Securing Server Applications Using AppArmor


Brian Six Sales Engineer – SUSE

1 Agenda

AppArmor Introduction

How to interact and configure

Demo with simple script

Can AppArmor help with containers

Final thoughts

2 Intro to AppArmor

3 What is AppArmor?

Bad software does what it shouldn’t do

Good software does what it should do

Secure software does what it should do, and nothing else 

AppArmor secures the Good and the Bad software

4 What is AppArmor?

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) security system

Applies policies to Applications

Access to files and paths, network functions, system functions

5 What is AppArmor?

Dynamic for existing profiled applications

Regardless of the “user” the process is running as, the policy can be enforced. Root is no exception.

6 What is AppArmor?

7 Architecture

Logging and OS Component Application Alerting

AppArmor AppArmor Interface Application Profile AppArmor

Linux Kernel 2.6 and later LSM Interface

8 How To Interact And Configure

9 How To Interact With AppArmor

Apparmor-Utils First Install package

10 How To Interact With AppArmor

Used more often

11 What Do Some Of These Do

aa-status: Display aa-genprof : Create aa-logprof: Update aa-complain: Set a aa-enforce: Set a status of profile a profile an existing profile profile in complain profile in enforce enforcement mode mode

12 Common Permissions

r – read w – write k – lock ux - unconstrained execute Ux - unconstrained execute – scrub px – discrete profile execute Px - discrete profile execute – scrub ix - inherit execute cx - local security profile l – link a – append m - mmap

13 Profile At-A-Glance

# a comment about foo's local (children) profile for #include /usr/bin/foobar. # a comment naming the application to confine /usr/bin/foo profile /usr/bin/foobar14 { {3 /bin/bash rmix, #include 4 /bin/cat rmix, /bin/more rmix, capability setgid5, /var/log/foobar* rwl, network inet tcp6, /etc/foobar r, } link /etc/sysconfig/foo -> /etc/foo.conf,7 # foo's hat, bar. /bin/mount ux, ^bar { /dev/{,u}8random r, /lib/ld-*.so* mr, /etc/ r, /usr/bin/bar px, /etc/foo/* r, /var/spool/* rwl, /lib/ld-*.so* mr, } /lib/lib*.so* mr, } /proc/[0-9]** r, /usr/lib/** mr, /tmp/ r,9 /tmp/ wr, /tmp/foo.* lrw, /@{HOME}10/.foo_file rw, /@{HOME}/.foo_lock kw, owner11 /shared/foo/** rw, /usr/bin/foobar Cx, /bin/** Px -> bin_generic,

14 A Couple More Things

Where are profiles stored:


How to load a new profile:

apparmor_parser –a|r /etc/apparmor.d/

How to unload everything:


15 Demo

16 Did You Know

ps knows about AppArmor:

Just add a Z-

ps Z

ps auxZ

17 Containers

18 What about containers?

Yes! - Applies to containers just like other apps

Containers still utilize the kernel

kubectl get nodes –o=jsonpath=$’ {range .items[*]}{}: {@.status.nodeInfo.kubeletVersion}\n{end} ’

Confirm 1.4 or late

A Great How-To:

E.g. -

19 What About Containers?

Must make sure profiles are distributed

•Pod 1 •Pod 1 •Pod 2 •Pod 2 •Pod 3 •Pod 3

Node 1 Node 2

Node 4 Node 3

•Pod 1 •Pod 1 •Pod 2 •Pod 2 •Pod 3 •Pod 3

20 Final Thoughts

21 I’ve Heard of SELinux. How Do They Compare

22 23 Common Use Cases

24 25 General Disclaimer

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