Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 9(1), 1-22, 2011 AUTOCATALYSIS AS THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHY UNDERLYING COMPLEXITY AND BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION Güngör Gündüz* Department of Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey Regular article Received: 28. March 2011. Accepted: 27. June 2011. ABSTRACT The importance and different aspects of autocatalysis in evolution was analyzed. The behaviour of autocatalytic reactions mainly the Lotka-Volterra and the Schlögl equations were discussed in terms of phase change, entropy, and their oscillation frequency. The increase of complexity as the general direction of evolution was examined on some patterns in terms of both their entropy and information content. In addition, the relation between stability and functionality, stability and cohesion were discussed. It was concluded that evolution drifts in the direction of increasing complexity as a kind of natural philosophy to counteract the increase of entropy in the universe. KEY WORDS autocatalysis, entropy, evolution, complexity, information, oscillation frequency, cohesion CLASSIFICATION JEL: C02, Z19 PACS: 01.70.+w, 89.75.-k *Corresponding author, η:
[email protected]; (90) 312 210 26 16; Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara 06531, Turkey G. Gündüz INTRODUCTION The theory of biological evolution did not only have a spectacular impact on human knowledge of biological systems, but also founded a close relationship between many disciplines of science such as, chemistry, physics, geology, and philosophy; yet sociology, psychology, economy, and similar other fields use evolutionary concepts to evaluate long term changes. In early 19th century physical and chemical principles had not yet been strongly introduced into biology, and Darwin could make his reasoning on some philosophical and observational facts.