Colemania, Number 37, pp. 1-26 Published : 30 July 2013 ISSN 0970-3292 © Kumar Ghorpadé An Annotated Checklist and Select Bibliography of the Hover-flies (Diptera—Syrphidae) of Pakistan, Indian subcontinent KUMAR GHORPADÉ Emeritus Scientist, Post-Graduate Teacher and Research Associate in Systematic Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, C/o P.O. Box 221, K.C. Park P.O., Dharwar 580 008, Karnataka, India. E-mail:
[email protected] ANJUM SHEHZAD Senior Scientific Officer, National Insect Museum, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. This paper includes an updated checklist of the hover-flies recorded so far in publications from the limits of Pakistan, numbering 84+ species in 42 genera, including four nomina nuda of Arif (2001). A further 16 genera and 69+ species have been recorded from adjoining Afghanistan and the Indian administered state of Jammu & Kashmir, making a total of 153+ species of 58 genera listed in this paper. Annotations on taxonomy of the included species, by the first author, are incorporated. A presumably complete bibliography of literature pertaining to Pakistani Syrphidae is also provided. Introduction Almost exactly 150 years have gone by since Enrico Brunetti (1862-1927) was born. He wrote the FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA volume on the Syrphidae in 1923 (which was also inclusive of Pipunculidae, Conopidae and Oestridae) and which is still the prime reference on the hover- flies known from the Indian subcontinent, which then numbered 245 species in 51 genera. Knutson et al. (1975) updated the nomenclature and compiled a Catalog of Oriental Syrphidae, which increased Indian subregion species to 312 species, in 71 genera.