APPROVAL FORM Midlands State University The undersigned certify that they have read and made recommendations to the Midlands State University for acceptance of a research project entitled: Rural Local Authorities and investment attraction. The case of UMzingwane Rural District Council. The project was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Local Governance Studies. Supervisor Signature ………………………………………Date ………/………/………… Chairperson Signature ………………………………………Date ………/………/………… i RELEASEFORM Name of Student: Khulani Dube Registration Number: R101338f Dissertation Title: Rural Local Authorities and investment attraction. The case of UMzingwane Rural District Council. Degree Title: Bachelor of Science Honours Degree inLocal Governance Studies. Year of Completion: 2013 Permission is hereby being granted to Midlands State University Library to produce copies of this dissertation to lendcopies for private, scholarly or scientific research only. The author reserves the publication rights. Neither the dissertation nor extensive extracts from it may be printed or reproduced without the author’s written permission. Signed……………………………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………………………………………………………………….. Contact Details:15255Pumula South Bulawayo Telephone Number: 0772 528 806 Email address :
[email protected] ii DECLARATION I KhulaniDubedeclare that this research is my original work that has not been submitted to any other University. The sources I used have been acknowledged. Date : October 2013 Student’s name : KhulaniDube Signature : ………………… iii DEDICATIONS I dedicate this research to my aunt Mrs P Bhebhe and my mother Mrs P Dube. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend my gratitudeto my learning institution Midlands State University for the consistent support in all my academic endeavours. Special mention is due to the Local Governance Studies Department and its dedicated staff for providing me with the necessary and requisite skills and knowledge that have proved to be useful during the compilation of this project.