Christmas 1984: The Great Apple//c vs. PCjr Battle The Golden Age of Computer Sales surely must have been Christmas 1984. The Macintosh had just been released, Compaq and IBM offered powerful new CPUs, but the real action was a massive Christmas sales battle between the Apple//c and the IBM PCjr. I remember it well, I was working at ComputerLand in Los Angeles, and I was at the very center of the battle. The '84 christmas season would be an inversion of our usual high-end sales efforts. Professional computers from IBM and Compaq were too expensive for the seasonal retail market, and the Macintosh was too new and little software was available. ComputerLand was always intensely busy in December, handling christmas shoppers as well as large corporate customers who had to spend their budgets before December 31. Amidst all this flurry of year-end sales activity, Apple and IBM decided to fight it out in the low end consumer market. The Apple//c was a pretty darn good computer. It was inexpensive, with nice peripherals including a mouse, which had just made its debut on the Macintosh. The //c and the Mac casings were produced by Frog Design, so consumers got some of the cachet of the Mac even if they could only afford a //c. IBM's competition was a notorious flop, the PCjr. It had just been revamped, the "chiclet" keyboard was replaced with a better model, an inexpensive (but blurry) color monitor was standard. Microsoft produced a "sidecar" with extra memory and a Mouse, and bundled it with primitive apps like PCPaint and PFS:Write.
{PDF EPUB} Lotusscript for Visual Basic Programmers by IBM
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Lotusscript for Visual Basic Programmers by IBM Redbooks Sep 01, 1996 · Lotusscript for Visual Basic Programmers Paperback – September 1, 1996 by IBM Redbooks (Author) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions This chapter describes the differences and similarities between Visual Basic Release 4 and LotusScript, which comes as part of Lotus Notes Release 4 and other Lotus products, such as Word Pro, Freelance, and Approach. We will compare the syntactical language portions of LotusScript and Visual Basic. Jun 03, 2003 · LotusScript is an object oriented programming language used by Lotus Notes (since version 4.0) and other IBM Lotus Software products. LotusScript is similar to Visual Basic. Developers familiar with one can easily understand the syntax and structure of code in the other. The major differences between the two are in their respective Integrated Development Environments and in the … SG24-4856-00, LotusScript for Visual Basic Programmers: SG24-4862-00, VisualAge DataAtlas Multiplatform Version 2 and Version 2.5: SG24-4864-00, AS/400 and Novell NetWare Interoperation: SG24-4867-00, TME 10 Cookbook for AIX Systems Management and Networking: SG24-4868-00, RS/6000 SP PSSP 2.2 Technical Presentation Oct 24, 2014 · Visual Basic. Dim PSObject as Object Set PSObject = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLPS") PSObject.SetConnectionByName("B") LotusScript Extension. dim myPSObj as new lsxECLPS("B") An HACL connection name is a single character from A-Z or a-z. Oct 27, 2008 · this are free from IBM. You can download the Redbook(s) you need to get the job done. The books you need are: SG24-5670- 00 COM Together - with Domino SG24-4856 Lotusscript for Visual Basic Programmers These books are a bit of a tutorial on what you can and cannot do, and in what context(s).
Racore Companions™ Drive Two Plus (Model 1500/1501) Installation Instructions
Racore Companions™ Drive Two Plus (Model 1500/1501) Installation Instructions If your IBM PCjr has not been set up at this time, do so before installing this product. This carton contains the following: • Top Assembly with Diskette Drive and Power Supply. • Side Board Assembly. • Transformer with power cords. • Racore Diskette Drive Signal Cable. • Racore Software Diskette and Documentation. If Model 1501 • DMA floppy Controller Board and Cable. If any item is missing or damaged, notify place of purchase. Racore Computer IBM, IBM PC, and IBM PCjr are regIstered trademarks of Products, Inc. International Business Machine Corporation Hacore and Hacore CompanIOns are trademarks of Corporate OffIce Racore Computer Products, Inc. 170 Knowles Dr. Los Gatos CA 95030 e 1985 Racore Computer Products, Inc. Federal Communications Commission Radio :Frequency Interference Statement Warning: This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part IS of FCC Rules. Only peripherals (computer input/ output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with Class B limits may be attached to this device. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. Instruction to User This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy. If not installed and used properly in strict accordance with the operating instructions, it may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part IS of FCC Rules to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operating in a residential installation.
{PDF EPUB} Learning IBM Basic: for the Personal Computer by David A
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer by David A. Lien Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer [Lien, David A.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer5/5(1)Format: PaperbackAuthor: David A. LienLearning IBM BASIC for the personal computer : Lien, David ... IBM BASIC for the personal computer Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. ... Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer by Lien, David A. (David Alvin), 1934-Publication date 1984 Topics IBM Personal Computer, BASIC (Computer program language), ComputersPages: 520Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer (Book, 1985 ... this from a library! Learning IBM BASIC for the personal computer. [David A Lien] Learning IBM BASIC For The Personal Computer: ISBN: 0-932760-13-9: Author: David A. Lien: Publisher: Compusoft Publishing: Price: $19.95: First Printing: 1984: Number of Pages: 496 Learning IBM BASIC for the Personal Computer by David A. Lien A copy that has been read, but remains in clean condition. All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. The spine may show signs of wear. Pages can include limited notes and highlighting, and the copy … Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal Computer Nov 1, 1983. by David A. Lien Paperback. $23.99. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. ... by David Lien Paperback. $3.76. More Buying Choices $3.76 ... Aug 22, 2008 · Author of MS-DOS, The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language, The BASIC handbook, Learning BASIC for Tandy computers, Learning Apple II BASIC, The IBM BASIC handbook, The Tandy 200 portable computer, Learning Microsoft BASIC for the MacintoshWritten works: Learning IBM Basic: For the Personal ComputerBooks by David A.
Das Poster der digitalen Evolution – Die Meilensteine der Computer-, Elektronik- und Telekommunikations-Geschichte bis 1977 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 und ... Von den Anfängen bis zu den Geburtswehen des PCs PC-Geburt Evolution einer neuen Industrie Business-Start PC-Etablierungsphase Benutzerfreundlichkeit wird gross geschrieben Durchbruch in der Geschäftswelt Das Zeitalter der Fensterdarstellung Online-Zeitalter Internet-Hype Wireless-Zeitalter Web 2.0/Start Cloud Computing Start des Tablet-Zeitalters AI (CC, Deep- und Machine-Learning), Internet der Dinge (IoT) und Augmented Reality (AR) Zukunftsvisionen Phasen aber A. Bowyer Cloud Wichtig Zählhilfsmittel der Frühzeit Logarithmische Rechenhilfsmittel Einzelanfertigungen von Rechenmaschinen Start der EDV Die 2. Computergeneration setzte ab 1955 auf die revolutionäre Transistor-Technik Der PC kommt Jobs mel- All-in-One- NAS-Konzept OLPC-Projekt: Dass Computer und Bausteine immer kleiner, det sich Konzepte Start der entwickelt Computing für die AI- schneller, billiger und energieoptimierter werden, Hardware Hände und Finger sind die ersten Wichtige "PC-Vorläufer" finden wir mit dem werden Massenpro- den ersten Akzeptanz: ist bekannt. Bei diesen Visionen geht es um die Symbole für die Mengendarstel- schon sehr früh bei Lernsystemen. iMac und inter- duktion des Open Source Unterstüt- möglichen zukünftigen Anwendungen, die mit 3D-Drucker zung und lung. Ägyptische Illustration des Beispiele sind: Berkley Enterprice mit neuem essant: XO-1-Laptops: neuen Technologien und Konzepte ermöglicht Veriton RepRap nicht Ersatz werden.
Related Links History of the Radio Shack Computers
Home Page Links Search About Buy/Sell! Timeline: Show Images Radio Shack TRS-80 Model II 1970 Datapoint 2200 Catalog: 26-4002 1971 Kenbak-1 Announced: May 1979 1972 HP-9830A Released: October 1979 Micral Price: $3450 (32K RAM) 1973 Scelbi-8H $3899 (64K RAM) 1974 Mark-8 CPU: Zilog Z-80A, 4 MHz MITS Altair 8800 RAM: 32K, 64K SwTPC 6800 Ports: Two serial ports 1975 Sphere One parallel port IMSAI 8080 IBM 5100 Display: Built-in 12" monochrome monitor MOS KIM-1 40 X 24 or 80 X 24 text. Sol-20 Storage: One 500K 8-inch built-in floppy drive. Hewlett-Packard 9825 External Expansion w/ 3 floppy bays. PolyMorphic OS: TRS-DOS, BASIC. 1976 Cromemco Z-1 Apple I The Digital Group Rockwell AIM 65 Compucolor 8001 ELF, SuperELF Wameco QM-1A Vector Graphic Vector-1 RCA COSMAC VIP Apple II 1977 Commodore PET Radio Shack TRS-80 Atari VCS (2600) NorthStar Horizon Heathkit H8 Intel MCS-85 Heathkit H11 Bally Home Library Computer Netronics ELF II IBM 5110 VideoBrain Family Computer The TRS-80 Model II microcomputer system, designed and manufactured by Radio Shack in Fort Worth, TX, was not intended to replace or obsolete Compucolor II the Model I, it was designed to take up where the Model I left off - a machine with increased capacity and speed in every respect, targeted directly at the Exidy Sorcerer small-business application market. Ohio Scientific 1978 Superboard II Synertek SYM-1 The Model II contains a single-sided full-height Shugart 8-inch floppy drive, which holds 500K bytes of data, compared to only 87K bytes on the 5-1/4 Interact Model One inch drives of the Model I.
Compiled, It Probably Won't Work Clude an Integrated Editor, Compiler
code, exits to the operating system, and runs the compiler. The compiler File Edit Pieu Search Run Debug Calls Options Help HELP: Table of Contents often finds typing and syntax errors, <Help on Help 'Contents, index Product Support Copyright= which means that the person doing Using QuickBASlC> BASIC Programming Language programming has to re-edit the file - 'Shortcut Key Summary: - Functional Beyuord Lists and compile it again. Edit Keys' - :Syntax Notation Conventions Once the program is successfully View Keys- Search Keys - Fundamental Building Blocks' compiled, it probably won't work 'Run and Debug Keys - Data types> Help Keys - Expressions and Operators correctly. So the programmer tries to - Nodules and Procedures figure out what went wrong, and Limits to QuickBASIC- - Selected Programs Version 1.5 Differences then makes corrections to the source - QB Command Line Options, - ASCII Character Codes code and starts the entire process Survival Guide - 'Keyboard Scan Codes over. Modern compilers often in- 5Bh 7uLML ORS)! ' This program graphically demonstrates six common sorting algorithms. Itlu t clude an integrated editor, compiler prints 25 or 13 horizontal bars, all of different lengths and all In random and debugger that make the process order, then sorts the bars from smallest to longest. less painful, but it still can be slow. Immediate The other group of languages is <ShiftF1=Heip> <F6=gindou> <F2=Subs> <F5=Bun> <FB=Step> om based on interpreters instead of com- Help table of contents, along with a bit of a program. pilers. The interpreter takes the code that you write and executes it one line or statement at a time.
The Apple Macintosh Computer Mouse-window-desktop technology arrives for under $2500 by Gregg Williams Apple established itself as one of strengthened that reputation with a The Macintosh arrives, finally, after the leading innovators in personal new machine, the Macintosh (above). a history of colorful rumors. It will computing technology a year ago by In terms of technological sophistica- cost from $1995 to $2495, weighs 22.7 introducing the Lisa, a synthesis and tion and probable effect on the mar- pounds, and improves on the mouse- extension of human-interface tech- ketplace, the Macintosh will outdis- window-desktop technology started nology that has since been widely tance the Lisa as much as the Lisa by the impressive but expensive Lisa imitated. Now the company has has outdistanced its predecessors. computer. A system with printer and 30 February 1984 C BYTE Publications Inc. second disk drive costs about $900 corner are selections for the current commercial product: the graphics/ more, but even at that price, the line width. By selecting the "open mouse orientation, the desktop meta- Macintosh is worth waiting for. oval" tool and the thickest line width, phor, the data-as-concrete-object we can draw empty ovals with thick metaphor, and the shared user inter- The Macintosh at Work borders (figure 1d). By selecting the face between programs. The Mac has Before we look at the Macintosh (or "paint bucket" tool and the "diagonal inherited these concepts; for further Mac) in more detail, lets look at how bricks" pattern, we can fill the oval details on them, see my article, "The it works.
1 Kenbak-1 First Commercially Assembled Personal Computer
Jennifer Pondo 1 Digital Preservation Fall 2007 1971 Kenbak-1 First commercially assembled personal computer. Small and large integrated circuits Memory capacity of 256 bytes switches for input/ lights for output1 limited input/output capabilities2 1972 1973 MCM-70 Intel 8008 processor 2 kB RAM, 14kB ROM cassette drive3 1974 Altair 8800 2 MHz Intel 8080 microprocessor Memory 256 bytes expandable to 64kB open 100line bus structure4 Space for 18 cards5 1975 BASIC Originally designed for the Altair computer. Required 6k of memory Other versions were created at 4k, 8k, and 12k The software was licensed to MITS and Microsoft received royalties on the sale of each computer with the Operating System installed. (Many versions of BASIC were written since it worked as na interpreter and therefore had to change depending on the hardware and the original language. Other interpreters were written after BASIC for the programming languages COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL. It was originally written to work with the CP/M system but versions were 1 ; (page accessed in November and December of 2007) 2 A History of the Personal Computer, Roy A. Allan, Allan Publishing London, 2001. pg. AA/7 3 Chronology of Personal Computers ; (page accessed in November and December of 2007) 4 ; (page accessed in November and December of 2007) 5 A History of the Personal Computer, Roy A. Allan, Allan Publishing London, 2001. pg. AA/7 Jennifer Pondo 2 Digital Preservation Fall 2007 written to work with other systems as well.
We have briefly covered many aspects of language design And there are many more factors we could talk about in making choices of language The End There are many languages out there, both general purpose and specialist And there are many more factors we could talk about in making choices of language The End There are many languages out there, both general purpose and specialist We have briefly covered many aspects of language design The End There are many languages out there, both general purpose and specialist We have briefly covered many aspects of language design And there are many more factors we could talk about in making choices of language Often a single project can use several languages, each suited to its part of the project And then the interopability of languages becomes important For example, can you easily join together code written in Java and C? The End Or languages And then the interopability of languages becomes important For example, can you easily join together code written in Java and C? The End Or languages Often a single project can use several languages, each suited to its part of the project For example, can you easily join together code written in Java and C? The End Or languages Often a single project can use several languages, each suited to its part of the project And then the interopability of languages becomes important The End Or languages Often a single project can use several languages, each suited to its part of the project And then the interopability of languages becomes important For example, can you easily