The Successful Introduction of the Alpine Marmot Marmota Marmota In
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 1 SESS: 18 OUTPUT: Mon Mar 12 14:45:29 2012 SUM: 8A81CE40 /v2503/blackwell/journals/mam_v0_i0_new_style_2010/mam_212 Mammal Rev. 2012 1 REVIEW 2 3 The successful introduction of the alpine marmot 4 Marmota marmota in the Pyrenees, Iberian Peninsula, 5 Western Europe 6 7 Isabel C. BARRIO* Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Avda, Regimiento de Galicia s/n 8 PO Box 64, 22700 Jaca (Huesca), Spain, and Department of Biological Sciences, 9 University of Alberta T6G 2E9 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 10 E-mail: 11 Juan HERRERO Technical School of Huesca, University of Zaragoza, 22071 Huesca, 12 Spain. E-mail: 13 C. Guillermo BUENO Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Avda. Regimiento de Galicia 14 s/n PO Box 64, 22700 Jaca (Huesca), Spain, and Department of Biological Sciences, 15 University of Alberta T6G 2E9 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 16 E-mail: 17 Bernat C. LÓPEZ Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications, 18 Autonomous University of Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain. 19 E-mail: 20 Arantza ALDEZABAL Landare-Biologia eta Ekologia Saila, UPV-EHU, PO Box 644, 21 48080 Bilbo, Spain. E-mail: 22 Ahimsa CAMPOS-ARCEIZ School of Geography, University of Nottingham 23 Malaysian Campus, Semenyih 43,500, Selangor, Malaysia. 24 E-mail: 25 Ricardo GARCÍA-GONZÁLEZ Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, Avda. Regimiento de 26 Galicia s/n PO Box 64, 22700 Jaca (Huesca), Spain. E-mail: 27 28 29 ABSTRACT 30 1. The introduction of non-native species can pose environmental and economic 31 risks, but under some conditions, introductions can serve conservation or recre- 32 ational objectives.
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