_full_journalsubtitle: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography _full_abbrevjournaltitle: SCRI _full_ppubnumber: ISSN 1817-7530 (print version) _full_epubnumber: ISSN 1817-7565 (online version) _full_issue: 1 _full_issuetitle: 0 _full_alt_author_running_head (change var. to _alt_author_rh): Varlamova _full_alt_articletitle_running_head (change var. to _alt_arttitle_rh): Philoponus on the Nature of the Heavens _full_alt_articletitle_toc: 0 _full_is_advance_article: 0 446 Scrinium 14 (2018) 446-461 Varlamova www.brill.com/scri Philoponus on the Nature of the Heavens and the Movement of Elements in Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World Maria Varlamova Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
[email protected] Abstract This paper deals with the John Philoponus' arguments against the eternity of the heav- ens in context of the dispute against the eternity of the world. The theory of eternity of the heavens was defended by Aristotle in his Physics and in the 1st book On the Heavens. In his treatise On Eternity of the World against Aristotle Philoponus attacks the argu- ments of Aristotle in order to prove the essential finititude of the heavens. The Philoponus' arguments are related to the nature and motion of elements and especially to the nature of fire. In order to explore the Philoponus' arguments against Aristotle I compare his doctrine with the Aristotle's theories of elemental nature and celestial motion. Keywords eternity of the heavens – elements – aether – fire – movement – Philoponus – Aristotle * The present study is a part of the project Nr. 16-03-00047, “Nature and movement in the ‘Commentaryon the Physics of Aristotle’ by Michael Psellos. Study of the influence of the late antique tradition, of the correlation between physics and the Orthodox theology, and of the reception in the later Peripatetic physics”, implemented with a financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.