Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:29 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes MONDAY.AUGUST 22. 2016 -Sunbula 01, 1395 HS AT Monitoring Desk 50 killed, 94 wounded 100 Taliban killed, wounded in attack on wedding in Hesarak party in Turkey AT News Report KABUL: The Afghan security forc- More than 50 people have been Tayyip Erdogan said "Daesh is the es killed and wounded around 100 killed and scores more wounded in likely perpetrator of the attack", Taliban insurgents including their an explosion at a wedding ceremo- using the Arabic name for ISIL. leaders after they (Taliban) con- ny in Turkey's southeastern prov- The suicide bomber who at- ducted a complex attack in Hesar- ince of Gaziantep, near the Syria tacked the wedding party was a ak district of eastern Nangarhar border. child between the ages of 12 and province, officials said on Sunday. The blast, which occurred at 14, Erdogan said. Taliban leader Naeem Khalid around 11pm local time on Satur- In comments shown live by was killed during fierce clashes in day in the Akdere neighbourhood broadcaster NTV, Erdogan also the district, the official said. of Sahin Bey district, was a "ter- confirmed that 51 people had died “The Afghan security forces ror attack", according to Ali Yer- in the blast, and 69 were wound- killed Taliban leader—Khalid when likaya, the governor of Gaziantep. ed. Seventeen of the injured were he was leading the coordinate at- Mehmet Simsek, Turkey's "heavily" wounded, Erdogan said.