The Together Trust Archive The Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges and Children's Aid Society (1894) Reference number: DA/2020/1/3 (1893)

Original copies can be viewed at Manchester Central Library Rare Books Collection: 362.7M1 1891-96

© 2021 The Together Trust 1'1-1E TWE TY-FOURTII A - 'u \.L REPORT OF TilE sounding sea among the innumerable spri"ging Howers. and they MANCHESTER AND SALFORD way in due time experience the luxury of doing good and eagerly carryon tbe work by which they benefited Jt may be hoped, too. BOYS' AND GIRLS' REFUGES that a taste for beauty, a love of the pure and noble, may somftimes A:\n find its way into the heart of a poor lad who, when forlorn and CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, beset by biting poverty, was for a few days made acquainted with TR \. 'GEW.\'YS, L\. - TIE TEH.. comfort and the fair things of nature. Tpustees. Every Snnday an open-air service is held in the Camp, attend~d HERBERT PIlILlPS, EsC] .. J.P. JfF:'IRY CIlARLTO:ol, Esq. by a fair number of visitors to tbe neighbouring towns. The boys ISAAC HOYLE, Esq., J.P. \V. J. Cr ssley, Esq. join in it with great heartiness and sing lustily. The work of this HENRY .I.El', Esq., J.P. l{ICIIARO 1 . TAYLOR, Esq. encampment is carried on by a branch of the Boys' and (;irls' F. VV. CROSSLEY, Esq. J.P. Lo IS 1\1. HAYES, Esq. LEO:'lARD K. SIJAW, Esq. Refuges, Strangeways, Manchester. For si" shillings per head Committee. the boys are conveyed to the Camp, fed plainly and abundantly \V. J. HOSSLEY, hairman. I GILBERT R. KIRLEW. for a week, and brought back to their homes. Manchester has JOHN TIIOMSON. .lAillES BOYD. many splendid organizations in philanthr pic work, but none mor~ !{ICIIARD B. TAYLOR. 1'1105. R. ACKROYD. LOUIS 1\1. HAYES. ALFRED IfAWQRTIJ. sagacious and humane than this. 1\ lump is apt to come in the LEONARD K. SUAW. throat when watchinO' its operations. ft is another assurance that TreasureI'. a good work on sound lines will never call for helpers in vain? HENRY CIIARLTON, Esq., Blackfriars Street. Honol'ary Medical Offieel's. ANDREW BOUTELOWEH, E q., Great Ducic Street. ROBERT l{ODGER, Esq., 'heetham 1fill. Honorary Dentist. \VILLIAiIf SIMMS, Esq. Honol'al'Y Solieitors. Messrs. FARRAR C CO., Fountain Street. Honoral'Y Counse\. A. C. MABERLEY, Esq. J. 1\f. YATES, Esq. Bankers. WlLLIAMS DEACO:-: 8:. !\1A:-:CIJESTER " SALFORD BA:'IK, Limited. St. Ann Str et Branch. Supel'int ndents of Central Refuge. 1\11'. & 1\lrs. F. A. \VOOD. HonOl'ary Seeretary. LEONARD K IJAW, Broom 11olm, -hcetham Hill, And at the Refuge, Slmngm'"ys.

l\lANCHESTEh : BOYS' REFUGE, PRINTING DEPAR ri\tE~l', STRA:s'GEWAYS. 1894. su ~nIARY OF A;\K AL ~IEETING. The tW&Illy-follyth A ~l/llal1l1eetillg of the lA~CIlESTER A~D SALFORD Boys' & GIRLS' REFUGES <' IIo~lEs & HlLDREN'S AID SOCIETY was held in the Lord !lIayoY's Pel/'Iollr, Town Hall, ,lIal/chester, Olt TVedllesday, 111l/ych 7th, 1894. In the unavoidable absence of the Lord layor, 1\1r. "V. J. ros ley took the chair at 3 o'clock. Amongst those present were Lady IIenry Somerset, the Lady 1[ayoress, 11rs. lIIoorhouse, His 'Worship the layor of Salford, Sir F. Forbes Adam, \V. H. Holland, Esq., M.P., Henry Lee, Esq., ].1'., has. Lister, Esq., J P., J. A. Beith, Esq., J.P., Councillor II. B. Harri on, II. Philips, Esq., J.P., T. L. Farrar, Esq., Conncillor Southern, \V. H. ewett, Esq., and Dr. Boutflower. Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from the Very Rev. The Dean of Manchester, Archdeacon \Vilson, C",non Lowe, Dr. McLaren, Dr. lVIackennal, Sir ghtred Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir " These Homes are based upon Christian principles, J. J. Harwood, Samuel Smith, Esq., M.P., Dr. Wood, Mayor of they are managed by practical methods, and are doing outhport, and others. a great work for all the Churches. They are doing the There was an overflowing attendance. The Rev. F. J. Horselield, offered prayer. work of ten societies, and are in danger ofonly receiving A Summary of the Annual Report was read by the Secretary, the support of one."-TJlE LORD BISHOP OF IVIANcHE TER. Mr. W. Edmondson, in the much regretted absence through ill­ at the AllIlllat Meeting, r892. health of the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Leonard K Shaw. An abstract of the Financial Statement was read by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Henry Charlton. It was then mO\'e::l by Sir F. Forbes Adam, seconded by Lady Henry Somerset and unanimously resolved: .. That the Report, together with the Financial Statement, be adopted, printed and circulated, under the direction of the Com­ mittee, and thaI this meeting records its appreciation of the work of this institution, and heartily commends it to public support, meeting as it does, all classes of cbild destitution and need, and so bringing hope into many young lives otherwise drifting into pauperism or -crime." It was also moved by His "VOl' hip the Mayor of Salford, seconded by \V. H. Holland, Esq., M.P., supported by Henry Lee, Esq., J.P., and J. A. Beith, Esq., J.P., and un nimous:y resolnd: "That the Committee for the ensuing year be l\Iessrs. \V. J. 'Crossley, John Tbomson, R. B. Taylor, L. M. Haye, G. H.. Kirlew, James Boyd, and T. R Ackroyd; the Secretary, Mr. Leonard I\:. haw; the Treasurer, Mr. Henry Charlton; and the Auditors, Messrs. Theodore Jones, rewdson and Youatt." . r' A vote of thanks to the Lord l\layor for the u~e of bs parlour \ .closed thc proceedings. The Holy Supper is kept indeed In whatso we share with another's need; at that we give, but what we share,­ For the gift without the giver is bare TWEI\TY-FOURTH ANl\IYERSARY. 'ii\Tho giv s him elf with his alms feeds three Himself, his hungering neighbour and Me.- Lowell. ANNUAL REPORT OF TllE MANCHESTEH. AD ALPORD

That was a loveless word Boys' and Girls' R fllgCS and Homes, 'ii\Thich, by strange spirit stirred, A:-

• 6

In titution. It is hoped that the work may now nter 7 on a time of con olidation, and that there may be oppor­ earnestly to our friends to he p to clear ofT these debit tunity for perfecting the organization in e\'ery direction. balances. On the other hand, the health of the Honorary An important appointment during the year has been Secretary, 1\1r. Leonard K. haw, who has been the the promotion of Mr. \V. Edmondson, who has been heart and soul of this IVork from the very commencement, connected with the work for 15 years, to the position of has been such as to cause us much anxiety. Mr. Shaw Secretary. cannot give so much of his time and strength to the Vie have before us as we write, the report of the fIrst Refuge as he has done hitherto, but we are thankful to six months' operations of this ociety. It was op ned say he continues to be our Honorary Secretary, and to under the name of the Boys' H.efuge and Industrial supervise the Orphan Homes at Cheetham }'lill, th Brigade, at 16, Quay Street, early in 1870, under the man­ Cripples' Home, (Bethesda), and Eosen Hallas, the agement of a committee can isting of Messrs. R. B. Girls' Training Home. Vie tru t that with thi' diminu­ Taylor, James Chapman, and our Ilon. Sec., lYlr. L. K. tion in the extent of his labours his health may imprO\'e, Shaw. At the end of 1870, a second report was issued, as the experience of the last month encourages u' to shewing the numbers entered in the admission book for expect. the year to have reached lIO of whom 40 remained as The other anxiety which ha pressed upon the inmat s. Two other of the old reports are before us. Committee has been the state of the financ s. The The eleventh annual report (1881) marks a period of deficits are :-on the General Account for 1893, [r,9+8. extension, there were then ten homes in operation, and lIS. 2d., of which {683. s. 4d., has been added during that year closed with 201 children in them. The four­ this year; and on the Exten ion A.ccount£2,72I. 5s. 4.d. teenth annual report (188+), tells of the completion of These are serious deficiencies, occasioned no doubt partly the first block of buildings in Prances Street, and gives by the depression in trade, which has affected directly or the sum of the boys and girls then in charge of the indirectly nearly every class of our friends and Society as 254. Ever since the beginning of the work, supporters, and partly by the removal of old and large new needs have become visible; 1\1r. Sha\\', Mr. KirJew, subscriber, whose place we trust others will st p in and the others associated with them, have felt that they and fill. The demands of the extension to me t dare not hesitate to tep into one after another of these which we have set apart most of the legacies that haye opened doors. At length we believe we have carried fallen in of late, will we trust ere long be sati fied, and the extension far enougll, and we trust that we may be then we may hope to see the general account impro\'e its able to concentrate our en rgies on working the large and position. But in the meanwhile we appeal very complicated machine, which now stands before u complete. 8 9 The scope and dimensions of the work to-day may Statistics for 1893. 11e judged from the followi ng list :- ,\t the Central Refugc the number of in­ r.-The Central ]{efug-e and Industrial Home, Frances Street, mates when the year began, and thefresh trangeways, the headquarters, to which all applicauts come and a e admitted were 171 where Industrial Training i-carried on. .\t the Brigade Boys' IIome 135 2.-Home f r \\'orking 13 ys and Lads' Institute, Great Ducie Street, Strangeways. At the Institute and Homc for \Yorkin~ 3.-11rigade Boys' Home, wh re dwelllhe Caxton, Shoeblack, and Lads '" 57 Parcel] rigades. .\t the tw Emigration Training Homes 4.-The Boys' Emigration Training Home, Great Ducie treet, Strangeways. Bo)'s 66 Girls 103 lEg s.-The Homes for Little rphan Children (Boys and Girls), .\ t the Si:-.: Orphan Homes 16+ Cheetham Hill-5i, in number. .\t the 1 ethesda Home for Crippled and 6.-The Girl' Domestic Service and Emi~ratiun Trainina Hom, and Laundry" Rosen Hallas," 'heetham Hill. Incur;tble hildren... 42 7.-The oltage for onvalescent Children, "Rosen Hallas," .\t th Open-all-~jght Shellcr for lillle Cheetham Hill. wanderers 516 S.-" Bethesda" Home for rippled and Incurable Children, At the S a-sid.:: Hom for weak ity Cheetham Hill. Childrcn ... 21 g.-The Book Saloon and OlTices of "Christian \-Vorker," Creat Ducie treet. .\l thc SUlllmcr ';tmp for P or City Boys 1122 Io.-The Open-all-Night Shelter for little wanderers, I, Chatham .\l the" IndeLlllg:thl "Training Ship ... 9 Street, Piccadilly, ity. Ir.-The Prevention ofCrue1ty to Children Society, I, Chatham 2,595 Street, Piccadilly, City. III addition to these the numl er of it es il,ve tigated 12.-The Police COUI·t i\[is ion to Lads and Girls. and childrcn protcctaJ hy the I re\'ention of Cruelty to 13.-The Sea- ide Home for weak and sickly children, Lytham. Children Branch, \\'a 540, in\'ol\'ing the welfare q.-The Day ?-

- --~ '''~-'-'''''''''''''_-.4. __~_... _ •..• '.. 10 II Cases investigated and Admissions. It must always be borne in mind that we consider our The fre h applicants for admission numbered 497, of regular and most important work that of rescuing the whom 37 were boys, 119 girls. poore t, most destitute and neglected children, and Of these there were under 10 years of age ... 76l placing them in homes under Christian care, where they "" 10 years and over... 421 I 497 . ( .. may be trained and educated to ftt them to lead useful " both parents ~ead ...... 185) " one parent ItVll1g ... 195 - 497 liv s. All other parts of our work are secondary to this " both parents living... •.. I 17 J the original and main object. It is not necessary to go Educationally their condition was, in standard over each branch in detail; we shall merely make a few VII. \'1. \'. IV. Ill. II. I. Nil. remarks where specially called for. 6 20 60 138 98 76 49 50 - 497 These 497 cases were all investigated with the The Strangeways group of Homes. following results. \"e shall be glad if our friends will take an early Declin d as uIlsuitable 75) opportunity of calling to see the extensions and Referred to other Institutions... 19 improvements here. The workshops where 'ome of the H.estored to friends ... 15 elder boys learn joinering, shoemaking, tailoring, letter­ Eeceived temporary help ...... 83 j 497 Permanently admitted being quite destitute press printing, and firewood making, are now very or in grave moral danger. 305 -'~, If we add these 305 cas s thus permanently admitted to the 445 in the Eefuges and Homes when the year began we have a total of 750 under permanent care and training duririg the year 1893. The results at the close of the year were as follows. Placed in situations at home away from our care... 62 Placed in homes in Canada 110 Placed with their friends... 87 Placed in other Institutions 12 Adopted into families 4 ent to Training Ship 3 ~'-- Left without cause 18 1=--=- _ Dismissed ... 25 Died ... 4 H.etained uncleI' care and training in the H.efuge and Branch Homes ...

750 . I,.


completE', and the dining hall, reading, and play TRA\'ELLI:\G JACK. rooms and dormitories are roomy and well lighted. Jack wh n I:! years of ago found himself an orphan lad upon the streets of Manchester, and wilh only the \Vorkhouse before him. The e new and improved huildings at the Central Refu

As a specimen of the work of the Orphan Homes and Bethesda, we select the case of the" B family,"

Some few months ago. a clergyman in a neighbonring town wrote us respecting a family of five children, just left fatherless and z motherless, and in great distress. applying for the admission of two 0:: '"o or three. Their ages ranged from 12 years to 2! years, all of them -' being in a half-starved and neglected condition when visited; one. :I: age 5. a cripple, and the youngest very delicate and unable te walk. o \Vhen we saw" Annie," age 12; .. Richard," IO; and" Minnie," -' 7; in a miserable state-though all the family had been carefnlly m'" « brought up-poor little crippled .. Eva," and the baby-boy 0:: Herbe~t," ::> .. looked up so wistfully, as much as to say" Oh do take o us as well," we could hardly refuse to do so; and after careful z enquiries which consumed some little time, we ascertained that these o bereaved little ones had no grandparents, and only two aunts, one in z the workhouse, and another helped by parish relief; it was evident « that there was no other place but the .. ] ig House," lor them, o unless we admitted them. This we are thankful to say we were a..'"-' able to do, and all the family are now united tOg"ether under our a.. roofs, where they can see and associ~te with each other, and the 0:: not long since half-starved appearance has now given place to o a: healthy, happy and glad faces. o...... I not this far better than separating-perhaps never ::<: o to see each other again-the members of so young a :I: « famJly? Vve are always filled with joy when we are ...o able to receive such little ones, who might otherwise be '":I: t­ bereft not only of their parents, but also of each others m... company. The Open-AlI-Night Shelter has received during the year for longer or shorter periods, 516 children, of whom 140 were brought in between 10 o'clock at night, and 4 o'clock in the morning. The beds were occupied 2032 times. Meals provided were .5999. This Shelter is the headquarters of the manchester and Salford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

It is sad to report that this ociety has had to deal with 540 cases during the year, in\"oh-ing the '\'elfare of 1834 children. Of these cases we carried 65 into court, and obtained 62 con­ victions.

HAROLD GRlillSIIAW, 2 years.­ Inspector Ashley visited and found the child in a very good condition, both with regard to clothes and nourishment, although the mother was a very drunken \VaIllant and it was quite clear what would happen unless she improved. Nothing more could be done at that time than caution her. Another report came to the shelter, the Inspector again visited, and found the child untidy, very dirty, and not so well clothed. the mother wa summond to attend Shelter, where she was severely reprimanded. A further report came on August 30th, when the lnspector again \'isited, Jound the mother drunk, and the child in a very neglected condition, it was brought to the Shelter, and found to be very ill, remo\'ed to the lifford treet Hospital, where the doctor said its condition was due to neglect. A summons was taken out against the mothcr (the father being a steady, hard working man.) The mother appeared before the maO'istrates on the 30th day of August, and was Sellt 10 prisM for three 1II0/llhs hard labour.

OOKSON FAMILY, ages It, 9, 7, 4. and I year.-The first time this family was brought under our notice, a lad (aged 9 years) was seen playing in an entry, he had only one leg to his trousers. Inspector Taylor took him home and found the house filthy, also two other children who were dirty and neglected, the mother was .cauti ned. The house was revisited when a slight improvement was found, another revisit rcvealed a falling back to the old state and the mother was again cautioned. The Inspector called several 16 17 Frank was sent from one to the other and robbed of all 100'e and weeks afterwards and found them in a worse condition than ever. ·care. Tn the midst of this the mother died and we took the lad and the husband had lost his employment. inquiries made. re\'ealed the then within a few months the father dieJ. The little lad was cause of father leaving hi ituation, to be-Loss of time. included in our Emigration party of 1893. and our last report of Neglect. and Drunkenness, his wages were 34/- per week, they had him says:- two lad (16 and 17) working who lived with them earmng ro'­ and 7 -, the house was almost void of furniture and .'"er filthy, the • " Frank seems likely to do well. He likes his Canadian home children in a pitiful condition, one child (aged 7) who IS deaf and dumb and tries to make himself useful in it. He will go to school durinO' sat shivering on the do r step, another (4) lay on an old wooden the winter. A nice looking boy, truthful. and honest." sofa very ill from bronchitis, covered with a piece of flannel The boy himself writes to 1\Ir. l\:irle\V. (the only cO\'ering in the house), The mother was told to take the child to the docLOr at on e, but neglected to do so, there were Ontario, two bedsteads and n1'ttlres3es btlt no b~dding or bed clothes. the Decelllber 21st. 1893. other children were also in a very neglected state. Both parents Dear :-'11'. Eirlew. had gi\'en way to drink. Summonses were taken against father and I am now in my place and like it very well, I forgot mother. The falh&!· li'l1S sent 10 /'1 isoll for fa III' da)'s, the 1II01hel' fOl' aile to write bcfor. I am now going to chool in the countrv and have 1IIolllh's hard laoOIlY. a pretty nice walk, I have been going to school for a month and am acquainted with all the bays. 1 have seen my brother Alfred and The Emig'ration of Boys and Girls. we arc pretty good friends. \Ve have had s~.?w for thi3, last two weeks, and we have some prelly cold days, I he country IS not so Our exp rience, now extcnding over a period of tcn nice as England. Give my love to all the boy Yours truly, years, during which wc have sent out to Canada 700 F,W. One of the bigger lad cnt to Manitoba, \lV. H., was childrcn, leads us to thc conclusion that for the class we a stronO' fclJow of 17 who seemej to drift about simply send out there is a real demand, and far better opcnings hecause he could not get work. lIe would very soon than can be found in this country. Thc children have have swelJed the number of the criminal class~s had we in nearly every case been well and kindly treat d by the not laid hold of him. farmers who engage them. The per centage of failures He writes most hopefully to our ~VIr. Beatty, and we has been barely 5%. A boyan be furnished with an extract the following from his last letter:- outfit, and sent out for £10. From the time he is "I hope you are getting another lot of big lad ready for spring. settled on a farm he earn hi own food and a mall I was surprised to see Joseph Swallow out here, but I am glad all the same. I would like to know how many boys you intend to end wage, and if h is steady and industriou he rises much out this year. and \\ hen they are com'ing out. 1 often think how more qmckly than in the old country. \\'here the home patient you was with m~ while I \\'a in the home. how many scrapes r got into with Eollinson. but y u pulled me through them surroundings are bad, a change to a new country gives all, 1 would never have been where 1 am now hac! It not been for yOll and my gooc! mother Miss Vaughan. I hope to earn 15 dollars a chance of a good and useful life, practically impossible a month this spring to make lip for last spring. I have learned in England. how to plough alld harrow, whIch are the chief things on a farm. I wOllld like you to send me the" ChristIan \Vorker" from June, SPECIMEN CANADA CASES. which will be about seven papers altogether. I will take the \Vorker monthly till it comes to one dollar, and then I will send the From a large number of reports we give the following money all at once and pay postaO'e on the same I \\'ould also like .a few subscribers cards as well to try and get new sub,crtbers for because they are fair sample of the whole. the !IonL. I will start it myself and then others \\'ill fullow. I hop~ F. w.-A bright litlle lad, the child of uperior parents who had 1 am not putting you to any trouble but I kn ,v yon are pa~ient and unfortunately quarrelled then broken up their home and separated. l:: into the perils of her former lot. ~ 2. \\-e relieved our own oyercrowded population 0 t"< where the struggle for exi tence is gro\\'ing ftercer eyery , :at>l day. g 3. \Ve supplied our own Colony with her greatest <.:> n ed--:-healthy, honest labour. (j ::s 4. \'Ve provide 1 room in our Homes for the reception ~ to< of other rescued children. Z HERE ARE OUTLI:-IES OF A FEW CASES: 0 F:: " 13. S." came to us when 15 year of age. She had for two or ...: c>:: three year:; earned a precarious living by hawking on the streets, and <.:> going out cleaning steps, etc., all the time living in one part or other ii of Angel Meadow with a drunken, brawling mother who had more t>l than once narrowly escaped goal. There was no father. Late one :1 night because 13. w uld not join with others in getting in a gallon of ...:CIl beer, the mother already the worse for drink struck the girl \\ itlt ...:I the poker and threw a block of wood, inflicting a wound on l-3's bead. ...:I ...: She ran out of the bouse, vowing she would ne\'er return, and with :I: another girl got a temporary lad ing for the night. Next day she z applied for admission to our Homes, where she was at once v,t>l received; with a nice figure and a bright intelligent face it was a 0 miracle to us that 13. had not been ruined. c>:: After a couple of weeks the mother and some old companions fonnd out wbere she was, and then commenced one of the fiercest struggles to get a girl away we ever remember, every possible means was used extending over a period of some months-13 steadily resisting them all. Some of tbe most painful scenes we ever remem­ ber was when the girl went to see the mother to tell of her resolve to go to Canada. After appeal failed, the mother then in (it-ink, cursed the girl by all the terror of the church, and in th foulest language. B. ha~ now been twelve monlhs in her first place in Canada. a valued helper in a minister's family. She writes to her mother and younger sister, carefully keeping her exact address from them lest 19

they should disturb her, and wanting the younger sister (for whose moral safety we are in great fear) to go out and share the good home she has. The gain to this country and to anarla hy the Emigrati1n of thi5 girl has been great. The gain to Iterstlf who can estimate?

.. E. H." came to us in I8<)!. 1\lother dead, father a confirmed drunkard. After she came home from the mill, he had to go out to sell wa:-.-lights, etc., and on Sunday mornings ,elling sporting papers. ] f money sufficient was not brought back, the girl was illused by the father, and she ami younger isters given little to eat. Such was E's life at I6 years of age, nu wonder therefore she left the miserable home as soon a ,he could after the mother's death, got into bad company, and lived in common lodging houses. \Ve heard of her through (IttI' P.C.C. officers, who persuaded her to seek admi5 ion to our Home. The case was a most difTtcult one after admission, it required two years patient, perse\'ering training, with many breakdowns ere E could be sent forth, but prayers and pains at length triumphed.-E meanwhile seeking out a younger sister. Both are now in good homes in Canada, and letters just to hand from E, now 19 y ars of age, tell of her marriage, Very suitable and properly expressed letters they are. To l'vliss methurst s1l writes 6th January, 189+. Mother Dear,-I must tell you in this letter that I am married. .I am living in Madoc Village. I must tell you that I like my mother-in-law first rate, she i5 very kind to me. They are English people and my husband was born in London in England. He i5 very good and kind to me, he neither drinks nOr smokes, and I thank God for that. \Ve got quite a good start in house-keeping. My husband had quite a few hundred dollars in the bank, he is a stone mason by trade. To ML and Mrs. haw she write 7th January, 189+, I hope you and all the homes arc doing well. I ha\'e not helped you yet, but by the help of God I will by and by. If you come to, Canada I want you to come and visit me. The letter closes with the words :-" As for me and my llOuse, we will serve the Lord."

.. K. P.' came from Ireland, arnvmg in l\Ianchester utterly friendless and penniless. She told a strange story of losing her box on the way, and other statements which we doubted the truth of and which we afterwards found untrue: but a good looking girl of rg­ in absolute destitution and helplessness just arrived in our city constituted a claim, which we dared not refuse. \Ve at once l'ecei\'ed K-but it was long ere we got to know the whole truth.

• 20 1 21 The previous Jive years had been a sad and chequered story, drunken parents, bad companions, frequent falls, once locked up, etc. Grad­ 1'1r. E. Heywood presented a very ually under the prayerful influence of our devoted home-mother, ]{ handsome sih'cr was led to real penitence and became a truly christian and useful watch and chain to thc boy who was selected as best girl in the Home. Then came the desire for Canada, which we felt it wise to gratify and now she is respectably married and in a home for the previous year. of her own. The headquarter of thc Brigade are at No. I, Chat­ \Ve extract the following from K. P's letter to Miss ham Street, where all applications for mcssenO'er boy' Smethurst, dated 21st January, 189+. should be made. .. If you come out this year be sure and come here and I will drive to the station to meet you. My little boy is growing "ery tall, he The Prison Gate Mission and Evangelistic Work. can talk a little. How I wish I was amongst you all once more, for Our workers Invc attended at the 0' ate of the 1 ri on, those were happy days that I spent in the dear old home. Althouoh I have everything to make me happy, I often wish I could see the every morning, w t or fine, to invite the di charg d dear old place and people that first made me happy and what I am now. \Vhatever my trials or tr ubles may be. I can take them to prisoners to the Mission Room, where a simplc break­ the Lord Jesus and get comforted." fast is provided. The Sea-Side Home and Summer Camp NUI1lper of Met} and Boys 6,8 + have again been the means of the restoration to health Numbcr of "Vomcn and Girls 3, 40 of many w ak and sickly children. At the Home, Total...... 10,72+ Lytham, 210 have been received, and have had from Number of 1 ledge signed 2,5 8 two to four week at the s a-side. The Camp is open Efforts are·made to deal individually with those who during the Summer months, and ha afforded a week's come, to win them to a bettcr life, and where they are healthy and happy holiday to no less than 1122 boys children, to place them, if necessary, in some of the from the poorest districts of our city. branches of this In ·titution. The Messenger and Parcel Brig·ades. The Conference Hall has been well filled on unday This branch has again to record increasing numbers. afternoons and e\'cnings, \\'ith occasional meetings :\pplicants for admission... 320 during the week. Here also arc held monthly meetinO' Boys employed '" 182 Boys sent to situations after pa sing for the Deepening of Spiritual Life, which have been wcll through the Brigade ++ attended throuahou( thc year and which are very highly J\verage attendance at Weekly Bible Class 52 "', valued by many earncst Chri tian of all denominations At the close of the year the full strength of the Brigade in our city. was as follows: These latter meeting, it will be understood, are not Officers... lVl esscnger Boys .. + the work of the Boys Refuge ociety, but are conducted 3° Bill Distributors . +3 by an independent Committec of which the Rev. Parcel Boys... 10 Prebendary Macdonald, and Mr. L. K. Shaw, are joint secretaries. Total...... 87

.....-..-...... -...... ~._.---.:...,;--.L __~_..&.....:.__~~~~~ .._~~~_.:..: ..:.--~.__ .... .:...... ~ .' ;.: __ ~ ...... _:.~ .•. ~..... __-..._ • . . 22 Finances. .on; and the instituti n has been practically closed for several years past. In considering what was the most useful and practical way The total cost of carryin~ on these various aO'encies of disposing of the property, it was con ludetl by the trustees that its presentation to an institution with kindred aims, that of helping -during J 93, has amounted to {J3,05+' 0 . 6d., and the the yOllng and helpless. would best fulfil the oriainal intention total income for the same period has been [12>370. J2S. in its acqui ition. In this view i\1r. Birch. who joins in the convey­ ance, concurred. The property, containing 3,600 square yards of 2d. This lea\'es a deficit on the year's operations of Jand, has therefore been conveyed to you as a gift to the Boys' and [683. 8s. +d., which added to the deficit at the end Girls' Refuge, unencumbered with any conditions or liabilities beyond the payment of a small annual chief rent of 125. J7S. The of 1892 ([539. JIS. 7d., for that year, and [725. II . 3d., land is at present valuable, being within a few minutes' walk of the 1\11 anchester docks, and it will become of increased value a the 2S. for I 91) {J,265. lOd., amounts to a total debit traffic. on the Ship Canal is developed. In the hope that this I 94 balance of [1,9-1-8. JIS. 2d. )lew Year's gift may be the means of efficientlv aiding' you to carry on and, if needed, to extend the useful work of the invaluable insti­ It must be explained that this large defi icncy I' l lItion for which you have so long earnestly and uccessfully greatly owing to th necessiti s of the Extension, to laboured, I am, dear sirs, yours sincerely. which the Committee hav been passing such lega ics The following reply has been sent to Mr. \\'ilkinson: .as hav come in lately. That extension is not yet fltlly Central Refuge, Frances Street, trangeways, paid for, shewing at th moment a deficiency of {2,721. February loth, J894. 5 ·4d. Butagainstthissumther isy ttocomein{J,o a To T. R. \Vilkinson, Esq., and the Trustees of the Birch legacy from the late Mr. James Jardine, an old friend Orphanage, 'ornbrook, D ar Sirs,-On behalf of the ommittee and trustees of this ·of the Refuge, whose death we Jeeply deplore; and the instituti n, we beg' to tender you our very hearty thanks for the buildings and land f rmerly occupied by the Cornbrook handsome gift of the land and buildings formerly occupied a<; the Birch Orphanage, the conveyance of which to the trustee of this Orphanage managed t y Mr. \VilJiam Birch, Jr., charity was laid on the table at our Committee meeting on February 5th. The ommittec are very sensible ot the importance of this vhich the trustees have handed over to llS, and which gift, especially at present, when the enlarg-ed operations require an will probably realize a considerable sum, we hope m re in reased and more permanent income. \Vhatever the property may realize, and we trust it may be a handsome sum, you will have the than sufficient to clear the balance of building account, satisfaction of knowing that the proceeds will be applied to the and all further claims on that score. relief and training of orphan and destitute children in Manchester and alford, and will fulfil the original intention of the donors. For It may be of intere~t to give the letter of the Trustees all the trouble you have taken in this matter, and for its satis­ ·of the Cornbrook Orphanage, and our rep~y. factory termination, pray accept our very heany thanks. •• Yours very truly, Mr. T. R. \\'ilkinson, write :- \V. J. CROSSI_EY, Chairman. January 24th, r894' LEO~ARI) E. SHAW, Hon. Sec, It is about twenty years since I. collected the funds required fOI' 1be purchase of thIS property, whIch has sub equently been vested It \\·ill therefore be seen that we may hope the exten­ in trustees, having unre3890 I6s. 1 1.'0 the days to come, be a source of strength and not of to the income out of their earnings as follows :-- weakness to the land of their birth." £ s. do Refuge 831 8 0 On behalf of the Committee, Institute 762 [3 [ CROSSLEY, Brigade Boys' !Tome 302 a II \\'. J. Emifration Training Home 94 19 /{ Chairmall. Orphan Homes 3 [ 15 3 C.amp Boys 47 7 () Trading Profits 319 Jl H

Closing Words. \\-e wish very heartily to thank the fri nels and supporters of this Society, our fellow labourers, without "ohom its work could not be carried on, for their help­ and co-operation. Amongst them we must mention the Honorary Solicitors, !Jessrs. Farrar & Co., the Honorary lVIecli al Officers, Drs. Boutflower and Rodcrer, l\Ir. imms, the Honorary Dentist, and the large staff of voluntary Collector, Teachers, Members of \iVorkin rr 1 arties, tc., also the ladies who carried through the Annual Sale of \oVork. \\'e also repeat with gratitude the thank: 0 often expressed in former years, to our regular starr, for their faithful and deYoted labours. Now that 1\1r. Shaw i unable to undertake so large a share of the work as he

[ 26 27 BRANCH COMMITTEES. MEDICAL REPORTS. These Branch or Helping Committees are appointed hy the General Committee, immediately after its own (CE:-1TRAL REFUGE A:-1)) GREAT DUCIE STREET IlO)IES.) election by the ubscribers each year. Our medical report this year has to record the deaths They undertake the working of the special branches ,of two of our boys-one due to secondary cancer after .allotted to them under the direction of the General amputation of the arm, the other due to an invasion of Fever which rapidly proved fatal: otherwise, with Committee, who should sanction all expenditure and perhaps the exception of five or six serious ailments, the with whom ultimate re ponsibility r sts. amount of sickness has been extremely small. \Ve are fortunate in havin er a mast r who has a good knowledge of practical Hygiene, and he is able to ;\s ist MESSE:--. I " HARR\ ALDRE,) . Influenza, but happily of a mild type: the Brierade Boys' Mr. J. P. ELLISO:-1. Home has been almost entirely free from sickness: at JIOIL. Sec. the Emigration Home we had a case of I neumonia. til :\lr. TlIos. R. ACKROYD. So far a I have been able to judge, the clothing, faa I Offices: .and sanitary arranerements are quite satisfactory. ], ·hath01.m Street, Piccadilly, Manchester. ANDREW 130UTFLOWEH., 11. igl/d~ I/pcril/tcl/rlm! : March 5t1l, r89+ (Hollorary Itrgcolt.) :\lr. GEORGE ]O:-1ES, To whom O1.pplication for ]\Iessengcr boys hould be made. (ClIEETllA)1 HILL HOMES.) FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF. THE BOYS' INDUSTRIAL BRIGADES. \Vith the exception of the one death from IIeart­ .IDr. FOJ" rOlf flldll/I! 3 IS/ lh.l:cmbl'Y, I~93· ages. etc...... 253 1 9~ .. IntprCSl Irom the Yit- " }{('Ill of Premises _. 50 0 0 the Cheetham Hill Homes during the past year :-not torian Stock .... i IS -4 ., (~ralll to General Fund e\'en the Epidemic of Influenza was permitted to tau h H £200 .. c~ \'iClf"l!i


OFFICES and SHELTERS} ~~~~o~~~~~~'E~c;~~:h~'rac~~" g;~~~ril~~: Mrs. DARBISlIlRE, Victoria Park. BA:-:~ER~tA~, \Vhalley Range. General Council. R. B. BATTY, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. CHAIR:,\{AN-THE LORD MAYOR OF MANCHESTER. VICE-CHAIRMAN-HIS \. A. R. I3ROW~, Oldham. ]. A. Beith, J.P. Robert Neill, J,P. Alderman vV. Robinson, ].1.1, Alderman \V. Mottram, J.P. HOLLA:-lD, Higher Brouahton. F. W. Crossley, J.P. Alderman Jenkins. CHAIlLTOX, Hanover quare, IIigher Broughton. Alcx. Forrest, J.f'. Alderman F. H. Walmsley, J.P. G. F. Fisher, J.P. Alderman B. Robinson, J.P. R \')lER, Broughton Park. D. l. Flattcley, J.P. E. S. Heywood, J.P. Galloway, Jnn!'.. J.P. ~Iajor Pooley. BAIlLOW, :\105s Bank, Crumpsall. crmh. Garnett, J.P. Alfred Simpson. ~'rancis J. Headlam, J.P. Thos. Guest, J. P. \VILSO:-i, Lancaster \'illas, Broughto:l Park. Benj. Heape. J.P. Hichard Johnson. Herbert Philips, J.P. William Johnson. John Lee, J.P. Geor!(e Milner. C. P. SCott, J.P. Alfred MOrlon. A. McDoli!(all, Junr.. J.P., W. H. ewett, (Y.~l.C.A.) F. Platt-Higgins. J.P. Fred. Taylor. L.\D1ES' WORK1:--lG P.\RTY. T. A. Bennion, M.A. (Barrister-at-Iaw.) Councillor James Fildes. \Vm. Goldthorpe, ditto H. Forbcs Clark. A. C. Maberlcy, l.A., ditto Councillor Oldham. H. B. Harri;on, J.P. Hcnry George. Mrs. L. K SIIAW. :\1iss CRA:-IKSIIAW. C. Malcolm Wood, (Chief Constable.) James Beresford. Chief Constable of Salford. J. R. Exley, and BELL. PALMER. Major Ballantyne. Committee of trangcways Refuge. George Rhodes, (Barrister-at-Iaw.) R. B. T AYLOIl. BOYD. Hon. Sec,-GILHERT R. KIRLE\V. A, I'IIYTI1IA:-I. Low, Hon. Treasurer-llEi\RY CHARLTON, Blackfriars Street. MedIcal OfTicel's. This party meets at the Rrjllge on the last Tue3day of each month JOH. FISHER LE PAGE, M.O., 14, rescrnl. Salford. fHOMAS YOUNG, M.I .. C.M., ~2, Butler Strcct, Allcoats. at Three o'clock. J. HOYLE, M.D., Oldham Road, Manchcster. Solicitors.-~Icssrs. llOCKIN, RABY, and BECKTOi\, Mount Sireet.

• 3° 3 1


Irs. GAUUliM, Oakley, Green ""alk. Seaside Home, 2, Warton Stl'ee~, Lytham, 'V. J. CROSSLEY, Glenfield. ?\" E\'ILLE CLEGG, Oldrleld Brow. TII:-iDLE. 11[alroll-1\Irs. COI\"ARU, Green 'Valko ALFD. SDII'SO:-:. 'haseley. !\Iiss IIARD~!A:-:, Re\·. G. SMART, St. John's llAS. BEllRE. s, Holm, ere. Vicarage, Chairman, SHARPLES, ADAMS, Ellersc1ene, Mrs. LIGHTWOOD, Pembroke MARTIN, 1\Iiss CARLISLE, High Lawn. RACHEL HEALD, The Firs. House, Local Treasurer, Mrs. MELLOR, (Fairlawn.}, HARD~IA:-:, ARMITAGE, To\\'nfielel I-louse, Altrincham. Mr, CllAS. Han, Sec, II0UIE, TllO~IPSO:-:, Healcl13ank. Rev. CANO:-i IIAWK!:-IS, HA~IBLY, II. T. GADDU~I, Esq., [Jail. Sec. St. Cnthbert's Vicarage. 'VRIGllT, Rev. T. H. "VRIGllT, FOWELL, Hel". R. vV. M. lIOLME, E,R. LIGllTWOOD, Esq., B.A., SOUTf-Il'ORT ASSOCIATlOC\'. ReI'. C. BILLINGTOl':, L. FISllER, Esq., M.D., Rev. 'V. J. FOWELL, Hall, Medical Officer. 1\[rs. BATTY, 94, 'Vindsor RO:J.d. III'. BROOKE, 80, Leyland Road. ROYD, 9, Alexandra Road. 1\Tiss 'VHITI>, Alexandra [{oael. BOYE , Holm Acre. ALDERLEY EDGE ASSOCIATIO);".

Mrs. HAILTO:-l !lIiss LO:-:SDALI.: ROCHDALE ASSOCIATIO);". ,v. 'V. COliLBOR:-i SIMPSO:-i GILLIES 1\1. BICKllAM II'. T. 1'. OR~IEROD. l\1r. JA . "'HlTEHEAD. l\Iiss HOLLIDAY E. RowcLIFFI; eHAS. ASllWORTll. 'V~l. Cli:-lLIFFE, Jnur. 'V. 'V. COULBOR:-i. Esq., J. RA~ISIlOTTO~1. T. HARTLE\'. C. vV. RAILTON, Esq., } Hall, Sees, A. K. RA~ISC)TT M, Iloll. Suo By whom contributions, either of money, clothing, or useful articles, will be thankfully receil·ed. I Y whom contributions, either of money, clothing, or u3eful articles, will be thankfully recei\·ed.

.. ., 1:" __..,...... :u..,...... ~~' ~ ...... "'~-..:....;_4. • ~ _.- •. ----- ~-:1

So 3 ~ M- 2J (') l'> '1:l 0 j "TI ::!. 0... 0.. 1? ..-t- ~ _. ;, Po> (1)ro~{1)" 5' (; ~ ~: O. en ~ ~ l7Q ~ ~ .... 1""1 l'> p>rn---.OO >-1 ..., ~, (1) ~ ~ :j 0 0 ~ 0 :3 r"', () PJ ::r-H;I--t-,,< ~ t:t:l (1) ::I ~ ~ ~ dQ" ::. r-t- ~ ---. ~ (i)trro~- rn 0.. ::J 2:. ~. ~ o o....z ~ ~ '-J ro ~ r;- ~ ~ c ~ 5' 0 ~gDg.~() ::l (j) ~ rQ o ---. c:r (l) rn () C (1) n I-+, ~ W ~~;:;'~§i:;'f\ ~ o IV '< '"' o' ~ g ::: 3 ~ ~ (b ...... ;:j en· (D 0" g ~~ p> ---. o ~ l'> ~ T." '"' 0 I-+, 0 , . -... """""' D.. < ... o ---. p> ----.. <: ...... ::.. 0­ o &ctjt::; 00 :3 rn(l) (1) p> (1) CO ::l ::I cr 0. ~ 2: g (1) (1) ... n (D ::I f"' :2. 0 ...J ___ (1)'"' >-J _ ~ 0" ...J ::I rn o:jn..(i)() ---. (l) 0. '"' c: o-D.. ;:J ~ ---. ....) () l'> ---...... C. r0­ ~. 0- < (1) o --' :::::r (D (l) ::l ...:..... (l)

lDr. ABSTRACT OF INCOME AND EXP~NDITuR~. Ct'. For the year ending December 31St, 1893. --- s. d. To CONTRIBOTIONS :-- [ s. d. [s. d. I [ General Fund 5.780 12 ! I By Balance brought forward being deficiency at Orphan 1I0mes 495 15 6 December 31st, 1392 .. 1,265 210 Expens~s 1lome for Crip;Jt.;d & IIH,;urable Children 519 4 7 II Central Refuge . 1,261 19 5 Emigration 769 6 6 " General Expenses, Rates, Taxes, Insul'ances, do. N.t proce~d" of ~u~ry . 990 9 2 l\fuskal :'Ieclings 135 I 10 11 Administration Expenses .. 809 10 II ---- 904 8 4 II \Vorking Lads' Institute Expenses .. 470 19 2 Training Ship " J02 2 0 'j Brigade Boys' Home " .. 363 0 2 Sea-Side Cdmp 495 5 II II Boys Training II (for Emigration and Situation) " H, me 347 16 8 Expenses . 454 17 8 843 2 7 11 ~axt~n .Brigade Ex~; . ,0 4 6 Prevention of Crll(·)ty to Childr!'n . 115 13 o ". Chnstlan Worker Jo.xpenses . 31 10 II ~Ii!'sion 11 Girls' Training Home (for Emigration and Situation) Prison Gate and Police Coun .. 84 6 10 W Day Nursery . II 10 Expenses ,. Rosen Hallas" . 404 2 8 o oW \Vhilsuntide Trral.. .. II 1 o II Girls Training Home" Jleathfield" .. 50 0 ?\Iaga.tine" Christian \Vorkc.r" o 10 o " Emig-ration Outfit and Passage Expenses.. 1,2.p 18 II .. 8,868 6 9 " Orphan Homes Expenses . . 2,191 17 2 ,. Interest on Investments 721 19 7 " Home for Crippled & Incurable Children Expenses 514 7 8 38~ II Sundry Reccipt~.. 69 7 J I .. Sea Side Home (L)"tham) Expenses . 10 6 " :S-et Profits in Tradin~ Departments. 319 Ii 8 " " II Calnp" ., .. 459 1 3 Balance from Industrial Brigade Account 352 17 I 11 Children's Open-AlI-:'\ight Shelter Expenses . 272 14 5 being rtcficiency at December 31St, J893 J ,948 II 2 " Day I\ursery Expenses . 53 0 1 " Training Ship "...... 100 0 0 Prevention of Cruelty to Children Expenses . 434 10 5 Prison Gate and Police Court i\Jission and Evangelistic Expenses .. 159 15 8 " Brass Band Expenses , 57 9 2 " Whitsuntide Treat Expenses . 42 9 8 " Bank interest and charges .. 121 11 3 " Boys Debts extinguished . 30 to 7

[12,230 14 2 [12,230 14 2 _.-iiiiOiiiiiii ~ 34 35 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE BOYS AND GIRLS' REFUGES AND HOMES AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, JDr. Foy the Year eJldillf{ DecelllhCl" 3/st. /893. crt'.

£ s. d. [ s. d. £ s. d. [ s. d_ To SUBSCRIPTIONS anti DONATIONS:- By Balance broug:ht forward being deficicn'y at Dec. 31st, 1892 1,265 2 10 General Fund 51780 12 II Orphan Homes ~C)5 15 G CJ·t\THAL Rl!FU(iE:- Home for rippled and Incurable Children...... 519 ... 7 Sal3ries of )'Ia~tcr. i\lalrC'll. and Assistants...... 572 I 3 Emigration 769 6 6 1 rovbions 919 17 0 Proceeds of i\1 usical Llothillg purchased including Stock at Meelin~s 174 6 10 Dc-c. 31St. 18Q2 296 f2 3 Less Expenses 39 5 0 Ltss Stock at "Dec. 31St, 1893...... 1.J2 2. 9 135 r 10 154 9 6 90 4 4 Coal. Gas. \oVateI' and Sundries . 234 '3 8 §~~iSii:~~ ~1:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::···i~i·:i;~ 102 o Repairs and l~enewals . 236 3 0 'Z,llS I 5 ==~ 843 Less Boy~' Payments and lathing Sales ~56 2 0 Prevention of Cruelty to Children 115 13 0 ----- 1,261 19 Prison Gate and Police oun i\·Iissions . 84 t6 10 Rates. Chief Rents, and Insurance .. 399 6 6 ~1~ t~t~\~~id'~' i'~c~ ~'.', ~', ~',', ~', ~ II 10 0 Less Income Tax returned . 52 2 6 ',',',', ',', ',', ',', ':: ',',',', :::.',', "'::.',', II I 0 347 4 0 Magazine II Christian \Vorker" . 010 0 Au titors' l~'ee . 1010 0 ---- 8,868 6· 9 Capips of" Christian \!\'orker II to Sl:bscribcrs .. 89 0 INVESTMRNTS :­ Fire Extil1gl1ishin~ Apparatus .. 67 "3 4- In,et:esl on [9.838 Manchesler orpo.ration Loan,at 3~ %( has. CommilLce of the late Gordon Boys' Home .. 20 0 0 Leigh Clare Fund) apphed to AdminIstration Expenses . 3" r 6 Solicitors'Disbursements . 26 7 Interest 011 [I,OOO Manchester orporation Stock al4 % for Girls' Heereal ion G round Expenses . '5 0 "·f Home . 38 17 G Special Expen~es, Interments, Grants, Christmas Expenses, etc.. 112 18 3 Interest on [470 ldham Corporation Stock at 4 % for Girls' I-lome 18 H 0 5 LAUNDRY EXPENSES:- Wages, oal, Repairs, etc . 302 , Ir " £1,3 0" II." at4%forOrphan Homes 50 IO 9 " [2,025 Grand Trunk RaJiway Co., of Canada Perpetual ADMINISTRATION EXPENSRS :-Onice Salaries, Postages, Printing Cansolidatf'd Debenture Stock at 4 % for ripples' Home ...... 78 Travelling, etc...... 809 ro [] " Interest on [r,400 Manchester Ship anal Co., Mortgage Deben- '+ SHOI!MAKING DEPARTMRNT:- lure Slock at 4 % for Cripples' Home '" '" . 54 8 6 Of Intcrc t on [r?c4o 7S. South Australian Governrllent Inscribed Purchases including Slock at Dec. 3r,t, 1892...... 579 r9 9 lock al 4 % or Cripples' Home . t9 0 Less tock at Dec. 31St, 1 93...... 173 19 6 Interest on [5°0 Manchester Ship Canal Co., Sccon'd ~'i~'l:~g~'g~ 59 Debenlnre Slock al 4 % for Cripples' !lome . 8 ro 406 0 3 " Interest on [400 Manchester Ship Canal Co" Second Mortgage '9 Wages paid Foreman and Bo)"s...... 254 t8 3 l)ebenture Stock at 4 for Sea Sine l!ome . 1I 0 " Interest on [r.934 lOS., 'iclorian Goverment Stock a14 0: (Lucy '5 660 r 6 Oram Clegg Fund) for Administration Expenses . 10 2 G Sales ...... •...... 6.ln 7 ~ Sundry Sales and Receipls ·.:·..·.: . 75 20 II 2 45 7 2 )I Co-operati\'e Sf"'IciPly Dividend and Board Sales .. 24 0 9 TAILORING DEPARTMENT:- FIRF.WOOD DEPARTMENT;- ales ·~:346··;5.. ~~ Purchases including slt)ck at Dec. 31St, . Purchases including Stock at Dec. 3ISl, 1892 . 583 16 2 1892 ••.•.••..••....••.•.••••••••••••.••••••••.•••••• 803 q 5 Less Stock ar Dec. 31Sl, r893 ···.· ·.················· 355 5 7 Less Slock at Dec. 3ISl, 1893 37 t7 7 228 10 7 765 r6 to \Vagcs paid Foreman and Bo)'s . 268 13 0 ,Vages paid Foreman and Bo)"s 437 17 8 3 7 t.203 14 6 497 Sales 482 '5 7 JOINERY DEPART"RNT :-Sales...... 693 9 9 143 r 4 q 8 f> Purchases including Stock at Dec. 31St, . \VOR:KING LADS' INSTITUTE :-Expenses 1.233 12 3 t892 57t ro ~ Less Members' Payments 762 13 I Less Stock aI Dec. 3ISI. I 93...... 247 0 0 470 '9 2 .. BRIGA'H: 13o\'s' HOME:-Expenses including cider ~Ianituba I 32 4 10 4­ lads training for . 665 r Wages paid Foreman and Bo)"s . 273 10 8 Less Boys' Payments . 302 0 l[ 598 r 0 95 8 9 ------Carried forward ... £5,196 0 10 Carried fa rward...... [9,898 4 ,I 37 STATEME:-IT.-COlltilllled.

to ORPHAN HOMES:- 13oard [987 14 6 lothin~ [263 2 4 Wages £278 I, 4 Sundries £662 5 0 ---- 2,19117 Z HOME FOR IUI'PLED Al"D INCURABLE CHILDREN:- Hoard £201 IS 6 100hil1~ [26 17 4 Wages £q8 8 6 Sundries £t37 3 4 514 7 8 SEA SU}E II ME (L)'tham) Rent, \Vage:;, Board, Fares, etc . 389 10 6 Examined and fonnd correct, " SI':A SIDE CA:--1P (Lytham), \Vages, Board, Fares, tc. 506 8 9 JOI\ES, CREWDSON & YOU.\TT, Less lloy~' Payment:; 47 7 6 1 :; C/JrlJlfred AfWftll!rwts, 459 CIU1.0REN'S QPEN-ALL-:":tGHT SIlEI.TER:-Expenses 32313 0 ~lal1chester. 7th .lIarell, 1894. ., Less Proponionofl{ent Industrial Brigadc~o ° 0 It Payments by Relatives...... 0 Itl 7 50 18 7 272 q 5 DAY NURSERY:-Expenses .. H.en!, \Vagcs, Food. and. Attendance' .. 77 16 7 Less Payments by Relatives . 2~ 16 6 53 0 I TRAINING SIIII' :-Expenses . ruo 0 0 PRE"E:-;TIO~ OF CRt. Jo:L TV TO CH (LDREN ;- RelH, \Vag-es, Legal Expenses, l~tC. . ..•••...... 434 10 P!USON GATE ~tJSSION, POLICE OCR,. I\IISSION5, and £\'AN- GKI#ISTIC l~ XI'KNSES ...... •...... • 169 15 S DRASS BAND EXI'EN~FS . 83 0 8 Less Earnings .... 25 I[ 6 57 9 2 \VIIITSUNTIDF. THEAT E"PF:NSES . 42 9 S DANK INTEI{!':ST i"lAKGEI: . 121 II 3 Boys' DEBTS EXTIKGL'I~IIl::1> .. 30 10 7

[12,3 15 13 4­ = lDr. EXTENSION ACCOUNT. C!r. For the year ending December 31St, 1893.

[ s. d. [ s. d. To Balance in hand. Dec. 31 st. 1892 552 8 7 By FRAXCES STREET NEW BUILDING:- II Legacy of the late Mrs. F'ynney 2,000 0 0 James Byrom, Contractor. or. ale 2,1)5° 0 0 II Sundry s-alcs 01 old material...... 7 8 0 R. Dawson & Co., Boiler, etc (·00 0 0 " Balance being ddicicncy Dec. 31St, 1893 :!,721 5 4 l\Janl?v~, Alliott & Co., Laundry FIttings .. 200 0 0 Mather & Plalt. Shafting. eIC 203 7 10 Fittings. Furnishing, etc 467 19 J I 1\Iax\\'cll & Tuke ". 1511 0 0 ] oiner work done at Refuge workshop 38~ 8 2 --- ~ 955 15 II I ROSEz.; HALLAS" HOME. 1\ew Laundry. etc. leah Dyson. Contractor 99 9 5 u.> Thos. Bradfcro & Co...... 9' /7 " Cf:, ~Iaxwell & TlIKe 28 6 0 Furni~hing, etc ,.. 15 9 Y 245 II SEA SIDE Ho~u·::- II Refurnishing, elC . 50 0 0 Iron doers in Great Ducie Street Buildings. Fire extinguishing appliances . 30 ~ 10

[5.281 // I £s,2b: I II ----- ~

n , ~ ~

ll)r. BALANCE SliEET, December 31st, 1893.

[. s. d. [ s. d. To Investment Fund 2o,.p6 q 8 By [9.838 Loan Manchester Corporation 31 % (Chas. Leigh Clare Fund a c) 9.838 ° ° \Villiams Deacon and i\lanchester and Salford ~Ianchester Bank, Limited ·.·· 6,1 i2 5 :l " [1,000 Stock Corporation 4 % (Girls " Boys Bank Balances <42 18 Home Fund a/c) 1,000 0 0 " [~70 SlOck Oldham Corporation 4 % (Girls Home Fund a c)...... 502 18 ° ----- 1,502 IS 0 " £2,800 Stock Oldham Corporation 4 % (Orphall HOines Fund a/c) 2,996 0 ° Less £r,500 sold (1890) for Extension J,~30 0 0 1,166 0 0 " [2,025 Grand Trunk Railway Co. of Canada 4 % Debenture Stock (Cripples Home Fund a/c) / ,996 4 8 [/,400 Manchester Ship Canal Co. ~ % Mortgage Debenture Steck (Cripples Home Fund a c) ',4'3 /5 6 u.> II [1,540 7 0 South Australian Govern- l,,() meDt 4 % Inscribed Steck (Cripples Home Fund a/c) ,.600 0 9 II £500 Manchester Ship Canal Co. 4 % Second ~Iortgage Debenture Stock (Cripples Home Fund a/c)...... 500 0 ° ----- 5,510 0 II " £400 Manchester Ship Canal Co. 4 % Second ~Iortgage Debellture Stock (Sea Side HOllie f'und alc) 400 0 0 II £1,934 IO 0 Victorian Goverument 4 % Inscribed Steck (Lucy Oram Clegg Fund alc) 1,999 /5 9 " £200 Victorian Government 4 % Inscribed Stock (Industrial Brigades) 202 10 ° II EXlension ale ... '2721 5 4 " Stock of Clothing, \Vcod, Paper, Books, etc 1,282 17 I Deficienc)' as per Financial Statement 1,948 II

£26,571 IS 3 [26.571-----18 3 --...-....-- Fund. £ s. d. Anon o 10 o· DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS, 1893. o .5 o 1 0 o· o 10 o February 27 I 0 o Any amount contributed for a special branch of the work is so designated by the fundi Anon January 25 2 0 o placed opposite the amOUI1l, v;= :-Home for Crippled and Incurable Children, S a-Sidl:" Anon O/>m Door. o 10 o Home. Emigrativll, Training Ship, Summer amp. Prevention of ern It)' to Children, Camp. I 0 o Dar KUfsery, Police Coun Mission, Prison Gatc i\Iission, Open DOOf. (ShellCr), \\'hit­ o 6 o· \Veek Treat. I 0 n '\Vherc there is no designation the amount has been contributed to til{' General Fund o 6 o of the Institution. I 0 o See end of Report fOI" cOlllributiolls 10 Orphan Home!=:, and those from Collecting: o IS o Boxes and Cards, Church and Sunday Schools, Bazaars, Entcrtainmcl1ls, i\lcclings, ClC. o 12 0, CI'ipples IIome. I 0 o ----- A~' on G. E. per 1\1iss Armitage .'i 0 o Anson Mrs. G. E. I 0 o Fund. £ s. d Anson i\ Arminson Dr. per Miss Alice Leach .. Camp. o .5 o· Aesthetic Asphalt Co., per J. \V. tansfiekl J 10 0­ Armistead Richd. II o· AgI~ew Harold Prev. of Cruclty. .'i 0 0­ Armitage Benj. J.P...... Emigration. 10 0 o· Agnew J. H. 8: Bro. 220 " Mrs G. F. per Miss Armitage 2 2 o Agnew Mrs. Thomas 2 'l (J. J. Fred per Mis Armitage.. r 0 o A. H. o 5 Mr . per Miss Armitage .. o 10 o Aikman Mrs. Open Door. o .5 () Miss .. o 10 0­ Aitken Mrs. I 0 0­ Miss Emmie .. Sea ide IIome. I 0 o 1\~rs. Aked r 0 (~ 1\lrs. S. R, per 1\Iiss Armitage 2 2 o .. AlderJey" Sea Side lIomf. I 0 0 Samuel .'i 0 o Alexander Vv. T. too- Mrs. \V. Junr. per i\liss Armitage () 5 o Allen has. P. 10 0 V. K, J.P. .5 0 o E. T. J. .5 .'i (> Ziba .. 3 3 o 1\Irs. J. E. T. :l 2. 0 Armstrong l\1iss .. I 0 o 1\1rs. J. E. T. Cam!. I 0 0> Cripples IIome. o 10 o Alpha o 10 0 PreY. of Crllelty. o 10 o· Amounts under 5 ­ 7 6 7 Camp. o 10 o 5 ­ Call1p. 4 4 (. J. o 12 6 .5 ­ Sea Side Home. o 17 4 T. Camp. o o· .5 ­ Cripples HOllie. o 16 4 T. 8: Bro. I o .5 ­ Prey. of Cmf/ly. o 7 0 Arnold i\lrs. o o .5 ­ Emi~rafioJt. o J Arnold \V. A . 3 3 o 5'­ Ofm Dool. o 2 (. Arthur Andrew T. 10 0 o 5, - J'. c. Missioll. oro· Arthur 8: Lily I 0 o .5 - per Mis. Alice Leach Celm/. 10 15 H· Asc Ii E .. o 19 6 " ".5 - per Misses Lawrence Cellllf· 6 lSI i\scroft 1\li,s P. G. Mission. o 9 6 Ander on Dr. \V. Stirling 2 2 0 Asher ft H\'. X. 2 2 o Andrew M. J. 8: Son .. o 10 (> A hworth Chas. Emigratioll. o 10 0­ Andrew J. H. Camp. o .5 0 E. I 0 o· Anglin am per Miss 13. Eenyon 1 0 ,rancis II o • +3 Fund. £ s. d. Fund. £ s. d. .Aston Mrs. ~Iiss 5 0 0 Aston The Misses 330 Barnes Esther I I 0 Miss Mary 5 00 Atcherley 1\1 rs. ",, 2 0 0 Barne -Slacke Rev. \Y. S. 10 0 0 Atkinson Henr>: pel' Mrs. Neville Cl~g" 10 0 0 2 2 0 Barningham Tho John (1892-3) per Miss Hur t 2 2 0 Barningham Thos. per 1\liss May Bickham .. I I 0 .. (Ulverston) o 10 0 55 0 Baron J. \Y. ~1iss " ,. I I 0 o 5 0 Barrett \Valter per 1\liss Hurst .. Mrs. o 5 0 Austin . E. 07 0 Bate liss P. C. .lfissio/1. I I 0 Batho 1\lrs. per ~Ii5s Alice Leach Call1p. o 10 0 Avery Mrs. o .') 0 A. W. 05 0 Hatty J. G. per 1\lrs. R. B. Batty I I 0 Batty J. R. per :\1isses White & Boyes 100 A.W. ITO Cripples HOlllc. 09 0 1 ax \Vol. Thos.. , Baxcndell 1\ I iss Ada 200 Baerlein Mrs. Max 00 100 Robt. .. 5 Bailey Chas. A. ,. 200 05 0 1rs. 100 James 060 Bayley II., J.P. Miss I 0 0 o 10 0 Bayley \V. Mrs. o 5 0 o 10 0 BaYlles 1\1 iss 1\1 ... Alderman vV. H. I~azley, 8 a 0 5 5 0 DowRger Lady Baines Mrs. 0 I 0 0 Bazley ,r TII0S. S., Bart. 55 ] aker Mrs. .. 10 0 0 o 10 0 Bealey Wehard J.1'. Balfour Rt. Hon. A. J., l\I.P. o 10 0 3 0 Heall Will. Ball Miss., 3 0 o 5 lJ Beaty Bros. 33 Ball Miss A. 5 0 M.:: " Sca Side IJOIIIC. o 5 0 Heall1110llt Mrs. (Wilmslow) 0 Bancroft Jas. per Mrs. Harold :Lee 100 m. Sidc HOlllc. 05 Band of Kindness Members " Cetmp. o I() 0 Sca Sidc IJollle. 3 o 0 ca idc HOlllc. o 10 0 Open Door. 7 0 ( heetham Hill) Call1p. o 6 (Chlldleigh) o 15 0 Emigration. 200 Bebbington, E,,,cutors of t'le late \Vm. (an B~;lnerman"David 10 0 0 10 0 0 old boy) I 0 0 J. A. .. .. 00 Beckett 1\1 rs. (lJeywood) ~1'rs. 5 6 H. P. per Bannerman 020 (Heaton hapel) 07 .. 1\1rs. ., 0 2 2 0 E. (Upton) 05 Barber ?lIiss per Miss E. M. Wild o 12 0 05 0 :\lls Call1p. Miss 060 Call1p, 060 Bertha Camp. Miss G. per Mj~~ E. M. Wild 060 05 0 .. :\Irs. (Blackpool) G. E. " 1 I 0 Miss I 0 0 Bedell Alex. per :\lrs. Beaumont Miss Susan I 1 0 o 5 0 Heech \1 rs. .. Mr. per Miss E.' \Viid I I 0 Ai. o 10 0 Beeley Thos. J. P. 2 2 0 Barbour Robt. per Mrs. Bannerman:: I I 0 Htllrens 1\les,rs. Day Nursery. Barbour R. & Bros. o 10 6 2 0 I rs. per 1\1 rs. I L 1'. Gadd 1I m Barclay Mr . per Miss 'illlrst:: " I I 0 5 o 0 \Valt"r L. P. C. Missiou. Bardsley l\Ir<;. 50 0 0 I Beith, Stevenson &. Co. (special) Barker Mrs. o 0 Prevo oj CYllelty. 1 I 0 Beith, Stevenson & Co. 5 5 0 Mrs. F. & Family ., Prev. oj CYllelty. o .') 0 7 00 Bell Hev. 13enj .. , ~rs. 25 0 0 .. per Mrs. Neville Clegg. , .2: 2 0 "1 homas Barlow l'rank o 10 0 Barlow Mrs. ,. " ., ., I I 0 ;\1,SS o 10 6 5 00 Hy. J 1'. per ~liss Beatrice Kellyon Barnard G. F. 10 0 0 1 I () 1\1 r5. Thos... Call1p. Barnardo Tllos. J. " .. " 100 I I 0 vVm. Barnes MISS per Misses White & Boyes I I 0 Bellhou'c l\liss per :\Irs. )leville legg I 0 0 4+ +5 Fund. £ s. d. Fund. Bellhouse !\Iiss .. CriPf>/es ffolllr. £ s d. 3 0 o· Boden Miss per Mrs. H. 1'. Gaddum o 10 0 Sta ide !Jollie. I 0 Q. M~s. E. per Mrs. Ne\'ille Clegg .. "Bolton" .. Call1p. o 10 0 Bellingham E. "V. I I 0 B~lton II. II., J.P. 5 00 Bellingham i\liss Lucy.. I 0 0 Booth A. VI/. 060 Benger F. B. per Miss Low o 10 O· Geo.].. J.P. .. .. 10 0 0 II o· John per :\1isses Lawrence Call1p. 05 0 Prev of Cmell)'. 500 ~lrs. Cl'lpples HOllie. per Misses \"hlte & Boyes o 5 0 e~~ett 5 0 0 o 5 0 ,,'irs. A. per l\Iiss O. lIenz Sea Side [Jollie. .. ?lliss per Mrs. n. B. Batty .. Bennett Mrs. Sam per ~[rs. Bannerman o 10 6 Botham J. per Miss Hurst o 10 0 Bentley Miss (£2 2/- Boy & £2 2,- Girl ) I 0 0 Houllen Chas. G. .. 200 440 Sea Side IIollle. 20 0 0 Cripfles HOlllr. Bowdon Downs ot per Mrs. Rigby .. 5 0 0 o 5 0 Sea Side HOllie. Bowen 1rs. "V... 2 2 0 2 2 0 I 1'. G. J[issiOll. Bowler Edward .. Best James G. .l. 2 0 Bowler ]\Tr .W ... 2 2 0 B. H. [ 0 0 Bowler I\Irs. \V...... P. C. Missioll. 2 2 0 12 0 O· r Bickham i\lrs. per Mrs. H. T. addum Bowman i\frs. Henry per Mrs. Bowman Prev. of Cmelly. o 2 G Bickham Miss May 100 Bowman J. T. per i\Irs. Bowman o I 0 BillingtOn Rev. C. [ I 0 Boyd Mr 5 00 I 10 0 Billing-ton Rev. C. per i\liss Alice Leach Call1p. James 5 00 o 5 0 Call1p. 00 Bilsborough Mrs. per Miss righton Cripples flollle. Mrs. ., ...... 3 Bilsborough Mrs. per Miss E. M. Wild o 5 0, B~yes F. per Mis es \Yhite& Boyes... o 10 0 Birch Mrs. Herbert 020 Boye Mrs. per Missc' \"'hlle & Boy" I I 0 o 10 G- Bracewell, Mrs. Hy. o 15 0 " " " Sea Side 11ollle. Birks & Walker Misses per Miss E. 1\1. Wild o 5 o· Bracewell Miss M. S. o 5 0 Birley Mrs. o 2 G Bradbury .\. W. per Mrs. H.. 13. Batty I I 0 ea ide 1101llr. I I 0 100 Rev. A. per Miss Alice Leach Call1p. Mrs. o 5 0- Cripples HOllie. o 10 ., Mrs. F. H. per Miss O. Hertz Sea Side [Jollie . "Birthday gift for many blessings received" 7 (). p~r ~lrs. H. T. Gaddum I I 0 Blackburn i\lrs. per i\[rs. Davies 5 0 0­ .. l\Iiss CalliI'. o 10 0 Blacklock H. & Co. I I 0 Bradley ath!., J.P. Elllilil'l//ioll. 5 00 Blackshaw !\Irs. per Miss Low 2 2 O· Bradshaw John ...... I I 0 Blackshaw ~lrs... o 10 G- Brad\\ell l\Tn;. per :Misses \Vhlte & Boyes o 10 0 Call1f· o 10 O· Blackstock & o. Brain Eo R c' II. A. Call1p. o 18 0 Blackstock J. \ V .. I[ O· Braine l\lrs. .. o 6 0 Blackwell John .. 050 Braithwaite J. H. (1892-3) I 0 Blakeley i\1 rs. I I 0 Bridge Irs. & Family .. 05 0 Blakeley i\1 iss 2 0 Q. 2 10 0 Call1f· o () o. Bridgcwater Trustees Blathwayt . \V. \V. Bridgewater Trustees Prel'. of Cruelly. 2 10 0 Bleackle)" John [ 0 0 Bridgford Colonel Call1p. I 0 0 Bles A. J. S. 050 Fred 5 00 Bles ]\1. S. 3 J 0 .. J. H.. & ons.. P. C. .1Jissio/£. I I 0 Bles D. S .. I r 0 Briggs Thos. 33 0 ] lunt Irs. I I 0 Rrightl1lore He~lry .. 5 00 lllydt John 100 Brink -. per I\IISS Low .. I I () Boardman Miss .. 1 0 O' Broadbent :\Irs... 05 0 Critflrs HOllie. 2 :l Q i\lis " Broadbent S. CalliI'. 05 0 Prevo oj Crut//y. 2 L. 0 The i\Iisses .. Call1p. Broadfield Gcorge I I 0 Boddington's Brewenes Limited o I8 O· Broadhurst l\1 rs. Ed. I I 0 Boddington \Y. H. 2 2 0­ I~roadhurst o 0 CUIII!'. I r. Tootal 5 130ddy J. i\1. & F. 2 [0 0 Broaclmeadow J. II. I I 0 5 5 Broady Mrs. R. .. o 5 0 47 I'unel. s. £ d, I'und. S. d. Broady Mn;. R. .. Call1p. £ o 12 o· .. By God's help to take a little lad to Camp" CalliI'. 060 Brorkbank John T. .. I 0 o· Byrom James 5 0 0 Brooke H. per Misses \Vhite . Boye~ 3 00 Brooke 1\1 rs. Henry per 1\J isse White & Boyes o 5 0 C. A. Calli/'. 060 Bro ks ir W. C., Bart. 5 5 o· Cababe Miss 1\1 ... 05 0 (special bor) Emif!ratioJl. 10 0 0 C. A E. per Mrs. \\'. "V. Coulbom 100 .. .. ,. P. C. 11[/ssioll. I I 0 Ellli.!!/'afioll. .. Ladv (special girl) .. Ellligrtliioll. 10 0 0 5 0 Calli/'. 100 Broughton Copper Co. (1892-3) 4 4 0- Sw ide !lollle. I 0 0 Broughton Park Ladies Mission Sea Side HOllie. 5') 0 0 Tho~. Camm per Irs. Bowman Prevo oJ CI'uelty. 026 Brown 1\Jiss Lucy C. 2 0 Campbell l\l iss Call1t· 05 0 Rev. E. A. (special case) Traillill.!! Itif. 5 0­ Candlin :\!ajor TIobt. 5 00 Emigration. 5 0 0 Day NursC/'y. Camf· o 6 o· I 0 0 Cripples IIollle. 100 Mrs. ea Side IIollle. 0 o 5 Sea Side IIo IIIe. "-) 0 a Mrs. Hannah 2 2 0 Emigratioll. 10 0 0 W.H. Camf· o 10 0 " II Prevo of Cruelty. I 0 0 Browne G. 13uckstol1 2 2 0 .. an't go" alii/,. 060 Open Door. 2 10 0 Carlisle E. J. I I 0 P. G. Missioll. 2 10 0 J. H. per Miss Carlisle I I 0 EmigratiOIl. 5 0 0 .. LA...... I I 0 Dr. Henry 100 0 0 The Misses per 1\Iiss Carlisle ., J. J. of Barcelona per Galloways Ltd. Camp. 00 5 0 o· 5 Carpenter R. Forbes J'. C. Missioll. I I 0 Browl1pll Mrs. per Miss E. M. Wild.. .. o 10 6­ Carr Mrs. J. E ... o 10 0 Bryan Mrs. I I 0 Carrington Mrs. per Miss Alice Leach Call1p. o 5 0 Bryant Jesse, J.P. I I 0 & Carr R. B. Lomas, Co. 2 2 0 Buckle E ... 4 00 Carson 1\liss 0 Buckley Miss Bertha 2 0 0 o 5 Carter Geo. H. Call1p. C> 0 0 Sea ide IlOllie. 060 Carver Bros. 5 0 0 Marshall P,'W. of Cruelty. o 10 6 1\liss Cr/ftles JIollle. I 0 0 Samuel .. 2 2 0 1\[rs. F. ,V. per Mrs. Bannerman I 0 0 Bugby Mrs. Fitzherbert I 5 0 Thomas .. 25 0 0 Burder Mrs. I I 0 W. Oswald ]'. C. Missioll. 0 0 Cripp/rs IIome. I I 0 5 " " Camp. 0 Burgess H. L. Camf· o 12 0 Catterall Ernest .. 5 0 Burgess James per 1\Irs. R. I. Batty .. I I 0 05 0 Cautherley Miss .. ea" Side Homr. 1\1 iss Collected by roo C. 05 0 I I 0 l\Irs. o 10 0 C. E. 1\1. .. Call1p. roo Burnett Mrs. \N. E. 5... Cam/,. 220 C. F. " Catherine Cot" ta Si.l,' HOllie. 15 0 0 .. Burnley" ea Side IIollle . o 10 0 ha~,wick J;~::s: .Exor~.. of th~. late: : 500 0 0 Burnley W. P. Call1p. o I 0 5 0 0 Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Miles F ... 220 Friends of 1\Ir. Call1p. 05 0 ...... (three boys) Call1f· o IS 0 W. o 5 0 Robin, \Valter, & Kenneth o 3 0 Chalk l\frs. 3 3 0 Burtles R. Call1f· 05 0 Challender Eel. 2 2 0 Burtles Tate & Co. o 10 0 hamber John .. alllp. I 0 0 Butler W. T. N ... I I 0 Chapman Mrs. 2 2 0 Butterworth E. & Sons Ltd. I I 0 Charlewood Mrs. T o 10 0 Mrs. I I 0 Charlie, Phil, c' Johnny CIIIIIP· 076 Crift/es IIollle. o 10 6 Charlton 1\1r. 'Mrs. AI/el. 00 'Valter Call1f· I 7 0 Mrs. D. 5 1 I 0 49 Fund. £ S. d. Fund. £ s. d. ·CharIton :\liss Edith 5 00 Colquhoun Peter TI u Henry (special) 50 0 0 Constantllle E G. ['. C. MlSSi"ll. II o 50 0 0 Consterd'nc Cecil per ?-1 r" Coulho' n I 5 0 ['rev. oj C1'IIelty. 5 00 Constercline l{ .,'. ]. \\'. ptr ?-l r,. Cuulborn .. 07 6 .. :\lr. & :\1rs. John 33 0 Cook G<:,o. 1'. T I 0 0 Cheetham :\liss .. 5 00 Cooke Tho-. o 10 Chesters Mrs. C!IIIIP· 060 Cooper G H. o TO G Chevalier Miss .. I 0 0 l\1t~~ ClIIIIP· 2 IO 0

Chew Mrs. per :\1rs. Davies o 10 0 t. ,. Sell Side IIollle. 2 10 0 Child Misses o 10 0 Cooper P. H...... o TO 0 Child W.A. o 5 0 Corah l\lrs. per Mrs. II. T. Gaddum I 0 0 'Chorlton J. I I 0 Coulborn Mr. & l\Irs. \\I. 'I\'. 3 3 0 P. C. JIissiJ11. I I 0 Coward Mrs. per 1\Irs. H. T. GadduITI [ I 0 ~1rs. S. & Friends I I 0 Cowlishaw Mrs. per l\lisses \\'hile 8: f30yes 05 0 Christian A 05 0 Cox 'l iss Emily .. o 5 0 Christian Endeavour Society (\Vorsley) Ellligratioll. 05 0 Cradocks i\Il's. I IO 0 -Christie Chancellor 5 5 0 Cragg Miss 11. J. Call1p. 060 Call1p. 220 Craig J. 060 ,. t, 1'. C. J1Iissiol1. 5 5 0 rankshaw Miss .. I I 0 .. Chri tmas Offering" _. Cripples JIollie. 05 0 Crans\\ ick Mrs... I 0 0 Churchill W. S . 3 12 0 Cre>sy R .. I I 0 Clapham W. W. 220 Crcw Mrs. PI'ev. oj Cruelty. I 0 0 - Ernest A. Call1p. I I 0 Crcwd"Oil Alfred (spccial) 25 ;) 0 Clark W. J. 2 I 0 per Misses Davies 5 0 0 I I 0 r.w. I I 0 Clarke Geo. S. Prev. oj Cruelty. o 10 G Theo. per 1\lisses Davies I 0 0 Thos. per Mrs. R. B. Batty o 10 0 Crews 'IV. F. Camp. I I 0 \Vm. Prevo oj C1'lIelty. o I G Crighton 1\Iiss J'rev. oj Cruelty. TOO .. W. R. C... o 10 0 Sea Side HOllie . I 0 0 'Clayton F. W. I I 0 l\1iss and Mrs. Fnssell pcr liss Clayton 1iss per Mrs. R. B. Batty 05 0 Alice Leach .. Call1p. o G 0 Clegg James I 0 0 refton & Craven 2 2 0 )Jeville per Mrs. 0leville Clegg Traillillg Ship. 100 Crompton lIlrs... o 10 0 .. :'vlrs. Neville 2 2 0 Crook los. c Sons Prell. oj Cruelty. 2 2 0 :\1iss Jane.. 05 0 Cro fie'Iel John J.P. ClImp. I I 0 Mrs. I I 0 Crossley \\.. J. .. 500 0 0 -Clemenger ~lrs... 05 0 .. .. (special) 2 5 9 Clemson :\liss Erlith, Collected hy I 0 0 Crowther Jas. H. o 10 0 Clifton & Kersley Coal Co., Ltd. 220 Cunlifle J. W. I I 0 'Coates \Vm. :\I.R. .5... P. C. Missioll. 220 Mrs. o 15 0 Cockroft liss M. per Mi s Alice Leach Call1p. o 10 0 Cam!. o 12 0 Cohen Mrs. 100 Curnick II. D. 4 4 o olles ~liss !-lilda Cl'lpples IIOlllt. 100 Curtis l\lrs. per 1\Irs. Ne,'ille Clegg II o Colley :\Irs. D ... I 0 0 Cutler W. H. II o Sra Side JIollle. o 12 0 Collier Ed. Call1p. o TO (, Dakin Geo. Call1p. ITO Rev. G. H. o 10 0 Dal F. T. o 10 6 Thos. Camp. o JO G Sra Side IIome. o 7 G -Collins 1I1rs. per Mrs. Neville Clegg.. I 1 0 Darbishirc Mrs... I I 0 Mrs. Edward 2 5 0 Cl'i!ples IIome. 200 Opm Door. 100 Darby l\Iiss o 10 0 r 5° 51 Fund. £ s. d. Fund. £ d. Davenhill Mrs. per. Misses 'White 8:. Boyes.. Cltmp. 060 Davenport]. M. o 10 0 Downie Jack 8:. Christine Camp. o 10 0 Dowson :\[rs. II. E. Prev. of Cruelly. o 10 0 Davey Mrs. .. I I 0 Davidson Miss .. I I 0 Doyle r. T. Criffles IIome. Call1p. 060 Davies,Colley T. C. I I 0 D. T. S... Training hip. Ducie, Right Hon. Earl 30 0 0 Davies Mrs. " 10 0 0 Cripples IIome. 100 Duckworth B. c' Sons I I 0 C. per 1\1rs. Coulborn 2 2 0 :: Charles per Mrs. 'Davle~ . o 10 6 I I 0 T. Camp. o 10 0 i\liss per ]\I[ isses Davies 10 0 0 Ethel " o 10 0 Dugdale Irs. Cnfples'f[ome. 050 .. Dumfries .. 10 0 0 Sea Side llome. 050 1 unkerley C. C ... I 0 0 Davie~' 05 0 Dullon i\lr. c' i\Irs E. K 5 5 0 .. per Misses Dymond :\1 iss ophia per :\11'5. Beaumont o 10 0 .. V/inifred per Misses Davies o 10 0 Dyson A. K 0 Theo. H. 05 0 3 3 .. per 1\1 isses Davies 5 0 0 Da~'is E ... I I 0 Eadie Mr. 8:. :\Irs. Prevo of Cruelly. 2 0 0 John 05 0 Earle N. A. II 0 I I 0 l'rev. of Cruelty. I I 0 Cnffles HOIII" I I 0 Dr. Caml~' 060 Camp. 05 0 "' Earned in spare moments" .. 07 0 w. Selt Side llome. o 5 0 I~at~n Hy. Camp. o 10 0 o 10 0 .I.,. C. Sea Side llome. 2 10 0 Camp. De~~e Ml:~. T. .. o 10 0 o 5 0 Dearden Mrs. S. A. 2 2 0 Eccles Mr. 8:. 1\1rs. A. E. Emigratiolt. 5 00 Dehn R. C'lIIlp. o 10 0 E .. T... Camp. o 5 0 Dehn Mrs. . I I 0 Ede Mrs. per Miss Hurst 2 2 0 Camp. De Laney Mrs. 100 Edelsten J. Malin Camp. II 0 Delara Mrs. " 200 Edelston Alderman J.P. (Preston) 100 P. G. Mission. Denholm Dr. per Mrs. R n. Batty o 10 0 Edmeston G. D ... 100 .. Deva...... o 10 0 Edminson John .. o 10 0 Dewhurst G. 8:. R. Camf· o 12 0 Edmondson John] 10 0 0 Dewhurst l\l rs. Geo. 50 0 0 Edward Dr. 220 Dick E. EmigratiOIl. 200 Edwards Miss o 5 0 Dickins Thos. o 10 0 Egerton, The Hon. l\liss E. A. :\1. B. 12 o 0 200 E.H. 10 0 0 Dic'kinson '~Irs. ]. B. Prevo of Cruelly. I 0 0 Sra Side llome. I 0 0 400 EI~'renbach, Executors of the late Philipp 50 0 0 Ofm DnaI'. o 10 0 Ellam :\lrs. \Y. J. 8:. hildren.. .. Camf· o JO 0 I'. G. Miss/ol,. Dick~on \Ir r~: per '~1 iss~; Law~~nce o 10 0 Elliott J. :\-1.. J.P. 1 1 0 DJlworth J. 8:. Sons Camf· o 5 0 Day Nursery. 1 I 0 Dixon 1iss 500 Prevo of Cruelly. I 1 0 Dodd Henry .. 050 J>. C. .llission. 1 1 0 Dods, Ker 8:. Co Camp. o 10 0 .. Emus .... 4 .. 0 Donnell Irs. 220 Employes of Affieck 8:. Brown ea Side [Jome. o 12 9 Camp. Son~ Donnell i\[rs. per Miss Hurst 060 11. Bannerman 8:. .. o 12 1> Donsworth, Executors of Mrs: Mary' . I 0 Brookfield Aitchison 8:. Co. 1 5 0 Dove C. P. Junr. 20 0 0 Harrison c' Co. o 12 G Cripples HOllie. o 10 0 Henry 8:. Co. I 17 G Dow Miss " II " Dowling Mrs. pe~'Miss E. M. 'Wild :: I I 0 Hindley 8:. Co. Cnffles JIome. o 10 0 'n, ide }[ome. o Dow1Jng Mr . per Mrs. H. T. Gaddum o 10 0 Kay 8:. Co. 7 G 3 3 o :\Iaclat'en Bros. o 6 0

. _ 4___ _ _N~' ~ ~~ ~~ ...---.-...:..;~ ~;..::~--~~ _~....:.~--.:.:~ ~~.:\OOO :._~_. ~ • T_...... :...... •• ,. :-:.': •• : • 53 Fund. £ s. cL Fund. Employes a few, of Rylands c Sons Ltd. 1I~lIIe i s. d. Sm Sid,. o S 0 of S. Schwabe & o. per Mr. Flatleley Daniel 1., ] .P. Prev. oj Cmelty. 2 2 0 Brentnall Fleming ;\Irs. 3 I 0 2 IZ 0 Employes of Sparrow Hardwick & o. Fletcher Lavington E ... I I 0 Sea ide lIomf. 3 10 0 "" United l~ingdom Tea Co., Ltd., :\fi s CYiN/es lIome. 05 0 per Alfred E. Yates ...... E. F. Call1p. 060 o TO 6­ :\Irs. per l\Irs. Davies 2 2 0 E. R. COlllf· Erskinc Henry A. 0(,0 Camp. I 10 0 3 0 0 Thos. Cripples Home. 5 00 C'lIl1f· ~~ 0 0 Esther Thomas Call1p. I 10 0 o 12 0 E"ans James H. H. o 10 6 Mrs. o 7 ~ Flinn \V. II. 3 3 0 100 0 0 \Vm. & Co. Ca.lI/p. I I 0 Evington John l 2 0 J~mier'ttio}l. I I 0 o 5 0 " I, 1'. C. .1lissioll. I I 0 COllif· o (, 0 Flohr :\'lrs. per \Irs. Davies o 10 0 Fogg :\I:ss Fair Mrs. Talbot per 1\Ti s Alice Leach 100 Call1f· 0 Foote ":. C. Cit/liP· I 0 0 " "Tom 05 Fairbourne 1\1rs. 1 0 Ford, Gerard :.I. I I 0 Fairbrother Hy... o [0 0 Mrs. a 10 0 Fairclough J. J 0 0 Ford ;\fi,;s pcr Mrs. R. B. Batty o 10 0 "Faith" .. I r 0 For the Camp C"IIIP· I 0 0 Falconer \V. D ... I I 0 ." l"or the Rcfuge," Lytham 100 l'arrar T. L. o 5 0 " For the wee ones" 07 0 j'rev. of Crllclly. Miss o 10 6­ Foster Mrs. n. Le Neve 060 roo Call1p. o 10 6 Farrer Miss A. J. F~;h l'Iarv~y Farrer-Morgan l\Irs. I 0 0 rgiii c rIO Fausset Eev. Canon IO 0 0 Fow John Eo per l\Irs. H. R. Batty o 2 6 F. C. 200 Foxcroft :\Ii s per \Irs. Beaumont o 2 6 F. E. Call1f· o 5 Francis J. [ 0 0 Fennirg Alfred .. 100 l'rank Ernest 10 0 0 Ferguson John per ;\li s Hurst 500 " ., I I 0 2 2 c> Fraser \lrs. 5 00 Ferns Walter ...... Call1f· Ferrier J. S...... o [0 6 Crifples lJOIllC. 5 00 2 2 0 l!.JiIigrutiou.. IO 0 0 Few friends at Cunliffe Brook 8: Co. 'id~ Sea lfollle. o 1+ 0 FrienJ A JO 0 0 Field Mrs. per 1\lrs. Neville leg-g .. ]~. Fildes Mrs. per ;\11'5 H. T. Gaddum .. I 0 0 per Leonard Shaw 5 00 Jos. I 0 2 o 0 " J. per l\Irs. H. T. Gaddum " 1 0 0 100 Fines, Grand Jury, per 1. R. Bridgford 5 0 0 100 (,\rts t' Crafts E,hibition) .. Fritz Eeiss 5 I I 0 05 0 .110 0 05 0 J. H. 1'. Leresch J.P. I~JJli}~l'atioll. l\filne-l~edhead J 3 0 10 0 0 """" R " [ Ii> CriNles Home. I I 0 Fisher Dr. p I' 1\1i s Alice Leach 3 Call1t· o 5 0 o 10 0 " G. F., J.P" 1'lev. of Cmrll)'. " \V. n. per Miss Davies I r 0 Sea ide l[Ollle. o 10 0 Fitton Richd...... o I 0 Call1p. o 6 0 Fitzgcrald Talton II. 200 o 10 0 F.]. H. COlllf· o IO 0 060 o 10 0 o 10 0 F.L. Crit/lrs 1I01lle. o 10 0 per Mrs. Bowman Prev. of Cruelty. o 2 6 Call1f· o 5 0 " Mrs. Davies o 2 6 54- 55 Fund. S. d. Fund. s. d. £ £ o 10 0 Friend Camp. 06<> Gillies F. Archer o 10 0 Friend at Smedley's Hydro Emi/!rlltiolt. 60 0 <> Gillies Mrs. per 1\liss May Bickham .. Girls in General Po~t Office Liverpool per Friend A, A. P. per i\liss lIurst Camp. o 9 0 Miss E. 1\I. Brads!law 05 0 " (Bury) 5 0 <> Girls'Earnings towards Emigration Exp., A. B. Emigration. I 15 0 Friend C... .. [ 0 <> o 10 0 at Farewell :Vleeting .. Emi/{ratioJl. o 10 0 """""" 1\1. F. A. K. o 12 0 A, P. F. \Y. per Miss Hurst .. ClImp. I 0 <> A. S. 05 0 A little ...... Sea ide IJome. o 12 0 R\V. o 5 0 Friends at St. Annes Hydro .. 0- o 5 10 10 0 Friends at Annual Meeting .. EmigratiOJl. o <> G. i.' A F;:iend ".. 5 0 0 Friends Cail/f· o 12 0 Gleave J. J. per Mrs. Hugh Stevenson at Cl'llmpsall Park (for special tent) Callii'. o 10 0 5 5 <> .. Gl~nalb);;l " }';mil):' 2 0 0 " at Victoria Station 5 <> o 200 Frodsbam Friend [I 0- .. Glossop " 060 Cripfle; J[ome. o 10 C> Callii'. Fr~m Beatri~'e 00 .. " EmigratioJl. o 12 0 Goddard T. B. 5 .. From Farnworth, the 's~ving~'of a l'i;tle o~~ Godson Mrs. 200 2 2 0 gathered borne" ...... 4 S Goetz arlo From Readers of "The Christian" per Morgan Goldschmidt P. I I 0 B. i\I. F C. lIlission. I I 0 & Scott ...... 0 Goodier Miss 5 o· 026 .. From cotland "...... 10 0 0' Goodier Mrs. per Miss E. iVI. Wild 100 Fullager \,y. P. per Miss Alice Leach Call1p. o 10 o· Gcodman The Misses .. 00 Fynney, Executors of the late lVII's. ExtensioJl. 2000 0 o· Gordon Mrs. Eliz. 5 Gorden Mrs. per Miss Aliee Leach Call1p. o 5 0 Gottschalck & O. I I 0 Goulden's Miss Pupils .. o 12 0 Gaddum & o. o 0' 5 Goulder, Sybil, John, Humphrey, Robin, G. H. 1 o 0 Mercy. Colin, & Clare o 15 0 H. T. per Mrs. H. T. Gaddum 20 0 (» Gow A. IT. 1\1. Call1p. 060 Mrs. S. o 0­ Galbraith & Co... Graham 1\lis H.. F. I 0 0 J 3 o· 1\lrs. Eliz. 100 Galloway John Junr. 50 0 0 \Y. c· Co. 220 Mrs. John 5 0 0­ Gray Geo. I I 0 EllligmtioJl. 5 0 O' l\liss per i\lrs. Coulborn .. I I 0 2 2 <> " .. 1\1 rs. per Mrs. Bowman .. Prev. oj Cl'lle/l)'. o 10 0 Galloways Ltd. l'rev. oj Crllclt)'. 2 D- o 10 0 Gannon 1\lrs. CIIIIIP· o () 0­ Thos. Green He,·. Conrad o 5 0 Garnett Jer., J.P. .. ]'} ev. oj Clilelt)'. o 10 C> . II. Call1p' 060 Garnett Stewart, J.P. .. .. II <> 00 Gaskell The Misses per i\Iiss O. Hertz Sea Side Ilollle. o 10 <> " 1\Iiss Je sie G. 5 CIIIII!. I I 0 Gautborp Miss CriNles JIollle. 0 Greenall Ed. o o 10 6 G. A. \Y. EUII/!J'lltioll. Greenwoodl\Iis J. 5 0 0­ Sea Side HOllie. 060 Sea Side 110mf. 5 0 Q. Greenup R. o 5 0 G.B. 2 2 <> Greg Bros. c' O. 33 0 Geldart AIrs. per ;\lrs. H. T. Gaddum 2 2 <> o 10 0 Gibbon Sydney .. Call1p. 060 Gregory 1\lrs. J. A. I I 0 Gibson Joshua .. o G 0 Gregson ;\11'$. Crijjles HOllie. 05 0 Gilbert J. II. TOO 2 '2 0 Gilbey \Y. & A. r [ 0> Gresham James .. Mr~. \;Y.•. !'.III/f!ratioll. 060 Gill Frank .. CriNles IJomc. 200 Grieves per \V. E. CIIIlli'. 07 6 " J. W. I 0 GrifTlths Grimkc 1\11'5. per Miss lIurst .. I I 0 .. Jos. Wm. o 5 0> 56 57 Fund. s. d. Fund. s. d. 'Groome :\lr5. per :\lr,. R. B. Batty .. £ £ Grove Ed. 0 5 0 fIardcastle Ed. 2 2 0 :\11"s. 0 5 0 [lardman's :\[is Pupils I 5 0 I I 0 ({ard wick ;\1 rs. 0 10 0 per :'Iliss :\[ay Bickham \Y. G. I I 0 J Iargrave Geo. I 0 0 50 0 0 Harker Mrs. G. I 0 0 Sea Slife HOII/f. 8: Whitnall 5 0 0 P. G. Missiol/. I 0 5° 0 0 Ellllgrtliion. I 0 0 }'rev. of Crueltv. Hari~nd Grundy:\lrs. . \V. per :\liss Carlisle 1 I 0 \ ...,t D. II 0 :\Iiss E. B. 0 10 0 I-larling John II 0 I I 0 Harmer George .. I 0 0 R. A. CtllI/p. Ol 0 0 IT arper :'Iliss A... Emigration. I 0 0 Guardians of Chorlton Union .. Emi!!ratioJt. Guest & Brookes 25 2 0 0 I[arper ;\1 rs. .. , I 0 0 C.III1P· Chas. 0 5 0 IIarri-; i\JISS per ;\lrs. H. 1. Caddum II 0 :'11 iss 0 12 0 Jlarrison, Grillln & Co. II 0 0 10 0 D.IY Nursery. II 0 G. W. \Y. B. Call/p. I 0 0 G"o. Call/p. I 0 0 H. A. I 0 0 'H .•\ \Vellwisher 0 0 1\1:: s Annie I 0 0 0 10 0 1,.8: Co. S 0 0 IVltitowerII. 0 10 0 I'. Call1p. I 0 0 I'. C. Mission. I 0 :\Iiss I 0 0 Hack Daniel, J.P. (Brighton) .. 0 Hackett Mrs. S 0 0 :VI". 0 S 0 Hackett 1'. Sandy 0 10 0 T. Calli/'. 0 II 0 0 10 0 l[ar;;'ood Sir J J. }'rev. of Cmelly. II 0 Hacking Percy " Haddock Mr. & Miss I 0 0 Hassell Thos...... , .. II 0 Call/p. 0 J5 0 Hawkins Canon per ;\j iss Alice Leach Call1p. 0 5 0 Hadfield Ceo., J.P. 1'. C. lIlissioll. ., lladfield :\liss :'Iiary 2 0 :II iss .. ',a Side HOlllc. 2 2 0 5 0 0 Wm. II 0 Hadwen Jos. l'rrv. of Cmelfy. lfaw~rth IIaffenden \ V. I-I. I 0 () .\rthllr H...... II 0 I ragan j\Jiss ](ate () 10 0 .. i\liss per !'II iss \Vhitworth .. 2 0 0 Haig Mr. & Mrs. 0 5 0 i\.. 8: O. 5 0 0 2 0 0 1<. C. <'I: f-J 8: Co 0 10 0 Haigh Mrs. per Mrs. Davies ITayi~y Hall Miss F. C... 0 5 0 :\liss per :\[bs Beatrice ](enyon II 0 CIIIIIP· 2 I1a~'ley 0 0 .. John & Co. 2 0 :\Jiss I:migration. S 2 2 0 H. B. G ... 0 10 0 .. J. per :\Irs. H. T. Gaddum I I 0 Heald \Y. )/. 200 0 0 :\Irs. & her little on Call/p. Halliday James .. 0 (, 0 Heape Benj. J P. 5 0 0 Hallidav :\Iiss l~ate 5 0 0 Prevo 0/ Cruelly. 0 10 0 Emigration. I I1e~'rd II'.' I r. 0 0 lJalhwell j\[rs. 0 0 5 Halliwell Mrs. & Friends 0 12 () HeatOn :\1 rs. per \Iisses "'hite 8: Boyes 0 10 0 Cripples IIollle. 0 10 0 Heaven :\liss 100 0 0 Hallworth \Y. per Mrs. R. B. Batty .. Halstead Irs. 0 5 0 Heelev :\Ir5 J relen 0 10 6 Hamill Dr. & ;",1rs. 0 10 0 Hellawell :\[rs. .. 0 10 0 2 2 0 T. Call1p. 0 10 0 f{amilton :\'Irs. per Miss May Bickham llell~ Hamil ton i\1 rs. 0 lO 0 :'I Irs. Elijah per i\1 rs. Hugh Stevenson 0 10 0 ea Side IIolllc. 2 2 0 S L 2 2 0 Hammond Mrs. per Mrs. Davies .H~'nderson 0 S 0 :\J iss .. I 0 0 Hancock J. Call1p. Hankinson Geo. I-I. 0 ') 0 llepwonh B. G .. Call1p. 0 12 0 Hanna Colonel & Mrs... 1 0 0 Herbert illrs. I 0 0 Ca/llp. S 0 0 Call1p. I 0 Hannay :'Ilrs. per Miss Alice Leach crt'~ 'lis'~ S~ll 0 5 0 H A. per Mi;s 0 Hertz Sidc I-lollle. I 10 0 Fund. (1- Fund. £ s. d. Hertz Mi~s per Miss O. Hertz .. £ ea Side !Jome. o 10 0- Hincksman \V. JI. per l\fiss Alice Leach Call1p. II A. T. per l\1iss O. Hertz o 10 0­ 00 " " Hinmers \Vm. .. 5 A. T. Prevo of CYllclltI. (i I 0 " per Ed. ,ett Side HOllie. o 0 Olga 100 I I 0 1\1rs. per l\1iss O. Hertz Sea Side !Jome. Hinrichsen S. 2 0 o· H.M. Call1p. o 12 0 3 00 Hi cox James .. .. o 10 0 Cripples !Jome. 5 0 o· 05 0 II~'rve)' '~1iss 'per ~'frs. Neviile legg Hithersa 1\frs. per 1\1rs. Hugh Stevenson 100- Hockin, I{aby . Beckton Prev. of Cruclly. 5 00 11'. l\fiss May Bickham o 10 220 Hesketh John Hodgson 1\ l rs. o 10 Call1p. 2 2 0 Hewlett per Mrs. Call1p. o 10 0 I I 0 Heyman I-I. Cn/plcs HOlllc. Prev. of CJ uclly. o 10 O· 5 0 0 Heywood Arthur II. (special) .. 5 5 0 " (Poulton-~e-F)'lde) o 10 0 Cripplt,s Ifali/I'. 5 5 o· liss 1\lunel I'. 07 0 Sea id,' lliJllle. r 0 o 10 6 " Rev. R. , C l'rcv. "f Cmelly. Camp. 2 10 Qo I [ 0 has. J., J.P...... Hodgkinson Samuel, J.I ., C. . 10 0 O· Holdsworth Mrs. .. .. 200 " per Miss O. Hertz .. Sea Side lIolllc. 100- I 10 0 Geo. \V. Holford 1\liss Call1p. I o O· 100 Mrs. per 1\1r . R B. Batty I [olgate James ...... o 2 (i. Holland 1\frs. S. per Miss Holland Crifples IIollie. o 10 0 Hout. Calli/'. o G o 200 0 0 W.W. \Vm. Executors of late o I ()o Holiings S. & E. Sw Side HOllie. o 10 O· " " Calli/'. o ) I 0 0 Heyworth F. o· Hollins Mis Eo .. Call1p. Calli/'. o o· I I 0 Miss Holt E...... ,' ,'. .. o 10 ()o o 5 0 IIi kson, Lloyd, & King " The Misses per 1\'lIss Allee Leach <1l11f· I 0­ 0:0 0 Higgin, Lloyd, & o. 1\1 I'. ppr Mrs. Beaumont. . I e­ I I 0 Higgins 1\frs. (Her ford) " Jas. T. 2 10 o IIoole 1\[rs. o 12 F. Platt, J.p., .. Call1p. o 10 0- 5 0 o " II. .. l~mj{!J'afioll. (» o 10 0 IIiO"ham Jo .l 0 Hooton 1\1r. per Mrs. Harold Lee Sea Side JIollle. o 5 o :2 0 0 Miss (Cheadle) JI pe:\l rs. Calli/>. r 10 o Call1p. o 1_ 0 apm Dool'. II o 1\lis Katie o 12 0 2 2 o· II~pkinson John. ... 5 0 0 (Blackburn) CliNics !lollle. I 0 ()o 00 .. Highfield" " 1\1 iss Gertrude CriNI,'s !lOlliI'. 4 Call1p. o 12 o S,'<1 Side 11ome. o 15 0 Iligson J. & P ... I 0 o Hork'heimer E. I I 0 " J-lmes Junr. 1'rev. of CI lieU)'. r 200 Hill Miss Annie .. <> Horr e}tS 1\lis' [ o J[orsef,cld Re\·. lC. J. 100 ,'" Side ][oll/e o 6 o J'rfv. Cruclly. ~ 2 0 Gomes & Co. Horsfall 1'. C., J. l'. (1 r Qo I 0 Ililler 11y. i'. C. Jfissioll. 5 o 0 ir W. H. Bart. 1\I.P... 5 00 1'. C. Jlissioll. I 2 2 0 1\lrs. II. o 0 nay N IIrS(1 y. Call1p. o (i O· 2 0 Tfdterman Bros. (special) I (). o 10 0 ] lilton J... Howar'~h 1\li s" .. o (j. rIO Irs. 7 1[ow Thos. 5 0 0­ Howell Bennett R. i'lCv. OJ Crllclly. I I 0 Prrl'. oj CII/ell)'. I I 0 Hoyle lsaac J.I'...... _ .. .l 3 0 Call1p. [ 0 (» 2 2 0 Ilineksrnan Miss E. G. per Miss Aliee Leach " 1\1 rs. per 1\1 iss Beatnce h.enyon o 5 (~ I o 0 L. F. " W. o 5 0- Call1f· o 12

• --~. -. _ .....~...... u...... -. •....-.....:-...... _~_~_~._~~_ ••• _ =_. "...... :.'. ". ..' .' :.: 60 F"Lmd. £ s. d. Hoyle W. E. Cam/,. II. T. l r 0 Fund. £ s. d }:migralioJl. 25 0 0 J efferis 1\1 rs. Call1f· o G 0 Hudson Sydney .. Calli/'. Jepson 1\lrs. Huffam Rita 8: Dorothy 220 100 Hughes l\liss .... 05 0 Je~~'ison 5,'lI 'ide ][011I<'. 200 rIO 1\r';s. per Miss Alice Leach .. Call1p. Mrs. \V. J-I. per :'I1rs. Bowman o 10 0 Prev. oJ Cl'llclly. <) ro 0 Jewsbury T. & F. j'rev. of Crl/ell)l. r r 0 H. G... .. Hu'lme Cl~~s. o 5 0 J. o 5 o· I r 0 J. II. per l\lrs. Anson I I 0 lIIiss Cripples IIullle. "John 8: Dorothy" Hurst C. J. per Miss I-furst 2 2 0 ClIlllf· o 12 0 2 2 0 Johnson :'IIi s Sea Sid,' TIomr. 05 0 :'IIrs. per l\1iss 1T urst A. Mi s 2 2 0 Cilillf· o ro 0 220 Jas. 2 10 0­ Call1p. Peter H~;tchiu~~n Jas... 2 0 0 r 10 0 o 5 0 l\lrs. per :'Ill'S. :\eville Clegg 2. 2 0 Miss per :'Ilisses \Vhite & Boyes o 5 0 Richard r r o· \V. H ... 25 0 0 Illing-worth Irs. per Mrs. Davies JonesJ... .. Industrial Brigade, Grant from rIO 05 0 roo 0 0 " l\Jiss per Mrs. BC\\l1lan .. !'rrl'. nf Cl'llrl/.1'. o ·TO 0 Ingham Mrs. Executors of the late 50 0 a C. E. Sea Side llollle. o 10 6 InglesGn Miss E. 1\lrs. In Memoriam o 5 0 o ro 6 I 0 0 1 1 a In Memoriam of my birthday .. o 10 a CriNles 11ollle. r r a In Memoriam July 29th, .. Crippcs !TOIIIC. r <) 0 In Memoriam Sept. 20, I a 0 Sell Sidc HUllle. I 0 0 Call1f· r r a "" of Mrs. G o. Stevenson .. 800 T. E. per Mrs. I [ugh Stel'enson a ro 6 In Memory of dear Jessi ...... \V. Andrew SL"t Side lIJllle. I a 0 r r a In l\1emoriam, \iV G. per :'IIiss Carlisle .. Mrs... In Memoriam f Sally" o 10 0 r r o 100 \V. T. per l\1iss Beatrice Kenyon Tn Memory " .. .. 3 3 0 o ro 0 Joule Mrs. Irving Mrs. per Misses Lawrence + 2 0 CUlIp· Clllllf· 0 Irwin :'Ilrs. Eliz... 060 r ro 2 () 0 Joynson E. \V., J.t'. per :\lrs ]1. T. Gadclum 2 _ 0 Call1p. Pre1'. (1f CII/elt)'. Wilfred roo r r 0 1'. C. .lIissiulI. I I 0 I' C. .1lissiOIl. I r 0 1. herwood !Ilr~. per Miss Alice Leach Cllmp. o 5 a It. H. per :\Irs. H. T. Gaddum 2 2 0 J. S. 100 Jackson Daniel S., J.P. J. G. T. l ]'rcv. of Crl/cll)'. r 0 I:I1li.CJ"Cllh ll. 20 0 0 " Mr. & :\lrs. G. J. Y. o 5 0 ClIlllt· 060 James " J. W. C. r r 0 5 00 " .. C.r III}, aillf· 1 16 F. Harold per Misses Davies 05 0 05 0 Mrs. per :\liss R. B. Batty .. I(a) - huttleworth Sir l'. Bart. . o 5 0 2 2 0 per l\Iiss Alice Leach .. ](ay Thos. Cellll}. 05 0 o 0 " l\lrs. H. T. Gaddum ](eeling :'Ilis Jaffe & Sons r r 0 o a r r 0 " "A. o 0 J ame !\ rrs. 1\1. J. .. ](ee\'nc)' Alderman Call1p. o 10 0 rIO James Dr. Ex cutor of the late 07 0 " :\liss .. r r 0 Jardine Jas. J.P., the late (special) I

~ 82 Fund. £ s. cI. Fund. £ s. d. Elkin Bros. 04 0 McKeever Miss Pattie 04 0 Ensor Miss o I2 0 Mc Kerrow n. B. o I4 5 Enlicknap Frank o IO 0 Mills Miss Bertha Sea Side IIol/le o I6 0 Eyre 1\liss .. o I 8 Muirhcad & Sons T 0 II Falstaff Hotel 02 3 Nott Miss Jenny .. I I8 6 Fell l\liss Fausta I I4 IO Padmore Mrs. o 3 0 o I9 IO Findlaler & l\IacKie o IO 3 .\ . Palatine Hotel .. Fletcher 1\1 rs. Call1p. I 2 3 Palatine Insurance 0., per R. Albury. .. I 7 II Fox Hotel 095 Palmer 1iss Lucy, Box including New Year's Friend, A .. 026 Collection ., 6 IS 3 Frost l\Iiss Elsie.. 05 0 Parker & Sons (SI. Anns Square) I 6 4 Garrard \Ym. J no. o I3 0 " ,,(SI. Mary's Gate) I IO 5 Gibbon Mrs. o IO 0 Parkin on Mrs.. , 077 Grand Holel 04 0 Pollitt Mis Florrie o I4 0 Greenfield Miss Lillie o 5 6 Price Miss Emily o IO 0 Greenhalgh Harold G 3 II Pullin Mr. Call1p. 020 Grosvenor Boarding House Camp. 03 8 'Queen's Hotel .. .. o 5 G Grosvenor Hotel.. o I2 8 " " (Lytham) Call1p. o 3 2 Grundy The Late C. ,Y. per Miss Carlisle .. o IO 0 Refuge Boxes 2 3 7 Hnyes Jas. H. III IO Rostron Harold .. 039 Hearn Np.c1, Jack, & harlie '[ 0 0 Royal Hotel .. I 9 4 Holford Geo. 09 0 St. Annes Hydro .. Call1p. o 4 J Holt Mi s Florence Gilbert o 3 G Pier I I7 5 "Hopedene" (Box) IO I 0 Sanderson J. 02 5 Howson E. 02 4 'Sam's Chop House ...... II 3 HoyIe Miss o 5 0 'choolroom Box per Miss Hardman .. Sea Side IIome. II 6 Huff Emily & Annie o I 6 Scott Mrs.. o 5 () Jacks n G. B. Camp. I I4 II eed 1iss.. Camp. 2 2 I Jackson Miss 'ellie .. o I 10 Sharrett H. Camp. o 3 6 Jenkinson Mrs (Talbot l{oad) Call1p. o I3 0 Shelter 0l'm Door. o 19 0 Jenkinson Mrs. (South Shore) .. Call1p. o 3 6 'Silcock J ... o 4 IO Johnson \V. E. o 10 0 kinner Mrs. o I8 0 Jordan Miss o 9 II Smith irs. 05 0 KcelinR' r. w. Camp. 010 Smith's irs. hildren 05 0 Kelsall irs. 016 'omerset Miss Gracie o 5 0 King's Arms Hotel o G IO South ShOle Hydro. Camp. o I 8 J(jrtlands J. S. R. Call1p. o II :Speak 1\Iiss 060 L. &Y. Raihvav, Newton Heath 053 Speakman J. R. o IO 0 L. & Y. Haihvay, Victoria Station 080 'Star Hotel 3 IS 3 Lang The :lfisscs Call1p. 026 tatia J. R. o 2 0 Lean ;>'[iss Ethel.. 04 6 taehr Mrs. C. o 2 6 Lee A. H ... o IO 0 Stones I[ rs. 05 0 Lewis Mrs. o IS 0 Stuhbs George o 4 II London & Manchester Oyster o. o 10 6 Sugden Jas. o ] 7 Luce Mrs. I 5 0 Taylor Mrs. 05 0 Lytham Picr Call1p. 060 Taylor Miss S. A. 03 0 1anchester Coffee Tavern Co... o 12 J Teape- ascoigne T. WoO. 020 lanchester Hotel (Lytham) Camp. 08 7 Thatched House Hotel .. o I 8 Mayor D. & family 2 I6 (> Thomas's hop II~use .. o 8 4. McCall Miss Kina o 3 I Thorpe Mi s Nellie o 5 0 McEwen K. o I 4 Jfobias A. J. o 7 () 8+ Fund. s. d. 85 Tower Hotel i 0 6 7 Trafford i\Iiss Maud 0 Trevelyan Hotel .. 4 9 FAMILY COLLECTIONS. 0 4 I Victoria Pier (B1ackpool) Camf· 0 4 6 Victoria Hotel .... Fund. I:, s. d. 0 12 3 Family Collection per :- 'Walker Frederic J. 0 10 6 Ascroft Mi s Constance M. 0 4 0 II 0 Walmsley Miss .. I 2 0 Ashworth has. 0 I 0 0 \Vaterhouse Ii s G. I 8 0 Aston Ed. White Bear Hotel 0 8 0 0 6 5 • Daines 1rs. \Villcock & Jackson 0 15 10 I 3 7 Baynes i\Iiss i\1. 0 10 0 Willcock James .. 0 15 8 Beecroft Miss Jennie I I 6 'Williams Mrs. A. 0 17 0 Bellingham :\[rs. 0 Rev. T. G. I 6 6 Berry Jos. 0 7 " 0 0 " Miss A. J. 0 :t. 6 Birtwistle Jas. 5 '"' 0 0 WillisH.G. .. 0 0 Bourne \\lrs. 13 5 0 0 'Wine Lodge 0 2 8 Braddon Mrs. 2 Wolseley Restaurant I 10 0 0 14 4 Broadbent [iss T. 0 2 6 Camf· 3 3 5 Groadbent Miss Helen 'Worth & Co. 0 2 6 Camp. 0 I 3 Brown Miss Eliza.. 0 10 Wright Frank I I 0 Brown Florrie & Jessie 6 Burnley Jos. 0 I 4 COLLECTING Charlewo d Mrs. T. 0 3 0 CARDS. Clegg Mrs... 0 10 9 0 10 6 Fund. s. d. Clinning Miss S. E. Astley Fr d .. i t Collins Mrs. E. 0 14 0 0 3 9 o 10 0 Blackburn Miss Mildred 0 6 0 Corbett Mrs. John I 0 4 <> Burnley Jos. .. 0 6 Dent l\.Iiss Edith .. 0 I~ 0 Dawson \\liss Beatrice .. 0 0 Geill Miss Lilian .. 9 0 2 0 Edge Miss A. Cam/,. 0 0 Gibbons Miss Janet 7 Grnndy lVIiss Agnes A. Cripplcs H omc. 0 16 0 Grand Hotel Sca Side !II mc. 0 II 0 0 15 0 Hargreaves Fred Cnfples !Iome. I 6 0 " H." (Dewsbury) .. Sca Side Home. 0 2 9 Heywood \\liss Bertha.. 0 Hartley ,II iss Alice 4 3 0 13 0 Hunt Reginald R. 0 II Haworth l\Ii 5 Joan 5 0 10 6 Ianock Miss l\1. E. Crilfles IIomc. 0 I I [eathcote \\Irs. l\lorgan l\[iss Gladys :: 3 1[orrocks l\Iiss A... 0 -I 6 4 4 0 0 5 0 Oldfield Edward Junr... Camf· 1 0 6 Hurst Iiss Elsie .. 3 I 6 Price harlie 0 I 0 Kemp Francis I 8 0 ueen's Hotel Sca Sidc IJomc. I 12 6 l\enyon Miss Beatrice Edg~) 0 3 0 Queen's Hotel (Alderley I 8 0 Lever :\lrs... 0 3 H.iley l\Iiss ...... 0 16 Lister \V. 3 0 6 Rogers The Misses Crif/'lcs ITomc. 0 10 0 i\lc:\Iillan :\Irs. Royal Holel ~ Mitchell A. \\1. 2 15 6 Sea Side llome. 2 5 0 & 0 5 0 impson l\liss 'fabel Cnffles IIomt. 0 () 0 l\Ioore lIilda Ethel 0 6 Skemp Miss Annie E. 1'. G. Mission. Ioorhouse F. G. .. 5 5 6 0 I Ib 0 Taylor :\Iiss Mary Sca Side lleme. 6 )/ormanby, Altrincham Thorp Leonarll .. 4 7 Orr Mary Miss I 0 0 Calli/'. 0 q 0 I 5 0 Tinkler lIenry 0 0 II Parry Hubert ..w. .. .. Patti~on's :\1rs. Children .. 0 7 6 \Valker Freddy .. 0 II 0 0 I 7 Well Irs. S. J ... 0 0 Pearson Miss Maria 17 0 4 6 Wilson Miss A. E. I 2 6 Phillips Miss Lucy l~ailton Mrs. 2 7 9 Hamsb:>ttom Albert K. 0 4- 10 86 Fund. £ s. d. Fund. J, s. d. Robinson l\1rs. E ... 0 6 ~ Tbankoffering at Young Mens' :\leeting at RobinsorJ E. E. 7 6 0 3 4 Lytham per A. Speak ~hrigley Percy & 1\1'arion 0 5 0 Friends at ongregational Church per P. Skelborn Mrs .... 0 6 0 K Batchan .. Sea Side IIollle. 2 5 0 I 2 6 Smeal l\liss Etbel .. 0 ~ Some Scholars of \Vithington Congo School 5 I I 0 Smith l\Iiss Florence 0 1 6 Chorlton-cum.Hardy Congo Sunday School.. II 0 Sowerbutts Crompton .. 0 1 King I. Wesleyan Sunday School Haslingden 9 0 17 6 pencer Miss Florence E. 0 5 (> Melbourne SI. Congo :\lission Sunday School Thomas H ... 0 10 (> Collection at Flower ervice at Hoi y Trinity o 17 0 Uttley Mrs. 0 10 0 hurch Mossley per Rev. Jas. D. Ozanne Varley l\Iiss Louie·iT. 0 10 0 Mr. Taylor's Bible Class at Cox Green l\lill, 0 16 8 Wainwright Miss Elsie 1\1: 0 4 (> Bromley ross 'Walker Herbert .. 0 0 Sunday lass per Mrs. Milne.. Sea Side IIollle. 0 16 0 .5 ..J 10 6 \Vallworth A. E. .. 0 10 (> Bowdon Parish Church Girls' Sunday School 0 \Valton Mrs. 0 (> Sixth Class Boys Rusholme R.oad Sunday 3 0 10 0 Wells l\liss Eleano'r' K. II School per Thos. Bond Cripples HOllie. \Vhiltaker G. E. 9- 0 15 6 0 5 0 Sunday School Class per John S. Brayshaw Windebank Willie: : 0 10 0 SI. John's Monitors' Class, Accrington per 'Ihos. Harper ea Side HOlllc. 0 7 0 6 0 CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERTORIES, &c. Sunday Bible lass per ~,lrs. II. Gibbons .. Sf/I Side IIolllc. a Sunday 'Women's Bible Class Christ Church 0 Didsbury 0 4 Fund. £ s d. Open Door. 0 3 6 Collection at St. Paul's. I 16 2 Pupils of G';afto~'Hous~' Sch. 'per J. ~laxw~li " Wesleyan Mission Hall 0 3 5 .3­ SI. Thomas's Church Heaton bapel (s. cases) 3 a 0 Part of Christmas Offering at St. Paul's BAZAARS, SALES OF WORK, MEETINGS, &e. Halhwell . ' 2 16 .3­ ;, Refuge Sunday E~ening'Servi~~s ...... 2 15 10 Refuge Sale of Work Mess Side Baptist Church Juvenile l\lission· 'Whalley Range l~az:rar per :­ ary Society...... 220 Miss Beaty .. Stretford Congo School per Mr. Pass .. 200 M iss Bratt & l\liss l\1. Bratt Brun wick '[reet Pres. Sunday chool :: I J9 .3- Miss Crighton Whall~ Range Presbyterian Church Juvenile Miss lIine & l\liss D. IIine MISSIOnary Association .. 17 II Miss Humphreys ethesda Anniversary Collection Cnffles IIollle. 15 7 Miss Rowlinson St. Mary's Sunday School, Crumpsall per Miss enior, } Miss 'Willcocks, Refreshments Rev. R. Catterall .. 9 0 89 Fund. £ s d. Fund. £ s. d. i\Ie~ting, Ent[rl~inmrnt Procel'ds of Eccl s including Proceerls of pC:'r I'rice L-OX, Aldernl~n \Vilkinson £5, Dr. So~thanl.£5 EmigYati.JJt. 18 0 3 Fr~nk Harrell c \\'alter i\lol.neux o 10 0 Proceeds of Farnworth meeting mcludll1g Net Proceeds of Concert .. 19 18 2 Dr. Clarke £r, Jas. Scrimgeour £1, C, ipl1,s JIiJlllc.-2':l5 4 8 14 2 3 Part proceeds of Sale of \Vork held at Burn- Alfrl. Topp. J.P. C C., £10 ., Proceeds of ~I acclesfield meetlDg :.. II 6 0 side, Cheadle, 1 ov. 1st, 1893 Cripples JIJllle. 5 0 0 l'Jaslinaden meeting Itlcludlng Neuberg Sale of Work...... 32 0 0 'john 'SCOlt £I,"Alfred Smethurst£3 .. 10 12 2 Band of J\indne. s Help Fund per Eccle5 Sale .. " 16 17 3 Proceeds of Bowdon meeting includmg \V. S~le of 'Work per Mrs. \Voll~ ton, S,'a Side HOllie. 10 15 0 0 H. ) orldington £5 9 4 Proceeds of Childrens Bazaar per P. K. 8 4 II Batchan Proceeds of Sale meetlDg . 9 18 3 .. Tottington meetmg ". .. 5 2 7 Proceeds of Sale of 'Work per Miss Patchett's horiton-cum-lIardy meetIng .. 4 16 2 Iupils Cripples 11ome. 8 0 0 .J .. \\'ithing-ton meeting 4 8 0 Children's Bazaar per Erlith and Daisy 4 4 9 Earning-ham Accringtoll meetlllg 7 13 6 Urmston meding .. .. 3 16 2 Sale of \Vork per Miss l\Iay Southam and Northwich meeting including A. friends Cripples 11ome. (i 10 0 l;'letch~r £1/1/-, J. 'Iough w/- .. 3 14 10 'Part proceeds of Sale of Work per Mrs. Scott 6 0 0 3 88 Children's Sale of Work per Miss Lean Proceeds of I're;toll i\je tinC( . '. . ". .. 4 0 0 m etina at Dock ~llsslon Itlclud­ Sale of Work at Girls' Club per Misses ;~g 3 8 0 Smith & 'Walmsley L."l) Nott[I, !llr.Hooley £1 3 0 0 noys 1\1l1s;cal [)any at P,lYJ1lOll Lytham 3 I 9 Sale of \"Tork per Mrs. DeLaney 3 0 0 3 I 8 Chilrlren's Sale of Work per Misses Mavon­ Proceeds of Prestwich meethlg- .. H.usholme meetIng 2 17 3 kian, Phibbs & Parker Call1p. I 10 0 ~j Children's Bazaar per Misses Minnie E. I{ay, " .. 11lgher Broughton New hurch meetillg' . 2 II I & Lilly Cheetham...... Cripples Ilome. 'I 0 2 5 0 Children's Bazaarper Mi~ses Edith Williams, Proceeds or \\'arrington meeting Pendleton ~Jeellng 3 12 10 Florrie Turner & Edith Scholes .. 0 6 0 .. Npw Isling-t.,n meeting .. 0 19 6 Children's Bazaarper MiseesMinnie Langford " l\larple meeting .. .. 0 6 9 & Lucy alvert 0 5 0 0 5 3 Children's Bazaar per l\Iiss onstance, & :: St. Phillips meeting, Hulme Dukinfi<:1d illeellng 0 10 0 Doris L. \Vharton .. 0 2 6 Garden Bazaar per i\Irs. Parkinson's children Cripples Home. 0 2 0 Proceeds ot Entertainment at Holy Innocents CONTRIBUTION TO ORPHAN HOMES. Scheols, Fallowfield,by Mi Bayley and £ s. d. friends 24 9 0 ollection at Camp Sperls Camp. 4 6 6 lr. and 1\lrs. Leonard K. Shaw: Collected by:- Bradford Colliery Co. (spcCl

SUNIM \RY OF COl TRIBUTIONS, 1893. i . ~..

£ s. d. General Purposes, including ubscriptions, Donations, Collecting Cards and Boxes, Bazaars, Entertainments, Christmas Subscriptions for 1893 after the Offerings, and Church and Sunday BOOKS FOR THE YEAR WERE CLOSED. School Offertories, for Refuges, IIomes, and Orphanages ...... 6276 8 5 I-lome for Crippled and Incurable Children Fnnd. £ s. d. Fund 7 Fisher G. F .. J. l'. Prev. oj Cl'1Ielly. I I 0 Emigration Fund 6 o 10 6 Leaf Alfred Training Ship Fund 102 I I 0 2 o Lindop W. 05 0 Sea ide Camp Fund 49+ 15 II Palian Irs. Orphan IJames. I I 0 ea ide Home Fund ... 347 16 8 Pollil Jas. W. 220 Prevention of Cruelty to Children Fund !I5 13 o "Wilson \Vm. & Co. Police Court and Prison Gate Mission Fund 8+ 16 10 Day ursery Fund II 10 0 'Vhitsuntide Treat Fund II I o Proceeds of Musical Meetings 17+ 6 10 "Christian 'Vorker" o 10 0 Extension Fund ...2000 0 0

£10,907 11 9 97 96


Write to the "Secretary," Frances Street, Strange­ ways, fora COLLECTING BOX GI FTS. and collect what you can by December 31st. We have' very pretty boxes. Or, if you prefer,- I ASK FOR A COLLECTING CARD and one will be sent by post. DonatIOns.0 f Clothing, new or second-hand, or . t' ,ill be most Ifyou think you can collect £15 to support a child, or useful articles of any descnp lOn, VIi £10 to cover the Emigration expenses of one child, . d As the children, from three write to the Secretary, and he will send you the photo­ thankfully receIve . graph of one. It would be a happy thing to feel that to sixteen years of age, b 0 th boys and girls, come you were thus the means of the rescue of "one such little child." to us needing everything, there is hardly any limit to the way I'n which the work can be helped Or, send us any article that you can spare, and that can be turned into money for the benefit of OUP work; forward. such as jewellery, pictures, articles of virtu, &c. Last, but not least; when you see or hear of a poor wretched, neglected child, don't give it a copper and pass on ; stay a minute and enquire into the case, and ifyou cannot bring it to the Refuge, send us the name £200 per week required to carryon the and address, and the case shall be visited and, ifpossible, permanently helped, various operations of the Institution. And, above all, when enjoying the comforts of your own happy home, breathe a prayer for poor homeless children, and for those who ape working among them!

LEONARD E. SHAW, lIo1l SeT. 99 98


Ordinary Bundles 5s. rer hundred. Ditto, dipped in Resin 6s. Elich blllldle malles tinct' fires. l Fire-Lighters .. 203. per thousand...... Each olle IIll1kes II ji,.t. We invite our friends to tl'Y this Fil'ewoocl.


Made ill the ]oiller's Shop at Ihe Slurllge<:'lIys Rt/lI,e. Step Ladders (latest style) )~ed Tables. .. Clothes Maidens. Eed Rests. Curtain Stretcher I"rames. House-maid,' Boxes. Knife Boxes. Book Cas s Linen Cupboards. &c., cc.

All kinds of Plain and Fancy Tables a::d Glneral Joi"ery \Vork.

SHOEMAKING, TAILORING, & PRINTING, I ALL THELR BRANCHES. OUI' pecial [IIl1slurled PI icc List 011 applicatioll. Samples of the products of workshops ,\ may be seen at the Refuge Depct, Gre3.t Ducie

A Post Card, addressed to "The Superintendent, Refuges Street, cornel' shop of New Sui'ding, w:lere the and Homes, Strangewa) s," for any of these five departments Committee invite a call. will have prompt attention. 100 THE T\\"ENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL HEPOI T

OF 1'111': MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BOYS AND GIRLS' REFUGES FORM OF MONEY LEGACY. ANlJ ( CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY, • STI\AI\ G c\VAYS, :\1,\1'\ Cl-IESTER. I bequeath to the "MANCHESTER AND SALFORD Boys' AND GIRLS' Trustees. REFUGES AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY," established in Manchester. HERBERT PHILIPS, Esq., J.P HENRY HARLTON, Esq. ISAAC HOYLE, Esq., J.P. \Y. J. ROSSLEY, Esq. the sum of £ free of legacy duty, to be applicable for the HENRY LEE, Esq.. T·P. I [{ICHARD B. TAYLOR, Esq. general purposes of such Society, and I declare that the receipt of F. W. CROSSLEY, Esq., J.P. LoUIS M. HAYES, Esq. the Treasurer or other proper offi-::er for the time being of the said LEONARD K. SIIA\\'. Society shall be a sufficient discharge for the same. Committee. W. J. CROSSLEY, Chairman. ILIlERT R. KIRLEW JOliN TIIO~ISO". TMIES HOYD. R,CIIARD B. TAYLOR. Tllos. It. ACKROYD. LOUIS M. HAYES. ALFRED HAWORTH. LEONARD E. SIIAW. Form of Gift of Freehold or Leasehold Property. Honorary Secretary. LEONARD K. SHAW, Broom Holm, heetham Hill, And at the R~fllf'(, StJ'nllf.[eiI'llYs. Honorary TreasureI'. HENRY CHARLTON, Esq., Ria kfriars Street. [May now be given by Will to a Charity under Statute 54 and Honol'al'Y Medical Officel's. 55 Vic. cap. 73·] ANDREW BOUTFLOWER, Esq., Great Ducie Street. I give to the persons who at the time of my decease shall be the ROBERT H..ODGER, Esq., heetham Hill. property Trustees of the MA 'CHESTER AND SALFORD BuYS' ANI> Honol'al'Y Den tist. GIRLS' REF GES AND CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY established in Man­ \YILLIAM 1;II1AS, Esq., chester, my freehold ~or leasehold} property consisting of [shortly Honorary Solicitol's. ;'Iressrs. FARRAR 8:. 0., Fountain Street. describe it] situate at in the County of Honorary Counsel. free of succession or legacy duty [which duty A. C. MABERLEY, Esq. J. ;\1. YATES, Esq. I hereby direct shall be paid out of my general estate] and I direct Secretary. that such property and all moneys arising therefrom shall be \Ym. EDMONDSON. applicable for the general purposes of the Society. Superintendents of Central Refuge. i'llr. &. Mrs. ~;;. A. WOOD. Ba;lkers. WILLIAMS DEACON 8:. :\lANCHESTER &. SALFORD HANK, Limite:!. St. .\nn Stre t Branch.

j\.lANCIl ESTER. Boys' Refuge Printing Department, Strangeways, Manchflster. BOYS' REFUll-E, PRINTING DEPARTl"IE)J'T, STI~A:"l'GEWAY.. 1895.