Newsletter Vol
1 INTERNATIONAL THOMAS MERTON SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Vol. 26, No. 2 Fall, 2019 Sixteenth General Meeting a Success The Program Committee was chaired by ITMS “O Peace, Bless this Mad Place” was the theme of Past President Michael W. Higgins and included the Sixteenth General Meeting of the International Christine M. Bochen, Kevin Burns, Cassidy Hall, Thomas Merton Society, held June 27-30, 2019 at ITMS President Mark C. Meade, ITMS Treasurer Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. Approxi- David Orberson, Joseph Q. Raab and Natalie Terry. mately 180 people attended the conference, from 34 At the ITMS Town Hall on Friday, June 28, it was states and 4 other countries. announced that the ITMS Seventeenth General Meet- General session addresses included Ron Hansen: ing will be held June 24-27, 2021 at St. Mary’s Col- “Thomas Merton’s My Argument with the Gestapo”; lege, Notre Dame, IN; outgoing president Mark C. Robert Ellsberg: “‘The Gate of Heaven Is Everywhere’: Meade will serve as Chair of the Program Committee, The Journey Faith of Thomas Merton”; and Rose Ma- and Arlene Montevecchio, Director of the Center for rie Berger: “Direct Transmission of Faith.” Mark C. Spirituality at the college, as Site Coordinator; com- Meade delivered the Presidential Address entitled “The mittee members include ITMS President David G. Reality of Personal Relationships Saves Everything.” Golemboski, ITMS Secretary Cassidy Hall, Daniel A panel on Daniel Berrigan, SJ moderated by Michael P. Horan, OFM, Jonathan Montaldo, ITMS Treasurer W. Higgins featured presentations by Frida Berrigan, David Orberson, ITMS Vice President Christopher Anna Brown, Eric Martin and Ched Myers.
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