William Peace University Athletic Department COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Table of Contents:

WPU Athletics Resocialization Plan Page 1 Department Goal Education Program Page 1-3 Athletic Staff 1 Student Athletes 2-3 NCAA Phases of Resocialization Pages 3-7 Pre- Phase I 4 Phase I 4-5 Phase II 6-7 Phase III 8 WPU Testing Policies Page 9-11 Testing prior to campus arrival 9 Symptoms 9 Positive test for Covid-19 Page 9-10 Who do I notify? 10 Contact Information 10 Return to Play after a Positive Test 10 WPU Athletic Trainers and Athletic Training Room Page 12-13 ATR PPE 11 Training Room 11-12 Tracking Magnus 13 Practice Protocols once during and after Resocialization Page 14-17 PPC 14-16 Hermann Athletic Center 16-17 Facilities Pages 17-19 Fay Jackson Anderson 17 Auxiliary Gymnasium 18 Fitness Center 18 Stable 18 WPU Complex 19 Dual Sport Athletes Page 20 Office Spaces Page 20 Locker Rooms Page 20 Laundry Page 21 Team and Individual Meetings Page 21 Tryouts Page 21

Intercollegiate Competition Page 22

WPU Athletics Resociliazation Plan for COVID-19 The intent of this document is to demonstrate and communicate William Peace University’s preparation and implementation strategies for the safe return of athletics staff, coaches and student-athletes to campus and athletic activities following the COVID-19 pandemic. This departmental plan follows WPU’s Wellness Center COVID-19 Plan as well as the direction of the Senior Leadership Team. This document is subject to change should there be new recommendations, guidelines, or best practices prescribed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), the National College Athletic Association (NCAA), WPU institutional policy, the USA South Athletic Conference, and/or state, local or federal governments. Dates are also fluid and subject to change.

WPU Athletics Department Goal The goal of this resocialization plan is to demonstrate the preparedness of the WPU athletic department and its ability to uphold all recommendations and guidelines set forth by all agencies listed above. All recommendations are focused on the safe return for all athletics staff, coaches and student-athletes while providing a positive educational and athletic experience at WPU. The WPU athletic department will continue to work diligently for the return of all WPU Athletics to campus and athletic activities as safely as possible, while also ensuring that the safety of the WPU campus and local community are paramount.

Education Programs EDUCATION FOR ATHLETIC STAFF All staff must complete an online COVID-19 training session. Human Resources has assigned all employees the following tasks to complete prior to returning to on-campus work:

"Coronavirus Awareness" training in SafeColleges training portal - To Access: https://peace-nc.safecolleges.com/login (username is your WPU email) ​ COVID-19 Checklist for Returning Employees - To Access: Log into Paycom via MyPacernet or the Paycom app and click on the "Bell" icon in the top right corner.- This checklist includes the employee's signature for our 1) Checklist for Returning Employees 2) Employee Community Health Standards - See Appendix A

Human Resources will follow up with VP's to make sure that employees are complying with these guidelines and completing these tasks.

All travel requests will adhere to the COVID-19 WPU Essential Business Travel Policy for ​ Faculty and Staff. This document will be updated once official policy for travel during COVID is finalized. See Appendix B (when complete)


All student-athletes must read, acknowledge and sign the WPU COVID-19 Return to Campus Guidelines document prior to participating in team practices. The document can be accessed through the student Magnus Health portal, which will be available to the entire student body. The document details: Requirements for all students, Additional Requirements for ​ Residential Students, COVID-19 symptoms checks, Testing for COVID-19 protocols, Notifications students must make should they feel ill, Testing Before Returning to Campus policy, Contact Information, and a section of understanding and acknowledgment that must be electronically signed.

In addition, students can access the University Covid Education website to view an informational video featuring President Ralph: https://covid.peace.edu/ There is also a Covid ​ ​ communication page available for student reference: https://covid.peace.edu/communications/. ​ ​ The athletic training staff will access Magnus Health to monitor student completion of the educational document. Furthermore, athletic training will disseminate any new COVID-19 information as it becomes available from the CDC, state and local government, WPU administration, WPU Wellness Center, NATA and the USA South. Athletics will utilize all forms of communication to update information including but not limited to: e-mail, team meetings, social media, virtual meetings, Sports Information communications, website updates, coach to student-athlete communication, group texts, posted signage, and personal conversation.

Athletics does assume there is a risk of contracting COVID but not all sports create the same level of risk. According to the NCAA, “The risk assessment has now been updated below ​ to include all NCAA-sponsored sports, including both winter and spring sports. Importantly, this risk assessment differs from the National Federation of State High School Associations and the Olympic and Paralympic Committee and also may differ from state/local risk categorization guidance.

Low contact risk: bowling, diving, equestrian, fencing, , rifle, skiing, , ​ , track and field.

● Medium contact risk: acrobatics and tumbling, , beach , cross ​ country*, gymnastics, softball, triathlon*. ● High contact risk: , field hockey, football, ice hockey, , ​ rowing, rugby, soccer, squash, volleyball, water polo, wrestling.

Page 2 * The level of risk in cross country, track and field and triathlon are dependent upon the student-athlete’s proximity to other unmasked individuals. For example, the start or finish of a race may involve a group of athletes who are breathing heavily in a group space with a breakdown in physical distancing.”

“All student-athletes must be provided an opportunity to opt out of participation ​ due to concerns about contracting COVID-19” Such a decision will not affect the students eligibility nor their status with the athletic team. https://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/media-center/news/diii-administrative-com mittee-approves-blanket-waivers-participation

Pre-Phasing Requirements Each WPU student-athlete will be required to complete all necessary documents listed on Sportsware Online (SWOL) as well as Magnus Health. Each student-athlete must complete all necessary documents as instructed by the Athletic Training Department as well as the WPU Wellness Center in order to participate in the WPU Resocialization Phases.

Phases of Resocialization to Sport WPU will closely follow the CDC, NATA, NCAA, institutional, government and public health guidelines on implementation of this plan. Guidelines are based upon current recommendations and are fluid and subject to change. Progression of phases will be determined by the Head Athletic Trainer and the Director of Athletics in conjunction with the WPU Wellness center based upon COVID spread, meeting all sanitization measures, and continuing proper PPE as instructed in each phase as well as institutional requirements. All student-athletes and coaches will be required to follow these phases as they are listed. There may be a need to delay a particular team from advancing phases, however there will be no opportunity for any WPU athletic team to advance phases earlier than instructed below.

This plan is in accordance with NCAA recommendations as they are outlined in the Core Principles of Resocialization of College Sports, which can be found here: http://www.ncaa.org/sport-science-institute/core-principles-resocialization-collegiate-sport-devel oping-standards-practice-and-competition

Page 3 PRE-PHASE 1 ● All WPU students have been asked to limit exposure environments and interactions for 2 weeks prior to the move-in dates assigned to each student. Student-athletes have also been asked to limit this exposure 2 weeks prior to their individual move-in dates. Student-athletes have been educated regarding social distancing, hand washing and wearing of masks. ● Athletic Training staff and the WPU Wellness Center will continue to monitor students upon their arrival to campus but daily screenings will not begin during move-in ● The duration of Phase 1 will last 14 days and will be scheduled for 14 days prior ​ ​ to the start of each sports NTS fall season. ○ VB/WSOC/MSOC/XC - August 17th ​ ○ BSB/SB/WLAX/MLAX/TN/SWIM/T&F - August 31st or pre-approved ​ date. ○ MBB/WBB - September 14th ​ PHASE ONE STIPULATIONS ● During this 14 day phase, each student-athlete will be required to complete a daily symptom tracker from Magnus Health. The form must be filled out by ​ 2:00 PM each day in order to be cleared for any type of athletic participation, including but not limited to practice, use of the Stable, use of the PPC, use of the gym. The athletic training room will be available to students, who fail to comply, at the discretion of the athletic trainer. ■ Labeled “COVID-19” in the Magnus Health mobile App ■ WPU Athletic Trainers will have access to the mobile App to ensure each student-athlete completes the list daily ■ Athletic trainers will be able to monitor every response including ​ daily temperature checks. ■ The head athletic trainer will provide a list of all students who failed to fill out the Magnus Health form. That list will be provided to athletic administration. Sports supervisors or the athletic director will notify coaches that a student-athlete did not fill out the form. ■ Coaches will contact the student-athlete to inform them that they will not be able to participate in athletic activities that day. ● Failure to fill out the form by 2:00 will not preclude the athlete from filling the form out later in the day in order to maintain their 14-day resocialization phasing. The 2:00 restriction applies only to athletic activities for that day. The information below details the steps students must take to move from Phase I to Phase II of the NCAA Resocialization process.

Page 4 ○ If a student-athlete misses 1 day of compliance, they will have to add 1 more day to phase 1. This means they can start phase 2 on September 1 not August 31st. ○ If a student-athlete misses 2 days, they will have to add 2 more days to phase 1. This means they can start phase 2 on September 2 not August 31st. ○ If a student-athlete misses 3 consecutive days of monitoring at any point during the 14-day period, the student-athlete will have to restart Phase 1 from Day 1. (Subject to change should the athletic department see a pattern of abuse of the protocol.) ● All high risk student-athletes will be identified by the athletic training staff and will be more closely monitored. HIPAA and FERPA guidelines will be followed. These student-athletes may require a longer resocialization process to ensure the safest possible return. ● Physical distancing will continue with all activities and proper PPEs will be used where appropriate and necessary, following WPU policy. ● Any team meeting should use a virtual option or be held with appropriate numbers and spacing indoors or outdoors. Recommendations from the Athletic Training Department will include virtual or outdoor meetings with proper spacing and PPEs. ● Coaches should schedule virtual one-on-one meetings whenever possible. In the event a student-athlete requests an in-person meeting, it should be scheduled in an office or campus space that allows for social distancing. Masks will be required. ● Athletic training personnel and the coaching staff will remain vigilant in monitoring the team's personal hygiene practices and the sanitation of athletic equipment. ● WPU athletic staff, coaches and student-athletes will be continually updated regarding COVID-19 news and policies through all information distribution channels (ie emails, calls, text, social media, signage etc). ● The PPC, Hermann gymnasium, the Stable, and the softball field will be available on a limited basis during Phase I. Strict limitations on numbers, types of drills, spacing and equipment must be followed. Details of open gym restrictions can be found later in this document. Any and all failures to adhere to the restrictions will result in immediate termination of the privilege.

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PHASE II ● Phase II will begin only if Phase I has been implemented successfully, as determined by the Head Athletic Trainer and the Director of Athletics in coordination with the WPU Wellness Center. ● All high risk student-athletes will be identified by the athletic training staff and will be more closely monitored. These student-athletes may require a longer resocialization process to ensure the safest possible return. ● Phase II will last for a duration of 14 days. If successful: ​ ​ ○ VB/WSOC/MSOC/XC - August 31th ​ ○ BSB/SB/WLAX/MLAX/TN/SWIM/T&F - September 14th ​ ○ MBB/WBB - October 1 ​ ● During Phase II athletic training staff will continue to monitor student-athlete compliance with Magnus Health protocols. See Phase I stipulations above. ​ ● Phase II will allow coach-organized practices to begin. Medium risk and high risk teams will add daily on-campus, in-person temperature checks in order for students to be eligible to practice on the scheduled practice day. The temperature check does not replace or negate any compliance with the daily Magnus tracker. Students must still comply with the Magnus check prior to 2:00 PM in order to practice. ○ Swimming and Tennis are low risk sports and will rely solely on the daily Magnus report. No additional temperatures need to be taken. ○ Coaches of medium and high risk sports will take daily temperatures on practice days. Track and Field will also participate in daily temperature checks due to the nature of the close affiliation with Cross Country. ○ Each coach will be provided with a digital laser thermometer. ○ Each coach must provide the head athletic trainer with a schedule that details how they will conduct daily temperature checks on their day of practice. The plan should take group size, time and place for temperature checks into account. The schedule should ensure that students come at separate times so as to avoid crowding the space. ○ Coaches must come to campus to conduct temperature checks for Saturday and Sunday practices. ○ Special considerations must be made for Baseball. ■ The athletic trainer (with assistance from PPC staff) will take the temperature of all baseball players on the day of practice. ■ The baseball coach must design a schedule that will accommodate his team and the training room staff. ■ Coaches must come to campus to conduct temperature checks for Saturday and Sunday practices. ■ This plan is tentative and will be reevaluated after the first two weeks of baseball practices.

Page 6 ○ Special considerations can be made for commuters on a case by case basis as determined by the Coach, Head Athletic Trainer and Athletic Director. ■ Virtual temperature checks may be used if necessary ■ Other verifiable methods can be utilized if necessary

● Phase II will consist of 3 separate 2-day practice sessions that occur over a 10-14 day period. The 2-day practice sessions will be designed to separate team members into smaller groups that do not intermingle. Over the course of Phase II, teammates will gradually integrate team members from smaller sub groups to larger groups and the activities will increase in intensity during each 2-day session. The sub group sizes will be determined by the coaching staff based upon sport, venue, practice area, roster size, and health and safety input from the athletic training staff. ○ 2 practice days of no contact practices ■ Conditioning, non-contract drills, etc. while maintaining social distancing ■ Ball sharing IS allowed ■ The different groups will NOT change during the practice day and will remain as separated as possible in the practice space ○ 2 practice days of small contact ■ 10 athletes or less OR 50% of the roster (depending on overall team size) ■ Ball sharing is allowed ■ Contact drills are introduced ■ The different groups will NOT change during the practice day and should remain as separated as possible in the practice space. ○ 2 practice days of medium contact ■ 15-20 athletes in each group ■ Ball sharing and equipment sharing is allowed ■ Contact drills are allowed ■ Small groups competition is introduced ■ The different groups will NOT change during the practice day and should remain as separated as possible in the practice space. ● Athletic training personnel and the coaching staff will remain vigilant in monitoring the team's personal hygiene practices and in the sanitation of equipment before and after practice. ● Continual education of WPU athletic staff, coaches and student-athletes of COVID-19 news and policies will remain in all forms of information distribution channels (ie emails, calls, text, social media, signage etc). See ab

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PHASE III ● Phase III will begin only if Phase II has been implemented successfully, as determined by the Head Athletic Trainer, the Director of Athletics in coordination with the WPU Wellness Center ● All high risk student-athletes will be identified by the athletic training staff and will be more closely monitored. These student-athletes may require a longer resocialization process to ensure the safest possible return. ● Phase III will last for a duration of the practice schedule ​ ○ VB/WSOC/MSOC/XC - September 14th - final Fall 2020 practice ​ ○ BSB/SB/WLAX/MLAX/TN/SWIM/T&F - September 28 - final Fall 2020 ​ practice ○ MBB/WBB - October 15th - November 20 -final Fall 2020 practice ​

● During Phase III athletic training staff will continue to monitor student-athlete compliance with Magnus Health protocols. See Phase I Stipulations above ​

● Athletic practices will be allowed to return to full contact, full team practice. ● Continual sanitation of personnel and equipment will remain vigilant see above ● Continual education of WPU athletic staff, coaches and student-athletes of COVID-19 news and policies will remain in all forms of information distribution channels (ie emails, calls, text, social media, signage etc). See above. ● Daily temperature checks will continue until further notice.

Non-Successful Completion or Regression of WPU Resocialization Phases If criteria are not met within each Phase, WPU Athletic Training staff and WPU Athletic Administration will make a determination of progression or regression within the phases. This decision will be made in conjunction with the opinion of the WPU Wellness Center. At any point, whether at the end of a phase or in the middle of a phase, the WPU Athletic Training staff and Athletic Administration can make the decision to halt progress of a phase to maintain the safety of all staff, coaches and student-athletes of each athletic team.

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WPU Testing Policies

Prior to Campus Arrival

The WPU athletic department will adhere to the testing of the University. “At this time, the CDC is not recommending that students get tested before returning to campuses. As such, WPU is not requiring “return to campus testing.” We also recognize that getting testing before returning to campus may catch a number of asymptomatic cases and help protect our community. If you have access to testing, we do support your option to get tested and await results before returning to campus this fall.”

COVID-19 symptoms ● Watch for: Fever (temperature of 100.4 or above) ● Chills ● Cough ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ● Fatigue ● Muscle or body aches ● Headache ● Sore throat ● New loss of taste or smell ● Congestion or runny nose ● Nausea or vomiting ● Diarrhea ● Call 911 if you experience: Severe difficulty breathing, severe and persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, blurred speech, severe dizziness, any other severe symptoms that are concerning to you Testing for COVID-19 ● Students may use their own primary care physician for COVID-19 testing if they desire. ● Students may find free drive-thru COVID-19 testing in Wake County by visiting https://covid19.wakegov.com/testing/ ● Contact Health Services if you prefer a referral to a primary care for testing. Positive Test for COVID-19 ​ ● If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify the Wellness Center immediately at [email protected]. ● Students who test positive will be asked to go home if they are able. Students who are sick and not able to return home will be isolated in an on-campus space as capacity allows. Students who need to quarantine will be asked to go home if they are able. ● Isolation: separates people who are sick with contagious disease from people who are ​ not sick. If you need to isolate, please notify the Wellness Center immediately at Page 9 ● [email protected]. We expect isolation will typically last 14 days, but could be shorter or longer depending on the circumstances. The Health Center will notify a student of their end of isolation date. ● Quarantine: separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a ​ contagious disease to see if they become sick. These people may have been exposed to a disease and may not be showing any symptoms. If you need to quarantine, please notify the Wellness Center immediately at [email protected]. We follow the CDC guidelines and require that you quarantine for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19. ● Even if you test negative for COVID-19 or feel healthy, you should quarantine since symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. The Health Center will notify a student of their end of quarantine date. ● Continue to complete a daily Symptom Assessment Tool on the Magnus Health portal. ● If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and have been tested and are awaiting results, you must be in quarantine until a negative test result is received. ● If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you can be with others after: - At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared and - At least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved. Notification ● You must notify Health Services ([email protected]) ​ ​ - if you are experiencing any flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms - with the results of COVID-19 testing from any healthcare providers ● You must give consent for Health Services to notify appropriate campus offices (Residence Life, Academic Affairs, Athletics, Public Safety, Dining, Human Resources, etc.) about your quarantine/isolation status. Your diagnosis will not be shared but general information will be used to ensure your basic needs are met and for public health purposes. ● You must keep your professors notified of your quarantine/isolation status ● Health Services will notify students when they are cleared to return to class/gatherings/dining hall, etc. Students must not return to class or engage in gatherings without clearance from Health Services.

Contact Information ​ ● Health Services: [email protected]; 919-508-2502 ● Counseling Center: [email protected]; 919-508-2163; 919-508-2018 ● Disability Services: [email protected]; 919-508-2163; 919-508-2018 ● WPU Public Safety: 919-833-2277 ● WPU Residence Life and Housing: [email protected]; 919-508-2078 ● Student Support Coordinator: [email protected]; 919-508-2004 ● Wake County COVID-19 Information hotline: 919-856-7044

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Return to Play after a Positive Covid Test

Athletes who have tested positive for COVID-19 will be allowed to return to campus after they have met the qualifications to return to campus (10 days in isolation after first onset of symptoms or of test and at least 24 hours asymptomatic). If the athlete was put on any medications Rx by a doctor the athlete must be off of those medications for at least 24 before phase 1 can begin. After those qualifications have been met the athletic training staff will initiate a gradual return to play protocol. This will be similar to a return to play protocol from a concussion progression. The student-athlete will be under close monitoring for each phase with an athletic trainer. If at any time the student-athlete starts to develop symptoms (excessive fatigue, continual coughing, increased HR, decrease in BP, lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, etc) then the athlete will stop the protocol for the day. They must remain 24 hours without symptoms to begin again and they will need to go back 1 phase once symptoms have stopped. ● Phase 1: This will last a duration of at least 2 days. Minimal physical activity will be ​ advised and conducted with the athletic trainer. This can include ADL, going to call, structured walks with ATC. ● Phase 2: This will last a duration of at least 2 days. Light activities will be monitored by ​ the athletic trainer. These can include jogging, brisk walking, stationary bike, etc but cannot include resistance training yet. These activities can last up to 30 minutes but no longer. ● Phase 3: This will last a duration of at least 1 day. Moderate physical activities will be ​ monitored by the athletic trainer and can include, jogging, running, basic movement drills, calisthenic type exercises but still no resistance training. The activities should be performed from 30-45 minutes but no longer than 45. Adequate water breaks and rest breaks need to be provided.

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WPU Athletic Trainers and Athletic Training Room (ATR) The WPU Sports Medicine Team (team physicians, associated physicians and WPU athletic trainers) maintain “unchallengeable autonomous authority” to remove any person (i.e. student-athlete, coach, staff, visitor, etc) from ANY facility if they report or appear to be symptomatic. The WPU athletic training staff also reserves the authority to deny services to any student-athlete if they do not adhere to the COVID safety protocols. WPU ATHLETIC TRAINING PPE ● While in the clinic the WPU athletic trainers will wear both an N95 mask and a medical grade mask on top of the N95. ● The N95 mask must be replaced weekly or when it is deemed ineffective, whichever comes first. ● The medical grade mask (Surgical Grade 3) on top of the N95 will be replaced daily. If the athletic trainer goes on break or attends a practice, they will be required to replace the medical mask. ● Face shields will be provided at an athletic trainer’s request. ● Since the CDC and WHO have both indicated that surface contact transmission remains low, gloves will not be required for clinic use. However attentive and continuous cleaning procedures will be followed by each athletic trainer. ● If an athletic trainer has practice coverage outside, the athletic trainer will be required to wear the medical grade mask within a distance of 12 feet or less of athletes, coaches or personal athlete equipment (i.e. balls, water bottles, coolers). N95’s will not be required outside, however they will be provided upon request. ● If an athletic trainer has practice coverage inside, that athletic trainer will be required to wear an N95 and a medical grade mask on top at all times. WPU ATHLETIC TRAINING ROOM ● Location: PPC ● Student-athletes, coaches and staff who feel ill SHOULD NOT come into the ATR and should immediately contact the WPU Wellness Center telehealth along with the teams athletic trainer via phone/email. ● The ATR will operate on an appointment only basis with limited capacity. Each athletic trainer should not have more than 2 athletes that they can see at a time to maintain social distancing practices and sanitation principles. ○ The only exception is on days (ie Saturday/Sunday) when only 1 team is in the athletic training room for treatments,then the athletic trainer can allow up to 4 athletes at a time. ● All student-athletes must complete the 3 Daily Tasks before entering the ATR ● Facemasks will be required for ALL who enter the ATR (student-athlete, coaches, staff). No exceptions. ● Before entering ATR, all visitors will be required to use the hand sanitizers located by the door or wash their hands before entering.

Page 12 ● Rehab, treatment, and modality equipment will be cleaned by the athletic trainer after each use. ● Hot pack covers will be washed daily and will be sprayed with sanitizer after each use. Towels will be single use only and will be washed daily. ● Every 2 hours the athletic training room will do a “deep cleaning” using a fogger or mister with sanitization. ● Cold/Hot Hydrotherapy will be TBD ● The ice machine will ONLY be used by athletic training staff. It will not be open ​ for coaches or individual student-athletes to use.

TRACKING Magnus and Student Compliance

Since the Magnus Health app keeps a historical record of all of the daily responses, the WPU Athletic Trainers will simply record a check-list showing completion. ○ When an athletic trainer is taking a temperature and pulse ox, the athletic trainer is not required to record the result. The AT will record the fact that each measurement was within normal limits. ● The WPU Athletic Training Staff will coordinate with the WPU Wellness Center in creating fast lists/rosters in Magnus Health to easily see who has and who hasn’t completed the daily “COVID-19” symptom tracker. This information will be relayed to the specific coaches before 3:00 PM. Students cannot practice if the Magnus app is not complete prior to 2:00 PM.. ○ Because this information on Magnus Health app has protected information for each athlete, access is available only to the medical staff, and not to the coaching staff PRACTICE PROTOCOLS All teams will adhere to the Phasing procedures as stated above. Student-athletes will be provided two WPU face masks by the University. A WPU gaiter mask may be provided by the Athletic Department at a later date. WPU is still awaiting definitive proof that the gaiter mask provides adequate protections. Student-athletes will not be required to wear a mask while actively practicing but will be required to wear a mask when talking with a coach, athletic trainer ​ ​ or manager during transition or breaks. Student-athletes will be required to wear a mask before arriving/entering the field/court/track/pool. ,

Coaches will be required to wear an approved face mask during practice. Outdoor coaches must create a 12-foot social distancing protocol in order to remove the mask. Assistant Coaches and Head Coaches will maintain social distance from one another throughout all interactions. Coach to Coach communication will require the use of a mask anytime they are indoors or unable to accommodate the 12-foot social distancing rule. Coaches will be required to wear masks at all times when practicing in indoor venues.

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Each student-athlete will be required to complete the Magnus self reporting app until the season is over. Coaches will be required to check and record their temperature on a daily basis before coming on to campus or working with student-athletes off campus. Do we add in here thay ​ coaches will be doing checks on the day of practice and about the taxi service??

Pacer Performance Center The WPU Director of Strength and Conditioning will follow all institutional, governmental, and public health agency requirements and guidelines regarding the implementation of workout sessions, PPC capacity, shared equipment and sanitation measures. PPC Temporary Restructure ● WPU Athletic Training Department will move into half of the Pacer Performance Center (temporarily). ○ DB/Cardio side of building will be vacated and become designated AT space. ○ Rack side of the building is to be outfitted with essential training equipment; and designated a PPC space. ● To accommodate this move: ○ A barrier will be formed along the indoor track using DB racks, jerk blocks, AT cabinets. ○ Non-essential training equipment is to be removed and placed into storage. ○ Designated equipment will be moved to the 24-Hour Fitness Center, and outfitted for general campus population (*subject to change based on Senior Leadership discretion). ○ An outdoor “sail shade” will be constructed above the outdoor patio area (used as training and AT space). PPC Facility Operating Procedures: ​ ● Athletics Only facility (temporarily). Keycard access will be exclusive to Athletics ​ staff members (with exception of institutional maintenance staff, public safety, and senior leadership). Any users who are not student-athletes must first receive prior approval from the head strength and conditioning coach. ● All individuals must sign a new liability waiver, which will include acknowledgement of COVID safety guidelines, prior to facility usage. ● All weight training sessions (voluntary or designated practice) must be monitored by an Athletics staff member. ● All individuals are required to wear a mask while using the facility during Phase 2 of Coronavirus restrictions. Mask usage will be reevaluated according to any change in state regulations or recommendations. ● Users must provide their own water bottles.

Page 14 ● Facility will be open 8AM to 8PM, Monday through Friday for voluntary ​ ​ student-athlete use. Weekend hours of operation may vary from week to week based upon current usage and demand. ● Designated Entrance and Exit must be used at all times (specified by Associate VP of Buildings and Grounds) ○ Entrance: Street-facing single door (where keycard scanner sits) ○ Exit: Patio-area double-doors (adjacent to softball field) ● Facility occupancy matches CDC phase and institutional guidelines (specified by Associate VP of Buildings and Grounds). ○ Phase I: Facility closed, essential personnel only. ○ Phase II: Indoor = 10, Outdoor = 25. ○ Phase III: Indoor = 25, Outdoor = 50. ● Doors will be propped open and lights on throughout hours of operation to maximize fresh air flow and relative humidity standards (humidity ≤ 60%). ● Athletics staff/FWS students will manage facility occupancy, entry and exit areas, and routine cleaning of area and equipment.

PPC Training Session Management: ​ ● Group size counts should include all parties in the facility at the time of use (i.e.: student-athletes, staff, etc.). ● Limit or stagger training groups throughout workout blocks and/or alternate training days per week. ● Small buffer period will occur between each individual/group to allow for cleaning of open training spaces (5-10 minutes). ● Use outdoor training spaces whenever possible to limit indoor occupancy. ● Spotting: avoid person-to-person contact with the use of bar catches inside racks and the two-spotter technique.

PPC Cleaning & Sanitation Procedures: ​ ● All cleaning equipment is to be provided by WPU Maintenance department. ● Facility cleaning will occur every hour, wiping down all surfaces and commonly shared pieces of equipment, including but not limited to: medicine balls, dumbbells, kettlebells, weight belts, bars, and plates. ● Bottles of disinfectant will be provided at each training station to allow individuals to clean up after themselves when finished using equipment. ● Hand washing will be promoted before and after facility use, hand sanitizer will be provided at entrance and exit. ● Sanitizing mist machines will be used hourly

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Hermann Athletic Center The Hermann Athletic Center will be a shared facility between academics and athletics until further notice. Academic classes take precedence and class times are listed below. Athletics will not enter the Fay Jackson Anderson Court during class times. The gym will be open for student-athlete use at the times listed in the chart below. Facilities will set up the gym for academic classes Monday through Friday mornings. Athletics will not use the gymnasium for any purpose prior to the start of classes each day. Athletics will prepare the gym for student-athlete use following the end of the class schedule each day. Key card access will be provided to athletic administration, coaches, professional staff and designated captains/leaders only. Team captains/leaders will have key access to Hermann from 6 PM to 11PM Monday through Thursday and 12:00 noon to 11 PM on Friday through Sunday The gym will be closed at Midnight every night. Public Safety will lock the gym every night..

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Sat and y Sun

Academics 8am-11am, 8am-3:45p 8am-11am, 8am-2pm 8 am-11am No classes 2pm-3:30p m 2pm-3:30p m m

Team 4pm-7pm 4pm-7pm 4pm-7pm 4pm-7pm 4pm-7pm 4-7 PM Practice has priority

Open 4:30 PM- 2:30 PM- 4:30 PM- 2:30 PM- 11:30am-Mi 8 AM - Hours if no Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight dnight Midnight team practice in session.

* hours are subject to change once the volleyball schedule is confirmed.

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Herman Athletic Center Gym Rules Prior to Coach-led Practice

General ● Fay Jackson Anderson court is to be used by WPU men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball student-athletes only. All other requests for gym use must be approved by athletic administration. ● No athletic staff or student-athlete shall enter the gym during any academic class. ● Gym Capacity will be limited to 12 student-athletes at any one time. ● Masks must be worn at all times while working out in the gym. ● Athletes must adhere to all social distancing guidelines including but not limited to: o No contact drills o Remaining 6 feet apart at all times o No high-fives ● Athletes must comply with sanitization guideline including but not limited to: o Use of hand sanitizer before and after a workout o Spraying and wiping of all balls and equipment before and after use ● No pick-up games or scrimmaging of any kind at any time. ● Before an Athlete can utilize the facilities, they must sign a form acknowledging that they will abide by rules set in place by WPU athletics ● Coaches are responsible for making sure captains or another appointed representative will be present in the gym to supervise ● A captain, staff member, or appointed representative must be present at all times to enforce social distancing regulations and sanitation procedures. ● In the event an athlete is found in violation of these rules that sport will forfeit its gym access for two weeks. ● Captains will keep a log of student-athletes who participate in the workouts and they will hand the log into the Facilities Coordinator (Jamaal Stokes) on Monday mornings ● Equipment must be retrieved from and returned to the team locker room before and after each session. Coaches and captains will have exclusive access to the team room. Remember, team rooms are to be used for storage only until further notice ● Student-athletes must immediately comply when Public Safety closes the gym, even if it is before the stated midnight time. Occasionally, Public Safety may be involved in more pressing matters and may have to close the gym earlier than midnight. ● Before an Athlete can utilize the facilities, they must sign a form acknowledging that they will abide by rules set in place by WPU athletics

Volleyball ● No more than 4 socially distanced athletes on either side of the net at once ● Athletes must sanitize the nets and poles before and after use ● No more than 10 volleyball players in gym at any one time.

Basketball ● No more than 3 socially distanced athletes at a basket at one time ● No more than 3 student-athletes can utilize the shooting machine at one time

Page 17 Auxiliary Gymnasium The Auxiliary Gymnasium will be utilized as a classroom until further notice. The classroom desks will not be removed from the gymnasium at any time during the Fall 2020 semester.

Hermann Fitness Center The Hermann Fitness Center will be closed until at least Friday August 28 due to COVID 19. The athletic department is working with Facilities and Academic to develop a plan to promote a safe workout environment for the student body. Intramurals and Recreation

Stable The Stable will be available for Softball and Baseball players under the following conditions: ● Stable Rules ○ No more than 15 athletes can utilize the indoor facility at a time. ○ Other athletes must remain outside until those above filter out ● The garage and back doors must be open when more than 6 are using the facility. ○ Box fans must be on to aid in air circulation throughout the Stable. ● Athletes using the facility must utilize the sanitation equipment after use, Including: ○ Spraying , , and tees down ○ Using own bats/gloves/helmets ○ If sharing a bat is necessary, must be sprayed down in between uses ○ Using hand sanitizer before and after session ● Athletes must wear masks at all times. ● Athletes must follow Social Distancing directives on the floors while utilizing the facility. ● A captain, coach, or appointed representative must be present at all times to enforce social distancing regulations and sanitation procedures. ○ All individuals supervising must watch the instructional video regarding sanitation and enforcement of social distancing rules before they can oversee sessions ○ If the supervisor does not enforce the rules, they will lose their monitoring privileges and use of the facility may be shut down for all athletes of that sport. ● Athletes must sign up using the GOOGLE Sheets Form ○ Coaches are responsible for making sure captains or another appointed representative will be there to supervise ● Before an Athlete can utilize the facilities, they must sign a form acknowledging that they will abide by rules set in place by WPU athletics ● Athlete usage will be tracked and they must sign a log in sheet located in the Stable before each session.

Page 18 WPU Softball Complex

Masks must be worn at all times in the dugouts or when social distancing is not possible on the field. ○ Coaches must remain 12 feet away from other players/individuals when instructing without a mask. No more than 8 individuals in a dugout at a time. ○ 4 with bags on the fence ○ 4 with bags on the bench ○ Other team members will social distance along the first base and third base fences and/or in designated areas Athletes sanitize all softball equipment before and after use, including: ○ Spraying softballs and tees down with sanitizing agents. ○ Sanitizing bases ○ Using hand sanitizer before and after practice sessions Athletes MUST use their own equipment, including: ○ Helmets ○ Gloves ○ Bats ■ If sharing a bat is necessary, it must be sprayed down in between uses No more than 15 in a grouping (to be discussed with athletic training and in adherence with the athletic resocialization policies); separate sites include: ○ Right Field Bullpen ○ Infield ○ Outfield ○ Cage ○ Left Field Bullpen Athletes must bring their own water bottles and supply enough water for practice sessions. Before an athlete can utilize the softball field, they must sign and acknowledge the rules set in place by WPU athletics.

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Dual Sports Athletes

“All student-athletes must be provided an opportunity to opt out of participation due to ​ concerns about contracting COVID-19” Such a decision will not affect the students eligibility nor their status with the athletic team. https://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/media-center/news/diii-administrative-committee- approves-blanket-waivers-participation

The student-athlete will dictate their participation preferences by sport and shall be able to do so on a week to week basis.

All student-athletes have been allowed 114 days of practice for each sport in which they participate. If they choose to participate in two sports, they must complete all three phases of NCAA Resocialization for each sport. An individual student-athlete will be allowed a maximum of 6 practices per week regardless of the number of sports played. Dual sport student-athletes must not participate in more than one practice session per day. The student must have at least one day a week off from any sports participation, including but not limited to team lifts, team meetings, virtual meetings, practices, one-on-one meetings, group led activities, etc. Coaches of dual sport athletes must communicate with each other on a daily basis if both sports are practicing in the same week. A list of all dual sport athletes will be provided to the NCAA Compliance Administrator prior to the start of practices.

Office Spaces ​ The coaches offices in the Hermann Athletic Center, Stable, and Den have a maximum occupancy number approved by facilities located on each door. That number shall not be exceeded and all occupants must wear a mask while in the offices unless the coach is by themselves. All personnel will be encouraged to work remotely whenever possible. One-on-one meetings with student-athletes should be conducted remotely if at all possible. Any visitors to the office must practice social distance, hand-sanitizing, wearing of a mask and should limit the visit to 10 minutes or less.

Locker Rooms

Team Room and Locker room facilities will be closed for team use until further notice. Locker rooms will be used as temporary storage spaces. Access to equipment stored in locker rooms will be limited to athletic administrators, coaches and team captains.

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All coaches, staff, and students who utilize the athletic facilities to launder practice gear or uniforms must comply with PPE protocols; specifically they must wear masks and latex gloves and must use department approved detergent.

Laundry use will be limited to teams in their practice season and the athletic training staff. Laundry must be put in to wash as soon as the practice is complete and placed in the dryer as soon as possible. Once out of the dryer the clothes need to be stored in a coaches office, team room or other designated location approved by athletic administration.

Team and Individual Meetings

Team meetings with athletic administration, athletic trainers, compliance, and strength and conditioning will happen on the following timeline. They will occur in the gym, all wearing masks and socially distanced. ● Fall meetings: ○ WSOC: 8/16 at 8am ○ MSOC: 8/16 at 7pm ○ XC: 8/16 at 9am ○ VB: 8/15 at 7pm ○ Update: 8/20/20 = Athletic administration will meet with teams virtually in order to mitigate face-to-face communication between administrators and students. Coaches may conduct team rules meetings in person or virtually. If the coach meets in person, all PPE’s must be followed. ● Spring Meetings: These will occur between 8/24-8/28 ● Winter meetings: These will occur between 8/31-9/4

Each team will be allowed one additional team meeting of their choosing to go over team rules, expectations, practice schedules, etc. This team meeting must be approved by the sport supervisor. The team must be wearing masks and be socially distanced by using the gym as the indoor option. The team may use an outdoor option, but must be socially distanced and wearing masks.

Individual meetings with coaches and student-athletes are encouraged to be virtual . When they cannot, the meeting must be in a location where social distancing is possible, masks required, and must remain under the allowed number of people in the room.

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Study Hall and Academic Meeting Procedures All study halls sessions must be virtual until further notice. Coaches will set up virtual meetings ​ with freshmen and returners below a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Study hall protocols will be revisited once team practices begin.

Academic meetings between coaches and students must be conducted virtually.

Walkon Tryouts

Walkon tryouts will be considered on a case by case basis utilizing input from the coach, sport supervisor, head athletic trainer and athletic director. Any student interested in trying out for a team must undergo the NCAA resocialization procedures prior to being introduced to the rest of the team.

Intercollegiate Competition: ​ All competition will be dictated by the USA South Conference, NCAA rules and regulations and WPU policies. Currently, all Fall NCAA sports championships have been cancelled and the regular season and USA South Championships have been moved to the Spring 2021 semester. Schedules will be forthcoming.

Winter and Spring Sports schedules are being discussed at a USA South Conference level.

Prior to any competition, William Peace University athletics will fully consider all NCAA recommendations from the Core Principles of Resocialization of Collegiate Sport: ​ Developing Standards for Practice and Competition Frequently Asked Questions document. http://www.ncaa.org/sport-science-institute/core-principles-resocialization-collegiate-spo rt-developing-standards-practice-and-competition

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Appendix A



We want to be here - at 15 E. Peace St. That is why we have developed the Community Health Standards. We believe that the on-campus, in-person experience is critical to learning and development for our traditional undergraduate students as well as some of our adult students who choose to enroll in the flexible on-campus courses through the School of Professional Studies. We want to be here, and we have made plans to help us be here as safely as possible.

The environment in which we now live is fundamentally different from just a year ago. And because things have changed due to COVID-19, we as a University community also must change. We must change how we interact and navigate our day-to-day lives. These changes will require personal sacrifice in honor and support of others - and to achieve what we all want - to be on campus. While there will be new routines and expectations, what will not change is our Commitment to Community.

Below you will find a robust explanation of protocols designed to help keep our campus as safe and healthy as possible. These have been developed by the Fall Planning Team in consultation with numerous outside experts and are in alignment with CDC guidance. Please keep in mind that as that guidance changes, these standards will be modified as needed.

Thank you in advance for doing your part to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and be a supportive and respectful community member here at William Peace University.

Requirements for All

Employees (full-time, part-time, faculty, staff, temporary, student), students (residential, commuter, full-time, part-time), visitors, volunteers, contractors, and others on campus and WPU property will comply with the State of North Carolina, Wake County, and other government orders related to the novel Coronavirus and COVID-19. Please note that these standards may be adjusted with changes to state, county, or CDC guidelines.

All will comply with University directional signage, floor decals/markings, maximum occupancy postings, closures of spaces, posted hygiene practices, and physical distancing best practices.

Physical distance (minimum 6 feet between individuals) must be maintained in all areas as much as possible. This includes hallways, stairways, common spaces, etc.

All will comply with posted usage protocols for elevators. As part of physical distancing, there should be no physical contact including the shaking of hands, high fives, hugs, etc.

All are required to follow best practice hygiene etiquette including:

• Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds • Use of hand sanitizer located throughout campus or personal sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if hands cannot be washed when needed. • Covering of coughs and sneezes with a tissue or by using the inside of the elbow. Hands should be washed immediately. Tissues must immediately be disposed of in a proper receptacle.

All are required to wear a face covering or mask (cloth, disposable, etc.) when indoors. This includes classrooms, laboratories, hallways, stairways, elevators, restrooms, kitchens, breakrooms, and common spaces. There are a few exceptions:

• Employees in their offices by themselves • Student-athletes competing, practicing, or training • Theatre & Musical Theatre students practicing or performing with physical distancing of 12 feet • Participants in approved intramural activities • Residential students in their individual rooms if they are alone or with their roommate (although face coverings are encouraged in this environment if students are not alone as well)

NOTE: In all cases, physical distancing is still expected

Employees and students will be provided with two cloth masks and may use personally-acquired or hand-made cloth masks as long as the masks have multiple layers of fabric, are secured with ties or ear loops, fit snugly, and provide adequate coverage (nose and mouth) and protection. These face coverings/masks are meant to protect others because the wearer may be unknowingly infected (asymptomatic). Cloth (non-disposable) masks must be laundered daily in a way that ensures they keep their shape. Physical distance must be maintained in outdoor spaces.

With personally acquired or hand-made masks, employees must keep in mind the standards relayed in the Employee Handbook. Employees must dress in a way that promotes the professional image of the University and creates a positive first impression on those with whom the employee interacts. Masks are considered part of an employee’s “dress”.

Face coverings are also required in outdoor spaces on campus property when physical distancing cannot be guaranteed. Individuals are not required to wear a face covering when they are not in close contact (within six feet) with another person, such as walking alone in an uncrowded outdoor space. Individuals must carry a face covering/mask at all times to be ready to wear it should they encounter an unforeseen situation where physical distancing of at least six feet is not possible.

If individuals cannot wear face coverings due to underlying health conditions or other reasons that are being accommodated, meetings must be held virtually or in spaces that allow for significant physical distancing (10 feet).

Virtual meetings must continue as much as possible. If in-person meetings are required for effectiveness, meetings must occur in spaces that allow for proper physical distancing of at least six feet. Offices will display signage with instructions for relaying requests via phone call or email and for scheduling appointments.

Indoor gatherings must be limited to 10 or less participants with proper physical distancing being followed. Students must abide by the new guest policy for residence hall spaces. At this time, we believe the State of North Carolina will allow class sizes to exceed 10 people as long as physical distancing is observed. However, we will make adjustments should guidance arise not allowing classes to be an exception to the indoor size limit of 10.

Outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 participants with proper physical distancing. Individuals must reserve a communal space if offices and other gathering spaces do not allow for physical distancing.

NOTE: These limits may be altered based on NC and CDC guidance. ​

Everyone must strive to keep their personal items (e.g., cell phones, other electronics) and personal work and living spaces clean. All are encouraged to use disinfectant wipes or other disinfecting products to keep surfaces clean. Avoid sharing electronic devices, books, pens, and other materials as much as possible.

Visitors, volunteers, external groups, and events must be as limited as practical. Only events with the highest strategic importance will be approved (via the existing event scheduling process). The individual who is hosting the visitor or outside guest(s) for a scheduled meeting or appointment must keep records of the visit including names of participants, date of visit, time of visit, and locations/buildings visited. Individuals who do not have scheduled meetings or appointments must register in Main Lobby to minimize risk of exposure to the campus community and to facilitate future communication of any potential exposure to the novel Coronavirus. Additional Protocols for Employees

The continuation of remote work is strongly encouraged, possibly with rotating or alternating schedules to limit the population on campus. Vice Presidents will work with Human Resources to develop appropriate schedules.

Employees are required to complete online training related to virus prevention and the Return to On-Campus Work Checklist BEFORE returning to work on campus. These will be distributed in the near future via Paycom.

Employees are required to take their temperature each day before leaving for work. A record must be maintained of the daily temperature results and must be made available to Human Resources upon request. Employees with a temperature of 99 degrees or higher must not report to work.

Employees in high-risk groups (as defined by the CDC) or who have individuals in their households who are considered high risk may request accommodations through the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) process. This includes requests to continue remote work on an ongoing basis. Based on what is currently known about COVID-19, those at high-risk include:

• People who are 65 years of age and older. • People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled. This includes: people with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma; people with severe obesity (body mass index of 40 or higher), people with diabetes, people with chronic kidney disease who are undergoing dialysis, people with liver disease, and people with serious heart conditions. • People who are immunocompromised. Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.

Employees who have been sick with symptoms of COVID-19, tested positive for COVID-19, or who have potentially been exposed to someone with COVID-19 (direct contact, travel, or community exposure) must immediately notify Human Resources for risk assessment and quarantine or isolate at home for 14 days. Employees who have had fever must be fever-free for 72 hours before returning to campus.

Symptoms may appear 2 - 14 days after exposure to the virus. People with COVID-19 may have these symptoms:

• Fever or chills • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Fatigue • Muscle or body aches • Headache • Sore throat • New loss of taste or smell • Congestion or runny nose • Nausea or vomiting • Diarrhea Employees who become sick with symptoms of COVID-19 during the workday will immediately notify their supervisor and leave campus. Supervisors may require employees to leave campus if they are exhibiting symptoms.

Employees are discouraged from using public transit since these densely populated vehicles may increase risk of exposure for the employee and those who will be in contact with them while working.

Those with private offices are encouraged to keep their office doors closed. If the door is open, a barrier must be in place to keep visitors from approaching occupants without proper physical distancing.

Shared office spaces must be configured for physical distancing and limiting exposure to the novel Coronavirus. Facilities will advise and assist with configuring spaces.

Employees must not share equipment such as telephones, keyboards, desks, supplies, etc. If sharing occurs, the item must be cleaned between use.

Employees must wipe down interior office surfaces at the end of each workday (desk, table, phone, keyboard, keypad, doorknob, etc.). Disinfecting products will be provided by the University.

Employees who are traveling together in vehicles, including golf carts, must allow as much distance as is possible between occupants (one in front seat, one in opposite back seat).

Business related travel will be limited as much as possible. Travel requires advance approval by the relevant Vice President.

Employees who return from all business travel and personal travel to areas with outbreaks of COVID-19 will be required to complete a Return-to-Work Risk Assessment prior to being approved to return to campus. Employees may be asked to quarantine at home and work remotely for 14 days. If students are being transported in large vehicles, as much physical distancing as is possible should be observed (skipping rows of occupants, etc.).

If food is offered at any event, it must be pre-packaged for attendees. If a buffet meal is planned, it must be served by vendor employees. No self-service buffet or family-style or sharing is allowed. Utensils must be disposable.

For liability reasons, children must not be brought to campus when childcare or school attendance issues arise. Employees must make other arrangements for care or work remotely. Please reference information previously shared about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) as well. Questions? Contact Kathy Lambert, Associate Vice President for Human Resources at [email protected]