Redox controls metabolic robustness in the gas-fermenting acetogen Clostridium autoethanogenum

Vishnuvardhan Mahamkalia,1, Kaspar Valgepeaa,b,1, Renato de Souza Pinto Lemgrubera,2, Manuel Plana,c, Ryan Tappeld, Michael Köpked, Séan Dennis Simpsond, Lars Keld Nielsena,c,e, and Esteban Marcellina,c,3

aAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, 4072 Brisbane, Australia; bERA Chair in Gas Technologies, Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, 50411 Tartu, Estonia; cQueensland Node of Metabolomics Australia, The University of Queensland, 4072 Brisbane, Australia; dLanzaTech Inc., Skokie, IL 60077; and eThe Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Edited by Jens Nielsen, BioInnovation Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, and approved April 24, 2020 (received for review November 7, 2019) Living biological systems display a fascinating ability to self- trigger natural oscillators such as the cell cycle and circadian os- organize their metabolism. This ability ultimately determines the cillators. For example, it was observed that acetyl-coenzyme A metabolic robustness that is fundamental to controlling cellular (CoA) induces transcription of the G1 cyclin CLN3 in yeast (12). behavior. However, fluctuations in metabolism can affect cellular Another theory is that oscillations are an inevitable side effect of a homeostasis through transient oscillations. For example, yeast cul- trade-off between robustness and efficiency (13). Chandra et al. tures exhibit rhythmic oscillatory behavior in high cell-density con- demonstrated, using a simple two-state model, that in an tinuous cultures. Oscillatory behavior provides a unique opportunity autocatalytic system where 1 ATP is invested in the first step in for quantitating the robustness of metabolism, as cells respond to return for 2 ATP in the second step, the feed-forward regulated changes by inherently compromising metabolic efficiency. Here, we system would tend to oscillate when pushed to its limit unless a quantify the limits of metabolic robustness in self-oscillating auto- vast excess of enzyme capacity was available for the first step (13). trophic continuous cultures of the gas-fermenting acetogen Clostrid- This hypothesis is aligned with the more general observation that ium autoethanogenum. Online gas analysis and high-resolution the sophisticated regulatory behavior observed in living systems is temporal metabolomics showed oscillations in gas uptake rates and a compromise between minimizing levels of metabolite pools and extracellular byproducts synchronized with biomass levels. The data the ability to efficiently utilize enzymes (14). show initial growth on CO, followed by growth on CO and H .Growth SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 2 Spontaneous oscillations have been studied extensively in het- on CO and H results in an accelerated growth phase, after which 2 erotrophs like yeast and Escherichia coli with highly evolved, com- a downcycle is observed in synchrony with a loss in H2 uptake. In- triguingly, oscillations are not linked to translational control, as no plex metabolisms. However, it is unclear whether the observations differences were observed in protein expression during oscillations. In- made for regulation of these systems translate to the regulation of tracellular metabolomics analysis revealed decreasing levels of re- primitive chemoautotrophic organisms. We recently reported os- dox ratios in synchrony with the cycles. We then developed a cillations in continuous cultures of the acetogen Clostridium thermodynamic metabolic flux analysis model to investigate whether regulation in acetogens is controlled at the thermody- Significance namic level. We used endo- and exo-metabolomics data to show that the thermodynamic driving force of critical reactions Metabolism in a biological system is ultimately determined by collapsed as H2 uptake is lost. The oscillations are coordinated the organisms’ ability to self-organize metabolism for main- with redox. The data indicate that metabolic oscillations in ace- taining cellular homeostasis. Quantification of the limits of togen gas fermentation are controlled at the thermodynamic metabolic robustness is essential for understanding cellular level. behavior. Using physiological, metabolomics, and proteomics data coupled to thermodynamic modeling, we show that metabolic robustness | oscillations | acetogen | gas fermentation | Wood- metabolic oscillations in acetogens are controlled at the ther- Ljungdahl pathway modynamic level. This work can contribute to advancing the understanding of an industrially relevant cell factory used in ells are capable of self-organizing their metabolism, using gas fermentation for sustainable production of fuels and Cchemical reactions that constantly break and build molecules chemicals from waste feedstocks. to extract energy. As energy is dissipated into the environment, intrinsic characteristic and dynamic chemical patterns emerge (1). Author contributions: V.M., K.V., R.T., M.K., S.D.S., L.K.N., and E.M. designed research; V.M., K.V., R.d.S.P.L., and E.M. performed research; M.P. contributed new reagents/ana- Metabolism has evolved not merely to optimize a biological ob- lytic tools; V.M., R.d.S.P.L., M.P., and E.M. analyzed data; and V.M., K.V., L.K.N., and E.M. jective but, equally, to maintain metabolic robustness (i.e., capacity wrote the paper. to maintain metabolic homeostasis) (2, 3). Metabolism is hardwired Competing interest statement: LanzaTech has interest in commercial gas fermentation to anticipate and rapidly respond to abrupt internal and external with Clostridium autoethanogenum. R.T., M.K., and S.D.S. are employees of LanzaTech. perturbations through adjusting metabolic flux distributions to This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. ensure cellular homeostasis. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- Metabolic responses are generally fast, making it difficult to NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). analyze their dynamics and understand the specific mechanisms Data deposition: Proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium ( via the PRIDE partner underlying self-organization in a given species. However, some repository (dataset identifier PXD016381). biological systems will spontaneously develop stable oscillations 1V.M. and K.V. contributed equally to this work. – in continuous culture at high cell density (4 11). These oscil- 2Present address: Servatus Ltd., Innovation Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, 4556 lating cultures offer an opportunity to understand fundamental Sippy Downs, Australia. principles of metabolic regulation and what limits metabolism. 3To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected]. Oscillation in continuous yeast cultures has been studied exten- This article contains supporting information online at sively, and several theories have been developed. One possibility doi:10.1073/pnas.1919531117/-/DCSupplemental. is that metabolite concentrations regulate gene expression and PNAS Latest Articles | 1of8 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 autoethanogenum (15), where metabolism collapses, then recovers, CO-limited again (SI Appendix, Fig. S2), as prerecovery excess and repeats without external interference (e.g., adding antibiotics, levels of CO inhibited cellular hydrogenases, and thus H2 uptake environmental shock). This self-oscillating system provides an ex- (23–25). cellent opportunity for deciphering the limits of metabolic ro- bustness. Notably, acetogen metabolism operates at the limit of No Changes in Protein Expression Levels Were Observed during thermodynamic feasibility (16, 17) while utilizing CO, CO2,andH2 Oscillations. To establish whether changes in cellular protein ex- as carbon and energy sources, using the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway pression levels were responsible for the oscillatory behavior, we (WLP) (18, 19). Potential insights into the factors behind oscilla- conducted a thorough proteomics investigation, hypothesizing tions come from studies showing that maintenance of ATP ho- first that translational changes control oscillations (26). We meostasis controls autotrophic carbon distribution (15), and that performed quantitative proteomics using data-independent ac- changes in metabolic flux rates are regulated at the post- quisition mass spectrometry (27) to confidently quantitate ex- translational level (20, 21). pression of 596 proteins on average, with at least two peptides In this study, we replicated the oscillations to explore robust- per protein with high reproducibility (SI Appendix, Fig. S3A). We ness of acetogen metabolism. We performed high-resolution, compared protein expression between samples with lowest temporal sampling throughout the oscillatory cycles for proteo- (i.e., recovery) and highest (i.e., crash) biomass concentration mics and metabolomics analyses. Online gas analysis showed that (Figs. 1 and 2) within each biological replicate culture. In- the downcycle in biomass concentration coincided with a loss of triguingly, however, we detected no proteins being significantly > < H2 uptake, which was only restored after a prolonged period with differentially expressed [fold-change, 1.5; q-value, 0.05 after CO as the sole energy and carbon source until cells recovered H2 false discovery rate correction (28)] (SI Appendix, Fig. S3B). This uptake to replenish energy and accelerate growth. Thermody- result is consistent with previous observations that show that namic metabolic flux analysis (tMFA) using endo- and exo- changes in protein expression do not regulate flux or product metabolomics data revealed that the thermodynamic driving distribution during autotrophic growth of acetogens (20, 21). force of several critical reactions collapsed at the time of the loss The lack of changes in protein expression levels points toward of H2 uptake. The results show that oscillations in an acetogen posttranslational regulation of metabolism during oscillations. growing on syngas is a result of the highly efficient redox and Given the energy-limited nature of acetogen metabolism (16, energy metabolism combined with suppression of H2 metabolism 17), regulation of metabolic fluxes through the energetically by CO. Our data suggest that oscillations are potentially a mean expensive processes of protein posttranslational modifications is of energy conservation, as previously suggested by others (22). unlikely. Hence, as previously suggested by others, regulation by thermodynamics through metabolite levels seemed feasible. It Results has been suggested that acetogen metabolism operates at the Oscillatory Behavior of C. autoethanogenum Continuous Cultures. We thermodynamic edge of feasibility (16, 17); that is, transformed first triggered oscillations in continuous cultures of C. autoe- values of key reactions are close to zero. We thanogenum (15) and performed extensive sampling throughout therefore next investigated the levels of metabolite concentra- the cycles. Two biological replicate chemostat cultures at a di- tions throughout the oscillation cycles. −1 lution rate of 1 d were grown on syngas (CO, H2, and CO2)as the carbon and energy sources. Oscillations were triggered at 800 Oscillations Are Coordinated by Redox. High-resolution temporal rpm, at which point cultivation parameters remained constant. sampling throughout the oscillation cycles revealed oscillations We reproducibly observed oscillations for ∼330 h (Fig. 1A), until in extracellular levels of , ethanol, 2,3-butanediol, and the supply of the gas feed from cylinders was exhausted. Cultures pyruvate (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, while changes in ethanol, 2,3- were sampled around every 8 h for biomass, extracellular and butanediol, pyruvate, and biomass levels were synchronized, ac- intracellular metabolomics, and proteomics covering a total of etate levels peaked ∼24 h after the rest. four cycles. Gas uptake and production rates were obtained Extensive sampling and liquid chromatography–mass spec- continuously from the online mass spectrometer attached to the trometry (LC-MS) analysis failed to show clear oscillations in bioreactors. individual intracellular metabolite concentrations (Dataset S1). Our first observation from the gas data showed that CO up- However, the intracellular redox ratio of nicotinamide adenine take rate (mmol/L/d) exhibited a nearly perfect synchronized dinucleotide forms (NADH/NAD+) was synchronized with bio- oscillatory behavior with the biomass concentration (Fig. 1A), mass level, but with an opposite trend; for example, biomass suggesting that continuous cultures were CO limited. The oscil- started to decline when NADH/NAD+ dropped to ∼0.012 and lation cycles had a period of ∼6 d, whereas the amplitudes for recovered once a ratio of ∼0.022 was reached (Fig. 2A). The biomass concentration and CO uptake rate were ∼0.6 g dry cell ratio of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate forms weight (gDCW)/L (minimum, ∼1; maximum, ∼1.6) and ∼580 (NADPH/NADP+) showed a peak just before onset of hydrogen mmol/L/d (minimum, ∼600; maximum, ∼1,200), respectively. metabolism, which led to a rapid drop, and a possible second While it took the cultures ∼100 h to recover to maximum values, peak in the decline phase (Fig. 2B). These trends potentially the decrease to minimum values took half the time (∼50 h). indicated the importance of the Nfn transhydrogenase complex Strikingly, the H2 uptake rate was well synchronized with the (CAETHG_07665) behind oscillations, as it is a central control previous characteristics, with an amplitude of ∼360 mmol/L/ valve of redox in acetogens (Fig. 3A). Indeed, the correlation ’ d (Fig. 1A). However, H2 uptake was lost entirely, in contrast to between Nfn s thermodynamic driving force (i.e., NADH/ CO, showing that oscillations are composed of sequential growth NAD+×NADP+/NADPH) and biomass levels suggests that Nfn phases: growth on CO, growth on CO and H2, and crash (slow might play a central role also behind metabolic oscillations in C. growth) on CO as energy and carbon source (purple arrows in autoethanogenum (Fig. 2B). Fig. 1A). tMFA. tMFA (29) was next used to determine the thermodynamic The online gas analysis also revealed that cells immediately driving force across central carbon and energy metabolism in counterbalanced lowered supply of reduced ferredoxin (Fdred) acetogens. The model comprises the WLP (18, 19), energy and from the loss of H2 uptake (see Fig. 3) by dissipating ∼1/3 more redox metabolism, acetate, ethanol, and 2,3-butanediol pro- CO as CO2 (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). Interestingly, it took ∼24 h duction pathways for a total of 32 reactions and 32 metabolites less for H2 uptake to recover compared wth the recovery of (Fig. 3A). We used the component contribution method to cal- biomass concentration and CO uptake rate (Fig. 1A). Recovery culate standard Gibbs free energy of reactions (30) together with of H2 uptake was potentially triggered by the culture becoming metabolomics data to determine reaction directionalities using

2of8 | Mahamkali et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Biological replicate #1

Scale ABBiological replicate #1 MIN-MAX Scale MIN-MAX Pyruvate 0.03-0.06

Acetate 5.2-9.1 CO uptake rate 599-1158 Ethanol 2.9-6.6 H2 uptake rate 0-367 2,3-BDO 0.10-0.36 Biomass concentration 0.99-1.58 1.6 1200 123 1 2 3 400 1.6 10 0.38 0.06 CO Acetate Ethanol H2 Biomass Biomass

W/L) 2,3-BDO 1.5 1060 1.5 Pyruvate

300 DC 8 0.31 0.05 (g/L/) (g l /L)

1.3 920 on i 1.3 (g/L) (mmol/L/day) e(g thano 200 6 0.24 0.04 t E 1.2 780 1.2 yruva 2,3-BDO P concentrat 100 cetate & 4 0.17 0.03 uptake rate (mmol/L/day) A ass

1.0 640 2 1.0 m H CO uptake rate Biomass concentration (gDCW/L) Bio 0.9 500 0 0.9 2 0.10 0.02 180 275 370 465 560 180 275 370 465 560 Time (h) Time (h) Biological replicate #2 Biological replicate #2 Pyruvate 0.02-0.05 CO uptake rate 651-1253 Acetate 2.7-8.6 H2 uptake rate 0-361 Ethanol 2.7-7.0 Biomass concentration 0.97-1.56 1.6 1300 1 2 3 1 2 3 400 2,3-BDO 0.11-0.41 CO H 1.6 10 0.42 0.05 2 Acetate Biomass Ethanol 1.5 1160 Biomass 300 2,3-BDO 1.5 Pyruvate 8 0.34 0.04

1.3 1020 )

200 1.3 (g/L 1.2 880 6 0.26 0.03

ke rate (mmol/L/day) 1.2 a yruvate (g/L) 2,3-BDO SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 100 P 1.0 upt 740 2 4 0.18 0.02 H Acetate & Ethanol (g/L/) CO uptake rate (mmol/L/day) 1.0 Biomass concentration (gDCW/L)

0.9 600 0 Biomass concentration (gDCW/L) 225305385465545 0.9 2 0.10 0.01 Time (h) 225 305 385 465 545 Time (h)

Fig. 1. Oscillatory behavior of Clostridium autoethanogenum continuous cultures. (A) Oscillations in gas uptake rates and biomass concentration for two biological replicate cultures (#1 and #2). Numbers 1, 2, and 3 in purple font together with arrows above the graphs denote three phases (1, growth on CO; 2,

growth on CO and H2; 3, crash). (B) Oscillations in extracellular metabolite levels and biomass concentration for two biological replicate cultures (#1 and #2). Heat maps show the relative change of the respective parameter between its minimum and maximum value (denoted on the right of heat map) with color scale shown on the top. Heat maps were generated with values derived from using spline (third-order polynomial cubic spline with point count 1) on the measured values to achieve higher resolution. time, fermentation duration from culture inoculation. 2,3-BDO, 2,3-butanediol.

thermodynamic variability analysis (see Materials and Methods symporter commonly assumed in bacterial models (33). The for details). distinction is important because the uniport is associated with Mechanism for acetate transport. Since the efficiency of product indirect energy cost, since a proton must be transported in- transport across the influences the thermody- dependently to ensure charge balance. This proton can be namic equilibrium of reactions, especially for charged products transported by the membrane-bound, multisubunit Fd-NAD+ (31, 32), and because acetogens often divert a significant fraction oxido-reductase Rnf complex that generates the proton motive of substrate carbon into acetate production, we considered four force required to drive ATP synthesis through ATPase in C. candidate mechanisms for acetate transport that each requires autoethanogenum (34, 35) or, alternatively, by the ATPase op- different concentration gradients (Fig. 3B): transport of the erating in proton efflux mode; either option is associated with an undissociated acid (i.e., passive ), symport of the anion energy cost of a fraction of an ATP. with a proton, transport of anion via uniport, and ATP- Pivotal role of the acetaldehyde:ferredoxin oxidoreductase in ethanol consuming transport (i.e., ABC type). We calculated the re- production. Together with acetate, ethanol is the main byproduct quired acetate concentration gradients (Dataset S1) and used of acetogen growth. Generally, acetogens, including C. autoe- them to constrain tMFA to check for thermodynamic feasibility. thanogenum (36), have two routes for ethanol biosynthesis: the Passive diffusion and symport of the anion with a proton are conventional direct route from acetyl-CoA, using the bi- thermodynamically equivalent and require almost molar level functional aldehyde/alcohol dehydrogenase (AdhE), or the ATP- intracellular acetate concentration to export against 8 g/L coupled route through acetate, using the acetaldehyde:ferre- (∼0.134 M) of extracellular acetate (Fig. 3B). tMFA shows that doxin oxidoreductase (AOR) (Fig. 3A). Previous acetogen there is no feasible flux distribution with such high internal ac- -omics studies (15, 20, 21, 37, 38), as well as the study of AOR etate concentration, and hence both these mechanisms can be knockouts (39), have shown that AOR plays a significant role in ruled out. While the ABC transporter is thermodynamically ethanol production. Consistent with the latter, tMFA shows that feasible at very low intracellular concentrations, this mechanism AdhE can only be active during the initial phase of CO-only is rejected because acetate production generates less than 1 ATP growth (E1 in Fig. 3C). Under CO+H2 growth and during the per acetate formed. In contrast, thermodynamically and ener- crash, the reaction is thermodynamically infeasible in the ethanol getically feasible solutions were observed for the acetate uniport, production direction (Gibbs free energy range >0), and AOR and we will use the uniport in our tMFA, rather than the proton (E2) is solely responsible (Gibbs free energy range <0) for the

Mahamkali et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 3of8 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Biological replicate #1

Scale MIN-MAX Biological replicate #1 A NADPH/NADP+ 0.23-0.39 B

NADH/NAD+ 0.01-0.02 Scale MIN-MAX

Biomass concentration 0.99-1.58 Nfn driving force 0.05-0.09

1.6 0.50 + + 0.026 NADPH/NADP NADH/NAD Biomass 0.10 Nfn driving force Biomass 1.6

1.5 0.44 0.022 1.5 DCW/L)

+ 0.09 + (g /NADPH +

1.3 0.38 P 1.3 0.018 0.07 ×NAD

1.2 0.32 + NADH/NAD D 1.2 NADPH/NADP 0.014 0.06 1.0 0.26 1.0 NADH/NA Biomass concentration (gDCW/L) Biomass concentration 0.9 0.20 0.010 0.04 0.9 290 355 420 485 550 290 355 420 485 550 Time (h) Time (h) Biological replicate #2 Biological replicate #2

+ NADPH/NADP 0.22-0.41 Nfn driving force 0.05-0.10 NADH/NAD+ 0.01-0.03 0.10 Nfn driving force Biomass 1.6 Biomass concentration 0.97-1.56 H 1.6 0.50 NADPH/NADP+ NADH/NAD+ Biomass 0.026 1.5 0.09 /NADP

1.5 0.44 + 0.022

+ 1.3 +

D 0.07

1.3 0.38 ×NADP +

D 1.2 0.018 1.2 0.32 0.06


0.014 NADH/NA 1.0 0.26 Biomass concentration (gDCW/L) 0.04 0.9

Biomass concentration (gDCW/L) 280 345 410 475 540 0.9 0.20 0.010 Time (h) 280345410475540 Time (h)

Fig. 2. Oscillatory behavior of intracellular redox in C. autoethanogenum continuous cultures. (A) Oscillations in intracellular redox ratios and biomass concentration for two biological replicate cultures (#1 and #2). (B) Oscillations in Nfn driving force and biomass concentration for two biological replicate cultures (#1 and #2). Heat maps show the relative change of the respective parameter between its minimum and maximum value (denoted on the right of heat map) with color scale shown on the top. Heat maps were generated with values derived from using spline (third order polynomial cubic spline with point count 1) on the measured values to achieve higher resolution. time, fermentation duration from culture inoculation; Nfn driving force, NADH/NAD+×NADP+/ NADPH.

production of ethanol, assuming free diffusion of ethanol across seen in the previous steady state at lower cell density. Operating the membrane (40). near equilibrium and with no changes in enzyme concentration, Interestingly, applying tMFA to our previous study of non- the flux is expected to be proportional to the driving force. Thus, oscillating (performed at lower gas transfer) CO-limited syngas it is likely that the crash (i.e., slowing of growth to below di- chemostat culture of C. autoethanogenum (15) shows that etha- lution) is caused by a loss in AOR driving force as the external nol production through AdhE is also infeasible under true steady ethanol concentrations increases. state syngas conditions (Fig. 3C). This is consistent with the conclusion reached in a recent study of a kinetic ensemble model Discussion of C. autoethanogenum (41) that most kinetic parameters are Homeostatic regulation is a fundamental biological process, favorable for AdhE to operate toward acetyl-CoA. While they underlying cellular metabolism and physiology. Ideal homeo- used the same data set (15), they performed enzyme-by-enzyme stasis robustly rejects internal and external disturbances, which rather than network-based analysis and did not use measured makes it very difficult to elucidate the detailed mechanism of metabolite concentrations for calculating the reaction Gibbs free regulation. Observed in many systems, oscillations indicate an energies, which leads to loose bounds (30) and may explain why imbalance between metabolic requirements affecting robustness some models allowed flux through E1 in the ethanol direction. (13) and provides a unique window into homeostatic regulation. Recently, oscillations without external interference were repor- Loss of AOR Driving Force May Trigger Crash. A high flux through ted in acetogen continuous cultures (15). Here, we explored the AOR is essential for simultaneous growth on CO and H2. AOR underlying mechanisms using proteomics, metabolomics, and is important for energy generation, reconstitution of oxidized thermodynamic metabolic flux analysis. ferredoxin needed in the WLP, and regulation of intracellular The oscillations were relatively slow, lasting ∼150 h or 6 res- − acetate levels (Fig. 3A). tMFA reveals that the AOR driving idence times at D = 1d 1 (Fig. 1). While this might have sug- force is very low in the crash; that is, a few hours after peak cell gested a transcriptional component to regulation, the absence of density (Fig. 3C). It is much lower than the thermodynamic changes in the proteome between high and low cell density in- driving force in the two growth phases and only half the level dicates that the mechanism is posttranscriptional.

4of8 | Mahamkali et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 2 [H]

CO H2 ABIn Out Log (Acetate in / Acetate out) (mM) (mM)

F1F0 AH Driving Force Rnf 894 133 − ATP synthase Passive diffusion H 2 Fdox NAD CO Fd Fdred ox W1 AH Fd red ½ ATP ½ (Fdox CO2 NADP) 2 [H] W2 Nfn A- ½ (Fdred Formate NADPH) 2 NADPH ATP − W4 894 133 ADP Symporter − + 10-Formyl-THF NADH − + + 2 NADP W5 NAD H+ 5,10-Methenyl-THF 1.5 [H] NADPH W6 NADP 5,10-Methylene-THF Biomass W7 Fd - 5-Methyl-THF Fdred ox A 133 CoA − CO2 Uniport ∆ W1-pre 2.12 − − − [CH3] [CO] B1 B2 Pyruvate Acetolactate Acetoin Acetyl-CoA P1

Ac1 NADPH B3 NADP ADP Acetyl-P E1 ADP NADH NAD ATP Ac2 E2 0.000033 133 Acetaldehyde Ethanol 2,3 BDO Acetate ABC Transport ∆ E3 ATP − + Fdred Fdox

-10 -5 0 5

40 C P1

E1 20 ATP AC1 AC2 E2 E3 Synthase 0 Rnf Nfn SYSTEMS BIOLOGY -20



Gibbs free energy change of Reactions (KJ/mol) -80

Fig. 3. tMFA of C. autoethanogenum.(A) Schematic representation of our tMFA model of C. autoethanogenum. Arrows across the cell membrane denote product transport. (B) Modeling four mechanisms for acetate transport which were then used in our tMFA model. See Results and Dataset S1 . 2,3-BDO, 2,3- − butanediol; THF, tetrahydrofolate; Fd, ferredoxin; A , acetate; AH, ; H+, proton. (C) The plot shows the maximum allowable range of Gibbs free energy for respective reactions at given conditions calculated using thermodynamic variability analysis. Gray and black show the three phases from this work, and blue shows data from the steady state. See Results for details; Each bar denotes mean and error bars SD of that allowable range. *Positive reactions are thermodynamically not feasible at given conditions (have positive Gibbs free energy change).

The oscillations are not inherent to high-density cultivations. Here we show that redox imbalances, caused by cometabol- We have previously achieved steady state cultures at high cell izing H2 and CO, trigger these metabolic oscillations in ace- density, using pure CO (20) (SI Appendix, Fig. S6). Rather, the togens. Acetogen metabolism operates at the thermodynamic oscillations are characterized by two key events around comet- edge of life (16, 17). Our work describes in detail the sequence of abolism of H2 and CO (Fig. 1). Onset of H2 uptake coincides events that eventually trigger metabolic oscillations as follows. with increased growth rate and increased ethanol production, During the CO-only growth phase, CO inhibited cellular hy- which last until briefly before the onset of the crash (Fig. 1 and SI drogenases, and thus H2 uptake (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). As the Appendix, Figs. S1 and S5). biomass levels increase, H2 uptake eventually resumes, resulting Cellular hydrogenases and H2 uptake are inhibited by excess in a seemingly unsustainable acetate to ethanol ratio (SI Ap- CO (23–25); hence, the onset of cometabolism only occurs when pendix, Fig. S4). The increased fraction of carbon excreted as CO is almost exhausted. Prior to the onset of cometabolism, cells ethanol (refs. 15, 20 and SI Appendix, Figs. S4 and S5) and the are effectively unaware of the H2 and are converging on a higher gas uptake rate inherently demands more redox in the (lower) steady state cell concentration reflecting CO transfer form of NADH and/or NADPH (Fig. 4). That redox imbalance only. Sudden access to H2 fuels rapid growth and ethanol pro- potentially serves as the initial starting point of the events duction until the AOR driving force (Fig. 3C) is exhausted and leading to oscillations. Regeneration of both redox types needs cell growth slows. The crash is dramatically amplified by the the Rnf activity that consumes Fdred. This, however, causes di- increase of CO leading to loss of H2 cometabolism. When this rect competition for Fdred between the Rnf complex and the happens, the cells are effectively located at a point with too high AOR (Fig. 4), which is responsible for ethanol production biomass, ethanol, and acetate relative to the steady state point (Fig. 3A). The competition is evident from the rapidly decreasing defined by CO transfer only, and hence biomass quickly falls thermodynamic driving force of the Nfn transhydrogenase until the cycle can repeat. complex, with increasing gas uptake (Figs. 2B and 3C). At the

Mahamkali et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 5of8 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 same time, elevated throughput of the Rnf complex is required oscillations (Fig. 1B). The arrest of the AOR results in an in- to meet higher energy demands for acetate export at increasing crease in the intracellular acetate concentration that further extracellular acetate levels (Fig. 1B), as the Rnf complex also enhances the demand for Fdred by the Rnf complex to maintain generates the proton motive force to drive the ATPase in C. the proton motive force. As a result, the WLP stops operation, autoethanogenum (34, 35). since the required reduced-to-oxidized Fd ratio for the oxidation As indicated by the model, AOR is a near-equilibrium re- of CO cannot be maintained. This also rapidly shuts off H2 up- action (see Results); thus, its directionality is sensitive to changes take due to its close link to CO uptake for recycling oxidized in substrate/product concentrations. We hypothesize that the ferredoxin (Fig. 3A). Since the cells cannot uptake H2 for redox, increasing demand for Fdred by the Rnf complex coupled with metabolism shifts to growth on CO only. Since the AOR is un- increase in ethanol concentration due to CO and H2 metabolism, able to produce ethanol, cells mainly produce acetate, and this is leads the AOR to loose its thermodynamic driving force and the evident from the increasing acetate concentrations even after arrest of ethanol production, thus reducing the availability of ethanol levels drop. oxidized ferredoxin (Fig. 4B). This is evidenced by the delay Concomitantly, Nfn driving force starts to recover (Fig. 2B) between the peaks of ethanol and acetate observed during while ethanol and acetate levels decrease (Fig. 2A). Eventually,


Rnf F1F0



Nfn Fdred HytA-E 2CO NADPH 2NADPH 2CO2 NADH Acetate FdhA NAD+ 2NADP+ ATP 2 Fd red WLP 1.5 ADP Fdred NAD NADP 2H2 1 Fdox NADPH AOR μmol/gDCW 0.5 Acetyl-CoA Biomass 0 NADH PFOR Ethanol Acetaldehyde

B Rnf F1F0

Fdox NAD+ Fdred NADH ATP NfnN

Fdred HytA-E 2CO NADPH 2CO2 FdhA Acetate + NAD ATP 2 NADP WLP 1.5 ADP Fdred NAD 2H2 1 mol/gDCW μ 0.5 NADPH AOR Acetyl-CoA Biomass 0 NADH Ethanol Acetaldehyde

Fig. 4. Two extremes of Clostridium autoethanogenum metabolism during oscillatory behavior in continuous cultures. (A) Metabolism enabling growth/ recovery of the oscillating culture. (B) Metabolism precrash triggering oscillations of the culture. (Left Bottom Inset) Intracellular concentrations (measured; area of circle scales with concentration) of respective redox species for biological replicate culture #1 at lowest (i.e., recovery) or highest (i.e., crash) biomass concentration levels (see Figs. 1 and 2).

6of8 | Mahamkali et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 AOR can again operate in the direction toward ethanol syn- thermodynamic variability analysis. Detailed methodology is available in SI Appendix. thesis, and thus CO uptake is recovered. H2 uptake is resumed, resulting in an increased growth rate and a redox surplus which eventually results in the crash (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Bacterial Strain, Growth Medium, and Continuous Chemostat Culture Metabolite levels have been shown to regulate oscillatory be- Conditions. As we hereby replicated the previously observed oscillatory be- – havior, full details of continuous cultures are reported in another work (15). havior in yeast (4, 8 10, 12). Also, keeping the ratios of oxidized/ Shortly, C. autoethanogenum strain DSM 19630 was grown on syngas (50% reduced redox species in check is generally fundamental to CO, 20% H2, 20% CO2, and 10% Ar; BOC Australia) in chemically defined maintain cellular homeostasis. Similar to glycolysis, the pathway medium (without yeast extract) in continuous chemostat cultures (dilution − for in acetogens (the WLP) is tightly linked to rate of 1.0 ± 0.03 d 1) under strictly anaerobic conditions at 37 °C and at pH ratios of redox pairs (Fig. 4) and is aiming at producing ATP for of 5. The gas-liquid transfer rate was increased by changing the agitation growth. Our results indicate that the imbalance of redox through rate until oscillations were triggered at ∼800 rpm, after which the culture the driving force of the Nfn ultimately limits acetogen metabo- parameters remained constant. lism, at least under oscillatory conditions. We thus conclude that the Nfn transhydrogenase complex plays a pivotal role in acetogen Biomass Concentration Analysis. To estimate the culture biomass concentra- metabolism by operating as a valve. This is consistent with the ob- tion (gDCW/L), we measured its optical density (OD) at 600 nm and used a servation that an Nfn deletion strain of C. autoethanogenum shows correlation coefficient of 0.21 determined in ref. 15 between sample OD and dry cell weight. nearly no growth during growth on syngas and CO2+H2 (37). Maximizing energy conservation when resources are scarce is a Bioreactor Off-Gas Analysis. Bioreactor off-gas analysis for quantification of fundamental principle of biological systems that adapt to pertur- gas uptake and production rates was performed by an online Hiden HPR-20- bations rapidly. As acetogens live at the edge of thermodynamic QIC mass spectrometer as described in ref. 15 using the Faraday Cup feasibility, where energy conservation is essential, acetogens offer detector. an ideal platform to understand and explore the hard limits of metabolic robustness. Glycolytic oscillations in yeast have been Extracellular and Intracellular Metabolomics. Samples collected for extracel- studied extensively for over half a century. Despite the enormous lular metabolomics were filtered and stored at −20 °C until analysis using number of studies looking at glycolytic oscillations, it is surprising high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), as described before (47). that the biological function of oscillations remains a mystery. Sampling, sample storage, and sample processing (extraction) for in- Similar to the WLP of acetogens, glycolysis is a central energy- tracellular metabolomics were performed as described before (15, 37, 48). producing pathway with feed-forward regulation. In the WLP, the Targeted LC-MS/MS analysis was performed using a Shimadzu UPLC coupled to a Shimadzu 8060 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in neg- first step requires redox as in glycolysis, where ATP is required in SYSTEMS BIOLOGY ative ion mode while chromatographic separation was achieved on a Shim- the early steps. It has been suggested that glycolytic oscillations are “ pack Velox SP-C18 UHPLC column (227-32001-04). Full details of LC-MS/MS a necessary consequence of autocatalysis and hard trade-offs analysis are in SI Appendix. between robustness and efficiency (or fragility and overhead)” (13). We show here that acetogen metabolism is controlled at the Proteomics. Quantitative proteome analysis was carried out using a data- thermodynamic level through metabolite concentrations, and independent acquisition mass spectrometry approach (27), with full details propose that an overshoot in the regulatory response potentially in SI Appendix. Briefly, sampling, sample storage, and sample preparation triggers oscillations. This is in accordance with a previous study were performed as described earlier (20), with slight modifications specified which shows that cellular Gibbs energy dissipation rate limits in SI Appendix. Mass spectrometry using LC-MS/MS was performed using a metabolism (42). However, it remains unclear whether these os- Thermo Fisher Scientific UHPLC system coupled to a Q-Exactive HF-X mass cillations can be a mechanism of energy conservation, as pre- spectrometer. Analysis of data-independent acquisition data were per- formed using Skyline (49), and differential protein expression analyzed using viously suggested (22), or are just a limitation of the system. MSstats (50) as described before (20), with modifications specified in Our study is important, as our comprehensive experimental SI Appendix. and computational analyses of oscillations in the gas-fermenting acetogen C. autoethanogenum suggest factors potentially limiting Data Availability. Proteomics data have been deposited to the Proteo- robustness of cellular metabolism. We provide a fundamental meXchange Consortium ( understanding between carbon, redox, and energy metabolism the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD016381. In- and product formation for a system relying on what was poten- tracellular metabolite concentration data of oscillating chemostat cultures tially the first biochemical pathway on Earth (43–46). Our work are available as Dataset S1. can also contribute toward expanding the product spectrum of acetogens and increasing the efficiency of the acetogen gas fer- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC LP140100213) in collaboration with LanzaTech. We thank the mentation bioprocess through providing insights into potential following investors in LanzaTech’s technology: Sir Stephen Tindall, Khosla limits in acetogen metabolism. Ventures, Qiming Venture Partners, Softbank China, the Malaysian Life Sci- ences Capital Fund, Mitsui, Primetals, China International Capital Corpora- Materials and Methods tion Limited (CICC) Growth Capital Fund I, L.P. and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund. The research utilised equipment and support pro- tMFA. To calculate Gibbs free energy ranges (ΔrG’min, ΔrG’max) for each vided by the Queensland node of Metabolomics Australia, an initiative of metabolic reaction, it is necessary to calculate the standard Gibbs free en- the Australian Government being conducted as part of the National Collab- ergy values (Δ G°) and the corresponding metabolite concentrations (29). r orative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) National Research Infra- We used the component contribution method (30) to calculate the standard structure for Australia. There was no funding support from the European transformed Gibbs free energies of metabolites and the corresponding SDs Union for the experimental part of the study. However, K.V. acknowledges to constrain reaction Gibbs free energies in the tMFA model, using an support also from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innova- implementation in Python. Reaction directionalities were determined using tion programme under grant agreement N810755.

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