Name: Charles Edward BARBER

Title: Professor of Art and Archaeology

Work Address: Department of Art and Archaeology Princeton University 105 McCormick Hall Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Telephone: Work (609) 258 0352 Fax (609) 258 0103 E-mail: [email protected]

Higher Education: PhD: Courtauld Institute of Art, University of (1986-89)

Thesis subject: Image and Cult: Studies in the Representation of the Virgin Mary in Early Medieval Art (Supervisor: Professor Robin Cormack).

B.A. (hons.): Courtauld Institute of Art, (1983-1986).

Faculty Positions Held:

2013- Professor of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University.

2008-12 Chairperson, Department of Art, Art History & Design, University of Notre Dame.

2008-13 Professor of Art History, University of Notre Dame.

2001-08 Associate Professor of Art History, University of Notre Dame.

2000-13 Faculty, Early Christian Studies Program, University of Notre Dame.

1996-2001 Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Notre Dame.

1996-2013 Fellow, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame.

1993-96 Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Scholarships and Fellowships:

2014-15 Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (declined)

1997 Fellowship in Byzantine Studies at , Washington, D.C..

1990-93 Postdoctoral Fellowship held at the , London.

1989-90 Leverhulme Trust Studentship held at the British School at Rome.

1987-89 University of London Postgraduate Studentship.

Distinctions, Honors, Awards:

2013 OCBR Visiting Professor in , Oxford University

2011-16 President, the United States National Committee for Byzantine Studies. This committee represents all US Byzantinists at the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines (the world-wide body for all Byzantinists).

2004-05 Served as President of the Byzantine Studies Conference (now Byzantine Studies Association of North America). This is the national interdisciplinary organization for all Byzantinists in the United States.

1999-2002 Michael P. Grace II Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Notre Dame.

Professional Memberships: I am a member of the College Art Association, the International Center of Medieval Art, the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, the Byzantine Studies Association of North America (formerly the Byzantine Studies Conference), and the US National Committee for Byzantine Studies.

Books and Monographs:


Contesting the Logic of Painting: Art and Understanding in Eleventh-Century Byzantium. Leiden: Brill, 2007.


Figure and Likeness: On the Limits of Representation in Byzantine Iconoclasm. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.

The Theodore Psalter (British Library Add. 19352): A CD-ROM Facsimile. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

in progress:

Before and Beyond Modernism: An Introduction to Byzantine Art and Aesthetics

Seeing God, Silencing Painting: Art in Palaiologan Thought.

The Icon in the Era of Art: Poetics and Painting in Renaissance

Edited Books:

Michael Psellos on Literature and Art: A Byzantine Perspective on Aesthetics. Co-edited with Stratis Papaioannou. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2017.

Medieval Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics. Co-edited with David Jenkins. Leiden: Brill, 2009.

Reading Michael Psellos. Co-edited with David Jenkins. Leiden: Brill, 2006.

in progress:

The Icon: A History, from Late Antiquity to the Present. Co-edited with Maria Vassilaki. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

Series Editor:

Byzantine Texts on Art and Aesthetics. 4 volumes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. vol. 1: The Iconoclastic Era, ca. 680-867 vol. 2: The Macedonian Era, ca. 867-1081 vol. 3: The Later Byzantine Period, ca. 1081-1330, ed. Foteini Spingou (forthcoming in 2018) vol. 4: After Byzantium, ca. 1330-1669

Refereed Publications:


C. Barber, “Out of Sight: Painting and Perception in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium,”

3 Studies in Iconography 35 (2014): 107-20.

C. Barber, “Defacement,” The Yearbook of Comparative Literature 56 (2010, pub. 2012): 104-115.

C. Barber, “Mimesis and Memory in the Narthex Mosaics of the Nea Moni on Chios,” Art History 24 (2001): 323-337.

C. Barber, “The Truth in Painting: Iconoclasm and Identity in Early-Medieval Art,” Approaches to Early-Medieval Art, ed. Lawrence Nees, a special issue of Speculum 72 (1997): 1019-1036, reprinted as “The Truth in Painting: Iconoclasm and Identity in Early-Medieval Art,” Approaches to Early- Medieval Art, ed. Lawrence Nees. Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1998: 61-78.

C. Barber, “From image into art: art after Byzantine iconoclasm,” Gesta 34 (1995): 5- 10.

C. Barber, “The body within the frame: a use of word and image in iconoclasm,” Word & Image 9 (1993): 140-153.

C. Barber, “From Transformation to Desire: Art and Worship after Byzantine Iconoclasm,” Art Bulletin 75 (1993): 7-16.

C. Barber, “Reading the garden in Byzantium: nature and sexuality,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 16 (1992): 1-19.

C. Barber, “The Koimesis Church, Nicaea: the limits of representation on the eve of Iconoclasm,” Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 41 (1991): 43- 60.

C. Barber, “The imperial panels at San Vitale: a reconsideration,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 14 (1990): 19-42.

Book Chapters:

C. Barber, “On the Origin of the Work of Art: Tradition, Inspiration and Invention in the Post-Iconoclastic Era.” L’icône dans la pensée et dans l'art. Constitutions, contestations, reinventions de la notion d'image divine en context chrétien. Eds. Kristina Mitalaité and Anca Vasiliu. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017: 143-62.

C. Barber, "Contemplating the Life of Christ in Icons of The Twelve Feasts of the Lord." The New Testament in Byzantium. Eds. Derek Krueger and Robert S. Nelson. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2016: 221-38.


C. Barber, “Beyond Representation/the Gift of Sight.” Byzantium/Modernism. Eds. Roland Betancourt and Maria Tarutina-Pitard. Leiden: Brill, 2015: 330-45.

C. Barber, "Neophytus Prodromenus on Epigraphy." Theologisches Wissen und die Kunst: Festschrift für Martin Büchsel. Berlin: Mann Verlag, 2015: 211-25.

C. Barber, “Thingliness,” Byzantine Things in the World. Ed. Glenn Peers. Houston: Menil Collection, 2013: 98-105.

C. Barber, “Movement and Miracle in Michael Psellos’s Account of the Miracle at the Blachernae.” Envisioning Experience in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Dynamic Patterns in Texts and Images. Ed. Giselle de Nie and Thomas F.X. Noble. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2012: 9-22.

C. Barber, “Regarding Prayer: Some Thoughts on the John the Baptist icon.” Holy Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai. Eds. Sharon Gerstel and Robert Nelson. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011: 305-17.

C. Barber, "On Cult Images and the Origins of Medieval Art," Sinn und Un-Sinn des Kultbildes: Die Intellektualisierung und die Mystifizierung mittelalterlicher Kunst. Eds. Martin Büchsel and Rebecca Müller. Berlin: Mann Verlag, 2010: 27-40

C. Barber, “Eustratios of Nicaea on Art.” Medieval Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics. Eds. Charles Barber and David Jenkins. Leiden: Brill, 2009: 131-43.

C. Barber, “In the Presence of the Text: A Note on Writing, Speaking and Performing in the Theodore Psalter.” Art and Text in Byzantium. Ed. Liz James. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007: 83-99.

C. Barber, “Icons, Prayer, and Vision in the Eleventh Century.” Byzantine Christianity: A People's History of Christianity. Ed. Derek Krueger. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006: 149-163.

C. Barber, "Living Painting, or the Limits of Pointing?" Reading Michael Psellos. Eds. Charles Barber and David Jenkins. Leiden: Brill, 2006: 117-130.

C. Barber, "Art History." Palgrave Advances in Byzantine History. Ed. Jonathan Harris. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2005: 147-56.

C. Barber, “Iconoclasm: Iconoclasm in the Byzantine Tradition.” Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd ed.. Detroit: Macmillan, 2005.

C. Barber, "Theotokos and Logos: The Interpretation and Reinterpretation of the

5 Sanctuary Program of the Koimesis Church Nicaea." Interpreting the Mother of God. Ed. Maria Vassilaki. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004: 51-59.

C. Barber, “A Sufficient Knowledge: Icon and Body in Ninth-Century Byzantium.” Interpreting Christian Art. Eds. Heidi Hornik and Mikael Parsons. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2004: 65-80.

C. Barber, “Icon and Portrait in the Trial of Symeon the New Theologian.” Icon and Word: the power of images in Byzantium. Studies presented to Robin Cormack. Eds. Antony Eastmond and Liz James. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003: 25-34.

C. Barber, “Early Representations of the Mother of God.” Mother of God. Milan: Skira, 2000: 253-261.

C. Barber, “Writing on the Body.” Desire and Denial in Byzantium. Ed. Liz James. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999: 111-120.

C. Barber, “Homo Byzantinus?” Women, Men and Eunuchs: Gender in Byzantium. Ed. Liz James. London and New York: Routledge, 1997: 185-199.

C. Barber, “Early Christian and Byzantine Art III,2: Monumental Painting and Mosaic, before c. 313.” The Dictionary of Art, vol. 9. London: MacMillan, 1996: 562-563.

C. Barber, “The monastic typikon for art historians.” The Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis and eleventh-century monasticism. Eds. Margaret Mullett and Anthony Kirby. BBTT 6,1. Belfast: Belfast Byzantine Enterprises, 1994: 198-214.


C. Barber “Theories of Art.” Intellectual History of Byzantium. Eds. Anthony Kaldellis and Niketas Sinniosoglou. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

C. Barber, "Place, Time and Text in the Monumental Decoration of the Middle Byzantine Church," Cambridge World History of Religious Architecture. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Other Publications:

C. Barber, “Early Christian/Byzantine Art.” The Art Historian, Volume I, CD-ROM. Boulder, CO: Reindeer, 1996.

6 Book Reviews:

Anderson, Jeffrey C. (ed.). The Christian topography of Kosmas Indikopleustes: Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, plut. 9.28. The map of the universe redrawn in the sixth century. Folia picta: manoscritti miniati medievali, 3. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013 (online) Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.07.23

Henry Maguire, Nectar and Illusion: Nature in Byzantine Art and Literature. Oxford and New York: , 2012 in Studies in Iconography 35 (2014): 317-20.

Beat Brenk, The Apse, the Image and the Icon: An Historical Perspective of the Apse as a Space for Images. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2010 in Studies in Iconography 34 (2013): 252- 54.

Review Essay on Icons in The Art Bulletin 93 (2011): 370-74.

Mark Guscin, The Image of Edessa. Leiden: Brill, 2009 in Speculum 86 (2011): 501-02.

Martin Büchsel, Die Entstehung des Christusporträts: Bildarchäologie statt Bildhypnose. Mainz: von Zabern, 2003 in Speculum 82 (2007): 169-70.

Leslie Brubaker and John Haldon, Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca. 680-850): the sources, an annotated survey. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001 in Speculum 78 (2003): 470-71.

Sharon Gerstel, Beholding the Sacred Mysteries: Programs of the Byzantine Sanctuary. Seattle: University of Washington, 1999 at

The Holy Face and the Paradox of representation. Eds. Herbert Kessler and Gerhard Wolf. Bologna: Nova Alfa, 1998 at

Kathleen Corrigan, Visual Polemics in the Ninth-Century Byzantine Psalters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 in Word & Image 12 (1996): 147-48.

Donald Nicol, The Immortal Emperor: The Life and Legend of Constantine , Last Emperor of the Romans. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 44 (1993), 343-344

Byzance. L'Art byzantin dans les collections publiques françaises. Paris: , 1992 in Medieval World 8 (1993), 16

Michael Camille, The Gothic Idol. Ideology and Image-Making in Medieval Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 in Medieval World 7 (1992), 55-56

Thomas Carpenter, Art and Myth in Ancient . London: Thames and Hudson, 1991 in the Art Newspaper May 1991

7 Jaroslav Pelikan, Imago Dei: The Byzantine Apologia for Icons. New Haven: Yale University Press 1990 in the Art Newspaper December 1990

Richard Temple, Icons and the Mystical Origins of Christianity. Longmead: Ikon Books 1990 in the Art Newspaper December 1990


I have contributed four catalogue entries for an exhibition of Sinai Icons held at the Getty Museum in 2006-2007: Holy Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai (Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2006).

Three Icons in the Collection of the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame (Fall, 2001) This catalogue contains a lengthy introductory essay on the art, history and theology of the icon in Byzantine and post-Byzantine culture. It will also provide the first full publication of the major icons in this collection, making these significant works available to a wider public. The catalogue continues to grow on-line as students work on further icons:

I was the co-selector (with Katrina Kavan) of an exhibition of Bulgarian icons, Icons: Golden Images of Bulgaria shown in Coventry and other centers in the in 1992-1993 (fifteen months at nine centers).

Invited Lectures and Addresses (since 2001)

"The Invisible Individual," Understanding Individuality and Depicting Individuals in Ninth-Century Byzantium: Vienna, February 2017

"Time Foreseen: History and Oracles in the Chronographia of ," Time and Temporality in Medieval and Early Modern Art (keynote address for Imago: The Israeli Association for Visual Culture in the Middle Ages): The Open University of Israel, Ra'anana, May 2016

"Debating the Transfiguration in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium; or Why There is No Hesychastic Art," Plus ça change …? The Lives and Afterlives of Medieval Iconography: Princeton University, April 2016

"Iconomachy," Dickson Memorial Lecture: Pennsylvania State University, March 2016

"Reading an icon of the black Mohammed: Georgios Klontzas and Islam," Bettman Lecture: Columbia University, December 2015

8 “On the Origin of the Work of Art: Tradition, Inspiration & Invention in the Post- Iconoclastic Era,” The Oxford Center for Byzantine Research, Oxford University, June 2013

“Festival Icons,” The New Testament in Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC, April 2013

Keynote address at the annual conference of the Mid-West Art History Society, held at the Ohio State University, March 2013

“Beyond Representation/the Gift of Sight,” Byzantium and Modernism, Yale University, April 2012

“In Search of the Byzantine Artist,” Art Institute, Chicago, March 2012

“Looking Like God: Painting and Perception in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium,” Basel University, November 2011

“Thingliness: The Work of Art?” Things in the World Workshop, Menil Collection, Houston, October 2011

“Out of Sight: Painting and Perception in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium,” Re-Defining Byzantium: Art and Thought in the Byzantine World, Princeton University, October 2011

“Inspiration,” L’icône dans la pensée et dans l’art, Sorbonne, Paris, April 2009

"Hybridity and Poetics in the Art of Michael Damaskinos," DePaul University, November 2008

"Before and After Modernism: The Icon as a Work of Art," University of Chicago, November 2008

"Hybridity and Poetics in the Art of Michael Damaskinos," University of Southern California, February 2008.

“Byzantium and the Mediterranean,” Indiana University, Bloomington, January 2008

“Iconomachy,” 6th Platsis Symposium on the Greek Legacy, University of Michigan, September 2007

“Models of Interpretation: Contemplating and Contesting the Cult Image in Eleventh- Century Byzantium,” Sinn und Un-Sinn des Kultbildes: Die Intellektualisierung und die Mystifizierung mittelalterlicher Kunst, J. Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Franfurt-am- Main, June 2007

9 “Eikonomachia/Logomachia,” Clark-Getty Workshop on Anti-Art, Los Angeles, February 2007

“Regarding Prayer: Some Thoughts on the John the Baptist icon,” Holy Image, Hallowed Ground Symposium, Los Angeles, January 2007

“Movement and Miracle in Michael Psellos's account of the Blachernae icon of the Theotokos” Dynamic Patterns in Medieval Art, Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame, October 2006

“Iconomachy,” Clark-Getty Workshop on Anti-Art, Clark Institute, Williamstown, October 2006

“Confronting Icons: Vision and Prayer in Eleventh-Century Byzantium,” Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, April 2006

"Michael Psellos and the Women of the Blachernae: A Philosopher Considers Cult," Art and Cult, Volos, Greece, June 2005

"The Darkness of Painting," University of Chicago, January 2005

Senior Visiting Scholar in the Seminars Program of the Onassis Foundation in the USA, November 2004: the Johns Hopkins University: "Seeing is not Touching: Looking at Icons with Michael Psellos"

"Living Painting, or the Limits of Pointing?" Courtauld Institute of Art, London, March 2004

“Seeing God: Hesychasm and Art?” Mellon Seminar on the Byzantine Commonwealth, University of Wisconsin, April 2003

“In the Blink of an Eye, or the Opening of Art,” University of Texas at Austin, March 2002

“In the Blink of an Eye, or the Opening of Art,” University of California, Los Angeles, February 2002

“Sacred Art?” and “An Imaginary Encounter: Beholding and Becoming in Byzantium.” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 2001

“Levels of Interpretation in the Mosaics of the Koimesis Church, Nicaea,” Mother of God International Conference hosted by the National Research Foundation, , Greece, January 2001

Disciplinary Conferences:

10 "Michael Psellos on Art and Aesthetics," Michael Psellos Roundtable, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, August 2016

"On Firmer Ground: Klontzas, Mohammed, and Sinai," Maneuvering the Holy: Spirits, Icons, Indulgences and Mental Mappings in Fifteenth-Eighteenth Century Orthodoxies Roundtable, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, August 2016

"Notes Towards a Plenary Paper on the Senses, Perception, and the Work of Art," Plenary Session on the Senses in Byzantium, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, August 2016

Respondent, "The Medium, Before and After Modernism" CAA Conference, Chicago, February 2014

"Art Out of Time" Byzantine Studies Conference, Yale, November 2013

“Poetics of the Icon,” Round Table on the Icon, 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, August 2011

“Painting and Figuration: A Byzantine Perspective,” Figuring Figura: Medieval and Modern Perspectives, Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, Toronto, April 2007

“From the economy of the icon to tele-visual empires: Some reflections on Marie-José Mondzain’s writing,” Byzantine Studies Conference, St. Louis, November 2006

“Contesting the Logic of Painting in Eleventh-Century Byzantium,” Byzantine Session, CAA Conference, Boston, February 2006

"Living Painting, or the Limits of Pointing?" Byzantine Studies Conference, Baltimore, October 2004

“Imagining the Monastic Self” 20th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Paris, August 2001

Grants and Sponsored Programs (since 2001)

2013 ISLA (Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts) Faculty Research Grant for work on Francesco Barozzi’s Library in Oxford.

2011 ISLA (Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts) Faculty Research Grant for work on George Klontzas in .

2010 Office of Research Library Grant for Byzantine Borderlands: $115,000

11 (co-author)

2007-12 NEH Promotion of the Humanities Challenge Grant: Enhancing Byzantine Studies at the University of Notre Dame, worth $800,000 (member of faculty steering committee. This challenge was completed in 2012 when a total of $4,000,000 was raised thanks to private donors, the Mellon Foundation, and the Niarchos Foundation).

2007 ISLA Graduate Student Summer Research Stipend (sponsor).

2006 ISLA Henkels Visiting Speaker Award (author).

2006 Graduate School support for Workshop in Byzantine Intellectual History (author).

2005 ISLA International Conference Travel Grant: Volos, Greece (author).

2004 ISLA Course Development Grant: Art and Catholicism (author).

2003 ISLA Exploratory Seminar grant for a Workshop in Byzantine Intellectual History (author).

2001 ISLA International Conference Travel Grant: Paris, XX International Congress for Byzantine Studies (author).

Senior/Honors Theses Directed

Princeton University

Lauren Frost, : Tourism and Monasticism (2016)

Alexander Patton, The Bayeaux Tapestry: It Will Leave You in Stitches (2014)

University of Notre Dame

Lindsey Hays, Incognita Nobis: Unknown to Us. A History of Beatus Cartography (2005)

Emilie C. Kretschmar, The Interpretation of Sponsa in the Bible Moralisée, Oxford- Paris-London (2005)

Master’s Theses Directed

12 University of Notre Dame

Rachel Schmid, The Unified Meaning of the Scheme of the Mosaic at Zippori: An Alternate Perspective Involving Augury (2013)

Nicole Paxton Sullo, Imagining Local Identity in Medieval Puglia: Wall Paintings in the Rock-Cut Churches of Casalrotto (2010)

Senem Suzek, The Decoration of Cave Churches in Cappadocia under Selçuk Rule (2008)

Mary Williams, George Klontzas’s Apocalyptic History (2008)

John Williams, Illuminating Forms: Traditions of Modeling in the Treatises of Theophilus, Cennini, and Alberti (2007).

Nicole Anita Wakely, Preparation for a Princess: Agnes of France and Vatican Grec 1851 (2004).

Virginia Susan Trinkle, O Ave Crux: The Poitiers Reliquary of the True Cross (2000).

I have also served on 7 further M.A. thesis/exam committees in Art History, 6 in Early Christian Studies, and 9 in Medieval Studies.

Doctoral Theses Directed/in progress

Katherine King, Deliberate Defacement: Provocation and Response in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts (proposal presented May 2017)

Students in coursework/preparing for General Examinations: Meseret Oldjira, Justin Willson, Erene Morcos, Francesca Pistone, Erin Pinon, Nomi Schneck.

Other Notable Contributions

Conferences, Sessions, Seminars Organized:

Co-organized with Trudy Jacoby a conference on A New Look: Sinai and Its Icons in Light of the Digitization of the Weitzmann Archive, Princeton, April 2015.

Co-organized with Stephen Gersh a workshop on Proclus in Byzantium, London, UK, May 2013.

13 “About Face: Looking Beyond the Icon’s Gaze,” 101st Annual Meeting of the College Art Association, New York, February 2013.

Co-organized, with Robert S. Nelson, a Round Table on The Icon at the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, which met in Sofia, Bulgaria, in August 2011.

Co-organized with David Jenkins a workshop on Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics, University of Notre Dame, February 2006.

Co-organized with David Jenkins a workshop on Reading Michael Psellos, University of Notre Dame, February, 2004.

I have hosted the Byzantine Studies Conference meeting held at Notre Dame in the Fall of 2001.

I organized the Icon and Portrait, international workshop held at Notre Dame, March 2001.

I organized a session at the 1996 College Art Association Conference held in Boston, Mass.. The session was entitled Writing on the Image: Medieval Art and its Inscriptions.

I devised and chaired with Robert Ousterhout, a session entitled Words into Images: Art Historians and the Text for the 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 4-7 1995.

With Jas Elsner, I organized a conference on Art and Ritual in the Western Tradition held at the Courtauld Institute, March 18 1993.

I was the co-chair of a university Byzantine seminar at the Institute of Classical Studies, London (co-chaired with Liz James). The 1992 series was entitled Gender in Byzantium: Still an issue. This was published as: Women, Men and Eunuchs: Gender in Byzantium, ed. Liz James. London: Routledge, 1997. The 1993 seminar was entitled Reading, Seeing, Writing Byzantium.

I set up and organized with Liz James a cross-discipline postgraduate research seminar in Byzantine studies held at the Warburg Institute, London. This ran for four years.

Service/Administration (since 2001):

Princeton University

University: Acting Director, Program in Hellenic Studies: Fall 2016 Executive Committee for the Program in Hellenic Studies: 2014-18

14 Executive Committee for the Index of Christian Art: 2015-19 Executive Committee for the Program in Iranian Studies: 2013-16 Executive Committee for the Program in Medieval Studies: 2014-18


Director of Graduate Studies: 2015-18 Budget Committee: 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17 Curriculum Committee: 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 Graduate Committee: 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18

University of Notre Dame

Department of Art, Art History and Design: Chairperson: 2008-12 Acting Chairperson: Spring and Summer 2007 Committee on Appointments and Promotions: 2002-03, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 Full Professor CAP: 2012-13

Medieval Institute: Advisory Committee: 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2010-11, 2012-13. Graduate Committee: 2002-03, 2012-13 Undergraduate Committee: 2001-02 Library Committee: 2004-05, 2012-13

College of Arts and Letters: Saturday Scholars talk on icons, November 2008 Honorary Degree Committee: 2008 2008 Saturday Scholars talk on the Da Vinci Code, September 2006 Library Committee: 2005-08 College Council: 2001-03, 2008-12 (ex officio)

University Committees: University Committee on Libraries: 2006-09 Ad-Hoc Committee Revising the Academic Articles of the University of Notre Dame: 2006-07 Faculty Senate: 2006-08 University Digital Visual Resources Collection Committee: 2001-03 University First Year of Studies Committee: 2001-03


15 I organized the visit of the Byzantine Studies Conference to Notre Dame in 2001.

Beyond: Editorial Board Studies in Iconography, 2015- President, US National Committee for Byzantine Studies, 2011-16 Editorial Board Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library, 2009-16 Byzantine Studies Conference, Program Committee, 2005-06 Byzantine Studies Conference, President, 2004-05 Byzantine Studies Conference, Governing Board, 2002-06 International Center of Medieval Art, Advisory Board 2001-04, 2007-2010

November 2017