SHAPING THE BOROUGH Waltham forest local plan (LP2) Draft Site Allocations Document (Regulation 18)

September 2020

London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)

Translation Translation

London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Contents Foreword 1


1 Introduction and Background 3 2 Methodology and Approach to Site Selection 5

Site Allocations

South Waltham Forest 7 Central Waltham Forest 82 North Waltham Forest 145

SA01 - Mills Retail Park 7 SA02 - New 10 SA03 - Bywaters, Leyton 13 SA04 - Osier Way 16 SA05 - The Score Centre 19 SA06 - Gas Holders 22 SA07 - Station Sites 1, 2 and 3 25 SA08 - Former Leyton F.C. Football Ground 28 SA09 - Estate Way 31 SA10 - Low Hall Depot 34 SA11 - Leyton Leisure Lagoon 37 SA12 - Tesco, 40 SA13 - Stanley Road Car Park 43 SA14 - 806 Community Place, High Road Leyton 46 SA15 - Leyton Bus Depot 49 SA16 - The Territorial Army Centre 52 SA17 - University Hospital 55 SA18 - Joseph Ray Road 58 SA19 - Church Lane Car Park, 61 SA20 - Tesco, Leytonstone 64 SA21 - Matalan, Leytonstone 67 SA22 - Avenue Road Estate and Thorne Close 70 SA23 - Cathall Leisure Centre, The Epicentre Community Centre, Jubliee Centre, (also known as Leytonstone Leisure Centre & West Community Centre) 73 SA24 - B&M Site 76 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18)

SA25 - Norlington Road Sites 79 SA26 - Central Bus Station 82 SA27 - The Mall 85 SA28 - St James Quarter 88 SA29 - High Street Sainsbury©s 91

SA30- Wilkos, Walthamstow High Street 94 Contents SA31- Osborne Grove 97 SA32 - Stow Car Wash & Valeting and Walthamstow Trades Hall 100 SA33 - 152-154 Blackhorse Road 103 SA34 - 1 Blackhorse Lane 106 SA35 - Webbs Site 109 SA36 - 59-69 Sutherland Road 112 SA37- Wood Street Library 115 SA38 - Fellowship Square (Town Hall Campus) 118 SA39 - Sterling House, Willow House and Homebase 121 SA40 - Hylands Road Phase 1 and 2 124 SA41 - Crown Lea 127 SA42 - Wood Street Station Site 130 SA43 - Travis Perkins 133 SA44 - Brandon Road Car Park 136 SA45 - Priory Court 139 SA46 - 234-240 Billet Road 142 SA47 - Sainsbury©s Car Park and Adjacent Sites 145 SA48 - Cork Tree Retail Park 148 SA49 - Morrisons Supermarket and Car Park 151 SA50 - Sainsburys, Hall Lane 154 SA51 - Former South Library site 157 SA52 - Albert Corner 160 SA53 - Motorpoint, Sewardstone Road 163 SA54 - Motor Company 166 SA55 - 60-74 Sewardstone Road 169 SA56 - Budgens and Gresham Works, North Chingford 172 SA57 - UKPN Site 175 SA58 - Chingford Library and Assembly Hall 178 SA59 - North City Motors, North Chingford 181 SA60 - Royal Golf Club 184 SA61 - Chingford Station Car Park and Bus Terminal 187 SA62 - 472-510 Larkshall Road and James Yard 190 SA63 - Shell Garage, 193 SA64 - Larkswood Leisure Centre, Nursery and land to rear of Larkswood Leisure Centre 196 SA65 - Pear Tree House 199 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Contents London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 1


Waltham Forest is a place where people want to live, raise a family and start a business. The Local Plan plays an important role in making these dreams a reality, while ensuring the unique character of the borough is protected and enhanced. Our priority as a Council is to plan for future growth so that development makes a lasting and positive impact on communities

and opens new opportunities for our people. This links to our three overarching priorities as Foreword a Council:

· Safer cleaner streets

· Ensuring a decent roof over the heads of our residents

· Improving the life chances of all our residents

To do this effectively, we need to ensure we promote the right development in the right places at the right scale, creating attractive sustainable neighbourhoods as well as new economic opportunities.

When adopted, the Site Allocations Document will represent Part 2 of the Council's Local Plan. It complements the Strategic Policies document (Part 1) of the Local Plan. It identifies key or strategic sites identified to have in total the capacity for redevelopment to provide circa 19,000 new homes.

As background, the Council's Local Plan is built around six core golden threads:

· Increasing housing delivery. Creating liveable places,

· Ensuring growth is sustainable and supported by infrastructure,

· Building on the unique strengths of the borough and carrying forward its cultural legacy,

· Promoting the economy to improve life chances for all residents, students and workers,

· Protecting and enhancing the natural environment, and

· Ensuring land optimisation and driving investment.

The proposed land allocations in this document seek to address the needs of the local community over the next 15 years, including the delivery of new high quality, genuinely affordable homes, new jobs and employment space, thriving cultural neighbourhoods and town centres, infrastructure provision, preserving the environment and addressing climate change.

Although in most cases the existing use of these sites may be long-established, the allocation of a site for a particular use does not necessarily imply that the existing use would be lost or discontinued. To make more efficient use of land, the intention is to retain the existing use London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

2 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Foreword while providing additional uses. Furthermore, the allocation of a site for a proposed use does not also imply that planning permission will be automatically granted. Proposals submitted for planning permission will be considered on their individual merits.

In this round of public consultation, we are now seeking your comments on the proposals contained in this document. This is the first round of public consultation on the preparation of this document and it is the opportunity for our residents and communities to give their views on the scope of sites in their areas to be brought forward for new homes. Comments made will be carefully considered before the final version is prepared.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Cllr Miller - Portfolio Lead Member for Economic Growth and Housing Development London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 3

1 Introduction and Background

1.1 Waltham Forest is experiencing significant change, and post-Covid19, the borough is going through accelerated shifts of economic recovery. To make this happen, the Waltham Forest Local Plan 2020 sets targets to deliver 27,000 additional homes and 52,000sqm of employment floorspace in Waltham Forest by 2035. Waltham Forest is an attractive and sustainable place for growth, however there is only a limited amount of land available and we need to ensure that where development takes place, it makes the most efficient use of land and buildings and responds to local character, and the needs and aspirations of residents.

1.2 The Site Allocations Development Plan Document is part of the Local Plan. This document allocates sites where the Council considers development could come forward and it sets out the parameters within which these sites should be redeveloped.

What are Site Allocations?

1.3 Site Allocations set out what uses and development the Council would prefer to be delivered on a range of sites across the borough. Each Site Allocation sets out the preferred use or mix of uses as well as any policy criteria or guidance relevant to the development of the site.

Relationship to other documents and strategies 1 Introduction and Background

1.4 The Local Plan comprises two parts. Local Plan Part 1 (LP1) sets out the strategic policies and development management policies for delivering development across the borough. Local Plan Part 2 is this document - the Site Allocations Development Plan Document. It identifies key sites for redevelopment across the borough. It complements the Strategic Policies Document (LP1). Accordingly, both documents should be read together. Other documents supporting the Local Plan include Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), Planning Obligations SPD, Affordable Housing and Viability SPD and Urban Design SPD. These documents are being prepared and will be published for consultation when ready.

How to have your say

1.5 Publication of the Draft Site Allocations DPD is in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012.This represents the first round of public consultation on the preparation of a Development Plan Document.

1.6 The Council is inviting representations on the Draft Site Allocations Document. Comments made will be carefully considered before the next iteration of the Plan is prepared for final consultation.We want to hear your views on the proposals contained in the document and whether you agree with the Council's preferred approach. The consultation period starts on Friday 25 September and ends on Monday 14 December 2020 at 5 pm.

1.7 There are a number of ways you can respond to this consultation. We would prefer to receive your comments via our online consultation portal: London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

4 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 1 Introduction and Background

1.8 If you do not have internet access, this document is available to read as a paper copy in all Waltham Forest Libraries. You can then complete a consultation response form and return to:

Planning Policy Team, First Floor, The Magistrates, 1 Farnan Road, E17 4NX If you have any question, or experience any difficulties submitting your representations, please contact us by email [email protected].

1.9 In responding, please remember to name clearly the site or sites on which you are commenting.

1.10 Responses received after the deadline can only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. If you use the Council's online consultation portal you will receive an automated message confirming receipt of your response. You can also view all comments that have been made. Representations cannot be made anonymously, so please provide your full name and contact details. Please also note that representations made will be referenced with your name only and published in the Consultation Report on this document. London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 5

2 Methodology and Approach to Site Selection

2.1 The sites included within the Site Allocations Development Plan have been through a selection process and methodology.

Site Selection

2.2 The selection of sites must accord with national planning policy as set out by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Government©s Planning Practice Guidance (PPG).

2.3 The NPPF states that housing sites should be deliverable. Evidence to demonstrate deliverability may include the following:

Current planning status ± for example, on larger scale sites with outline or hybrid permission, how much progress has been made towards approving reserved matters, or whether these link to a planning performance agreement that sets out the timescale for approval of reserved matters applications and discharge of conditions; Firm progress is being made towards the submission of an application ± for example, a written agreement between the local planning authority and the site developer(s) which confirms the developers' delivery intentions and anticipated start and build-out rates; Firm progress with site assessment work; or Clear relevant information about site viability, ownership constraints or infrastructure provision, such as successful participation in bids for large-scale infrastructure funding or other similar projects.

2.4 As background to the Council©s approach to site selection, the Authority (GLA) undertook a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) as part of the work to underpin the new London Plan.The SHLAA sought to find sites capable of delivering housing and other development to meet London's housing need.The Council submitted sites that it considered would meet the criteria, in addition to the GLA taking a London wider ©call for sites© exercise. The SHLAA was used as evidence to set London-wide housing targets and the borough's housing target.The new London Plan housing target is significantly higher than in previous years. 2 Methodology and Approach to Site Selection 2.5 To ensure that the Council could meet this new higher housing target, additional work was undertaken which is set out in sequence below:

2017: November to December ©Call for Sites© exercise undertaken as part of the Local Plan Consultation work. 2018: Growth Capacity Study undertaken including a further ©Call for Sites© exercise. 2019: Call for Sites as part of Draft Local Plan consultation work

2.6 The Growth Capacity Study included site visits around the borough to look for additional sites which were either not submitted as part of the ©Call for Sites© or were otherwise unknown to the Council. The Growth Capacity Study reviewed all sites and assessed whether they London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

6 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 2 Methodology and Approach to Site Selection were achievable and deliverable. This assessment included when sites were likely to come forward over the Local Plan period and the appropriate density that could be applied to the site.

2.7 Following the Growth Capacity Study, some sites have had further detailed site capacity work undertaken to support their allocation.The Skyline Study tests an illustrative development scenario on each site, including taller and tall buildings in locations that are considered appropriate.This study reviews these illustrative scenarios in the surrounding context though the use of a visualisation tool called VU.CITY London(1). It then presents the impact that this scenario would have on the skyline in the form of ©wireframe© views and proposes an illustrative approach to appropriate storey height range and location for height.

Strategic and Key Sites

2.8 The Site Allocations Development Plan Document does not allocate all sites appropriate for development in the borough. Sites allocated are those considered to be ©strategic© or ©key© sites. (2) A definition of a strategic site has been informed by the size of sites which have been delivered in the past, and the size of sites expected to come forward over the plan period. A Strategic Site is defined as 100 or more new homes. Key Sites are those considered critical to the delivery of the vision for the area but under 100 units. The Council intends to list other sites on the Brownfield Land Register, which is published and reviewed annually.

1 The views are not verified views 2 These definitions draw on the Planning Advisory ªDevelopment Viability Advice Note for Councils on Procuring Viability Evidence in Planningº January 2020. London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 7

South Waltham Forest


SA01 - Leyton Mills Retail Park South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA01

Site Address Leyton Mills Retail Park, Marshall Road, Leyton, London E10 5NH

Easting 538096.0824 and Northing 185955.3763

Ward Leyton Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 7.74 ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

8 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 3- 2

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 2000 new homes (35% affordable housing) 47,200 sqm of non residential floorspace including replacement retail, culture and employment New school Public transport improvements including links to , Leyton District Centre and potential new station at Ruckholt Road

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 9

3.1 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

10 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA02 - New Spitalfields Market

Site Code/ Reference SA02

Site Address New Spitalfields Market, Sherrin Road, London E10 5SQ

Eastings 537334.7828 and Northings 186102.9787

Ward Leyton Ward

Ownership Corporation

Approximate size of site 11.23 ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and B8 (storage and distribution)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1b London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 11

Flood Zone 2

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Borough Employment Area Archaeological Priority Zone

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides:

Minimum 3,000 homes (35% - 50% affordable housing) Minimum 29,798 sqm of replacement employment floorspace Public transport improvements including potential new station at Ruckholt Road Commercial, Business and Service including retail Educational uses Forest Waltham South Cultural development Opening up the River Lea and Connections into the Lee Valley Regional Park and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park New walking routes going north towards

To be developed through the New Leyton Development Framework.

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

12 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.2 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 13

SA03 - Bywaters, Leyton South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA03

Site Address Bywaters Waste Management Centre, Gateway Road, Leyton, London E10 5BY

Eastings 537618.5612 and Northings 186311.9702

Ward Leyton Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest, Thames Water and private

Approximate size of site 5.08ha

Existing uses B2 and B8 (water and waste management facility) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

14 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History Outline planning permission approved 28/12/2017 for the demolition of the existing buildings and structures on the site, creation of ten blocks from 2 to 15 storeys in height; re-provision of a new Thames Water Storm Water facility incorporating underground storm water storage tanks; creation of up to 730 residential units; up to 4,500sqm of commercial floor space (A1, A2, A3, B1, D1 or D2 uses); a two-form entry primary school (up to 2,190sqm); areas of public realm and landscaping, no more than 15% residential car parking spaces to include disabled parking spaces and secure cycle parking.

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Borough Employment Area Archaeological Priority Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 1250 new homes (50% affordable housing) 4000 sqm of non residential floorspace Re-provision of a new Thames Water Storm Water facility incorporating underground storm water storage tanks Replacement waste site Areas of public realm and landscaping

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 15

3.3 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

16 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA04 - Osier Way

Site Code/ Reference SA04

Site Address 9 Osier Way, London E10 5SB

Eastings 537617.8111 and Northings 186418.902

Ward Leyton Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.44ha

Existing uses B2 and B8 (industrial) uses

Relevant Planning History Resolution to grant planning permission on 07/07/2019 for demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site for a residential led, mixed-use London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 17

development comprising five blocks of between 6 and 13 storeys, providing 196 affordable residential homes (Use Class C3), ancillary residential accommodation, 902.30sqm light industrial/commercial floorspace (B1c) and 50.10sqm of cafe floorspace (A1/A3), servicing vehicle access, cycle parking and storage accessible car parking spaces and public realm works.

PTAL Rating 1b-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Borough Employment Area

Archaeological Priority Zone Forest Waltham South

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 190 new homes (50% affordable housing)

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

18 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.4 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 19

SA05 - The Score Centre South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA05

Site Address 100 Oliver Road, Leyton, London E10 5JY

Eastings 537782.588 and Northings 186364.2441

Ward Leyton Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 2.89 ha

Existing uses D2 (sports and leisure)

Relevant Planning History Resolution to grant planning permission on 31/03/2020 for demolition of existing buildings and structures on site, creation of five blocks (Blocks A-E) ranging from London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

20 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3 to 18 storeys in height, providing the following: re-provision of new internal sports and leisure facilities comprising 4,851sqm of Class D2 floorspace; re-provision of new community facilities comprising 1,141sqm of flexible Class D1/D2 floorspace; re-provision of new nursery comprising 988sqm of Class D1 floorspace; provision of a new health centre comprising 2,315sqm of Class D1 floorspace; provision of 1,762sqm of commercial floorspace to include flexible Class A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, D1 and / or D2 uses; creation of 750 new homes (Class C3)

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Playing Field

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum 750 new homes (50% affordable housing) Doctors surgery, Nursery Replacement indoor leisure facilities New public square Retail

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 21

3.5 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

22 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Lea Bridge

SA06 - Gas Holders

Site Code/ Reference SA06

Site Address Clementina Road Gas Works, Leyton, London E10 7LS

Eastings 536641.5439 and Northings 186980.0381

Ward Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership Multiple including private and the Council

Approximate size of site 2.54ha

Existing uses B2 (former industrial gas works) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 23

Relevant Planning History Determined prior approval not required on 09/02/2018 for proposed demolition of former gas work site.

PTAL Rating 2

Flood Zone 2 - 3A

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum 550 new homes (35% affordable housing) Nursery Communal garden and play space

New tree planting and land landscaping Forest Waltham South

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

24 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.6 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 25

SA07 - Lea Bridge Station Sites 1, 2 and 3 South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA07

Site Address Argall Way, Walthamstow, London E10 7AG, and Orient Way, Walthamstow, London E10 7NU

Eastings 536308.9691 and Northings 187113.455

Ward Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest, Secretary of State for Transport, and private

Approximate size of site 0.97 ha

Existing uses Sui generis (transport interchange and cycle hub) and pocket park London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

26 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2

Flood Zone 2

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation currently part of the site designated as Strategic Industrial Land (SIL)

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 300 new homes (50% affordable housing) 3,000 sqm of non residential floorspace including community and cultural space New station entrance Open space

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 27

3.7 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

28 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA08 - Former Leyton F.C. Football Ground

Site Code/ Reference SA08

Site Address Leyton Football Ground, Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7LD

Eastings 536790.8081 and Northings 187344.4793

Ward Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.90ha

Existing uses D2 (football ground)

Relevant Planning History N/A

PTAL Rating 2 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 29

Flood Zone 2-3

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone (APZ) Flood Zone 3a Playing Fields

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum 140 new homes (35% affordable housing) Retention of open space/space for other sports. Health Centre Wider improvements to Brook Corridor Links to the local open space network South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

30 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.8 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

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SA09 - Estate Way South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA09

Site Address Estate Way, Leyton, London E10 7JN/E10 7JQ Easting 537086.5504 and Northing 187192.3456

Ward Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership Private and London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.90ha

Existing uses A1 (retail), mixed class B uses - B1(a) offices, B2 (industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) - C3 (residential), D1 (educational) and Sui Generis (waste site)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

32 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Borough Employment Area Allocation

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 1,430 new homes (35% affordable housing) Minimum 3565 sqm replacement of existing industrial floorspace Replacement waste site Improvements to Dagenham Brook Corridor Improved link to Leyton Jubliee Park Nursery

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 33

3.9 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

34 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Low Hall

SA10 - Low Hall Depot

Site Code/ Reference SA10

Site Address Low Hall Depot, Argall Avenue, London E10 7AS

Eastings 536165.2836 and Northings 187998.9332

Ward Markhouse Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and Thames Water

Approximate size of site 5.30ha

Existing uses B2, B8 and sui generis (waste and storm water tanks) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 35

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 16/09/2019 for construction of three single storey temporary structure for use as one workshop and two office blocks. construction of six single storey buildings for use as toilets and bathroom facility.

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 2 - 3b

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Area Borough Employment Area Strategic Industrial Location (part of the site) South Waltham Forest Waltham South Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Replacement of the depot Minimum of 440 new homes (50% affordable housing) Minimum 2,500 sqm of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

36 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.10 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 37

Bakers Arms

SA11 - Leyton Leisure Lagoon South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA11

Site Address Leyton Leisure Centre, 763 High Road Leyton, Leyton, London E10 5AB

Eastings 538038.3228 and Northings 187918.6962

Ward Leyton

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.45ha

Existing uses D2 (leisure centre)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

38 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 5-6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Replacement leisure facilities Minimum of 90 new homes (50% affordable housing) 4138 sqm of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 39

3.11 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

40 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA12 - Tesco, Bakers Arms

Site Code / Reference SA12

Site Address 825 High Road Leyton, Leyton, London E10 7AA

Eastings 537883.1125 and Northings 188025.0925

Ward Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and private

Approximate size of site 0.89ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and sui generis (car park)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 41

PTAL Rating 5-6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Primary Shopping Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 200 new homes (35% affordable housing) 3863 sqm of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

42 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

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SA13 - Stanley Road Car Park South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA13

Site Address Stanley Road Car Park, Stanley Road, Walthamstow, London E10 7FF

Eastings 537696.9558 and Northings 188140.8499

W Lea Bridge Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and Greater London Authority

Approximate size of site 0.46 ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car park)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

44 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes (50% affordable)

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 45

Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

46 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA14 - 806 Community Place, High Road Leyton

Site Code/ Reference SA14

Site Address 806 High Road Leyton, Leyton, London E10 6AE

Eastings 537989.2182 and Northings 188063.7266

Ward Forest Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.33ha

Existing uses A2 (professional services), B1(a) (other offices), D1 (nursery) and sui generis

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 47

PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 90 new homes (35% affordable housing)

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

48 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 49

SA15 - Leyton Bus Depot South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA15

Site Address Leyton Bus Garage, High Road Leyton, London E10 6AD

Eastings 538122.9464 and Northings 187966.5231

Ward Forest Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.91ha

Existing uses Sui generis (bus depot)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 5 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

50 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 225* new homes (35% affordable housing) (* subject to relocation of the bus depot within the borough) Minimum of 931sqm of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 51

3.12 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

52 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Whipps Cross

SA16 - The Territorial Army Centre

Site Code/ Reference SA16

Site Address Territorial Army Centre, 900 Lea Bridge Road, London E17 9DW

Eastings 538677.5677 and Northings 188799.5352

Ward Forest Ward

Ownership Secretary of State for Defence and The Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Research Association for Greater London

Approximate size of site 0.87ha

Existing uses D1 and D2 uses (community facilities) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 53

Relevant Planning History Lawful Development Certificate granted11/05/2020 for use of the existing single storey cadet learning centre as a day nursery (D1 Use) from 07.00 to 18.30 hours from Monday to Friday inclusive and from 09.00 to 17.00 hours on a Saturday Planning permission granted 07/01/2016 for demolition of existing garages. Installation of pre-fabricated single storey building for cadet learning centre (Use Class D1) including formation of ramp access with hand railings

PTAL Rating 4

Flood Zone 1 Forest Waltham South

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone (APZ)

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 130 new homes (50% affordable housing) Replacement community facilties

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

54 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.13 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 55

SA17 - Whipps Cross University Hospital South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA17

Site Address Whipps Cross University Hospital, Whipps Cross Road, Leytonstone, London E11 1NR

Eastings 538860.7453 and Northings 188430.2331

Ward Forest Ward

Ownership Barts Health NHS Trust

Approximate size of site 16.31ha

Existing uses C2 and D1 (hospital) uses

Relevant Planning History Prior notification recieved 30/06/2020 for proposed demolition of Nurse©s London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

56 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Accommodation blocks and associated buildings.

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Adjacent to Epping Forest SAC; Green Belt.

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 1500 new homes (50% affordable housing) Replacement hospital Reprovision of social care facilities in addition to facilities located off-site. Cultural and commercial uses to support both the new residential community and health-based uses and associated workforce. New public realm

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 57

3.14 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

58 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Leytonstone Town Centre

SA18 - Joseph Ray Road

Site Code/ Reference SA18

Site Address Joseph Ray Road, Leytonstone, London E11 1AA

Eastings 539257.0611 and Northings 186957.5376

Ward Leytonstone

Ownership Network Rail

Approximate size of site 1.86ha

Existing uses B2 and B8 industrial uses and sui generis

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 59

PTAL Rating 5-6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Borough Employment Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 320 new homes (50% affordable housing) Minimum 8,304 sqm of replacement employment floorspace Improved public realm including exploring a new public square Improved access including step free access to Leytonstone High Road

Overground Station Forest Waltham South Opening up of the railways arches

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

60 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.15 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 61

SA19 - Church Lane Car Park, Leytonstone South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA19

Site Address Church Lane Car Park, Vernon Road, Leytonstone, London E11 4QN Easting 539242.5113 and Northing 187257.4134

Ward Leytonstone Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.4ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car park)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 28/11/2012 for formation of multi use games area including new fence, gates and bollards and reconfiguration of car park. London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

62 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 100 new homes (50% affordable housing) Mixed use residential led scheme with commercial and cultural uses to support Leytonstone town centre. Improve pedestrian and cycle links to Leytonstone Underground station Re-provision of cycle hubs, MUGA and playspace Retention of Church Lane Community Garden

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 63

3.16 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

64 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA20 - Tesco, Leytonstone London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 65

Site Code/ Reference SA20

Site Address TESCO, Gainsborough Road, Leytonstone, London E11 1HT and 865-873 High Road Leytonstone, London E11 1HR

Eastings 539630.325 and Northings 187734.5375

Ward Leytonstone Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 2.89 ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and A3 (restaurant) South Waltham Forest Waltham South Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 3-5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Re-provision of the supermarket Minimum of 650 new homes (35% affordable housing) 10800 sqm of non residential floorspace including retail and nursery New publicly accessible open space New cycle and pedestrian routes to the High Street

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

66 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.17 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 67

SA21 - Matalan, Leytonstone South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA21

Site Address 829-837 High Road Leytonstone, Leytonstone, London E11 1HH

Eastings 539471.1089 and Northings 187514.6984

Ward Leytonstone Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.73ha

Existing uses A1 (retail)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 08/07/2004 for redevelopment of the site©s car park to provide 50 one-bedroom flats and 3 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

68 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest live-work units, associated access and car parking

PTAL Rating 6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Primary Shopping Area District Centres

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 190 new homes (35% affordable housing) Replacement retail and other commercial uses Development will need to be sensitive to the setting of the Church and open space Improved pedestrian and cycle paths

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 69

3.18 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

70 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest South Leytonstone

SA22 - Avenue Road Estate and Thorne Close

Site Reference SA22

Site Address Avenue Road Estate, Leytonstone, London E11 4JR / E11 RHN, 13 Langthorne Road, London E11 4HX, 15 and 21 Thorne Close, London E11 4HU, The Nexus Centre, 3 Snowberry Close, London E15 2AH, and 321 High Road Leytonstone, Leytonstone, London E11 4JT

Eastings 538929.6217 and Northings 185798.651

Ward Cathall Ward London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 71

Ownership Multiple - London Borough of Waltham Forest, North NHS Foundation Trust, the Greater London Authority, and private

Approximate size of site 2.77ha

Existing uses Class C3 (residential), Class D1 and D2 (health centre and community facilities), and Class E (cafe) uses

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2-4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A Forest Waltham South

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 440 new homes (50% affordable housing) - subject to an estate ballot

Re-provision of a consolidated health/medical centre

New routes and improved public realm at entrance to, Langthorne Park

Reprovision of community infrastructure

Retention of Lime Tree Surgery

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

72 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.19 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 73

SA23 - Cathall Leisure Centre,The Epicentre Community Centre, Jubliee Centre, (also known as Leytonstone Leisure Centre & West Community Centre) South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA23

Site Address Cathall Road, Leytonstone, London E11 4LA / E11 4LJ

Eastings 539034.8148 and Northings 186497.3775

Ward Cathall Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and private

Approximate size of site 1.48ha

Existing uses D1 (community facilities) and D2 (leisure facilities) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

74 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 18/07/2013 at Cathall Leisure Centre for refurbishment and construction of two storey sports hall and formation of glazed entrance lobby area and alterations to elevations.

PTAL Rating 4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Replacement leisure and community facilities Minimum of 245 new homes (50% affordable housing) 7600 sqm of non residential floorspace New publicly accessible open space New pedestrian footway to Marchant Road

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 75

3.20 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

76 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest SA24 - B&M Site

Site Reference SA24

Site Address 444 High Road Leytonstone, Leytonstone, London E11 3HR/3QL

Eastings 539304.365 and Northings 186411.225


Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.73ha

Existing uses A1 (retail)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 77

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Borough Employment Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 180 new homes (35% affordable housing) Re- provide employment floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

78 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest 3.21 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 79

Outside Strategic Locations

SA25 - Norlington Road Sites South Waltham Forest Waltham South

Site Code/ Reference SA25

Site Address 68, 72 and 74 Norlington Road, Leyton, London E10 6LA

Eastings 538382.5403 and Northings 187373.2296

Ward Grove Green

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.68ha

Existing uses B1, B2 and B8 (industrial) uses London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

80 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) South Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 13/07/2018 for change of use, at 72-74 Norlington Road, from storage and distribution centre (Class B8) to Business - Light Industrial)-Class B1(c).

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 220 new homes (35% affordable housing) Replacement non-residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 81

3.22 Placemaking Plan South Waltham Forest Waltham South London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

82 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Central Waltham Forest


SA26 - Walthamstow Central Bus Station

Site Code/ Reference SA26

Site Address Walthamstow Central Bus Station, Selborne Road, Walthamstow, London E17 7JP

Eastings 537257.6591 and Northings 189066.1816

Ward High Street

Ownership and London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.63ha London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 83

Existing uses Sui generis (transport interchange and bus station)

Relevant planning history No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 6a - 6b

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 200 new homes (50% affordable housing) Prioritise transport interchange including retaining and upgrading the bus station and a new integrated Underground Forest Waltham Central Station entrance Improved permeability

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

84 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 85

SA27 - The Mall Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA27

Site Address The Mall Walthamstow, 45 Selborne Rd, Walthamstow, London E17 7JR

Eastings 537017 and Northings 189018

Ward High Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 4.89ha

Existing uses Mixed commercial uses. (A1, A3, A4, A5 + sui generis)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 11/07/2018 for the part demolition of The Mall, and its replacement and extension by an London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

86 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest additional 8,769sqm (Gross External Area) GEA to be used for shops, food and drink and leisure (Classes A1, A3, D2), creation of 42 residential units (Use Class C3) up to a maximum height of 49m, redesign of Town Square, including new children s play space, landscaping (hard and soft) and lighting.

PTAL Rating 6a-6b

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 500 new homes (50% affordable housing)

Minimum 25000 sqm of non-residential floorspace.

Retains or reprovides existing public open space and avenue of lime trees

Provides new station access

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 87

4.1 Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

88 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA28 - St James Quarter

Site Code/ Reference SA28

Site Address 11 St James Street, Walthamstow, London E17 7PJ

Eastings 536463.8029 and Northings 188730.7852

Ward Markhouse

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.98ha

Existing uses Mixed commercial uses. (A1, A3, A4, A5 + sui generis)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 05/02/2020 for demolition of existing buildings and London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 89

construction of a part 10, part 12 storey building comprising NHS health facility (use class D1) at ground and first floor level, with 83 dwellings (use class C3), together with access, car parking, cycle parking, amenity space and refuse provision and associated works.

PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan South Grove/St James SPD

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it

provides: Forest Waltham Central Minimum of 300 new homes (35% affordable housing) Non residential floorspace including commerical, community and cultural uses Reprovision of the medical centre

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

90 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 91

SA29 - High Street Sainsbury©s Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA29

Site Address 112 High Street, Walthamstow, London E17 7JY

Eastings 536792.5847 and Northings 188931.8299

Ward High Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.76ha

Existing uses A1 (retail)

Relevant Planning History · Planning permission granted 27/11/1978 for erection of a supermarket, 3 shop units, multi-storey car park and community facilities London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

92 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 5-6a

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 100 new homes (50% affordable housing)

· Re-provision of supermarket

4000 sqm of non residential floorspace including social infrastructure

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 93

Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

94 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA30- Wilkos, Walthamstow High Street

Site Code/ Reference SA30

Site Address 115 High Street, Walthamstow, London E17 7DB

Eastings 536664.9786 and Northings 188966.3756

Ward High Street

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.35ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) & B1A (offices)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 5 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 95

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 90 new homes (35% affordable housing) Reprovision of non residential uses

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

96 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 97

SA31- Osborne Grove Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA31

Site Address 12 Palmerston Road, Walthamstow, London E17 6PD

Eastings 536725.1066 and Northings 189014.4589

Ward High Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.14ha

Existing uses Mix of A1 (retail), C3 (private residences) and a car park

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 29/03/2019 for redevelopment of 12 Osborne Mews London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

98 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest and the construction of a three storey extension to the rear of 141 High Street to create three residential units (3x2 bedroom) with associated landscape and cycle, refuse and recycle storage area.

PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 20 new homes (50% affordable) Street trading office and welfare facilities

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 99

4.2 Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

100 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA32 - Stow Car Wash & Valeting and Walthamstow Trades Hall

Site Code/ Reference SA32

Site Address 19 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 4SB and 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road, Walthamstow, London E17 4RQ

Eastings 537307.0034 and Northings 189636.0189

Ward Hoe Street

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.24ha

Existing uses D2 (club building and dance hall) and sui generis (disused petrol station and car wash) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 101

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 11/08/2008 for erection of single storey side extension Planning permission granted 14/09/1972 for erection of club building incorporating dance hall and stewards flat with car parking provision and erection of petrol service station

PTAL Rating 4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Walthamstow Town Centre Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it

provides: Forest Waltham Central Minimum of 60 new homes (35% affordable) 1000 sqm of non residential floorspace Replacement of community facility

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

102 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest 4.3 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 103

Blackhorse Lane

SA33 - 152-154 Blackhorse Road Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA33

Site Address 152-154 Blackhorse Road, Walthamstow, London E17 6NH

Easting 535917.7172 and Northings 189319.5814

Ward High Street

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.21ha

Existing uses D1 (training college) and sui generis (car rental company) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

104 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Blackhorse Lane Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes (35% affordable) Minimum 650sqm of non residential floorspace including workspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 105

4.4 Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

106 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA34 - 1 Blackhorse Lane

Site Code/ Reference SA34

Site Address 1 Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London E17 6DS

Eastings 535823 and Northings 189434

Ward Higham Hill

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.2ha

Existing uses Former public house - The Royal Standard (Use Class A4) and music venue (Use Class D2), and car park (sui generis)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 18/12/2017 for demolition of former public house London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 107

and associated land used as a car park, construction of a U-Shaped building comprising an eastern block of four to six storeys and a western block of six to seven storeys to form 50 residential units (use class C3), with associated ground floor supermarket (use class A1), mezzanine bar (A4)/ basement music venue (use class D2), 749sqm of ancillary community/exhibition space, communal and private space, 19 car parking spaces, 86 cycle spaces, bin store facilities, site landscaping and associated highways works.

PTAL Rating 5

Flood Zone 1 Forest Waltham Central

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes

At least 460sqm of non- residential floor space (Use Class A1 and/or A4 and/or D2)

Must include a retained or replaced music venue

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

108 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 109

SA35 - Webbs Site Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA35

Site Address 108 Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London E17 6SH

Eastings 535955.6905 and Northings 189773.6041

Ward Higham Hill

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 1.7ha

Existing uses General Class B (business and industrial) uses

Relevant Planning History Resolution to grant planning permission (05/02/19) for the comprehensive London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

110 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest redevelopment of the Webbs Industrial Estate to comprise a mixed use scheme including the demolition of existing buildings and associated structures, the alteration of the highways, engineering and construction of new buildings and structures to provide an indicative total of 26,850 sq.m (excluding basement) comprising ©©Artisan©© workshops (Use Class B1), retail (Use Class A1/A2/A3), 235no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), an energy centre, creation of 143 no. basement and grade car parking spaces, landscaping, creation new public realm and associated works.,

PTAL Rating 1b-2

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Blackhorse Lane Area Action Plan

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 350 homes (100% affordable)

2,560sqm of non- residential floor space comprising of 720sqm of flexible floor space (Use Class A1 and/or A2 and/or A3 and/or A4 and /or B1 and /or D1 and/or D2), 532sqm of flexible floors space (Use Class B1 and/or D1) and 1,313sqm of floor space (Use Class B1), car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, highways and utilities works.

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 111

4.5 Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

112 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA36 - 59-69 Sutherland Road

Site Code/ Reference SA36

Site Address 59-69 Sutherland Road, Walthamstow, London E17 6BH

Eastings 535972 and Northings 189893

Ward Higham Hill

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.3ha

Existing uses Use Class C3 (residential) and general Use Class B (business and industrial) uses

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1b-2 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 113

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Blackhorse Lane Area Action Plan BEA

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 20 new homes

At least 5,440 sq.m of non- residential floor space

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

114 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest 4.6 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 115

Forest Road Corridor

SA37- Wood Street Library Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA37

Site Address Wood Street Library, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London E17 4AA

Eastings 538336.5499 and Northings 189953.8421

Ward Wood Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.18ha

Existing uses D1 (public library)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

116 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation Locally Listed Building

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes (50% affordable housing) Minimum of 745sqm of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 117

4.7 Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

118 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA38 - Fellowship Square (Town Hall Campus)

Site Code/ Reference SA38

Site Address Magistrates Building, 1 Farnan Avenue, London E17 4NX and Sycamore House, Town Hall Forest Road, Walthamstow, London E17 4SU

Eastings 537692.6716 and Northings 189880.7702

Ward Chapel End

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 2.27ha

Existing uses B1(a) (offices) and A3 (food and drink)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 119

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 450 new homes (50% affordable housing) Non-residential floorspace to include nursery / creche, new open space, office space

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

120 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 121

SA39 - Sterling House, Willow House and Homebase Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA39

Site Address 869 Forest Road and 2b-2c Fulbourne Road, Walthamstow, London E17 4EE Eastings 538407.0343 and Northings 190081.9113

Ward Chapel End

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and private

Approximate size of site 2.1ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and B1(a) (offices)

Relevant Planning History EIA Screening and Scoping Opinion issued 03/08/20 for the demolition and comprehensive redevelopment for up to 700 residential units (Class C3 and London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

122 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest including PRS) in buildings of up to 18 storeys, commercial uses, new access arrangements from Forest Road, Car Parking, Provision of new plant and renewable energy equipment; creation of servicing areas and provision of associated services, including waste, refuse, cycle storage, and lighting; and for the laying out of the buildings; routes and open spaces within the development; and all associated works and operations including but not limited to: demolition; earthworks; provision of attenuation infrastructure; engineering operations.

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 695 new homes (35 - 50% affordable housing) Minimum 5270sqm Non-residential floorspace including new public realm, workspace and community uses.

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 123

Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

124 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA40 - Hylands Road Phase 1 and 2

Site Code/ Reference SA40

Site Address Hylands Road, Walthamstow, London E17 4AW

Eastings 538934.971 and Northings 190061.8998

Ward Wood Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.22ha

Existing uses C3 (residential)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 07/02/2020 for demolition of existing buildings and construction of three buildings ranging London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 125

from 4 to 9 storeys in height, comprising 120 affordable residential units with associated disabled parking spaces, cycle parking facilities, landscaping and refuse stores.

PTAL Rating 2

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum 120 new homes (100% affordable housing)

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic Forest Waltham Central

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

126 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest 4.8 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 127

Wood Street

SA41 - Crown Lea Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA41

Site Address 253 Wood Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3NT

Eastings 538675.5447 and Northings 189178.5142

Ward Wood Street

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.63ha

Existing uses B2 and B8 (industrial) uses London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

128 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 21/05/2015 for second floor extension and conversion to three self contained flats Planning permission granted 03/10/2013 for second floor extension over existing building, single storey side extension and conversion of building into gym on ground floor and 9 residential units on upper floors

PTAL Rating 2-4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 90 new homes (35% affordable housing) Re-provision of Class B employment uses

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 129

Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

130 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA42 - Wood Street Station Site

Site Code/ Reference SA42

Site Address Wood Street Station, Walthamstow, London E17 3NZ

Eastings 538493.1478 and Northings 189405.4888

Ward Wood Street

Ownership TfL

Approximate size of site 0.03ha

Existing uses Sui generis (London Overground station)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 12/06/2000 for refurbishing of the railway station London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 131

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 15 new homes (50% affordable housing) Facilitates step free access to Wood Street Overground Station. Class B Employment floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

132 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 133

SA43 - Travis Perkins Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central

Site Code/ Reference SA43

Site Address 171 Wood Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3LX

Eastings 538507.7077 and Northings 189470.2921

Ward Wood Street

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.34ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and B8 (store and storage of timber and building materials)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 18/02/1971 for erection of showroom and store London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

134 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Planning permission granted 10/06/1965 for use for storage of timber and building materials

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes (35% affordable housing) Re-provide employment floorspace (Use Classes B and E) Facilitates step-free access to Wood Street Overground Station Explores connections with adjacent Brandon Road car park site

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 135

Placemaking Plan Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

136 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA44 - Brandon Road Car Park

Site Code/ Reference SA44

Site Address Brandon Road Car Park, Brandon Road, Walthamstow, London E17 3TJ

Eastings 538454.3866 and Northings 189493.8134

Ward Wood Street

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.7ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car park)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 3 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 137

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 8 new homes (50% affordable housing) Explores connections with adjacent Travis Perkins site

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

138 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 139

Outside Strategic Locations

SA45 - Priory Court Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central


Site Code/ Reference SA45

Site Address 11 and 21 Priory Court, Walthamstow, London E17 5NB

Eastings 536759.4089 and Northings 190184.1845

Ward William Morris

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.57ha London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

140 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest Existing uses D1 (health centre and community space) and C3 (residential) uses

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 80 new homes (50% affordable housing) Reprovide community space

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 141 Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

142 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest SA46 - 234-240 Billet Road

Site Code/ Reference SA46

Site Address 234-240 Billet Road, Walthamstow, London E17 5DY

Eastings 536456 and Northings 190823

Ward Higham Hill

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.3ha

Existing uses Sui generis (garage)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2

Flood Zone 1 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 143

Existing Policy / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 50 new homes

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Transition Central Waltham Forest Waltham Central London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

144 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) Central Waltham Forest 4.9 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 145

North Waltham Forest

North Circular Corridor

SA47 - Sainsbury©s Car Park and Adjacent Sites North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA47

Site Address 5 and 11 Walthamstow Avenue, Walthamstow, London E4 8ST

Easting 537273.5667 and Northing 191272.316

Ward Valley Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 6.44ha London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

146 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Existing uses A1 (retail), C1 (hotel) and sui generis (petrol station)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 2 and 3

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 430 new homes (at least 35% affordable housing)

Re-provision of retail use (Use Class E) at a reduced floorplate Improvements to the Public realm improvements

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 147

5.1 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

148 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest SA48 - Cork Tree Retail Park

Site Code/ Reference SA48

Site Address 1-4 Cork Tree Way, Hall Lane, London E4 8JA

Easting 536347.6685 and Northing 192282.4691

Ward Valley Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 2.16ha

Existing uses A1 (retail)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1b London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 149

Flood Zone 3b

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Site is a proposed Borough Employment Area.

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Employment uses including distribution (Class E Part G iii, B2 and B8)

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification approach Transformation North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

150 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.2 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 151

SA49 - Morrisons Supermarket and Car Park North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA49

Site Address 6-7 Salisbury Hall Gardens, London E4 8SN and 2 Morrison Avenue, London E4 8SA

Easting 537191.0512 and Northing 191722.0249

Ward Valley Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 3.57ha

Existing uses A1 (retail), D2 (gym) and sui generis (petrol station)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

152 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 2

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 270 new homes (35% affordable housing) Retention of existing retail use at a reduced floorplate Improvement to the River Ching Public realm improvements

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification approach Transformation London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 153

5.3 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

154 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest

SA50 - Sainsburys, Hall Lane

Site Code/ Reference SA50

Site Address 13 Hall Lane, London E4 8HH

Easting 537203.9994 and Northing 192705.8799

Ward Valley Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.33ha

Existing uses Class E including retail and employment uses

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 155

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Primary Shopping Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 100 new homes (35% - 50% affordable housing) Improvements to the public realm Exploration of the potential for community uses Re-provision of the supermarket and employment uses North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

156 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.4 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 157

SA51 - Former Library site North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA51

Site Address 58 Hall Lane, London E4 8EU

Easting 537117.1088 and Northing 192766.3483

Ward Valley Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.13ha

Existing uses D1

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

158 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 15 new homes (35% - 50% affordable housing) Re-provision of the community uses Re-provision of open space

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 159

Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

160 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest SA52 - Albert Corner

Site Code/ Reference SA52

Site Address 1, 3 and 5-7 Old Church Road, Chingford Mount, London E4 6SJ

Easting 537388.9598 Northing 192792.9988

Ward Larkswood Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.23ha

Existing uses Mixed commercial uses - A1 (retail), A2 (recruitment agency) and A4 (basement bar venue)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 161

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Primary Shopping area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 55 new homes (35% affordable housing) Replacement retail or other town centre uses (Class E) Consideration of the prominent location of the site within the town centre Enhancement of public realm at the junction of Hall Lane and Old Church Forest NorthWaltham Road

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

162 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.5 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 163

Sewardstone Road

SA53 - Motorpoint, Sewardstone Road North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA53

Site Address 1 Lea Valley Road, London E4 7PX and 51 and 53 Sewardstone Road, Chingford, London E4 7PU and

Easting 537527.7112 and Northing 194832.5235

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private and City of London Corporation

Approximate size of site 1.88ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car dealership and petrol station) and drive through restaurant London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

164 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 29/11/2017 at 53 Sewardstone Road for demolition of existing Sales Building and construction of enlarged Sales Building and 10 additional parking spaces

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 2

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone Neighbourhood Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 385 new homes (35% affordable housing) 1915 sqm of non-residential floorspace Improvements to the public realm

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification Approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 165

Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

166 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest SA54 - Lea Valley Motor Company

Site Code/ Reference SA54

Site Address 3 Lea Valley Road, London E4 7PX

Easting 537568.9159 and Northing 194949.598

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.15ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car retailer)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 1 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 167

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Archaeological Priority Zone

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 15 new homes (35% affordable housing) 190 sqm of non-residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

168 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.6 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 169

SA55 - 60-74 Sewardstone Road North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA55

Site Address 60-74 Sewardstone Road, London E4 7PR

Easting 537639.5972 and Northing 194833.9007

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.16ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) and A3 (restaurant); C3 residential

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 18/01/2018 for reconfiguration and extension of the first floor to create 7 x 2 bedroom units London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

170 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest and 2 x 1 bedroom units. Construction of additional storey to provide 8 x 3 bedroom maisonettes (creating 9 additional units and 17 in total). Provision of a first floor shared communal amenity space, 23 new parking spaces, 48 cycle storage spaces and one loading bay. Amalgamation, change of use and extension of three existing commercial units at ground floor level to provide a large food retail (Class A1) unit. Extension and change of use of theremaining ground floor retail units (Class A1) to a flexible Class A1/A2/A3 use. New ground floor refuse and recycling.

PTAL Rating 1b

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation Neighbourhood Retail Parade Neighbourhood Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 40 new homes (35% affordable housing) Re-provision of 496 sqm commerical uses (Use Class E) Junction and public realm improvements

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 171

5.7 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

172 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest North Chingford

SA56 - Budgens and Gresham Works, North Chingford

Site Code/ Reference SA56

Site Address 2 Station Road, Chingford, London E4 7BE and Gresham Works, Mornington Road, London E4 7DR

Easting 538756.5998 Northing 194436.8225

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.14ha

Existing uses A1 (retail) , B2 (general industrial) and D1 (dental practice) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 173

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 13/05/2020 at Gresham Works site for demolition of existing building and construction of a building ranging from one to three storeys, to provide 8 residential self- contained flats (Class C3) (5 x 1 bedroom, 3 x 2 bedroom) with private terraces, communal courtyard and green roofs. Associated hard and softlandscaping, cycle and refuse storage.

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Forest NorthWaltham Primary Shopping Area Borders Chingford Green Conservation Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 15 new homes (35% affordable housing) Replacement retail

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

174 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 175

SA57 - UKPN Site North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA57

Site Address Electric House, 2C Station Road, Chingford, London E4 7BH

Easting 538740.6358 and Northing 194430.1475

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.07ha

Existing uses Sui generis (electricity substation)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 3 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

176 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Chingford Green Conservation Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Improvements to the public realm and a pocket park on Station Road

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 177

5.8 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

178 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest SA58 - Chingford Library and Assembly Hall

Site Code/ Reference SA58

Site Address Chingford Library and Assembly Hall, Station Road, Chingford, London E4 7EN

Easting 538704.1063 and Northing 194439.8292

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest

Approximate size of site 0.32ha

Existing uses D1 (library)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 3-4 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 179

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Chingford Green Conservation Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 30 new homes (50% affordable housing) Minimum of 1100 sqm of non residential floorspace including a new flexible library with assembly space and commerial and retail space

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

180 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.9 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 181

SA59 - North City Motors, North Chingford North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA59

Site Address 174-180 Station Road, Chingford, London E4 6AN

Easting 539316.6373 and Northing 194766.6152

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.15ha

Existing uses Sui generis (car dealership)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 20/03/2002 for change of use of petrol filling station London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

182 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest forecourt to vehicular sales display area (current use)

PTAL Rating 4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 30 new homes (35% affordable housing) Reprovision of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 183

Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

184 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest SA60 - Royal Epping Forest Golf Club

Site Code/ Reference SA60

Site Address 140 Station Road, Chingford, London E4 6AN and Royal Epping Forest Golf Club, Forest Approach, Chingford, London E4 7AZ

Easting 539316.6373 and Northing 194766.6152

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.19ha

Existing uses D1 (chiropractic clinic) and D2 (golf club)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 185

PTAL Rating 3-4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 45 new homes (35% affordable housing) Provision of non residential town centre uses

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

186 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest 5.10 Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 187

SA61 - Chingford Station Car Park and Bus Terminal North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA61

Site Address 169 Station Road, Chingford, London E4 6AG

Eastings 539220.4364 and Northings 194656.3468

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Transport for London and private

Approximate size of site 0.32ha

Existing uses Sui generis (transport interchange, car park, car retailer and rental service)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 30/05/2017 for the demolition of existing building London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

188 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest and construction of single storey building to provide train crew facility and associated car park Application for prior consent in respect of works to be carried out on site under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1973. Finally disposed of 31/08/2018

PTAL Rating 4

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Retention and reconfiguration of operational transport uses and associated space Exploration of the potential of the site to include residential development (50% affordable housing) Provision of non residential floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 189

5.11 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

190 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Highams Park

SA62 - 472-510 Larkshall Road and James Yard

Site Code/ Reference SA62

Site Address 472-502 Larkshall Road, Highams Park, London E4 9HH and James Yard, 1-7 Wilton Place, Highams Park, London E4 9UA

Easting 538543.6897 and Northing 191834.2207

Ward and Highams Park Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate Size of Site (ha) 0.66ha London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 191

Existing uses Mixed commercial and industrial uses - A2 (professional services), A3 (restaurant), B1(a) (offices) and B2 (general industrial)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission granted 28/04/2020 at 472-478 Larkshall Road for creation of 3 additional floors to provide 20 self-contained flats (6x 1 bed, 10 x 2 bed, 4 x 3 bed). New cycle storage + refuse facilitiesat Ground Floor level. Ground floor front extension to existing shop. Planning application received 17/06/2019 at James Yard for demolition of existing building and construction of two five-storey building blocks North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham comprising 46 residential units together with associated amenity space, refuse facilities, cycle parking, landscaping and related works. Application undecided. Prior approval granted 11/10/2017 at 480-510 Larkshall Road for change of use from office (Class B1) to residential dwelling (Class C3) (42 units).

PTAL Rating 2-3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre Primary Shopping Area

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 145 new homes (35% affordable housing) A new station entrance for Highams Park Rail Station Improvements to the public realm including a improvements to the crossing on Larkshall Road Re-provision of employment floorspace

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification Approach Strategic London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

192 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 193

SA63 - Shell Garage, Highams Park North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA63

Site Address 470 Larkshall Road, Highams Park, London E4 9HH

Easting 538503.9718 and Northing 191913.6679

Ward Hale End and Highams Park Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.12ha

Existing uses Sui generis (petrol station)

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 2-3 London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

194 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation District Centre

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 10 new homes (35% affordable housing)

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Transition London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 195

5.12 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

196 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Outside Strategic Locations

SA64 - Larkswood Leisure Centre, Nursery and land to rear of Larkswood Leisure Centre

Site Code/ Reference SA64

Site Address 175 New Road, London E4 9EY and 179 New Road, London E4 9EZ Easting 538174.9934 and Northing 192790.3439

Ward Larkswood Ward

Ownership London Borough of Waltham Forest and private

Approximate size of site 4.05ha

Existing uses A3 (restaurants), D1 (nursery school) and D2 (health/leisure centre) London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 197

Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history

PTAL Rating 1a-2

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 310 new homes (35% - 50% affordable housing) Improved public realm Provision of leisure uses and nursery

Type (Strategic or Key) Strategic

Intensification approach Transition Forest NorthWaltham London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

198 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest Placemaking Plan London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 199

SA65 - Pear Tree House North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham

Site Code/ Reference SA65

Site Address Pear Tree House, 24 Gordon Road, Chingford, London E4 6BU

Easting 539421.161 and Northing 194567.5021

Ward Chingford Green Ward

Ownership Private

Approximate size of site 0.3ha

Existing uses C2 (care home)

Relevant Planning History Planning permission refused 07/12/2017 for demolition of existing Care Home and construction of part single, part two London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

200 Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) North North Waltham Forest and part three storey building to provide a total of 33 self- contained apartments (Use Class C3), including associated communal facilities, car parking and soft and hard landscaping.

PTAL Rating 3

Flood Zone 1

Existing Policy Designation / Allocation N/A

Proposed Allocation Development will be supported where it provides: Minimum of 30 new homes (35% affordable housing)

Type (Strategic or Key) Key

Intensification approach Reinforcement London Borough of Waltham Forest Local Plan

Site Allocations - Waltham Forest Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) 201

5.13 Placemaking Plan North Waltham Forest NorthWaltham