MAX IV STRATEGY 2030 A First Draft to Invite Community Input

th 15 March 2021 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MAX IV Strategy 2021-2030

This is a preliminary version of a science-driven strategy to guide development of MAX IV through 2030. It is not the final strategy document. Community input to and critical review of this strategy process from all MAX IV stakeholders over the coming months is essential to its success. We aim with close participation from stakeholders to complete a full strategy document in autumn 2022.

The mission of MAX IV is to provide the research (i) Accelerator science community with world-class tools for synchrotron (ii) Health and Medicine x-rays at the highest level of excellence and societal (iii) Tackling environmental challenges benefit. This mission includes and serves the (iv) Energy storage and technologies academic and industrial communities conducting (v) Quantum and advanced materials (vi) Ultrafast science research in applied as well as fundamental and basic science. These communities span a broad Some classes of techniques are so broad in range of scientific fields from life, chemistry, application or cut through so many other metho- physics, environmental, engineering, and materials dologies they deserve special mention, specifically: sciences to cultural heritage. (a) Imaging, (b) Dynamics, and (c) Data handling MAX IV is committed to supporting and advancing and AI & ML Swedish and international academic and industrial A key outcome of the strategy process will be a research in these areas, especially the ones aiming roadmap to plan new capabilities and instruments to develop a more sustainable future in concert at MAX IV, and upkeep necessary to maintain with the UN global sustainable development goals current capabilities internationally competitive, in (SDGs). MAX IV also is committed to supporting service of the Laboratory’s mission. The MAX IV education through its user programs and the facility can accommodate up to 26 . The Swedish university system, to help develop the next ambition of the full strategic planning process is, in generation of scientists and industrialists. close collaboration with the user community, to This document seeks to initiate a discussion with establish compelling science cases and lay the the MAX IV research community, with its national groundwork for several new beamlines through stakeholders foremost. Our goal is to set a strategic 2030. If together we are successful in making the course for producing high-impact science and cases and obtaining funding for this “Phase 4” of ensuring that MAX IV stays at the forefront as a MAX IV development, 3 new beamlines could be in Swedish national user facility through the next user operations and 4 more could be nearing decade. construction and commissioning by then. First accelerator operations at MAX IV began This strategy would not be complete without nearly 5 years ago, the facility now has 16 funded recognizing the complementarities of, and syner- beamlines, and there is room to build up to 10 gies with, the European Spallation Source and other more. The time is right to consider compelling new important national infrastructures such as science that can be addressed by MAX IV and SciLifeLab. MAX IV seeks in this way to become motivated by that, to plan the next decade of increasingly relevant to the Swedish and inter- development of the laboratory coherently to serve national academic and industrial user communities. it. We anticipate there exist opportunities for We are extremely grateful to the entire transformational science at MAX IV that serve both community, especially the Swedish Universities, ’s national interests and the SDGs. With and to the funding bodies, governmental, university these opportunities in mind, we suggest the and private, that have contributed to MAX IV thus following key drivers to carry MAX IV science far. We sincerely look forward to working closely forward into the next decade: together as we mobilise for the coming decade.




First of its kind MAX IV design is to focus each accelerator on a specific range of user community needs. Thus, the MAX IV Laboratory, inaugurated June 2016, hosts 3 GeV ring, with its 528 m circumference, aims to the world’s first 4th generation storage ring. As a provide high brightness, hard X-rays up to about 40 Swedish national research infrastructure hosted by keV, and the 1.5 GeV ring with 96 m circumference, University1 it builds on more than three is optimised to meet the needs for softer radiation, decades of successful multidisciplinary research at up to about 1000 eV. MAX-lab (MAX I-III, 1982 - 2015). In addition, the linear accelerator is equipped with MAX IV stands alone as the first such facility bunch compressors providing ultra-fast X-ray pulses operating with exceptional brightness and (100 fs) by spontaneous emission at the Short Pulse performance in the soft to hard X-ray region of the Facility. This accelerator can also drive a future soft spectrum. Facilities elsewhere such as the X-ray laser. European Facility Extremely Brilliant Source (ESRF-EBS) in France and Petra 3 in The user community accesses MAX IV through Germany (of which Sweden is also a partner) excel peer-reviewed applications based on scientific at higher energies, whereas the only other merit or through a fee-based system based on comparable facility, SIRIUS in Brazil, has just begun industrial interest. The criteria for obtaining operations. MAX IV has a unique opportunity to beamtime through the peer-reviewed access excel in areas of science complemented by those channel are scientific excellence and feasibility of addressed by other synchrotron facilities, both the proposed experiments. Access is free of charge regionally and worldwide. for users publishing their results in the open literature. A large and dedicated user community The MAX IV facility consists of a 3 GeV storage ring, developed around MAX-lab over the last 30 years. a 1.5 GeV storage ring, and a linear accelerator In the beginning MAX-lab was used by around 100 (linac) that serves as a full-energy injector to the scientists per year, mostly physicists. When MAX II rings and as the source for the Short Pulse Facility. opened in the second half of the 1990s, hard X-rays The 3 GeV ring is based on a novel multibend became available, providing new possibilities for achromat (MBA) design developed at MAX-lab, research in chemistry and the life sciences. With the providing world-leading emittance (0.3 nm rad). new opportunities offered by MAX IV, the user This technology has set a standard that is being 2 community is increasing in diversity and size, and emulated all over the world. communities that were capacity- or capability- Both rings serve many users with high brightness limited at MAX-lab are now growing. Approximately beams tailored to their needs. A key strategy of the 2000 users per year are expected by 2023.

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Current Status opportunity to keep improving on its remote and automated experimentation capabilities, building As of January 2020, there are 16 funded beamlines beamlines and support infrastructure, and fast- at MAX IV, of which 11 are in user operation, 3 in tracking research relevant to the fight against commissioning and 2 under construction (see Covid-19.4 Appendix 1 for an overview of capabilities currently available to users). Further information can be Financing found online.3 The operations costs for the years 2014–2018 The number of beamlines in user operation is now were fully covered by a joint funding decision from on a par with the total operating at the former the Swedish Research Council and , MAX-lab by the time it closed at the end of 2015. with investments in beamlines by the Knut and 2020 has also seen substantial advances in the Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW).5 A second capabilities of the MAX IV accelerator systems on funding decision is now in effect, with operations top of their regular stable and reliable operation, costs and investments in beamlines for MAX IV now such as routine delivery of 400 mA stored current principally covered by the Swedish Research to the 1.5 GeV ring and transparent top-up injection Council, 14 Swedish universities6 including host in the 3 GeV ring. Lund University, KAW, VINNOVA, the Novo Nordisk Foundation in Denmark, The Danish government 2019 witnessed significant growth in the scientific and three Danish universities,7 the Treesearch activities at MAX IV and saw approximately 700 consortium,8 the Swedish innovation Agency user visits, 450 proposals and delivery of 3000 4- hour shifts. This was up from 370 visits, 140 VINNOVA, the Swedish Energy Agency, The Swedish proposals, and 1300 shifts the previous year. Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS, and the Academies of Finland and Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, MAX IV was Estonia, among others.9 From 2021 and onwards, fortunate - in contrast to most other large research the operations cost increases gradually, reflecting infrastructures around the word - to be able to stay the increasing number of beamlines going into mostly open for business in 2020. The user operation. The status as of the 15th of programme was inevitably affected due to the March 2021 is shown below. many travel restrictions. However, MAX IV took the

Figure 1 – Schematic illustration of the Linear Accelerator, the small 1,5 GeV ring (R1), and the large 3 GeV ring (R3) of Max IV Laboratory. The beamlines names and numbers, with color-coded status (legend left), are marked, and the available ports are indicated. This is the status as of 15th of March 2021. MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 5


Let there be a light to change the world*

Humanity has sought explanations for the infinite Our vision is to make the exceptionally powerful wonder of the natural world from the dawn of synchrotron light tools of MAX IV available to history. We are driven to ask such questions as, of Swedish and international researchers of all what is our world made? From where have we disciplines, fundamental and applied, with come and to where are we going? How can we get academic or industrial backgrounds. there yet still be good stewards of this world we We strive to keep MAX IV's leadership position in inhabit? Mankind has shown boundless creativity in an increasingly competitive world by sharpening building ever more capable tools to address such these tools continually and developing new ones to questions. continue advancing the scientific frontier. Our MAX IV, the world's premiere 4th generation light mission, consonant with this vision and the UN source, was built to further mankind's quest for SDGs, is to enable and support the research knowledge and understanding with the brightest community in performing world-class science of Synchrotron X-rays tools available. MAX IV's societal benefit with MAX IV. unprecedented source brightness and stability enable researchers to probe the structure and behavior of matter with unprecedented sensitivity, specificity, and resolution to answer a highly *This vision statement is subject to change pending diverse range of questions in many areas of science. continued work with our community.

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In brief

Necessary for the entire experimental program of MAX IV, accelerator science is the source of its light and the lifeblood at the core of the facility. It is also a vital research area of its own and the ultimate source of future competitiveness and break- throughs at MAX IV Laboratory. The accelerator science programme at MAX IV will not rest on its laurels but keep sprinting and building on the successes that saw the world’s first development of a 4th generation synchrotron source – a feat now being emulated at facilities worldwide. Our plan for accelerator science sets us firmly on the path toward next generation sources and new ways to generate light for science, pushing the boundaries for coherence- and brightness- driven x-ray science. The next five years will see increases in brightness and usability of the light coming from the large and small rings, and the full ramp up of the capabilities of the linear accelerator, including an unprece- dented short pulse ability. Over the next decade we plan to see a doubling of the brightness in the big ring and the delivery of ultra-bright and short soft X-ray pulses from a free electron laser driven by the linear accelerator. The successor of the MAX IV 3 GeV ring is planned in the 10–20-year time frame, when a major upgrade will lead to a radical change in performance.

Building for the future A crucial enabling factor for this to happen is the existence of an active Accelerator Science program Science enabled by synchrotron radiation is the that continuously explores future possibilities and driving force for the further development of the provides educational opportunities for future MAX IV accelerators. The science areas described generations of accelerator scientists. below, as well as others certain to be of strategic The international landscape of synchrotron interest to the MAX IV community, motivate the radiation facilities has experienced major changes need to keep the MAX IV accelerator-based light over the past five years. In fact, since the successful sources at the forefront of technical performance. commissioning of the first fourth generation Accelerator developments often require long synchrotron source (the MAX IV 3 GeV ring) in 2015, timeframes extending beyond a decade and several new and upgraded storage ring projects therefore need to take the lead in proposing new worldwide have gone from the proposal and design enhanced capabilities that will guarantee the stages to construction, commissioning and user uniqueness and competitiveness of MAX IV in the service. long term.

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These are, e.g., Sirius in Campinas and the During the same period, the landscape of free- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility EBS, in electron lasers driven by linear accelerators has also Grenoble which went into operation in 2020; the shown significant advances with new facilities going Advanced Photon Source (APS) and Advanced Light into operation in Germany (European X-FEL), Source (ALS) upgrades in the US turned into Switzerland (Swiss-FEL), Korea (PAL), China construction projects and a whole series of (Shanghai SINAP SXFEL) and a major new facility upgrades to national facilities were approved in starting construction in the US (LCLS-II). Europe, including Switzerland, England, France and The roadmap for development of the MAX IV Italy. accelerators, further described in the section on Additional projects are ongoing in Germany new accelerator capabilities later in this document, (Hamburg and Berlin) and more recently in Spain. is inspired by the international context and trends Finally, several initiatives are ongoing in Russia, described above and guided by the needs of the Japan and China, the largest one being a new high- Swedish scientific community. energy ring in Beijing (HEPS). Common to this Both factors need to be periodically revisited and impressive new wave of storage ring sources is the the roadmap adapted to a constantly evolving use of variants of the multibend achromat lattice scenario. Finally, the need to focus efforts to pioneered at MAX IV. optimise the use of resources is a critical element in All these developments confirm the leading role of establishing realistic scopes and timeframes. MAX IV and at the same time make clear the urgent need to work towards further improvements that can keep the laboratory competitive over the next decades.

Landscape of Fourth Genera�on Storage Rings



202020162013 Proposed Under Design/Construc�on In opera�on

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In brief The year 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic has put in stark contrast the benefits of the work over the last century to combat causes of death and disease, and how precariously our global society and economy rests on Health and Medicine. With good reason, the topic has been a constant high priority on govern-mental, private sector, and European funding agendas for decades. The next EU programme is no different. MAX IV was from the onset designed to provide breakthrough capabilities to the sciences that study the proteins, biosystems and soft matter that makes up humans and all other life on this planet. The area is characterised by a large range in sophistication and maturity when it comes to techniques connected to different areas of medicine and health sciences, mainly using a range of diffraction-, scattering- and imaging techniques. This is a great opportunity, since there are rapid gains to be made by bringing in the many potential new communities of the medical sciences and opening new windows to their systems of study. MAX IV is positioned to benefit such areas as: Integrative Structural Biology, Genomics, Drug Discovery, Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance, to mapping underlying mechanisms of diseases and to study the elements of life and causes of death and disease over previously inaccessible length-, time-, and infor-mation scales. The next 10 years will see the introduction of platforms that further use the unique coherence and time resolution properties of MAX IV. Together with the national collective capability with infrastructures such as the ESS and SciLifeLab, this will position Sweden as a top player in Medicine and Health.

A new age of medicine inequality, climate change, urbanization, and pollution.10 The threat of emerging diseases and Through the last century there has been great the societal knock-on effects have been put in stark progress in extending life expectancy and contrast in 2020 with Covid-19 pandemic. With improving quality of life in general. Health and well- human population and wildlife forced ever closer being are represented by their own global together, the likelihood of new diseases emerging development goal (SDG3) and its indicators are remains very large. Another direct threat to health multiply connected to many others, e.g., economic is widespread antibiotic resistance that today leads

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to 3 million infections yearly and 35,000+ people and STXM where chemical contrast is also obtained dying in the US alone.11 on, for example, carbon, and so identifying lipids, proteins and carbohydrates separately. Since the completion of the human genome project in 2003, ever faster high-throughput Other important methods for understanding methods in sequencing have led to a huge amount biological and soft matter systems include X-ray of data on the genetic background of disease and absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and coherent this has opened the possibility of individual scattering techniques (SAXS/WAXS), especially to adjusted treatments as supplied by precision understand the mechanisms of biomolecules and medicine. However, underlying mechanisms of their complexes with others. diseases such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune 3D biomedical imaging diseases, and amyloid malfunctions such as in Alzheimer’s disease need more research to couple In the last 50 years, X-ray computed tomography the genetic background to physiology and to played a very important role in medicine and rd develop efficient treatments. To fully understand materials science. Most 3 -generation synchrotron these pathogenic mechanisms, information is often facilities today house a dedicated tomography needed at several different length scales, from the beamline. This reflects the needs of the worldwide organism/tissue scale down to the molecular and biomedical user community, and these beamlines atomic level. are flagship projects of many synchrotron upgrade programs.12 In Sweden, the number of teams who Synchrotrons are key tools for structural biology use X-ray tomography as a complementary tool in Synchrotron X-ray , scattering and their clinical and pre-clinical research is growing imaging are powerful tools used to obtain structural fast. 30+ Swedish teams now perform pre-clinical information on biological systems which can be studies at the tomography beamlines in Europe – impossible to obtain with laboratory sources. representing significant resources won in Crystallographic information gathered at highly international competition – and up from just one or automated beamlines leads to the understanding of two groups five years ago. protein function, reaction mechanisms as well as For many clinically relevant studies, transport of understanding the interactions of proteins with samples out of Sweden is a no-go, and it is other molecules. Structural information of protein- frequently an extreme effort for in-vivo studies. For inhibitor complexes is an important tool for modern these reasons, the Swedish biomedical user drug discovery. Drug target screening, which was community would in the short term welcome a hitherto mainly achieved using biophysical dedicated tomographic imaging beamline at MAX methods, can now be performed with many IV. hundreds of compounds. These methods give the additional benefit of structural information Pre-clinical studies will contribute to building simultaneously with a confirmed interaction. profound knowledge on the origins of various poorly understood physiological and pathogenic Information at a sub-cellular level can be obtained processes by enabling micrometre resolution combining spectroscopy with microscopy, e.g., x- functional anatomy and pathoanatomy of small- ray fluorescence microscopy (XRF) and scanning animal and tissue samples. transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). These methods give information on the chemical ultrastructure of biological cells, viruses, and other biological objects in 3D with spatial resolutions that can ultimately stretch to below 10 nm. A hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline enables study of phenomena in biological samples at a cellular level, such as calcium sequestering in bone growth plates, zinc location in insulin producing Langerhans cells, and location of metals in Alzheimer’s plaques.

Spectromicroscopy and coherent imaging in the soft X-ray regime caters for coherent techniques

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In brief Today we face many environmental challenges, ranging from human impact on climate and the environment to the phasing out of our dependency on fossil resources. Tackling these environmental challenges and achieving the global development goals are an essential part of four out five missions in the Horizon Europe funding programme. Common themes within these lines of research are dynamic processes rather than static properties, coupling of different length and time scales, and work on real rather than model systems. Environmental science investigates the complex system of our natural environment and the anthropogenic impact. This challenge includes areas such as: Atmospheric Science and Aerosols, Renewable resources and Sustainable materials, Food with food production, and Soil & Water Science. MAX IV has unique capabilities to contribute to solving these challenges, and we will strengthen these over the next 10 years through the development of many new beamlines, enhancing these and upgrading existing beamlines with the appropriate support infrastructure, and finally by targeting the user experience and support of the scientific communities active in the area.

Mobilising for the challenge Fundamental understanding is of the utmost im- portance to find mitigations for sustainable use of MAX IV has a strong Swedish and international the biosphere. The C and P cycles are integrated user community engaged in tackling environmental parts of soils, which are the most important, but challenges. This research involves crucial also the least understood ecosystems. To gain investigations to understand the very complex deeper under-standing of the biogeochemistry of system of our natural environment and the the soil requires knowledge of chemical anthropogenic impact. Grand compositions on many different length scales. challenges in focus are, for example, the carbon Aerosol particles in the atmosphere influence cycle, today a disturbed dynamic process with fast both atmospheric chemistry and the earth radiation carbon emission (CO2 and/or CH4) com-pared to budget. A better molecular-level understanding of slower binding and its effect on the climate. Equally aerosol surface properties and processes is urgent topics include the unbalanced phosphor required to accurately describe aerosols in climate cycle due to the use of agricultural fertilizers, models. anthropogenic aerosols and their interactions with Sustainability questions in general are high on the clouds, and replacement of fossil-based materials agenda of major industrial complexes in Sweden, with sustainable alternatives. tied to mining, processing, plastics, and forestry.

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Figure 2 –Schematic over different contamination and pllution pathways in the ecosystem and a map over different X-ray-based techniques that can help map the circulation, transformation and concentration of pollutants. [Illustration design to be updated]

Several large research initiatives with strong sustainability relate to the development of both academic and industrial participation exist today. novel material concepts, utilizing the properties of complex bio-based materials, and new means of Future challenges materials processing, due to the unique To advance environmental science there is a need requirements of bio-based raw materials. to study as close to the real complex samples and systems as possible and move away from simple The role of MAX IV models. Moreover, the processes involved occur The wide spectrum of X-ray techniques available over many different time and length scales. To at MAX IV can shed light on the complex nature of investigate the uptake and distribution of environmental systems. Thjs research area, which chemicals, nutrients and pollutants in soil, often requires a combination of techniques to organisms or cells in in-situ soil reactions would unravel the details of processes, benefits from the require specialized controlled sample cells in the full range of techniques: spectroscopy, imaging combination with high chemical and spatial scattering and time-resolved methods, and resolution. combinations of them in many instances, such as chemical contrast on different length and time The large surface-to-volume ratio of many scales. aerosols influences the chemistry that takes place at the aerosol surface as well as nucleation The environmental science community would processes. A complete understanding of the role of benefit from flexible access to a broad portfolio of aerosols in atmospheric chemistry and climate such techniques at MAX IV in contrast to specific change therefore requires a strong interdisciplinary single beamline proposals. approach. Many other challenges connected to

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In brief The global transition to a sustainable, carbon- neutral, and resilient future necessitates innovations in sustainable energy generation, storage, conversion, and transfer. Emissions from the sectors of transport (that is: cars, trucks, planes, and boats) together with manufacture & construction stood for just under 45% of CO2 emissions in the EU-28 in 2018. With current technology trends, these sectors will by themselves stand for the lion’s share of global CO2 emissions in 10-15 years. These sectors require innovations over a large range of disciplines and technologies to reduce their carbon footprint. Synchrotron techniques have always played a large part in the development of the underpinning science and technology, and with the current and future capabilities of MAX IV we expect this to be an important and growing area of impact. MAX IV is uniquely positioned in the next decade to help bring out breakthroughs in areas such as photovoltaics, batteries, and supercapacitors, “Power to X” technologies, artificial photo- synthesis, fuel cells, electrochemical and thermal CO2 reduction, thermal synthetic chemical production, electrofuels and others. Science in this area at MAX IV will in the next ten years be boosted by the improvement of existing beamlines and the development of new ones that can provide more comprehensive investigations at the atomic nanoscale, mapping fast processes, be more sensitive to interactions and structure at interfaces, and provide leaps in the power of characterisation of materials and their electronic Figure 3 - Illustration of sustainable energy (distribution) systems and properties. pathways. [Design will be updated]

Future green power and hydropower) the needed technologies are of photo-electrochemical or thermochemical nature Sustainable energy infrastructure in which with electro- and thermal catalysis playing central renewable energy sources are primary inputs and role. Some of the technologies are already where the products are recycled at the end of the commercialized whereas others are still cycle will be integral parts of a resilient and economically not viable. However, even in the sustainable circular economy. above shows an former case the feasibility of technology depends example of such system highlighting its three major on large-scale production whereas fully sustainable components: energy production, storage, and energy infrastructure should be applicable on the conversion. With several exemptions (like wind- local or community scale. This calls for prioritizing

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development of distributed production, storage, and CO2 reduction catalysts based on abundant and conversion of clean, accessible, and affordable elements. energy. Moving towards sustainable, accessible, Mobile, efficient, and cheap energy storage will distributed, and circular energy infrastructure play an even more critical role in shaping our future. requires careful development of all processes that Today batteries and supercapacitors (SCs) offer are at the core of current and emergent tech- clean transportation, independence from the nologies: new material design and discovery, centralized grid systems, and power our personal material synthesis, and functional analysis, such as electronics. Current limitations of batteries are for light-matter interaction, interfacial charge their heavy weight, limited cycle lifetime, the dynamics, electrocatalysis, and thermocatalysis. limited abundancy of constituent materials and the Both fundamental and applied aspects of these resulting high cost, while the challenge of SCs is processes need to be understood with elemental, their limited capacity. Future research in batteries chemical, time, and spatial resolution. will focus on replacement of scarce Lithium with Role of MAX IV more abundant ions and developing reliable and MAX IV is already well positioned to address lightweight electrolytes and cell structures. More challenges in this area by providing a wide variety widespread use of SCs will require new electrolytes of chemical, structural, and morphological that are stable under high electro-chemical techniques that use photon energies from EUV to potentials, a search for new fast reversible hard X-ray range to obtain details of, for example: electrochemical reactions, and finding more stable battery electrodes at various stages of electrode materials. This creates challenges related charge/discharge, active electro-catalysts, photo to understanding chemical reactions and charge absorbers under environmental conditions, transfer processes across novel interfaces, their mapping elemental strain, or morphological evolution during charge cycles, their long-term differences within energy materials and devices stability, and ion diffusion through electrolytes. with submicron resolution. The central component of a sustainable energy Future challenges infrastructure is energy conversion. Today and increasingly in the future, “Power-to-X” and Fossil-free energy production is the basis and thermal catalysis technologies could be used to starting point for sustainable energy infrastructure. utilize excess amounts of renewable electricity to Accelerated deployment of photovoltaics (PVs) is provide storage, transportation, reconversion of expected to cover a quarter of global electricity electric power, and replace fossil fuels in plastics needs and deliver 21% of the CO2 emission and chemical production industries. Some major reductions by 2050. To reach these ambitious goals pathways are hydrogen production via electrolytic improvement in conversion efficiency of com- water splitting; fuel cells; electrochemical CO2 mercially available PV up to 3-5 times is necessary. reduction; electro-fuels; thermal CO2 conversion to No less important are factors as stability, lifetime, methanol, methane, and fuels/material, Fischer- production costs, toxicity and abundance of Tropsch, and methanol-to-hydrocarbon. materials and the manufacturing process, agile Despite several technologies being economically design and swift mass production. This calls for viable they suffer from issues such as high discovery of new materials and their combinations overpotentials, low selectivity, poor stability under for 3rd generation technologies such as concen- operational conditions, use of rare-earth materials, trated PV & multi-junction cells; new device startup and shutdown dynamics. To solve this concepts, perovskite structure-based solar cells; development of new catalysts, membranes, and quantum-dots; organic, and graphene-based PVs. electrochemical cells is a must. For improved Artificial photosynthesis is another attractive catalytic activity in particular, selectivity, long-term method for clean energy harvesting which is stability, and specific issues such as water unfortunately still limited to research labs today poisoning, a deep understanding of reaction due to low efficiency of the process. To advance the kinetics, surface morphology, surface composition, field a whole arsenal of new developments is influence by electrolytes, and improved reactor required soon, for example to find stable photo design tailored to specific reactions are required. absorbers, ant to discover efficient water splitting

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In brief The industrial revolution rested on the strides of classical science over past decades. The accele- ration of technology in the 20th century also built largely on advances in classical physics and chemistry. Technology we use every day - smart phones and watches, computers, medical diagnos- tics, biosensors, displays, and global positioning and telecommunication systems, to name just a few - are driven by development and comer- cialization of new material structures (down to the nanometer scale) and new material properties (both engineered and innate). This proliferation has, however, mostly depended on classical and non-collective phenomena. Exploiting the largely untapped potential of collective phenomena and quantum properties of materials and material systems could dramatically change the technological landscape. Increased understanding of super-responsive electronic transitions, exotic states of matter and quasi- particle states such as Majorana fermions, skyrmions and anyons, potentially in combination with other collective behavior such as super- conductivity, will drive development of future devices. As of 2015, €1,5 billion/year was spent by governments worldwide on non-classified quantum technology research, and investment in this area is growing. The high brightness and tunability of synchrotron X-rays are ideally suited to mapping the structural, photonic, electronic, topological, and magnetic properties of exotic states and compositions of matter. These capabilities are instrumental for driving discovery and characterization of quantum technologies and advanced materials of the future.

A new era of technology phenomena in materials offer unprecedented new functionalities. We are on the threshold of a new era in The science behind these advances concerns both technology and computing, where quantum quantum phenomena and advanced manipulation phenomena can be exploited to realise entirely new and materials design at the nano-to-micro scale capabilities, scale technologies previously thought needed to manifest and utilise these phenomena. to be unscalable, and dramatically enhance the The pantheon of these effects, which pushes the capabilities of conventional technologies. This is the boundaries of physics and chemistry, is quite large quantum era, in which quantum and emergent

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as depicted in Figure 6. Some are at the cutting edge manipulation of their constituents in 1D, 2D and 3D, of understanding and have only been predicted to often to molecular or atomic precision. exist theoretically. Early advances influenced some Investigations performed at synchrotron facilities innovations in the last century, whereas a are driving many discoveries in this area. The significant fraction of new commercial sensitivity and specificity of X-ray techniques to technological development now depends on electronic charge, spin, atomic, orbital and exploitation of quantum and emergent molecular ordering - the order parameters that phenomena. The recent pace of growth in quantum underpin these phenomena - are instrumental to technologies is astounding: A quick tally of this progress. Understanding them is necessary to investments worldwide in the area for 2020, learn to harness them in future devices and including the European Quantum Technologies systems. Flagship (€1 billion), shows the globally committed investments in ongoing programmes to be at least Role of MAX IV $22 billion in 2020.13 Proposed and planned Means of structural and electronic applications go far beyond conventional and characterisation available at MAX IV now, which quantum computing, extending to areas as diverse encompass diffraction, scattering, imaging, and as nanomedicine and sustainable energy use, spectroscopy techniques, are positioned to harvesting and recycling. contribute significantly to quantum and advanced The number of materials exhibiting quantum and materials. Future capabilities that capitalize on the emergent behavior under active study is vast, and brightness of MAX IV sources and particular includes superconductors, 2D materials (e.g., strengths of Swedish science, such as high- graphene), Van-der-Waals materials, topological resolution X-ray inelastic scattering and microscopy insulators, photovoltaic materials, high-X materials, methods, would open new avenues for research in ionic liquids, 2D ferromagnets, ones exhibiting these areas. photonic, excitonic, and spintronic effects, and Strengthening collaborations with laboratories systems suitable for qubit realisations, to name such as NanoLund and MyFab and would also help several. Beyond natural and engineered quantum to build a powerful cross-disciplinary platform materials there exists a larger set in which quantum supporting quantum and advanced materials phenomena are realised with synthesis techniques. research at MAX IV. What they have in common is precise control and

Figure 4 – Cluster map of topics and effects relevant to quantum physics and advanced materials

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In brief Phenomena on the femtosecond time scale are key for solving challenges in renewable energy, improving health, and developing new advanced materials. MAX IV is, from its inception, ready to address this by hosting an X-ray laser, as a planned evolution of its Short Pulse Facility. A conceptual design report (CDR) for a soft X-ray laser (SXL) facility has been recently completed, and it describes how an SXL can be implemented at a very low cost in relation to the substantial leap of utility and competitiveness it would provide Sweden and the research ecosystem in northern Europe.

The quick and the small The recent demonstration14 that stimulated resonant inelastic X-ray scattering is feasible gives Areas in which ultrafast phenomena, down to the new opportunities for non-linear X-ray physics. fs range, are particularly relevant include atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) science, chemistry Chemistry and condensed matter physics. The field of chemistry deals with the processes Atomic, molecular and optical science involving systems typically larger in scale than those considered in AMO science. Studying chemical A major goal of AMO science is to understand the reactions, triggered by ultrafast laser pulses, is the fundamental nuclear and electronic dynamics of goal of much of the investigations performed at X- what is sometimes called "small quantum systems". ray free-electron lasers. The pump capabilities of Fundamental X-ray quantum science is an inter- SXL, from terahertz to resonant X-ray triggering (at disciplinary field that has served as a testbed for carbon and oxygen edges) are necessary to study many fundamental developments in quantum various reaction mechanisms and their effects on theories of matter, enabling us to enhance our selectivity and activity using ultrafast soft X-ray understanding of physical, chemical, and biological spectroscopy. processes, as well as contributing to developments and innovations of societal significance in applied A key objective is better understanding of the fields of research. transition states and ultrashort-lived intermediates of chemical reactions, which have started to be Key questions within the field concern the characterized for CO oxidation thanks to a free- fundamentals of ultrafast charge transfer electron laser, the LCLS. The chemical industry mechanisms, which are of vital importance for relies on these processes to produce and store understanding processes in large molecules, e.g., energy, with applications to solar and fuel cells, photosynthetic systems and DNA. A source of besides being responsible for the production of e.g., ultrafast soft X-ray pulses (SXL) would bring the ammonia, necessary for all food industry. Learning opportunity for novel pump-probe techniques from the funda-mentals of these processes would lead to few femtosecond- to the attosecond regime. Two- more energy efficient chemical industry globally. colour X-ray schemes would be implemented, and pump capabilities extending up to the XUV range, Condensed matter physics thanks to the high harmonic generation (HHG) Here, much interest in modern research is sources that would also be available. devoted towards the understanding of how

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collective, macroscopic emergent phenomena Moreover, the fully coherent X-ray source makes come from basic constituents of matter that do not it possible to study equilibrium dynamics and possess these themselves. Materials where these conformational changes in large protein ensembles complex phenomena can be found are now by recording a series of speckle patterns from the classified as quantum materials.. The study of sample. The temporal resolution of this method, X- ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter is ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS), is important because by observing the relaxation normally limited by the repetition rate of the pathways following the excitation by a pump pulse, source. The availability of a two-pulse scheme with fundamental physical processes far from tunable delay removes this limitation, where we equilibrium can be unveiled. aim at accessing biologically relevant timescales not accessible at any existing facilities. A source of ultrafast soft X-rays will allow for studying all this with an unprecedented detail. Synergy between SXL and MAX IV ring beamlines Thanks to widely tunable pump sources, in the Low density matter research at the MAX IV ring terahertz and mid infrared regime, we will be able beamlines will complement the ultrafast studies, to precisely tune the driving fields to the different providing a variety of experimental possibilities collective excitations (e.g. magnons, phonons, across a broad photon energy range. Combining plasmons) and observe how these excitations affect laser/timing modes at the ring beamlines would either the electronic or magnetic properties with enable time-resolved experiments on longer ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy with variable timescales. Synergies and may also be found in the polarization. Soft X-ray scattering will also allow us shared used of data analysis methods in techniques to measure the spatial variation of these ultrafast such as XPCS also developed at the ring beamlines. dynamics at the nanometer scale. Development of a sample delivery method that Life science could produce tenuous gas- phase samples, would enable the collection of lab-astro data which could Some of the most complex objects that can be strongly support the interpretation of data investigated with ultrafast intense X-rays pulses are collected from planetary satellites and those comprising the building blocks of life, such as implementation of photoelectron circular proteins and other types of macromolecules. dichroism as a spectroscopic tool would provide a Ultrafast X-ray pulses allow us to use the well- wealth of information on chemical states and established technique of small-angle X-ray chirality for solutions and gas mixtures. scattering (SAXS) to study the structures of such systems. On one hand, time-resolved SAXS using the unique pump capabilities of SXL enables time- resolved structures of photoenzymes and other photoactivatable macro-molecules.

Figure 5 – Schematic view of the SASE FEL principle. Electron bunches from a high brightness photocathode gun are accelerated to ultrarelativistic energies and compressed before entering a long undulator. The synchrotron radiation emitted in the undulator interacts with the electron beam leading to the appearance of a structure on the scale of the wavelength of the emitted radiation, which in turn leads to an exponential increase of the emitted X-ray power.

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In brief MAX IV's mission is to provide the research community with world-class tools for the use of synchrotron light at the highest level of excellence and societal benefit. This mission includes and serves the industrial and academic communities conducting research in applied as well as fundamental science. MAX IV is committed to supporting and advancing research for Swedish and international industries, especially those aiming to develop a more sustainable future in concert with the UN and global SDGs.

Industry strategy through a proprietary access channel, and about 20% is used through collaborative open access. Five The MAX IV Industry Strategic Plan outlines the additional industry-relevant beamlines will enter MAX IV mission and goals for increasing industrial user operation in the next two years, making at engagement and MAX IV access. A corresponding least 10 out of 16 beamlines relevant for industry. action plan outlines specific actions to be taken to Most beamlines are designed to be versatile with meet the goals of the strategic plan. The MAX IV the potential to impact a broad range of industrial Industrial Relations Office (IRO) is responsible for sectors. As MAX IV is still in an early phase of developing the Strategic Plan and Action Plan under operation, with another 10 ports open for the direction of the MAX IV Director. The Strategic additional new beamlines, industry has a clear Plan and Action Plan are updated annually and opportunity to participate in and impact MAX IV’s presented annually to the MAX IV Board for future development. MAX IV has an important role approval. The MAX IV Board may request changes in developing national policy relating to industry or updates to the Industry Strategic Plan or Action and in the technology development arena. MAX IV Plan at any time. works together with the Swedish Research Council, MAX IV is a multifaceted research facility at the VINNOVA, the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), international cutting edge of technology. and other agencies including the MAX IV and ESS Therefore, it is attractive to the private sector for Joint Office, to coordinate industry-relevant the same reasons that it is to academia. With the initiatives to exploit the capabilities of MAX IV. world-class tools available at MAX IV, industry can The IRO focuses on attracting industrial users to look deeply inside the unknown, the "black-boxes" MAX IV and encouraging development of industrial crucial to their research and development communities, particularly in sectors important to programs, at an unprecedented level of detail, Swedish industries but also to international ones enabling radical improvements to their materials where substantial impact can be made in and processes. These tools give an internationally contributing to the global SDGs. Engaging competitive edge to deliver more attractive and international industrial users will enhance sustainable products leading to increased business Sweden's international stature as well as cross- revenue. fertilise and strengthen Swedish industry. Today five out of ten beamlines at MAX IV are The most engaged industrial users of MAX IV used by industry, about 1% of the beamtime today are in the pharmaceutical industry and the available to all users is used for experiments paper and pulp industries. By 2030 we expect to

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have significantly strengthened R&D in these ► Increase industrial use of MAX IV in colla- sectors and to have made a significant impact on boration with academia or other non-industrial others such as the food and packaging, metals and institutes through the general user access mode engineering, life science and MedTech, catalysis towards 40%. and chemical processing, mining and recycling, ► Continuously increase Swedish industry com- textiles, automotive and aerospace, and batteries petence in the use of MAX IV from the basic and energy materials sectors. It is a priority for MAX awareness level to the advanced industrial user IV to establish an Industry Reference Group, and level. this will be even more important in view of new access modes, such as a specific call for industrially ► Increase MAX IV staffing supporting industry, relevant experiments. with two FTEs in the Industrial Relations Office and five additional FTEs at selected beamlines. Strategic goals for 2030 ► Support industrial use of MAX IV from experimental design to data interpretation through The MAX IV strategy toward industry aims to a full range of services tailored to industry needs. develop industrial research at MAX IV in these 3. Develop MAX IV to support industrial sectors, enabling industrial users to reach their needs SDGs, through the following four ambitions and twelve goals: ► Directly involve industry in the development of sample environments to increase the research 1. Broaden industrial user base of MAX IV capabilities of MAX IV towards industrial use. ► Make relevant industry sectors across Sweden, ► Incorporate Industrial involvement in planning the Baltic region and rest of Europe fully aware of and funding of new beamline projects throughout the research opportunities at MAX IV. the development of MAX IV. ► Engage the 10 most important industry sectors 4. Employing a collaborative approach to in Sweden with various initiatives connected to the industry engagement use of MAX IV. ► MAX IV aims to have a strong partnership with 2. Increase the industrial use of MAX IV ESS on all relevant industry activities, particularly ► Achieve a yearly average of 5% of the user connected to outreach, education, and beamtime at MAX IV fully proprietary use. The strengthening the ecosystem of surrounding actors. proprietary fraction will be significantly higher on ► MAX IV achieves these ambitions through some beamlines. collaborations on a broad level with industry, ► Allocate up to 5% of the user beamtime at MAX academia, institutes, financing bodies, and other IV to a new open access mode for industry. organisations to deliver on industry goals.

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5.1 Imaging

It has often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Imaging with X-rays lets us see inside objects to determine their structure at a resolution well beyond that obtainable with the visible light. Due to their short wavelengths, X-rays penetrate matter readily and offer access to absorption edges that give chemical contrast without the need for labelling. The sensitivity and specificity of X-ray fluorescence imaging has radically changed our understanding of the prevalence and function of trace metals in biology, for example, to map Zn in Alzheimer-diseased neurons. When coupled with phase contrast methods, X-ray imaging provides a unique window to visualize minute changes in sample density, such as at polymer interfaces and across cellular membranes. Phase imaging also deposits less dose than absorption-based imaging, making it attractive for study of radiation- sensitive samples. Use of polarized X-rays enables electron spin contrast for imaging magnetic states, such as the 3D magnetisation in a GdCo2 film. Exploiting X-ray diffraction and scattering contrast in imaging provides a unique handle on order and disorder in matter, such as defects in crystals and molecular packing in lignocellulose. Imaging cuts across nearly every area of research due to this plethora of contrast methods possible. Optics for focusing X-rays are finding application in nearly every other X-ray methodology, from nano-resolved PES to large-aperture detection of XES. X-ray optics are constantly improving in resolution, permitting measurements deep into the nanometer regime. In parallel with these improvements, imaging methods that exploit coherent X-rays have advanced rapidly over the past 20 years, driven by development of brighter sources, fast area detectors, and phase-retrieval techniques that enable recovery of the complex amplitude scattered by a sample illuminated with coherent light. The resolution achievable with coherent diffractive imaging currently extends below 10 nm with both hard and soft X-rays - beyond that of most optics - and there is no fundamental reason why this could be pushed to the atomic scale with a bright enough source. MAX IV is uniquely positioned it to capitalize on these imaging methods due to the unprecedented coherent flux it produces. New X-ray imaging methods and technical capabilities are evolving constantly. MAX IV will stay competitive internationally by continuing to develop these methods and offer them to users, in combination with sample cells providing dynamic control of such variables as tempera- ture, pressure, and field, user-friendly data acquisition, and efficient analysis pipelines. Investments to expand MAX IV's beamline portfolio with new imaging capabilities will help to attract new user communities as well as meet the needs of existing ones. As a case in point, making fast 3D (tomographic) imaging and analysis capabilities, tailored to a wide range of systems, available to scientists in the biomedical, cultural heritage, geology and paleontology fields will spur growth of these emerging communities and enable them to exploit MAX IV fully.

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5.2 Dynamics

The interaction of matter is dominated by change which can occur at all timescales. X-ray synchrotrons are uniquely able to open a broad window not only of the spatial domain, from angstroms to millimetres, but also the time domain – from femtoseconds to hours. Often a material or a process only becomes relevant when one moves beyond measuring its structure to considering the time dependent phenomena that make it functional. For example, the biological processes funda- mental to the life of a cell are often dictated by the chemistry and diffusion limit of macromolecules. These are processes which occur in femto- to milliseconds, while cell signalling is in milli- to microseconds. Synchrotron X-ray techniques have proven invaluable for probing the dynamics of non-equilibrium and irreversible as well as reversible processes in many areas of biology, chemistry, and condensed matter science. Yet, important length and times scales are still inaccessible with current tools. The brightness of MAX IV combined with the capabilities of the Short Pulse Facility and future SXL enable exploration of a broader range of time scales than was previously possible. Detectors with sufficiently fast data acquisition rates are essential to exploit the full potential of MAX IV for such measurements. The brightness and time structure the X-ray beams produced by MAX IV are uniquely suited to dynamical studies of materials and processes, in-situ and operando, in real time, and under scientifically relevant and industrially important conditions. Methods such as XPCS, which exploit both capabilities of MAX IV, can reveal higher-order structural corre- lations, de-excitation processes, damping, and other dynamical behavior in complex materials as wide-ranging as liquids, gels, colloids, polymer melts, and the temporal evolution of fluctuations and correlations during phase transitions in disordered systems such as glasses and hugely ordered ones such as crystals, down to the atomic scale. In addition to highly stable X-ray beams and fast detectors, sample cells that provide environments, positioning and external trigger capabilities to probe relevant reactions and transitions, are essential for dynanmics measurements. For instance, matching the time resolution of industrially relevant processes to the rates of expected temperature jumps can be achieved with furnaces designed to change the sample temperature by 103 K in seconds.

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5.3 Data handling and AI & ML

The open science, artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) revolution will in the next ten years bring new requirements and opportunities for MAX IV and the user community. It will affect all parts of MAX IV IT infrastructure: Hardware and software control systems are key tools for driving the MAX IV accelerators as well as unique and challenging experiments at the MAX IV beamlines. Network and high- performance data storage infrastructure is essential for recording data from cutting-edge detectors and sensors. MAX IV, with the Center for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University (LUNARC) and the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), provide services supporting experiments at MAX IV beamlines before they start and long after they end when data analysis happens. The transition towards an open science system in Europe sets high requirements on data management at research infrastructures. Centralised MAX IV data storage allows well defined data management practices to be adopted, a variety of modern and complex services to be effectively provided for all science disciplines and MAX IV scientific data to be shared with other e-infrastructures across Sweden, Europe, and the world. MAX IV is participating in the development of a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and a European LEAPS initiative in data acquisition and compression. MAX IV’s ambition is to provide a robust open access framework to MAX IV research data. The first pillars were already set up within the MAX IV DataStaMP project and include extensions to data acquisition and metadata harvesting as well as data storage. The main goals include: All relevant experiments should be covered; New data catalogues are made available allowing seamless access to metadata and easy data management; Flexible infrastructure for remote data access and analysis is provided, and finally; MAX IV data has a long-term home. More automation, including autonomous systems will be powered by rapidly developing AI. Steering synchrotron technologies towards global industrial standards where possible allows effective utilization of AI & ML frameworks. AI & ML will become important in-system diagnostics on all levels, including the facility and accelerators operation and smart feedback to users during beamline experiments. They will also be used for electron beam and beamline parameters optimization and where applicable for getting the best performance from MAX IV beamlines.

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This is an inventory of suggested beamlines congruent with the transformative science and cross-cutting techniques described above. Suggested beamline names used here are tentative working names only.

MXBridge types of techniques and synergies with instruments under development at the ESS. Sweden and the UK have long-standing, inter- nationally recognized academic and industrial MedMAX structural biology communities supported by both A beamline for high-speed, three dimensional MAX IV and (DLS). In imaging at the micrometer scale would put Sweden December 2025, DLS will begin installing a new 4th firmly on the map as a leading player in 3D generation low emittance source (Diamond-II). The biomedical imaging with the Karolinska Institute "dark period" between the planned shutdown of amongst the top 5 in medical research universities the current ring at DLS and when Diamond-II begins in the world,15 and the on-site Comparative operation will result in at least 20,000 hours loss of Medicine Unit nearly completed. The MedMAX beamtime for DLS's macromolecular crystal- beamline design accommodates zooming in from lography (MX) users. DLS proposes to build, in the organ to the sub-cellular level on the same collaboration with MAX IV, an ultra-high instrument. Ultra-fast phase-contrast tomography is also a perfect match to the coherence capabilities throughput MX beamline (MXBridge) to open of the 3 GeV ring and provides synergies with the ahead of Diamond-II installation. MXBridge will full-field imaging capabilities at ForMAX and serve both the DLS and MAX IV user communities DanMAX. between April 2025 and June 2028. The end-station will then return to DLS, however the rest of the Successful design of new sustainable materials necessitates an understanding of competing beamline will remain at MAX IV. physical and chemical mechanisms at different In addition to providing a state-of-the-art beamline length and time scales. While MAX IV can address to MAX IV for very low cost which can be some of these challenges currently, more capability repurposed for other needs, this project will build is needed for this research area, thereby helping to deeper collaborations between MAX IV and DLS keep Sweden at the scientific forefront. A dedicated especially with the MX development group at DLS, state-of-the-art, long tomographic imaging and enable expertise at MAX IV to be maintained beamline, allowing 3D imaging with a large field of for future projects. DLS has a very successful suite view, spatial resolution down to 20 nm and high temporal resolution to follow processes in situ, is of of MX beamlines where development of world utmost importance. leading hardware and software solutions has taken The MedMAX concept would serve the user place. Closer interaction between MAX IV and the community in two spatio-temporal regimes: DLS MX beamlines could potentially lead to micrometre resolution in vivo and ex vivo improvements at BioMAX and MicroMAX but even tomography and nano-tomography (with additional the drug discovery platform FragMAX will benefit basic spectroscopic capabilities). In addition to from these interactions, for example with biological matter the beamline would excel in Diamond’s fragment-based drug discovery offering visualizing the complex 3D micro and nanostructure XChem, which has been operating since 2016. The in soft condensed materials. The coherence of the UK structural biology community is very strong and x-ray beam produced by MAX IV sources enables closer contact will lead to high impact science being phase contrast imaging, which helps to reduce performed at MAX IV. sample radiation dose. MIRARI The value of this investment would be nearly 50 MSEK. The beam energy, intensity and divergence An infrared (IR) imaging beamline providing properties planned for MXBridge make this chemical contrast in 1D, 2D and 3D on the attractive for uses such as chemical crystallography, nanoscale would enable rapid imaging experiments powder diffraction or grazing-incidence scattering. from far-IR to near-IR spectral range, and together There are active communities in Sweden for these with the entry-level environment in the vicinity,

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quickly become indispensable for environmental NanoARPES scientists. The flux available over a large energy Nanoscale angle-resolved photoemission spectro- range from such a beamline, MIRARI, located on the scopy (Nano-ARPES) is becoming the norm at all 1.5 GeV ring, would easily outperform laser new synchrotron facilities. The MAX IV 3 GeV ring, sources. Sensitive vibrational spectra reveal the with its low emittance, is an ideal place to build a more subtle changes in molecular (carbon) beamline dedicated for nanoARPES. with an energy chemistry in eg. biomedical bone samples or range of about 200-2000 eV. This will allow one to organic solar cells, but also witness the opening of perform In operando studies of quantum materials superconducting gaps. Its different contrast based devices with angle and spin resolved mechanism makes it the ideal complement to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. With a smart design, imaging methods. With the new SNOM and one could also use this for standard micrometer MIRAGE techniques, the resolution steps below the spot soft X-ray ARPES and spin-ARPES. For novel diffraction limit and becomes sub-micron. applications in photoemission, the combination of CoMicS the high coherent fraction of MAX IV beams and advances in zone plate optics opens up the possi- A hard X-ray beamline providing coherent micro- bility to exploit wavefront shaping, which has been scopy with a scanning 1-10 micron pencil beam, user for quite some time now in conventional with ptychography/XPCS, diffraction, XRF, and XAS optics. contrast capabilities, would bridge the gap between CoSAXS and NanoMAX to enable study of larger An obvious application is the generation of samples such as plant leaves, painting fragments photons with finite orbital angular momentum, to and geological specimens. allow optical transitions in the photoexcitation process beyond those allowed within the dipole Soft X-ray tomography approximation. This would open new possibilities A full-field transmission X-ray microscopy for resonant ARPES and x-ray absorption beamline or end-station for the 1.5 GeV ring, spectroscopy (e.g. allowing s-d or p-f transitions) centered around cryo nano-tomography in the with application in the study of transition metal water window, would open up new territory for oxides and heavy fermion systems, as well high resolution biological imaging, such as heme potentially providing new routes to probe spin and crystallization in malaria parasites. It would nicely orbital angular momenta of the initial state complement the capabilities of MedMAX, MIRARI wavefunctions in ARPES. Additional more complex and a nano-XRF/STXM beamline. schemes could be envisaged, for example generating higher-order Hermite-Gauss modes HAXPES with multiple closely spaced intensity maxima in Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) the beam profile, opening the possibility for is a powerful method for investigation of surfaces spatially resolved phase-sensitive ARPES. and interfaces in advanced materials. The greater information depth provided HAXPES enables non- Tender X-ray spectro-microscopy destructive analyses of the chemistry and electronic A micro-focus tender to hard X-ray (1-6 keV) structure of deep buried interfaces. A dedicated spectro-microscopy beamline with the ability to HAXPES beamline for the tender- to hard X-ray perform microscale X-ray near-edge spectroscopy range, 4 – 6 to 15 keV, would provide information (μXANES) and XRF mapping and speciation P, Si, Al, from solid-liquid or solid-solid interfaces of interest Mg, as well as the 3d transition elements, would be in the study of e.g., energy materials, catalysts and extremely valuable for environmental science. quantum technologies. A time resolution in the Capabilities for probing the physical and chemical micro- to millisecond range would enable mapping behavior of these elements in small particles and of dynamic processes and coincidence measure- aerosols, in the solid and liquid state and on ments. Capabilities for microjets and gas cells aqueous surfaces,are in high demand by this field. would enable study of samples in liquid and This energy range would span the spatial and gaseous states. Taking the method down to highc energy range accessible by NanoMAX and spatial resolutions could be done using zone plate, SoftiMAX, and focusing to a micro/sub-micron- KB-, or capillary focusing. sized spot combined with 2D and 3D mapping,

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would fill the resolution gap between the compressors that can generate extremely short nanometer and micrometer scales. electron bunches.

Tender RIXS A beamline based on a free-electron laser driven A dedicated tender RIXS beamline would enable by the MAX IV 3 GeV linac would open a slew of investigation of local electronic structure and research possibilities of such ultrafast phenomena dynamics in both gas-phase and liquid samples. in the soft X ray-range (1 to 5 nm). As a result of an Access to an open port on a tender x-ray beamline initiative of the Swedish scientific community a for hosting mobile experimental setups would solve science Case for such a beamline (SXL) was this. compiled in 2017 after an international workshop attended by leading international experts in the Surface X-ray scattering field of ultrafast soft X-ray science. A dedicated surface-scattering beamline, allowing A conceptual design report for SXL, funded by the in-situ studies of important processes such as Wallenberg foundation (KAW), MAX IV, Lund printing and surface assembly, would further University, the Lund Laser Centre, Uppsala complement the existing capabilities at MAX IV for University, Stockholm University and KTH has been environmental science studies. recently completed.

Synchrotron X-ray scanning tunneling microscopy The extremely short pulses (down to the fs range) The spectroscopic and penetrating power of X- and the high energy per pulse afforded by the self- rays can be profitably combined with the spatial amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process as resolution of scanning tunneling microscopy. In well as the possibility of two-pulse, two-colour Synchrotron X-ray scanning tunneling microscopy operation modes and full polarization control will (SX-STM), the current collected by the STM tip is allow SXL to investigate a broad range of used to measure local X-ray absorption with a phenomena and serve many scientific communities spatial resolution as small as 2 nm.16 Thus local as described in the section on ultrafast science chemical information can be obtained and coupled before. to the local atomic structure with a single instrument. Today, several FELs with different repetition rates, pulse durations and photon energies are Soft X-ray laser facility operational or under construction around the The X-ray laser capabilities of MAX IV are an world. SXL, with its moderate repetition rate of 100 essential final piece to extending the accessible Hz and its unique pump capabilities, will fill an ranges to pico- to femtosecond dynamics. The important gap and play a crucial role in X-ray section on ultrafast science describes this in science for decades to come. Experiments where more detail. Filling this gap locally will make intense pump-probe fields are wanted or needed, Sweden unique in the world in its are uniquely suited to a moderate repetition rate, comprehensive offering of techniques in one short-pulse, machine where high intensities can be place. achieved, while maintaining the average power, and thus the heat load, delivered to the sample at a Despite their outstanding transverse emittance level that biosamples can sustain. and corresponding brightness and coherence, the x-ray pulses produced by the 3 GeV ring are relatively long. Long bunches are in fact a pre- requisite for the extremely low emittances to be achieved. As a result, extremely interesting science

involving physical phenomena happening at the 1- 10 fs timescale remains out of reach. The only demonstrated mechanism to produce extremely bright and at the same time extremely fast X-ray

pulses is the free electron laser. The MAX IV linear accelerator is prepared by design to operate as a driver of a free-electron laser and it has bunch

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Upgrades to the current beamline portfolio possibilities for our atmospheric science proposed below will, with moderate investments, community, but also for the broader communities. enhance their attractiveness to the user community

and enable them stay to internationally com- Balder Addition of a micro-focus lens to enable µXANES petitive. mapping in the hard X-ray regime will be an Second stations at NanoMAX, SoftiMAX, and important compliment to the nano-capabilities MAXPEEM XANES provided at NanoMAX where larger sample Adding cryo-cooling capability to the zone plate size can be a limitation. This would be an important station at NanoMAX will enable imaging radiation- development for a broad area of science, from sensitive biological samples in a frozen state which environmental studies to the design of new would minimize the effects of radiation damage. catalysts. This development would significantly expand BLOCH opportunities for life science research at MAX IV. The BLOCH beamline with its two branchlines is Upgrading the MAXPEEM microscope with a high situated on the 1.5 GeV ring and is dedicated to dynamic range detector and better energy analyser measuring electronic band structure of materials for increased contrast and chemical sensitivity will using ARPES on the first branchline and Spin-ARPES allow the study of more complex materials on the second branchline. The high flux, energy containing multiple chemical states. A comple- resolution combined with small spot spot size mentary and cost-effective development to the (10x10 μm) and a deflector-based electron energy photoemission electron microscope at MAXPEEM analyser makes Bloch highly competitive for beamline would be to build a new branchline with measuring the electronic structure of quantum-, a k-PEEM for k-space imaging with magnetic surface and advanced materials. The main bottle neck is a contrast using a 2D spin filter. Recent developments lack of a six axis manipulator which can go down to show that one can achieve an energy resolution of 4 K. This is something that has recently become about 20-30 meV and a spatial resolution of a few available in the market. Furthermore, by adding a micrometers. This will open up studies of capillary refocussing on one of the branchlines to multiferroics, novel 2D-materials and other exotic reduce the spot size to around 1x1 μm in the quantum materials. immediate future, one can increase the relevance of the technique for various in-operando studies FlexPES which will serve as proof of principle nano- At the FlexPES beamline an upgrade of the linearly structured quantum devices. polarising undulator inherited from MAX II to an elliptically polarising undulator (EPU) for full Adding an endstation for X-ray magnetic circular polarisation control will allow much more flexibility dichroism (XMCD) measurements would allow in the studies of liquid and cluster beams, greatly characterization of element-specific spin and advance experiments with ARPES and enable orbital moments in magnetic thin films, small magnetic studies. The same upgrade can be used particles and single molecules, and investigating for shifting the photon energy range to somewhat exchange-bias phenomena, magnetic anisotropy, higher energies with increased overall flux. and magneto-optical effects. This technique is The second important upgrade at FlexPES is a highly popular around the globe but currently building of a new end station at the B branch - missing at MAX IV. optimized for high-pressure liquid jet and molecular beam experiments. The existing end station FemtoMAX (transferred from MAX II) would ideally be replaced Increasing the pulse repetition rate of the linac by one that is built around a Near-Ambient Pressure driving the FemtoMAX beamline from the current PES analyser. This upgrade would enable the study 10 Hz rate to 100 Hz would open new doors to of much more concentrated targets (liquid and gas experimentation on more weakly scattering and samples). In combination with a new EPU, the NAP dilute samples, in particular low-density ones. end station would not only increase experimental

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High-capacity, long-term data storage and EOSC rapidly developing AI methodologies in the future. A major extension of MAX IV data storage This is already trending in several MAX IV capabilities will be operational by 2023. This will collaborations, in particular, the TANGO controls make it possible to save all primary scientific data toolkit. Steering synchrotron technologies towards from MAX IV beamlines for 10+ years. MAX IV also global industrial standards where possible allows plans by this time to align its internal activities with effective utilization of AI & ML frameworks. AI & ML European projects aiming to implement open will become important for in-system diagnostics on science management principles and EOSC services all levels, including the facility and accelerators common to all European photon and neutron (PaN) operation and smart feedback to users during facilities. These include, for example, allocating beamline experiments. training and educational resources. These capabilities can also be used for accelerator The integrating element of these projects will be a and beamline parameter optimization to get the data portal giving access to metadata associated best performance from MAX IV. AI & ML methods with experiments, permanent data identifiers and could also help meet the growing need to support connections to services provided on top of the data. remote operation and virtual participation in Close collaboration with Swedish e-infra-structures, experiments, which impose new requirements on including LUNARC and SNIC, are equally essential the control systems and support environment. elements enabling the transition to open-access Looking ahead, AI & ML methods are poised to research data. make possible completely new types of experiments that could incorporate, for example, Data management, storage, and computing theoretical modeling as a feed-forward input as well as measured data to direct experiments. MAX MAX IV is committed to fulfilling the FAIR data IV aims to provide infrastructure for implementing principles [ref.] regarding handling and availability AI & ML capabilities on-site, and for supporting of scientific data and metadata by 2026. The them at LUNARC and SNIC sites as well as EOSC for importance of the EOSC infrastructure, including analysis of MAX IV data. the involvement of Swedish and PaN partners, is expected to grow after the transition to open New sample environment capabilities science in the second half of the decade, when The MAX IV community has emphasize the society as well as science begin to profit from more importance of development of new sample cells easily accessible data. and delivery systems to expand the capabilities of Data volumes and production rates generated by existing and future beamlines. For example, a synchrotron facilities are increasing rapidly with sample cell for P L-edge XAS at SPECIES would new developments in detectors, data transfer enable study of phosphorus cycling and protocols, and experiment automation as well as sequestration in environmental systems. Cells for source brightness. MAX IV is on the vanguard of this time-resolved, in-situ XAS, XRF and STXM "data deluge", with rapidly growing needs for faster experiments at Balder, XNanoMAX and SoftiMAX data analysis, near real-time data reduction, and would enable digging deeply into the evolution of high-performance computing tools for online as molecular processes and chemical states under well as offline processing. realistic sample conditions. Development of advanced sample delivery systems is another area Artificial intelligence-enabled controls and where the community has requested help. analysis Examples of these include an aerodynamic lens It is clear that the scientific user community will source for PES studies on laboratory generated depend increasingly on artificial intelligence and model aerosols, and a liquid flat-jet source to machine learning (AI & ML) methods for produce a thin liquid sheet for XAS and PES unsupervised and intelligent experimental control measurements. in addition to data analysis. More automation, including autonomous systems, will be powered by

30 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030


While short-term enhancements are expected to SOLEIL synchrotron. A similar device is proposed for be funded from the operations budget and the small ring, the main challenge being the correspond mostly to incremental performance reduced pulse length required due to the smaller improvements, longer-term projects are wider in circumference. scope and represent our current perception of the Pseudo-single bunch path towards keeping the international lead in synchrotron-based science. Their full realisation To satisfy the needs of scientific experiments will depend on dedicated investment funding. requiring customized time structures of the synchrotron radiation, the 1.5 GeV ring is today run The underlying theme of the following accelerator in “single-bunch” mode during a few weeks every roadmap is that the generation of the brighter, year. While this mode enables highly interesting more coherent, and faster X-ray pulses will benefit science, it also means a reduced total intensity to both the current beamline portfolio and future the detriment of other experiments, which are beamlines and instruments. typically not possible under those circumstances. A scheme that would allow the simultaneous use of Short term (2021-2025) the source by both communities, thus increasing the availability of the source for time-resolved 3 GeV ring science, was pioneered at BESSY – transverse resonant island buckets (TRIBS). The scheme has Incremental brightness improvements been successfully tested in demonstration Preliminary design studies indicate the possibility experiments at MAX IV. Much development to achieve reductions by a factor 1.2-1.5 of the remains to turn it into a routine delivery mode. stored beam emittance with minimal hardware Linear Accelerator changes. The main challenge is demonstrating efficient injection into these modes. These changes Ultrashort LINAC bunches (<10 fs) would lead to up to ~40% brightness increase for 10 Even though the nominal bunch duration is 100 fs, keV photons. This increase will be on top of the simulations indicate that the achromat bunch expected brightness improvements that will result compressors at the MAX IV linac could produce from the emittance reductions associated with the much shorter bunches, down to a few 10 fs could addition of insertion devices to the ring. be achieved, opening new research possibilities in Ultra-long bunches ultrafast science. The main expected challenges are to maintain a small pulse-to-pulse variations of Long bunches are a crucial ingredient in achieving bunch properties such as arrival time and energy. ultralow emittance and consequently ultrahigh brightness. Lengthening factors around 5 are obtained today using third harmonic cavities. Long term (2026-2030) Theoretical studies indicate it is possible to achieve much larger factors by combining third and fifth Brightness improvements to the 3 GeV ring harmonic cavities. This would provide enhanced Emittance reduction by a factor of more than two stability at the existing MAX IV 3 GeV ring and pave and a corresponding increase in brightness is the way for future projects aiming at even smaller conceivable through moderate changes in the emittances. magnet lattice. Accompanied by changes to the 1.5 GeV Ring injection scheme, these could enable the use of advanced insertion devices with reduced horizontal Transparent top-up injection aperture. Transparent top-up injection has been successfully implemented in the 3 GeV ring, where a world-record low perturbation to the stored beam was achieved using a multipole injection kicker (MIK) developed in collaboration with the

MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 31

Beyond 2030 Brightness improvements to the 1.5 GeV ring Ideas for upgrades to the 1.5 GeV ring lattice Reaching the diffraction limit in the 3 GeV ring towards lower emittance are at the drawing board stage today. However, the upcoming upgrade of Achieving the diffraction limit for hard X-rays (10 other low energy sources such as ALS could provide keV) requires reaching ~10 pm rad emittance. increased motivation. Preliminary design studies show that this is possible even if challenging. Recent developments at other Hard X-ray free-electron laser laboratories in connection to upgrade projects To extend the short pulse capability to the hard X- provide new tools and techniques to allow for ray range, an update of the energy of the linear compact solutions. Such an upgrade requires a accelerator to 5-6 GeV is needed. This has been complete replacement of the magnet lattice and contemplated since the original MAX IV design. vacuum system but would make use of most of the

infrastructure, including RF systems.

Figure 6 - Figure of merit vs circumference for all major light sources and generations. The light band shows the facilities that are comparable to the MAX IV largest ring size and energy range (3 GeV). The available energy range sets the scope and implementation complexity of the science that can be performed at the facility – higher energies (right) are harder to use. Most facilities of the new 4th generation are still at the planning stage or under construction. The MAX IV accelerator roadmap details improvements over the next 20 years, designed to maintain the edge of MAX IV given its ring sizes and energy ranges.

32 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030

7. TIMELINE AND BUDGET Investment budget considerations

A detailed and well-supported budget for and beamline with two experimental stations, proposed major new investments in MAX IV is not enhancements to several existing instruments as the primary scope of this document. Nevertheless, well as significant new capabilities to the MAX IV in order to estimate an operations budget for new accelerator facility. investments, the chief goal of this document, it is Based on known and projected costs for these necessary to define an upper bound on the investments (such as 120-150 MSEK/beamline and potential scope of new investments within the an estimated 500 MSEK for the SXL), a budget 2021-2030 time frame. For example, it is generally corresponding to these investments would be in accepted in the synchrotron world that bringing the neighbourhood of 1.35-1.5 billion SEK. two new beamlines into operation per year is a quite aggressive schedule. Providing more detail at this time is neither possible nor advised, as extensive discussion, To develop an estimated operations budget for proposal and review of the potential portfolio of the next decade, we consider launching (in the new capabilities must first take place, followed by 2021-2030 time frame) the construction of 6 new funding requests, then ultimately detailed design beamlines on the storage rings, a soft X Ray laser work before definitive costing can begin.

Operations budget: 2023-2030

Projected operations budget

Figure 7 - Number of beamlines open to users and projected to be under construction/commissioning, and associated operations cost per year in million SEK. The operations costs are described in more detail in Table 1, next page. This strategy, with an optimistic assumption of enough investment funding, brings MAX IV close to capacity by 2030 while still leaving open some beamline ports for future development.

MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 33

(MSEK) Cost of operations 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Staff 257,4 269,8 283,7 289,4 302,7 314,2 328,5 332,5 Central Project Office ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,6 Accelerators (AFSG, RF, AccDev, Op) 6,9 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 7,8 Life science beamlines 11,7 10,5 10,6 12,8 13,0 14,2 13,9 14,1 Physical science beamlines 6,6 6,7 6,8 6,9 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 Beamline office & ID 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,6 4,7 4,8 4,9 4,9 IT & Controls 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 Engineering 20,4 20,5 16,7 16,4 16,2 16,0 15,9 15,7 Safety 9,5 9,7 9,8 11,0 11,1 11,3 11,5 11,6 Admin support 6,5 6,6 6,7 6,8 6,9 6,9 7,0 7,1 UO, COM & HO 4,3 4,3 4,4 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,6 4,7 IRO ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,6 Rent 83,5 93,7 116,8 123,5 129,5 131,3 136,8 138,5 Electricity 26,9 28,5 28,6 28,8 31,8 32,6 33,8 34,7 Facility Management / Development 35,3 35,9 29,3 30,1 27,4 30,0 27,6 27,7 Decommissioning MAX IV 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 Lund University overhead 25,0 25,8 26,5 27,3 28,1 29,0 29,9 30,7 Total operations cost before upkeep/investments 507,5 532,8 561,1 578,8 599,8 619,0 638,9 647,5 Beamline upkeep 30,0 30,5 30,9 31,4 31,8 32,3 32,8 33,3 Infrastructure (excl Beamline upkeep) 42,9 12,3 19,7 16,5 10,5 17,2 11,8 14,2 Accelerator upkeep and development 26,6 29,8 29,1 24,6 24,9 25,3 25,7 26,1 Total operations cost incl. upkeep/investments 99,5 72,6 79,6 72,5 67,3 74,8 70,3 73,6 Industrial beamline and services -3,5 -4,5 -6,0 -6,5 -6,6 -6,7 -6,8 -7,0 Other income (cooling) -5,0 -5,1 -5,2 -5,2 -5,3 -5,4 -5,5 -5,5 Total requested operations funding 598,5 595,8 629,6 639,6 655,2 681,8 697,0 708,5 Table 1 – Breakdown of projected annual operations cost in million SEK 2023-2030, assuming 7 new beamlines in addition to the 16 currently funded ones.

The framework for this long-term budget, aiming . Changes in time-plans in recruitments, to build a robust operations budget for the future, projects, procurements, investments, and demonstrates anticipated cost of operations for deliveries etc., may on a budgetary level be MAX IV 2023-2026, and forthcoming cost levels for moved from one year to another. operations until 2030 are indicated schematically. A Accelerator corresponding sheet in Appendix 2, supports each item in the budget table above. These figures must . The requested funding profile for Accelerators be seen as preliminary and will depend on the is almost constant and includes strategic continued work of a final strategy for Max IV. development outlined in the accelerator roadmap. Prerequisites on overall level Life- & Physical Sciences . . An annual cost (excluding investments and The yearly running budget for the existing staff cost) increase of 1,5 % based on budget beamline cost will remain stable. . 2021 is calculated for: In order to serve the user community at the - Central Project Office technological forefront within the next decade, - Accelerators (AFSG, Radio Frequency, and to keep beamlines’ life span at the Operations, Accelerator Development) international forefront, an investment program - Life- & physical science for existing beamlines is deployed. Allocation - Beamline office & Insertion Device cover, e.g., upgrades of microscopes, replace- - IT & Controls excl. consultants cost ment of aging undulators, installation of - Engineering, excl. consultants cost additional focusing instrumentation, upgrade - Safety from 10 Hz operation to 100 Hz for the LINAC - Admin support and not budgeted unforeseen events. . - User Office, Communications, Head Office, An annual program for in-house application of Industrial Relations Office funds will be introduced for replacement or acquisition of instrumentation and smaller development projects to keep beamlines

34 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030

internationally competitive. MAX IV allocates o Beamline Office & Insertion Devices will from 2022 annually 4-6% of its operations cost see a minor growth adding to support for this purpose. optics and diagnostics as more insertion devices for new beamlines will come Industrial Relations Office online. . The goal for MAX IV is a yearly average of 5% of o Experimental safety is expected to grow the user beamtime for proprietary use. from 2024 as new beamlines and facilities . Industrial use of MAX IV in collaboration with are developed. academia or other non-industrial institutes o Administrative support, communications, through the general user access mode should and User Office will see a minor increase of increase towards 40%. ~ 5 FTE. There will be an increase in MAX IV staffing Staff o supporting industry, with 2 FTE in the . Estimated FTE based on the staff ramp-up Industrial Relations Office and 5 additional 2023-2030 is from 330 FTE – 420 FTE. Of these, FTE at selected beamlines. Additional FTE a number of FTEs are funded by external at the beamlines will be supported by the research grants and beamline construction operations budget. MAX IV ambition is to projects. These staff costs are then excluded offset these costs in the future. from the budget for operations during this o In order to meet facility management period. Social fees and staff expenses are obligations and required support to accounted for in the budget. facilitate expansions of new beamlines and . The staff costs are indexed by 2,7% annually, facilities, the Facility Management group based on Lund University annual operational (1 FTE today) will need to expand ~ 2-3 FTE. plan and resource allocation . The MAX IV approach is to reduce the number . MAX IV’s aims with its staff ramp up model to of consultants by hiring permanent staff. The hire more staff to support users through the overarching ambition is to save costs and beamline science programs. This will be done effectively use funding allocated in the budget by adding positions such as floor coordinators for e.g., Engineering, IT & Controls and CPO. An to provide 24/7 support to beamlines, soft- and increase of permanent staff is included in the hardware engineers, on-call service and budget. postdocs. Rent . MAX IV uses a staff ramp-up model for beamlines based on annual development. This . Lund University has rental agreement with group generates the largest number of Fastighets AB ML4. The rent cost is based on increase in FTE. STIBOR 3M fixing, and an additional landlord o A beamline group’s size is built up business margin. MAX IV has calculated with a continuously during the construction gradually increase STIBOR 3M from 0% to phase and consists of scientists (5 FTE) and 2,25% end 2030. Any significant changes in pooled resources (3 FTE). During the STIBOR 3 M will have large effects on the ability construction phase (3-4 years) all staff cost of the MAX IV Laboratory to provide the is funded by the external project. expected service to users. With an additional o More staff to support users through the interest rate change of + 0.5%, MAX IV’s rent beamline science programs. This will be will increase by SEK 62 MSEK during 2023-2030. done by adding positions as floor The corresponding figure for an increase of 1% coordinators to provide 24/7 support to is SEK 126 MSEK. MAX IV maintains a modest the beamlines, soft- and hardware level of agency capital to mitigate potential engineers, on-call service and postdocs. negative impact of such cost increases. This . Other staff ramp-up includes: budget line is one of the major cost drivers, due o CPO staffing are expected to remain to the uncertainty in the future development of unchanged. Consultant costs will be the STIBOR 3M. reduced and/or replaced with permanent . Based on the staff ramp-up plan, MAX IV is very positions at MAX IV. close to reaching its maximum capacity for

MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 35

office spaces. As MAX IV further develops, a property related costs will be followed-up in need for an additional office building is the annual budget process. imminent. The timeline to design and construct . Facility costs, e.g. additional rent costs, long- an additional office building is 4-5 years, and a term maintenance plan etc., relating to rough cost estimate is included in the budget. additional beamlines and other facilities cannot be estimated at this time. Electricity . Estimated costs for predesign, development, . Costs for electricity will fluctuate based on (i) and early investigations related to additional price and (ii) estimated power consumption. beamlines and other facilities are included in Based on the outcome of the electricity costs the budget. 2020 plus 10% we expect the electricity price to be 0,87 – 1,02 SEK/kW∙h. Market uncertainties

are however quite significant. The estimated power consumption increases from 25.9 MW∙h in 2021 to 34.6 MW∙h in 2026. Facility Management/Development

. The capacity of the ventilation system needs to be extended as the number of operating beamlines grows to the funded 16 beamlines and beyond. A rough estimate of investments needed to review and provide necessary enhancements to the existing ventilation system is included in the budget for 2022. However, further investments are required for

the extension of the ventilation system especially when more beamlines are operational as well as further equipping the user support laboratories.

. MAX IV has according to terms in the rent agreement a responsibility equivalent to a property owner to manage the facility and is cost responsible. The 5-year warranty period

after building completion ended in May 2020. MAX IV is responsible for all property related costs (e.g., maintenance/repair/replacement/ rebuilding/modifications) of buildings and technical infrastructure. The current main- tenance agreement expires 2021-09-30 and MAX IV is currently procuring a qualitative delivery of facility maintenance, implementing a building automation system and securing a

complete as-built documentation system. In order to meet above mentioned obligations and required support to facilitate expansions of new beamlines and facilities, the Facility

Management group (1 FTE today) will need to expand. . Assessing budgetary issues aiming to improve and establish a coherent budget for all

36 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030



Beamline capabilities available to users as of March 2021 Beamline Techniques Energy range Capabilities available to Users Bloch ARPES 15-200 eV High-resolution angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), using deflection based (10-1000 eV analyzer or 6-axis manipulator. with less flux / resolution) Linear vertical or horizontal polarised light from EPU, with energy range 10-1000eV (peak flux and resolution 15-200eV). Online Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), 50K - 300K.

Balder XANES, EXAFS, XES 2.4-40 keV X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS) in transmission, continuous scanning down to 30 sec/EXAFS X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS) in fluorescence with 7 element SDD, continuous scanning down to 30 sec/EXAFS

BioMAX MX at fixed energy, 6-24 keV Remote data collection MAD, SAD Automated sample mounting and dismounting from UniPucks, 29 puck positions in dewar. Beam focus of 20x5 microns, 50x50 microns or 100x100 microns and defining aperture of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 microns. Element identification by X-ray Fluorescence. Fragment-based drug screening. Serial crystallography experiments using HVE- injector (High viscosity extrusion injector), fixed target scan using the MD3.

CoSAXS SAXS Fixed energy SAXS, at 12.4 keV, q-range 1×10-3 to 0.5 Å-1 of 12.4 keV Laser triggered, temperature jump time- resolved SAXS (2 ms time-resolution), at 12.4 keV, q-range 1 x 10-3 to 0.5 Å-1 and ca. 1.5 to 2.3 Å-1 Solution and Bio-SAXS, with pipetting autoloader from 96 well plates, flow-through quartz capillary, in-line HPLC

MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 37

DanMAX PXRD 15-35 keV Planned Q3 2021 FemtoMAX Pump-probe 1.8-12 keV X- Scattering set-up (SAXS, WAXS) Air or He- rays environment

10 Hz operation 800 nm pump Scattering set-up (in vacuum). Limited laser; OPA scattering range +/-10 degrees horizontal 0-40 pump 1600 nm degrees vertical – 400 nm; THz Life-time measurement by visible fluorescence 1500 nm or 800 detection following X-ray excitation nm. FinEstBeAMS XPS, NEXAFS, Ion 4.55-1300 eV High-resolution photoelectron, TOF and TOF, PEPICO/NIPICO, coincidence spectroscopy of gaseous samples. photoluminescence, (Time-resolved) photoluminescence UPS, ARPES spectroscopy. XPS, NEXAFS, UPS & ARPES of solid samples

FlexPES PES, XAS or NEXAFS, 40-1500 eV PES and NEXAFS on solid samples; NEXAFS in Multi-coincidence partial electron and partial fluorescence yield. PES on low-density matter samples using liquid jet setup, molecular jet source, gas cell or magnetron-based source for metal particle beams COLTRIMS/Multi-coincidence spectroscopy (in expert commissioning mode)

ForMAX Full-field Planned Q4 2022 tomography, SWAXS

HIPPIE APXPS 250-2200 eV Catalysis Cell - Allows APXPS of a solid-gas interface, up to 30 mbar. Used for catalysis and surface science experiments Liquid/Electrochemistry Cell - Allows APXPS of a solid-liquid (dip-and-pull setup) and gas-liquid (liquid jet setup) interfaces up to 30 mbar for electrochemistry, energy, environmental, and atmospheric science experiments Polarization Modulated Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectrometer for detection of reaction intermediate species on the surface simultaneously with APXPS in Catalysis cell.

MAXPEEM SPELEEM 30-1500 eV SPELEEM in the soft X-ray range MicroMAX Macromolecular Planned Q4 2022 crystallography: microcrystals, serial crystallography

38 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030

NanoMAX Scanning X-ray 6-28 keV Scanning X-ray diffraction and coherent diffraction and imaging in the Bragg geometry coherent imaging Forward ptychography and CDI X-Ray Fluorescence mapping in 2D SoftiMAX STXM 400-1600 eV Planned Q3 2021

SPECIES APXPS / RIXS 30-1500 eV APXPS using the standard cell up to 20 mbar. Used for catalysis, redox studies, and different surface science experiments. APXPS using the ALD cell for in-situ and operando ALD experiments for pressures up to 20 mbar. RIXS using the GRACE spectrometer (emission energy range 50-650 eV, only linear polarization horizontally and vertically). Solid samples only. LN2-sample cooling available, 4-axis manipulator. VERITAS RIXS 275-1500 eV Mid range performance RIXS, solid samples, LN2 cooled samples, linear polarization (horizontal and vertical), XAS (MCP and photo diode)), sample scanning Veritas B (Open port)

MAX IV Strategy 2030 FIRST DRAFT 39





Development of staff costs are based on a staff ramp-up plan, where each new position is presumed to start at a specific point in time. Staff costs are continuously revised to meet the needs of the organization. For example, any delays in recruitments due to changes in time-plans in projects etc., may on a budgetary level be moved from one year to another.Staff costs include support services outside normal working hours to run the facility and deliver excellent support to the users.


The staff cost is indexed by 2,7% annually based on LUs annual operational plan and resource allocation..

Estimated FTE based on the staff ramp-up 2023-2030 is from 330 FTE – 420 FTE. Of these, a number of FTE are funded by external research grants and beamline construction projects. These staff costs are then excluded in the budget for operations during this period.

In the beamline groups describe below under comments on annual development, generates the largest numbers of increased FTE. Other groups will grow with 1-6 people each, mainly Beamline Office (floor coordinators), Adm Support and IT.

MAX IV plans to hire more staff to support the users through the beamline science programs. Increased staff costs for the floor coordinator function to provide 24/7 support to the beamlines, software- and hardware engineers, on-call service and the postdoctoral program are calculated for.


MAX IV use a staff ramp up model for beamline. A beamline group’s size is built up continuously during and construction phase and consist of scientists (5) and pooled resources (3). During the construction phase (3-4 years) all staff cost is funded by external project.

Staff ramp up is not calculated beyond 2030.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 40




The activities of larger beamline construction projects are managed through the central project office (CPO).

Costs include travel expenses, competence development and workspace related costs for staff in the above-mentioned functions.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS CPO staffing and costs are expected to remain unchanged; however, consultant costs will be reduced and/or replaced with permanent positions at MAX IV.


MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 41


Accelerators (AFSG, RF, AccDEV, Op) and Accelerator upkeep and development

BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION This item finances operations and development of all three MAX IV particle accelerators: • Accelerator spare parts and consumables. • Strategic developments of the accelerators. • Travel expenses, competence development and workplace related costs for staff in the Accelerator division.

The yearly costs of Accelerator Strategic Development (Accelerator Project Portfolio), including spare parts correspond to about 2.8 % of the investment cost of the accelerators.

Examples of strategic developments: • Improved transparent top-injection into the 1.5 GeV ring . • Implementation of fast orbit feedback in the 1.5 GeV ring and expansion of the same system in the 3 GeV ring. • Improved brightness in the 3 GeV ring. • Realization of ultra-long bunches in the 3 GeV ring. • Developments of electron gun to achieve 100 Hz operation. • Increase of RF power in the 3 GeV ring enabling operation of insertion devices for future beamlines and allowing higher currents. • Improved redundancy, reliability and stability of RF systems in the LINAC.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Costs for spare parts and consumables are based on previous experience with similar systems as well as on the procurements during the construction phase. One significant item is the periodic replacement of klystrons and modulator parts (IGBT switches) in the linac.

Strategic developments include short and long-term initiatives described in the accelerator roadmap presented in the strategy report.


The requested funding profile is almost constant, as no major changes to the accelerator infrastructures are expected to be funded from the operations budget during this period.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 42


Life and Physical Science Beamlines and Upkeep Beamlines


This item finances beamlines in operations, after the construction phase. Costs for maintenance and service, simpler instruments/tools and beamlines components, travel are included.


The yearly running budget for the beamline cost will remain stable and only be adjusted by 1,5%. For the existing beamlines to serve the user community at the technological forefront within the next decade, the beamlines need to develop and replace instrumentation accordingly. An investment program covers these developments which encompass among others, employment of cryogenics, upgrades of microscopes, employment of high data rate detectors, replacement of aging undulators, installation of additional focusing instrumentation and the upgrade from 10 Hz operation to 100 Hz for the LINAC.


To keep beamlines life span at the international forefront, allocations of funding towards beamline upgrades, adjustments, maintenance/repairs, improvements and not budgeted unforeseen events has been taken into account. An annual program for in-house application of funds will be introduced for replacement or acquisition of instrumentation and smaller development projects to keep beamlines internationally competitive. MAX IV allocates from 2022 annually 4-6% of its operations cost for this purpose.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 43


IT & Controls


This item finances the operation, development and investments for IT Infrastructure. The operations budget covers controls for all accelerators and beamlines as well as data acquisition, online analysis, computing and long-term data storage for all beamlines. The budget includes network, backup and upgrades to servers. Licenses, data communication in and out of the facility, help desk, IT lab costs etc. are included. Travel expenses, competence development and workplace related costs for staff in IT & Controls are included.

The main investments for IT Infrastructure for compute, network, and storage resources to support the mission of MAX IV are:

• Networking equipment like switches, firewalls, interconnects, fixed fiber installations and wireless. • Servers for HPC, infrastructure services, accelerator and beamline control, data acquisition, virtual and container environment. • Storage systems for scientific data, office data, virtual servers and data bases. • Backup systems • AV equipment • Rack and cooling in server rooms • Support agreements


MAX IV is providing a computing infrastructure to acquire and handle high data rates, online data analysis and storage for at least ten years. As data ages, it will be migrated to tape for archiving. Costs include replacement of computing infrastructure on a four year cycle, and take into account future cost and performance development


Investments in data storage and tape archiving are augmented by the DataSTAMP project until 2023.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 44


Beamline Office & Insertion Devices

BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION This item finances sample environment development support for the SEDS lab, beamline workshop tools, optics development and service, evaluation and committee work for beamline projects and beamline in operations reviews, prep lab are included.

Travel expenses, competence development and workplace related costs for staff are included.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Additional basic support though floor coordinators.

COMMENTS ON ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT The Beamline office will continue it is support to the beamlines. There is a need to grow the team with adding optics and diagnostics support. They currently also have a small team working on detectors and sample environments that span several beamlines. The beamline office is also growing with a number of floor coordinators with the goal of providing 24/7 on-site support for operation of the beamlines.

The Insertion device team will see a small growth as more insertion devices for new beamlines will come online.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 45




The technical support provides engineering services to all accelerators and beamlines, including mechanical design, machine shop, vacuum, alignment, water cooling, mechanical stability, and metrology. This budget item includes support and maintenance for PLC, alignment and metrology equipment, machine shop tools and license costs. Licenses include CAD software and FEA analysis software among others.

Liquid nitrogen supply to the entire facility is covered by this item.

Travel expenses, competence development and workplace related costs for staff the engineering groups are included.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Costs for service contracts are based on existing agreements. Liquid nitrogen consumption costs are based on the beamline ramp-up.

Costs for consultants will decrease as permanent staff positions will come in. End of Cryo-project will reduce costs by 1 MSEK from 2022.


MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 46




The cost for safety includes radiation-, environmental-, chemical and laboratory safety. Security related to the building such as fire safety and shell protection are included as well as systematic work environment coordination. The annual licence fee from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) is included.

Costs include travel expenses, competence development and workspace related costs for staff in the above-mentioned functions.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Experimental safety is expected to grow with 1 FTE from 2024 as additions of new beamlines and facilities are developed.


MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 47


Admin support (FIOS, HR, RC, Procurement, Legal)


Administration support include operation costs for the following functions; Finance and Office Services, HR and recruitment, Research coordinator, procurement officers and legal services.

Costs include relocation of staff recruited internationally, leadership development and training, as well as other office related costs. Travel expenses, competence development and workspace related costs for staff in the above-mentioned functions are included.


MAX IV has an internal agreement with LU Legal and Purchase and Procurement regarding supplementary functions within administrative support


To meet the future increased administrative need of support from MAX IV, a number of FTE has been included in the staff ramp up plan.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 48


User Office, Communication and Head Office


The cost includes staff in User Office, Communications and Head Office.

The User Office and User Meeting costs are included. Costs include outreach activities towards scientific users and the general public, maintenance of the MAX IV website as well as other office related costs.

Costs include travel expenses, competence development and work space related costs for staff in the above-mentioned functions.


An addition of 1 FTE for Communications is expected in 2024-2025.

The User Office expects with growing number of beamlines in operations and a growing number of users (up to 2000 in 2023 and beyond), an additional 1 FTE for administrative support.


MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 49


Industrial Relations Office – Income Industrial beamtime and services

BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION This item finance Industrial outreach training and licenses.

Costs include travel expenses, competence development and workspace related costs for staff


There will be an increase in MAX IV staffing supporting industry, with 2 FTE in the Industrial Relations Office and 5 additional FTE at selected beamlines. Additional FTE at the beamlines will be supported by the operations budget. MAX IV ambition is to offset these costs in the future.


The goal for MAX IV is a yearly average of 5% of the user beamtime for proprietary use. Furthermore, the industrial use of MAX IV in collaboration with academia or other non-industrial institutes through the general user access mode should increase towards 40%

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 50



BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION Lund University has rental agreement with Fastighets AB ML4. The interest cost is based on STIBOR 3M fixing, and an additional landlord business margin. The rental agreement ends 2040.

The final production cost amortised down to 33% (625 MSEK) of the initial amount (1,895 MSEK) according to a fixed instalment plan.

The budget item also include rent for a new office building from Q3 2025 with 80 - 150 work spaces meet the growing numbers of employees. Predesign costs for the building is accounted for within Facility Management.


MAX IV has calculated with a gradually increase STIBOR 3M from 0% to 2,25% end 2030. With an additional interest rate change of + 0.5%, MAX IV’s rent will increase by SEK 62 MSEK during 2023- 2030. The corresponding figure for an increase of 1% is SEK 126 MSEK.

Rent ML4 140 131 132 126 130 125 123 125 119 120 118 118 120 117 116 112 110 109 111 110 104 Budget 2023-2030 101 102 STIBOR +0,5% MSEK 100 92 93 STIBOR +1% 90 84 85 80 75 70 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030


Additional rent costs due to possible extension of beyond existing buildings cannot be estimated at this time (e.g., beamlines and facilities).

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 51



BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION The electricity cost covers electricity consumption.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS A power demand and consumption ramp-up profile has been estimated for the period 2021 to 2026, based on the expected running mode of the accelerators (linac repetition rate, total RF power to the storage rings), total number of operation hours and total number of operating beamlines. The estimated power consumption increases from 25.9 MW∙h in 2021 to 34.6 MW∙h in 2026 . The operational time of the accelerators remain essentially constant along the whole period and the incresase in power consumption is due to an increase in RF power as more beamline insertion devices are installed as well an increase in linac repeition rate from the present 10 Hz up to 100 Hz. Further increases beyond 2026 and until 2030 are expected to be on the 10-30% level.


Based on the outcome of the electricity costs 2020 plus 10% we expect the electricity price to be 0,87 – 1,02 SEK/kW∙h . Market uncertainties are however quite significant.

The variable cost of electricity is partially fixed (70%) throughout 2021 according to terms in agreement with Entelios. The agreement can be extended to 2022.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 52


Facility Management/Development


Facility costs includes operations, maintenance (buildings and technical infrastructure) consumption of cooling, heating, water, and waste handling.

MAX IV has according to terms in the rent agreement a responsibility equivalent to a property owner to manage the facility and is cost responsible. The 5-year warranty period after building completion of MAX IV has ended. An extended warranty period has been agreed on with the property owner regarding leaks, exchange of malfunctioning portals and completion of a number of inspections.

This effectively means that MAX IV is from May 2020 responsible for all property related costs (e.g. maintenance/repair/replacement/rebuilding/modifications) of buildings and technical infrastructure, as stated in the terms in the lease agreement for MAX IV. Life expectancy on a number of technical infrastructures are reaching its end within the next 3-year period, e.g. cooling systems, pumps, heat exchangers, light sources/fixtures etc., and will need to be replaced. Ongoing inspections and coming enhancement of ventilation systems and building automatic system will lead to cost related activities. Estimated costs are included in the budget.

The current maintenance agreement expires 2021-09-30. Ongoing 2020-2021 is to implement a property management, maintenance and related systems by mid-year 2021. The time plan is threefold, a procurement to ensure a qualitative delivery of facility maintenance, implementing a building automation system (V3i system) including training sessions and to secure a complete as- built documentation.

MAX IV is very close to reach its maximum capacity for office spaces. As MAX IV further develops, a need for an additional office building is imminent.

GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS Assessing budgetary issues aiming to improve and establish a coherent budget for all property related costs will be followed-up in the annual budget process. This budget will be based on (i) available figures for MAX IV, (ii) key figures from LU, (iii) key figures and comparative figures for yearly property maintenance costs on a standardized national average (REPAB) and (iv) long term maintenance plan.

The timeline to design and construct an additional office building is 4-5 years, i.e. in 2025.

Facility costs relating to construction of additional beamlines and other facilities cannot be estimated at this time. Estimated costs for predesign, development and early investigations relating to additional beamlines and other facilities are included in the budget.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 53


Facility Management (continued)

COMMENTS ON ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT In Operations Budget 2021, property related costs is estimated to 2 MSEK. This figure will increase as the facility and technical infrastructure ages entailing additional costs to cover future needs for e.g. maintenance, exchange of equipment related to the buildings and its infrastructures. An estimated cost from 2022 is at 3 MSEK.

A rough estimate of the investment (30 MSEK) needed to review and provide necessary enhancements to the ventilation system is included in the budget for 2022.

A rough estimate of additional rent cost for a new office building ranges from 2 600 - 2 800 SEK/sqm LOA/year. With additional staff ranging between 80 - 150 persons, an office building is estimated to 2 000 - 3 000 sqm, or additional rent costs roughly at ~ 10 MSEK/year.

During 2020-2021 the Facility manager position is filled by a temporary placement of staff from LU Estates. This position will need to be filled on a permanent basis from 2022. MAX IV has according to terms in the rent agreement a responsibility equivalent to a property owner to manage the facility, the FM-group will need to expand to meet such obligations.

MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 54


Decommissioning MAX IV

BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SMM) requires that funding for future radiation related decommissioning is guaranteed. This funding is a precondition to start regular user operation.

Lund University ensured the funding in April 2016 (25 MSEK). MAX IV is allocating 1 MSEK per year.



MAX IV OPERATIONS BUDGET 2023-2026, 2027-2030, submitted to Research Council 15 March 2021 55


1 Swedish Code of Statutes (SFS) 1994:946 2 See for example: E.S. Reich, Ultimate Upgrade for US Synchrotron, Nature News (2013) 501 (148–149). D. Castelvecchi, Next-generation X-ray source fires up, Nature News (2015) 525 (15-16). M. Eriksson, J. Friso van der Veen and C. Quitmann, Diffraction-limited Storage Rings – a Window to the Science of Tomorrow J. Synchrotron Rad. Special Edition – Special Issue on Diffraction Limited Storage Rings and New Science Opportunities (2014), 21, (837-842). 3 See here: 4 The MAX IV newsitem here: using-x-rays/, refers to the work done for the publication: A. Rogstam, M. Nyblom, S. Christensen, C. Sele, V. O. Talibov, T. Lindvall, A. Andersson Rasmussen, I. André, Z. Fisher, W Knecht and F Kozielski, Crystal Structure of Non-Structural Protein 10 from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(19), 7375; 5 In the KAW founsation’s estimation, they have spent over a billion Swedish Krona in investments related to MAX IV since the 80s, for further details on the latest investments from KAW, see e.g. here: 6 Terms for funding from Swedish Universities are stated in the agreement “Överenskommelse för medfinansiering av driften för MAX IV laboratoriet under perioden 2019-2023” (SAMV 2018/120). According to the agreement, the Universities will contribute with 48 MSEK (2019), 50 MSEK/year (2020-2022), and 52 MSEK (2023). The Universities determine their in-kind amount annually. The participating universities are: KTH, Stockholm U, Karlstad U, Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala U, SLU, Linköping U, Chalmers, Göteborg U, Malmö U, Umeå U, Linnaeus U, Luleå U, and Lund U. 7 Copenhagen University, Technical University of Denmark DTU, and Aarhus University 8 Treesearch funds the construction of the ForMAX beamline and a research platform, as a joint effort between KAW, VINNOVA and many other partners. More info here: 9 Operations funding, second funding period 2019-2023: Swedish Research Council “Godkännande av villkor” (Diarienr 2018-07152) Vinnova ”Beslut om bidrag” ” (Diarienr 2018-04969) Formas “Godkännande av villkor” (Diarienr 2019-02496) Energimyndigheten ”Beslut om projekt” (Diarienr 2019-027496) The funding from the Swedish universities described in Note 6 above. “Operation Collaboration Agreement between Lund University and University of Oulu” (SAMV 2017/364) 10 See paper.pdf?sfvrsn=3417607a_4. SDG3 indicators are interdependent with SDGs 6, 7, 11, 13 and 16. 11 CDC. Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2019. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2019, 12 Consider, g.e., e.g. BM18 at the ESRF, and the iTOMCAT at SLS 13 An article from QURECA, “Overview on quantum initiatives worldwide”, September 7, 2020,, includes the tally of major dedicated programmes in US, Europe, China and others. 14 Two recent publications are relevant: Clemens Weninger et al. “Stimulated electronic X-ray Raman scattering”. In: Physical Review Letters 111.23 (2013). ISSN: 00319007. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.233902, and; Clemens Weninger and Nina Rohringer. “Stimulated resonant x-ray Raman scattering with incoherent radiation”. In: Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88.5 (2013). ISSN: 10502947. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.88.053421. 15 Times Higher Education Ranking 2020/2021. KI placed 10th in the world and 5th in Europe within the area "Clinical and Health". For more info see: 16 See for instance:

56 FIRST DRAFT MAX IV Strategy 2030