Clifford Algebra with Mathematica J.L. ARAGON´ G. ARAGON-CAMARASA Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico University of Glasgow Centro de F´ısica Aplicada School of Computing Science y Tecnolog´ıa Avanzada Sir Alwyn William Building, Apartado Postal 1-1010, 76000 Quer´etaro Glasgow, G12 8QQ Scotland MEXICO UNITED KINGDOM
[email protected] [email protected] G. ARAGON-GONZ´ ALEZ´ M.A. RODRIGUEZ-ANDRADE´ Universidad Aut´onoma Metropolitana Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional Unidad Azcapotzalco Departamento de Matem´aticas, ESFM San Pablo 180, Colonia Reynosa-Tamaulipas, UP Adolfo L´opez Mateos, 02200 D.F. M´exico Edificio 9. 07300 D.F. M´exico MEXICO MEXICO
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract: The Clifford algebra of a n-dimensional Euclidean vector space provides a general language comprising vectors, complex numbers, quaternions, Grassman algebra, Pauli and Dirac matrices. In this work, we present an introduction to the main ideas of Clifford algebra, with the main goal to develop a package for Clifford algebra calculations for the computer algebra program Mathematica.∗ The Clifford algebra package is thus a powerful tool since it allows the manipulation of all Clifford mathematical objects. The package also provides a visualization tool for elements of Clifford Algebra in the 3-dimensional space. clifford.m is available from Key–Words: Clifford Algebras, Geometric Algebra, Mathematica Software. 1 Introduction Mathematica, resulting in a package for doing Clif- ford algebra computations. There exists some other The importance of Clifford algebra was recognized packages and specialized programs for doing Clif- for the first time in quantum field theory.