16,000 Lives Could Be Saved Continued from Front Page
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NO.1, MARCH 2019 The health costs of dirty diesel revealed Air pollution from road traffic causes dam- age worth at least €80 billion every year in the EU, with diesel fumes responsible for three-quarters of the harm. ► Page 3 ÅKANSSON H CCS 2001–2018: Expectations and results LARS-ERIK © Carbon capture and storage is not a real mitigation option. There are faster, cleaner, surer, safer, more durable, more effective and cheaper ways to cut CO2. ► Page 10 Set strict emission limits for power plants It is now up to the member states to set ambitious emission standards for large combustion plants, in line with the strictest recommended air pollution limit values. ► Page 14 Investing in electricity from renewables Ambitious countries and companies are showing the way with a strategy that could 16,000 lives help eliminate the risk of unmanageable climate change. ► Page 16 could be saved A win-win for health Full implementation of emission control measures in all and environment European sea regions would provide net socio-economic A great food transformation could save benefits of up to €19 bn in 2030, rising to €40 bn in 2050. 11 million lives a year and mitigate cli- On 31 January the International Institute Areas (ECA) for sulphur and nitrogen mate change. This would however require for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) oxides (SECA and NECA), as well as the new institutions such as an IPCC for our food system. published a comprehensive study on the retrofitting of exhaust gas cleaning to ► Page 22 potential for additional cost-effective existing ships to further cut emissions of measures to reduce air pollutant emis- NOx and particle matter (PM). sions from international shipping in all In brief, the report: Opportunity to European sea regions, but with a special • Updates the projections of the likely sharpen CAP proposal focus on the Mediterranean Sea. The study development of maritime transport For the CAP to deliver on environmental was produced on behalf of the European activities and the resulting emissions and climate goals, policy makers must Commission’s DG Environment. of air pollutants and carbon dioxide; • specify targets and ring-fence funding A series of alternative emission control Provides new assessments of costs of for green interventions. measures was explored, including the compliance with current legislation; ► Page 24 establishment of new Emission Control Page 4 A newsletter from the Air Pollution & Climate Editorial Secretariat, the primary aim of which is to Over the last provide information on air pollution and its thirty years, fuel and emis- ECA would already amount to more than effects on health and the environment. sion standards for land-based transport €10 billion per year by 2030 – up to ten Anyone interested in these matters is invited have been dramatically strengthened times more than the estimated emission to contact the Secretariat. All requests for over most of the world. But international abatement costs (for details, see articles information or material will be dealt with to shipping – which is primarily regulated by on page 1 and page 6). the best of our ability. Acid News is available the International Maritime Organization Focussing on reducing ship emissions in free of charge. (IMO) – has for a the Mediterranean In order to fulfil the purpose of Acid News, long time resisted Sea, a coalition of we need information from everywhere, so if “designate you have read or heard about something that similar legislation six environmental might be of general interest, please write or for emissions of both all sea areas groups in Mediter- send a copy to: air pollutants and ranean countries Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat greenhouse gases. around Europe together with the Första Långgatan 18, 413 28 Göteborg, Currently, most German Nature and Sweden ocean-going ships as full Emission Biodiversity Con- Tel: +46 31 711 45 15 burn extremely servation Union E-mail: [email protected] dirty fuels that may (NABU), has agreed Internet: www.airclim.org Control Areas” contain up to 3500 a set of demands1, Editor: Kajsa Pira times the sulphur including: • Assistant editors: Christer Ågren, Reinhold content of road diesel fuel, and even The designation of the Mediterranean Pape & Marko Reinikainen after implementation of the new global Sea as a combined SECA and NECA 0.5 per cent sulphur limit in 2020, they by 2020; Printed by Trydells Tryckeri, Laholm, Sweden. are still allowed to burn fuels with 500 • A coherent ECA for all European waters ISSN 0281-5087. times more sulphur. that covers all major air pollutants (SO2, Moreover, the globally applicable ni- NOx, PM and BC); The Air Pollution and Climate Secretariat • The Secretariat has a board consisting of one trogen oxides Tier 2 limit values for ship Cooperation of EU states with non-EU representative from each of the following engines are very weak, and as they only coastal states to establish a Mediter- organisations: Friends of the Earth Sweden, apply to new ships it will take around 30 ranean ECA; Nature and Youth Sweden, the Swedish So- years until all ships comply. • A ban on toxic heavy fuel oil and con- ciety for Nature Conservation, and the World Outdated and lax emission regulations sequently a ban on the use of scrubbers; Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Sweden. • The essential aim of the Secretariat is to explain why ship emissions are a major A harmonised and effective control and promote awareness of the problems associ- contributor to bad air quality and why air enforcement scheme. ated with air pollution and climate change, pollution from shipping is responsible for Applying new and improved emission and thus, in part as a result of public pressure, around 50,000 annual cases of premature control techniques must be part of the to bring about the needed reductions in the deaths in Europe. emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse solution, but quickly phasing out the gases. The aim is to have those emissions The obvious way forward is for the EU use of fossil fuels is key to resolving both eventually brought down to levels that man and its member states to quickly follow the climate change and air pollution, as it and the environment can tolerate without example of the United States and Canada cuts emissions of the main greenhouse suffering damage. and designate all sea areas around Europe gas carbon dioxide as well as those of In furtherance of these aims, the Secretariat: as full Emission Control Areas (ECA), i.e. 8 Keeps up observation of political trends health-damaging air pollutants. and scientific developments. covering the major air pollutants – sulphur It is not acceptable for the shipping 8 Acts as an information centre, primarily for dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate industry to keep on transferring the European environmentalist organisations, matter. So far, however, only the Baltic cost of its pollution to society at large. but also for the media, authorities, and Sea and the North Sea have ECA status. The IMO and EU regulations must be researchers. Compared to the current global require- strengthened and fully implemented. To 8 Produces information material. ments, the ECA standards will cut sulphur 8 Supports environmentalist bodies in other encourage the use of the best techniques, countries in their work towards common in fuel by 97 per cent, particulate matter to improve energy efficiency and to speed ends. (PM2.5) emissions by 75 per cent, and NOx up the introduction of cleaner fuels and 8 Participates in the lobbying and campaigning emissions by 75 per cent. alternative (zero-CO2) propulsion systems, activities of European environmentalist orga- According to recent studies, such action regulations should be complemented by nisations concerning European policy relating would be highly cost-effective and save to air quality and climate change, as well as in economic instruments, such as emission meetings of the Convention on Long-range many thousands of lives every year. For charges. Christer Ågren Transboundary Air Pollution and the UN example, the monetised health benefits of Framework Convention on Climate Change. designating the Mediterranean Sea as an 1 https://en.nabu.de/imperia/md/content/nabude/ verkehr/hg_mediterranean_eca_final.pdf 2 ACID NEWS NO. 1, MARCH 2019 The health costs of dirty diesel revealed Air pollution from road traffic causes damage worth at least €80 billion every year in the EU, with diesel fumes responsible for three-quarters of the harm. © Shutterstock – ANN131313 Commissioned by the European Public the social costs of diesel pollution are met be saved by their governments through Health Alliance (EPHA), the new CE by taxpayers, not the car industry. various emission reduction measures. Delft study (“Health impacts and costs The main air pollutants from road Air pollution from road traffic is expected of diesel emissions in the EU”) assesses transport are particulate matter (PM) and to come down significantly between 2016 the current social costs of road vehicle NOx. But vehicle emissions also include and 2030, as are the related costs. In the emissions in the EU on people’s health other pollutants, such as non-methane baseline scenario, the total air pollution and government budgets, as well as the volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) costs in 2030 are estimated at €25.6 billion, social benefits of phasing out diesels and and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of which €23.3 billion are health related. switching to electric road and other mobil- (PAH) and contribute to excessive levels In addition to the baseline scenario, ity alternatives, such as public transport, of ground-level ozone. two policy scenarios — a low and high walking or cycling. Using a new method to analyse the ambition scenario — were defined and There should be tougher EU-level total costs of road emission air pollu- investigated to assess how additional policy regulation of emissions, said Zoltán tion, the study estimates the total cost efforts would impact emission levels and Massay-Kosubek, policy manager at EPHA, for governments and compulsory insur- related costs in 2030.