Philip Jenkins | 9780062105141 | | | | | The Great and Holy War How World War I Became a Religious Crusade 1st edition PDF Book His hero, and one of my heroes is George Orwell. At the one-hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the war, historian Philip Jenkins reveals the powerful religious dimensions of this modern-day crusade, a period that marked a traumatic crisis for Western civilization, with effects that echoed throughout the rest of the twentieth century. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Through the story of a famous comedian, George Simmons Adam Sandler , who has a near-death experience, and what he does with a second The disappointed hopes and moral compromises that followed the war also shaped the political climate of the rest of the century, giving rise to such phenomena as Nazism, totalitarianism, and communism. In this setting World War I appears as the first war of science and industry, the first great modern conflict. Hardcover , pages. Jenkins pushes back against the common view that, however idealistic civilians may have been, the horrors of battle made soldiers impatient with lofty ideals. Jenkins argues that we cannot understand the war apart from understanding its religious and spiritual aspects. It has been fascinating and educational. I firmly believe that no single event changed and then shaped our modern world as drastically as this war and Philip Jenkins only scratches the surface on one aspect of how this is so. If you read this and are too skeptical, you should be. Written by the gifted author, editor, and dance critic Robert Gottlieb, George Balanchine describes the life and art of the celebrated, revolutionary ballet choreographer. Both sides invoked the name of God in championing their cause, both used biblical analogies and loaded medieval words to describe the other. There was a continuity from this that carried right into the Third Reich. I had no idea it was that explicit and that influential. The war permanently changed the political, religious, and economic landscape not only of Europe, but the world. When looking to Europe today, you see dwindling numbers of people who consider themselves overtly religious. Fascinating look at the devastating impact of the Great War on the religious life of Europe. What was disheartening to me was to learn that most of the major players in the Great War were at least nominally Christian-majority countries, and that soldiers on both sides were being encouraged to win one for Jesus and lick the heathen enemies. Some of those authorities and believers called on religious reasons to understand or support the war, even to the uttermost. Philip Jenkins thesis centers around the thought that World War I was actually not a political war, but a religious one. Drawing on the wisdom of teacher from the world's great religious traditions, including Robert Thurman, View 2 comments. I am appalled by Mr. Unlock This Article for a Friend To unlock this article for your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. Indeed, the sultan launched his empire into WWI as a holy war, while German agents sought to spark against British and French colonial regimes, with some real effects, including organized violence In contrast, Jenkins assembles a powerful case for understanding World War I as a deeply religious conflict. The Great and Holy War How World War I Became a Religious Crusade 1st edition Writer

And afterwards, the losing sides had to evaluate why god let them lose. After the empire crumbled, the Shia versus Sunni argument came back to haunt them. Christendom, however one chooses to define that conceptual entity, had been badly damaged by the Protestant Reformation but continued to dominate European culture in its various national forms. It wrecked Christendom, catalyzed secularism, and unleashed global religious forces that continue to affect the world today. Working against this conventional wisdom is Philip Jenkins. Spengler presented nightmare forecasts of the vast megalopolis, ruled by the superrich, with politics reduced to demagoguery and Caesarism, and religion marked by strange oriental . About Philip Jenkins. A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review. What was disheartening to me was to learn that most of the major players in the Great War were at least nominally Christian-majority countries, and that soldiers on both sides were being encouraged to win one for Jesus and lick the heathen enemies. Jenkins pushes back against the common view that, however idealistic civilians may have been, the horrors of battle made soldiers impatient with lofty ideals. The United Kingdom had promised Zionists that it would work to establish a national Jewish homeland in Palestine in The best historians give us both a window through which to see the world, and a mirror in which to examine ourselves. In Africa, Christian evangelists began to turn the tide against animism. Elections - Campaign Coronavirus Racism. It also reminds us that after the victorious nations struggled to manage their expanded empires. The French Revolution and its aftermath further undermined the Church by demonstrating its intimate connection with national power. In the second half, Jenkins examines the global consequences of the war. Publisher HarperOne. In one chapter we read about the genocide of Armenians on the Eastern Front while in a different chapter he argues that the war set in motion a more activist radicalization of . He reminds us that the Islamic Ottoman empire's genocidal attack on Christian Armenians was, in part, a religious struggle chapter So constantly do such accounts portray soldiers undergoing sacrificial death that it is sometimes hard to tell who, if anyone, is actually attacking, rather than merely dying nobly. Meanwhile, the of Joan of Arc in France reached new heights during the war. In this setting World War I appears as the first war of science and industry, the first great modern conflict. View all 6 comments. Perhaps not. Sep 01, Jonathan rated it really liked it. His other books have also been consistently well received. Although no one could have predicted it in , African Christianity would flourish in subsequent generations, a trend that shows no sign of slowing: It is assumed that, by the middle of the 21st century, one-third of all Christians will live there. Jenkins documentation of the role that clerics of every denominational stripe …Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant… contributed to the fueling of the deadly horrors of hyper-militarism, hyper-nationalism, and in Germany especially, antisemitic proto-Nazism. The religious center of Christianity began to shift towards Asia and Africa. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Jenkins reveals how the widespread belief in angels and apparitions, visions and the supernatural was a driving force throughout the war and shaped all three of the major religions—Christianity, and Islam—paving the way for modern views of religion and violence. The book reminds us that religion played a huge role in the Russian Revolution and Civil War "a full-scale religious civil war" , and that many believers beyond the Orthodox spent the next generations terrified of a Soviet-style campaign against belief; the 20th century's anticommunist movement would draw heavily on religion. With a surplus of quotes and references, he shows how various religious figures used scripture and spiritual talk to justify their participation in the war and how God was on their side and against their enemies. Jenkins even establishes a link between Rudolf Steiner, visionary on multiple levels, and the von Moltke family, leaders of the German war machine Jenkins covers movements from Morocco to the East Indies in this section, a truly global survey of religion during and after the Great War. The Great and Holy War How World War I Became a Religious Crusade 1st edition Reviews

Mar 08, Diane rated it really liked it. I wrote this review for my school's monthly magazine. Meanwhile, the cult of Joan of Arc in France reached new heights during the war. Perhaps it can be said that World War One was the last time the west accepted any form of theocracy. Fascinating look at the devastating impact of the Great War on the religious life of Europe. In Europe itself, the war gave birth to apocalyptic interpretations of history on the one hand and challenged traditional teachings of the church on the other. Philip Jenkins has written an excellent book on the role that religion played in World War I. The war permanently changed the political, religious, and economic landscape not only of Europe, but the world. View 1 comment. It also reminds us that after the victorious nations struggled to manage their expanded empires. One quote from the conclusion that I appreciate: "Observing a revolution is quite different from comprehending it. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. All fascinating to me, at least. Chilling Effect. This article is from the June issue. John Philip Jenkins was born in Wales in On the th anniversary year of the beginning of World War I, this book looks at the sense in which it was a great religious war. Connecting numerous remarkable incidents and characters—from Karl Barth to Carl Jung, the Christmas Truce to the Armenian Genocide—Jenkins creates a powerful and persuasive narrative that brings together global politics, history, and spiritual crisis as never before and shows how religion informed and motivated circumstances on all sides of the war. Email Address. Philip Jenkins. He credits the war with discrediting the established churches, and making way for the spread of Christianity into the developing world, enabling Zionism, and destroying Islamic political power to make way for new revivalist movements. At home, there were apocalyptic expectations, that started in the 19th century and carried over to the 20th. That is, what they created for future generations. In fact, the Middle East as we know it today was because of the treaties at the end of World War I see my book review on the Fall of the Ottomans for more information. He takes care to show how Russian orthodoxy committed itself to holy war. Hardcover , pages. All readers, however, will come away with a better understanding of the "Great and Holy War" and grasp how it irrevocably changed the world, even into our own present day. Oddly, it was the liberal progressive Christians, practicers of the social gospel feeding the poor, providing housing , who championed intervention as part of its goal to spread the Kingdom of God on earth. This highly accessible resource distils Mircea Eliade's lifework of detailing and comparing humanity's entire religious heritage, providing fascinating insights into the character Jenkins draws on a poem by J. Be the first to ask a question about The Great and Holy War. It is in the profoundest and truest sense a Holy War…. The modern wars of today -- From Bosnia to Syria -- are the bitter fruits of a world torn asunder years ago that is still attempting to sort itself out using bombs, bullets, propaganda, and Holy War rhetoric. Published April 29th by HarperOne first published January 1st Initially, denominations with close ties to warring states--Anglicanism in Britain, Lutheranism in Germany--supported the war and justified the slaughter that was to come. And while in Russia, the Bolsheviks destroyed the church that was once tied to the Tsar, the people and the land; elsewhere, the churches were having to accept they no longer could tie themselves to the nations and accept living aside secular governments. Many gave it up while others entrenched, felt a more literal reading of the holy texts was in order. It focuses on how European combatants framed the conflict using the holy war rhetoric of medieval Christendom. In essence, 'modern media reinforced medieval beliefs'. Jenkins goes into detail to describe how and why this was done. It was perhaps inevitable that a global war loaded with such religious significance would bring long-lasting religious consequences.

The Great and Holy War How World War I Became a Religious Crusade 1st edition Read Online

Jenkins argument is really weak. This work covers the religious intensity of the populace as the war began. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Jenkins argues that we cannot understand the war apart from understanding its religious and spiritual aspects. However, I would recommend the book. Important Perspective! Share This Article with a Friend To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. See something we missed? The definitive dictionary of the world's religions, compiled by two of the 20th century's most distinguished religion scholars. Free Newsletters Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! As a consequence, religion itself, particularly Christianity - Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic - was fundamentally transformed even if it took several generations to understand what that transformation entailed. Those who fall before the demonic foe are "sacrifices" and "martyrs. Part of the problem is that he never really defines "religion" and uses that ambiguity to define everything from Nationalism to Spiritualism as "religion" without making clear by what criteria some social phenomena was NOT religion. As a profe What is the relationship between religion and violence? Drugs had derailed my baseball career and driven me to despair. It was interesting to see, too, how as the war dragged on, some people started looking towards other forms of spiritualism, particularly that of Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy. But the experience of both the war and the inherent contradictions in Christian teaching had two highly consequential effects that were masked by this apparent stability: The rapid growth of parallel spiritual movements both within and without Christianity; and an equally rapid development of alternative institutional theologies. These forces continue to influence world events today. That is, what they created for future generations. Because of this, Muslims dominated the left over populous, making the Middle East dominantly Muslim. Jenkins documentation of the role that clerics of every denominational stripe …Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant… contributed to the fueling of the deadly horrors of hyper-militarism, hyper-nationalism, and in Germany especially, antisemitic proto-Nazism. Those who serve the nation in battle are the instruments of the Lord. What followed was the eventual rise of modern Islam as we perceive it today: "assertive, self-confident, and aggressively sectarian. To the contrary, Jenkins finds, men on the frontlines were "amazingly open to accepting and repeating. But it has become no less emotionally powerful and intellectually self-serving. For Roman Catholics, various prophecies, very broadly stated, were given by the Virgin Mary as she appeared in various apparitions. Log in. As Jenkins shows, such aftershocks were profound and far-reaching, yet difficult to generalize. Some of the country's top scholars and theologians actually formulated rationalizations for violence and conquest based on what they presumed was an extension of Protestant Christian doctrine. Christianity in that continent was finally disentangled from the political ideologies of the colonizing powers. But these allusions to Armageddon were in vain. Best to continue to observe, than be too quick to render final judgment. Chilling Effect. And you can find that kind of holy-war rhetoric erupting from every major nation involved. At home, there were apocalyptic expectations, that started in the 19th century and carried over to the 20th. The second part of the book then deals with the consequences of the war in general and specifically the consequences, short and long term, of the religious rhetoric that each side blatantly bandied about. Miracles and angel sitings were reported in the press. Elections - Campaign Coronavirus Racism. All fascinating to me, at least. As the book repeatedly demonstrates, "the world's modern religious history makes no sense except in the context of that terrible conflict.