An Evaluation of the Fishery Resources of the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
University of Connecticut OpenCommons@UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station Resources 5-1975 An Evaluation of the Fishery Resources of the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Biodiversity Commons, Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, and the Water Resource Management Commons Recommended Citation Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, "An Evaluation of the Fishery Resources of the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut" (1975). Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. 50. Bulletin 435, May '975 3 7 An Evaluation of the Fishery Resources of the Thames River Watershed, Connecticut Edited by Richard L. Hames Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection STORRS AGRICULTURA L EXPERIMENT STATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RE SOURCES THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, ST ORRS. CONNECTICUT 06268 • EDITOR'S FOREWORD The Thames River system is located in a section of southern New England that has escaped the extreme alterations of the industrial revolution and later urbanization. It has, unfortunately, suffered the consequences of dam construction causing the disappearance of anadromous fish, and industrial and domestic pollution which degraded water quality in some areas to a marginal fisheries habitat. Enough unspoiled areas are left, unaltered by dams, pollution and the developer, to reward the knowledgeable observer with a glimpse of what it was and what it could be again. As part of the program for restoration of anadromous fish to the Thames River system, it was decided to make a general biological survey of the system to document present conditions .
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