Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
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S. J C Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion April 9, 2017 HOLY WEEK 2017 at S. J C The Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Archbishop of Seattle The Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan, Pastor of St. James Cathedral Palm Sunday Good Friday, April 14 of the Lord’s Passion April 8‐9, 2017 8:30am MORNING PRAISE Father Michael G. Ryan, presider Masses Saturday 5:30pm 12:00 Noon, TRE ORE Sunday 8:00, 10:00, Noon, and 5:30pm Father Michael G. Ryan, presider; Father Daniel Horan, OFM, will preach 10:00am Solemn Procession of the Palms on the Seven Last Words of Christ Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, presider & homilist 6:00pm GOOD FRIDAY of the LORD’S PASSION 12:00 Noon Children’s Procession of the Palms Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, presider & homilist Father Michael G. Ryan, presider & homilist Holy Saturday, April 15 4:00pm Vespers of Palm Sunday with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30am MORNING PRAISE Father Michael G. Ryan, presider Father David A. Brant, presider Monday & Tuesday, April 10 & 11 8:30pm EASTER VIGIL Masses at 8:15am and 5:30pm The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, presider & homilist Wednesday, April 12 Masses at 8:15am and 5:30pm Easter Sunday, April 16 7:30pm OFFICE OF TENEBRAE 8:00am MASS Father Michael G. Ryan, presider Father David A. Brant, presider Father Michael G. Ryan, homilist Holy Thursday, April 13 10:00am MASS 8:30am MORNING PRAISE Father Michael G. Ryan, Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, presider presider & homilist 6:00pm EVENING MASS of the LORD’S SUPPER 12:00 Noon MASS Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, presider Father Michael G. Ryan, Father Michael G. Ryan, homilist presider & homilist Offertory Procession will include presentation of Lenten Rice Bowls 4:00pm SOLEMN VESPERS OF EASTER Father Michael G. Ryan, presider 9:45pm COMPLINE Father Michael G. Ryan, presider 5:30pm EVENING MASS OF EASTER SUNDAY To 12 Midnight Father Michael G. Ryan, A B S presider & homilist For details on Holy Week liturgies, visit www.stjames‐ ORDER OF CELEBRATION FOR Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 10:00 SOLEMN BLESSING AND PROCESSION OF PALMS begins at O’Dea Gym The Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Archbishop of Seattle, Presider Noon CHILDREN’S PROCESSION OF PALMS All children are invited to gather in the Chapel and join the procession to the font for the Blessing of Palms. The Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan, Pastor of St. James Cathedral, Presider The Blessing of Palms CHILDREN’S PROCESSION OF PALMS (Noon) Hosanna in excelsis Berthier PROCESSION TO THE FONT All stand GREETING PRAYER OF BLESSING SPRINKLING OF THE PALMS WITH HOLY WATER Pueri Hebræorum (The Children of Jerusalem) chant, adapt. Stratman GOSPEL OF THE LORD’S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM ENTRANCE All glory, laud, and honor ST. THEODULPH COLLECT (OPENING PRAYER) The Liturgy of the Word FIRST READING Isaiah 50:4-7 PSALM RESPONSE Psalm 22 Westendorf SECOND READING Philippians 2:6-11 VERSE BEFORE THE GOSPEL Christus factus est chant For our sake Christ became obedient even to death, death on a cross. Therefore God raised him on high and gave him a name above all other names. READING OF THE PASSION ACCORDING TO MATTHEW HOMILY Archbishop J. Peter Sartain (10:00) Father Michael G. Ryan (all other Masses) DISMISSAL OF THE ELECT (10:00) Psalm 91 Cantor: I give them life long and full, Stratman ALL: PROFESSION OF FAITH This Lent, we pray the Apostles’ Creed. I believe in God, he ascended into heaven, the Father almighty, and is seated at the right hand Creator of heaven and earth, of God the Father almighty; and in Jesus Christ, from there he will come his only Son, our Lord, to judge the living and the dead. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, I believe in the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, the holy catholic Church, suffered under Pontius Pilate, the communion of saints, was crucified, died and was buried; the forgiveness of sins, he descended into hell; the resurrection of the body, on the third day he rose again from the dead; and life everlasting. Amen. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Berthier The Liturgy of the Eucharist PREPARATION OF THE ALTAR AND THE GIFTS (10:00) Let this mind be in you Hoiby (Noon) In monte Oliveti Martini (Sunday evening) My song is love unknown Busarow SANCTUS Vatican XVIII MYSTERY OF FAITH Roman Missal AMEN Christus vincit LORD’S PRAYER No. 246 AGNUS DEI Vatican XVII COMMUNION Father, if this cup cannot pass away unless I drink it, thy will be done. (10:00) Christus factus est pro nobis Bruckner (Noon) My song is love unknown Busarow (Sunday Evening) Stabat Mater Tartini When you return to your place after receiving Holy Communion, please kneel or be seated. Low-gluten hosts are distributed at the credence table near the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION BLESSING (10:00) Archbishop: Blessed be the name of the Lord. All: Now and forever. Archbishop: Our help is in the name of the Lord. All: Who made heaven and earth. PROCESSION PROCESSIONAL ICON OF CHRIST’S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Psalm response by Craig Westendorf, copyright © 1986 by the University of Notre Dame, Sound Bend, IN. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Procession refrain and Prayer of the Faithful response by Berthier, copyright © 1978, 1980, 1981, by Les Presses de Taizé (France), GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago,IL, exclusive agents. Reprinted under #A706828. All rights reserved. Dismissal refrain by Tom Stratman, copyright © 1985 by St. James Cathedral. All rights reserved. St. James Cathedral - Seattle ELCOME! If you are a visitor to the ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL Cathedral, we want you to know how The Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Archbishop of Seattle welcome you are – whether you have come PASTOR w The Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan from another part of the country, from across the IN RESIDENCE world, or simply from another parish here in the The Reverend David A. Brant, The Reverend Richard J. Ward Archdiocese. For more information about the parish, to PASTORAL ASSISTANT for ADMINISTRATION register, or to ask a question, visit our Sunday Help Lawrence N. Brouse (206-382-4280) Desk at Coffee Hour. A Cathedral staff person will be FAITH FORMATION Kathleen McCabe, Director (206-382-2018) on hand to assist you. Brenda Bellamy, Children’s Faith Formation (206-274-3108) Rosanne Michaels, Faith Formation (206-654-4658) ON THE COVER Julianna Castro, Baptism Coordinator (206-619-0816) Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem. Detail of Theresa Van de Ven, Administrative Assistant (206-219-5822) the Ceremonial Bronze Doors, St. James Cathedral. FAMILY MINISTRY Ulrich Henn, artist. Suzanne Lee, Director (206-654-4640) LITURGY IN THE BOOKSTORE Great Holy Week reading, Corinna Laughlin, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy (206-264-2086) John Marquez, Julie Sharples, Ward Johnson, Peter Burns, including titles by our Good Friday preacher, Father Stephen Pace, sacristans (206-654-4646) Daniel Horan, OFM. Father Horan is a noted speaker MUSIC MINISTRY (206-382-4874) and author whose books include God Is Not Fair and Dr. Paul A. Thornock, Director of Music Joseph Adam, Associate Director of Music & Organist Other Reasons for Gratitude, Dating God: Live and Stacey Sunde, Director of Youth Music Love in the Way of St. Francis, and The Last Words of Marjorie Bunday, Music Office Assistant Jesus: A Meditation on Love and Suffering. SOCIAL OUTREACH and ADVOCACY Patrick Barredo, Director (206-382-4515) Hunt Hoffman, Hospitality and Administrative Support (206-382-4235) CHILDREN’S PROCESSION OF PALMS DURING THE Teddi Callahan, Carol DeMatteis, David Wilson, NOON MASS TODAY We invite all children to gather in Cathedral Kitchen (206-264-2091) the Cathedral Chapel before 11:55am in preparation for MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS MINISTRY Nancy Granger, Parish Mental Health Nurse (206-382-4269) the procession. Parents, please accompany very small ST. JAMES IMMIGRANT ASSISTANCE (206-382-4511) children. Christopher J. Koehler, Director Glenda Caldwell, ESL Specialist; Patrick Suhrbier, Immigrant Legal EASTER FLOWERS Services; Caroline Okello, Community Activation Coordinator Please use the envelopes in the STEWARDSHIP and DEVELOPMENT pews to make an offering towards Easter flowers. Your Maria Laughlin, Director (206-382-4284) generous offerings will help to beautify the Cathedral YOUTH MINISTRY and YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY for the coming great feast of Easter. Thank you for your Curtis Leighton, Director (206-264-2082) generosity. PARISH OFFICE Sister Mary Slater, SNJM, Bookkeeper (206-382-4564) Margaret Lynch, Wedding Office (206-382-4288) TENEBRAE Wednesday, April 12 at 7:30pm. Each year Bev Mauser, Louise Mennella, Wedding Coordinators Jane Mueller, Receptionist (206-654-4650) during Holy Week, St. James Cathedral observes the Lee Bedard, Administrative Assistant (206-622-3559 x3971) office of Tenebrae (“shadows”) in which the sufferings FACILITIES and GROUNDS of Christ are foretold in the Lamentations of Jeremiah Tang Nguyen, Facilities Supervisor (206-264-2087) and commemorated in the slow extinguishing of Keith Emry, Alan Frasher, Melina McCombs, Steve Raab candles. The evening culminates in Gregorio Allegri’s CELEBRATIONS of the SACRAMENTS stirring setting of Psalm 51, Miserere mei, Deus (“Have MASS mercy on me, O God”). Sundays 8 - 10 - 12 & 5:30 pm Weekdays 8:15 & 5:30 pm Saturdays 8:15 & “Vigil” 5:30 pm EASTER GREETERS NEEDED We need greeters to assist LITURGY of the HOURS Weekdays at 12:10 pm at the Masses of Easter Day at 10:00am and 12 Noon, to VESPERS and BENEDICTION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT welcome our visitors and regulars on Easter morning Sundays at 4:00 pm. and hand out programs. You will need to arrive one BAPTISM Communal celebrations are held monthly.