Language in Africa 1(3), 2020, 181–215. doi: 2686-8946-2020-1-3-181-215 THE BUA GROUP NOUN CLASS SYSTEM: LOOKING FOR A HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION Pascal Boyeldieu CNRS, UMR 8135 Langage, Langues et Cultures d’Afrique
[email protected] Raimund Kastenholz Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
[email protected] Ulrich Kleinewillinghöfer Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
[email protected] Florian Lionnet Princeton University
[email protected] Abstract: The way Bua languages express number on nouns mostly consists of alternating suffixes that bear witness of a former classification system. However, Kulaal is the only present-day language where these markers are not frozen but actually trigger agreement with free, optional determiners that follow the noun and may show some formal affinity with its suffix. For several reasons, previous attempts at reconstructing a historical noun morphology common to all Bua languages considered the sole suffixes and neglected the determiners present in Kulaal. But, as is argued in the present paper, more recent data show that, in some cases, present- day suffixes may result from the association of a former suffix with an element similar to one of the Kulaal determiners. In such cases the former determiner has simply lost its independence and been historically stacked onto the noun form. Key words: historical linguistics, morphology, noun classes, agreement, suffix, determiner, stacking, Bua languages, Adamawa languages 182 Language in Africa. 2020. № 1 (3) 1. The Bua languages The Bua languages are spoken by small groups living in southern Chad. They comprise some 13 units, some of which are now extinct but known through limited wordlists collected in the 1970s (see the map on Figure 1).1 These languages are as follows, see Table 1.