Course Outline & Schedule

Call US 408-759-5074 or UK +44 20 7620 0033

Suse Advanced System Administration

Curriculum Linux

Course Code SLASA

Duration 5 Day Course

Price $2,425

Course Description

This instructor led SUSE Linux Advanced System Administration training course is designed to teach the advanced administration, security, networking and performance tasks required on a SUSE Linux Enterprise system.

Targeted to closely follow the official LPI curriculum (generic Linux), this course together with the SUSE Linux System Administration course will enable the delegate to work towards achieving the LPIC-2 qualification.

Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.


The delegate will learn and acquire skills as follows:

Perform administrative tasks with supplied tools such as YaST Advanced network configuration Network troubleshooting and analysing packets Creating Apache virtual hosts and hosting user web content Sharing Windows and Linux resources with SAMBA Configuring a DNS server and configuring DNS logging Configuring a DHCP server and client Sharing Linux network resources with NFS Creating Unit Files Configuring AutoFS direct and indirect maps Configuring a secure FTP server Configuring a SQUID proxy server Creating subvolumes and snapshots Backing-up and restoring XFS filesystems Configuring LVM and managing Logical Volumes Managing software RAID Centralised storage with iSCSI Monitoring disk status and reliability with SMART

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Configuring an LDAP server and client Configuring the firewall using iptables Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) Configuration and management of AppArmor Installation and configuration of SELinux and SELinux policy Kernel modification and tuning Compiling software from source System performance monitoring Installation and configuration of Nagios Hardware configuration with hotplug and

Target Audience

The SUSE Linux Advanced System Administration training course is suitable for Linux System Administrators who need to acquire advanced administration knowledge of the key administrative, networking and security tasks required on Linux within the Enterprise.

Delegates who wish to work towards achieving the Linux Engineer LPIC-2 certification will find this course a good basis for LPIC-2: 201-450 and 202-450 exams.

The appendixes also include other related topics that would be useful reading for delegates preparing for certification.

Note: Should the delegate only require knowledge of Red Hat Linux then they should instead consider attending our range of Red Hat Linux Administration courses.

Additional Information

Course technical content is subject to change without notice. Course content is structured as sessions, this does not strictly map to course timings. Concepts, content and practicals often span sessions.

Course Modules

Advanced Network Configuration and Troubleshooting (6 topics)

◾ Configuring the network card (ip link, ip addr) ◾ Network scripts ◾ Configuring routing (ip route) ◾ Serial communication

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◾ Network troubleshooting and related tools (ethereal, tcpdump, ping, traceroute, netstat, arp, nmap) ◾ Exercise

NFS Network Services (8 topics)

◾ NFS operation and daemons (portmapper etc.) ◾ Setting up an NFS server (/etc/exports and exportfs) ◾ Investigating the portmapper ◾ Setting up an NFS client (mount) ◾ Mounting NFS filesystems at boot (/etc/fstab) ◾ Configuring AutoFS direct and indirect mounts ◾ Creating AutoFS units ◾ Exercise

Apache, Squid and NGINX (15 topics)

◾ APACHE main configuration files ◾ APACHE server configuration (main Section entries) ◾ Starting APACHE ◾ APACHE access configuration ◾ Configuring secure APACHE (https) ◾ Configuring IP address-based virtual hosts ◾ Configuring name-based virtual hosts ◾ Configuring Apache for user-based content ◾ SQUID proxy server ◾ Configuring client browsers ◾ Starting SQUID ◾ The SQUID configuration file (squid.conf) ◾ SQUID security settings ◾ NGINX Proxy and Reverse Proxy ◾ Exercise

SAMBA (8 topics)

◾ The SAMBA configuration file (smb.conf) ◾ Testing the SAMBA configuration file (testparm) ◾ Configuring SAMBA users ◾ Starting SAMBA ◾ Testing SAMBA (smbclient, smbstatus) ◾ Managing Windows filesystems (smbmount, nmblookup) ◾ Accessing Windows shares ◾ Exercise

The Domain Name Server (12 topics)

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◾ DNS operation ◾ Types of DNS Servers ◾ Domain Name Space ◾ Setting up a DNS master and slave server ◾ Server configuration files (named.conf and databases) ◾ DNS resource record formats ◾ Configuring DNS logging ◾ Configuring DNS security ◾ Starting and managing the DNS Server (rcnamed, rndc) ◾ Testing the DNS Server (host, dig, nslookup) ◾ Configuring DNS Clients ◾ Exercise

Advanced Filesystem Tools (9 topics)

◾ Converting Ext filesystems to Btrfs ◾ Checking and repairing Btrfs filesystems ◾ Creating Btrfs subvolumes and snapshots ◾ Labelling XFS filesystems ◾ Configuring UUIDs ◾ Performing full and incremental backups of XFS filesystems ◾ Querying the backup repository ◾ Restoring XFS filesystems ◾ Exercise

Logical Volume Management (LVM) (9 topics)

◾ LVM Overview ◾ Configuring LVM (pvcreate, vgcreate, vgextend, lvcreate etc.) ◾ Displaying information about the LVM environment (pvdisplay, pvs, vgdisplay, vgs, lvdisplay, lvs) ◾ Creating striped logical volumes ◾ Resizing Logical Volumes (lvextend, resize2fs, resize_reiserfs, xfs_growfs) ◾ Logical Volume Snapshots (lvcreate, lvdisplay) ◾ The ◾ Configuring the lvm.conf file ◾ Exercise

RAID (7 topics)

◾ RAID overview ◾ Raw devices and partitions ◾ Creating a RAID device (fdisk, ) ◾ Managing a RAID device (mdadm, /proc/mdstat) ◾ Creating and mount a file system on a RAID device ◾ Hot swapping failed drives ◾ Exercise

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Disk Monitoring with Smartd (6 topics)

◾ Main features of monitoring disk devices with smartd ◾ Configuring smartd ◾ /etc/sysconfig/smartmontools ◾ /etc/smartd.conf ◾ Managing smartd with smartctl ◾ Exercise

Compiling Software from Source (6 topics)

◾ Installing programs from source (tar, tarball) ◾ Compiling Open Source Software (configure, make) ◾ Installing the compiled software (make install) ◾ Managing shared libraries (ldd) ◾ Compiling from SRC (source) RPM packages (rpmbuild, rpm) ◾ Exercise

System Monitoring and Performance Management (8 topics)

◾ System performance monitoring ◾ Collecting system performance information (sar) ◾ Monitoring memory usage (free) ◾ Measuring virtual memory (vmstat) ◾ Measuring I/O performance (iostat) ◾ Performance Guidelines ◾ Installing and verifying Nagios ◾ Exercise

The (6 topics)

◾ Kernel naming conventions ◾ Monolithic and Modular kernel design ◾ Listing modules (lsmod, modinfo) ◾ Kernel module configuration ◾ Kernel tuning (/proc sysctl.conf, sysctl) ◾ Exercise

Firewall Configuration (6 topics)

◾ Basic packets and routing ◾ (iptables) ◾ Packet filtering (iptables, chains, rule targets, connection tracking) ◾ Saving and restoring firewall settings

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◾ Network address translation (NAT) ◾ Exercise

DHCP (7 topics)

◾ Configuring DHCP ◾ The dhcpd.conf configuration file ◾ DNS entries ◾ Client address entries ◾ Address leases ◾ DHCP client configuration ◾ Exercise

FTP (5 topics)

◾ Configuring a VSFTPD server ◾ Configuring Pure-FTPd ◾ Configuring ProFTPd ◾ Active vs Passive mode ◾ Exercise

Centralised Storage with ISCSI (5 topics)

◾ Definition and benefits of iSCSI ◾ Configuring an iSCSI target ◾ Configuring an iSCSI initiator ◾ Configuring iSCSI via YaST ◾ Exercise

LDAP (7 topics)

◾ Structure of an LDAP Tree ◾ Configuring the LDAP server (slapd.conf) ◾ Testing the LDAP server (ldapsearch) ◾ Adding information into LDAP (lpdapadd) ◾ Configuring the LDAP Clients (nsswitch.conf, ldap.conf) ◾ Testing the Client connection to the Server (getent) ◾ Exercise

Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) (7 topics)

◾ The main PAM configuration files (/etc/pam.d directory) ◾ Configuration file formats ◾ Controlling user access using the configuration files ◾ Configuring pam_listfile

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◾ Controlling time-based access with PAM ◾ Controlling limits with PAM ◾ Exercise

AppArmor (6 topics)

◾ Enabling and disabling AppArmor ◾ AppArmor monitoring tools ◾ Building and modifying AppArmor profiles ◾ Logging AppArmor ◾ AppArmor Options ◾ Exercise

SELinux (6 topics)

◾ Installation and configuration of SELinux ◾ Installation of an SELinux policy ◾ Modifying an SElinux policy ◾ Modifying services within SELinux ◾ SELinux contexts ◾ Exercise

Hardware Configuration (7 topics)

◾ The Hotplug system ◾ Devices and Interfaces ◾ The filesystem and persistent names ◾ Device initialisation and interface configuration ◾ Hotplug and Coldplug ◾ The Udev system ◾ Exercise

Appendices (20 topics)

◾ APPENDIX A - CONFIGURING APACHE FOR PHP AND TOMCAT ◾ Configuring Apache Web Server to support PHP and Tomcat ◾ APPENDIX B - BASIC OPENVPN ◾ Accessing a private network with OpenVPN ◾ APPENDIX - RAIDTOOLS ◾ Old style raidtools package ◾ APPENDIX D - CUSTOM KERNEL CONFIGURATION ◾ Modifying the kernel configuration ◾ Installing kernel sources ◾ Configuring the kernel ◾ APPENDIX E - ◾ Managing the Linux boot process with dracut

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◾ APPENDIX F - UEFI ◾ A description of UEFI ◾ The UEFI partition ◾ Secure Boot ◾ UEFI operation ◾ The UEFI Shell ◾ APPENDIX G - ELECTRONIC MAIL AND POSTFIX ◾ Basic mail server configuration with postfix


Experience of administering Linux in an Enterprise environment to the level covered in the SUSE Linux System Administration course.

Knowledge of Linux Shell Programming to the level covered on the Linux Shell Programming course would also be beneficial.

Course Dates

Code Location Duration Price Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

SLASA Virtual Classroom 5 Days $2,425 04-08 (London)

SLASA Virtual Classroom 5 Days $2,425 15-19 20-24 10-14 14-18 (London)

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