Certificate of compliance with production rules equivalent to Regulations (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 Certificate N°: 89713 issued by CERES GmbH to: A. Fakhry & Co. 1081 Corniche El-Nil, Garden City Cairo 11451, EGYPT This certificate covers the following products and activities: Product Status Essential oils, hydrolates, extracts, resinoids, seed cakes and Organic fatty oils, of different aromatic varieties according to annex; also seeds and dried materials (e.g. leaves, rinds, blossoms, blossom buds) from all listed aromatic varieties Activities: Processing by: A. Fakhry & Co., Shoubra Beloula El-Sakhaweya, Kutur Export / Trading by: A. Fakhry & Co., Cairo 11451 Happurg, 13 May 2019 Bernhard Schulz, CERES GmbH Inspection date: 05 Dec. 2018 Certificate expires: 31 Dec. 2019 The CERES certifier code EG-BIO-140 must be used on all labels, delivery notes, invoices and other relevant documents related to organic sales. Note that this certificate only refers to the organic mode of production according to Art. 29(1) of Reg. (EC) 834/07, not to any other aspect of food quality. CERES authorises the above mentioned operator to use the CERES seal on the organic products specified above, but not on products "in conversion". The CERES Seal is property of CERES GmbH, Happurg. (4.8.1en v 20.12.2018) CERES GmbH Phone: +49-9151-96692-0 Vorderhaslach 1 Fax: +49-9151-96692-10 ISO/IEC 17065 accredited 91230 Happurg E-mail:
[email protected] for product certification by: Germany www.ceres -cert.com Trade Register: HRB 21261 NOP Certificate Certificate N°: 89714 issued by CERES to: A.