GS-0462-06/07 ------RECOMMENDATION for COVERAGE: Primary/Rigorous Firefighter Coverage Is Recommended Under Both CSRS and FERS
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Certification of Position Approval for Retirement Under 5 USC§ 8336(c) and§ 8412(d) [ X] Approved under the Civil Service Retirement System, 5 USC § 8336(c) [ X ] Approved under the Federal Employees Retirement System, 5 USC § 8412(d) Category of Coverage: Primar •/Ri orous (Firefi hter) Bureau: An DOI Bureau ma use this Standard PD and must use the Standard PD Number ClassificationTitle: Forestr Technician Organization Title: Forestry Technician (Fire) Standard Position Number: FDl207B/A Series and Grade: -------GS-0462-06/07 --------- RECOMMENDATION FOR COVERAGE: Primary/Rigorous Firefighter coverage is recommended under both CSRS and FERS ' The position sen·es as a senior technician located on a wildland fire module or crew within the fire management organization. The purpose of the position is to provide leadership and oversight of wild land fire suppression/management/control, as a seasoned, experienced firefighter on an engine, helitack, prescribed fire, .., or wildland fire module, or on a hand crew. Primary duties arc directly connected with the control and extinguishment of firesand/or maintaining and using firefighter apparatus and equipment. The duties of this position are so rigorous that employment is limited to young and physically vigorous individuals who must meet established age and physical qualificationrequirements. Olg tally 1lgned by WILLIAM SIZEMORE DN c, US. o=U.S Govetnment, ou=Depanment of the Interior. ou=Offlceof the Secretaryof the Interior, cn=WllLIAM SIZEMORE. 0 9.2342 19200300 100.1 I= 14001000976882 WI LL I AM S I Z EMORE Date:20t8.10.23 11.38.26 06'00' Date Fire and Aviation, NPS --=,,,.__ - � Fire Management (Acting), BIA \ It>/2,1 /;<;; ILCOX, Chief, Branch of Fire Management, FWS 'Date' APPROVAL: The position described above is approved for coverage under Firefighter or Law Enforcement (FF/LEO) Retirement retroactive to classification date.
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