SOCIETY OF PERMANENT COSMETIC PROFESSIONALS 69 North Broadway Avenue • Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 • (847) 635-1330 SPCP Quarterly BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marilyn S. Jones, CPCP From the President’s Desk... by Marilyn S. Jones, CPCP President 1540 Appling Care Lane, Ste. 130 Cordova, TN 38016, USA Issues, Information, SPCP Subject Matter Expert (SME) P: +1-901-387-2300; F: +1-901-387-2300 email:
[email protected] and Inspiration… or former trainer, on the phone at Melisa Ferriola, CPCP just the right minute – such as with Secretary/Membership & Projects Chair hose three words, 447 Hockessin Corners the client sitting in the waiting room Hockessin, DE 19707, USA T(issues, informa- while you try to prepare for the P:+1-302-635-7327 email:
[email protected] tion, and inspiration), procedure without panicking. So- Val Glover-Hovan, CPCP cover a wide range of cial media has changed everything! Treasurer/Education Chair topics. Issues, espe- Level2 ,696 Pittwater Road Imagine beginning in this business Brookvale NSW 2100, AUSTRALIA cially in the perma- thirty years. If you want to get a first- P: +61 2 9938 2111 nent cosmetics indus- email:
[email protected] hand account of how isolating and Pat Shibley Gauthier, CPCP try, conjure up thoughts of problems daunting that experience was, take Ethics and International Outreach Chair or situations that require review, 5155 Spectrum Way Building 24 time to read our Member Spotlight Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A1, CANADA and possibly adjustment, change, or article. Reading this story will make P: +1-888-737-6268 correction. The importance of being email:
[email protected] you more appreciative of the infor- Debbie Miller CPCP aware of or knowledgeable about mation that can be so easily accessed Communications Chair issues affecting our industry cannot 1617 Westcliff Dr.