202102 Syria Multipurpose Cas
INTER-AGENCY SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC CASH WORKING Northwest Syria - Multipurpose Cash Based Response CWG GROUP February 2021 DRAFT NorthWest Syria (NWS) The Northwest Syria Cash Working Group (NWS-CWG) is a forum of technical professionals dedicated to improving the quality of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and its coordination, particularly multipurpose cash (MPC). This includes sharing lessons and good practices and harmonisation of approaches. The CWG could also serve as the technical arm of clusters, who would like to systemati- cally include CVA in their response toolbox. In February 2021, humanitarian partners distributed multipurpose cash worth a total of $0.76M USD, benefiting 40,400 crisis-affected individuals living in 41 communities in Idleb and Aleppo governorates. Number of beneficiaries reached Number of beneficiaries > 5,000 8,400 1,001 - 5,000 HOUSEHOLDS REACHED 501 - 1,000 (! 1 - 500 Bgheidine !!! Sharan!( Salama (((!( ! (! ( !(Albil (!(!Rael (! !Aziziyeh(! Shweiha Arshaf(!(! 40,400 Su Sinbat(! Barshaya(! BENEFICIARIES REACHED Qabasin(! Hazwan(! ! Tal!( Slur Al( Bab Zarzita!( Women Men Girls Boys Dana(! 10,400 8,300 10,400 11,400 Batbu ALEPPO Kafr Takharim !( !( (!Kelly (26%) (20%) (26%) (28%) Armanaz(! !( Kafr(!(! Nabi Biret Armanaz(! (! !(Murin Dorriyeh(!(! Foah(! Thahr!( Number of beneficiaries reached per month Qanniyeh(! Mreimin(!(! Qaderiyeh!( - Qayqun 263K Bsheiriyeh(! - Bello 154K 123K IDLEB 117K 97K 51K 48K 49K 40K 22K 23K 9K Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2020 2021 Number of organizations reported
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