpreted differently in different cultures and that activities of the body (and the body itself) are often ‘construed’ differentially in terms of local cultural knowledge.[…] And yet, it seems to me reasonable to suggest that the kinds of bodily experience that form the basis of many conceptual metaphors […] can and do exist independently of any cultural interpretation (be it either conscious or unconscious).