Published by Authority

Vol. LXVII, No. 29 2nd JUNE,1989 Price 40c

General Notice 294 of 1989. (c) depart Sunday 2 p.m., arrive Mudzi Kraal 7 p.m.; ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] |

tet! (d) depart Mudzi Kraal Monday to Saturday 6 a.m., arrive i Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits ‘ Harare 11.05 a.m.; (e) depart Mudzi Kraal 8 a.m., arrive Harare 1.25 p.m. IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of ‘the Road Motor Note.—This application is made to.reinstate permit 17567 eee - Transportation Act (Chupter 262], notice is hereby given that which expired on 30th September, 1988. . the applications de‘ailed in the Schedule for the e issue or amendment of road service permits, have been received for the ' GOODS-VEHICLES awe consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Additionals : Ary person wishing to object to any such application must K. M. Edwards. lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— G/550 and 551/88. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 30000 kilo- (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so asto grams, each. reach theController’s Office not later than the 23rd Area: Within Mashonaland West Province, with access to June, 1989. _ Harare. (b)his objection and the grounds therefor, onform R.M.T. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reachthe * Controller’s office not later than the 14th July, 1989. G/552/88. Trailer. Load: 12 000 kilograms. Any person objecting to an application for the issue or Area: Shall be the same as in the road service permit in respect amendment of.a road service permit must confine his grounds of the vehicle towing the trailer. of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section Nature of carriage: Shall be the same as in the road service 8 of the saidAct. permit in respect of the vehicle towing thetrailer. A. M.CHTIDAWANYIKA, 2-6-89. Acting Controller of Road Motor Transportation. G/553/88. Goods-vehicle. Load: 10000 kilograms. SCHEDULE Area: Within Mashonaland West Province, with access. to Harare. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandiseofall kinds. Additionals C. T. Chivavaya and Sons. TAXI-CABS 0/560/88. Motor omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Additionals Route: Harare - Mazowe - Concession - Msonedeyi - - S. Sitemere. impinge - Mudindo - Mupinyuri - Semeneka - Guruve - TX/23/89, Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. axasa, ‘The service to operate as follows— Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Banket: (a) depart Harare Monday to Sunday 6.30 a.m., arrive Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Banket Shopping Bakasa 10.10 a.m.; Centre. (b) depart Bakasa Monday to Sunday 1.30 p.m., arrive T. Moyo. Harare 5.10 p.m. TX/24/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. Kumuka Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius ofthe post office, . O0/635/88. Motor omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized Route: Harare - Murewa - Nyadire - Rippling Waters - taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of Chinhoyi Carolina Farm - - Mudzonga - Mazorodze - Gwanza Municipality. * Musanhi - Nyakuchena - Katsande Business Centre - J. Nixon. Makaha Turn-off - Mudzi Kraal. The service to operate as follows— TX/25/89,. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. (a) depart Harare Monday, Wednesday and Friday Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Kadama. 12.30 p.m., arrive Mudzi Kraal 5.40 p.m; __ Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized (b) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1 p.m., taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of Kadoma arrive Mudzi Kraal 6 p.m.; Municipality,

GOVERNMENT GazerTe, 2ND June, 1989 472 | | ZIMBABWEAN

engineers for: Tenders are invited from mechanical > General'Notice 295 of 1989. CONTROL Tender CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS number _ ACT (CHAPTER78] installation and com- ~ | CON.107/89. Kadoma: Supply, Delivery, conditioning and ventilation units missioning of air date,. 15.6.89, Declaration of Undesirable Publication - for laboratory at Kadoma Hospital. Closing electrical contractors for: and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter Tenders are invited from -of the Censorship (1) Board of Censors has, in terms of subsection Electrical installation and reticulation 78], that the in the CON.108 /89. : Closing section, declared that the publication specified magistrates and community courts. of that undesirable within at combined Schedule is, in the opinion of the ‘Board, date, 15.6.89. (2) of section II of the Act. the meaning of subsection Gokwe: Electrical installation and reticulation CON.109/89. community courts. Closing 4 P. D. W. R. SHERREN, at combined magistrates and deat Chairman, ' date, 15.6.89. Board of Censors. Plumtree: Electrical installation and reticulation 2.6.89. CON.110/89: courts. Closing at combined magistrates and community SCHEDULE _ date, 15.6.89. PUBLICATION Electrical installation and reticulation . UNDESIRABLE CON.111/89. Hwange: date, 15.6.89. ~ at Jotsholo Secondary School. Closing Mrs. K. generating Mr. and Binga: Supply and installation ofdiesel The Couple CON.112/89. date, 15.6.89. plant at Hospital. Closing

CON.107/89 to 113/89 are obtainable Documents for National General Notice 296 of 1989. from the Secretary for Public Construction and Box 8081, Cause- TENDER BOARD - Housing, Samora Machel Avenue (P.O. GOVERNMENT way), Harare. invited from bridge contractors

Invited are 2 Tenders DDF.9/89. Tenders River for the construction of bridges over the Chabili and the Pande River in the area. Compulsory Government Tender Board, at the All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, site visit on 8th June, 1989. Meet at 10 am. P.O, Box 8075, Causeway. Administrators: Office, at Beitbridge. A deposit District documents, Tenders must in no circumstances be submittedto:departments. sum of $100 is required for eachset of tender on the outside with | Documents are available fromthe Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. endorsed Closing date, 22.6.89, be posted Fund, Room 51, Nine and mugt Development . the advertised tender number, description, closing .date Director, District delivered by hand Building, Harare. in time to be sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or teenth Floor, Mukwati Floor, Fanum House, 57, to the Secretary, Government Tender Board Fifth DWD.30/89. Construction of Shashani dam, Matabeleland before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, South. Closing date, 29.6.89. Documenits are obtainable gL of the tenderer, stating clearly therein the name of Energy, Water Resources 4g Offers submitted by telegraph, from Stores Officer, Ministry Be for delivery by the Post. Room the service and the amount must be dispatched in time and Development (Private Bag 7712, Causeway),

on the closing Harare Sty 2% Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by JO a.m. 18, Makombe Complex, cnr. Rhodes Avenue and

time and date. es date and the confirmation tender posted notlater than the closing Street, Harare. is “Tenders, Harare”. , Thetelegraphic address Construction of specialist concrete floor finishes date, whether, 69:35:00. Non- Note.—Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing and covings for the refurbished abattoir. as late tenders. the Cold by hand, by post or. by telegraph, will be treated refundable deposit of $300 made payable to on receipt of date, 29.6.89. Tenderdocu- If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded Storage Commission. Closing and unmarked the Consulting Engineers, a bona fide tenderorif the tender documents are returned complete ments shall be available from Wilson Kirkpatrick & Partners, 80, Road, before the closing date. Scott. address: must be stated. When tenders Msasa. Telephone: 48316/7; Telex: 26417; Postal For supply contracts, the country ofmanufacture - tendered for goods 3143, Harare. are compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices P.O. Box manutactured ic , of 30 days (or registered with No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period Tenders are invited from building contractors date. for: another period specified in tender documents) from the stated closing Construction Industry of Zimbabwe or any tender, and The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest UDCORP.2/89. Construction of a_single storey workshop reserves the right to select any tenderin whole or in part. of approximately 220 sq m plinth area on Stand 49, at Board in $50. Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Mupandawana, Gutu Industrial Area. Deposit endorsed on the envelopes with the advertised tender number and description Closing date, 15.6.89. date, outside are not opened until 10 a.m, on the closing Construction of a single storey workshop of on Fifth Floor, UDCORP.3/89. Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders 220 sq m plinth area on Stand 438, at a.m. onwarda on approximately Fanum House, $7, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, from 10 Murehwa Industrial Area. Deposit $50. Closing date, the date specified. Cc. C. MUCHENJE, Secretary, Documents for tenders UDCORP.2/89 and UDCORP. Room 4, Second Governinent Tender Board. 3/89 are obtainable from the UDCORP, 2 6.89. Floor, Throgmorton Building, corner Samora Machel Tender Avenue and Julius Nyerere Way. number SUPPLY AUTHORITY 0477. Tenders are invited for the supply and repair of 12 volt ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY on an “as and_ when Jead acid radio accumulators The Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority has received a required” contract basis, for Defence Forces in Harare of Reconstruction and Deve- 1989 to 3ist loan from the International Bank and Bulawayofor the period ist September, currencies towards the costs of the supply Particulars of this lopment in various August, 1990. Closing date, 22.6.89. and delivery of various distribution material as follows: can be obtained from Central Provisions Office, tender based overhead Army Headquarters, Private Bag 7720, Causeway. ZESA.40/89. Supply and delivery of aluminium line conductor. Closing date, 20.7.89. invited for the supply and delivery of 0478. Tenders are power packing material (Polythene) for the} eriod ist October, ZESA.41/89. Supply and delivery of underground 1989 to 30th September, 1990, to Defence Forces in cables. Closing date, 20.7.89. Harare and . Closing date, 22.6.89. Particulars transformers. Office, Army ZESA.42/89. Supply and delivery of distribution to be obtained from Central Provisions Closing date, 20.7.89. Headquarters, Private Bag 7720, Causeway. ZESA.43./89. Supply and delivery of electricity. revenue Tenders are invited from building contractors registered metres. Closing date, 20.7.89. in category “D”for: ZESA.44/89. Supply and delivery of porcelain line insulators. CON.113/89. Harare: Construction of two classroom blocks Closing date,20.7.89. ¥ at Warren Park Secondary School. and ancillary works ZESA.45/89. Ancillary materials, Closing date, 20.7.89. Closing date, 15.6.89.


mately 9,4 kilometres east of south-east of ; Tender | thence proceeding on a true bearing of 346° 43° 20” for a number- distance of 3 717,48 metres to beacon B; thence on a true . metres to ZESA.A6/89._ Switc r. Closing date, 20.7.89. A non-refund- bearing of 1° 10 10” for a distance of 484,72 depositnrof ULis$200,00 will be required for tender beacon C; thence on a true. bearing of 96° 36’ 50” for a. able true documents for each of the above tenders, or equivalent distance of 710,08 metres to beacon D; thence ona in freely convertible foreign currency. . bearing of 5° 52’ 20” for a distance of 107,99 metres to ona true bearing of 277° 05’ 40” for a of 12 kV “D” fuse solid links. Closing beacon E; thence ZESA.63/89. Supply distance 198,26 metres to beacon F; thence on a true date, 22.6.89. . bearing of 183° 23’ for a distance of. 94,17 metres to beacon ‘Documents for tenders ZESA.40/89 to ZESA.63/89 are a distance - Manager, G; thence on a true bearing of 276° 34’ for available from the Procurement and Materials a true bearing of Authority, Electricity of 517,22 metres to beacon H; thence on - Zimbabwe Electricity Supply distance of 399,79 metres to beacon J; Avenue, Harare. 1° 11’ 10” for a Centre, 25, Samora Machel thence on a true bearing of 49° 08’ 30” for a distance of RAILWAYS OF ZIMBABWE 840,13 metres to beacon K; thence on a true bearing of NATIONAL _ §* 36 50” for a distance. of 274.8 metres to beacon L; 6583:2472. International Bank for Reconstruction and Deve- thence on-a true bearing of 38° 50 50” for a distance of lopment Fund No. 2: Railway Development Project: 365,64 metres to beacon M; thence on a true bearing of Procurement sf computer equipment. Closing date, 92° 32’ for a distance of 399,55 metres to beacon N; thence for a distance of 1 358,08 2.7.89. Tender documents are obtainable from the Sup- on a truebearing of 178° 28’ 40” 1994, Bulawayo, or the District metres to beacon P; thence on a true bearing of 161° 14’ plies Manager, P.O. Box on a P.O. Box 764, Harare. for a distance of 2 064,32 metres to beacon Q: thence _ Storekeeper, true bearing of 269° 56’ 20” for a distance of 843,45 metres Press Pit—Civil Works: Mutare cotton | 177° 08’ 30” for ‘CW.18/89. Replacement and to beacon R; thence ona true bearing of depot. Closing date, 22.6.89. Tender documents a distance of 2 184,39 metres to beacon S; thence on a true information are obtainable. from the Purchasing - bearing of 254° 57’ 40” for a distance of 436,16 metres to Manager, C.M.B., Second Floor, Kurima House, Baker the starting point. Streets, Harare. Avenue, between Third and Fourth The mining lease will cover the following mining locations, _ Telephone: 739061. . elther in whole or in part.

be Name “General Notice 297 of 1998. ’ Registered number B628 _ Sabi POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT B8ssA_ Sabi 2 (S4 - [CHAPTER 250] | B99D Monte Carlo B1370 Sabi Ext. Sudbury | {Information Concerning the Issue of New Postage Stamps: 5351 of Zimbabwe 5352 Sudbury 7 , Fish Sudbury 2 of 1989)_ 5379 (Postal Notice 9 5380 Sudbury 8 G6391 B.M. LD.B. a special issue of six postage B7490 Sabi 3 (S.W.) IT is hereby notified that Carlo LS.. of 15c, 23c, 30c, 35c, 38¢ and 45c, featur- B7941 Monte _ stamps in the values Sudbury 3 Fish of Zimbabwe will be placed on sale at all post offices, G7773 B.M. ing G7774 B.M. Sudbury 4 postal, telegraph and stampselling agencies on Wednesday, 12th G7775 B.M. Sudbury 5 July, 1989. Smoke 2 after the close of G8016 B.M. This issue will be withdrawn from sale B9363 Little Sabi 1989. . business on Monday, 9th October, G15837 (Part) - Humorist D.B. R. MUTAMBIRWA, G15838 Humorist G15932 Hazard 2-6-89. Postmaster-General. G16194 Monte Carlo 3 G16195 Monte Carlo 6 G16196 Monte Carlo 5 General Notice 298 of 1989. . G16197 Monte Carlo 4 Koodoo’s Luck 5 CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE G16198 G16199 Koodoo’s Luck 6 GB17263 Sabi Vlei Detention of Joseph Mujakachi -B26899 Sabi East a GB29458 Sabi No. 2 (N4) of subparagraph (2) of GB29459 Canada IF is hereby notified, in terms Premier Hill Schedule 2 to the Constitution, that His — GB29486 ragraph 2 of GB29487 (Part) Premier Hill 2 xcellency the President has directed that the Minister of with the recom- GB29863 Premier Hill 3 Home Affairs shall not act in accordance Canada A Review Tribunal that Joseph Mujakachi be GB30053 mendation of the B30222 Sabi East 2 released from detention. B30223 Sabi ‘F’ B30224 Sabi ‘G’ J. M. WHABIRA, Sabi H Secretary for Home Affairs. GB30627 2-6-89, GB30628 Canada 4 GB30629(Part) Premier Hill 4 Canada 5 General Notice 299 of 1989. GB30634 B30664 _ Morton MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] B30665 Morton ‘A’ GB30684 Canada 6 GB30685 Canada 7 Application for Mining Lease: Sabi Consolidated Gold Mines Canada 8 (Pvt.) Ltd.: Masvingo Mining District GB30686 GB30687 Canada 9 GB30688 Canada 10 Mines and IN terms of paragraph (a) of section 138 of the Premier Hill 5 165], notice is herebyaiven that Sabi GB30689 Mirrerals Act [Chapter Koodoo’s Luck 3 Consolidated Gold Mines (Pvt.) Ltd. has applied for a Mining GB30690 Lease over the area described hereunder in relation to map GB30691 Koodoo’s Luck 4 reference 2030A3 Shabani of the Second Edition of the scale Site 99 Slimes Dam 1: 50000, produced by the Surveyor-General. Site 103 Housing Description of area Site B210 Battery Compound hectares, situated on Behans Farm,| Site B461 An area of 570,909 1 application relates is more clearly Devon and Lot 1 of Reliance in the Masvingo mining The area to which the South plan lodged with the Mining Commissioner, district and bounded by a line commencing at a surv shown on a which is approxi- Masvingo, and by beacons erected on the ground. beacon A (grid reference 36KTN00684650)


| SCHEDULE to be mined are go:d, silver, copper Dateof The principal minerals Capital registration to retain extra-lateral Name of company and iron pyrites, the applicant secking Number metal blocks in terms of $s. rights in respect of all the precious of the said Act. Ltd. 6 ee: ‘20 000 3.4.46 - subsection (2) of section 150 65/32/46 “Rodor (Pvt) 2.3.48 (Pvt.) Ltd... 20 000 to object to the issue of this mining 49/48 Coronation Investments 10 000 10.12 48 Any person wishing and Poole (Pvt,) Ltd. the reasons for objection, 407/48 ‘Hutchison 40 000 28.35.53 . should do so, in writing, stating G. R. Woolley & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. Jease within © 273/87/53 + 25.000 13.11.55 P.O. Box 49, Masvingo, Estates (Pvt.) Ltd... to the Mining Commissioner, 782/55 Rholuck 40 000 24.6.57 of publication of this notice Lochinvar Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. . a period of 90 days from the date 555/57 8 000 7.7.60 508/60 - Vuka (Pvt. Ltd. . - in the Gazette. Co, (Pvt.) 87/62 Dodge Mineral Production 48 000 15.2.62 A. F. F. PINTO, Ltd... ee ee 6.2.63 (Pvt.) Ltd. . 8 000 Mining Commissioner. 55/11/63 Peneric Engineering 4,10. 63 2-6-89. Ltd. . 20)00 637/63 G. C. Jooste (Pvt.) 24 000 7.10 66 Ltd. - 460/66 Haydon Farm (Pvt.) 4.12.67 Son (Prt.) Ltd. 80 000- | 679/67 P. R. F. Naude and 24000 $.2.68 General Notice 300 of 1989, (Pvt.) Ltd... - 81/68 P, and.O. Mine 29.11.68 165] & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. 24 000 MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 940/165/68 Arthur Dougherty 24 000 5.3.69 Central Meat Market (1969) (Pvt.) Ltd. 168/26/69 8 000° 15.6.70 (Pvt.) Ltd. 544/70 Matao Enterprises 24 000 19.3.7% Prospecting Order: (Pvt. Ltd. . - 6 + Application for an Exclusive 235/71 T. D. Deere 30.3.72 District Services (Pvt.) Ltd. 500 000 Mining 360/72 Nedlaw Management 24 000 25.4.72 Ltd. 2. . + + §37/103/72 Mindep (Pvt.) 24 000 18.1.73 27/73 Viray Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. (4) ofsection 24 000 27.2.73 notified, in terms of subsection 175/73 Hugh Falconer (Pvt.) Ltd. IT is hereby 24 000 $.4.73 Act [Chapter 165], that Costain Master Products (Pvt.) Ltd. . 88 of the Mines and Minerals 375/67/73 20 000 25.4.73 to the Mining Affairs Board for Transport (Pvt.} Ltd. . Africa Limited has applied 408/73 Impala 24 000 7.6 74 order, over the area described Garage (Pvt.) Ltd... - + + + an exclusive prospecting 546/74 Map 32 000 11.6 74

to the — mining district, in relation 553/74 G K O Properties (Pvt.) Ltd. hereunder, in the Gweru Drift 32 000 20 9 74 Marumemukuru 1829 Al and Robb’s 878/74 Thomas and Tselentis (Pvt.) Ltd. maps references 24 000 29.3.77 the Second Edition and both of the scale 112/77 Walrus Manufacturing (Pvt.) Ltd. . 1829 A2, both of 32 000 4.10.77 1:50 000, produced by the Surveyor-General. 392/56/77 G R Mills Investments (Pvt.) Ltd. . Trust Import and Export (Pvt.) | 170/79 Zimbabwe 32 000 17.4.79 Description of area Ltd. . 496/79 Swimming Pool Pumps and Lawn Mower hectares in extent, situated in the Gweru 32 000 12 10.79 An area of 7 639 a Services (Pvt.) Ltd. oo. bounded by a line commencing at 32 000. 23 6 80 mining district and 573/80 Chisholm Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. . 4 tributory to the Musorowa- 32 000 15.7.80 point where a trackcrosses Pamberi Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. : is approximately 25 kilometres east- 646/80 paruka River (which 1165/80 Glass Fibre Marine and Industrial Mould- 35KQK282918); thence 30 000 41.11.80 nortn-east of Gokwe) (grid reference ings (Pvt.) Ltd... 2. 6 + oe of approximately 46° 30’ for 200 000 9.2 81 proceeding on a true bearing 127/81 Independence Coachworks (Pvt.) Ltd. . 12,7 kilometres to the junction 32 000 9.2 81 a distance of approximately 140/81 School Aids and Equipment(Pvt.) Ltd. 1. QL375005); thence on a 32 000 11.5 81 of two tracks. (grid reference 579/81 Finex Pvt Ltd... 118° for a distance of approxi- 32 000 29.6.8! bearing of approximately 759/81 Lippoel Africa (Pvt.) Ltd. . «© - point where a cut line crosses mately 6,13 kilometres to a 1029/81 Medicat & Surgical Distributors ¢Pvt.) thence on a bearing 32 000 28 8 81 qa stream (grid ref-rence QK429976), Ltd. . co. distance of approximately 2,32 32 000 5.11.81 of approximately 200° for a Kenmar (Pvt.) Ltd... of two streams (grid 1392/191/81 32 000 26 11 81 kilometres to the confluence 1459/81 R.N.C. Management Services (Pvt.) Ltd... a bearing of approximately 32 000 19,5.82 reference QK421954); thence on Packtours (Pvt.) Ltd. . oe eel 3.2 kilometres to the 433/82 9§2° for a distance of approximately $19/82 Musikavanhu General Merchants (Pvt.) one of its tributaries 32 000 10.6.82 confluence of the Chemvuti River and Ltd. . ee ee lt thence on a_ bearing of (grid reference QK390944), 529/82 Munhundarima Welders and Metal Works approximately 2,93 32 000 14 6 82 approximately 157° for a distance of (Pvt.) Ltd. ae crosses a stream (grid 24 000 18 8 82 kilometres to a point where a track 763/82 Afro Sculptures (Pvt.) Ltd. . of approximately 32 000 8.11 82 reference QK401917); thence on a bearing 1110/82 Shonge Family Hotel (Pvt.) Ltd. kilometres to the 100 000 3.1 83 961° for a distance of approximately 8,9 3/83 Petrol Buying Group (Pvt.) Ltd. QK313903); thence 32 000 45 83 junction of two tracks (grid reference 443/83 Zimbabwe Business Agency (Pvt.) Ltd. for a distance of 24 000 28 7 83 on a bearing of approximately 297° 746/68/83 Cyril Gomez (Pvt.) Ltd... . Ce 32 000 15 8 83 the starting point. (Pvt.) Ltd. ee 8 approximately 344kilometres to 790/83 Ngokachi 11.10.83 Personco Promotions (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 000 prospect for precious metals 998/83 The applicant wishes to Furniture Manufacturers (Pvt.) against prospecting 1123/102/83 Creative 1.11.83 within the area which has been reserved Ltd. 2... ee eet 32 000 Prospecting 32 000 9.1.84 - pending determination of this application. 9/84 C &L Import & Export (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 000 23 2.84 registered base mineral blocks within 161/84 Nimax (Pvt) Ltd. 6. ew ke authority is sought upon 32 000 21.2 84 ATL/L1/84 Dewa Horse Riding Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. the reservation. 32 000 16 5 84 412/84 Moclas Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . to the granting 32 000 9.7.84 Any person wishing to lodge any objections 575/84 Zisfer Butchery (Pvt.) Ltd. fo do so, in writing, with the Secretary, 614/84 Adler Panel Beaters and Spray Painters of this application should 32 000 23.7.84 by not (Pvt) Ltd. . Affairs Board, Private Bag 7709, Causeway, 32 000 3.12 84 Mining 1013/84 Dipco (Pvt.) Ltd. . 1989. 32 000 11.3 85 later than Friday, 30th June, 220/85 Chekechivu (Pvt.) Ltd. Loe 32 000 31.7.85 757/85 Morcent Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd... « D. E. H. MURANGARI, 32 000 21.8 85 848/85 A and T Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Chairman. 31 200 5 11 85 1180/85 Jonah Court (Pvt.) Ltd. 2... Mining Affairs Board. 32 000 2 12 85 2-6-89. 1309/85 Spartan Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 000 16 12 85 1395/85 Nhidza Electrical (Pvt.) Ltd. 32 000 19.412 85 1423/85 Pumia Mines (Pvt.) Ltd... ‘ 32 000 16.14.86 General Notice 301 of 1989. 51/86 D M Computer Services (Pvt.) Ltd. . mireWorld Farm Produce Suppliers (Pvt.) ACT [CHAPTER 190] 194/86 14 2 86 COMPANIES et 32 0 td. 2. we te 18.2.86 216/86 Steel Products (Pvt.) Ltd. 32.000 Struck Off the Register Network Business Comraunications (Pvt.) Companies 222/86 18.2 86 Ltd... ee ee et 32 000 32 000 25.2 86 262/86 Copa-Copa Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd. of section 283 of the 32 000 5.3.86 IT is hereby notified, in terms 309/86 Intercept Carriers (Pvt) Ltd. 2... - Act, [Chapter 190], that the namesof the companies 402/86 Masimba Building Construction Co. (Pvt. Companies 32 000 19.3. 86 off the register. Lid... 0. ee ee set out in the Schedule have been struck 32 000 8.4 86 528/86 Shamba Distributors (Pvt.} Ltd. . .. 32 000 8.4 86 | 530/86 Mudzingwa Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. oo. E. MUNAIWA, 32 000 17.4.86 579/86 Mansuli (Pvt) Ltd. 2... - 1 ee 2.6.89. Registrar of Companies.

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General Notice306 of 1989. INSURANCE ACT,1987 ‘ | . | LOST OR DESTROYED LIFE POLICIES Government Notice 899 of of section 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, published in Rhodesia Noticz is hereby given in accordance with’the provisions of the local life policies and addresses aro mentioned in the Schedule of the loss or destruction 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurers whose names thereto. described opposite with th eappropriate interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post Anyperson in possession ofany such policy, or claiming to have any insurer, 54 of the InsuranceAct, 1987. and certified copy ofthe policy in accordance with section Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct QO. M. TSHABANGU, | | 4 ofInsurance, ; Commissioner 2-6-89° | . ScHEDULE

Policy- Date of Amount . Life insured Policy-owner address of insurer number policy insured Name and |

Greville Archie 10734f | 1.8.88 | $50.000 Greville Archie George Burmester Old Mutual, P.O, Box 70, Harare 7097059- Burmester. . . George Steven Gordon Mc- 10736f 1.4.67 $822,76 StevenGordon McKnight. South African Mutua! Life Assurance Society, 2088378 . . Knight. P.O. Box 70, Harare McKnight. . Steven Gordon_Me- 10969f Society, 2091539 1.6.67 $812,20 Steven Gordon South African Mutual Life Assurance Knight. 70, Harare - P.O. Box Gideon Mufana. . Giedon Mufana. 10741f Harare 2198828 1.3.69 $2.000 | Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, °. Matilda Monica 10742f 71060669 1.7,87 $3 678 Matilda Monica Johns Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare Johns. - . Tafadzwa Chake- 10834f | 1.9.85. $17074 IdaTafadzwa Chakaingesu Ida Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare 7034827 : . ingesu. ‘ . Colin Walter Sey- 10835f | 3391703 1.3.79 $2177 ColinWalter Seymour Old Mutual P.O. Box 70, Harare mour, | * . Simon Trymore Ma- 10836f 7087539 1.7.88 $6 876 Simon Trymore Manatsire Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare natsire. Juliet Matambo. 10837f 7054793 1.5.87 $10 619 Juliet Matambo . Old Mutual, P.O, Box 70, Harare Gershon Ndiovu. 10838f 1.9.88 | $3 764 Gershon Ndlovu Old Mutual, P.O. Box 70, Harare .. . « + "7100669 1081 If ; $1000 Shadreck Jim Mhlanga _. Shadreck Jim. Mbia- Southampton Assurance Co, of Zimbabwe Ltd., 726771 A 1.1.69 Barb eet) , nga. P.O. Box 969, Harare . feces Jre 10830f - Tawatya Denga oe Tawatya Denga. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 969918 L 1.12.85 $15.000 ° a Southampton Assurance Co. ee P Pyeng ore? P.O. Box 969, Harare 10737f $15 000 Anjenetha Matandike Anjenetha Matindike. The Prudential Assurance Co. (Zim.) (Pvt.) Ltd., 10954922 1.9.87 ie ~ P.O. Box 1083, Harare .


executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed of change of NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed Bruno Mugabe, Wilton before me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati, a legal practitioner, name executed before me, Hapison and appeared before me on the 22nd day of May, 1989, and on the 12th May, 1989, appeared Sibusisiwe Simanga, Moyo deed of change of name, changed his name to Wilton Gift Mugabe. that she did, on that day, By notarial from Sibusisiwe Simarnga to Sibusisiwe Dated at Harare this 29th day of May, 1989.—Muga change her name Hove, which name shall be used by her in all records. deeds, Mutezo & Partners, P.O. Box 6563, Harare. documents and writings, and on all occasions whatsoever.

Dated at Gweru this 22nd day of May, 1989.—B. R. P. CHANGE OF NAME | Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners, Gwati bers, P.O. Box 1371, Gweru. 10858f - NOTICE is hereby given that. by notarial deed executed before me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Mutasa, at | CHANGE OF NAME Mutare, on the 21st day of March, 1989, Shake Taka changed his name to Shake Shava, which name he shall use in all documents, deeds, actions and proceedings whatsoever and is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed ; NOTICE on all occasions. : before me, Christopher Kashumba Matemba Miutasa, at Dated at Mutare this 22nd day of May, 1989.—Hove, Mutasa Mutare, on the 7th day of October, 1988, Joice Mudzi changed & Associates. 10862f her name to Joice Maziwe, which name she shall use in all | documents, deeds, actions and proceedings whatsoever and on

~~ | all occasions. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Mutare this 17th day of May, 1989.—Hove, Mutasa & Associates. 10861f TAKEnotice that, by notarial deed executed before me, Leodnas Saul Miti, a notary public, at Chinhoyi, on the 19th CHANGE OF NAME day of May, 1989, Emmanuel Kubvaruno Garaushoma changed his name to Emmanuel Mangava.—Leodnas Saul Miti, c/o T. H. Chitapi & Associates, P.O. Box 71, Chinhoyi. 10910£ NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 15th day of May, 1989, Faizel Ivor Mahomed appeared before me, John Bourchier Meyburgh, a legal practitioner, at Harare, and did CHANGE OF NAME abandon the nameFaizel Ivor Mahomed, and in place thereof, assumed the name Daniel Ivor Rankin, which name shall be usein all records, deeds, documents and transactions hence- TAKEnotice that Shaibu Malilo (born 24th February, 1950), 0 appeared before me on the 29th May, 1989, and changed his name to Shaibu Kalako.—T. P. Gambe, c/o Gambe, Chinyenze Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Stumbles & &Associates, legal practitioners, Third Floor, Thaine Buildin Rowe, legal practitioners, First Floor, Chancellor House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 10829f 99, Manica Road, Harare. . 109148



NOTICE is hereby given that, on. the 23rd day of May, TAKE notice that, on the 28th day of April, 1989, 1989, Shadreck Shati Sitole (born 6th January, 1952), appeared Augustine Sveta (born on the Ist day of June, 1953). appeared before me, George Lentaigne Ingram Lock, a legal practitioner, before me, and, by notarial deed, changed his name from at Mutare, and changed his name by notarial deed from Shad- Augustine Sveta to Augustine Munyuki Mupandawana.— — reck Shati Sitole to Shadreck Malakata. G. O. M. Moyo, legal practitioner, c/o Lazarus & Sarif, Centenary Building, Ninth Averue/Jameson Street, Bulawayo. Dated at Mutare this May 23rd 1989.—Lewis and Lock, 10818 legal practitioners, Winston House, First Avenue/Second

Street, -Mutare, ; 1091 if CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGEOF NAME. NOTICE is hereby given that, by ‘notarial deed executed: before me, on 16th May, 1989, Bongani Chimbalanga abandoned the surname of Chimbalanga, so that, she shall TAKE notice that, on the 23rd day of May. 1989, Isaac henceforth, to all intents and purposes be known as Bongani Takavingei appeared -before me and changed his name to Maduna, .- ‘ : . Isaac Vengai Chivarange. . Dated at Kadomathis 16th day of May, 1989.—-D. G. Palfra- man, c/o Jarvis and Palframan, How House, Edward Street, - Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—R. S. Mackay, | Kadadoma. 107S0f notary public, c/o Kantor & Immerman, 67-69, Second Street, Harare. . 10822£ CHANGE OF NAME

‘CHANGE OF NAME TAKEnotice that on the 19th May, 1989, before me, Ismael James Muvingi, a legal practitioner, there appeared Richard Ranganai Ntini, and he changed his name and the names of ~NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed his minor children, namely: Kindness Ntini, Victor Ntini and | before me, on 17th May, 1989, Rosewell Mhone, on his own Ishmael Ntini to Richard Ranganai Muzanenhamo, Kindness behalf and on behalf of his five minor children, namely:— Muzanenhamo, Victor Muzanenhamoand Ishmael Muzane- nhamo, respectively. _Eresina Mkone, Joyce Shisha, Andrew Shisha, Donvan Isaac Dated at Harare on this 19th May, 1989,—Muvingi and Muhone and Peter Muhone, abandoned the surnames of Machaya, legal practitioners, Harare. 10747£ - Shisha, Muhone, Mkone and Mhone, and assumed the surname

of Msisya, so that, they shall henceforth, to all intents and purposes be known as Rosewell Isaac Msisya, Andrew Msisya, CHANGE OF NAME Joyce Msisya, Donvan Isaac Msisya, and Eresina Msisya, respectively. . NOTICEis hereby given that Wilson Muza appeared before me, on the 12th of May, 1989, and changed his name to Wil- Dated at Kadoma this 17th day of May, 1989.—D. G. Palfra- liam Nyambo. . man, c/o Jarvis and Palframan, How House, Edward Street, Dated at Kadoma this 12th day of May, 1989.—Robert Kadoma. 10749f Munyurwa,legal practitioner, c/o Gambe, Chinyenze & Associ-

ates, suite 41, Grand Hotel, P.O. Box 901, Kadoma. 10735£


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICEis hereby given that on the 16th day of May. 1989, Barbara Cream Nyashanu appeared before me, Joseph James, before me, Joel Bigboy Zowa, a legal practitioner, at Harare, a legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, and in her capacity as the on 4th May, 1989, Victor Musarurwa changed his name and natural mother and legal guardian of the minor child Daniel- assumed the name of Victor Buranga, which name shall be son Mananavire, declared her desire to change the child’s name used in all records, deeds, documents and transactions. to Danielson Nyashanu. Dated at Bulawayo this 19th day of May, 1989.—James Further, by the said notarial deed, Victor Musarurwa,in his Moyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, legal practitioners, Second Floor, capacity as father and natural guardian of his minor children, Exchange Building, Main Street/Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo, namely: Memory Musarurwa, Portia Musarurwa and Precious 10728 Musarurwa, changed their names and assumed on their behalf the names Memory Buranga, Portia Buranga and CHANGE OF NAME Precious Buranga, respectively, which names shall be used in all records, deeds, documents and transactions. NOTICE is hereby given that. by notarial deed executed before me, Cuthbert Mpame, a legal practitioner and notary Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Coghlan, public on the 28th April, 1989, at Harare, Anderson Musunhe ‘Welsh & Guest, Third Fioor, Colonial Mutual Building, renounced the surname Tinago and adopted the surname Gordon Avenue, Harare. 10832f Musunhe for and on behalf of his minor children, namely:

Tariro Tinago, Chiedza Tinago, Ngonidzashe Tinago, Sibu- sisiwe Tinago, Emmanuel Tinago and Rumbidzayi Tinago, so that, henceforth, they shall use the surname Musunheforail CHANGE OF NAME purposes whatsoever. Dated at Harare this 18th day of May, 1989.—Cuthbert Mpame. legal practitioner & notary public, First and Second NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 15th day of May, Floors, Methodist House, 7, Central Avenue, Harare. 10723f 1989, Fiona Shereen Mahomed appeared before me, John |

Bourchier Meyburgh, a legal practitioner, at Harare, and did abandon the name Fiona Shereen Mahomed, and in place | CHANGE OF NAME thereof, assumed the name Fiona Shereen Rankin, which name shall be used in all records, deeds, documents and transactions NOTICE is herebv given that. by a notarial deed executed henceforth. before me on the 30th March, 1989, Siqhoza Gwizi changed his name to Sighoza Gwizi Mazibuko. Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Stumbles & Dated at Bulawayo this 17th May, 1989.—S. K. M. Sibanda, Rowe, legal practitioners, First Floor, Chancellor House, legal practitioners, First Floor,Exchange Building, Main Street/ Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 10828f Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10795£ 478 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2ND JuNE, 1989.


that, by a notarial deed executed is hereby given that, bv a notarial deed executed NOTICEis hereby given NOTICE April, 1989, Charies Mafika being the me on the 29th March, 1989, Samson Mazhangara before me on the 6th before father of her minor child Ntungamili Dube changed his changed his name to Samson Bapire. natural name to Ntungamili Brian Mafika. . this 17th May, 1989.— S. K. M.Sibanda, Dated at Bulawavo May, 1989,.—S. K. M. Sibanda, First Floor, Excnange Building, Main Street/ Dated at Bulawayo this 17th legal practitioners, legal practitioner, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ . Avenue, Bulawayo. 10796f Seiborne Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10793£


hereby given that, by a notarial deed executed NOTICE is the notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, before me on the Sth. May, 1989, Rachel Khumalo being TAKE child Nkosilomusa Xolisile Ncube at Harare, Tamare Chiwaka, in her capacity as the natural natural mother of the minor Glen‘Matienga, Nkosilomusa Sifiso Khumalo. mother and guardian of Makanyara Lorna ’ changed her name to Lorna Glen K. M.Sibanda, did change the minor child’s name to Makanyara Dated at Bulawayo this 17th May, 1989.—S. Mazhawidza for all purposes whatsoever. practitioner, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ legal Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Davison Seiborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10790f Moses Foroma, legal practitioner and notary public, c/o Sawyer & Mkushi, First and Second Floors, Methodist House, CHANGE OF NAME 7, Central Avenue, Harare.

NOTICE is hereby given that, by anotarial deed executed “CHANGE OF NAME before me on the 8th May, 1989, Assah Mufandaedza Zhou _ changed her name to Assah Mufandaedza. Dated at Bulawavo this 17th May, 1989.—S. K. M. Sibanda, TAKE notice that, on 23rd May, 1989, Rudia Vijalona / Muvingi, a legal practi- legal practitioner, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street appeared before me, Ismael James Avenuz, Bulawayo. 10791f tioner, and changed her name to Rudia Gridu—Muvingi & Selborne Machaya, legal practitioners, First Floor, Roslin House. 46, Baker Avenue, Harare. 10901f

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Gerald Mudimu, a notary public and legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 23rd day of May, 1989, Martha TAKE notice that, on 23rd May, 1989, Pauline Vijalona Gandiwa did formally abandon the name Martha Gandiwa, appeared before me, Ismael James Muvingi, a legal practi- | so that, henceforth, she shall be known to all and on all tioner, and changed her name to Pauline Gridu—Muvingi & occasions, as Martha Dinha, which nameshall be usedin all Machaya, legal practitioners, First Floor, Roslin House, 46, deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever. Baker Avenue, Harare. - 10902£ Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Gerald Mudima, c/o Mapfumo & Associates, legal practitioners, P.O. CHANGE OF NAME Box 4498, Harare. 10798f

TAKEnotice that, on the 24th day of May, 1989, before CHANGE OF NAME me, Bryant Walker Elliot, a notary public, at Harare, appeared Charles Tembo (born 4th September, 1970) and changed his notarial deed executed surname from Tembo to Sadah, so that, henceforth, he shall. NOTICE is hereby given that, by a subscribe to the surname Sadah. . before me on the {4th April, 1989. Losa Tambalika being the Tambalika and Dated at Harare this 4th day of May, 1989.—Bryant Walker natural mother of the minor children Elson ~ Evelyn Tambalika changed their names to Elson Luisi Phiri Elliot, ¢/o Scanlen & Holderness, Thirteenth Floor, CABS and Evelyn Phiri. Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare. 10906f Dated at Bulawayo this 17th May, 1989.—S. K. M. Sibanda, Building, Main Street/ legal practitioner, First Floor, Exchange CHANGE OF NAME Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10794f

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF, NAME before me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati, a legal practitioner, on the 22nd February, 1989, personally came and appeared 4 Phillip Mabuto, and he did, on that day, by notarial deed TAKE ‘notice that, on 23rd May, 1989, Aaron Gridu Ismael James Muvingi, a legal practi- of change of name, change his name from Phillip Mabuto appeared before me, to Phillip Mabuto Botshiwe, and also in his capacity as the tioner, and changed the name of his minor child Oliver Vija- Jona to Oliver Gridu-Muvingi & Machaya,legal practitioners, father and legal guardian of his minor child Chiedza Mabuto, Roslin House, 46, Baker Avenue, Harare. 10903 changed her name from Chiedza Mabuto to Chiedza First Floor, Mabuto Botshiwe, which name shall be used by the appearer and the said minor child in all deeds, records and other docu- CHANGE OF NAME ments,-as well as in all dealings and transactions and on ail occasions whatsoever. Dated at Gweru this 18th day of May, 1989—B. R. P. NOTICEis hereby given that, by a notarial deed executed Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners, Gwati Chambers, P.O. Box before me, on the 6th April, 1989, Angela Dube changed her 1371, Gweru. 10856f name to Angela Boniswa Mafika.

Dated at Bulawayo this 17th May, 1989.—S, K. M. Sibanda, legal practitioner, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ CHANGE OF NAME Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10792f NOTICE is hereby given that: by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME before me, Tinashe Innocent Gonese, a legal practitioner, at Mutare, on the 16th day of May, 1989, Elijah Hamudi did abandon the name Elijah Hamudi and assumed the name NOTICEis hereby given that. Winkie Chikwarara appeared Elijah Mudekurozva, which name shall be used in all records, before me on the 26th day of April, 1989. and renounced her deeds, documents and transactions. , name Winkie Chikwarara and assumed the name Winkie _Dxted at Mutare this 16th day of May, 1989—Chirunda. Gombe.—c/oErick Mhlanga, legal practitioner, No. 90, cnr. Chihambakwe & Rogers, legal practitioners, Manica Arcade, Second and Central Avenue, . 10851f 91, Main Street, Mutare. 10909f



NOTICE iis hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me,. Motion Neube, a legal practitioner, on the 22nd _ before me, Peter Dzimba, of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, legal day of May, 1989, personally came and appeared Rangarirayi practitioners, at Gweru, on the 28th day of April, 1989, Mabhibho, and that he did, on that day, by notarial deed of Jonathan Zhou did abandon and renounce the name Jonathan poll, change his name from Rangarirayi Mabhibho to Zhou and did assume the name Jonathan Mhaka, by which Rangarirayi Kwedu, which name shali be used by him in all name in all documents and transactions of whatsoever. nature records, deeds, documents and other writings, as well as in all he shall henceforth be known. dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever. - Dated at Gweru this 28th day of April, 1989.—Peter Dzimba, Dated at Masvingo this 22nd day of May, 1989.—Chirunda c/o Hove, Mutasa & Associates, 55, Fifth Street (P.O. Box 128), and Chihambakwe,legal practitioners, P.O. Box 700, Masvingo. Gweru. . 10799£ . 1


Rone notice that, leoalpracti deed aepeer before me, NOTICE is herebypiven that the under-mentioned certificate obert Munyurwa, a practitioner and notary public,at of registration, issue in the name of Stephen Nanaza, has Kadoma, on the 3rd day of May, 1989, Togarepi Mutangi Gwe- been lost or mislaid, and that application will be made to the nhamo (born 10th September, 1962), changed his name to Mining Commissioner, at Harare, at the expiration of 30 days Togarepi Mutangi.. from the date of publication of this notice, for the issue of: Dated at Kadoma this 3rd day of May, 1989.—Robert a duplicate thereof. - Munyurwa, c/o Gambe, Chinyenze & Associates, P.O. Box 901, Registration number Name of block Kadoma. . 10810f 14991 Central 9 Dated at Harare this 23rd day of May, 1989.—Assistant CHANGE OF NAME Mining Commissioner, . 10788£

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed LOST FIXED DEPOSIT RECEIPT before me, Joel Bigboy Zowa, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 28th March, 1989, Dumisani Shumba changed his name to. Dumisani ‘Neville Shumba Takavarasha, whichname shall be | NOTICE is hereby given that the under-mentioned certifi- used in all records, deeds, documents and transactions. cates have been reported lost, and that duplicates thereof will Coghlan, Welsh & Guest, Third Floor, Colonial Mutual be issued unless the originals are produced at the Society’s Building, Gordon Avenue, Harare. 10813f Head Office, Beverley Place, 7, Selous Avenue, Harare, within ten days from the date of publication: —

Fixed Deposit Receipt No. 23086, value, $300,00in the name CHANGE OF NAME of D. J. Gray. > - 10913f

NOTICEis hereby given that, by a notarial deed executed before me, on the 9th December, 1988, Cuthbert Hlabano LOST DEED OF GRANT changed his name to Cuthbert Hlabano Gumbo. Dated at Bulawayo this 16th May, 1989.—-S. K. M. Sibanda, legal practitioner, First Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Grant (Registered No. 4286/78) issued Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10773f in favour of Zephania Tugwete (R.C. No. X15795 Goromonzi) in respect of Stand 999 Seki Township, measuring three CHANGE OF NAME hundred and sixty (360) square metres. All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any NOTICE is hereby given that Nyasha Nyasha appeared representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are before me, Moses Tsorai, a legal practitioner and notary public, hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds at Harare, on the 6th day of April,.1989, and formally changed Registries Office, Harare, within 14 days from the date of pub- his name to Zano Zano, by which nameheshall, henceforth, lication of this notice. be known in all deeds, writings, dealings and all transactions. Dated at Harare on this 22nd day of May, 1989.—Chirunda, Dated at Harare this 6th day of April, 1989—Guni & Guni, Chihambakwe & Partners, applicant’s legal practitioners, Eighth legal practitioners, Sixth Floor, Southampton House, 68, Union Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. Avenue, (P.O. Box 4472), Harare. 10775£ 10802f

CHANGE OF NAME | LOST TITLE DEED NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Edwin Takafa Makanza, a legal practitioner and NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made notary public, on 28th April, 1989, at Harare, Albert Saul for a certified copy of Certificate of Registered Title (No. Saul (born on 9th July, 1989), did formally change his name 3700/88), made in favour of Andrea Jacob Mushore. on the from Albert Saul Saul to Albert Kanyenda, which nameshall 7th day of June, 1988, whereby certain piece of land,situate be used by him in all dealings and transactions, and in all in the district of Salisbury, called Stand 2558 Kambuzuma writings, as well as in all dealings and transactions, and on all Township of Stand 2526 Kambuzuma Township, was conveyed. occasions whatsoever.—Edwin Takafa Makanza, c/o Guni & All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of Guni, legal practitioners, Sixth Floor, Southampton House, such copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, 68, Union Avenue, (P.O. Box 4472), Harare. 10776f with the Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, within 14 days of

publication of this notice. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Harare this 26th day of May, 1989.—Scanlen & Holderness, applicant’s attorneys, Thirteenth Floor, CABS NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare. 10908£ before me, Daniel Tungamirai Gurajena, a legal practitioner, at Gweru, on the 8th day of May, 1989, Priscillah Run’anga did formally abandon the surname Run’anga and assumed in its LOST DEED OF TRANSFER place the surname Chakanyuka, so that, henceforth, she shall be known on all occasions by the name Priscilla Chakanyuka, NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made for which she shall use in all deeds, documents, proceedings and a certified copy of | of Transfer 2704/56, made in favour trnsactions whatsoever. of James Joseph Rigby, on the 4th day of June, 1956, whereby Dated at Gweru this 19th day of May, 1989.—Gurajena certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury, called & Partners, legal practitionets, 107, First Floor, C.A.B.S. House, Stand 1217 Mabelreign Township, measuring 9588 square feet, P.O. Box 1360, Gweru. 10797f was conveyed. . s



All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of 2. There be one publication of this Order in the-Gazette and _ such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, in a Friday edition of The Chronicle, Bulawayo. with the Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, within 14 days of the publication of this notice. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR. Dated at Harare on this 19th day of May, 1989,—Condy, Ben Baron & Partners, Chadwick & Elliott, applicant’s legal practitioners, Eighth P.O, Box 1497, Floor, Southampton House, Harare. 10724f Bulawayo. 10905f

LOST DEED OF TRANSFER Case H.C, 1988/89 IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE | NOTICE is herey given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer (Registered No. 6821/80) | Held at Harare. issued in favour of Alexander Uruemu Ibru on the 3rd day of In the matter of the petition of Global Electrical Manufacturers - December, 1980, in respect of certain piece of land situate in (Pvt.) Ltd, petitioner, (represented by Ben Mahlatini, a Direc- the district of Salisbury, called Stand 409 Northwood Town- tor and shareholder of the Company), and the Registrar of ship 3 of Sumben, measuring four thousand two hundred and Companies, respondent. fifty-four (4254) square metres. Harare, Wednesday, the 17th day of May, 1989. _ All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Greenland. — any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Mr. Mparadzi for the petitioner. Registries Office, Harare, within’ 14 days from the date of: pub- WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and lication of this notice. oo hearing Mr. Mparadzi, Dated at Harare on this 22nd day of May, 1989.—Chirunda, IT IS ORDERED: — Chihambakwe & ‘Partners, applicant’s lega! practitioners, Eighth Floor, Rega] Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. (a) that the Registrar of Companies, Harare, be, and is: hereby, directed to restore the petitioner’s name to the . Companyregister; oo oe (b) that there be one publication of this Order in the Gazette LOST DEED OF TRANSFER and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. BY THE JUDGE. NOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 25880, dated the 5th of B. Muparadzi & Company, R. J. CHIMBARI, February, 1980, made in favour of Thomas John Mema 20, Park Street, Deputy Registrar. Harare. (born on the 30th May, 1936), whereby a certain piece of 10860 land being Stand 2040 Que Que Township of Que Que Town- ship, situate in the district of Que Que, measuring 80 square _ Metres, was conveyed. , Case H.C. 1860/89 All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy. are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at In the matter of the petition of ude Ltd.—Factoring Division, the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date petitioner, for the compulsory sequestration of the estate of of publication of this notice. Peter Tapera Chanetsa, respondent, and for the appointment of a provisional trustee. Dated at this 22nd day of May, 1989.—E. C. Moffitt and Pratt, CAMS House, N. R. Mandela Way, Harare, Wednesday, the 17th day of May, 1989. Kwekwe. 10846f Before the Honourable Mr.Justice Reynolds,

_ Mr. Msipa for the petitioner. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and hearing Mr. Msipa, IT IS ORDERED: NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer (Reg. No. 8676/71), dated Ist That the estate of Peter Tapera Chanetsa, of Gabaro Farm, December, 1971, passed in favour of Beversham Wills-Elmslie Tengwe, Karoi, be, and is hereby, placed under provisioral ‘(born on Sth July, 1913) and Ivy Edith Alice Wills-Eimslie sequestration, in the hands of the Master of this honourable (born on 26th May, 1916), spouses, married to each other, court. . whereby certain piece of land, situated in the district of That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon the respondent to shew Salisbury, called Stand 243 Christon Bank Township 11 of cause, if any, to this honourable court, sitting at Harare on the Hill Head of Christon Bank, measuring 2,0779 hectares, was 14th day of June, 1989, why a final order of sequestration conveyed, iq should not be made against his estate, and why the costs of All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make these proceedings should not be costs of the sequestration. any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, That this rule be served personally upon the respondent. are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days of the date of pub- That the Master of this honourable court be, and is hereby, lication of this notice. directed to appoint Malcolm Fraser as provisional trustee of the said estate. Dated at Harare this 19th day of May, 1989.—Atherstone & Cook, legal practitioners, P.O. Box 2625, Harare. 10816f That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette

and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. Case H.C. 675/89 BY THE COURT. IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE Scanlen & Holderness, Held at R. J. CHTMBARI, Bulawayo. P.O. Box 188, Deputy Registrar. In the matter of the petition of Felistas Dube, for an order Harare. 10842f presuming the death of Dibha Dube. Friday, the 19th May, 1989. Before the Honourable Mr Justice Muchechetere. COMPANIES ACT [CHAPTER 190] Mr. Naik for the petitioner. eee WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record Application for a Licence for Registration of a Company and hearing Mr Naik, Without the Addition of the Word “Limited” to its Name.

IT IS ORDERED THAT: aerrerctereentterempsamtin, 1. A rule nisi do issue, calling upon all interested petsons NOTICE is hereby given. in terms of subsection (4) of to show cause, if any, to this honourable courtsitting at Bula- section 13 of the Companies Regulations, 1984, wayo on Friday, the that the 30th day of June, 1989, why an Order Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has, in presuming the death of Dibha Dube (born 1920), in or about terms of section 22 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190}, February, 1985, should not be granted. approved the registration of the Unified Martial Arts ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2ND JUNE, 1989 481

_ Association as a company without the addition of the word 10. The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of “Limited” to its name.: these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of _ The principal objects of the proposed companyare to train the sale or rejection of his offer by the corporation. interested persons of all races, both men and women,in the (Note.—Credit facilities aré available, and any person discipline of Heung Jin Karate and other martial arts. Such interested must apply well before the sale.) training to be offered free of charge or for afarely nominal The under-mentioned movable property will be sold imme- fee. Young persons between the ages of 14 and 25 will be the diately after the sale of the farm: , group most catered for. The full objects may be. examined at the office of the Registrar of Companies, Electra House, DONALD MUGOMBA 49, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. | 1x Mazda pick-up truck 1979, Reg. No. 277-669N (non- - Any persons wishing to object to the registration of the runner). Proposed company should do so, in. writing, to the Registrar 1x Fordson Super Major (runner). of Companies, P.O. Box 8033, Causeway, within 14 days of — i x Fordson Super Major (non-runner). the last publication of this notice, that is to say, on or before 1 x 4-wheel steel deck trailer. 9th June, 1989: 1 x 2-wheel wooden deck trailer. 1x Dulys 3-disc plough. Dated at -this 2nd day of May, 1989.—Kavanagh, 2 x2-gang disc harrows.. Sakala & Co., 59B, The Green, P.O. Box 157, Marondera. 1x 2-row ridger. 10446f2 2x 4-tine cultivators. 1 x single tine ripper. 1x2 0001 water cart. AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION 1x5 0001 water cart. 1x2 SOO] water cart. 1x Ferguson grader, serial No. 619. Sale of Farm in the District of Makoni 1xDuly maize sheller. 1x fertilizer spreader. 1x motorised mower. NOTICEis hereby given, in terms of paragraph L of the 2x tobacco bailing bozes, complete with presses, tops and Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act bottoms.. [Chapter 101], that the sale of the under-mentioned immovable 1x platform scale. . and movable property will be conducted by J. R. F. Walker, in Plus or minus 10 EDB guns. conjuction with Riverside Auctioneers (Pvt.) Ltd., at Delft 15x tobacco baskets. - Farm, , on Wednesday, the Sth July, 1989, at 11 a.m. 1 x Steel’ deck workshop bench with vice, sundry workshop “Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Makoni, tools and scrap. being Delft, measuring six hundred and twerty-three comma 7x Mtepe holders—home made. five one two nought (623,512 0) hectares, held under Deed of 1 Irrigation pipe (seed beds), Transfer 720/85, dated 13th February, 1985, by Donald Mugomba”, Conditions of sale Conditions of sale 1, The highest accepted bidders: shall be the purchasers, and 1. The highest accepted bidder shall be the purchaser, and if if any dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned any dispute arises as to any bid, or should the auctioneer to be put up again. commit any error in conducting the sale, then the matter 2. Immediately after the articles are declared sold, the pur- is to be rectified by the property being re-offered for sale chasers shall either pay to the auctioneer the whole pur- immediately. - chase-price, or produce to the auctioneer evidence of 2. The sale is subject to confirmation by the corporation other acceptable arrangemertts, failing which, the articles within seven days. concerned will be put up again at the expense and risk of 3. The purchaeer shall, upon’ demand, pay the auctioneer’s the defaulter. dues and ail stamp duty, costs and fees of transfer and any 3. The articles to be sold voetsroots. and to be at the risk of other expenses necessary to complete transfer including the purchaser from the time of the sale. conveyancing fees and all arrear rates and taxes, Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu, 4. Immediately after the conclusion of the auction, the pur- Agricultural Finance Corporation, General Manager. . 10915f chaser shall pay to the corporation the whole of the pur- chase-price in cash or by bank draft drawn to the order of the corporation, or, alternatively, a cash/bank draft AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION deposit of one-tenth of the -purchase-price may be paid as and by way of rouwkoop, and the balance, together with pai! any interest, at the corporation’s present ruling interest Sale of Farm in the District of Lomagundi rate of 13% from date of sale to date of transfer, subject to a suitable guarantee being given before transfer. NOTICE is heréby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the 5. Credit facilities granted by the corporation prior to the Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act,. auction date shall not be utilized or tendered as the 10% [Chapter 101], that the sale of the under-mentioned immovable deposit or part thereof. property will be conducted by Lomagundi Auctioneers at 14, 6. The property is sold voetstoots, and as represented by the Garrard Drive, Chinhoyi, or Friday, the 7th July, 1989, at title deeds and the Surveyor-General’s diagram, the cor- 11.30 a.m. poration not holding itself liable for any deficiency- that Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Lomagundi, may be found to exist, and renouncing all excess. being Chitombogwizi 42, measuring fifty-four “comma six 7. The purchaser acknowledges that he has made himself nine seven nine (54,697 9) hectares, held under Deed of Trans- fully acquainted with the property, with any servitude or fer 423/62, dated 14th March, 1962, by Tigerepayi. servitudes, lease or leases to which it is subject, with its nature, extent, boundaries, beacons and locality and with Conditions of sale all terms and conditions contained ir the title deeds, with all restrictive conditions on user lawfully imposed by the 1. The highest accepted bidder shall be the purchaser, and if Town Planning Office or other relevant authority, and whe- any dispute arises as to any bid, or should the auctioneer ther or not its area contains any vested roads. commit any error in conducting the sale, then the matter 8. The risk and profit in the property shall pass to the pur- is to be rectified by the property being re-offered for sale immediately. chaser from the time of confirmation of the sale, subject, if applicable, to the present occupier having the right of 2. The sale is subject to confirmation by the corporation access to the property to reap and market any standing within seven days. — crops. The corporation gives no warranty of vacant 3. The purchaser shall, upon demand, pay the auctioneer’s possession. - dues and all stamp duty, costs and fees of transfer and any other expenses necessary to complete transfer including 9. If the purchaser fails to make payment when requested to conveyancing fecs and all arrear rates and taxes. do so, or fails to comply with any of the terms or condi- tions contained herein, then the corporation shall have the 4. Immediately after the conclusion of the auction, the pur- right to cancel the sale without prejudice to any claim for chaser shall pay to the corporation the whole of the pur- Joss or damage which the corporation may have sustained chase-price in cash or by bank draft drawn to the order thereby, and to retain as and by way of rouwkoop, all of the corporation, or, alternatively, a cash/bank draft monies which may have been deposited by the purchaser deposit of one-tenth of the purchase-price may be paid for the purpose of the said property, as and by way of rouwkoop,and the balance, together with be


Conditions of sale. at the corporation’s t ruling interest any interest, of ' r, and if rate of 13% to paid within 14 days from the date 1. The highest accepted bidder shall be the purchase on demand against transfer, subject arises as to any bid, or shou d the aauctioneer sale to date of transfer any dispute matter guarantee being given within 14 days of commit any error in conducting the sale, then the to a suitable re-offered for sale confirmation of the sale. / s to be rectified by the property being prior to the _ 5. Credit facilities by the corporation _ immediately. tendered as the 10% © auction date shall not be utilized or 2. The sale is subject to confirmation by the corporation - deposit or part thereof. seven days, by the within property is sold voetstoots, and as represented the auctioncer’s 6. The diagram, the cor- 3, The purchaser shall, uport demand, pay title deeds and the Surveyor-General’s and fees oftransfer and any liable for any deficiency that dues and all stamp duty, costs poration not holding itself necessary to complete transfer including to exist, and renouncing all excess. other expenses 7 may befound conveyancing fees and all arrear rates and taxes. ¢ acknowledges that he has made himself - 7, The purchaser or after the conclusion of the auction, the pur- acquainted with the property, with any servitude 4. Immediately of the pur- fully with its chaser 8 pay to the corporation the whole servitudes, lease or leases to which it is subject, to the order locality and with chase-price in cash or by bank draft drawn nature, extent, boundaries, beacons and a cash/bank draft the title deeds, with of the corporation, or, alternatively, all terms and conditionscontained in purchase-price may be paid on user jawfully imposed by the deposit of one-tenth of the all restrictive conditions way of rouwkoop, and the balance, together with Office or other relevant authority, and as and by Town Planning interest, at the corporation’s it ruling interest or not its area contains any vested roads. any on de- whether rate of 13% from date of sale to date of transfer, inthe property shall pass to the pur- | eubject to a suitable guarantee being 8. The risk and profit subject, mand against transfer chaser from the time of confirmation of the sale, given within 14 days of confirmation ofthe sale. having the rightof if applicable, to the present occupier by the corporation prior to the to reap and market any standing 5. Credit facilities granted access to the property date shall not be utilized or tendered as the 10% The corporation gives 0 warranty of vacant auction crops. deposit or part thereof. possession. by the requested to 6. The property is sold voetstoots, and as represented 9, If the purchaser fails to make payment when diagram, the cor- with any of the terms or condi- title deeds and the Surveyor-General’s do go, or fails to comply itself liable for any deficiency that herein, then the corporation shall have the poration not holding tions contained for be found to exist, and renouncing all excess. to cancel the sale without prejudice to any claim may right sustained himself loss or damage which the corporation ma have 7. The purchaser acknowledges that he has made and to retain as and by way © rouwkoop, all acquainted with the property, with any servitude or thereby, fully its monies which may have been deposited by the purchaser servitudes, lease or leases to which it is eu ject, with the purpose of the said property. extent, boundaries, beacons and ! ity and with for nature, deeds, with his bid in terms of | all terms and conditions contained in thetitle 10. The highest bidder may not withdraw onuser lawfully imposed by the of sale prior to the date of confirmation of all restrictive conditions these conditions Office or other relevant authority, and whe- the sale or rejection of his offer by the corporation. Town Planning person or not its area contains any vested roads. (Note.—Credit facilities are available, and any ther the pur- interested must apply well before the sale.) 8. The risk and profit in the property shall pass to from the time of confirmation of the sale, subject, chaser of Tractors and implements applicable, to the present owner having the right if standing tractor (Part V Item), non-runner, | access to the property to reap and market any 1x International H444 gives nto warranty of vacant No. AG1619. crops. The corporation serial possession. 1.x Kawasaki 90 motor-cycle (non-runner). fails to make payment when requested to Scotch cart. 9, If the purchaser 1 x eo, or fails to comply with any of the terms or condi- do the 1 x spike toothed harrow. tions contained herein, then the corporation shall have 2x ox-drawn ploughs. right to cancel the sale without prejudice to any claim for may have sustained 2 x ox-drawn ridgers. loss or damage which the corporation 18872, retain as and by: way of rouwkoop, all 1x 3/2 Tinto disc plough/Part V item, serial No. BOP thereby, and to monies which may have been deposited by the purchaser 1x platform scale. for the purpose of the said property. sale Conditions of bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of 10. The highest of highest accepted bidders shall be the purchasers, and these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation 1. The corporation. if any dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned the sale or rejection of his offer by the to be put up again. (Note.—Credit facilities are available, and any person pur- interested must apply well before the sale.) 2. Immediately after the articles are declared sold, the chaser shali either pay to the auctioneer the whole pur- chase-price, or produce to the auctioneer evidence Tractors and implements failing which, the articles other acceptable arrangements, 500, serial No. 291382, eng. No. A1706. put up again at the expense andrisk of 1x Universal concerned will be 1x Ford 6610, eng. No. EONN-GO1SAA. the defaulter. 1x Peuguot 504 station wagon, Reg. No. 306-485K. risk of motor, serial No. 3. The article to be sold voetstoots, and to be at the 1x Mobil water-pump with 390V electrical the purchaser from the time of the sale, 1 x Twin John Deere lime distributor. Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu, Finance Corporation. 10916f 1x Avery platform scale. General Manager, Agricultural 1x 300 litres Taurus boomsprayer. 1x Yamaha 100, engine No. 3V6-025821, Reg. No. 473096]. rever 81BCE plough. FINANCE CORPORATION 1x2-furrow barns AGRICULTURAL 1x Duly heavy rome. 1x Duly slasher. Sale of Movable and Immovable Property in the District 1 x Duly offset disc harrow. of Hurungwe 1 x Duly slasher. 1 x 3-row bain cultivator. 1x 1000 litres MYT blower (need repair). NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the 1 x 4-row planter. . Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act 1x Duly fertilizer distributor, serial No. 9301. [Chapter 101], that the sale of the under-mentioned immova- 1x 5-tonme wooden deck Arian Springraaster trailer. ble and movable property will be conducted by Knight Frank 1x 2-row potholer. Rutley Zimbabwe, in conjuction with Agric Agencies at 1x2 0001 water-tank. and at | Lot 1 of Amore Farm, on Thursday, the 13th July, 1989, 1x 4-section spike harrow. 11.30 a.m. 1 x 2-furrow Bental plough. land, situate in the District of Hurungy 1x Duly terracer grader. Certain piece of Major, Eng. No. DJ 6021 (non-runner). being Lot 1 of Amore, measuring four hundred comma four 1x 1 Fordson (400,497 0) hectares, held under Deed of | 1x 4-tine home made ripper. nine seven nought serial No. 72335/3. welder, Transfer 2928/82, dated Ist July, 1982, 1x 150 amps a.c.


1 x small workshop bench. loss or damage which the corporation may have sustained 1x Blockeel tuckle. thereby, antd to retain as and by way of rouwkoop, all 1 x Complete touch welder. monies which may have been deposited by the purchaser Assorted spanners. for the purpose of the said property. Lo ‘10. The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of Conditions of sale these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of 1, The highest accepted bidders shall be the purchasers, and the sale or rejection of his offer by the corporation. if any dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned _(Note.—Credit facilities are available, and any person to be put up again. interested must apply well before the sale.) . '2. Immiediately after the articles are declared sold, the pur- The under-mentioned movable properties will be sold imme-- chaser shali cither pay to the auctioneer the whole pur- diately after the sale of the farm: - chase-price, or produce to the auctioneer evidence of ~ 1x pick-up Mazda. other acceptable arrangements, failing which, the articles 1 x MP65 tractor (pressure plate problem). concerned will be put up again at the expense and risk of 1x Fordson Major. the defaulter. . 1x MF 35 (non runner). 3.. The articles to be sold voetstoots, and to be at the risk of ‘1 ‘x MF 65 (non runner). | the purchaser from the time of the sale. oO 1 xtractor-drawn maize sheller. Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu, 1 x tractor-drawn maize sheller (scrap). Agricultural Finance Corporation, General Manager. 10919f 2 x 3-row dise ploughs. 1 x off-cut disc harrow. 1 x tractor-drawn. grass-mower. AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION 1 x tractor-mounted boom sprayer. 1 x 2-row planter. 1 x dam scoop. Sale of Farm in the District of Goromonzi 1 x 2-wheel wooden deck trailer, 1 x 4-row planter (scrap). NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the 1x4 aluminium step ladder. Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act Irrigation equipment. [Chapter 101], that the sale of the under-mentioned immovable Livestock . : and movable properties will be copducted by Hutchinson Farm Plus or minus 400 mixed head of cattle. Sales, in conjunction with Farm ent Auctions at Mgar- gwi Farm, Marondera, on Friday, the 7th July, 1989, at Conditions of sale 10.30 a.m. . 1. The highest accepted bidders shall be the purchasers, and ‘Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Goromonzi, if any dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned _ being Mgargwi, measuring one thousand four hundred and to be put up again. . sixty-nine comma seven eight five zero hectares 2. Immediately after the articles are declared sold, the pur- (1 469,785 0h), held under Deed of Transfer 6549/85, dated chaser shall either pay to the auctioneer the whole pur- 4th December, 1985, by Nyangara Phillip Dube. chase-price, or produce to the auctioneer evidence of other acceptable arrangements, failing which, the articles Conditions of sale - concerned will be put up again at the expense and risk of 1. The highest accepted bidder shall be the purchaser, and if the defaulter. . any dispute arises as to any bid, or should the auctionecr 3. The articles to be sold voetstoots, and to be at the risk of commit any error in conducting the sale, then the matter the purchaser from the time of the sale. is to be rectified by the property being re-offered for sale Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu,. immediately, Agricultural Finance Corporation, General Manager. 10917

2. The sale is subject to confirmation by the corporation within seven days. 3. The purchaser shall, upon demand, pay the auctioneer’s AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION dues and all stamp duty, costs and fees of transfer and any other expenses necessary to complete transfer including Sale of Farm in the District of Chipinga conveyancing fees and all arrear rates and taxes. 4. Immediately after the conclusion of the auction, the pur- NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of paragraph 1 of the chaser shall pay to the corporation the whole of the pur- Act chase-price in cash or by bank draft drawn to the order ‘ Second Schedule to the Agricultural Finance Corporation of the corporation, or, alternatively, a cash/bank draft [Chapter 101], that the sale of the under-mentioned immovable deposit of one-tenth of the purchase-price may be paid “and movable property will be conducied by J. S. Holland (Pvi.) as and by way of rouwkoop, and the balance, together with Limited within their Auction Yard 3, Industrial Road, Mutare, any interest, at the corporation’s present ruling interest on Friday, the 30th June, 1989, at 11 a.m. rate of 13% from date of sale to date of transfer, subject “Certain piece of land, situate in the district of Chipinga, to a suitable guarantee being given within 14 days of being Chinyaduma 10. measuring eighty-three comma seven confirmation of the sale. seven six five (83,776 5) hectares, held under Deed of Trans- 5. Credit facilities granted by the corporation prior to the for 2777/80, dated 2nd February, 1980, by Baldwin Nqoba auction date shall not be utilized or tendered as the 10% Hianti.” deposit or part thereof. Conditions of sale 6. The property is sold voetstoots, and as represented by the purchaser, and if title deeds and the Surveyor-General’s diagram, the cer- 1. The highest accepted bidder shall be the poration not holding itself liable for any deficiency that any dispute arises as to any bid, or should the auctionecr the sale, then the matter may be found to exist, and renouncing all excess. commit any error in conducting is to be rectified by the property being re-offered for sale 7. The purchaser acknowledges that he has made himself immediately. fully acquainted with the property, with any servitude or by the corpora‘ion servitudes, lease or leases to which it is subject, with its 2. The sale is subject to confirmation nature, extent, boundaries, beacons and locality and with within seven days. all. terms and conditions contained in the title deeds. with 3, The purchaser shall, uport demand, pay the auctioneer’s all restrictive conditions on user lawfully imposed by the dues and all stamp duty, costs and fees of transfer and any Town Planning Office or other relevant authority, and whe- other expenses necessary to complete transfer including ther or not its area contains any vested roads. conveyancing fees and all arrear rates and taxes. 8. The risk and profit in the property shall pass to the pur- 4, Immediately after the conclusion of the auction, the pur- chaser from the time of confirmation of the sale, subject. _ chaser shall pay to the corporation the whole of the pur- if applicable, to the present occupier having the right of chase-price in cash or by bank draft drawn to theorder access to the property to reap and market any s‘anding of the corporation, or, alternatively, a cash/bank draft crops. The corporation gives no warranty of vacant deposit of one-tenth of the purchase-price may be paid possession. as and by way of rouwkoop, and the balance, together with 9, If the purchaser fails to make payment when reques'ed to any irtterest, at the corporation’s present ruling inicrest do #0, or fails to comply with any of the terms or condi- rate of 13 per cent. from date of sale to date of transfer tions contained herein, then the corporation shall have the on demand against transfer, subject to a suitable guarantee being given within 14 days of confirmation of the sale. right to cancel the sale without prejudice to any claim for ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2ND JUNE, 1989 é

f jt . 5S. Credit facilities granted by the corporation ‘prior to the Licencd to Fanwell Chipo auction date Mukuwiri, trading as Success shail not be utilized or tendered as the 10 (Bottle Store, in respect of premises situate at Mutorahuku per cent. deposit or part thereof. usiness Centre in Maungwe District. . 6. The property is sold voetstoots, and as represented by the All persons who have any ‘Objections to the application title deeds and the Surveyor-General’s diagram, the cor- may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary poration not holding of itself liable for any deficiency that the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th may be found to exist, and. renouncing all excess. June, 1989, 7. The purchaser acknowledges that he has made himself Dated this 19th day of May. 1989.—Lazarus fully acquainted & Sarif, with the property,’ with any servitude or applicant’s legal practitioners, ntenary Building, Ninth servitudes, lease or leases to which it is subject, with its Avenue, Bulawayo. : nature, extent, boundaries, beacons and locality and with all terms and conditions contained in the title deeds, with all restrictive conditions on user lawfully imposed by the LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Town Planning Office or other relevant authority, and whe- ther or not its area contains any vested roads. Application for the Issue of a Part 11 Liquor 8. The risk and profit in the property shall pass to the pur- Licence chaser fromthe time of confirmation oft e€ sale, subject, | if applicable, to the present occupier having the right of NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of ‘access to the property to reap and market any s‘anding section $2 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will e made to the Liquor crops. The corporation gives rio warranty of vacant Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Night ClubLiquor possession. Licence in ‘respect of premises situate at Junction of Harare/ 9. If the purchaser fails to make payment when requested to Bulawayo and Eiffel flats Road (Kadoma RanchMotel), tradin do so, or fails to comply with any of the terms or condi- as~-Kadoma Ranch, Motel, for Art Corporation Limited. . tions contained herein, then the corporation shall have the All persons who have any objections to the application may right to cancel the sale without prejudice to any claim for lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of loss or damage the — which the corporation may have sustained ‘Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th da thereby, and to retain as and by way of rouwkoop, all of June, 1989.—Kantor & Immerman, applicant’s monies legal practi- which may have been deposited by the purchaser tioners, 67-69, Second Street, Harare. 10807£ for the purpose of the said property.

10. The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of LIQUOR ACT, 1984 the sale or rejection of his-offer by the corporation. (Note.—Credit facilities are available, and any person Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence interested must apply well before the sale.) The under-mentioned movable property will be sold imme- diately after the sale of the farm: NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made 1 x_574 International tractor (runner). to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor 1 x Fordson Major (non-runner). Licence in. respect of I x Bain 3-disc plough. premises situate at Stand No. TT18589, Mutubwa Business Centre, Mutoko, trading as -Mapdsa Bottle Store, for Maposa Tanyangadzirwa Timothy. Conditions of sale All persons who have any objectionsto thé application may 1. The highest accepted bidders shall be the purchasers, and lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the if any dispute arises as to any bid, the articles concerned Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th June, — to be put up again. 1989,—Maposa Tanyangadzirwa Timothy (applicant). 10779f 2. Immediately after the articles are declared sold, the pur- chaser shall either pay to the auctioneer the whole of the purchase-price, or to produce to the auctioneer evidence of LIQUOR ACT, 1984 other acceptable arrangements, failing which, the articles concerned will be put up again at the expense and risk of Application for the Issue of a the defaulter. Part Il Liquor Licence 3. Theartciles to be sold voerstoots, and to be at the risk of NOTICEis hereby the purchaser from the time of the sale. given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, - Datedat Harare this 2nd day of June, 1984, will be made to the Liquor 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu, Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beerhall General Manager, Agricultural Finance Liquor Corporatiors. 10918f Licence in respect of premises situate at CL 30288, Padare Busi- ness Centre, Ndanga Communal Land, Ndanga District, trading as M. Marava Beerhall, for Misheck David Takawira INLAND WATERS SHIPPING ACT [Chapter 258] Marava. All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Application for the renewal with amendments of an Ordinary Liquor Licensing Board, Harare. not later than the 16th June, Permit to Provide Shipping Service 1989,—M. D. -T. Marava, applicant. 10857f

NOTICEis hereby given, that Kazungula Safaris (Pvt.) Ltd. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 of P.O. Box 2081, , has made an application to the Inland Waters Shipping Services Board, in terms of Section 37 of the Inland Waters Shipping Act for:— Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Act | —_———_ “The renewal of Ordinary Permit No 1 of 1984 for a period of three years to continue with boat hire services. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of Four canoes of 5,45m L.O.A. are to be included on the section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor permit”, Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store | Liquor Any objections to this application, in terms of section 40 of Licence in respect of premises situate at Stand No. 3, the Inland Waters Shipping Act [Chapter 258], Jaravaza Business Centre, , trading as Ngwenya- must be made ma Bottle Store, in the manner prescribed in Section 156 of the Inland Waters for Gwangwadza Joseph Ngwenyama. Shipping regulations, 1971, and within 28 days after the All persons who have any objections to the application may da‘e of publication in this Gazette, of this notice—Kazungula lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Safaris (Pvt.) Ltd, 10772f Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th June, 1989.—Gwangwadza Joseph Ngwenyama, applicant. 10859f

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE tis hereby given that an application, in terms of NOTICE is hereby given that section 52 of the liquor Act, 1984, an application, in terms of will be made to the Liquor| section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor


Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease No. CL 2702, All persons who have any objections to the application may Dendenyore Township, Wedza, trading as Dendenyore Bottle lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Store, for Maruva Chawatama. Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th June, legal All persons who have any objections to the application may 1989,—James, Moyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, applicant’s lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the practitioners, P.O. Box 1972, Bulawayo. . 10843£ Liquor Licensing; Board, Harare, not later than the 16th day of June, 1989.—M. Chawatama, applicant. 10784f

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Application for Conditional Issue of a Part II LiquorLicence ‘Application for transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE is hereby giventhat an application, in terms of NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the section 57 of.the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer of the Restaurant in Liquor Licence in respect of premises situated on Biona of respect of premises situate on Shops 8 and 9, New Greystone Woodlands Farm, District, trading as Highway Park, Domboshawa Road, Borrowdale, from Sunny James Bottle Store, for Africa Ncube. ‘Mukwenyatrading as New Greystone Park Restaurant, to All persons who have any objections to the application Sunslotch Bar P/L. may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of All persons who have any objections to the application | the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later thanthe 16th Secretary of day of June, 1989.—James, Moyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, legal may lodge their objections, in writing. with the practitioners, Second Floor, Exchange Building, Main Street/ the 16th the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10922f June, 1989.—M. N. Longhurst, applicant. 10780f


Application for Transfer of a Part Il Liquor Licence In the estate of the late Victor ‘George Magner, of Elsworth, Cambridge, England, who died there on the 3rd July, 1988. NOTICEis hereby given that an application, in terms of section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor NOTICE is hereby given that, Joan Mary Magner, of 22 Licensing Board, Harare. for transfer of the Bottle Store & Con.tellation Park, The Drifi, Elsworth, Cambridge, CB3 8JP, Supermarket, in respect of premises situate at Chizungu School, England, the duly appointed executor, intends to apply to the Stand. 2029, Epworth, from Rueben Tatenda Mombeshora, Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe, at Bulawayo, for the as Tatenda Supermarket to Raymond Rusike. re-sealing and countersignature of the grant of probate issued trading by the District Probate Registry, at Ipswich, England on the All persons who have any objections to the application 9th May, 1989. may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th All persons having any objections to,such re-sealing and June, 1989.—Raymond Rusike, applicant. 10770f countersignature, and all persons having assets or claims against

the estate, are hereby required to provide details of such objections, assets or claims to theundersigned by not later LIQUOR ACT, 1984 than the 2nd July, 1989——Anderson Executor & Trust (Private) Limited, P.O. Box AC 45, Ascot, Bulawayo. 10920f of a Part II Liquor Licence Application for Transfer

NOTICE iis hereby given that an application, in terms of ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer of ‘the Part II Liquor Licenve in respect of premises situate on Shops 8 and 9, Avon- In_ the estate of the late James John William Lankford lea Shopping Centre, from Norbert Makumucha Nhekairo,tra- Hamilton (D.R. No. 658/89), of Harare, who died at ding as Samaita Bottle Store, to Mu‘yambizi Enterprises (Pvt.) Harare on the 9th May, 1989. td. , TAKE notice that all persons having claims against the _ All persons who have any objections to the application may above mentioned estate are required to lodge them in detail lodge their objections, in writing. with the Secretary of the with the undersigned not later than fourteen days after the date of publication of this notice and those indebted thereto Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 16th June, 1989.—Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans. 10848f are required to pay to the representative the amounts due by it! them within the same period, failing which, legal proceedings

will be taken for the recovery thereof. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 All persons ‘having in their custody or possession any property belonging or relating to this estate are required to Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence deliver the same forthwith to the undersigned.—Mr. W.R.S. Ruswell, P.O. Box 629, Harare. 1083 1f pe . . . NOTICE is hereby given that an‘application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Licensing Board, Harare. for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Marcedale Farm, Figtree, to Nicholas Androliakos, trading as Marcedale Authorized Scale of Charges, Times of Closing and Bottle Store. ‘ Subscription Rate as from Ist July, 1986 All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days Charges from the date of publication of this notice—Webb, Low and NOTICES published in the normal columns: $4 per centi- Barry, applicant’s legal practitioners, 16, Eighth Avenue, metre or part thereof single column. Taking the depth of such Bulawayo. 10845f matter, normally spaced, approximately 25 words occupy one centimetre; but this can only be a rough guide, as a heading may occupy two centimetres, and certain notices unavordably LIQUORACT,1984 contain white space, which must be included in the ¢hargeable epth. Application for the Issue of a Part If Liquor Licence Notices which have to appear in tabular form across the full width of the page, such as .ost insurance policies, deceased estates, insolvent estates, company liquidation, notices in terms NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of of the Insolvency Act [Chuprer 303], changes of companies’ section 52 of the Liquor Act. 1984, will be made to the Liquor names, et cetera: $10 per entry. Licensing Board, Harare, forthe issue of a Bottle StoreLiquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Marabire Business Except in the case of approved accounts, remittances must Centre, , trading as Mataruse Bottle Store, | accompany all copy of advertisements. Failing this, copy will for Junias Zijena. be returned with an assessment of charges.

486, ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerre, 2nD June, 1989

Times of closing While every effort will continue to be made to publish The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to Extraordinaries on the required dates, copy must be su mitted — be published in the normal columns, andfor. statutory instru- timeously so that it can be programmed into the printing work-flow as soon as it ments, at 11 a.m. on the Monday preceding the Friday of is available. . publication, L. CG TAKAWIRA, : (Editor). Copy for all notices to be set in tabular form must be Department of Printing and Stationery, . feceived by 11 a.m. on the Friday preceding the Friday of ordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), publication. ne ‘Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). . .

Any copy which ig received after the respective closing-times will automatically be held over for insertion in the Gazetie of the following week, in which case no responsibility can be GOVERNMENTGAZETTE acceptedif the purport of the notice is hereby nullified. When public holidays occur, the normal closing-times are Conditions for Acceptance of Copy varied, and such variations are notified in the Gazette in * advance, _ FAILURE to comply with any of the following conditions will result in the rejection of copy, and no responsibility can | All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing beaccepted if such rejection should affect any date contained and Stationery, and either pusted to P.O, Box 8062, Causeway, in such copy orany requirement of publication on a specific or delivered direct to the department, in Gordon Avenue ate, (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare. Envelopes should be marked: Gazette copy—urgent. Persons drafting any kind of notices arestrongly advised to follow the guidance offered in— Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise (a) the Instructions Relating to the Drafting and Typing immediately of any change of of address. Legislation (Attorney-General’s Circular 1! of 1978); and Subscription rate ' (b) the Manual of Style for the Drafting and Preparation The annual subscription rate for the Gazette is Z$20, pay- of copy, published by the Department of Printing and able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing and Stationery, Stationery; and may commence with the first issue of any month. | which two booklets are intended for complemental use. In these conditions, other than where a particular kind of copy is specified, “copy” means copy for all matter contained GOVERNMENT GAZETTE in the Gazette itself and for subsidiary legislation issued as supplements to the Gazette. Submission of Copy for Application for the Issue of | 1. (1) Other than by prior arrangement, only original’ Liquor Licences typing is accepted. ‘ (2) Carbon-copies are not normally acceptable, other than IT is hereby notified, for general information, that due to an in. cases where the original typing has to be legally retained increase in the numberof applicants, throughout the country, elsewhere, as, for example, the case of a proclamation. for Liquor Licences and the subsequent publication in the (3) Computer print-outs Gazette, applicants are advised to ensure that their copy has are not accepted automatically, as discussion may be necessary with regard to the extra time been accepted prior to fixing dates for simultaneous publica- and costs involved, tion in both the Gazette and any newspaper in the country. While every effort will be made to take in what we can in _2. (1) All copy must be clear and legible, and there must be double or one and the weekly issue, in respect of applications for Liquor Licences a half spacing between the lines. only, no responsibility will be accepted by the Department of (2) Any corrections or alterations made by the originator Printing and Stationery if-— ‘ must be clearly effected in blue or black ink, using editorial marks—not (a) copy is automatically held over for insertion in the proof reader’s marks: Gazette of the following week; and | Provided that any copy containing extensive alterations will (b) the dates contamed in such copy, or any requirements be rejected. of publication on specific dates are affected; 3. (1) Copy must appear on one side only of each sheet of. because the production of the weekly issue of the Gazetie Paper. Operates to a tight schedule resulting in programmingprinting (2) Except as is provided in subsection(2) of section 8, work-flow. , paper must not exceed 210 millimetres in width. (3) If copy comprises two or more L. C. TAKAWIRA, sheets of paper, all sheets must be numbered consecutively, in arabic figures, (Editor). preferably in the top right-hand Department of Printing and Stationery, corner. Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), (4) Where any matter is added after the copy has been Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). prepared, and such additional matter results in one or more Sheets being inserted between those already numbered,- all sheets must be renumbered from there onwards—not, for GOVERNMENT GAZETTE instance, 7, 7a, 7b, 8, et cetera, - 4. Photographic copy or copy produced on a duplicating- Submission of Copy for Government Gazette Statutory machine may be accepted if it is abundantly clear. Instruments .and Notices 5. (1) Should any copy— (a) exceed 10 pages of double-spaced typing on size A4 IT is hereby notified, for general information, that it is paper; or necessary to draw attention to the “Conditions for Acceptance (b) contain tabular or other matter which involves of Copy”, which appears in every issue of the Gazette; and complicated setting; particularly the need to submit lengthy copy, in the case of it will be classed as “lengthy” copy, and will be required to be Statutory Instruments, at least 21 days before the date of submitted not less than 21 days before the date of closing for closing for the Gazette in which the notice is to be published. the Gazette in whichit is to be published. , (2) Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’ During the past few months or so there have been many notice if— cases where urgertt copy for subsidiary legislation, which (a) the work involved is of a straight forward and non- tequires the signature of the President or a minister to giveit tabular nature; and effect, and which is of national importance, has been sent in (b) the total volume of work in hand for that time being for publication in the Gazette after closing-time. Whilst I permits ite acceptance. acknowledge that it is the duty of the Department of Printing 6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in and Stationery to give certain notices special treatment, I am, these conditions, any copy however, of the view that a Gazette Extraordinary has tended (a) which is of national importance, and which is originated as a matter of urgent to be a must rather than a matter of priority in respect of necessity, may, by Prior arrangement, be accepted late for the current unwarranted delays of urgent copy. week; |



of staff or fo technical . (b) may, due to shortage permit $ considerations, be delayed until conditions [Chapter 18! October, 1986 3,00 Income Tax legistationAct 1 Vs amended at the 3ist Index to the Ist January, 1981 . 3,50 1. Co ts processing. statute case law roe Zimbabwe on the as part of a fetter or a instant 800 rustnot be submitted National Herbarium, SalisbS: cote ee es requisition sheet of paper, on Kirkia, journal of the I 3.00 w is appear on a separate ury, 1960-61, Volume3,00 Kirkia, 1961-62, volume 2...... 0. matter, Kirkia, 1962-63, volume3. «@ 6 * 3,00 or other extraneous ° . : : " : * # 8 I no instructionwhere notices have 1963-64, volume 4 . , 8. (1) n cases published in Kirkia, drafted exactly anit form, copy must be ee eee1s0 tabular unavailable, cikie volume6,6 parts I andStIl, per part De for any such notices are .. ume ow 6 ee he) «SO adverinted forms forms. Wh . » 8 8 @ 6) , prepare their own Kirkia, volume 7 Il,perpart 2... ust. ile it is not ,partsTand ASO £,| to include the the box-head 2. ll lk necessary preamble, for Kitie volume tparalendiperpat * the number ofthetom «8 6 © 8 tee fam and, where applicable, 10, parts rkia, volume se eee 8 150 It, part t = ” per Pa cose 1,50 the provision Kirkla, volume 5,00 18| of copy for tabular notices, Kivkie, voloros11encob ee ee ee we of . "ose buckram , * . . . . in the main full-bound,soft cover Urban development ; . . 1,00A 9,00 . ‘ . . * . . s 2 6 « . . . a * :~ volumeui | tf % ‘ part i rembesiaca, , . . . 2,70 law reports, 1982, Flora . . . ‘ 2D Zimbabwe - ‘ 0. 0... ee) volumel, patti... full-bound, buckram 6 1 wwe MO Flore saraberiace, . " bs 6 6 we Il, part] 2... 6 ee . ok kt oe Flora sambestaca, volume 0 Zimen cover , “eee supplement... 2... we ] 120 Flora rambesiaca, Zimbabwe law reports, 1982 [Part 2J(softcover) wk 10 commission oe ” 1] (soft cover)... . 4 . 1000 Greater Salisbury report, local authority w reports, 1983 {Part[Part 2] (soft cover) por OT imbabwe law reports, 1983 ee ee 6 10.00 subscriptio 2 1 6 ww s 20,00 (soft cover) . ss Gazette (annual mratey. . law reports, 1984 4 . 4,20 Government ; su 040 oe . . a bwe Gov . , parts), per part . 7,50 (individua Copies)... » a a . . Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1979 (four vernment Gazette




Norics is hereby given, in terms of section 21 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190}, that application will be made, not less than 14 days from the date ofpublica- tion of this notice, to the Chief Registrar of Companies, for his approval to change the namesof the under-mentioned companies as indicated below.

Number Name Changeof name to Agent

289/83} Ashley Zimbabwe(Private) Limited . . .| BAK Electrical Accessories (Private) Limited . A. D. Brock. _ 10800f B.161/51 S.M. Roofing & Flooring (Pvt.) Ltd... . S.M. Pools (Pvt) Ltd, 2. of os oe. oe, Joel Pincus, Konson & Wolhuter. 10823f B.t15/83 Vehicle Body Builders (Private) Limited . . D.N.H.Enterprises (Private) Limite mo D.N, Hill. . 10854f

| 4 COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuant to section 257 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) ; THE liquidation accounts and plansof distribution and/or contribution in the liquidations mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates as stated, notice is hereby given that a dividend is in course of payment and/or a contribution is in course ofcollection in the said liquidations, andthat every creditor liable to, contribute isrequired to pay forthwith tothe liquidator, at the address mentioned, the amount for whichheis liable. Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 10 |

Whether a dividend Date when is being paid, a Number Name of company account contribution is being Name of liquidator Full address of liquidator confirmed collected or both

B.9/83 Bentone Investments (Pvt.) Lid. . . | 16.5.89 Dividend being paid R. E. Gray P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 10729F B.8/83 Bentwood Cabinets (Pvt.) Ltd... 16.5.89 Dividend being paid R. E. Gray P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 10730f .B.26/83 Don Elly (Pvt) Ltd. . . . . 16.5.89 Dividend being paid ' RE. Gray P.O, Box 1180, Bulawayo. 10731f B.10/83 House of Tudor (Pvt.) Ltd. 2... 16.5,89 Dividend being paid R. E.Gray P.O. Box 1180, Bulawayo. 10732f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuantto section 254 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190)) : Noticeis hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at the offices mentioned for a ' period of 14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned of from the date of publication hereof, whichever may belater, for inspection by creditors, . Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9

Date from Period for Number Name of company . Description Office at which account which account which account : of account - will He open _ will lie open: will lie open

7/88 Hollinwood (Pvt.) Ltd. =... ww wl, First and Final High Court, Harare 2.6.89 14days. 10820f Liquidation and 1 Distribution Account

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuant to subsection (4) of section 194 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190} Notice is hereby given that a joint meeting of ereditors and contributories will be held in the under-mentioned companies on the dates and at the times and places stated for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolution. “RESOLVED that, by virtue of the provisions of subsection (4) of section 194 of the Companies Act [Chapter J 90}, authority be, and it is hereby, granted to the liquidator of the said company to exercise all the powers laid down in subsection (2) of section 194 of the said Act, without the leave of the court first had and obtained.”, Companies Act Liquidation—Form 4 -

| Day, date and hour of meeting Number | Name of company | Place of meeting Day Date Hour

4/89 Zvakanaka Bakeries (Pvt.) Ltd, . . . . 0.0. | Wed. 21,6.89 8.30a.m.{ Hixh Court, Harare. 10727f

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuant to subsection (1) of section 192 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190) Norice is hereby given that separate meetings of creditors and contributories will be held in the underementioned companies on the dates and at the times and places stated for the election ofa liquidator and, ia the case of the niveting of crediters, for the praof of claims Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 3

Day, date and hour of meeting Number > Name of company I Place of moeting Day { Date Hour i |

4/89 Zvakanaka Bakeries (Pvt.) Ltd, 2 2 2 2. en | Wed. 21.6.89 8.30a.m. High Court, Harare. 10726f 4 EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS. TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuantto sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [ Chapter 301}) Notice is hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased Persons minors or persons whuse whereabouts are unknown, are unrepresented, and | that the next of kin, creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates anid at the times and places specified, for the selection of an executor, tutor or curator dative, as the case may be, Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo before the Ass stant Master; and elsewhere hefore the District Administrator. —_—— ___ _— . : _. __ _. MHC 25 Number | Time of meeting of Nameand description of estate o —- — Place of meeting kor selection ot estate | Date — | Hour |

B.255/89 Joshua Nigani Sibanda, of Gokwe coe ee ee | 7.6 89 10 am. | - Bulawayo Executor dative. | 10344f

ZIMBABWEAN Cove Gazerre, 2Np June, 1989 489

NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuant to section 53 of the Administrationof Estates Act [Chapter 301)) Noticeis hereby given that copics of liquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentioned estates will be openfor the inspection ofall persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, Accounts will lie for inspection at the offices specified below. Objections to an account should be lodged with the Master, Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, as the case — may be. Should no objections be lodged to the account during the period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceed to make payments in accordance there-

with. M.H.CC, 28 -

Number Date Description of ' _ Name and description of estate or of ‘Office ofthe estate period account

B.114/89 ~ William James Mackenzie. .. .. 21 days — First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10733f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account 1283/89 John New «ww wee 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. - 10744£ ~ Liquidation and Distribution Account. 971/87 Douglas Harald Saunder . . . . 21 days First and Final _Master of the High Court, Harare. 10745£ Liquidation and Distribution Account B.72/89 Albina Gwendoline Peart Griffiths, of Cape ‘Town, 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High. Court, 10746f Republic of South Africa Liquidation and Bulawayo. | Distribution Account 722/88 Norman Kingsley Harris, of Harare 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10781f 1607/87 Joyce Needham . 21 days First and Final Master~of the High Court, Harare, 10787f Liquidation and and Magistrate, Rusape. Distribution Account 1337/88 Reginald Arthur Rushton toe ee 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10804f Administration and Distribution Account 1064/84 Mayitai Shadreck Mhlanga . 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 10808f Administration and and Magistrate, Masvingo. Distribution Account 219/87 - Benjamen Ernest Lobel... 21.days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10812f Liquidation and Distribution and Post-death Income -and Expenditure Account 572/81 Prag Lalloo Naran . 21 days Supplementary Master of the High Court, Harare, 10814f Liquidation and and Magistrate,Kwekwe, Distribution Account B.4/89 Roy Bagot Marsh, of Kwekwe . . . 21 days - First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court. 10817F Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Kwe- Distribution Account kwe. B.69/88 Mary Josephine Nolan . 21 days First and Final Assistant, Master of the High Court, 10824 Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account B.500/88 Patrick John Vine 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of thee High Court, 10824f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account 1567/88 Cyril Josef Sadler . .. ae 21 days First and Final - Master of the High Court, Harare. 10833f 1306/86 Daniel Mugabe, also known asMusasa Moyo 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 10839f

Liquidation and and Magistrate, Masvingo, 9 Distribution Account B.459/84 George Henry McCuoilough . . . 1. 2. 4 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10840f Administration and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Masvi- Distribution Account ngo. B318/88 Fedora Fumia, of Redcliff. 2. 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10847f Liquidation and Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Kwe- Distribution Account kwe. B.448/85 Maria Aletta Molloy . 2. 6 6 eee 21 days Fourth Interim Assistant Master of the High Court, 10852¢ Administration Bulawayo, and Magistrate, Kwe- Account kwe.

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuant to subsection (5) of section 187 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190})

Noticeis hereby given that the companies mentioned below have been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court. By virtue of the provisions of subsection (2) of section 183 of the Companies Act [¢ Aapter 190]. the date of the liquidationis deemed to be the date of the provisional order. Notice of the first mectings of creditors and contributories will be published in due course. M.H.C. 255

Date upon which Date upon which and court by which aad court by which Name and address Number Name of company provisional order male final order made Of

- provisional liquidator ‘Date Court Date Court, i | !

4/89 | Zvakanaka Bakeries (Pvt.) Lid. . 2 |. 22.2.89 i Harare 10.8 $9 Harare Malcolm Fraser. N. K. Peake 10725F Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O, Box 925, Harare.


f NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS(pursuant to sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act {Chapter 301) ALL persons having claims against the under-mentionedestates are required to lodge them in detail with the executor or representative concerned within the stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or representative the amounts due \ by them within the same period,failing which legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof, M.H.C. 7

4g Number ae Date Within of Name and description of estate of a El. Name and address of executor or representative x estate death period of :

300/89 | Catherine SackvilleJames . . . . =... . «| 16,2.89 30 days Gill, Godlonton and Gerrans, P.O. Box 8, 10738f. Harare. 331/89 Jack Leslie Browning, of Plettenberg Bay, South Africa 28.1.89 | 30 days Von Seidel Grindlays Trust Co, Ltd., P.O. Box 30, 10739f . Harare. . 319/89 Jakob Miescher . 2 1. 2. 1 ww ee 11.2.89 | 30 days Honey & Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 85, Harare. 10740f 497/89 Samuel Boyd . . 2. 2. 5 1 wt te ew ee 22.3.89 30 days Gill, Godionton and Gerrans, P.O. Box 235, 10748f Harare. = 442/89 Elizabeth Ann Doran oe ee ee ee 22.2.89 30 days A. Huizenga, Deloitte Haskins & Sells Executor 10769f | ae andTrust Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 267, Harare, 165/89 Harold Robinson . 2. 1. 1 wk ew ts 14,1.89 30 days D.R.Pitt, P.O. Box 323, Harare. 10771f 367/88 Charles Banda . www wt le te a 19.11.87 30 days Damian Jairozs Boma, C.LD. Highlands, P.O. 10777f , Box 8124, Causeway. 460/89 Edith Emily Towler. . 2. 2. 1. 10. ww we 27.3.89 30 days William Towler, 9, Findowrie Drive, Greendale 10778f ’ . North, Harare. . ~~ Henry Philip Duncan, of Harare soe ew ee 28.4.89 30 days National Executor &Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 10782f . : 5330, Harare. , ~— Thomas Clement Pead, of Grahamstown, Sotth . . 28.3.89 30days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box Africa a | 5330, Harare. 10783f 64/89 Tongofa Sibanda, of Gwatemba . . 2. Ow , 30.8.88 | 30 days Esther Dube, 5144, Luveve, Bulawayo. _ 1O78SF 163/89 Mazviyo Kuhudzai.

. 2... . #, ww we 17.12.88 30 days High Court of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box 8050, 10786f ; ‘ Causeway, . a 416/89 Stephen Makusha . 2. . 2... 1. ww 12.3.89 30 days D. M. Madzimure, 61, Daniel Street, Mbare, 10789f | Harare. , 293/89 Harold Parrott . 2... 1... we ele 15.8.88 30 days Brighton & Cole Bowen, 501, Savoy House, 10803f | Inez Terrace, Harare. 288/89 Shelton Farai Kutsanzira oe ew a 13,2.89 30 days Gollop & Blank, P.O. Box 262, Harare. 1080Sf - 223/89 Gunson Stephenson. . . 1. 7 we ew ew, 26.1.89 | 30 days‘ Kantor & Immerman, P.O. Box 19, Harare. 1386/88 TomJophiasTakuva 10806f ...... 2..,.2.~., 9.5.87 30 days Makausi Thomas Makonese, Chihambakwe & 10809f Chirunda, 30 ,Hofmeyer Street, Masvingo. 351/89 Jeremy Winston Fidd . 2. 2. =. 1 1. ow ww 15.2.89 30days Arthur Young, P.O. Box 62, Harare. - 10815f 192/89 Esther ElizaPenfold ...... 2.2., 2.10.84 30 days 123/89 Honey & Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 85, Harare. 10825f Phyllis Elsie Miller . . 2...... 41) 22.1.89 30 days Honey & Blanckenberg, P.O. Box 85, Harare. 10826f 287/89 Dambi Wilfred Muzhingl,. of Mhondoro Communal 23.2.89 30 days Regis Taruvinga, 10, Mondynes Drive, Mandara, 10853f . Lands, and surviving spouse, Greator Muzhingi : . Harare. j} 220/89 Tobias K, Chinoda . . © 8 8 «8 5.1.89 30 days | Leonard Chinoda, A.W. World Witness, P.O. 10855f - , Box 202, . 1690/88 Leonard Velapi Chiwewet® . . . . 1... , 27.9.88 30 days Richard Christopher Bridges, Danziger & 10904f | Partners, P.O. Box 58, Gweru. | 329/89 Dr. Nyika Lovemore Earnest Kupara . . . . . 15.2.89 30 days N.K, Peake Trust, P.O. Box 925, Harare, 10907f

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES ANDASSIGNEES(purwusnt to the Insolvency Act)

been sequestrated or assigned, that their addresses are as set forth, and that persons indebted tothe estates arerequired to pay their debts at the said addresses within 30 days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice. Insolvency Reguiations—Form 3 (1952) or 9 (1974) { Whether Number Name and description of estate assigned or Name of trustees Full address of trustee of or assignee estate sequestrated or assignee

9/687 Johannes Steyn Ferreira 2 ww ww ww, Sequestrated Malcolm Fraser *3 N. K. Peake Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. 10849f . ~ Box 925, Harare. 9/689 Meinard Luwasco Dube. 1. ww ww, Sequestrated Malcolm Fraser ~ N. K. Peake Trust (Pvt.) Ltd, P.O. 10850f Box 925, Harare.

NOTICES: OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (subsection (1) of section129 of the Insotvency Act) Tus liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or contribution in the assigned or sequestrated estates mentioned below having been confirmed on the d is in course of payment and/or a contribution is in course of being collected in the said estates, and that every creditor liable to contribute is required to pay forthwith to the trustee or assignees st the address mentioned, the amount for which he is liable. Insolvency Regulations—~Form 13

Number Name and description of estate account and/or contribution Name of trustes Full address of estate of trustees or assignes confirmed being collected OF assignee

9/574 Michael WilliamLamb .. . . 16.3.89 -| Dividend paid to con B. C. Squires P.O. Box 62, Harare. 10827f current creditors


INSOLVENCY ACT [CHAPTER 303} Notice of Intention to Alienatea Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than in the Ordinary Course of the Business NOTICE is hereby given, ini terms of section 49 of the Insolvency Act UChapter 303], that each of the under-mentioned persons proposes to alienate— ‘(a)’ his business: or (b) the goodwill of his business; or . (c) any goods or property forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary course or the business.

Full name of person . Date from which alienation Name and address of including style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed alienation takes effect person inserting notice

Arthur Herron (Pvt.) Ltd., trading No. 20, 10th Avenue, Sale of business, including the goodwill, For the purposes of the above- 'Webb, Low & Barry, 16, as Arthur HertonButchery Bulawayo fixtures, fittings and stock-in-trade mentioned Act, from the date Eighth Avenue, Bula- of the last publication of this wayo. 10449f2 notice, but for all other pur- poses from 1.5.89. Alastair Gibson Drummond, Deiville Park, Zvishavane Sale of business, other than fixed assets, 1,8.88 Ben Baron & Partner, trading as Drummond Trans- , a8 @ going concern, to Drummond P.O. Box 1497, Bula- port Transport and Quarries (Pvt.) Ltd. wayo, 10490f2 Katina Kapnias, Alexander Kap- Marlborough Shopping Sale of business, including fixtures For the purposes of the above-~ Winterton, Holmes & Hill nias and Dimitri Kapnias, trad- Centre, Harare Drive, fittings, stock-in-trade book debt mentioned Act, from the date Beverley Place, Selous ing as Kapnias Brothers . Harare and goodwill to Alan Alexander of the Jast publication of this Avenue, P.O. Box 452, Strachan notice, but for all other pur- Harare. 10630£9 poses from 1.4.89 this S.M.D. (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Groombridge Shopping Sale of business, stock-in-trade, fixtures For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Hill, DvV8 Restaurant Centre, Harare and fittings and goodwill to Argyle mentioned Act, from the date Beverley Place, Selous Trading (Pvt.) Ltd. of the last publication of this | Avenue, P.O. Box $52, notice, but for all other pur- Harare. 10684f9 poses from 3.1.89 Petals Floral Artists (Pvt.) Ltd. Shop No. 5, in NCR Sale of business as a going concern,. For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Hill House in First Street, including the movable assets, stock- mentioned Act, from the date Beverley Place, Selous Harare in-trade and goodwill to Valley of the last publication of this Avenue, Harare. Growers (Pvt.) Ltd. notice, but for all other pur- ‘OT1L2F9 poses the Ist dayof December, 1988, in respect of the good- “will and the Ist day of April, 1989, in respect. of all other assets John Dunlop (Pvt.) Ltd. Stand 15, Valleydale- Sale of business as a going concern, For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Township of Valley- including the assets and goodwill to mentioned Act, from the date Hill, Beverley Place, dale of Cromlet and Valley Growers (Pvt.) Ltd. of the last publication of this Selous Avenue, Harare. - the remaining extent of notice, but for af! other pur- 10743f16 Valleydale of Cromiet poses the ist day of Decem- ber, 1988, in respect of the goodwili and the Ist day of April, 1989, in respect of the assets


& i . , General Notices General Notices Number : Page Number | | Page

294, Road Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 262]: Applications 305. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act (Chapter 173}; Statement of in Connexion with Road Service Permits . 471 Assets. and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe . . 475 295. Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78): 306. Insurance Act, 1987: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies 476 Declaration of Undesirable Publication . . 472 296. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited . 472 Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette 297. Postal and Telecommunication Services Act [Chapter "2501: Number Information Concerning the Issue of Postage Stamps: Fish 103. Farmers Licensing and Levy (Declaration ofAgricultural Products of Zimbabwe (Postal Notice 9 of 1989). . : . . 473 {Amendmient) ° Notice, 1989 ONo. 2). 298. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Detention of Joseph Mujakachi . 473 104. Farmers Licensing and Levy (Producer Association) (Horticultural - 299. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]; Application for Produce) Notice, 1989. Mining Lease: Sabi Consolidated Gold Mines (Pvt.) Ltd.: 105. National Heroes (Designation of National Hero) Notice, 1989. Masvingo: Mining District . . . . 473 106. Labour Relations (Tobacco Industry) (Miscellaneous) Employment 300. Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 1651: “Application for an. (Amendment) Regulations, 1989 (No. 4). Exclusive Prospecting Order: Gweru Mining District . 474 107. Chimanimani Rural Council (incorporated Area) (Amendment) By- oo, . . ; laws, 1989 (No. 7). 301. Ronbanies Act [Chapter 190}: Companies Struck Off the 474 108. Nyanga Rural Council! (Nyamhuka Incorporated Area) (Building) 8 mt (Amendment) By-laws, 1989 (No. 1). 302. Postal and Telecommunication Services Act [Chapter 250]: 109. Nvanga Rural Council (incorporated Area) (Amendment) By-laws, Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe 1989 (No. 8). (Postal Notice 10 of 1989) , *. ’ . - 475 110. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Mwenezi-Beitbridge Rural 303. Postal and Telecommunication Services. Act [Chapter 250]: Council) Notice, 1989. Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Ziinbabwe 111. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Beatrice-Harare South (Postal Notice 11 of 1989) ...... - 475 Rural Council) Notice, 1989. 304. Rural Land Act [Chapter 155]: Notice of Intention to Cancel 112, Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Bindura Rural Council) Deeds of Transfer ‘ : .‘ ‘.: . ‘ 475 Notice, 1989,

Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.