Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 28, 2005 OUR 115th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 17-2005 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Accident Claims Council, BOE Setting Process Life of Mother From Westfield To Review Defeated Budget By MEREDITH MANNINO By PAUL J. PEYTON with a “good opportunity to come stated. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Specially Written for The Westfield Leader together.” A proposed multi-million parking WESTFIELD — A 40-year old WESTFIELD – The Town Council “People need to maintain their cool deck referendum was trounced at the Westfield woman died last Thurs- and Board of Education (BOE) this heads,” Councilman Betancourt said. polls in November and a referendum day in a car accident on Meisel week began ironing out the process for “There is no axe to grind here.” for a turf field and new track at Kehler Avenue in Springfield. the council’s review of the school bud- Mayor Greg McDermott said, “Our Stadium passed by only 280 votes and According to witnesses, the early get following its defeat last week by job is not to hinder or reduce the now the school budget was defeated. morning crash occurred when an voters. quality of education (in Westfield).” Mayor McDermott said, “It is get- SUV driven by Cheryl Lambert, The defeat of the $66 million school “Our goal is to give our residents a ting difficult to make those (tax) pay- 40, crossed the double yellow line tax levy is the first to be defeated ments.” and careened into oncoming traf- by Westfield voters in a decade.