
Chapter 2 Vector Spaces

2.1 INTRODUCTION In various practical and theoretical problems, we come across a set V whose elements may be vectors in two or three dimensions or real-valued functions, which can be added and multi- plied by a constant () in a natural way, the result being again an element of V. Such concrete situations suggest the concept of a . Vector spaces play an important role in many branches of and physics. In analysis infinite dimensional vector spaces (in fact, normed vector spaces) are more important than finite dimensional vector spaces while in linear finite dimensional vector spaces are used, because they are simple and linear transformations on them can be represented by matrices. This chapter mainly deals with finite dimensional vector spaces.


VECTOR SPACE. An (V, F, ⊕, ) consisting of a non-void set V , a field F, a binary ⊕ on V and an mapping  : F ×V → V associating each a ∈ F,v ∈ V to a unique element a  v ∈ V is said to be a vector space over field F, if the following axioms are satisfied: V -1 (V, ⊕) is an abelian . V -2 For all u, v ∈ V and a, b ∈ F, we have (i) a  (u ⊕ v)=a  u ⊕ a  v, (ii) (a + b)  u = a  u ⊕ b  u, (iii) (ab)  u = a  (b  u), (iv) 1  u = u. The elements of V are called vectors and those of F are called scalars. The mapping  is called and the ⊕ is termed vector .

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If there is no danger of any confusion we shall say V is a vector space over a field F, whenever the algebraic structure (V, F, ⊕, ) is a vector space. Thus, whenever we say that V is a vector space over a field F, it would always that (V, ⊕) is an and  : F ×V → V is a mapping such that V -2 (i)–(iv) are satisfied. V is called a real vector space if F = R (field of real ), and a complex vector space if F = C (field of complex numbers). REMARK-1 V is called a left or a right vector space according as the elements of a skew-field F are multiplied on the left or right of vectors in V. But, in case of a field these two concepts coincide. REMARK-2 The symbol ‘+’ has been used to denote the addition in the field F. For the sake of convenience, in future, we shall use the same symbol ‘+’ for vector addition ⊕ and addition in the field F. But, the context would always make it clear as to which operation is meant. Similarly, multiplication in the field F and  will be denoted by the same symbol ‘·’. REMARK-3 In this chapter and in future also, we will be dealing with two types of zeros. One will be the zero of the additive abelian group V , which will be known as the vector zero and other will be the of the field F which will be known as scalar zero. We will use the symbol 0V to denote the zero vector and 0 to denote the zero scalar. REMARK-4 Since (V,⊕) is an abelian group, therefore, for any u,v,w ∈ V the following properties will hold: (i) u ⊕ v = u ⊕ w ⇒ v = w (Cancellation laws) (ii) v ⊕ u = w ⊕ u ⇒ v = w

(iii) u ⊕ v = 0v ⇒ u = −v and v = −u (iv) −(−u)=u (v) u ⊕ v = u ⇒ v = 0v (vi) −(u ⊕ v)=(−u) ⊕ (−v) (vii) 0v is unique (viii) For each u ∈ V, −u ∈ V is unique. REMARK-5 If V is a vector space over a field F, then we will write V (F).


EXAMPLE-1 Every field is a vector space over its any subfield.

SOLUTION Let F be a field, and let S be an arbitrary subfield of F. Since F is an additive abelian group, therefore, V -1 holds. Taking multiplication in F as scalar multiplication, the axioms V -2 (i) to V -2 (iii) are respectively the right distributive law, left distributive law and associative law. Also V -2 (iv) is property of unity in F. Vector Spaces • 117

Hence, F is a vector space over S. Since S is an arbitrary sub field of F, therefore, every field is a vector space over its any subfield.

REMARK. The converse of the above Example is not true, i.e. a subfield is not necessarily a vector space over its over field. For example, R is not a vector space over C, because multiplication of a and a is not necessarily a real number.

EXAMPLE-2 R is a vector space over Q, because Q is a subfield of R.

EXAMPLE-3 C is a vector space over R, because R is a subfield of C.

EXAMPLE-4 Every field is a vector space over itself.

SOLUTION Since every field is a subfield of itself. Therefore, the result directly follows from Example 1.

REMARK. In order to know whether a given non-void set V forms a vector space over a field F, we must proceed as follows: (i) Define a binary operation on V and call it vector addition. (ii) Define scalar multiplication on V , which associates each scalar in F and each vector in V to a unique vector in V . (iii) Define equality of elements (vectors) in V. (iv) Check whether V-1 and V-2 are satisfied relative to the vector addition and scalar multiplication thus defined.

× EXAMPLE-5 The set Fm n of all m × n matrices over a field F is a vector space over F with respect to the addition of matrices as vector addition and multiplication of a by a scalar as scalar multiplication.

× SOLUTION For any A,B,C ∈ Fm n, we have (i) (A + B)+C = A +(B +C) (Associative law) (ii) A + B = B + A (Commutative law) (iii) A + O = O + A = A (Existence of Identity) (iv) A +(−A)=O =(−A)+A (Existence of Inverse) Hence, Fm×n is an abelian group under matrix addition. If λ ∈ F and A ∈ Fm×n, then λA ∈ Fm×n and for all A,B ∈ Fm×n and for all λ,µ∈ F, we have (i) λ(A + B)=λA + λB (ii) (λ + µ)A = λA + µA (iii) λ(µA)=(λµ)A (iv) 1A = A Hence, Fm×n is a vector space over F. 118 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

× EXAMPLE-6 The set R m n of all m × n matrices over the field R of real numbers is a vector space over the field R of real numbers with respect to the addition of matrices as vector addition and multiplication of a matrix by a scalar as scalar multiplication.

SOLUTION Proceed parallel to Example 5.

× REMARK. The set Q m n of all m × n matrices over the field Q of rational numbers is not a m×n vector space over the field R of real numbers, because√ multiplication of a matrix√ in Q and m×n m×n m×n a real number need not be in Q√ . For example, if 2 ∈ R and A ∈ Q , then 2A ∈/ Q because the elements of matrix 2A are not rational numbers.

EXAMPLE-7 The set of all ordered n-tuples of the elements of any field F is a vector space over F.

SOLUTION Recall that if a1, a2, ..., an ∈ F, then (a1,a2, ..., an) is called an ordered n-tuple of elements of F. Let V = {(a1, a2,...,an) : ai ∈ F for all i ∈ n} be the set of all ordered n-tuples of elements of F. Now, to give a vector space structure to V over the field F, we define a binary operation on V , scalar multiplication on V and equality of any two elements of V as follows:

Vector addition (addition on V ): For any u =(a1, a2,...,an), v =(b1, b2,...,bn) ∈ V , we define

u + v =(a1 + b1, a2 + b2,...,an + bn)

Since ai + bi ∈ F for all i ∈ n. Therefore, u + v ∈ V . Thus, addition is a binary operation on V .

Scalar multiplication on V : For any u =(a1, a2,...,an) ∈ V and λ ∈ F, we define

λu =(λa1, λa2,...,λan).

Since λai ∈ F for all i ∈ n. Therefore, λu ∈ V. Thus, scalar multiplication is defined on V .

Equality of two elements of V : For any u =(a1, a2,...,an),v =(b1, b2,...,bn) ∈ V, we define

u = v ⇔ ai = bi for all i ∈ n.

Since we have defined vector addition, scalar multiplication on V and equality of any two elements of V . Therefore, it remains to check whether V -1 and V -2(i) to V -2(iv) are satisfied. Vector Spaces • 119

V -1. V is an abelian group under vector addition.

Associativity: For any u =(a1,a2,...,an),ν =(b1, b2,...,bn), w =(c1,c2,...,cn) ∈ V, we have

(u + ν)+w =(a1 + b1,...,an + bn)+(c1, c2,...,cn)

= ((a1 + b1)+c1,...,(an + bn)+cn)

=(a1 +(b1 + c1),...,an +(bn + cn)) [By associativity of addition on F]

=(a1,...,an)+(b1 + c1,...,bn + cn) = u +(ν + w) So, vector addition is associative on V.

Commutativity: For any u =(a1, a2,...,an), ν =(b1,...,bn) ∈ V, we have

u + ν =(a1 + b1,...,an + bn)

=(b1 + a1,...,bn + an) [By commutativity of addition on F] = ν + u So, vector addition is commutative on V. Existence of identity (Vector zero): Since 0 ∈ F, therefore, 0 =(0, 0,...,0) ∈ V such that

u + 0 =(a1, a2,...,an)+(0, 0,...,0)

⇒ u + 0 =(a1 + 0, a2 + 0,...,an + 0)=(a1, a2,...,an)=u for all u ∈ V Thus, 0 =(0, 0,...,0) is the for vector addition on V.

Existence of inverse: Let u =(a1, a2,...,an) be an arbitrary element in V. Then, (−u)=(−a1, −a2,...,−an) ∈ V such that

u +(−u)= a1 +(−a1),...,an +(−an) =(0, 0,...,0)=0.  Thus, every element in V has its in V. Hence, V is an abelian group under vector addition.

V -2 For any u =(a1,...,an), ν =(b1,...,bn) ∈ V and λ, µ ∈ F, we have

(i) λ(u + ν)=λ(a1 + b1,...,an + bn)

=(λ(a1 + b1),...,λ(an + bn)) By left distributivity of multiplication =(λa + λb ,...,λa + λb ) 1 1 n n  over addition in F  =(λa1,...,λan)+(λb1,...,λbn) = λu + λν 120 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

(ii)(λ + µ)u = (λ + µ)a1,...,(λ + µ)an

=( λa1 + µa1,...,λan + µan) [By right dist. of mult. over add. in F]

=(λa1,...,λan)+(µa1,...,µan) = λu + µu.

(iii)(λµ)u = (λµ)a1,...,(λµ)an

= λ(µa1),...,λ(µan) [By associativity of multiplication in F] = λ(µu) 

(iv) 1u =(1a1,...,1an)=(a1,...,an)=u [∵ 1 is unity in F]

Hence, V is a vector space over F. This vector space is usually denoted by Fn.

REMARK. If F = R, then Rn is generally known as and if F = C, then Cn is called the complex Euclidean space.

EXAMPLE-8 Show that the set F[x] of all over a field F is a vector space over F.

SOLUTION In order to give a vector space structure to F[x], we define vector addition, scalar multiplication, and equality in F[x] as follows:

i i Vector addition on F[x]: If f (x)=∑aix , g(x)=∑bix ∈ F[x], then we define i i i f (x)+g(x)=Σ(ai + bi)x i

Clearly, f (x)+g(x) ∈ F[x], because ai + bi ∈ F for all i.

i Scalar multiplication on F[x]: For any λ ∈ F and f (x)=∑aix ∈ F[x] λ f (x) is defined as the i i ∑(λai)x . i.e, i i λ f (x)=Σ(λai)x i

Obviously, λ f (x) ∈ F[x], as λai ∈ F for all i.

i i Equality of two elements of F[x]: For any f (x)=∑aix ,g(x)=∑bix , we define i i

f (x)=g(x) ⇔ ai = bi for all i. Now we shall check whether V-1 and V-2(i) to V -2(iv) are satisfied. Vector Spaces • 121

V -1 F[x] is an abelian group under vector addition. i i i Associativity: If f (x)=∑aix , g(x)=∑bix , h(x)=∑cix ∈ F[x], then i i i

i i [ f (x)+g(x)] + h(x)= Σ(ai + bi)x + Σcix i  i i = Σ[(ai + bi)+ci]x i i = Σ[ai +(bi + ci)]x [By associativity of + on F] i i i = Σaix + Σ(bi + ci)x i i = f (x)+[g(x)+h(x)] So, vector addition is associative on F[x]. i i Commutativity: If f (x)=∑aix , g(x)=∑bix ∈ F[x], then i i i i f (x)+g(x)=Σ(ai + bi)x = Σ(bi + ai)x [By commutativity of + on F] i i i i ⇒ f (x)+g(x)=Σbix + Σaix = g(x)+ f (x) i i So, vector addition is commutative on F[x]. i i Existence of zero vector: Since 0ˆ(x)=∑0x ∈ F[x] is such that for all f (x)=∑aix ∈ F[x] i i i i i ⇒ 0ˆ(x)+ f (x)=Σ0x + Σaix =Σ(0 + ai)x i i i i ⇒ 0ˆ(x)+ f (x)=Σaix [∵ 0 ∈ F is the ] i ⇒ 0ˆ(x)+ f (x)=f (x) Thus, 0ˆ(x)+ f (x)=f (x)= f (x)+0ˆ(x) for all f (x) ∈ F[x]. So, 0ˆ(x) is the zero vector (additive identity) in F[x]. i Existence of additive inverse: Let f (x)=∑aix be an arbitrary polynomial in F[x]. Then, i i − f (x)=Σ(−ai)x ∈ F[x] such that i i i i i f (x)+(− f (x)) = Σaix + Σ(−ai)x = Σ[ai +(−ai)]x = Σ0x = 0ˆ(x) i i i i Thus, for each f (x) ∈ F[x],there exists − f (x) ∈ F[x] such that f (x)+(− f (x)) = 0ˆ(x)=(− f (x)) + f (x) So, each f (x) has its additive inverse in F[x]. Hence, F[x] is an abelian group under vector addition. 122 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

i i V -2 For any f (x)=∑aix , g(x)=∑bix ∈ F[x] and λ, µ ∈ F, we have i i

i i (i) λ[ f (x)+g(x)] = λ Σ(ai + bi)x = Σλ(ai + bi)x i  i i = Σ(λai + λbi)x [By left distributivity of multiplication over addition] i i i = Σ(λai)x + Σ(λbi)x i = λ f (x)+λg(x)

i (ii)(λ + µ) f (x)=Σ(λ + µ)aix i i = Σ(λai + µai)x [By right distributivity of multiplication over addition] i i i = Σ(λai)x + Σ(µai)x i i = λ f (x)+µf(x).

i (iii)(λµ) f (x)=Σ(λµ)aix i i = Σλ(µai)x [By associativity of multiplication on F] i i = λΣ(µai)x i = λ(µf(x))

i (iv) 1 f (x)=Σ(1ai)x i i = Σaix [∵ 1 is unity in F] i = f (x) Hence, F[x] is a vector space over field F.

EXAMPLE-9 The set V of all real valued continuous (differentiable or integrable) functions defined on the closed [a, b] is a real vector space with the vector addition and scalar multiplication defined as follows: ( f + g)(x)= f (x)+g(x) (λ f )(x)=λ f (x) For all f , g ∈ V and λ ∈ R. Vector Spaces • 123

SOLUTION Since the sum of two continuous functions is a continuous . Therefore, vector addition is a binary operation on V . Also, if f is continuous and λ ∈ R, then λ f is continuous. We know that for any f, g ∈ V f = g ⇔ f (x)=g(x) for all x ∈ [a,b].

Thus, we have defined vector addition, scalar multiplication and equality in V . It remains to verify V-1 and V-2(i) to V -2(iv).

V-1 V is an abelian group under vector addition.

Associativity: Let f, g, h be any three functions in V . Then, [( f + g)+h](x)=(f + g)(x)+h(x)=[f (x)+g(x)] + h(x) = f (x)+[g(x)+h(x)] [By associativity of addition on R] = f (x)+(g + h)(x) =[f +(g + h)](x) for all x ∈ [a, b] So, ( f + g)+h = f +(g + h)

Thus, vector addition is associative on V.

Commutativity: For any f, g ∈ V , we have ( f + g)(x)= f (x)+g(x)=g(x)+ f (x) [By commutativity of + on R] ⇒ ( f + g)(x)=(g + f )(x) for all x ∈ [a, b] So, f + g = g + f

Thus, vector addition is commutative on V .

Existence of additive identity: The function 0ˆ(x)=0 for all x ∈ [a, b] is the additive identity, because for any f ∈ V ( f + 0ˆ)(x)= f (x)+0ˆ(x)= f (x)+0 = f (x)=(0ˆ + f )(x) for all x ∈ [a, b].

Existence of additive inverse: Let f be an arbitrary function in V . Then, a function − f defined by (− f )(x)=− f (x) for all x ∈ [a, b] is continuous on [a, b], and

[ f +(− f )](x)= f (x)+(− f )(x)=f (x) − f (x)=0 = 0ˆ(x) for all x ∈ [a, b]. Thus, f +(− f )=0ˆ =(− f )+ f

So, each f ∈ V has its additive inverse − f ∈ V. Hence, V is an abelian group under vector addition. Vector Spaces • 125

V-1. V1 ×V2 is an abelian group under vector addition:

Associativity: For any (u1, u2), (v1, v2), (w1, w2) ∈ V1 ×V2, we have

[(u1, u2)+(v1, v2)] + (w1, w2)= (u1 + v1), (u2 + v2) +(w1, w2)  = (u1 + v1)+w1, (u2 + v2)+w2  By associativity of = u1 +(v1 + w1), u2 +(v2 + w2)  vector addition on V1   and V  2  =(u1, u2)+(v1 + w1, v2 + w2)

=(u1, u2) + [(v1, v2)+(w1, w2)]

So, vector addition is associative on V1 ×V2.

Commutativity: For any (u1, u2), (v1, v2) ∈ V1 ×V2, we have

(u1, u2)+(v1, v2)=(u1 + v1, u2 + v2)

=(v1 + u1, v2 + u2) [By commutativity of vector addition on V1 and V2]

=(v1, v2)+(u1, u2)

So, vector addition is commutative on V1 ×V2.

Existence of additive identity: If 0V1 and 0V2 are zero vectors in V1 and V2 respectively, then

(0V1 , 0V2 ) is zero vector (additive identity) in V1 ×V2. Because for any (u1,u2) ∈ V1 ×V2

(u1, u2)+(0V1 , 0V2 )=(u1 + 0V1, u2 + 0V2 )

=(u1, u2)=(0V1 , 0V2 )+(u1, u2) [By commutativity of vector addition]

Existence of additive Inverse: Let (u1, u2) ∈ V1 ×V2. Then, (−u1, −u2) is its additive inverse. Because,

(u1, u2)+(−u1, −u2)= u1 +(−u1), u2 +(−u2)  By commutativity of vector =(0 , 0 )=(−u , −u )+(u , u ) V1 V2 1 2 1 2  addition 

Thus, each element of V1 ×V2 has its additive inverse in V1 ×V2. Hence, V1 ×V2 is an abelian group under vector addition.

V-2. For any (u1, u2),(v1, v2) ∈ V1 ×V2 and λ, µ ∈ F, we have

(i) λ[(u1, u2)+(v1, v2)] = λ(u1 + v1, u2 + v2)

= λ(u1 + v1), λ(u2 + v2)

=( λu1 + λv1, λu2 + λv2) [By V -2(i) in V1 and V2]

=(λu1, λu2)+(λv1, λv2)

= λ(u1, u2)+λ(v1, v2) 126 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

(ii)(λ + µ)(u1,u2)= (λ + µ)u1, (λ + µ)u2

= λu1 + µu1, λu2 + µu2 [By V -2(ii) in V1 and V2]

=( λu1, λu2)+(µu1, µu2)

= λ(u1, u2)+µ(u1, u2)

(iii)(λµ)(u1, u2)= (λµ)u1,(λµ)u2

= λ(µu1),λ(µu2) [By V-2(iii) in V1 and V2]

= λ (µu1,µu2) 

= λ{µ(u1,u2)}

(iv) 1(u1,u2)=(1u1,1u2)

=(u1,u2) [By V -2(iv) in V1 and V2]

Hence, V1 ×V2 is a vector space over field F.

EXAMPLE-11 Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then for any n ∈ N the V n = { f : f : n → V} is a vector space over field F.

SOLUTION We define vector addition, scalar multiplication and equality in V n as follows:

Vector addition: Let f, g ∈ V n, then the vector addition on V n is defined as ( f + g)(x)= f (x)+g(x) for all x ∈ n. Scalar multiplication: If λ ∈ F and f ∈ V n, then λ f is defined as (λ f )(x)=λ( f (x)) for all x ∈ n. Equality: f, g ∈ V n are defined as equal if f (x)=g(x) for all x ∈ n. Now we shall verify V n-1 and V n-2(i) to V n-2 (iv).

V n − 1.Vn is an abelian group under vector addition: Associativity: For any f, g, h ∈ V n, we have [( f + g)+h](x)=(f + g)(x)+h(x)=[f (x)+g(x)] + h(x) for all x ∈ n = f (x)+[g(x)+h(x)] [By associativity of vector addition on V ] = f (x)+(g + h)(x) =[f +(g + h)](x) for all x ∈ n ∴ ( f + g)+h = f +(g + h) So, vector addition is associative on V n. Vector Spaces • 127

Commutativity: For any f, g ∈ V n, we have ( f + g)(x)= f (x)+g(x) for all x ∈ n ⇒ ( f + g)(x)=g(x)+ f (x) [By commutativity of vector addition on V ] ⇒ ( f + g)(x)=(g + f )(x) for all x ∈ n ∴ f + g = g + f So, vector addition is commutative on V n.

Existence of additive identity (zero vector): The function 0:n → V defined by 0(x)=0v for all x ∈ n is the additive identity, because

( f + 0)(x)=f (x)+0(x)=f (x)+0V n ⇒ ( f + 0)(x)=f (x) for all f ∈ V and for all x ∈ n [∵ 0V is zero vector in V ] Existence of additive inverse: Let f be an arbitrary function in V n. Then − f : n → V defined by (− f )(x)=− f (x) for all x ∈ n is additive inverse of f , because

[ f +(− f )](x)= f (x)+(− f )(x)= f (x) − f (x)=0V = 0(x) for all x ∈ n. Hence, V n is an abelian group under vector addition.

V n-2. For any f , g ∈ V n and λ,µ ∈ F, we have (i)[λ( f + g)](x)=λ[( f + g)(x)] = λ[ f (x)+g(x)] ⇒ [λ( f + g)](x)=λ f (x)+λg(x) [By V-2(i) in V] ⇒ [λ( f + g)](x)=(λ f + λg)(x) for all x ∈ n ∴ λ( f + g)=λ f + λg. (ii) [(λ + µ) f ](x)=(λ + µ) f (x) ⇒ [(λ + µ) f ](x)=λ f (x)+µf(x) [By V -2(ii) in V] ⇒ [(λ + µ) f ](x)=(λ f )(x)+(µf)(x) ⇒ [(λ + µ) f ](x)=(λ f + µf)(x) for all x ∈ n ∴ (λ + µ) f = λ f + µf (iii) [(λµ) f ](x)=(λµ) f (x) ⇒ [(λµ) f ](x)=λ µf(x) [By V -2(iii) in V] ⇒ [(λµ) f ](x)=λ(µf)(x)   Vector Spaces • 129

9. Let U and W be two vector spaces over a field F. Let V be the set of ordered pairs (u,w) where u ∈ U and w ∈ W . Show that V is a vector space over F with addition in V and scalar multiplication V defined by

(u1, w1)+(u2, w2)=(u1 + u2, w1 + w2) and a(u, w)=(au, aw) (This space is called the external direct of u and w). n 10. Let V be a vector space over a field F and n ∈ N. Let V = {(v1, v2,...,vn) : vi ∈ V ; i = 1, 2,...,n}. Show that V n is a vector space over field F with addition in V and scalar multiplication on V defined by

(u1, u2,...,un)+(v1, v2,...,vn)=(u1 + v1, u2 + v2,...,un + vn)

and a(v1, v2,...,vn)=(av1, av2,...,avn) 11. Let V = {(x, y): x, y ∈ R}. Show that V is not a vector space over R under the addition and scalar multiplication defined by

(a1, b1)+(a2, b2)=(3b1 + 3b2, −a1 − a2)

k(a1, b1)=(3kb1, −ka1)

for all (a1, b1), (a2, b2) ∈ V and k ∈ R. 12. Let V = {(x, y) : x,y ∈ R}. For any α =(x1, y1),β =(x2, y2) ∈ V, c ∈ R, define

α ⊕ β =(x1 + x2 + 1, y1 + y2 + 1)

c  α =(cx1, cy1) (i) Prove that (V,⊕) is an abelian group. (ii) Verify that c  (α ⊕ β) =c  α ⊕ c  β. (iii) Prove that V is not a vector space over R under the above two operations. 3 13. For any u =(x1, x2, x3), v =(y1, y2, y3) ∈ R and a ∈ R, let us define

u ⊕ v =(x1 + y1 + 1, x2 + y2 + 1, x3 + y3 + 1)

a  u =(ax1 + a − 1, ax2 + a − 1, ax3 + a − 1) Prove that R3 is a vector space over R under these two operations. 14. Let V denote the set of all positive real numbers. For any u, v ∈ V and a ∈ R, define u ⊕ v = uv a  u = ua Prove that V is a vector space over R under these two operations. 15. Prove that R3 is not a vector space over R under the vector addition and scalar multipli- cation defined as follows:

(x1, x2, x3)+(y1, y2, y3)=(x1 + y1, x2 + y2, x3 + y3)

a(x1, x2, x3)=(ax1, ax2, ax3) 130 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

16. Let V = {(x, 1) : x ∈ R}. For any u =(x, 1), v =(y, 1) ∈ V and a ∈ R, define u ⊕ v =(x + y,1) a  u =(ax,1) Prove that V is a vector space over R under these two operations. 17. Let V be the set of ordered pairs (a,b) of real numbers. Let us define (a, b) ⊕ (c, d)=(a + c, b + d) and k(a, b)=(ka, 0) Show that V is not a vector space over R. 18. Let V be the set of ordered pairs (a,b) of real numbers. Show that V is not a vector space over R with addition and scalar multiplication defined by

(i) (a, b)+(c, d)=(a + d, b + c) and k(a, b)=(ka, kb) (ii) (a, b)+(c, d)=(a + c, b + d) and k(a, b)=(a, b) (iii) (a, b)+(c, d)=(0, 0) and k(a, b)=(ka, kb) (iv) (a, b)+(c, d)=(ac, bd) and k(a, b)=(ka, kb)

19. The set V of all convergent real sequences is a vector space over the field R of all real numbers.

20. Let p be a . The set Zp = {0, 1, 2,...,(p−1)} is a field under addition and multiplication modulo p as binary operations. Let V be the vector space of polynomials of degree at most n over the field Zp. Find the number of elements in V . n [Hint: Each polynomial in V is of the form f (x)=a0 + a1x + ···+ anx , where a0, a1, a2,...,an ∈ Zp. Since each ai can take any one of the p values 0, 1, 2,...,(p−1). So, there are pn+1 elements in V]


THEOREM-1 Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then

(i) a · 0V = 0V for all a ∈ F

(ii) 0 · v = 0V for all v ∈ V (iii) a · (−v)=−(a · v)=(−a) · v for all v ∈ V and for all a ∈ F (iv) (−1) · v = −v for all v ∈ F

(v) a · v = 0V ⇒ either a = 0 or v = 0V Vector Spaces • 131

PROOF. (i) We have,

a · 0V =a · (0V + 0V ) for all a ∈ F [∵ 0V + 0V = 0V ]

⇒ a · 0V =a · 0V + a · 0V for all a ∈ F [By V -2(i)]

∴ a · 0V + 0V =a · 0V + a · 0V for all a ∈ F [0V is additive identity in V ] By left cancellation law for addition ⇒ 0 =a · 0 for all a ∈ F V V on V  (ii) For any v ∈ V, we have 0 · v =(0 + 0) · v [∵ 0 is additive identity in F] ⇒ 0 · v = 0 · v + 0 · v [By V -2(ii)]

∴ 0 · v + 0V = 0 · v + 0 · v [∵ 0V is additive identity in V]

⇒ 0 · v = 0V [By left cancellation law for addition in V]

So, 0 · v = 0V for all v ∈ V. (iii) For any v ∈ V and a ∈ F, we have a · [v +(−v)] = a · v + a · (−v) [By V -2(i)]

⇒ a · 0V = a · v + a · (−v) [∵ v +(−v)=0V for all v ∈ V]

⇒ 0V = a · v + a · (−v) [By (i)] ⇒ a · (−v)=−(a · v) [∵ V is an additive group] Again, [a +(−a)] · v = a · v +(−a) · v [By V -2(ii)] ⇒ 0 · v = a · v +(−a) · v [∵ a +(−a)=0]

⇒ 0V = a · v +(−a) · v [By (ii)] ⇒ (−a) · v = −(a · v) [∵ V is an additive group] Hence, a · (−v)=−(a · v)=(−a) · v for all a ∈ F and for all v ∈ V. (iv) Taking a = 1 in (iii), we obtain (−1) · v = −v for all v ∈ V . −1 (v) Let a · v = 0V , and let a =0. Then a ∈ F. Now

a · v = 0V −1 −1 ⇒ a · (a · v)=a · 0V −1 −1 ⇒ (a a) · v = a · 0V [By V -2(iii)] −1 ⇒ (a a) · v = 0V [By (i)]

⇒ 1 · v = 0V

⇒ v = 0V [By V -2(iv)] 132 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

−1 Again let a·v = 0V and v = 0V . Then to prove that a = 0, suppose a = 0. Then a ∈ F. Now a · v = 0V −1 −1 ⇒ a · (a · v)=a · 0V −1 −1 ⇒ (a a) · v = a · 0V [By V-2(iii)] ⇒ 1 · v = 0V [By (i)] ⇒ v = 0V , which is a contradiction. [By V -2(iv)]

Thus, a · v = 0V and v = 0V ⇒ a = 0. Hence, a · v = 0V ⇒ either a = 0 or v = 0V . Q.E.D. It follows from this theorem that the multiplication by the zero of V to a scalar in F or by the zero of F to a vector in V always leads to the zero of V . Since it is convenient to write u − v instead of u +(−v). Therefore, in what follows we shall write u − v for u +(−v). REMARK. For the sake of convenience, we drop the scalar multiplication ‘·’ and shall write av in place of a · v.

THEOREM-2 Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then, (i) If u, v ∈ V and 0 = a ∈ F, then au = av ⇒ u = v

(ii) If a, b ∈ F and 0V = u ∈ V , then au = bu ⇒ a = b PROOF. (i) We have, au = av ⇒ au +(−(av)) = av +(−(av))

⇒ au − av = 0V

⇒ a(u − v)=0V

⇒ u − v = 0V [By Theorem 1(v)] ⇒ u = v (ii) We have, au = bu ⇒ au +(−(bu)) = bu +(−(bu))

⇒ au − bu = 0V

⇒ (a − b)u = 0V ⇒ a − b = 0 [By Theorem 1(v)] ⇒ a = b Q.E.D. Vector Spaces • 133

EXERCISE 2.2 1. Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then prove that a(u − v)=au − av for all a ∈ F and u,v ∈ V. 2. Let V be a vector space over field R and u, v ∈ V . Simplify each of the following: (i) 4(5u − 6v)+2(3u + v)(ii) 6(3u + 2v)+5u − 7v 2 (iii) 5(2u − 3v)+4(7v + 8)(iv) 3(5u + ) v 3. Show that the commutativity of vector addition in a vector space V can be derived from the other axioms in the definition of V . 4. Mark each of the following as true or false. (i) Null vector in a vector space is unique. (ii) Let V(F) be a vector space. Then scalar multiplication on V is a binary operation on V. (iii) Let V (F) be a vector space. Then au = av ⇒ u = v for all u, v ∈ V and for all a ∈ F. (iv) Let V (F) be a vector space. Then au = bu ⇒ a = b for all u ∈ V and for all a, b ∈ F. 5. If V(F) is a vector space, then prove that for any n, λ ∈ F, v ∈ V, prove that n(λv)=λ(nv)=(nλ)v.

ANSWERS 2. (i) 26u − 22v (ii) 23u + 5v (iii) The sum 7v + 8 is not defined, so the given expression is not meaningful. (iv) Division by v is not defined, so the given expression is not meaningful. 4. (i) T (ii) F (iii) F (iv) F


SUB-SPACE Let V be a vector space over a field F. A non-void subset S of V is said to be a subspace of V if S itself is a vector space over F under the operations on V restricted to S. If V is a vector space over a field F, then the null (zero) space {0V } and the entire space V are subspaces of V. These two subspaces are called trivial (improper) subspaces of V and any other subspace of V is called a non-trivial (proper) subspace of V.

THEOREM-1 (Criterion for a non-void subset to be a subspace) Let V be a vector space over a field F. A non-void subset S of V is a subspace of V iff or all u, v ∈ S and for all a ∈ F (i) u − v ∈ S and, (ii) au ∈ S. 134 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

PROOF. First suppose that S is a subspace of vector space V. Then S itself is a vector space over field F under the operations on V restricted to S. Consequently, S is subgroup of the additive abelian group V and is closed under scalar multiplication. Hence, (i) and (ii) hold. Conversely, suppose that S is a non-void subset of V such that (i) and (ii) hold. Then, (i) ⇒ S is an additive subgroup of V and therefore S is an abelian group under vector addition. (ii) ⇒ S is closed under scalar multiplication. Axioms V-2(i) to V -2(iv) hold for all elements in S as they hold for elements in V. Hence, S is a subspace of V . Q.E.D.

THEOREM-2 (Another criterion for a non-void subset to be a subspace) Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then a non-void subset S of V is a subspace of V iff au + bv ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and for all a, b ∈ F. PROOF. First let S be a subspace of V . Then, au ∈ S, bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and for all a,b ∈ F [By Theorem 1] ⇒ au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and for all a,b ∈ F[∵ S is closed under vector addition] Conversely, let S be a non-void subset of V such that au + bv ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and for all a, b ∈ F. Since 1, −1 ∈ F, therefore 1u +(−1)v ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S. ⇒ u − v ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S (i) Again, since 0 ∈ F. Therefore, au + 0v ∈ S for all u ∈ S and for all a ∈ F. ⇒ au ∈ S for all u ∈ S and for all a ∈ F (ii) From (i) and (ii), we get u − v ∈ S and au ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and for all a ∈ F. Hence, by Theorem 1, S is a subspace of vector space V . Q.E.D.


EXAMPLE-1 Show that S = {(0, b, c) : b, c ∈ R} is a subspace of real vector space R3.

3 SOLUTION Obviously, S is a non-void subset of R . Let u =(0, b1, c1), v =(0, b2, c2) ∈ S and λ, µ ∈ R. Then, Vector Spaces • 135

λu + µv = λ(0, b1, c1)+µ(0, b2, c2)

⇒ λu + µν =(0, λb1 + µb2, λc1 + µc2) ∈ S. Hence, S is a subspace of R3.

REMARK. Geometrically-R3 is three dimensional Euclidean plane and S is yz-plane which is itself a vector space. Hence, S is a sub-space of R3. Similarly, {(a, b, 0) : a, b ∈ R}, i.e. xy-plane, {(a,0,c) : a,c ∈ R}, i.e. xz plane are subspaces of R3. In fact, every plane through the origin is a subspace of R3. Also, the coordinate axes {(a,0,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. x-axis, {(0,a,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. y-axis and {(0,0,a) : a ∈ R}, i.e. z-axis are subspaces of R3.

EXAMPLE-2 Let V denote the vector space R3, i.e. V = {(x,y,z) : x,y,z ∈ R} and S consists of all vectors in R3 whose components are equal, i.e. S = {(x,x,x) : x ∈ R}. Show that S is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Clearly, S is a non-empty subset of R3 as (0, 0, 0)∈ S. Let u =(x,x,x) and v =(y,y,y) ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Then, au + bv = a(x,x,x)+b(y,y,y) ⇒ au + av =(ax + by,ax + by,ax + by) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of V.

REMARK. Geometrically S, in the above example, represents the line passing through the origin O and having direction ratios proportional to 1,1,1 as shown in the following figure.




X 116 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

If there is no danger of any confusion we shall say V is a vector space over a field F, whenever the algebraic structure (V, F, ⊕, ) is a vector space. Thus, whenever we say that V is a vector space over a field F, it would always mean that (V, ⊕) is an abelian group and  : F ×V → V is a mapping such that V -2 (i)–(iv) are satisfied. V is called a real vector space if F = R (field of real numbers), and a complex vector space if F = C (field of complex numbers). REMARK-1 V is called a left or a right vector space according as the elements of a skew-field F are multiplied on the left or right of vectors in V. But, in case of a field these two concepts coincide. REMARK-2 The symbol ‘+’ has been used to denote the addition in the field F. For the sake of convenience, in future, we shall use the same symbol ‘+’ for vector addition ⊕ and addition in the field F. But, the context would always make it clear as to which operation is meant. Similarly, multiplication in the field F and scalar multiplication  will be denoted by the same symbol ‘·’. REMARK-3 In this chapter and in future also, we will be dealing with two types of zeros. One will be the zero of the additive abelian group V , which will be known as the vector zero and other will be the zero element of the field F which will be known as scalar zero. We will use the symbol 0V to denote the zero vector and 0 to denote the zero scalar. REMARK-4 Since (V,⊕) is an abelian group, therefore, for any u,v,w ∈ V the following properties will hold: (i) u ⊕ v = u ⊕ w ⇒ v = w (Cancellation laws) (ii) v ⊕ u = w ⊕ u ⇒ v = w

(iii) u ⊕ v = 0v ⇒ u = −v and v = −u (iv) −(−u)=u (v) u ⊕ v = u ⇒ v = 0v (vi) −(u ⊕ v)=(−u) ⊕ (−v) (vii) 0v is unique (viii) For each u ∈ V, −u ∈ V is unique. REMARK-5 If V is a vector space over a field F, then we will write V (F).


EXAMPLE-1 Every field is a vector space over its any subfield.

SOLUTION Let F be a field, and let S be an arbitrary subfield of F. Since F is an additive abelian group, therefore, V -1 holds. Taking multiplication in F as scalar multiplication, the axioms V -2 (i) to V -2 (iii) are respectively the right distributive law, left distributive law and associative law. Also V -2 (iv) is property of unity in F. Vector Spaces • 135

λu + µv = λ(0, b1, c1)+µ(0, b2, c2)

⇒ λu + µν =(0, λb1 + µb2, λc1 + µc2) ∈ S. Hence, S is a subspace of R3.

REMARK. Geometrically-R3 is three dimensional Euclidean plane and S is yz-plane which is itself a vector space. Hence, S is a sub-space of R3. Similarly, {(a, b, 0) : a, b ∈ R}, i.e. xy-plane, {(a,0,c) : a,c ∈ R}, i.e. xz plane are subspaces of R3. In fact, every plane through the origin is a subspace of R3. Also, the coordinate axes {(a,0,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. x-axis, {(0,a,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. y-axis and {(0,0,a) : a ∈ R}, i.e. z-axis are subspaces of R3.

EXAMPLE-2 Let V denote the vector space R3, i.e. V = {(x,y,z) : x,y,z ∈ R} and S consists of all vectors in R3 whose components are equal, i.e. S = {(x,x,x) : x ∈ R}. Show that S is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Clearly, S is a non-empty subset of R3 as (0, 0, 0)∈ S. Let u =(x,x,x) and v =(y,y,y) ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Then, au + bv = a(x,x,x)+b(y,y,y) ⇒ au + av =(ax + by,ax + by,ax + by) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of V.

REMARK. Geometrically S, in the above example, represents the line passing through the origin O and having direction ratios proportional to 1,1,1 as shown in the following figure.




X 136 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

EXAMPLE-3 Let a1,a2,a3 be fixed elements of a field F. Then the set S of all triads (x1,x2,x3) 3 of elements of F, such that a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0, is a subspace of F .

SOLUTION Let u =(x1,x2,x3),v =(y1,y2,y3) be any two elements of S. Then x1,x2,x3, y1,y2,y3 ∈ F are such that

a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0 (i) and, a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3 = 0 (ii) Let a,b be any two elements of F. Then,

au + bv = a(x1,x2,x3)+b(y1,y2,y3)=(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3). Now,

a1(ax1 + by1)+a2(ax2 + by2)+a3(ax3 + by3)

= a(a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3)+b(a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3) = a0 + b0 = 0 [From (i) and (ii)]

∴ au + bv =(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and all a,b ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of F3.

EXAMPLE-4 Show that the set S of all n × n symmetric matrices over a field F is a subspace of the vector space Fn×n of all n × n matrices over field F.

SOLUTION Note that a A is symmetric, if AT = A. n×n Obviously, S is a non-void subset of F , because the null matrix 0n×n is symmetric. Let A,B ∈ S and λ,µ ∈ F. Then, (λA + µB)T = λAT + µBT ⇒ (λA + µB)T = λA + µB [∵ A,B ∈ S ∴ AT = A,BT = B] ⇒ λA + µB ∈ S.

Thus, S is a non-void subset of Fn×n such that λA + µB ∈ S for all A,B ∈ S and for all λ,µ ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of Fn×n.

EXAMPLE-5 Let V be a vector space over a field F and let v ∈ V . Then Fv = {av : a ∈ F} is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Since 1 ∈ F, therefore v = 1 v ∈ Fv. Thus, Fv is a non-void subset of V . Let α,β ∈ Fv. Then, α = a1v, β = a2v for some a1,a2 ∈ F. 136 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

EXAMPLE-3 Let a1,a2,a3 be fixed elements of a field F. Then the set S of all triads (x1,x2,x3) 3 of elements of F, such that a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0, is a subspace of F .

SOLUTION Let u =(x1,x2,x3),v =(y1,y2,y3) be any two elements of S. Then x1,x2,x3, y1,y2,y3 ∈ F are such that

a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0 (i) and, a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3 = 0 (ii) Let a,b be any two elements of F. Then,

au + bv = a(x1,x2,x3)+b(y1,y2,y3)=(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3). Now,

a1(ax1 + by1)+a2(ax2 + by2)+a3(ax3 + by3)

= a(a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3)+b(a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3) = a0 + b0 = 0 [From (i) and (ii)]

∴ au + bv =(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and all a,b ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of F3.

EXAMPLE-4 Show that the set S of all n × n symmetric matrices over a field F is a subspace of the vector space Fn×n of all n × n matrices over field F.

SOLUTION Note that a square matrix A is symmetric, if AT = A. n×n Obviously, S is a non-void subset of F , because the null matrix 0n×n is symmetric. Let A,B ∈ S and λ,µ ∈ F. Then, (λA + µB)T = λAT + µBT ⇒ (λA + µB)T = λA + µB [∵ A,B ∈ S ∴ AT = A,BT = B] ⇒ λA + µB ∈ S.

Thus, S is a non-void subset of Fn×n such that λA + µB ∈ S for all A,B ∈ S and for all λ,µ ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of Fn×n.

EXAMPLE-5 Let V be a vector space over a field F and let v ∈ V . Then Fv = {av : a ∈ F} is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Since 1 ∈ F, therefore v = 1 v ∈ Fv. Thus, Fv is a non-void subset of V . Let α,β ∈ Fv. Then, α = a1v, β = a2v for some a1,a2 ∈ F. Vector Spaces • 137

Let λ,µ ∈ F. Then,

λα + µβ = λ(a1v)+µ(a2v)

⇒ λα + µβ =(λa1)v +(µa2)v [By V-2(iii)]

⇒ λα + µβ =(λa1 + µa2)v [By V-2(ii)]

⇒ λα + µβ ∈ Fv [∵ λa1 + µa2 ∈ F]

Thus, Fv is a non-void subset of V such that λα + µβ ∈ Fv for all α,β ∈ Fv and for all λ,µ ∈ F. Hence, Fv is a subspace of V .

EXAMPLE-6 Let AX = O be homogeneous system of linear equations, where A is an n × n matrix over R. Let S be the solution set of this system of equations. Show S is a subspace of Rn.

SOLUTION Every solution U of AX = O may be viewed as a vector in Rn. So, the solution set of AX = O is a subset of Rn. Clearly, AX = O. So, the zero vector O ∈ S. Consequently, S is non-empty subset of Rn. Let X1,X2 ∈ S. Then, X1 and X2 are solutions of AX = O ⇒ AX1 = O and AX2 = O (i) Let a, b be any two scalars in R. Then,

A(aX1 + bX2)=a(AX1)+b(AX2)=aO + bO = O [Using(i)] ⇒ aX1 + bX2 is a solution of AX = O ⇒ aX1 + bX2 ∈ S.

Thus, aX1 + bX2 ∈ S for X1,X2 ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of Rn.

REMARK. The solution set of a non-homogeneous system AX = B of linear equations in n unknowns is not a subspace of Rn, because zero vector O does not belong to its solution set.

EXAMPLE-7 Let V be the vector space of all real valued continuous functions over the field R of all real numbers. Show that the set S of solutions of the differential equation d2y dy 2 − 9 + 2y = 0 dx2 dx is a subspace of V.

SOLUTION We have, d2y dy S = y :2 − 9 + 2y = 0 , where y = f (x). dx2 dx  Vector Spaces • 139


(aa1 + ba2)+(ab1 + bb2)+2(ac1 + bc2)

= a(a1 + b1 + 2c1)+b(a2 + b2 + 2c2) = a × 0 + b × 0 = 0 [Using (i)]

∴ au + bv =(aa1 + ba2, ab1 + bb2, ac1 + bc2) ∈ S Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of R3.

EXAMPLE-9 Let S be the set of all elements of the form (x + 2y, y, −x + 3y) in R3, where x,y ∈ R. Show that S is a subspace of R3.

SOLUTION We have, S = {(x + 2y, y, −x + 3y) : x,y ∈ R} Let u,v be any two elements of S. Then,

u =(x1 + 2y1,y1,−x1 + 3y1),v =(x2 + 2y2,y2,−x2 + 3y2) where x1,y1,x2,y2 ∈ R. Let a,b be any two elements of R. In order to prove that S is a subspace of V, we have to prove that au + bv ∈ S, for which we have to show that au + bv is expressible in the form (α + 2β,β,−α + 3β). Now,

au + bv = a(x1 + 2y1,y1,−x1 + 3y1)+b(x2 + 2y2,y2,−x2 + 3y2)

⇒ au + bv = (ax1 + bx2)+2(ay1 + by2),ay1 + by2,−(ax1 + bx2)+3(ay1 + by2)

⇒ au + bv =( α + 2β,β,−α + 3β), where α = ax1 + bx2 and β = ay1 + by2. ⇒ au + bv ∈ S Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of R3.

EXAMPLE-10 Let V be the vector space of all 2×2 matrices over the field R of all real numbers. Show that: (i) the set S of all 2 × 2 singular matrices over R is not a subspace of V . (ii) the set S of all 2 × 2 matrices A satisfying A2 = A is not a subspace of V .

0 a 00 SOLUTION (i) We observe that A = , B = , a = 0 b = 0 are elements of S.  00  b 0  0 a But, A + B = is not an element of S as |A + B| = −ab = 0.  b 0  So, S is not a subspace of V. 140 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

10 20 (ii) We observe that I = ∈ S as I2 = I. But, 2I = ∈/ S, because 01 02 20 20 40 (2I)2 = = = 2I. 02 02 04 So, S is not a subspace of V.

SMALLEST SUBSPACE CONTAINING A GIVEN SUBSET. Let V be a vector space over a field F, and let W be a subset of V . Then a subspace S of V is called the smallest subspace of V containing W, if (i) W ⊂ S and (ii) S  is a subspace of V such that W ⊂ S  ⇒ S ⊂ S . The smallest subspace containing W is also called the subspace generated by W or subspace spanned by W and is denoted by [W ]. If W is a finite set, then S is called a finitely generated space. In Example 5, Fv is a finitely generated subspace of V containing {v}.

EXERCISE 2.3 1. Show that the set of all upper (lower) triangular matrices over field C of all complex numbers is a subspace of the vector space V of all n × n matrices over C. 2. Let V be the vector space of real-valued functions. Then, show that the set S of all continuous functions and set T of all differentiable functions are subspaces of V . 3. Let V be the vector space of all polynomials in indeterminate x over a field F and S be the set of all polynomials of degree at most n. Show that S is a subspace of V. 4. Let V be the vector space of all n × n square matrices over a field F. Show that: (i) the set S of all symmetric matrices over F is a subspace of V . (ii) the set S of all upper triangular matrices over F is a subspace of V. (iii) the set S of all diagonal matrices over F is a subspace of V. (iv) the set S of all scalar matrices over F is a subspace of V. 5. Let V be the vector space of all functions from the real field R into R. Show that S is a subspace of V where S consists of all: (i) bounded functions. (ii) even functions. (iii) odd functions. 6. Let V be the vector space R3. Which of the following subsets of V are subspaces of V?

(i) S1 = {(a,b,c) : a + b = 0}

(ii) S2 = {(a,b,c) : a = 2b + 1} 142 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

n n 12. Which of the following sets of vectors α =(a1,a2,...,an) in R are subspaces of R ? (n ≥ 3).

(i) all α such that a1 ≥ o

(ii) all α such that a1 + 3a2 = a3 2 (iii) all α such that a2 = a1

(iv) all α such that a1a2 = 0

(v) all α such that a2 is rational.

13. Let V be the vector space of all functions from R → R over the field R of all real numbers. Show that each of the following subsets of V are subspaces of V .

(i) S1 = { f : f : R → R satisfies f (0)= f (1)}

(ii) S2 = { f : f : R → R is continuous }

(iii) S3 = { f : f : R → R satisfies f (−1)=0}

14. Let V be the vector space of all functions from R to R over the field R of all real numbers. Show that each of the following subsets of V is not a subspace of V .

2 2 (i) S1 = f : f satisfies f (x )={ f (x)} for all x ∈ R  (ii) S2 = { f : f satisfies f (3) − f (−5)=1}

15. Let Rn×n be the vector space of all n × n real matrices. Prove that the set S consisting of all n × n real matrices which commutate with a given matrix A in Rn×n form a subspace of Rn×n. 16. Let C be the field of all complex numbers and let n be a positive integer such that n ≥ 2. Let V be the vector space of all n × n matrices over C. Show that the following subsets of V are not subspaces of V . (i) S = {A : A is invertible} (ii) S = {A : A is not invertible} n 17. Prove that the set of vectors (x1,x2,...,xn) ∈ R satisfying the m equations is a subspace of R n(R):

a11x1 + a12x2 + ···+ a1nxn = 0 a21x1 + a22x2 + ···+ a2nxn = 0 ...... am1x1 + am2x2 + ···+ amnxn = 0, aij ’s are fixed reals. Vector Spaces • 145

If S1 ⊂ S2, then S1 ∪S2 = S2, which is a subspace of V. Again, if S2 ⊂ S1, then S1 ∪S2 = S1 which is also a subspace of V. Hence, in either case S1 ∪ S2 is a subspace of V . Conversely, suppose that S1 ∪ S2 is a subspace of V . Then we have to prove that either S1 ⊂ S2 or S2 ⊂ S1. If possible, let S1 ⊂/ S2 and S2 ⊂/ S1. Then,

S1 ⊂/ S2 ⇒ There exists u ∈ S1 such that u ∈/ S2 and, S2 ⊂/ S1 ⇒ There exists v ∈ S2 such that v ∈/ S1. Now,

u ∈ S1,v ∈ S2

⇒ u,v ∈ S1 ∪ S2

⇒ u + v ∈ S1 ∪ S2 [∵ S1 ∪ S2 is a subspace of V ]

⇒ u + v ∈ S1 or, u + v ∈ S2.

If u + v ∈ S1

⇒ (u + v) − u ∈ S1 [∵ u ∈ S1 and S1 is a subspace of V ]

⇒ v ∈ S1, which is a contradiction [∵ v ∈/ S1]

If u + v ∈ S2

⇒ (u + v) − v ∈ S2 [∵ v ∈ S2 and S2 is a subspace of V ]

⇒ u ∈ S2, which is a contradiction [∵ u ∈/ S2] Since the contradictions arise by assuming that S1 ⊂/ S2 and S2 ⊂/ S1. Hence, either S1 ⊂ S2 or, S2 ⊂ S1. Q.E.D.

REMARK. In general, the union of two subspaces of a vector space is not necessarily a sub- space. For example, S1 = {(a,0,0) : a ∈ R} and S2 = {(0,b,0) : b ∈ R} are subspaces of 3 3 R . But, their union S1 ∪ S2 is not a subspace of R , because (2,0,0),(0,−1,0) ∈ S1 ∪ S2, but (2,0,0)+(0,−1,0)=(2,−1,0) ∈/ S1 ∪ S2. As remarked above the union of two subspaces is not always a subspace. Therefore, unions are not very useful in the study of vector spaces and we shall say no more about them.

THEOREM-4 The inter section of a family of subspaces of V (F) containing a given subset S of V is the (smallest subspace of V containing S) subspace generated by S.

PROOF. Let {Si : i ∈ I} be a family of subspaces of V(F) containing a subset S of V. Let T = ∩ Si. Then by Theorem 2, T is a subspace of V. Since Si ⊃ S for all i. Therefore, i∈I T = ∩ Si ⊃ S. i∈I Hence, T is a subspace of V containing S. 146 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Now it remains to show that T is the smallest subspace of V containing S. Let W be a subspace of V containing S. Then W is one of the members of the family {Si : i ∈ I}. Consequently, W ⊃ ∩ Si = T. i∈I Thus, every subspace of V that contains S also contains T. Hence, T is the smallest sub- space of V containing S. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-5 Let A = {v1,v2,...,vn} be a non-void finite subset of a vector space V (F). n Then the set S = ∑ aivi : ai ∈ F is the subspace of V generated by A, i.e. S =[A]. i=1  PROOF. In order to prove that S is a subspace of V generated by A, it is sufficient to show that S is the smallest subspace of V containing A. We have, vi = 0 · v1 + 0v2 + ···+ 0vi−1 + 1 · vi + 0vi+1 + ···+ 0vn So, vi ∈ S for all i ∈ n ⇒ A ⊂ S. n n Let u = ∑ aivi, v = ∑ bivi ∈ S, and let λ,µ ∈ F. Then, i=1 i=1 n n λu + µv = λ Σ aivi + µ Σ bivi i=1  i=1  n n ⇒ λu + µv = Σ (λai)vi + Σ (µbi)vi [By V-2(i) and V -2(iii)] i=1 i=1 n ⇒ λu + µv = Σ (λai + µbi)vi ∈ S [∵ λai + µbi ∈ F for all i ∈ n] i=1 Thus, λu + µv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and for all λ,µ ∈ F. So, S is a subspace of V containing A. Now, let W be a subspace of V containing A. Then, for each i ∈ n

ai ∈ F,vi ∈ A

⇒ ai ∈ F,vi ∈ W [∵ A ⊂ W ]

⇒ aivi ∈ W [∵ W is a subspace of V ] n ⇒ Σ aivi ∈ W i=1 Thus, S ⊂ W . Hence, S is the smallest subspace of V containing A. Q.E.D.

REMARK. If ϕ is the void set, then the smallest subspace of V containing ϕ is the null space {0V }. Therefore, the null space is generated by the void set.

SUM OF SUBSPACES. Let S and T be two subspaces of a vector space V (F). Then their sum (linear sum) S + T is the set of all sums u + v such that u ∈ S,v ∈ T. Thus, S + T = {u + v : U ∈ S,v ∈ T}. Vector Spaces • 147

THEOREM-6 Let S and T be two subspaces of a vector space V (F). Then,

(i) S + T is a subspace of V . (ii) S + T is the smallest subspace of V containing S ∪ T , i.e. S + T =[S ∪ T].

PROOF. (i) Since S and T are subspaces of V. Therefore,

0V ∈ S, 0V ∈ T ⇒ 0V = 0V + 0V ∈ S + T. So, S + T is a non-void subset of V . Let u = u1 + u2,v = v1 + v2 ∈ S + T and let λ,µ ∈ F. Then, u1,v1 ∈ S and u2,v2 ∈ T. Now,

λu + µv = λ(u1 + u2)+µ(v1 + v2)

⇒ λu + µv =(λu1 + λu2)+(µv1 + µv2) [By V-2(i)]

⇒ λu + µv =(λu1 + µv1)+(λu2 + µv2) [Using comm. and assoc. of vector addition] Since S and T are subspaces of V. Therefore,

u1,v1 ∈ S and λ,µ ∈ F ⇒ λu1 + µv1 ∈ S and, u2,v2 ∈ T and λ,µ ∈ F ⇒ λu2 + µv2 ∈ T. Thus, λu + µv =(λu1 + µv1)+(λu2 + µv2) ∈ S + T. Hence, S + T is a non-void subset of V such that λu + µv ∈ S + T for all u,v ∈ S + T and λ,µ ∈ F. Consequently, S + T is a subspace of V. (ii) Let W be a subspace of V such that W ⊃ (S ∪ T). Let u + v be an arbitrary element of S + T. Then u ∈ S and v ∈ T. Now, u ∈ S,v ∈ T ⇒ u ∈ S ∪ T,v ∈ S ∪ T ⇒ u,v ∈ W [∵ W ⊃ S ∪ T] ⇒ u + v ∈ W [∵ W is a subspace of V ] Thus, u + v ∈ S + T ⇒ u + v ∈ W ⇒ S + T ⊂ W . Obviously, S ∪ T ⊂ S + T. Thus, if W is a subspace of V containing S ∪ T, then it contains S + T. Hence, S + T is the smallest subspace of V containing S ∪ T. Q.E.D.

DIRECT SUM OF SUBSPACES. A vector space V (F) is said to be direct sum of its two subspaces S and T if every vector u in V is expressible in one and only one asu= v+ w, where v ∈ S and w ∈ T. If V is direct sum of S and T, then we write V = S ⊕ T. Vector Spaces • 151

EXAMPLE-4 Consider the vector space V = R3. Let S = {(x,y,0) : x,y ∈ R} and T = {(x,0,z) : x,z ∈ R}. Prove that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S + T , but V is not the direct sum of S and T .

SOLUTION Clearly, S and T represent xy-plane and xz-plane respectively. It can be easily checked that S and T are subspaces of V. Let v =(x,y,z) be an arbitrary point in V. Then, v =(x,y,z)=(x,y,0)+(0,0,z) ⇒ v ∈ S + T [∵ (x,y,0) ∈ S and (0,0,z) ∈ T] ∴ V ⊂ S + T Also, S + T ⊂ V. Hence, V = S + T i.e. R3 is a sum of the xy-plane and the yz-plane.

Clearly, S ∩ T = {(x,0,0) : x ∈ R} is the x-axis. ∴ S ∩ T = {(0,0,0)}. So, V is not the direct sum of S and T.

COMPLEMENT OF A SUBSPACE. Let V (F) be a vector space and let S be a subspace of V . Then a subspace T of V is said to be complement of S, if V = S ⊕ T.

INDEPENDENT SUBSPACES. Let S1,S2,...,Sn be subspaces of a vector space V.Then S1,S2,...,Sn are said to be independent, if n Si ∩ Σ S j = {0V } for all i = 1,2,...,n. j=1 j = i

THEOREM-8 Let S1,S2,...,Sn be subspaces of a vector space V (F) such that V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn. Then, the following are equivalent:

(i) V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sn. (ii) S1,S2,...,Sn are independent. n (iii) For each vi ∈ Si, ∑ vi = 0V ⇒ vi = 0V . i=1 PROOF. Let us first prove that (i) implies (ii). n Let u ∈ Si ∩ ∑ S j. Then there exist v1 ∈ S1,v2 ∈ S2,...,vi ∈ Si,...,vn ∈ Sn such that j=1 j= i

u = vi = v1 + v2 + ···+ vi−1 + vi+1 + ···+ vn

⇒ u = v1 + v2 + ···+ vi−1 + 0V + vi+1 + ···+ vn = 0v1 + 0v2 + ···+ 1vi + ···+ 0vn

⇒ v1 = 0V = v2 = ···= vi = ···= vn [∵ V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sn]

⇒ u = 0V 152 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

n Thus, u ∈ Si ∩ ∑ S j ⇒ u = 0V . j=1 j= i n Hence, Si ∩ ∑ S j = 0V . Consequently, S1,S2,...,Sn are independent. j=1 j= i (ii) ⇒(iii).

Let v1 + v2 + ···+ vn = 0V with vi ∈ Si,i ∈ n. Then,

⇒ vi = −(v1 + v2 + ···+ vi−1 + vi+1 + ···+ vn)

n ⇒ vi = − Σ v j. j=1 j= i n n Since vi ∈ Si and − ∑ v j ∈ ∑ S j. Therefore, j=1 j=1 j= i j= i n vi ∈ Si ∩ Σ S j for all i ∈ n. j=1 j= i

⇒ vi = 0V for all i ∈ n [∵ S1,S2,...,Sn are independent] (iii) ⇒ (i)

Since V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn is given. Therefore, it is sufficient to show that each v ∈ V has a unique representation as a sum of vectors in S1,S2,...,Sn. Let, if possible, v = v1 + ···+ vn and v = w1 + ···+ wn be two representations for v ∈ V. Then,

v1 + v2 + ···+ vn = w1 + w2 + ···+ wn

⇒ (v1 − w1)+···+(vn − wn)=0V

⇒ v1 − w1 = 0V ,...,vn − wn = 0V [Using (iii)]

⇒ v1 = w1,...,vn = wn.

Thus, each v ∈ V has a unique representation. Hence, V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sn. Consequently, (iii) ⇒(i). Hence, (i) ⇒ (ii) ⇒ (iii) ⇒ (i) i.e. (i) ⇔ (ii) ⇔ (iii) Q.E.D.

LINEAR VARIETY. Let S be a subspace of a vector space V (F), and let v ∈ V . Then, v + S = {v + u : u ∈ S} is called a linear variety of S by v or a translate of S by v or a parallel of S through v. S is called the base space of the linear variety and v a leader. Vector Spaces • 153

THEOREM-9 Let S be a subspace of a vector space V (F) and let P = v + S be the parallel of S through v. Then, (i) every vector in P can be taken as a leader of P, i.e u + S = P for all u ∈ P.

(ii) two vectors v1,v2 ∈ V are in the same parallel of S iff v1 − v2 ∈ S

PROOF. (i) Let u be an arbitrary vector in P = v + S. Then there exists v1 ∈ S such that

u = v + v1. ⇒ v = u − v1. Let w be an arbitrary vector in P. Then,

w = v + v2 for some v2 ∈ S.

⇒ w =(u − v1)+v2 [∵ v = u − v1]

⇒ w = u +(v2 − v1) [∵ v2 − v1 ∈ S] ⇒ w ∈ u + S Thus, P ⊂ u + S. Now let w ∈ u + S. Then,  w = u + v3 for some v3 ∈ S.  ⇒ w =(v + v1)+v3 [∵ v = u − v1]  ⇒ w = v +(v1 + v3)  ⇒ w ∈ v + S [∵ v1 + v3 ∈ S] Thus, u + S ⊂ P. Hence, u + S = P Since u is an arbitrary vector in P. Therefore, u + S = P for all u ∈ P.

(ii) Let v1,v2 be in the same parallel of S, say u + S. Then there exist u1,u2 ∈ S such that

v1 = v + u1,v2 = v + u2

⇒ v1 − v2 = u1 − u2 ⇒ v1 − v2 ∈ S [∵ u1,u2 ∈ S ⇒ u1 − u2 ∈ S]

Conversely, if v1 − v2 ∈ S, then there exists u ∈ S such that

v1 − v2 = u

⇒ v1 = v2 + u

⇒ v1 ∈ v2 + S. [∵ u ∈ S]

Also, v2 = v2 + 0V where 0V ∈ S

⇒ v2 ∈ v2 + S.

Hence, v1,v2 are in the same parallel of S. Q.E.D. 154 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

EXERCISE 2.4 1. Let V = R3, S = {(0, y, z) : y, z ∈ R} and T = {(x, 0, z) : x, z ∈ R} Show that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S + T. But, V is not the direct sum of S and T. 2. Let V(R) be the vector space of all 2×2 matrices over R. Let S be the set of all symmetric matrices in V and T be the set of all skew-symmetric matrices in V. Show that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S ⊕ T. 3. Let V = R3, S = {(x, y, 0) : x, y ∈ R} and T = {(0,0,z) : z ∈ R}. Show that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S ⊕ T . 3 4. Let S1, S2, S3 be the following subspaces of vector space V = R :

S1 = {(x, y, z) : x = z, x, y, z ∈ R}

S2 = {(x, y, z) : x + y + z = 0, x, y, z ∈ R}

S3 = {(0, 0, z) : z ∈ R}

Show that: (i) V = S1 + S2 (ii) V = S2 + S3 (iii) V = S1 + S3 When is the sum direct? 5. Let S and T be the two-dimensional subspaces of R3. Show that S ∩ T = {0}. 6. Let S, S1, S2 be the subspaces of a vector space V (F). Show that

(S ∩ S1)+(S ∩ S2) ⊆ S ∩ (S1 + S2) Find the subspaces of R2 for which equality does not hold. 7. Let V be the vector space of n × n square matrices. Let S be the subspace of upper triangular matrices, and let T be the subspaces of lower triangular matrices. Find (i) S ∩ T (ii) S + T. 8. Let F be a subfield of the field C of complex numbers and let V be the vector space of all xy x 0 2 × 2 matrices over F. Let S = : x, y, z ∈ F and T = : x, y ∈ F .  z 0    0 y   Show that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S + T but V = S ⊕ T. x 0 00 Hint: S ∩ T = : x ∈ F ∴ S ∩ T =   00   00 9. Let S and T be subspaces of a vector space V(F) such that V = S + T and S ∩ T = {0V }. Prove that each vector v in V there are unique vectors v1 in S and v2 in T such that v = v1 + v2. 10. Let U and W be vector spaces over a field F and let V = U ×W = {(u, w) : u ∈ U and w ∈W }. Then V is a vector space over field F with addition in V and scalar multiplication on V defined by (u1, w1)+(u2, w2)=(u1 + u2, w1 + w2) and, k(u, w)=(ku, kw). Let S = {(u, 0) : u ∈ U} and T = {(0, w) : w ∈ W}. Show that Vector Spaces • 157

Since S is a subgroup of additive abelian group V. Therefore, for any u + S,v + S ∈ V/S

u + S = v + S ⇔ u − v ∈ S

Thus, we have defined vector addition, scalar multiplication on V /S and equality of any two elements of V/S. Now we proceed to prove that V /S is a vector space over field F under the above defined operations of addition and scalar multiplication.

THEOREM-1 Let V be a vector space over a field F and let S be a subspace of V . Then, the set

V/S = {u + S : u ∈ V } is a vector space over field F for the vector addition and scalar multiplication on V/S defined as follows:

(u + S)+(v + S)=(u + v)+S and, a(u + S)=au + S for all u + S, v + S ∈ V/S and for all a ∈ F.

PROOF. First we shall show that above rules for vector addition and scalar multiplication are well defined, i.e. are independent of the particular representative chosen to denote a coset.

Let u + S = u + S,where u,u ∈ V and, v + S = v + S,where v,v ∈ V.


u + S = u + S ⇒ u − u ∈ S and, v + S = v + S ⇒ v − v ∈ S.

Now, u − u ∈ S,v − v ∈ S ⇒ (u − u)+(v − v) ∈ S [∵ S is a subspace of V ] ⇒ (u + v) − (u + v) ∈ S ⇒ (u + v)+S =(u + v)+S ⇒ (u + S)+(v + S)=(u + S)(v + S)

Thus, u + S = u + S and v + S = v + S ⇒ (u + S)+(v + S)=(u + S)+(v + S) for all u, u, v, v ∈ V. Therefore, vector addition on V/S is well defined. Again,

λ ∈ F, u − u ∈ S ⇒ λ(u − u) ∈ S ⇒ λu − λu ∈ S ⇒ λu + S = λu + S 158 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Therefore, scalar multiplication on V /S is well defined. V − 1:V/S is an abelian group under vector addition:

Associativity: For any u + S,v + S,w + S ∈ V/S, we have

[(u + S)+(v + S)] + (w + S) = ((u + v)+S)+(w + S) = {(u + v)+w} + S = {u +(v + w)} + S [By associativity of vector addition on V ] =(u + S) + ((v + w)+S) =(u + S) + [(v + S)+(w + S)]

So, vector addition is associative on V/S.

Commutativity: For any u + S,v + S ∈ V/S, we have

(u + S)+(v + S)=(u + v)+S =(v + u)+S [By commutativity of vector addition on V ] =(v + S)+(u + S)

So, vector addition is commutative on V/S.

Existence of additive identity: Since 0V ∈ V therefore, 0V + S = S ∈ V/S. Now,

(u + S)+(0V + S)=(u + 0V )+S =(u + S) for all u + S ∈ V /S

∴ (u + S)+(0V + S)=(u + S)=(0V + S)+(u + S) for all u + S ∈ V /S.

So 0V + S = S is the identity element for vector addition on V/S.

Existence of additive inverse: Let u + S be an arbitrary element of V/S. Then, u ∈ V ⇒−u ∈ V ⇒ (−u)+S ∈ V /S Thus, for each u + S ∈ V/S there exists (−u)+S ∈ V /S such that

(u + S) + ((−u)+S)=[u +(−u)] + S = 0V + S = S

⇒ (u + S) + ((−u)+S)=0V + S=(−u)+S +(u + S)[By commutativity of addition on V /S]

So, each u + S ∈ V /S has its additive inverse (−u)+S ∈ V/S. Hence, V/S is an abelian group under vector addition. Vector Spaces • 159

V − 2:For any u + S, v + S ∈ V/S and λ,µ ∈ F, we have (i) λ[(u + S)+(v + S)] = λ[(u + v)+S] =[λ(u + v)] + S =(λu + λv)+S [By V -2(i) in V] =(λu + S)+(λv + S) [By definition of addition on V/S] = λ(u + S)+λ(v + S) [By def. of scalar multiplication on V/S]

(ii)(λ + µ)(u + S)=(λ + µ)u + S [By def. of scalar multiplication on V/S] =(λu + µu)+S [By V-2(ii) in V] =(λu + S)+(µu + S) [By definition of addition on V/S] = λ(u + S)+µ(u + S)

(iii)(λµ)(u + S)=(λµ)u + S = λ(µu)+S [By V -2(iii) in V] = λ(µu + S) = λ[µ(u + S)] (iv) 1(u + S)=1u + S = u + S [By V-2(iv) in V] Hence, V/S is a vector space over field F. Q.E.D.

QUOTIENT SPACE. Let V be a vector space over a field F and let S be a subspace of V . Then the set V /S = {u + S : u ∈ V } is a vector space over field F for the vector addition and scalar multiplication defined as (u + S)+(v + S)=(u + v)+S a(u + S)=au + S For all u + S,v + S ∈ V /S and for all a ∈ F. This vector space is called a quotient space of V by S.

EXERCISE 2.5 1. If S is a subspace of a vector space V(F), then show that there is one-one correspondence between the subspaces of V containing S and subspaces of the quotient space V /S. 2. Define quotient space. 160 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


LINEAR COMBINATION. Let V be a vector space over a field F. Let v1,v2,...,vn be n vectors n in V and let λ1,λ2,...,λn be n scalars in F. Then the vector λ1v1 + ···+ λnvn(or ∑ λivi) is i=1 called a of v1,v2,...,vn. It is also called a linear combination of the set S = {v1,v2,...,vn}. Since there are finite number of vectors in S, it is also called a finite linear combination of S. If S is an infinite subset of V, then a linear combination of a finite subset of S is called a finite linear combination of S.


2 EXAMPLE-1 Express v =(−2,3) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(1,1) and v2 =(1,2).

SOLUTION Let x,y be scalars such that

v = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (−2,3)=x(1,1)+y(1,2) ⇒ (−2,3)=(x + y,x + 2y) ⇒ x + y = −2 and x + 2y = 3 ⇒ x = −7,y = 5

Hence, v = −7v1 + 5v2.

2 EXAMPLE-2 Express v =(−2,5) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(−1,1) and v2 =(2,−2).

SOLUTION Let x,y be scalars such that

v = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (−2,5)=x(−1,1)+y(2,−2) ⇒ (−2,5)=(−x + 2y,x − 2y) ⇒−x + 2y = −2 and x − 2y = 5 This is an inconsistent system of equations and so it has no solution. Hence, v cannot be written as the linear combination of v1 and v2.

EXAMPLE-3 Express v =(1,−2,5) in R3 as a linear combination of the following vectors:

v1 =(1,1,1),v2 =(1,2,3),v3 =(2,−1,1) 162 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

This is equivalent to 121 x 2  02−2  y  =  1 Applying R2 → R2 + 3R1,R3 → R3 +(−2)R1 0 −55 z −1      12 1 x 2 5 or,  02−2  y  =  1 Applying R → R + R 3 3 2 2 00 0 z 3/2      This is an inconsistent system of equations and so has no solution. Hence, v cannot be written as a linear combination of v1,v2 and v3.

EXAMPLE-5 Express the polynomial f (x)=x2 +4x−3 in the vector space V of all polynomials over R as a linear combination of the polynomials g(x)=x2 − 2x + 5,h(x)=2x2 − 3x and φ(x)=x + 3.

SOLUTION Let α,β,γ be scalars such that f (x)=ug(x)+vh(x)+w φ(x) for all x ∈ R ⇒ x2 + 4x − 3 = u(x2 − 2x + 5)+v(2x2 − 3x)+w(x + 3 for all x ∈ R ⇒ x2 + 4x − 3 =(u + 2v)x2 +(−2u − 3v + w)x +(5u + 3w) for all x ∈ R (i) ⇒ u + 2v = 1,−2u − 3v + w = 4,5u + w = −3 (ii) The matrix form of this system of equations is 1 20 u 1  −2 −31 v  =  4  5 03 w −3      This system of equations is equivalent to 120 u 1  011 v  =  6 Applying R2 → R2 + 2R1, R3 → R3 − 5R1 0 −10 3 w −8      12 0 u 1 or,  01 1 v  =  6 Applying R3 → R3 + 10R2 0013 w 52      Thus, the system of equations obtained in (i) is consistent and is equivalent to u + 2v = 1,v + w = 6 and 13w = 52 ⇒ u = −3,v = 2,w = 4 Hence, f (x)=−3g(x)+2h(x)+4φ(x).

REMARK. The equation (i) obtained in the above solution is an identity in x, that is it holds for any value of x. So, the values of u,v and w can be obtained by solving three equations which can be obtained by given any three values to x. 164 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

SOLUTION Let x,y be scalars such that

u = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (1,k,4)=x(1,2,3)+y(2,3,1) ⇒ (1,k,4)=(x + 2y,2x + 3y,3x + y) ⇒ x + 2y = 1,2x + 3y = k and 3x + y = 4 7 1 Solving x + 2y = 1 and 3x + y = 4, we get x = and y = − 5 5 11 Substituting these values in 2x + 3y = k, we get k = 5 3 EXAMPLE-8 Consider the vectors v1 =(1,2,3) and v2 =(2,3,1) in R (R). Find conditions on a,b,c so that u =(a,b,c) is a linear combination of v1 and v2.

SOLUTION Let x,y be scalars in R such that

u = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (a,b,c)=x(1,2,3)+y(2,3,1) ⇒ (a,b,c)=(x + 2y,2x + 3y,3x + y) ⇒ x + 2y = a,2x + 3y = b and 3x + y = c Solving first two equations, we get x = −3a + 2b and y = 2a − b. Substituting these values in 3x + y = c, we get 3(−3a + 2b)+(2a − b)=c or, 7a − 5b + c = 0 as the required condition.

EXERCISE 2.6 2 1. Express v =(3,−2) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(−1,1) and v2 =(2,1). 2 2. Express v =(−2,5) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(2,−1) and v2 =(−4,2). 3 3. Express v =(3,7,−4) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(1,2,3), v2 =(2,3,7) and v3 =(3,5,6). 3 4. Express v =(2,−1,3) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(3,0,3), v2 =(−1,2,−5) and v3 =(−2,−1,0). 5. Let V be the vector space of all real polynomials over field R of all real numbers. Ex- press the polynomial p(x)=3x2 + 5x − 5 as a linear combination of the polynomials f (x)=x2 + 2x + 1,g(x)=2x2 + 5x + 4 and h(x)=x2 + 3x + 6. 6. Let V = P2(t) be the vector space of all polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2 and t be the indeterminate. Write the polynomial f (t)=at2 + bt + c as a linear combination 2 of the polynomials p1(t)=(t − 1) , p2(t)=t − 1 and p3(t)=1. 3 7. Write the vectors u =(1,3,8) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(1,2,3) and v2 =(2,3,1). Vector Spaces • 165

3 8. Write the vector u =(2,4,5) in R (R) as a linear combination of the vectors v1 =(1,2,3) and v2 =(2,3,1). 9. Consider the vector space R2×2 ofall2× 2 matrices over the field R of real numbers. 5 −6 Express the matrix M = as a linear combination of the matrices 78 10 01 00 00 E = ,E = ,E = and E = 11 00 12 00 21 10 22 01

ANSWERS −7 1 1. v = v + v 2. v is not expressible as a linear combination of v and v . 3 1 3 2 1 2

3. v = 2v1 − 4v2 + 3v3 4. v is not expressible as a linear combination of v1,v2,v3.

5. p(x)=3 f (x)+g(x) − 2h(x) 6. f (t)=ap1(t)+(2a + b)p2(t)+(a + b + c)p3(t)

7. u = 3v1 − v2 8. Not Possible 9. M = 5E11 − 6E12 + 7E21 + 8E22


LINEAR SPAN OF A SET. Let V be a vector space over a field F and let S be a subset of V . Then the set of all finite linear combinations of S is called of S and is denoted by [S]. Thus, n [S]= ∑ λivi : λ1,λ2,...,λn ∈ F, n ∈ N and v1,v2,...,vn ∈ S . i=1  If S is a finite set, say S = {v1,v2,...,vn}, then n [S]= Σ λivi : λi ∈ F . i=1 

In this case [S] is also written as [v1,v2,...,vn]. If S = {v}, then [S]=Fv as shown in Example 5 on page 136. Consider a subset S = {(1,0,0),(0,1,0)} of real vector space R3. Any linear combination of a finite number of elements of S is of the form λ(1,0,0)+µ(0,1,0)=(λ,µ,0). By definition, the set of all such linear combinations is [S]. Thus, [S]={(λ,µ,0) : λ,µ ∈ R}. Clearly [S] is xy-plane in three dimensional Euclidean space R3 and is a subspace of R3. In fact, this is true for every non-void subset of a vector space. The following theorem proves this result.

THEOREM-1 Let S be a non-void subset of a vector space V (F). Then [S], the linear span of S, is a subspace of V .

PROOF. Since 0V = 0v1 +0v2 +···+0vn for every positive integer n. Therefore, 0V is a finite linear combination of S and so it is in [S]. Thus, [S] is a non-void subset of V. 166 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Let u and v be any two vectors in [S]. Then, ’s u = λ1u1 +λ2u2 +···+λnun for some scalars λi ∈ F, some ui ∈ S, and a positive integer n. ’s ’s and, v = µ1v1 + µ2v2 + ···+ µmvm for some µi ∈ F, some vi ∈ S, and a positive integer m. If λ,µ are any two scalars in F, then

λu + µv = λ(λ1u1 + λ2u2 + ···+ λnun)+µ(µ1v1 + ···+ µmvm)

⇒ λu + µv =(λλ1)u1 + ···+(λλn)un +(µµ1)v1 + ···+(µµm)vm Clearly, λu + µv is a finite linear combination of vectors in S and so it is in [S]. Thus, λu + µv ∈ [S] for all u,v ∈ [S] and for all λ,µ ∈ F. Hence, [S] is a subspace of V. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-2 Let S be a subspace of a vector space V (F). Then [S] is the smallest subspace of V containing S. PROOF. By Theorem 1, [S] is a subspace of V . Let v be an arbitrary vector in S. Then, v = 1v [By V-2(iv)] ⇒ v is a finite linear combination of S. ⇒ v ∈ [S]. Thus, S ⊂ [S]. Now it remains to prove that [S] is the smallest subspace of V containing S. For this, we shall show that if there exists another subspace T containing S, then it also contains [S]. So let T be a subspace of V containing S. Let u be an arbitrary vector in [S]. Then, ’s ’s u = λ1v1 + ···+ λnvn for some λi ∈ F, some vi ∈ S and a positive integer n. Since S ⊂ T and vi ∈ S. Therefore,

vi ∈ T for each i ∈ n

⇒ λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λnvn ∈ T [∵ T is a subspace of V ] ⇒ u ∈ T Since u is an arbitrary vector in S. Therefore, u ∈ T for all u ∈ [S]. ⇒ [S] ⊂ T. Hence, [S] is the smallest subspace of V containing S. Q.E.D.

REMARK-1 Since the null space {0V } is the smallest subspace of V containing the void set ϕ, Therefore, by convention, we take [ϕ]={0V }. Vector Spaces • 167

REMARK-2 It is clear from the foregoing discussion that if S is a non-void subset of a vector space V (F), then S itself is smaller than [S]. In fact, [S] = {0V } always contains an infinite number of vectors whatever be the number of vectors in S.

THEOREM-3 Let S = {v1,v2,...,vn} be a finite subset of a vector space V (F). Then for any 0 = a ∈ F

(i) [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]=[v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn] (ii) [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]=[v1 + avk,v2,...,vk,...,vn] n (iii) If v = ∑ aivi, where ai ∈ F for all i ∈ n, then [v1,v2,...,vn]=[v1,v2,...,vn,v]. i=1

PROOF. (i) Let u∈[v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]. Then u is a linear combination of vectors v1,v2,..., vk,...,vn.

Consequently, there exist scalars λ1,λ2,...,λn in F such that

u = λ1v1 + ···+ λkvk + ···+ λnvn −1 −1 ⇒ u = λ1v1 + ···+ λka (avk)+···+ λnvn [∵ 0 = a ∈ F ∴ a ∈ F]

⇒ u is a linear combination of v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn

⇒ u ∈ [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn]

Thus, u ∈ [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn] ⇒ u ∈ [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn]

∴ [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn] ⊂ [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn] (i)

Now let u be an arbitrary vector in [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn]. Then there exist scalar µ1,µ2,...,µk,...,µn in F such that

u = µ1v1 + µ2v2 + ···+ µk(avk)+···+ µnvn

⇒ u = µ1v1 + µ2v2 + ···+(µka)vk + ···+ µnvn

⇒ u is a linear combination of v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn

⇒ u ∈ [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]

Thus, u ∈ [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn] ⇒ u ∈ [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]

∴ [v1,v2,...,avk,...,vn] ⊂ [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn](ii) From (i) and (ii), we obtain

[v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]=[v1,v2 ...,avk,...,vn]

(ii) Let u be an arbitrary vector in [v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn]. Then, there exist scalars λ1,λ2,...,λn, such that n u = ∑ λivi i=1 ⇒ u = λ1(v1 + avk)+λ2v2 + ···+(λk − aλ1)vk + ···+ λnvn

⇒ u is a linear combination of v1 + avk,v2,...,vk,...,vn

⇒ u ∈ [v1 + avk,v2,...,vk,...,vn] 170 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

(iii) We know that [S] is a subspace of V. Therefore, by (ii) it follows that [S] =[S]. (iv) Let u be an arbitrary vector in [S ∪ T]. Then,  ’s ’s ’s ’s u = λ1u1 + λ2u2 + ···+ λmum + µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn for some ui ∈ S, vi ∈ T, λi , µi ∈ F, and positive m and n. ’s ’s Now, ui ∈ S and λi ∈ F ⇒ λ1u1 + ···+ λmum ∈ [S] ’s ’s and, vi ∈ T and µi ∈ F ⇒ µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn ∈ [T]. ∴ λ1u1 + ···+ λmum + µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn ∈ [S]+[T] ⇒ u ∈ [S]+[T] Thus, u ∈ [S ∪ T] ⇒ u ∈ [S]+[T]. Consequently, [S ∪ T] ⊂ [S]+[T]. Now, let v be an arbitrary vector in [S]+[T]. Then, v = u + w for some u ∈ [S], w ∈ [T]. Now, u ∈ [S] ⇒ u is a finite linear combination of S. and, w ∈ [T ] ⇒ w is a finite linear combination of T. Therefore, v = u + w is a finite linear combination of S ∪ T and so it is in [S ∪ T]. Thus, v ∈ [S]+[T] ⇒ v ∈ [S ∪ T] Consequently, [S]+[T] ⊂ [S ∪ T] Hence, [S ∪ T]=[S]+[T] Q.E.D.


Let A =[aij] be an arbitrary m × n matrix over a field F. The rows of A are R1 =(a11, a12, a13,...a1n), R2 =(a21, a22, a23,...a2n),...,Rm =(am1, am2, am3,..., amn) These rows may be viewed as vectors in Fn. So, they span a subspace of Fn, which is known as the row space of matrix A and is denoted by rowsp(A). That is,

rowsp(A)=[R1, R2,...,Rm] Thus, row space of a matrix is the subspace of Fn spanned the rows of the matrix. Similarly, the column space of A is the subspace of Fm spanned by the columns C1 =(a11, a21,...,am1), C2 =(a12, a22,...,am2)..., Cn =(a1n, a2n,..., amn) and is denoted by colsp(A). Clearly, colsp(A)=rowsp(AT ).

THEOREM-1 Row equivalent matrices have the same row space. PROOF. Let A be a matrix and B be the matrix obtained by applying one of the following row operations on matrix A: Vector Spaces • 171

(i) Interchange Ri and R j (ii) Replace Ri by kRi (iii) Replace R j by R j + kRi Then each row of B is a row of A or a linear combination of rows of A. So, the row space of B is contained in the row space of A. On the other hand, we can apply the inverse elementary row operation on B to obtain A. So, the row space of A is contained in the row space of B. Consequently, A and B have the same row space. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-2 Let A and B be row canonical matrices. Then A and B have the same row space if and only if they have the same non-zero rows.

EXAMPLE Let v1 =(1,2,−1,3),v2 =(2,4,1,−2),v3 =(3,6,3,−7),v4 =(1,2,−4,11) and 4 v5 =(2,4,−5,14) be vectors in R (R) such that S = {v1,v2,v3} and T = {v4,v5}. Show that [S]=[T].

SOLUTION There are two ways to show that [S]=[T]. Show that each of v1,v2,v3 is a linear combination of v3 and v4 and show that each of v4 and v5 is a linear combination of v1,v2,v3. But, this method is not very convenient. So, let us discuss an alternative method. Let A be the matrix whose rows are v1,v2,v3 and B be the matrix whose rows v4 and v5. That is, 12−13 A =  24 1−2  36 3−7   12−13 ⇒ A ∼  00 3 −8  Applying R2 → R2 − 2R1,R3 → R3 − 3R1 00 6−16   12−13 ⇒ A ∼  00 3−8  Applying R3 → R3 − 2R2 0000   12−4 11 B =  24−5 14  12−4 11 ⇒ B ∼ Applying R → R − 2R  00 3−8  2 2 1 12−13 ⇒ B ∼ Applying R → R + R  00 3−8  1 1 2 Clearly, non-zero rows of the matrices in row canonical form are identical. Therefore, rowsp(A)=rowsp(B). Hence, [S]=[T ] 172 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


2 EXAMPLE-1 Prove that any vector v =(a,b) in R (R) is a linear combination of v1 =(1,1) and v2 =(−1,1).

SOLUTION Let v = xv1 + yv2 for some x,y ∈ R. Then, (a,b)=x(1,1)+y(−1,1) ⇒ (a,b)=(x − y,x + y) ⇒ x − y = a and x + y = b Clearly, this system of equations is consistent with unique solution as the of the a + b a − b coefficient matrix is non-zero. The values of x and y are and respectively. 2 2 2 Hence, every vector in R is a linear combination of v1 and v2.

2 EXAMPLE-2 Show that the vectors v1 =(1,1) and v2 =(1,2) span R (R).

2 SOLUTION In order to show that vectors v1 and v2 span R (R), it is sufficient to show that any 2 2 vector in R is a linear combination of v1 and v2. Let v =(a,b) be an arbitrary vector in R (R). Further, let v = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (a,b)=x(1,1)+y(1,2) ⇒ (a,b)=(x + y,x + 2y) ⇒ x + y = a and x + 2y = b This is a consistent system of equations for all a,b ∈ R. So, every vector in R2(R) is a linear combination of v1 and v2.

EXAMPLE-3 Let V = Pn(x) be the vector space of all polynomials of degree less than or equal to n over the field R of all real numbers. Show that the polynomials 1,x,x2,...,xn−1,xn span V .

SOLUTION Any polynomial f (x) of degree less than or equal to n can be written as 2 n f (x)=a0 + a1x + a2x + ···+ anx , where a0,a1,a2,...,an ∈ R ⇒ f (x) is a linear combination of 1,x,x2,...,xn−1,xn Hence, polynomials 1,x,x2,...,xn−1,xn span V .

2 EXAMPLE-4 Prove that the polynomials 1,1 + x,(1 + x) span the vector space V = P2(x) of all polynomials of degree at most 2 over the field R of real numbers.

SOLUTION Let f (x)=a + bx + cx2 be an arbitrary polynomial in V , where a,b,c ∈ R. In order to prove that the polynomials 1,1 + x,(1 + x)2 span V, it is sufficient to show that Vector Spaces • 175

This system of equations is inconsistent, because the of the coefficient matrix is not equal to the rank of the augmented matrix.

3 EXAMPLE-10 Let v1 =(−1,2,0),v2 =(3,2,−1) and v3 =(1,6,−1) be three vectors in R (R). Then show that [v1,v2]=[v1,v2,v3].

SOLUTION Clearly, [v1,v2]={λ1v1 + λ2v2 : λ1,λ2 ∈ R} and, [v1,v2,v3]={µ1v1 + µ2v2 + µ3v3 : µ1,µ2,µ3 ∈ R}. Let v3 =(1,6,−1)=α1v1 + α2v2. Then,

(1,6,−1)=(−α1 + 3α2,2α1 + 2α2,−α2)

⇒−α1 + 3α2 = 1,2α1 + 2α2 = 6,−α2 = −1.

⇒ α1 = 2,α2 = 1 ∴ (1,6,−1)=2(−1,2,0)+1(3,2,−1)

⇒ µ3(1,6,−1)=2µ3(−1,2,0)+µ3(3,2,−1)

⇒ µ3v3 = 2µ3v1 + µ3v2

Now, [v1,v2,v3]={µ1v1 + µ2v2 + 2µ3v1 + µ3v2 : µ1,µ2,µ3 ∈ R}

⇒ [v1,v2,v3]={(µ1 + 2µ3)v1 +(µ2 + µ3)v2 : µ1,µ2,µ3 ∈ R}

⇒ [v1,v2,v3]={λ1v1 + λ2v2 : λ1,λ2 ∈ R}

⇒ [v1,v2,v3]=[v1,v2].

EXAMPLE-11 Let v1 =(1,2,−1),v2 =(2,−3,2),v3 =(4,1,3) and v4 =(−3,1,2) be four 3 vectors in R (R). Then show that [v1,v2] =[v3,v4].

SOLUTION Suppose [v1,v2]=[v3,v4]. Then for given λ3,λ4 ∈ R there exist λ1,λ2 ∈ R such that

λ1v1 + λ2v2 = λ3v3 + λ4v4

⇒ λ1(1,2,−1)+λ2(2,−3,2)=λ3(4,1,3)+λ4(−3,1,2)

⇒ (λ1,2λ1,−λ1)+(2λ2,−3λ2,2λ2)=(4λ3,λ3,3λ3)+(−3λ4,λ4,2λ4)

⇒ (λ1 + 2λ2,2λ1 − 3λ2,−λ1 + 2λ2)=(4λ3 − 3λ4,λ3 + λ4,3λ3 + 2λ4)

⇒ λ1 + 2λ2 = 4λ3 − 3λ4 (i)

2λ1 − 3λ2 = λ3 + λ4 (ii)

−λ1 + 2λ2 = 3λ3 + 2λ4 (iii) 1 1 Solving (i) and (iii), we get λ1 = 2 (λ3 − 5λ4),λ2 = 4 (7λ3 − λ4) These values of λ1 and λ2 should satisfy (ii) but they do not satisfy (ii). Hence, [v1,v2] =[v3,v4]. 176 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

× EXAMPLE-12 Let R2 2 be the vector space of all 2 × 2 matrices. Show that the matrices 10 01 00 00 E = ,E = ,E = ,E = form a spanning set of R2×2. 11 00 12 00 21 10 22 01

ab × SOLUTION Let M = be any matrix in R2 2, where a,b,c,d ∈ R. cd Clearly, M = aE11 + bE12 + cE21 + dE22 2×2 Thus, any matrix M in R is expressible as a linear combination of E11,E12,E21,E22. 2×2 Hence, {E11,E12,E21,E22} forms a spanning set of R .

EXAMPLE-13 Find one vector in R3(R) that spans the intersection of subspaces S and T where S is the xy-plane, i.e. S = {(a,b,0) : a,b ∈ R} and T is the space spanned by the vectors v1 =(1,1,1) and v2 =(1,2,3).

SOLUTION Since S and T are subspaces of R3(R). Therefore, S ∩ T is a subspace of R3(R). Let u =(a,b,c) be a vector in S ∩ T. Then, u ∈ S and u ∈ T

⇒ c = 0 and u is linear combination of v1 and v2 [∵ S = {(a,b,0) : a,b ∈ R}]

⇒ u = xv1 + yv2 for some x,y ∈ R ⇒ (a,b,0)=x(1,1,1)+y(1,2,3) ⇒ (a,b,0)=(x + y, x + 2y, x + 3y) ⇒ x + y = a, x + 2y = b, x + 3y = 0 Solving first two equations, we get x = 2a − b,y = b − a Substituting these values in x + 3y = 0, we get a = 2b ∴ v =(2b,b,0),b ∈ R.

EXAMPLE-14 Is the vector v =(3,−1,0,−1) in the subspace of R4(R) spanned by the vectors v1 =(2,−1,3,2),v2 =(−1,1,1,−3) and v3 =(1,1,9,−5)?

SOLUTION If v is expressible as a linear combination of v1,v2 and v3, then v is the subspace spanned by v1,v2 and v3, otherwise not. So, let v = xv1 + yv2 + zv3 for some scalars x,y,z. ⇒ (3,−1,0,−1)=x(2,−1,3,2)+y(−1,1,1,−3)+z(1,1,9,−5) ⇒ (3,−1,0,−1)=(2x − y + z,−x + y + z,3x + y + 9z,2x − 3y − 5z) ⇒ 2x − y + z = 3, −x + y + z = −1, 3x + y + 9z = 0, 2x − 3y − 5z = −1 This system of equations can be expressed in matrix form as follows: 2 −11 3 x  −111  −1   y  = 319 0   z    2 −3 −5    −1      Vector Spaces • 177

This is equivalent to 013 1 x  −111  −1   y  = Applying R →R + 2R , R →R + 3R , R →R + 2R 0 4 12 −3 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 4 2   z    0 −1 −3    −3      000 −2 x  −10−2   −4  or,  y  = Applying R →R + R , R → R + R , R → R + 4R 000 −15 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 3 4   z    0 −1 −3    −3      Clearly, this is an inconsistent system of equations. So, v is not expressible as a linear combi- nation of v1,v2,v3. Hence, v ∈/ [v1,v2,v3].


(3) (3) (3) 1. Show that the vectors e1 =(1,0,0),e2 =(0,1,0) and e3 =(0,0,1) form a spanning set of R3(R).

2. Show that the vectors v1 =(1,1,1),v2 =(1,1,0) and v3 =(1,0,0) form a spanning set of R3(R).

3. Consider the vector space V = Pn(t) consisting of all polynomials of degree ≤ n in indeterminate t. Show that the set of polynomials 1,t,t2,t3,...,tn forms a spanning set of V.

3 4. Show that the vectors v1 =(1,2,3),v2 =(1,3,5) and v3 =(1,5,9) do not spam R (R). [Hint: (2,7,8) cannot be written as a linear combination of v1,v2,v3].

5. If v1,v2 and v3 are vectors in a vector space V (F) such that v1 + v2 + v3 = 0V , then show that v1 and v2 span the same subspace of V as v2 and v3.

[Hint: Let S1 and S2 be subspaces spanned by vectors v1,v2 and v2,v3 respectively. i.e, S1 =[{v1,v2}] and S2 =[{v2,v3}]. We have to show that S1 = S2.

Let v be an arbitrary vector in S1. Then,

v ∈ S1

⇒ v = λ1v1 + λ2v2 for some λ1,λ2 ∈ F

⇒ v = λ1(−v2 − v3)+λ2v2 [∵ v1 + v2 + v3 = 0V ]

⇒ v =(λ1 − λ2)v2 +(−λ)v3

⇒ v ∈ S2

∴ S1 ⊂ S2. 180 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

REMARK-4 Note that the set {0V } in a vector space V(F) is always l.d., because λ0V = 0V for all non-zero λ ∈ F. On the other hand, a singleton set containing a non-zero vector v is always l.i., because λv = 0V ⇒ λ = 0.

THEOREM-1 Any list of vectors containing the null vector is always l.d.

SOLUTION Let v =(v1,v2,...,vn) be a list of vectors in a vector space V (F) such that vk = 0V . Then for any 0 = λ ∈ F

0v1 + 0v2 + ···+ λvk + 0vk+1 + ···+ 0vn = 0V + 0V + ···+ 0V = 0V

This shows that a non-trivial linear combination of v1,v2,...,vn equals to the null vector. Hence, v is a l.d. list. Q.E.D.

REMARK. It follows from the foregoing discussion that the nature of the null vector is so strong that its presence in the set always makes it l.d.

THEOREM-2 A list v =(v1,v2,...,vn) of non-zero vectors in a vector space V (F) is l.d. iff some one vector vk of the list is a linear combination (l.c.) of the previous vectors of the list. Also, if for some j,1 ≤ j ≤ n, the list (v1,v2,...,v j) is a list of linearly independent vectors, then j < k.

PROOF. First suppose that the list (v1,v2,...,vn) of vectors in V (F) is linearly dependent. Then there exist scalars λ1,λ2,...,λn ∈ F not all zero such that

λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λnvn = 0V

Let k be the largest positive integer such that λk = 0, so that

λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λkvk = 0V We claim that k > 1. For, if k = 1

λ1v1 = 0V and λ2 = λ3 = ···= λn = 0

⇒ λ1 = 0 = λ2 = ···= λn [∵ v1 = 0V ∴ λ1v1 = 0V ⇒ λ1 = 0]

which contradicts the fact that (v1,v2,...,vn) is a l.d. list. Now, λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λkvk = 0V −1 −1 ⇒ vk =(−λ1λk )v1 + ···+(−λk−1λk )vk−1 (i) ⇒ vk is a linear combination of the previous vectors of the list. Hence, some one vector of the list is a linear combination of the previous vectors of the list. Conversely, suppose that a vector vk (say) of the list (v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn) is a linear combi- nation of the previous vectors v1,v2,...,vk−1. Then there exist scalars λ1,λ2,...,λk−1 such that

vk = λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λk−1vk−1 ⇒ λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λk−1vk−1 +(−1)vk = 0V ⇒ λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λk−1vk−1 +(−1)vk + 0vk+1 + ···+ 0vn = 0V ⇒ A non-trivial linear combination of the list (v1,v2,...,vk,...,vn) is zero vector Vector Spaces • 181

Hence, the list is linearly dependent. Q.E.D.

If possible, let the list (v1,v2,...,v j) be a list of independent vectors and j ≥ k. Then, the list of vectors v1,v2,...,vk is linear independent. But, −1 −1 vk =(−λ1λk )v1 + ···+(−λk−1λk )vk−1 [From (i)] ⇒ vk is a linear combination of v1,v2,...,vk−1

⇒ v1,v2,...,vk−1,vk are linearly dependent. This is a contradiction. Hence, j < k.

THEOREM-3 Let S = {v1,v2,v3,...vk} be a linearly independent set of vectors in a vector space V (F) and v be a non-zero vector in V (F). Then, S1 = S ∪{v} is linearly independent iff v ∈/ [S].

PROOF. First, let S1 be linearly independent. Suppose that v ∈ [S]. Then, there exist scalars k λ1,λ2,...,λk in F such that v = ∑ λivi i=1 ⇒ S1 = S ∪{v} is linearly dependent. This contradicts the hypothesis that S1 is linearly independent. Hence, v ∈/ [S]. Conversely, let v ∈/ [S]. Then, we have to prove that S1 is linearly independent. If possible, let S1 be linearly dependent. Then, there exists a finite non-empty subset B (say) of S1 that is linearly dependent. Now, B ⊂ S1 = S ∪{v} and S is linearly independent

⇒ B contains v and some vectors in S = {v1,v2,...,vk} ⇒ v is a linear combination of some vectors in S ⇒ v is a linear combination of vectors in S ⇒ v ∈ [S]

This is a contradiction. Hence, S1 is linearly independent. Q.E.D.

EXAMPLE-2 Show that the set S = {(1,2,4), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)} is a linearly depen- dent set of vectors in R3(R).

SOLUTION Clearly, (1,2,4)=1(1,0,0)+2(0,1,0)+4(0,0,1) ⇒ (1,2,4) is linear combination of (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1). Hence, S is a linearly dependent set of vectors. 182 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

THEOREM-4 Each subset of a linearly independent set is linearly independent.

PROOF. Let S = {v1,v2,...,vm} be a linearly independent set of vectors in a vector space  V(F). Let S = {v1,v2,...,vn} n m, be an arbitrary finite subset of S. Then,

λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λnvn = 0V

λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λnvn + 0vn+1 + ···+ 0vm = 0V

⇒ λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = ···= λn = 0 [∵ S is l.i.] Hence, S is a linearly independent set. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-5 Any super set of linearly dependent set of vectors in a vector space is linearly dependent.

PROOF. Let S = {v1,v2,...,vm} be a linearly dependent set of vectors in a vector space V (F),  and let S = {v1,v2,...,vm,vm+1} be a super set of S. Now, S is a linearly dependent set

⇒ There exist scalars λ1,λ2,...,λm not all zero such that λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λmvm = 0V

⇒ λ1v1 + λ2v2 + ···+ λmvm + λm+1vm+1 = 0V , where λm+1 = 0 ∵ At least ⇒ A non-trivial linear combination of v1,v2,...,vm,vm+1 is zero vector one λi = 0  ⇒ S is a linearly dependent set. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-6 Let S be any linearly independent subset of a vector space V (F) and let S = S1 ∪ S2 such that S1 ∩ S2 = φ.Prove that (i)[S]=[S1]+[S2](ii)[S1] ∩ [S2]=φ i.e. [S] is the direct sum of [S1] and [S2]. PROOF. (i) By Theorem 4(iv) on page 169, we have

[S1 ∪ S2]=[S1]+[S2] i.e, [S]=[S1]+[S2]

(ii) Let S1 = {v1,v2,...,vm} and S2 = {u1,u2,...,un}. Let v be an arbitrary vector in [S1] ∩ [S2]. Then,

v ∈ [S1] ∩ [S2]

⇒ v ∈ [S1] and v ∈ [S2] m n ⇒ v = Σ λivi and v = Σ µju j for some λi ∈ F and µj ∈ F i=1 i=1 Vector Spaces • 183

m n ⇒ Σ λivi = Σ µju j i=1 j=1 m n ⇒ Σ λivi + Σ (−µj)u j = 0V i=1 j=1

∵ S = S1 ∪ S2 = {v1,v2,...,vm, ⇒ λi =0 and µj =0 for all i ∈ m and j ∈ n u1,u2,...,un}is l.i. 

∴ v = 0V

Since v is an arbitrary vector in [S1] ∩ [S2]. Therefore, [S1] ∩ [S2]=φ. Q.E.D.


(n) EXAMPLE-1 Let F be a field with unity 1. Show that the vectors e1 =(1,0,0,...,0), (n) (n) (n) e2 =(0,1,0,...,0),e3 =(0,0,1,...,0)...,en =(0,0,0,...,1) are linearly independent in the vector space F n(F).

SOLUTION Let λ1,λ2,...,λn be scalars such that (n) (n) (n) (n) λ1e1 + λ2e2 + λ3e3 + ···+ λnen = 0 ⇒ (λ1,λ2,λ3,...,λn)=(0,0,0,...,0)

⇒ λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = ···= λn = 0

(n) (n) (n) Hence, e1 ,e2 ,...,en are linearly independent. Particular Cases: (2) (2) 2 (i) e1 =(1,0),e2 =(0,1) are linearly independent vectors in R (R). (3) (3) (3) 3 (ii) e1 =(1,0,0),e2 =(0,1,0),e3 =(0,0,1) are linearly independent vectors in R (R).

EXAMPLE-2 Show that the vectors v1 =(1,1,0),v2 =(1,3,2),v3 =(4,9,5) are linearly de- pendent in R3(R).

SOLUTION Let x,y,z be scalars i.e., real numbers such that

xv1 + yv2 + zv3 = 0 ⇒ x(1,1,0)+y(1,3,2)+z(4,9,5)=(0,0,0) ⇒ (x + y + 4z,x + 3y + 9z,2y + 5z)=(0,0,0) ⇒ x + y + 4z = 0, x + 3y + 9z = 0, 0x + 2y + 5z = 0 184 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

This is a homogeneous system of linear equations. The determinant of the coefficient matrix A is 114 |A| = 139 = 0 025 3 So, the system has non-trivial solutions. Hence, given vectors are linearly dependent in R (R).

Aliter In order to check the or dependence of vectors, we may follow the following algorithm:

ALGORITHM Step I Form a matrix A whose columns are given vectors. Step II Reduce the matrix in step-I to echelon form. Step III See whether all columns have pivot elements or not. If all columns have pivot elements, then given vectors are linearly independent. If there is a column not having a pivot element, then the corresponding vector is a linear combination of the preced- ing vectors and hence linearly dependent.

In Example 2, the matrix A whose columns are v1,v2,v3 is 114 A =  139 025   114 ∴ A ∼  025 Applying R2 → R2 − R1 025   1 14 ⇒ A ∼  0 2 5  Applying R3 → R3 − R2 0 00   Pivots in the echelon form of matrix A have been encircled. We observe that the third column does not have a pivot. So, the third vector v3 is a linear combination of the first two vectors v1 and v2. Thus, the vectors v1,v2,v3 are linearly dependent.

EXAMPLE-3 Show that the vectors v1 =(1,2,3),v2 =(2,5,7),v3 =(1,3,5) are linearly inde- pendent in R3(R).

SOLUTION Let x,y,z be scalars such that

xv1 + yv2 + zv3 = 0 ⇒ x(1,2,3)+y(2,5,7)+z(1,3,5)=(0,0,0) ⇒ (x + 2y + z,2x + 5y + 3z,3x + 7y + 5z)=(0,0,0) ⇒ x + 2y + z = 0, 2x + 5y + 3z = 0, 3x + 7y + 5z = 0 Vector Spaces • 185

The determinant of the coefficient matrix A of the above homogeneous system of equations is given by 121 |A| = 253 = 1 = 0 375 So, the above system of equations has trivial solution only, i.e. x = y = z = 0. Hence, the given vectors are linearly independent in R3(R).

EXAMPLE-4 Show that the vectors v1 =(1,1,2,4),v2 =(2,−1,−5,2),v3 =(1,−1,−4,0) and 4 v4 =(2,1,1,6) are linearly dependent in R (R).

SOLUTION Let x,y,z,t be scalars in R such that

xv1 + yv2 + zv3 +tv4 = 0 ⇒ x(1,1,2,4)+y(2,−1,−5,2)+z(1,−1,−4,0)+t(2,1,1,6)=0 ⇒ (x + 2y + z + 2t,x − y − z +t,2x − 5y − 4z +t,4x + 2y + 0z + 6t)=(0,0,0,0) ⇒ x + 2y + z + 2t = 0, x − y − z +t = 0, 2x − 5y − 4z +t = 0, 4x + 2y + 0z + 6t = 0 The coefficient matrix A of the above homogeneous system of equations is 1212  1 −1 −11 A = 2 −5 −41    4206   1212  0 −3 −2 −1  ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R − R , R → R − 2R , R → R − 4R 0 −9 −6 −3 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 1    0 −6 −4 −2    1212  0 −3 −2 −1  ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R − 3R , R → R − 2R 0000 3 3 2 4 4 2    0000   Clearly, rank of A = 2 < Number of unknowns. So, the above system has non-trivial solutions. Hence, given vectors are linearly dependent in R4(R).

Aliter The matrix A whose columns are v1,v2,v3,v4 is 12 12  1 −1 −11 A = 2 −5 −41    42 06   186 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

The echelon form of matrix A is

1 2 12   0 −3 −2 −1    0 0 00    0 0 00   We observe that the third and fourth columns does not have pivots. So, third and fourth vectors are linear combinations of first two vectors v1 and v2. Thus, the vectors are linearly dependent.

EXAMPLE-5 Determine whether the vectors f (x)=2x3 + x2 + x + 1,g(x)=x3 + 3x2 + x − 2 and h(x)=x3 + 2x2 − x + 3 in the vector space R[x] of all polynomials over the real number field are linearly independent or not.

SOLUTION Let a,b,c be real numbers such that

af(x)+bg(x)+ch(x)=0 for all x ⇒ a(2x3 + x2 + x + 1)+b(x3 + 3x2 + x − 2)+c(x3 + 2x2 − x + 3)=0 for all x ⇒ (2a + b + c)x3 +(a + 3b + 2c)x2 +(a + b − c)x +(a − 2b + 3c)=0 for all x ⇒ 2a + b + c = 0, a + 3b + 2c = 0, a + b − c = 0, a − 2b + 3c = 0

The coefficient matrix A of the above system of equations is

211  132 A = 11−1    1 −23   11−1  132 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R ↔ R 211 1 3    1 −23   11−1  023 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R − R ,R → R − 2R , R → R − R 0 −13 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 1    0 −34   11−1  009 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R + 2R , R → R − 3R 0 −13 2 2 3 4 4 3    00−5    Vector Spaces • 187

11−1  009 5 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R + R 0 −13 4 4 9 2    000   11−1  0 −13 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R ↔ R 009 2 3    000   Clearly, rank of A is equal to 3 which is equal to the number of unknowns a,b,c. So, the system has trivial solution only, i.e. a = b = c = 0. So, f (x),g(x),h(x) are linearly independent in R[x].

EXAMPLE-6 Let V be the vector space of functions from R into R. Show that the functions f (t)=sint,g(t)=et ,h(t)=t2 are linearly independent in V .

SOLUTION Let x,y,z be scalars such that xf(t)+yg(t)+zh(t)=0 for all t ∈ R π Putting t = 0,π and , respectively we get 2 xf(0)+yg(0)+zh(0)=0 xf(π)+yg(π)+zh(π)=0 π π π xf + yg + zh = 0 2   2   2  π π2 ⇒ y = 0, yeπ + z π2 = 0,x + ye2 + h = 0 4 ⇒ y = 0,z = 0,x = 0 Thus, xf(t)+yg(t)+zh(t)=0 ⇒ x = y = z = 0 Hence, f (t),g(t),h(t) are linearly independent.

EXAMPLE-7 Show that in the vector space F[x] of all polynomials in an indeterminate x, the set S = {1,x,x2,...} is linearly independent.

 n1 n2 n PROOF. Let S = {x ,x ,...,x k } be a finite subset of S, where n1,n2,...,nk are distinct non-negative integers.

Let λ1,λ2,...,λk ∈ F be such that n1 n2 n λ1x + λ2x + ···+ λkx k = 0(x) [0(x) is zero polynomial over F] ⇒ λ1 = λ2 = ···= λk = 0 [By the definition of equality of two polynomials] So, S is a linearly independent set. 188 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Since S is an arbitrary finite subset of S. Therefore, every finite subset of S is linearly independent. Consequently, S is linearly independent. Q.E.D.

11 10 11 EXAMPLE-8 Show that the vectors (matrices) A = , A = , A = in 1 11 2 01 3 00 R 2×2 are linearly independent.

SOLUTION Let λ1,λ2,λ3 ∈ R be such that

λ1A1 + λ2A2 + λ3A3 = O 2×2 (Null matrix). 11 10 11 00 ⇒ λ + λ + λ = 1 11 2 01 3 00 00 λ + λ + λ λ + λ 00 ⇒ 1 2 3 1 3 = λ1 λ1 + λ2  00

⇒ λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 0, λ1 + λ3 = 0, λ1 = 0, λ1 + λ2 = 0

⇒ λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 0. 2×2 Hence, A1,A2,A3 are linearly independent vectors in R .

EXAMPLE-9 If v1,v2 are vectors in a vector space V (F) and λ1,λ2 ∈ F, show that the set {v1,v2,λ1v1 + λ2v2} is linearly dependent set.

SOLUTION Since the vector λ1v1 + λ2v2 in the set {v1,v2,λ1v1 + λ2v2} is a linear combination of other two vectors. Therefore, by Theorem 2 on page 180 the set is linearly dependent.

Aliter. Clearly, (−λ1)v1 +(−λ2)v2 +1(λ1v1 +λ2v2)=0V . Therefore, a non-trivial linear com- bination of v1,v2,λ1v1 + λ2v2 equals to the null vector. Hence, the given set is linearly depen- dent.

2.8.1 LINEAR DEPENDENCE AND ECHELON MATRICES Consider the following echelon matrix A, whose pivots have been circled: 0 2 345 67  004 32 34 A = 00 007 89    00 0006 7     00 000 00   We observe that the rows R2,R3,R4 have 0’s in the second column below the non-zero pivot in R1, and hence any linear combination of R2,R3 and R4 must have 0 as its entry as the second component. Whereas R1 has a non-zero entry 2 as the second component. Thus, R1 cannot be a linear combination of the rows below it. Similarly, the rows R3 and R4 have 0’s in the third Vector Spaces • 189 column below the non-zero pivot in R2, and hence R2 cannot be a linear combination of the rows below it. Finally, R3 cannot be a multiple of R4 as R4 has a 0 in the fifth column below the non-zero pivot in R3. Thus, if we look at the rows from the bottom and move upward, we find that out of rows R4,R3,R2,R1 non row is a linear combination of the preceding rows. So, 7 R1,R2,R3,R4 are linearly independent vectors R (R). The above discussion suggests the following theorem.

THEOREM-1 The non-zero rows of a matrix in echelon form are linearly independent.

EXAMPLE-1 Let v1,v2,v3 be vectors in a vector space V (F), and let λ1,λ2 ∈ F. Show that the set {v1,v2,v3} is linearly dependent if the set {v1 + λ1v2 + λ2v3,v2,v3} is linearly dependent.

SOLUTION If the set {v1 + λ1v2 + λ2v3,v2,v3} is linearly dependent, then there exist scalars λ,µ,ν ∈ F (not all zero) such that

λ(v1 + λ1v2 + λ2v3)+µv2 + νv3 = 0V

⇒ λv1 +(λλ1 + µ)v2 +(λλ2 + ν)v3 = 0V (i)

The set {v1,v2,v3} will be linearly dependent if in (i) at least one of the scalar coefficients is non-zero. If λ = 0, then the set will be linearly dependent whatever may be the values of µ and ν. But, if λ = 0, then at least one of µ and ν should not be equal to zero and hence at least one of λλ1 + µ and λλ2 + ν will not be zero (since λ = 0 ⇒ λλ1 + µ= µ and λλ2 + ν = ν). Hence, from (i), we find that the scalars λ, λλ1 +µ, λλ2 +ν are not all zero. Consequently, the set {v1,v2,v3} is linearly dependent.

EXAMPLE-2 Suppose the vectors u,v,w are linearly independent vectors in a vector space V (F). Show that the vectors u + v,u − v,u − 2v + w are also linearly independent.

SOLUTION Let λ1,λ2,λ3 be scalars such that

λ1(u + v)+λ2(u − v)+λ3(u − 2v + w)=0V

⇒ (λ1 + λ2 + λ3)u +(λ1 − λ2 − 2λ3)v + λ3w = 0V ∵ u,v,w are linearly ⇒ λ + λ + λ = 0, λ − λ − 2λ = 0, 0λ + 0λ + λ = 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 independent  The coefficient matrix A of the above system of equations is given by 111 A =  1 −1 −2  ⇒|A| = −2 = 0 001   So, the above system of equations has only trivial solution λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = 0. Thus, u + v, u − v, u − 2v + w are linearly independent vectors. 190 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

EXERCISES 2.8 1. Mark each of the following true or false. (i) For any subset S of a vector space V (F),[S + S]=[S] (ii) If S and T are subsets of a vector space V (F), then S = T ⇒ [S] =[ T ]. (iii) If S and T are subsets of a vector space V (F), then S ⊂ T ⇒ [S] ⊂ [T ] (iv) Every subset of a linearly independent set is linearly independent. (v) Every superset of a linearly independent set is linearly independent. (vi) Every subset of a linearly dependent set is linearly dependent. (vii) Every superset of a linearly dependent set is linearly dependent. (viii) A subset of a linearly dependent set can never be linearly dependent. (ix) The void set is linearly dependent. (x) If a non-void subset of a vector space is not linearly dependent, then it is linearly independent. (xi) Any set of vectors containing the null vector is linearly dependent. (xii) Every singleton set consisting of a non-zero vector is linearly independent. (xiii) Intersection of two linearly independent subsets of a vector space is linearly inde- pendent. (xiv) Union of two linearly independent subsets of a vector space is linearly independent. 2. Which of the following subsets S of R 3 are linearly independent? (i) S = {(1,2,1),(−1,1,0),(5,−1,2)} (ii) S = {(1,1,0),(0,0,1),(1,5,2)} (iii) S = {(1,0,0),(1,1,1),(0,0,0)} (iv) S = {(1,3,2),(1,−7,8),(2,1,1)} (v) S = {(1,5,2),(1,0,0),(0,1,0)} 3. Which of the following subsets S of R[x] are linearly independent? (i) S = {1,x,x2,x3,x4} (ii) S = {1,x − x2,x + x2,3x} (iii) S = {x2 − 1, x + 1, x − 1} 3 2 4 2 4 1 (iv) S = {x, x − x , x + x , x + x + x + 2 } (v) S = {1, 1 + x, 1 + x + x2, x4} (vi) S = {1, x, x(1 − x)} (vii) S = 1, x, 1 + x + x2  Vector Spaces • 191

4. Let f (x), g(x), h(x), k(x) ∈ R[x] be such that f (x)=1, g(x)=x, h(x)=x2 and k(x)= 1 + x + x2 for all x ∈ R. Show that f (x), g(x), h(x), k(x) are linearly dependent but any three of them are linearly independent. 5. Which of the following subsets of the space of all continuous functions on R are linearly independent? (i) S = {sin x, cosx, sin(x + 1)} (ii) S = {xex, x2ex, (x2 + x − 1)ex} (iii) S = {sin2 x, cos2x, 1} (iv) S = {x, sinx, cos x} (v) S = {x, x2, e2x} 6. Prove that the set S = {1,i} is linearly independent in the vector space C of all complex numbers over the field R of real numbers while it is linearly dependent in the vector space C of all complex numbers over the field of complex numbers. 7. If the set {v1, v2, v3} is linearly independent in a vector space V(F), then prove that the set {v1 + v2, v2 + v3, v3 + v1} is also linearly independent. 8. Prove that the vectors v1 =(1, 1, 0, 0), v2 =(0, 0, 0, 3), and v3 =(0, 1, −1, 0) in F4(F) are linearly independent if F is a field of characteristic zero and are linearly dependent if F is of characteristic 3. 9. If {v1, v2,...,vn} is a linearly independent set of vectors in a vector space V(F) and {v1, v2,...,vn, u} is a linearly dependent set in V . Then show that u is a linear combi- nation of v1, v2,...,vn. 10. If the set S = {v1, v2,...,vn} is a linearly independent set of vectors in a vector space V (F) and u∈[S], then show that representation of u as a linear combination of v1, v2,...,vn is unique. 2 11. Show that the vectors v1 =(1+i, 2i) and v2 =(1, 1+i) are linearly dependent in C (C) but linearly independent in C2(R). 12. If v1, v2, v3 are linearly dependent vectors of V (F) where F is any subfield of the field of complex numbers, then so also are v1 + v2, v2 + v3, v3 + v1. 13. Show that the functions f (t)=sint, g(t)=cost, h(t)=t from R to R are linearly independent. 14. Find a maximal linearly independent subsystem of the system of vectors:

v1 =(2,−2,−4), v2 =(1,9,3), v3 =(−2,−4,1), v4 =(3,7,−1).

ANSWERS 1. (i) F (ii) F (iii) T (iv) T (v) F (vi) F (vii) T (viii) F (ix) F (x)T (xi) T (xii) T (xiii) T (xiv) F 2. (i), (ii), (iv), (v) 3. (i), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii) 5. (ii), (iv), (v)

14. {v1, v2} 192 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


BASIS. A non-void subset B of a vector space V(F) is said to be a basis for V , if (i) B spans V , i.e. [B]=V. and, (ii) B is linearly independent (l.i.). In other words, a non-void subset B of a vector space V is a linearly independent set of vectors in V that spans V .

FINITE DIMENSIONAL VECTOR SPACE. A vector space V(F) is said to be a finite dimensional vector space if there exists a finite subset of V that spans it. A vector space which is not finite dimensional may be called an infinite dimensional vector space. REMARK. Note that the null vector cannot be an element of a basis, because any set containing the null vector is always linearly dependent. (n) (n) (n) For any field F and a positive integer n, the set B = {e1 , e2 ,...,en } spans the vector space Fn(F) and is linearly independent. Hence, it is a basis for Fn. This basis is called standard basis for Fn.

REMARK. Since the void set ϕ is linearly independent and spans the null space {0V }. There- fore, the void set ϕ is the only basis for the null space {0V }. (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) Consider the subset B = {e1 , e2 , e3 }, where e1 =(1, 0, 0), e2 =(0, 1, 0), (3) 3 3 e3 =(0, 0, 1), of the real vector space R . The set B spans R , because any vector (a, b, c) 3 (3) (3) (3) in R can be written as a linear combination of e1 , e2 and e3 , namely, (3) 3 (3) (a, b, c)=ae1 + be2 + ce3 Also, B is linearly independent, because (3) (3) (3) λ e1 + µe2 + νe3 =(0, 0, 0) ⇒ λ(1, 0, 0)+µ(0, 1, 0)+ν(0, 0, 1)=(0, 0, 0) ⇒ (λ, µ, ν)=(0, 0, 0) ⇒ λ = µ = ν = 0 Hence, B is a basis for the real vector space R3. 3 Now consider the subset B1 = {(1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1)} of R . This set is also a basis for R3, because any vector (a,b,c) ∈ R3 can be written as a + b − c a + c − b b + c − a (a, b, c)= (1, 1, 0)+ 1 (1, 0, 1)+ (0, 1, 1) 2  2  2  and, λ(1, 1, 0)+µ(1, 0, 1)+ν(0, 1, 1) ⇒ λ = µ = ν = 0. REMARK. It follows from the above discussion that a basis for a vector space need not be unique. In fact, we shall show that corresponding to every non-zero vector in a vector space V one can obtain a basis for V . Vector Spaces • 193

EXAMPLE-1 Show that the set B = {1, x, x2,...,xn} is a basis for the vector space of all real polynomials of degree not exceeding n.

SOLUTION Let λ0, λ1,...,λn ∈ R be such that n λ0 · 1 + λ1 · x + ···+ λnx = 0(x) (zero polynomial) Then, n λ0 · 1 + λ1 · x + ···+ λnx = 0(x) (zero polynomial) 2 n 2 n ⇒ λ0 + λ1x + λ2x + ···+ λnx = 0 + 0x + 0x + ···+ 0x + ...

⇒ λ0 = λ1 = ···= λn = 0 Therefore, the set B is linearly independent. Also, the set B spans the vector space Pn(x) of all real polynomials of degree not exceeding n, because every polynomial of degree less than or equal n is a linear combination of B. Hence, B is a basis for the vector space Pn(x) of all real polynomials of degree not exceeding n.

EXAMPLE-2 Show that the infinite set {1, x, x2,...} is a basis for the vector space R[x] of all polynomials over the field R of real numbers.

SOLUTION The set B = {1, x, x2,...} is linearly independent. Also, the set B spans R[x], because every real polynomial can be expressed as a linear combination of B. Hence, B is a basis for R[x]. Since B is an infinite set. Therefore, R[x] is an infinite dimen- sional vector space over R.

EXAMPLE-3 Let a, b ∈ R such that a < b. Then the vector space C[a, b] of all real valued continuous functions on [a, b] is an infinite dimensional vector space.

EXAMPLE-4 The field R of real numbers is an infinite dimensional vector space over its subfield Q of rational numbers. But, it is a finite dimensional vector space over itself.

SOLUTION Since π is a transcendental number, that is, π is not a root of any polynomial over Q. Thus, for any n ∈ N and ai ∈ Q(i = 0, 1, 2,...,n) 2 n a0 + a1π + a2π + ···+ anπ = 0 ⇒ 1, π, π2, π3,...,πn,... are linearly independent over Q. Hence, R is an infinite dimensional vector space over Q.

EXAMPLE-5 The set {1, i} is a basis for the vector space C of all complex numbers over the field R of real numbers. We have defined basis of a vector space and we have seen that basis of a vector space need not be unique. Now a natural question arises, does it always exist?. The answer is in the affirmative as shown in the following theorem. 194 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

THEOREM–1 Every finite dimensional vector space has a basis. PROOF. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F. If V is the null space, then the void set ϕ is its basis, we are done. So, let V be a non-null space. Since V is finite dimensional. So, there exists a finite subset S = {v1, v2,...,vn} of V that spans V . If S is a linearly independent set, we are done. If S is not linearly independent, then by Theorem 2 on page 180, there exists a vector vk ∈ S which is linear combination of the previous vectors. Remove vk from S and let S1 = S −{vk}. By Theorem 3 on page 167, S1 spans V. If S1 is a linearly independent set, the theorem is proved. If not we repeat the above process on S1 and omit one more vector to obtain S2 ⊂ S1. Continuing in this manner, we obtain successively S1 ⊃ S2 ⊃ S3,..., where each Si spans V . Since S is a finite set and each Si contains one vector less than Si−1. Therefore, we ulti- mately arrive at a linearly independent set that spans V. Note that this process terminates before we exhaust all vectors in S, because if not earlier, then after (n−1) steps, we shall be left with a singleton set containing a non-zero vector that spans V. This singleton set will form a basis for V because each singleton set containing a non-zero vector in V forms a linearly independent set. Hence, V has a basis. Q.E.D.

REMARK. This theorem remains valid if the word finite is omitted. In that case, the proof requires the use of Zorn’s lemma. This lemma involves several concepts which are beyond the scope of this book. NOTE. In future unless otherwise mentioned a vector space will mean a finite dimensional vector space.

THEOREM-2 The representation of a vector in terms of the basis vectors is unique.

PROOF. Let V be a vector space over a field F, and let B = {b1, b2, ...,bn} be a basis for V. Let v be an arbitrary vector in V . We have to prove that v has a unique representation in terms of vectors in B. Let v = λ1b1 + ···+ λnbn and v = µ1b1 + ···+ µnbn be two representations for v ∈ V as a linear combination of basis vectors. Then,

λ1b1 + ···+ λnbn = µ1b1 + ···+ µnbn

⇒ (λ1 − µ1)b1 + ···+(λn − µn)bn = 0V

⇒ λ1 − µ1 = 0,...,λn − µn = 0[∵ B is a linearly independent set]

⇒ λ1 = µ1, λ2 = µ2,...,λn = µn Hence, v has a unique representation in terms of vectors in B.Q.E.D.

THEOREM-3 Let S be a subset of a vector space V(F) such that S spans V . Then S contains a basis for V . Vector Spaces • 195

PROOF. By Theorem 1, the basis for V is obtained by removing those vectors from S, which are linear combinations of previous vectors in S. Hence, S contains a basis for V . Q.E.D.

THEOREM-4 A subset B of a vector space V (F) is a basis for V if every vector in V has a unique representation as a linear combination of vectors of B. PROOF. First suppose that B is a basis for V . Then B spans V and so every vector in V is a linearly combination of vectors of B. To prove the uniqueness, we consider the following two cases:

Case I When B is finite, say B = {b1, b2,...,bn}. Let v be an arbitrary vector in V and suppose that

v = λ1b1 + λ2b2 + ···+ λnbn and, also v = µ1b1 + µ2b2 + ···+ µnbn,

where λi, µi ∈ F for all i ∈ n. Then,

λ1b1 + λ2b2 + ···+ λnbn = µ1b1 + µ2b2 + ···+ µnbn

⇒ (λ1 − µ1)b1 + ···+(λn − µn)bn = 0V

⇒ λ1 − µ1 = 0,...,λn − µn = 0[∵ B is linearly independent]

⇒ λ1 = µ1,λ2 = µ2,...,λn = µn. Thus, v ∈ V has a unique representation as a linear combination of vectors of B. Case II When B is infinite.

Let v ∈ V and suppose that v = ∑ λb b and, also v = ∑ µb b b∈B b∈B where λb,µb ∈ F and each sum contains only finite number of terms (i.e. λb,µb are zero in all except a finite number of terms). Then,

Σ λb b = Σ µb b b∈B b∈B

⇒ Σ (λb − µb)b = 0V b∈B

⇒ λb − µb = 0 for all b ∈ B [∵ B is linearly independent]

⇒ λb = µb for all b ∈ B

This proves that v ∈ V has a unique representation as a linear combination of vectors of B. Conversely, suppose that every vector in V has a unique representation as a linear combi- nation of vectors of B. Then, B spans V. Further suppose that

λ1b1 + λ2b2 + ···+ λnbn = 0V for some λ1,λ2,...,λn ∈ F, b1,b2,...,bn ∈ B. 196 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


λ1b1 + λ2b2 + ···+ λnbn = 0b1 + 0b2 + ···+ 0bn ∵ Every vector in V has a unique representation ⇒ λ = λ = ···= λ = 0 1 2 n as a linear combination of vectors in B  Thus, the only linear combination of vectors of B that equals to the null vector is the trivial linear combination. Hence, B is a basis for V. Q.E.D. The following theorem proves an extremely important result that one cannot have more linearly independent vectors than the number of vectors in a spanning set.

THEOREM-5 Let V be a vector space over a field F. If V is spanned by the set {v1,v2,...,vn} of n vectors in V and if {w1,w2,...,wm} is a linearly independent set of vectors in V , then m  n. Moreover, V can be spanned by a set of n vectors containing the set {w1,w2,...,wm}. PROOF. We shall prove both the results together by induction on m. First we shall prove the theorem for m = 1. Let {w1} be a linearly independent set. Then w1 = 0V . Now,

w1 ∈ V

⇒ w1 is a linear combination of v1,v2,...,vn [∵ {v1,v2,...,vn} spans V ]

⇒{w1,v1,v2,...,vn}is linearly dependent set [By Theorem 2 on page 180]

⇒ There exist vk ∈{w1,v1,...,vn} such that vk is a linear combination of the preceeding vectors

Let us rearrange the vectors w1,v1,...,vn in such a way that vn is a linear combination of the previous vectors. Removing vn from the set {w1,v1,...,vn} we obtain the set {w1,v1,...,vn−1} of n vectors containing w1 such that it spans V and n − 1  0 ⇒ n  1 = m. Note that the vector removed is one of v’s because the set of w’s is linearly independent. Hence, the theorem holds for m = 1. Now suppose that the theorem is true for m. This that for a given set {w1,...,wm} of m linearly independent vectors in V, we have (i) m  n

and, (ii) there exists a set of n vectors w1,...,wm,v1,...,vn−m in V that spans V. To prove the theorem for m + 1, we have to show that for a given set of (m + 1) linearly independent vectors w1,w2,...,wm,wm+1 in V , we have (i) m + 1  n

and, (ii) there exists a set of n vectors containing w1,...,wm,wm+1 that spans V. Vector Spaces • 199 we repeat the above process. Continuing in this manner we remove, one by one, every vector which is a linear combination of the preceding vectors, till we obtain a linearly independent set spanning V . Since S is a linearly independent set, vi is a linear combination of the preceding vectors. Therefore, the vectors removed are some of bi’s. Hence, the reduced linearly indepen- dent set consists of all vi’s and some of bi’s. This reduced set {v1,v2,...,vm,b1,b2,...,bn−m} is a basis for V containing S. Q.E.D. This theorem can also be stated as

“Any l.i. set of vectors of a finite dimensional vector space is a part of its basis.”

COROLLARY-1 In a vector space V (F) of dimension n

(i) any set of n linearly independent vectors is a basis,

and, (ii) any set of n vectors that spans V is a basis.

PROOF. (i) Let B={b1,b2,...,bn} be a set of n linearly independent vectors in vector space V . Then by Theorem 7, B is a part of the basis. But, the basis cannot have more than n vectors. Hence, B itself is a basis for V .

(ii) Let B = {b1,b2,...,bn} be a set of n vectors in V that spans V . If B is not linearly independent, then there exists a vector in B which is linear combination of the preceding vectors and by removing it from B we will obtain a set of (n − 1) vectors in V that will also span V. But, this is a contradiction to the fact that a set of (n − 1) vectors cannot span V . Hence, B is a linearly independent set. Consequently, it is a basis for V . Q.E.D.

COROLLARY-2 Let V (F) be a vector space of dimension n, and let S be a subspace of V . Then,

(i) every basis of S is a part of a basis of V .

(ii) dimS dimV.

(iii) dimS = dimV ⇔ S = V.

and, (iv) dimS < dimV , if S is a proper subspace of V .

 PROOF. (i) Let B = {b1,b2,...,bm} be a basis for S. Since S is a subspace of V. Therefore, B is a linearly independent set of vectors in V and hence it is a part of a basis for V . (ii) Since basis for S is a part of the basis for V. Therefore, dimS dimV.

(iii) Let dimS = dimV = n. Let B = {b1,b2,...,bn} be a basis for V so that [B]=S. 200 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Since B is a linearly independent set of n vectors in V and dimV = n. Therefore, B spans V, i.e. [B]=V . Thus, S =[B]=V ⇒ S = V. Conversely, let S = V. Then,

S = V ⇒ S is a subspace of V and V is a subspace of S ⇒ dimS dimV and dimV dimS [By (ii)] ⇒ dimS = dimV.

(iv) Let S be a proper subspace of V. Then there exists a vector v ∈ V such that v ∈/S. Therefore, v cannot be expressed as a linear combination of vectors in B, the basis for S. That is, v ∈/ [S]. Consequently, the set {b1,b2,...,bm,v} forms a linearly independent subset of V. Therefore, the basis for V will contain more than m vectors. Hence, dimS < dimV . Q.E.D.

THEOREM-8 Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space, and let m be a positive integer. Then the function space V m = { f : f : m → V} is also finite dimensional and

dim(V m)=m.dimV

PROOF. Let dimV = n, and let B = {b1,b2,...,bn} be a basis for V . By Example 11 on page 126, the function space V m is a vector space over field F. For any i ∈ m, j ∈ n define a mapping

ϕij :m→ V given by

ϕij(k)=δikb j for all k ∈ m.

Here δik is Kronecker delta   Let B = ϕij : i ∈ m, j ∈ n . Clearly O(B )=mn.  We shall now show that B is a basis for the function space V m.  B is l.i.: Let aij ∈ F,i ∈ m, j ∈ n be such that

m n ∑ ∑ aijϕij = 0 (zero function) i=1 j=1  Vector Spaces • 201


m n Σ Σ aijϕij (k)=0(k) for all k ∈ m i=1 j=1  m n  ⇒ Σ Σ aijϕij(k)=0V i=1 j=1 m n ⇒ Σ Σ aijδikb j = 0V i=1 j=1

n m ⇒ Σ Σ aijδik b j = 0V j=1 i=1  n ⇒ Σ akjb j = 0V [∵ δik = 1 for i = k] j=1

⇒ akj = 0 for all j ∈ n [∵ B = {b1,...,bn} is a basis for V]

Thus, akj = 0 for all k ∈ m and for all j ∈ n. m n So, ∑ ∑ aijϕij = 0 ⇒ aij = 0 for all i ∈ m and for all j ∈ n. i=1 j=1  Therefore, B is a linearly independent set.

Bspans V m: Let f :m→ V be an arbitrary mapping in V m. Then for each k ∈ m, f (k) ∈ V . Since B is a basis for V. Therefore, f (k) ∈ V is expressible as a linear combination of vectors in B. Let n f (k)= Σ λkjb j (i) j=1

For any k ∈ m, we have

m n m n m n Σ Σ λijϕij (k)= Σ Σ λijϕij(k)= Σ Σ λijδikb j i=1 j=1  i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

m n n m ⇒ Σ Σ λijϕij (k)= Σ Σ λijδik b j i=1 j=1  j=1 i=1 

m n n ⇒ Σ Σ λijϕij (k)= Σ λkjb j = f (k) [From (i)] i=1 j=1  j=1 m n ∴ f = Σ Σ λijϕij i=1 j=1 204 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Hence, B1 is a basis for S + T. Consequently, we have dimS + T = number of vectors in B1 = p+q−r=dimS+dimT −dim(S ∩ T ). Q.E.D.

COROLLARY. If S and T are subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space V(F) such that S ∩ T = {0V }, then dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT. PROOF. We have,

S ∩ T = {0V } ⇒ dim(S ∩ T)=0 Thus, dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT − dim(S ∩ T ) ⇒ dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT. Q.E.D. In three-dimensional Euclidean space R3, let S = the xy-plane and T = the yz-plane. Clearly, S and T are subspaces of R3 and dimS = 2, dim T = 2. Clearly, S ∩ T = y-axis, whose dimen- sion is 1, and S+T = R3. Therefore, dimS+T = dimR3 = 3 and dimS+dimT −dim(S∩T)= 2 + 2 − 1 = 3. So, dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT − dim(S ∩ T). This verifies the result of Theorem 9. On the other hand, if S = the xy-plane and T = z-axis, then S ∩ T = {0V } and S + T = R3. Also, dimR3 = dim(S + T)=3 = 2 + 1 = dimS + dimT. This verifies the result of corollary to Theorem 9.

THEOREM-10 If a finite dimensional vector space V (F) is direct sum of its two subspaces S and T , then dimV = dimS + dimT.

PROOF. Since V is direct sum of S and T, therefore, V = S + T and S ∩ T = {0V }.

Now, S ∩ T = {0V }⇒dim(S ∩ T)=0 By Theorem 9, we have dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT − dim(S ∩ T) ⇒ dim(S + T)=dimS + dimT. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-11 Every subspace of a finite dimensional vector space has a complement. PROOF. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F, and let S be a subspace of V . Further, let dimV = n and dimS = m. Let B1 = {b1,b2,...,bm} be a basis for S. Then B is a linearly independent set of vectors in B. So it can be extended to a basis for V . Let B = {b1,b2,...,bm,v1,v2,...,vn−m} be extended basis for V . Let T be a subspace of V spanned by the set B2 = {v1,v2,...,vn−m} Vector Spaces • 205

We shall now show that T is the complement of S. Let v be an arbitrary vector in V. Then, m n−m v = Σ λibi + Σ µivi for some λi,ui ∈ F [∵ B is a basis for V ] i=1 i=1

Since B1 and B2 are bases for S and T respectively. Therefore, m n−m Σ λibi ∈ S and, Σ µivi ∈ T i=1 i=1

m n−m ⇒ v = Σ λibi + Σ µivi ∈ S + T i=1 i=1 Thus, v ∈ V ⇒ v ∈ S + T ∴ V ⊂ S + T Also, S + T ⊂ V. Hence, V = S + T . Let u ∈ S ∩ T . Then, u ∈ S and u ∈ T. Now, m u ∈ S ⇒ There exists λ1,...,λm ∈ F such that u = Σ λibi [∵ B1 is a basis for S] i=1 and, n−m u ∈ T ⇒ There exists µ1,...,µn−m ∈ F such that u = Σ µivi [∵ B2 is a basis for T] i=1

m n−m ∴ ∑ λibi = ∑ µivi i=1 i=1

⇒ λ1b1+,...,+λmbm +(−µ1)v1 + ···+(−µn−m)vn−m = 0V ⇒ λ1 = λ2 = ···= λm = 0 = µ1 = ···= µn−m [∵ B is a basis for V] ⇒ u = 0b1 + ···+ 0bm = 0V

Thus, u ∈ S ∩ T ⇒ u = 0V ∴ S ∩ T = {0V } Hence, V = S ⊕ T . Consequently, T is complement of S. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-12 Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space, and let S be a subspace of V. Then, dim(V /S)=dimV − dimS.

PROOF. Let dimV = n,dim S = m. Then n  m. Let B1 = {v1,v2,...,vm} be a basis for S. Then, B1 is a linearly independent set of vectors in V . So it can be extended to a basis for V, say B2 = {v1,...,vm,b1,...,bn−m}. 206 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

We shall now show that the set B = {b1 + S,b2 + S,...,bn−m + S} is basis for V /S. To prove that B is a basis for V /S, we have to show that B is a linearly independent set and B spans V /S.

B is a l.i set in V /S: Let λ1,...,λn−m be scalars in F such that

λ1(b1 + S)+···+ λn−m(bn−m + S)=S (zero of V /S) Then,

(λ1b1 + S)+···+(λn−mbn−m + S)=S [By def. of scalar multiplication on V/S]

⇒ (λ1b1 + ···+ λn−mbn−m)+S = S

⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λn−mbn−m ∈ S [∵ S is additive subgroup of (V,+) ∴ S + u = S ⇔ u ∈ S]

⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λn−mbn−m is a linear combination of B1 = {v1,...,vm}[∵ B1 is a basis for S]

⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λn−mbn−m = µ1v1 + ···+ µmvm for some µi ∈ F

⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λn−mbn−m +(−µ1)v1 + ···+(−µm)vm = 0V

⇒ λ1 = λ2 = ···= λn−m = 0 = µ1 = ···= µm [∵ B2 is linearly independent] Thus, only the trivial linear combination of vectors of B equals to the null vector of V/S. Hence, B is a linearly independent set in V /S.

B spans V/S: Let u + S be an arbitrary vector in V /S. Then, u ∈ V

⇒ u is a linear combination of B2 [∵ B2 is a basis for V ]

⇒ there exist λ1,...,λm, µ1,...,µn−m in F such that

u = λ1v1 + ···+ λmvm + µ1b1 + ···+ µn−mbn−m

⇒ u = v + µ1b1 + ···+ µn−mbn−m, where v = λ1v1 + ···+ λmvm ∈ S [∵ B1is a basis for S]

⇒ u =(µ1b1 + ···+ µn−mbn−m)+v [∵ vector addition is commutative on V ]

⇒ u + S =(µ1b1 + ···+ µn−mbn−m)+v + S

⇒ u + S =(µ1b1 + ···+ µn−mbn−m)+S [∵ v ∈ S ∴ v + S = S]

⇒ u + S =(µ1b1 + S)+···+(µn−mbn−m + S)

⇒ u + S = µ1(b1 + S)+···+ µn−m(bn−m + S) ⇒ u + S is a linear combination of B. Since u + S is an arbitrary vector in V /S. Therefore, every vector in V/S is a linear combi- nation of B. Consequently, B spans V /S, Vector Spaces • 207

Hence, B is a basis for V/S. ∴ dim(V /S)=Number of vectors in B = n − m = dimV − dim S. Q.E.D.

CO-DIMENSION. Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space and let S be a subspace of V . Then codimension of S is defined to be the dimension of the quotient space V /S. Clearly, Codimension S = dimV −dimS. [By Theorem 12]

MAXIMAL LINEARLY INDEPENDENT SET. Let V (F) be a vector space. Then a linearly indepen- dent set of vectors in V is said to be a maximal linearly independent set if every set of vectors in V containing it as a proper subset is a linearly dependent set.

THEOREM-13 If S is a maximal linearly independent set of vectors in a finite dimensional vector space V (F), then S spans V , i.e. [S]=V. PROOF. Since V is a finite dimensional vector space. Therefore, S is a finite set. Let n S = {v1,...,vn}, and let v = ∑ λivi be an arbitrary vector in V . Since S is a maximal linearly i=1  independent set. Therefore, the larger set S = {v1,...,vn,v} must be linearly dependent. Hence, we can find scalars µ1,µ2,...,µn,µ not all zero such that

µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn + µv = 0V We claim that µ = 0, because µ = 0

⇒ µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn = 0V where at least one µi = 0. ⇒ S is a linearly dependent ⇒ a contradiction.

Now, µ1v1 + ···+ µnvn + µv = 0V n ⇒ µv = − Σ µivi i=1 n −1 −1 ⇒ v = Σ (µiµ )vi [∵ µ = 0 ∴ µ ∈ F] i=1 ⇒ v is a linear combination of S Hence, S spans V . Q.E.D.

THEOREM-14 Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space. Then a set of n linearly inde- pendent vectors in V is maximal iff n = dimV.

PROOF. Let S = {v1,...,vn} be a set of n linearly independent vectors in V. Vector Spaces • 209

Hence, B1 ∪ B2 is a basis for V.

Now we shall show that V = S1 ⊕ S2. For this, it is sufficient to show that S1 ∩ S2 = {0V }.

Let v ∈ S1 ∩ S2. Then, v ∈ S1 and v ∈ S2.

Since B1={v1,...,vm} is a basis for S1. Therefore, there exist scalars λ1,...,λm ∈F such that

v = λ1v1 + ···+ λmvm.

Since B2 ={u1,...,un} is a basis for S2 and v ∈ S2. Therefore, there exist scalars µ1,µ2,...,µn ∈ F such that

v = µ1u1 + ···+ µnun

∴ λ1v1 + ···+ λmvm = µ1u1 + ···+ µnun

⇒ λ1v1 + ···+ λmvm +(−µ1)u1 + ···+(−µn)un = 0V

⇒ λ1 = ···= λm = 0 = µ1 = ···= µn [∵ B1 ∪ B2 is a basis for V ]

⇒ v = 0v1 + ···+ 0vm = 0V

Thus, v ∈ S1 ∩ S2 ⇒ v = 0V

∴ S1 ∩ S2 = {0V }

Hence, V = S1 ⊕ S2


THEOREM-17 Let S and T be subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V such that V = S ⊕ T . Let B1 and B2 be bases for S and T respectively. Then B1 ∪ B2 is basis for V and dimV = dimS + dimT.

PROOF. Since V is a finite dimensional vector space over a field F, therefore, S and T are also finite dimensional vector spaces over field F. Let dimS = m and dimT = n. Further let B1 = {b1,b2,...,bm} be a basis for S and B2 = {bm+1,bm+2,...,bm+n} be a basis for T. Let B = B1 ∪ B2 = {b1,b2,...,bm,bm+1,...,bm+n}. We shall now establish that B is a basis for V .

B is linearly independent: Let λ1,λ2,...,λm,λm+1,...,λm+n be scalars in F such that

λ1b1 + λ2b2 + ···+ λmbm + λm+1bm+1 + ···+ λm+nbm+n = 0V ⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λmbm = −(λm+1bm+1 + ···+ λm+nbm+n)(i) n ⇒ λ1b1 + ···+ λmbm ∈ T ∵ − Σ λm+ibm+i ∈ T i=1  212 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

THEOREM-20 A vector space V (F) is the direct sum of its n(≥ 2) subspaces S1,S2,...,Sn i.e. V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕ S3 ⊕···⊕Sn iff n (i) V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn (ii) Si ∩ ∑ S j = {0V } for each i = 1,2,...,n j= i j=i

PROOF. First suppose that V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sn. Then, V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn n Let v be an arbitrary vector in Si ∩ ∑ S j. Then, j=1 j= i n n v ∈ Si ∩ ∑ S j ⇒ v ∈ Si and v ∈ ∑ S j j=1 j=1 j= i j= i

Now, v ∈ Si

⇒ v = vi for some vi ∈ Si

⇒ v = 0V + 0V + ···+ vi + 0V + ···+ 0V [∵ 0V ∈ S j for all j] n and, v ∈ Σ S j j=1 j= i

⇒ There exist vectors v j ∈ S j, j = 1,2,...,n and j = i such that

v = v1 + v2 + ···+ vi−1 + vi+1 + ···+ vn

But, V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sn. So, each vector in V has unique representation as the sum of vectors in S1,S2,...,Sn.

∴ v1 = 0V = v2 = ···= vi−1 = vi = vi+1 = ···= vn

⇒ v = 0V

n Since v is an arbitrary vector in Si ∩ ∑ S j. j=1 j= i n ∴ Si ∩ ∑ S j = {0V } j=1 j= i

Conversely, let S1,S2,...,Sn be subspaces of V (F) such that (i) and (ii) hold. We have to prove that V is the direct sum of its subspaces S1,S2,...,Sn. Let v be an arbitrary vector in V. Then,

v ∈ S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn [∵ V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sn]

⇒ v = v1 + v2 + ···+ vn, where vi ∈ Si; i = 1,2,...,n 214 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

B spans V: Let v be an arbitrary vector in V . Since V is the direct sum of S1,...,Sk. Therefore, there exist unique v1 ∈ S1,...,vk ∈ Sk such that

v = v1 + ···+ vk.

Since for each i ∈ k, Bi is a basis for Si. Therefore, each vi can be expressed as a linear combination of vectors in Bi. Consequently, v is expressible as a linear combination of vectors k in ∪ Bi = B. Hence, B spans V . i=1

1 1 2 2 B is a l.i. set in V: To show that B is a linearly independent set, let λ1,...,λn1 ,λ1,...,λn2 ,..., i ,..., i ,..., k,..., k λ1 λni λk λnk be scalars in F such that

1 1 1 1 i i i i k k k k λ1b1 + ···+ λn bn + ···+ λ1b1 + ···+ λn bn + ···+ λkb1 + ···+ λn bn = 0V 1 1 i i  k k  ⇒ 1 1 ··· 1 1  ··· k k ··· k k ··· λ1b1 + + λn1 bn1 + + λkb1 + + λn bn = 0V + 0V + + 0V (i)  k k   k−terms    Since V is the direct sum of S1,...,Sk. Therefore, each vector in V is uniquely expressible as a sum of vectors one in each Si. Consequently, (i) implies that i i + ···+ i i = = , ,..., λ1b1 λni bni 0V for all i 1 2 k ⇒ i ··· i ∵ λ1 = = λni = 0 for all i = 1,2,...,k [ Bi is a basis for Si] Hence, B is a linearly independent set in V . Thus, B is a basis for V . (ii) ⇒ (i). k Let B = ∪ Bi be a basis for V . Then we have to show that V is the direct sum of S1,S2,...,Sk. i=1 Let v be an arbitrary vector in V. Then,

k i i i i k v = Σ λ1b1 + ···+ λn bn [∵ B = ∪ Bi is a basis for V] i=1 i i i=1 k  i i i i ⇒ v = Σ vi ,where vi = λ1b1 + ···+ λn bn ∈ Si [∵ Bi is a basis for Si] i=1 i i

Thus, v is expressible as a sum of vectors one in each Si. Since v is an arbitrary vector in V. Therefore, each vector in V is expressible as a sum of vectors one in each Si. Consequently, V = S1 + S2 + ···+ ···+ Sk. Now we shall show that the expression of each vector in V as a sum of vectors one in each Si is unique. If possible, let v ∈ V be such that

k k i i ··· i i i i ··· i i v = Σ λ1b1 + + λni bni and v = Σ µ1b1 + + µni bni . i=1  i=1  Vector Spaces • 215

Then, k k i i ··· i i i i ··· i i Σ λ1b1 + + λni bni = Σ µ1b1 + + µni bni i=1  i=1  k ⇒ ( i − i ) i +( i − i ) i + ···+( i − i ) i = Σ λ1 µ1 b1 λ2 µ2 b2 λni µni bni 0V i=1   i i i i i i k ⇒ λ1 − µ1 = 0, λ2 − µ2 = 0,...,λn − µn = 0 for i = 1,2,...,k [∵ B = ∪ Bi is l.i.] i i i=1 ⇒ i = i ,..., i = i = , ,..., λ1 µ1 λni µni for i 1 2 k Thus, v is uniquely expressible as a sum of vectors one in each Si. Therefore, every vector in V is expressible as a sum of vectors one in each Si. Hence, V is the direct sum of S1,S2,...,Sk. Q.E.D.

THEOREM-22 Let S and T be two subspaces of a vector space V (F) such that S ∩ T = {0V }. If B1 and B2 be bases of S and T respectively, then show that B = B1 ∪ B2 is a basis of S + T and B1 ∩ B2 = ϕ.    PROOF. Let B1 = {b1,b2,...,bm} and B2 = {b1,b2,...,bn} be bases of S and T respectively. Then, B1 and B2 are linearly independent subsets of S and T respectively. Therefore, B1 ∩B2 is also linearly independent and B1 ∩ B2 ⊆ S ∩ T.

∴ B1 ∩ B2 ⊆{0V }

⇒ B1 ∩ B2 = ϕ [∵ B1 and B2 are l.i. and any l.i. set cannot have null vector in it] We shall now show that B = B1 ∪ B2 is a basis for S + T. B = B1 ∪ B2 is a l.i. subset of S+T: Clearly, S and T are subsets of S + T. So, S ∪ T ⊆ S + T.

∴ B1 ∪ B2 ⊆ S ∪ T ⊆ S + T.

Let λi(i = 1,2,...,m) and µj( j = 1,2,...,n) be scalars in F such that m n  Σ λibi + Σ µjb j = 0V i=1 j=1 m n  ⇒ Σ λibi = − Σ µjb j = u (say) i=1 j=1 m n  Clearly, Σ λibi ∈ S and − Σ µjb j ∈ T i=1 j=1 ⇒ u ∈ S and u ∈ T

⇒ u ∈ S ∩ T

⇒ u = 0V [∵ S ∩ T = {0V }]

m n  ∴ Σ λibi = 0V and, − Σ µjb j = 0V i=1 j=1

⇒ λi = 0(i = 1,2,...,m),µj = 0( j = 1,2,...,n)[∵ B1 and B2 are linearly independent] 218 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

SOLUTION (i) Since dimR3 = 3. So, a basis of R3(R) must contain exactly 3 elements. 3 Hence, B1 is not a basis of R (R). 3 3 (ii) Since dimR = 3. So, B2 will form a basis of R (R) if and only if vectors in B2 are linearly independent. To check this, let us form the matrix A whose rows are the given vectors as given below. 1 11 A =  1 23 2 −11   Since non-zero rows of a matrix in echelon form are linearly independent. So, let us reduce A to echelon form. 111 A ∼  012 Applying R2 → R2 − R1,R3 → R3 − 2R1 0 −3 −1   111 ⇒ A ∼  012 Applying R3 → R3 + 3R2 005   Clearly, the echelon form of A has no zero rows. Hence, the three vectors are linearly indepen- dent and so they form a basis of R3. (iii) Since (n+1) or more vectors in a vector space of dimension n are linearly dependent. 3 3 So, B3 is a linearly dependent set of vectors in R (R). Hence, it cannot be a basis of R . (iv) The matrix A whose rows are the vectors in B4 is given by 112 A =  125 534   Since non-zero rows of a matrix in echelon form are linearly independent. So, let us reduce A to echelon form. 112 A ∼  013 Applying R2 → R2 − R1,R3 → R3 − 5R1 0 −2 −6   112 ⇒ A ∼  013 Applying R3 → R3 + 2R2 000   The echelon form of A has a zero row, hence the given vectors are linearly dependent and so 3 B4 does not form a basis of R .

EXAMPLE-2 Let V be the vector space of all 2 × 2 matrices over a field F. Prove that V has dimension 4 by finding a basis for V . Vector Spaces • 219

10 01 00 00 SOLUTION Let E = , E = , E = and E = be four 11 00 12 00 21 10 22 01 matrices in V , where 1 is the unity element in F. Let B = {E11,E12,E21,E22}. We shall now show that B forms a basis of V. B is l.i.: Let x,y,z,t be scalars in F such that

xE11 + yE12 + zE21 +tE22 = 0 xy 00 ⇒ = ⇒ x = y = z = t = 0 zt 00 So, B is l.i. ab B spans v: Let A = be an arbitrary matrix in V. Then, cd

A = aE11 + bE12 + cE21 + dE22 ⇒ A is expressible as a linear combination of matrices in B. So, B spans V. Thus, B is a basis of V . Hence, dimV = 4.

3 EXAMPLE-3 Let v1 =(1,i,0),v2 =(2i,1,1),v3 =(0,1 + i,1 − i) be three vectors in C (C). 3 Show that the set B = {v1,v2,v3} is a basis of C (C).

SOLUTION We know that dimC3(C)=3. Therefore, B will be a basis of C3(C) if B is a linearly independent set. Let x,y,z ∈ C such that

xv1 + yv2 + zv3 = 0 ⇒ x + 2iy,xi + y + z(1 + i),y + z(1 − i) =(0,0,0) ⇒ x + 2iy = 0,xi + y + z(1 + i)=0,y +z(1 − i)=0 ⇒ x = y = z = 0. Hence, B is a basis of C3(C).

EXAMPLE-4 Determine whether (1,1,1,1),(1,2,3,2),(2,5,6,4),(2,6,8,5) form a basis of R4(R). If not, find the dimension of the subspace they span.

SOLUTION Given four vectors can form a basis of R4(R) iff they are linearly independent as the dimension of R4 is 4. The matrix A having given vectors as its rows is 1111  1232 A = 2564    2685   220 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Since non-zero rows of a matrix in echelon form are linearly independent. So, let us reduce A to echelon form 1111  0121 A ∼ Applying R → R − R ,R → R − 2R ,R → R − 2R 0342 2 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 1    0463   1111  0121 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R − 3R ,R → R − 4R 00−2 −1 3 3 2 4 4 3    00−2 −1    1111  0121 ⇒ A ∼ Applying R → R − R 00−2 −1 4 4 3    0000   The echelon matrix has a zero row. So, given vectors are linearly independent and do not form a basis of R4. Since the echelon matrix has three non-zero rows, so the four vectors span a subspace of dimension 3.


4 EXAMPLE-5 Extend the set {u1 =(1,1,1,1),u2 =(2,2,3,4)} to a basis of R .

SOLUTION Let us first form a matrix A with rows u1 and u2, and reduce it to echelon form: 1111 A =  2234 1111 ⇒ A ∼  0012

We observe that the vectors v1 =(1,1,1,1) and v2 =(0,0,1,2) span the same space as spanned 4 by the given vectors u1 and u2. In order to extend the given set of vectors to a basis of R (R), we need two more vectors u3 and u4 such that the set of four vectors v1,v2,u3,u4 is linearly independent. For this, we chose u3 and u4 in such a way that the matrix having v1,v2,u3,u4 as its rows is in echelon form. Thus, if we chose u3 =(0,a,0,0) and u4 =(0,0,0,b), where a,b are non-zero real numbers, then v1,u3,v2,u4 in the same order form a matrix in echelon form. 4 Thus, they are linearly independent, and they form a basis of R . Hence, u1,u2,u3,u4 also form a basis of R4.

3 EXAMPLE-6 Let v1 =(−1,1,0),v2 =(0,1,0) be two vectors in R (R) and let S = {v1,v2}. Extend set S to a basis of R3(R). Vector Spaces • 221

SOLUTION Let A be the matrix having v1 and v2 as its two rows. Then, −110 A = 010 Clearly, A is in echelon form. In order to form a basis of R3(R), we need one more vector such that the matrix having that vector as third row and v1,v2 as first and second rows is in echelon form. If we take v3 =(0,0,a), where a(= 0) ∈ R, then matrix having its three rows as v1,v2,v3 3 is in echelon form.Thus, v1,v2,v3 are linearly independent and they form a basis of R (R). REMARK. Sometimes, we are given a list of vectors in the vector space Rn(R) and we want to find a basis for the subspace S of Rn spanned by the given vectors, that is, a basis of [S]. The following two algorithms help us for finding such a basis of [S].

ALGORITHM 1 (Row space algorithm) Step I Form the matrix A whose rows are the given vectors Step II Reduce A to echelon form by elementary row operations. Step III Take the non-zero rows of the echelon form. These rows form a basis of the subspace spanned by the given set of vectors. In order to find a basis consisting of vectors from the original list of vectors, we use the following algorithm.

ALGORITHM 2 (Casting-out algorithm) Step I Form the matrix A whose columns are the given vectors. Step II Reduce A to echelon form by elementary row operations. Step III Delete (cast out) those vectors from the given list which correspond to columns without pivots and select the remaining vectors in S which correspond to columns with pivots. Vectors so selected form a basis of [S].


EXAMPLE-7 Let S be the set consisting of the following vectors in R5: v1 =(1,2,1,3,2),v2 =(1,3,3,5,3),v3 =(3,8,7,13,8),v4 =(1,4,6,9,7),v5 =(5,13,13,25,19) Find a basis of [S] (i.e the subspace spanned by S) consisting of the original given vectors. Also, find the dimension of [S].

SOLUTION Let A be the matrix whose columns are the given vectors.Then, 11315  238413 A = 137613    3 5 13 9 25     238719   222 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

Let us now reduce A to echelon form by using elementary row operations. 1131 5  0122 3 Applying R → R − 2R ,R → R − R , A ∼ 0245 8 2 2 1 3 3 1   R → R − 3R and R → R − R  024610 4 4 1 5 5 1    0125 9   11315  01223 ⇒ A ∼ 00012 Applying R → R − 2R ,R → R − 2R ,R → R − R   3 3 2 4 4 2 5 5 1  00024    00036   1 1315  0 1 223 ⇒ A ∼ 0 001 2 Applying R → R − 2R ,R → R − 2R   4 4 3 5 5 3  0 0000    0 0000  

We observe that pivots (encircled entries) in the echelon form of A appear in the columns C1,C2,C4. So, we “cast out” the vectors u3 and u5 from set S and the remaining vectors u1,u2,u4, which correspond to the columns in the echelon matrix with pivots, form a basis of [S]. Hence, dim[S]=3.

EXAMPLE-8 Let S be the set consisting of following vectors in R4:

v1 =(1,−2,5,−3),v2 =(2,3,1,−4),v3 =(3,8,−3,−5). (i) Find a basis and dimension of the subspace spanned by S, i.e. [S]. (ii) Extend the basis of [S] to a basis of R4. (iii) Find a basis of [S] consisting of the original given vectors.

SOLUTION (i) Let A be the matrix whose rows are the given vectors. Then, 1 −25−3 A =  231−4  38−3 −5   Let us now reduce A to echelon form. The row reduced echelon form of A is as given below. 1 −25−3 A ∼  07−92 0000   Vector Spaces • 225

1 −1 −3 Let B denote the matrix whose rows are v1,v2,v3. Then, B =  3 −2 −8  21−3   1 −1 −3 ⇒ B =  3 −2 −8  21−3   1 −1 −3 ⇒ B ∼  011 Applying R2 → R2 − 3R1,R3 → R3 − 3R1 033   1 −1 −3 ⇒ B ∼  011 Applying R3 → R3 − 3R2 000   11−1 ⇒ B ∼  01 1 Applying R1 → R1 + 2R2 00 0   Clearly, A and B have the same row canonical form. So, row spaces of A and B are equal. Hence, [S]=[T].

EXERCISE 2.9 1. Mark each of the following true or false. (i) The vectors in a basis of a vector space are linearly dependent. (ii) The null (zero) vector may be a part of a basis. (iii) Every vector space has a basis. (iv) Every vector space has a finite basis. (v) A basis cannot have the null vector. (vi) If two bases of a vector space have one common vector, then the two bases are the same. (vii) A basis for R3(R) can be extended to a basis for R 4(R). (viii) Any two bases of a finite dimensional vector space have the same number of vectors. (ix) Every set of n + 1 vectors in an n-dimensional vector space is linearly dependent. (x) Every set of n+1 vectors in an n-dimensional vector space is linearly independent. (xi) An n-dimensional vector space can be spanned by a set n − 1 vectors in it. (xii) Every set of n linearly independent vectors in an n-dimensional vector space is a basis. 226 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

(xiii) A spanning set of n vectors in an n-dimensional vector space is a basis.

(xiv) [v]B is independent of B. (xv) If S and T are subspaces of a vector space V (F), then dimS < dimT ⇒ S T. 2. Find three bases for the vector space R2(R) such that no two of which have a vector in common. 3. Determine a basis for each of the following vector spaces: (i) R2(R) √ √ (ii) R( 2)={a + b 2:a, b ∈ R} over R √ √ (iii) Q( 2)={a + b 2:a, b ∈ Q} over Q (iv) C over R (v) C over itself (vi) Q(i)={a + ib : a, b ∈ Q} over Q 4. Which of the following subsets B form a basis for R3(R)? (i) B = {(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)} (ii) B = {(0,0,1),(1,0,1)(1,−1,1),(3,0,1)} (iii) B = {(1,2,3),(3,1,0),(−2,1,3)} (iv) B = {(1,1,1),(1,2,3),(−1,0,1)} (v) B = {(1,1,2),(1,2,5),(5,3,4)} 5. Which of the following subsets B form a basis for the given vector space V ? (i) B = {(1,0),(i,0),(0,1),(0,i)},V = C2(R). (ii) B = {(1,i,1 + i),(1,i,1 − i),(i,−i,1)},V = C3(C). (iii) B = {(1,1,1,1),(2,6,4,5),(1,2,1,2),(0,3,2,3)},V = R 4(R). (iv) B = {1, sinx, sin2 x, cos2 x},V = C[−π,π] (v) B = {x − 1, x2 + x − 1, x2 − x + 1},V = Space of all real polynomials of degree at most two. 6. Extend the set S = {(1,1,1,1),(1,2,1,2)} to a basis for R 4(R). 7. Extend the set S = {(3,−1,2)} to two different bases for R3(R). 3 8. Consider the set S of vectors in R (R) consisting of v1 =(1,1,0),v2 =(0,2,3), v3 =(1,2,3),v4 =(1,−2,3). (i) Prove that S is linearly dependent. (ii) Find a subset B of S such that B is a basis of [S]. (iii) Find dim[S]. Vector Spaces • 227

5 9. Let S be the subspace of R spanned by the vectors. v1=(1,2,−1,3,4),v2=(2,4,−2,6,8), v3 =(1,3,2,2,6),v4 =(1,4,5,1,8),v5 =(2,7,3,3,9). Find a subset of these vectors that form a basis of S. 10. Prove that the set S = {a + 2ai : a ∈ R} is a subspace of the vector space C(R). Find a basis and dimension of S. Let T = {a − 2ai : a ∈ R}. Prove that C(R)=S ⊕ T. 11. Extend each of the following subsets of R3 to a basis of R3(R): (i) B1 = {(1,2,0)} (ii) B2 = {(1,−2,0),(0,1,1)} 12. Find a basis of the vector space R4(R) that contains the vectors (1,1,0,0),(0,1,0,−1). 2×2 2 13. Find four matrices A1,A2,A3,A4 in R (R) such that Ai = Ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and 2×2 {A1,A2,A3,A4} is a basis of R . 11 14. Let S be the set of all matrices A in R2×2 which commute with the matrix . Prove 22 that S is a subspace of R2×2. Find dimS. 15. Let V = R3×3,S be the set of symmetric matrices and T be the set of skew-symmetric matrices in V. Prove that S and T are subspaces of V such that V = S ⊕ T. Find dimensions of S and T. 16. Express R5(R) as a direct sum of two subspaces S and T with dimS = 2,dimT = 3. 17. If S and T be two subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V(F) such that

dimV = dimS + dimT and S ∩ T = {0V }. Prove that V = S ⊕ T.

18. Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space, and let S1,S2,...,Sk be subspaces of V such that

V = S1 + S2 + ···+ Sk and dimV = dimS1 + dimS2 + ···+ dimSk.

Prove that V = S1 ⊕ S2 ⊕···⊕Sk. 19. Show by means of an example that under certain circumstances, it is possible to find three subspaces S1,S2,S3 of a finite dimensional vector space V(F) such that V = S1 ⊕ S2 = S2 ⊕ S3 = S3 ⊕ S1. What does this imply about the dimension of V? 20. Give an example of an infinite dimensional vector space V(F) with a subspace S such that V /S is a finite dimensional vector space.

21. Construct three subspaces S1,S2,S3 of a vector space V such that V = S1 ⊕ S2 = S1 ⊕ S3 but S2 = S3 22. Give an example of a vector space V (R) having three different non-zero subspaces S1,S2,S3 such that V = S1 ⊕ S2 = S2 ⊕ S3 = S3 ⊕ S1. 23. Let S = {(a,b,0) : a,b ∈ R} be a subspace of R3. Find its two different complements in R3. 228 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

24. Determine a basis of the subspace spanned by the vectors:

v1 =(1, 2, 3), v2 =(2, 1, −1), v3 =(1, −1, −4), v4 =(4, 2, −2)

25. Show that the vectors v1 =(1, 0, −1), v2 =(1, 2, 1), v3 =(0, −3, 2) form a basis for 3 (3) (3) (3) R . Express each of the standard basis vectors e1 , e2 , e3 as a linear combination of v1, v2, v3.


1. (i) F (ii) F (iii) T (iv) F (v) T (vi) F (vii) F (viii) T (ix) T (x) F (xi) F (xii) T (xiii) T (xiv) F (xv) F

2. B1 = {(1,0),(0,1)} ,B2 = {(1,−1),(2,3)} ,B3 = {(−2,1),(2,−3)}. 2 Vectors (a1,b1) and (a2,b2) form a basis of R (R) iff a1b2 = a2b1. √ √ 3. (i) B = {(1,0),(0,1)} (ii) B = {1, 2} (iii) B = {1, 2} (iv) B = {1,i} (v) B = {1,i} (vi) B = {1,i} 4. (i) 5. (ii), (iii) 6. {(1,1,1,1),(1,2,1,2),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)} 7. {(3,−1,2),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)},{(3,−1,2),(0,−1,0),(0,0,2)} 8. (ii) B = {(1,1,0),(0,2,3)} (ii) dim[S]=2

9. {v1,v3,v5} 10. {1 + 2i},1 11. (i) {(1,2,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)} (ii) {(1,−2,0),(0,1,1),(0,0,1)} 12. {(1,1,0,0),(0,1,0,−1),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)} 10 00 11 00 13. A = ,A = ,A = ,A = 1 00 2 01 3 00 4 11 15. dimS = dimT = 3 16. S = {(a,b,0,0,0) : a,b ∈ R}, T = {(0,0,a,b,c) : a,b,c ∈ R} 19. dimV is an even integer. 2 21. V = R (R),S1 = {(a,0) : a ∈ R},S2 = {(0,a) : a ∈ R} and S3 = {(a,a) : a ∈ R}

23. (i) S1 = {(0,0,a) : a ∈ R} (ii) {(a,a,a) : a ∈ R}

24. {v1, v2}. ( ) 7 3 1 ( ) 1 1 1 ( ) −3 3 1 25. e 3 = v + v + v , e 3 = − v + v − v , e 3 = v + v + v 1 10 1 10 2 5 3 2 5 1 5 2 5 3 3 10 1 10 2 5 3 230 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

(ii) If v =(a,b), then v = xv1 + yv2 ⇒ (a,b)=(x + 2y,x + 3y) ⇒ x + 2y = a,x + 3y = b ⇒ x = 3a − 2b,y = −a + b 3a − 2b Hence, the coordinate matrix [v] of v relative to the basis B is given by [v ]= B B −a + b 

EXAMPLE-2 Find the coordinate vector of v =(1,1,1) relative to the basis B = {v1 =(1,2,3), 3 v2 =(−4,5,6), v3 =(7,−8,9)} of vector space R .

SOLUTION Let x,y,z ∈ R be such that

v = xv1 + yv2 + zv3 ⇒ (1,1,1)=x(1,2,3)+y(−4,5,6)+z(7,−8,9) ⇒ (1,1,1)=(x − 4y + 7z, 2x + 5y − 8z, 3x + 6y + 9z) ⇒ x − 4y + 7z = 1, 2x + 5y − 8z = 1, 3x + 6y + 9z = 1 7 −2 −1 ⇒ x = , y = , z = 10 15 30 7  10  −2 Hence [v] =   is the coordinate vector of v relative to basis B. B    15   −   1     30 

EXAMPLE-3 Find the coordinates of the vector (a,b,c) in the real vector space R3 relative to the ordered basis (b1,b2,b3), where b1 =(1,0,−1), b2 =(1,1,1), b3 =(1,0,0).

SOLUTION Let λ,µ,γ ∈ R be such that (a,b,c)=λ(1,0,−1)+µ(1,1,1)+γ(1,0,0). ⇒ (a,b,c)=(λ + µ+ γ,µ,−λ + µ) ⇒ λ + µ+ γ = a, µ = b, −λ + µ= c ⇒ λ = b − c, µ = b, γ = a − 2b + c. Hence, the coordinates of vector (a,b,c) ∈ R3 relative to the given ordered basis are (b − c, b, a − 2b + c). Vector Spaces • 231

EXAMPLE-4 Let V be the vector space of all real polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2 two. For a fixed c ∈ R, let f1(x)=1, f2(x)=x + c, f3(x)=(x + c) . Obtain the coordinates of 2 c0 + c1x + c2x relative to the ordered basis ( f1, f2, f3) of V .

SOLUTION Let λ,µ,γ ∈ R be such that 2 c0 + c1x + c2x = λ f1(x)+µf2(x)+γ f3(x). Then, 2 2 2 c0 + c1x + c2x =(λ + µc + γc )+(µ+ 2γc)x + γx 2 ⇒ λ + µc + γc = c0, µ+ 2γc = c1, γ = c2 [Using equality of two polynomials] 2 ⇒ λ = c0 − c1c + c2c , µ = c1 − 2c2c,γ = c2. 2 Hence, the coordinates of c0 + c1x + c2x relative to the ordered basis ( f1, f2, f3) are 2 (c0 − c1c + c2c ,c1 − 2c2c, c2).

EXAMPLE-5 Consider the vector space P3[t] of polynomials of degree less than or equal to 3. 3 2 (i) Show that B = {(t − 1) ,(t − 1) ,(t − 1),1} is a basis of P3[t]. (ii) Find the coordinate matrix of f (t)=3t3 − 4t2 + 2t − 5 relative to basis B.

SOLUTION (i) Consider the polynomials in B in the following order: (t − 1)3,(t − 1)2,(t − 1),1 We see that no polynomial is a linear combination of preceding polynomials. So, the polynomials are linearly independent, and, since dimR3[t]=4. Therefore, B is a basis of P3[t]. (ii) Let x,y,z,s be scalars such that f (t)=x(t − 1)3 + y(t − 1)2 + z(t − 1)+s(1) ⇒ f (t)=xt3 +(−3x + y)t2 +(3x − 2y + z)t +(−x + y − z + s) ⇒ 3t3 − 4t2 + 2t − 5 = xt3 +(−3x + y)t2 +(3x − 2y + z)t +(−x + y − z + s) ⇒ x = 3,−3x + y = −4,3x − 2y + z = 2,−x + y − z + s = −5 ⇒ x = 3,y = 13,z = 19,s = 4 3  13  Hence, the coordinate matrix of f (t) relative to the given basis is [ f (t)] = . B 19    4    EXAMPLE-6 Let F be a field and n be a positive integer. Find the coordinates of the vector n (a1,a2,...,an) ∈ F relative to the standard basis. Vector Spaces • 135

λu + µv = λ(0, b1, c1)+µ(0, b2, c2)

⇒ λu + µν =(0, λb1 + µb2, λc1 + µc2) ∈ S. Hence, S is a subspace of R3.

REMARK. Geometrically-R3 is three dimensional Euclidean plane and S is yz-plane which is itself a vector space. Hence, S is a sub-space of R3. Similarly, {(a, b, 0) : a, b ∈ R}, i.e. xy-plane, {(a,0,c) : a,c ∈ R}, i.e. xz plane are subspaces of R3. In fact, every plane through the origin is a subspace of R3. Also, the coordinate axes {(a,0,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. x-axis, {(0,a,0) : a ∈ R}, i.e. y-axis and {(0,0,a) : a ∈ R}, i.e. z-axis are subspaces of R3.

EXAMPLE-2 Let V denote the vector space R3, i.e. V = {(x,y,z) : x,y,z ∈ R} and S consists of all vectors in R3 whose components are equal, i.e. S = {(x,x,x) : x ∈ R}. Show that S is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Clearly, S is a non-empty subset of R3 as (0, 0, 0)∈ S. Let u =(x,x,x) and v =(y,y,y) ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Then, au + bv = a(x,x,x)+b(y,y,y) ⇒ au + av =(ax + by,ax + by,ax + by) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u, v ∈ S and a,b ∈ R. Hence, S is a subspace of V.

REMARK. Geometrically S, in the above example, represents the line passing through the origin O and having direction ratios proportional to 1,1,1 as shown in the following figure.




X 136 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra

EXAMPLE-3 Let a1,a2,a3 be fixed elements of a field F. Then the set S of all triads (x1,x2,x3) 3 of elements of F, such that a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0, is a subspace of F .

SOLUTION Let u =(x1,x2,x3),v =(y1,y2,y3) be any two elements of S. Then x1,x2,x3, y1,y2,y3 ∈ F are such that

a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 = 0 (i) and, a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3 = 0 (ii) Let a,b be any two elements of F. Then,

au + bv = a(x1,x2,x3)+b(y1,y2,y3)=(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3). Now,

a1(ax1 + by1)+a2(ax2 + by2)+a3(ax3 + by3)

= a(a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3)+b(a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3) = a0 + b0 = 0 [From (i) and (ii)]

∴ au + bv =(ax1 + by1,ax2 + by2,ax3 + by3) ∈ S. Thus, au + bv ∈ S for all u,v ∈ S and all a,b ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of F3.

EXAMPLE-4 Show that the set S of all n × n symmetric matrices over a field F is a subspace of the vector space Fn×n of all n × n matrices over field F.

SOLUTION Note that a square matrix A is symmetric, if AT = A. n×n Obviously, S is a non-void subset of F , because the null matrix 0n×n is symmetric. Let A,B ∈ S and λ,µ ∈ F. Then, (λA + µB)T = λAT + µBT ⇒ (λA + µB)T = λA + µB [∵ A,B ∈ S ∴ AT = A,BT = B] ⇒ λA + µB ∈ S.

Thus, S is a non-void subset of Fn×n such that λA + µB ∈ S for all A,B ∈ S and for all λ,µ ∈ F. Hence, S is a subspace of Fn×n.

EXAMPLE-5 Let V be a vector space over a field F and let v ∈ V . Then Fv = {av : a ∈ F} is a subspace of V .

SOLUTION Since 1 ∈ F, therefore v = 1 v ∈ Fv. Thus, Fv is a non-void subset of V . Let α,β ∈ Fv. Then, α = a1v, β = a2v for some a1,a2 ∈ F. Vector Spaces • 233

23 x + y + z +tx− y − z ⇒ = 4 −7  x + yx ⇒ x + z +t = 2,x − y − z = 3,x + y = 4,x = −7 ⇒ x = −7,y = 11,z = −21,t = 30 7  11  Hence, the coordinate matrix of A relative to the basis B is [A] = . 2 B2 −21    30   


1. Find the coordinate matrices of vectors u =(5,3) and v =(a,b) relative to the ordered basis B = {(1,−2),(4,−7)} of vector space R2(R).

3 2. The vectors v1 =(1,2,0),v2 =(1,3,2),v3 =(0,1,3) form a basis of R (R). Find the coordinate matrix of vector v relative to the ordered basis B = {v1,v2,v3}, where (i) v =(2,7,−4) (ii) v =(a,b,c)

3 2 2 3. B = t +t , t +t, t + 1,1 is an ordered basis of vector space P3[t]. Find the coordinate matrix f (t) relative to B where: (i) f (t)=2t3 +t2 − 4t + 2 (ii) f (t)=at3 + bt2 + ct + d

11 1 −1 11 10 4. B= , , , is an ordered basis of vector space R2×2(R).  11 10 00 00 Find the coordinate matrix of matrix A relative to B where: 3 −5 ab (i) A = (ii) A = 67 cd

5. Consider the vector space R2(t) of all polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2. 2 Show that the polynomials f1(t)=t − 1, f2(t)=t − 1, f3(t)=(t − 1) form a basis of 2 P2[t]. Find the coordinate matrix of polynomial f (t)=2t −5t +9 relative to the ordered basis B = { f1(t), f2(t), f3(t)}.

6. Find the coordinate vector of v =(a,b,c) in R3(R) relative to the ordered basis B = {v1,v2,v3}, where v1 =(1,1,1),v2 =(1,1,0),v3 =(1,0,0). 234 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


−41 −7a − 4b 1. [u] = ,[v] = B 11  B 2a + b 

−11 7a − 3b + c 2. (i) [v]B =  13  (ii) [v]B =  −6a + 3b − c  −10 4a − 2b + c     2 a  −1   b − c  3. (i) [ f (t)] = (ii) [ f (t)] = B −2 B a − b + c      2   −a + b − c + d      d 7  c − d   −1  4. (i) [A] = (ii) [A] = B b + c − 2d B −13      a − b − 2c + 2d   10      3 c 5. [ f (t)]B =  −4  6. [v]B =  b − c  2 a − b     Vector Spaces • 233

23 x + y + z +tx− y − z ⇒ = 4 −7  x + yx ⇒ x + z +t = 2,x − y − z = 3,x + y = 4,x = −7 ⇒ x = −7,y = 11,z = −21,t = 30 7  11  Hence, the coordinate matrix of A relative to the basis B is [A] = . 2 B2 −21    30   


1. Find the coordinate matrices of vectors u =(5,3) and v =(a,b) relative to the ordered basis B = {(1,−2),(4,−7)} of vector space R2(R).

3 2. The vectors v1 =(1,2,0),v2 =(1,3,2),v3 =(0,1,3) form a basis of R (R). Find the coordinate matrix of vector v relative to the ordered basis B = {v1,v2,v3}, where (i) v =(2,7,−4) (ii) v =(a,b,c)

3 2 2 3. B = t +t , t +t, t + 1,1 is an ordered basis of vector space P3[t]. Find the coordinate matrix f (t) relative to B where: (i) f (t)=2t3 +t2 − 4t + 2 (ii) f (t)=at3 + bt2 + ct + d

11 1 −1 11 10 4. B= , , , is an ordered basis of vector space R2×2(R).  11 10 00 00 Find the coordinate matrix of matrix A relative to B where: 3 −5 ab (i) A = (ii) A = 67 cd

5. Consider the vector space R2(t) of all polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2. 2 Show that the polynomials f1(t)=t − 1, f2(t)=t − 1, f3(t)=(t − 1) form a basis of 2 P2[t]. Find the coordinate matrix of polynomial f (t)=2t −5t +9 relative to the ordered basis B = { f1(t), f2(t), f3(t)}.

6. Find the coordinate vector of v =(a,b,c) in R3(R) relative to the ordered basis B = {v1,v2,v3}, where v1 =(1,1,1),v2 =(1,1,0),v3 =(1,0,0). 234 • Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra


−41 −7a − 4b 1. [u] = ,[v] = B 11  B 2a + b 

−11 7a − 3b + c 2. (i) [v]B =  13  (ii) [v]B =  −6a + 3b − c  −10 4a − 2b + c     2 a  −1   b − c  3. (i) [ f (t)] = (ii) [ f (t)] = B −2 B a − b + c      2   −a + b − c + d      d 7  c − d   −1  4. (i) [A] = (ii) [A] = B b + c − 2d B −13      a − b − 2c + 2d   10      3 c 5. [ f (t)]B =  −4  6. [v]B =  b − c  2 a − b    