[FSL] Insights on Northwest Syria - Issue 11 188//21, 10:36 AM
[FSL] Insights on Northwest Syria - Issue 11 188//21, 10:36 AM Subscribe Past Issues Translate View this email in your browser Issue 11 18 August 2021 Insights on Northwest Syria Monthly Updates from FSL Cluster The re-assessment in NW Syria to review the number of acute food insecure people has been completed in NW Syria and integrated into the "FSL gap analysis" database (traffic lights). The re-assessment has provided the following results: The population figure has been updated by OCHA as of May 2021; an estimated number of 4,627,721 people currently live in NW Syria in the areas accessible by the FSL partners. 87,228 persons are acute food insecure as a result of the re-assessment, reaching the total number of 3.4M people in need in NW Syria. The reassessment was conducted in May 2021 in 13 sub-districts (Atareb, Afrin, Al Bab, Jandairis, Jarablus, Salqin, Sharan, Bennsh, Ariha, Mhambal, Ehsem, Mare, and Badama). The mid-year review (MYR) will be published in September 2021 by Whole of Syria. MAY 2021 - Key Achievements of the FSL Cluster Partners https://mailchi.mp/fscluster/insights-on-northwest-syria-issue-11?e=0301ef5d6e Page 1 of 5 [FSL] Insights on Northwest Syria - Issue 11 188//21, 10:36 AM 53 partners implemented SO1, SO2 and SO3 activities in northwest Syria (NWS) in May 2021. In May 2021, FSL partners delivered food assistance to the People in Need (PIN), according to the following percentage of beneficiaries reached out in 40 sub-districts in NWS: 9 sub-districts reached above 100% PIN, 5 sub-districts from 100% to 76% PIN, 10 sub-districts from 75% to 51% PIN, 3 sub-districts from 50% to 26% PIN, and 13 sub-districts were covered by less than 25% PIN.
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