Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 46(2): 97-195, Kraków, 30 June, 2003 Nesting of the Acrocephalus warblers Zygmunt BOCHEÑSKI and Piotr KUŒNIERCZYK Received: 14 Feb 2003 Accepted: 26 May 2003 BOCHEÑSKI Z., KUŒNIERCZYK P. 2003. Nesting of the Acrocephalus warblers. Acta zoo- logica cracoviensia, 46(2): 97-195. Abstract. The paper contains data concerning nest sites, material, construction, shape, and sizes in the majority of Acrocephalus species. The descriptions are based on field studies, museum specimens, and literature. The system proposed by CLEMENTS (2000) including 36 species in the genus Acrocephalus has been adopted. Similarities and differ- ences in nesting of 32 species and four subspecies are studied in the last chapter on the ba- sis of 38 characters assembled in Table XLI. They do not always reflect systematic relations of warblers within the genus Acrocephalus on the basis of molecular data. Key words: genus Acrocephalus, nest site, nest material, nest construction, nest shape, nest sizes. Z. BOCHEÑSKI (corresponding author), Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Ani- mals, P.Ac.Sc., 31-016 Kraków, S³awkowska 17, Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] P. KUŒNIERCZYK, Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, P. Ac.Sc., 53-114 Wroc³aw, Rudolfa Weigla 12, Poland. I. INTRODUCTION The genus Acrocephalus seems not to be defined unequivocally. From time to time it resembles a “witch’s sack”, to which various ornithologists place, according to their predilections, various species of Sylviinae, apart of a few, which are always in this genus. Those additional species are in- cluded in other genera, set up especially for them by other researchers .