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Nursing Alumni Bulletins Jefferson Nursing

Fall 1985

Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 1985

Flossie Roche

Barbara D. Schraeder

Margaret . Jackson

Alice C. Boehret

Margaret M. Cossman

See next page for additional authors

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Recommended Citation Roche, Flossie; Schraeder, Barbara D.; Jackson, Margaret M.; Boehret, Alice C.; Cossman, Margaret M.; Piersol, Betty; Riland, Martha E.; Bowman, Doris E.; Spena, Grace A.; and Keating, Cathleen, "Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 1985" (1985). Nursing Alumni Bulletins. Paper 49.

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This newsletter is available at Jefferson Digital Commons: NURSES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BULLETIN

1891 1985

School of Nursing College of Allied Health Sciences Thomas Jefferson University

FALL 1985 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING College of Allied Health Sciences Thomas Jefferson University



Page Alumni Calendar ...... 2 ALUMNI LUNCHEON DATE Officers and Committee Chairmen ...... 2 The President's Message ...... 3 Treasurer's Report ...... 4 Nurses' Relief Fund ...... 4 Scholarship Fund ...... 4 MAY 3, 1986 International Travel as a Nurse ...... 5 Spruce Street Nurses Residence Rules ...... 8 Tempus Fidgets ...... 9 Jefferson Projects Grow ...... 11 Fiftieth Anniversary ...... 12 11:30 A.M. Happy Birthday ...... 14 Believe It or Not?? ...... 14 Grant Program for Nursing Students in 1984 ...... 15 Bequests ...... 15 Nursing Alumni Association Hosted by Alumni Office and Department of Nursing . . . 16 Resume of Minutes of Alumni Association Meetings ...... 17 Alumni Office News ...... 17 Committee Reports ...... 18 JEFFERSON ALUMNI HALL Scholarship ...... , ...... 18 Social ...... 19 Satellite ...... 19 1 020 Locust Street Finance ...... 20 In Memoriam, Names of Deceased Graduates ...... 25 A Prayer for the Mature ...... 25 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Luncheon Pictures ...... 26 Class Notes ...... 28 Caps, Pins, Transcripts, Class Address Lists ...... 45 Change of Address Form ...... 45 Relief Fund Application ...... 46 Scholarship Fund Application ...... 49 Membership Application ...... 51 Notice, Alumni Luncheon ...... 52 JEFFERSON NURSES' ALUMNI ASSOCIATION A Message From The President MEETING CALENDAR THE BULLETIN PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Regular meetings of the Alumni Association will be held 1985 on the following dates: September 10, 1985 EVELYN DUTE , '36 November 12, 1985 NANCY T. POWELL, '51 BETTY PIERSOL, '34 January 14, 1986 MARTHA E. RILAND, '27 March 11 , 1986 MARGARET SUMMERS, '41, Chairman May 13, 1986 (Annual Meeting) The meetings will be held at Jefferson Alumni Hall , 10th Credits and Locust Streets, Phi ladelphia. Meetings will begin at 4:30 JANET WAXMAN P.M. Room number will be posted in lobby. Director of Development and Director of Alumni Programs- C.A.H.S. CAROLYN ROBINSON OFFICERS 1985-1986 Alumni Secretary- C.A.H.S. President FLORENCE ROCHE, '56 The Bulletin is published annually by Serving as your President in the past year, I have encountered First Vice President JANET HINDSON, '50 Alumni Association of the School of Nursing challenge, sustained change, and growth in our Association. College of Allied Health Sciences Our bi-monthly meetings have been informative and stimulating, Second Vice President Thomas Jefferson University NANCY POWELL, '51 T. Philadelphia, PA 19107 but still lack participation on your part as fellow alumni. As years Recording Secretary pass, I still see the same 20-25 faces at our meetings who hold your BETTY PIERSOL, '34 Alumni Association together. If we are to remain viable, we must Treasurer have your participation and input. CAROLINE MASUDA, '37 I know all of you enjoy the Bulletin and the luncheon. However, MARGARET M. COSSMAN, '47 (president ex-officio) it takes people to make all of these things happen. These same people manage your funds and the contributions you make to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Association. But, the managers of today may not be here for tomor­ ALICE BOEHRET, '42 row; therefore, I am appealing to you for your help and participation DORIS E. BOWMAN, '42 to assist in the endeavors of your peers in keeping the Association EVELYN R. CURRAN, '35 DOLORES HECKENBERGER, '55 alive. JEANNE HOLZBAUR, '51 Benefits from new changes are occurring with our Scholarship DOROTHY RANCK, '39 Fund and as we mature, our Relief Fund will be more active. There NANCY C. SCOTT, '55 GRACE A. SPENA, '71 have been several gifts and bequests from Alumni which have cre­ ated minor legal problems and a lot of painstaking time to solve. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Please use the forms in your Bulletin to allay some of these problems Bulletin with Scholarship, Relief and Bequests. MARGARET SUMMERS, '41 I extend my wholehearted gratitude to your Board of Directors, Finance Committee Chairpersons and their committee members and those BETTY PIERSOL, '34 of you who actively participated in Alumni meetings and affairs. Your Nominating NANCY C. SCOTT, '55 support and encouragement have been most valuable to me, and I look forward with pride to my next year in serving as the President. Relief Fund CAROLINE MASUDA, '37 Fondest wishes, Satellite GRACE A. SPENA, '71 Scholarship Flossie Roche, R.N., CNOR DORIS E. BOWMAN, '42 Class of '56 Social CATHLEEN M. KEATING , '53

2 3 .. NURSES' RELIEF FUND TREASURER'S REPORT 1984 Barbara D. Schraeder, a 1965 graduate of the School at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The Nurses' Relief Fund is available to all Diploma and of Nursing, received a Ph.D. degree from Temple Uni­ In the field of neo-natology, Dr. Schraeder has been Receipts: Dues ...... $ 6,855.00 White Haven graduates. The purpose of the Relief Fund is versity in 1984. Her dissertation is titled, Develop­ supported by the American Nurses' Foundation and Annual Luncheon Reservations ...... 4,438.00 to provide financial assistance annually toward hospital bills mental Progress and Behavorial Styles of Very Low the James Picker Foundation. Annual Giving Contributions: and/or bills incurred at home due to an extended illness and Birth Weight Infants During the First Year of Life. Dr. Schraeder has contributed numerous articles to General Fund ...... 16,172.50 requiring the services of a physician. Dr. Schraeder earned her baccalaurate and master's nursing journals on maternal ch ild nursing, intensive Luncheon Bar Receipts ...... 709.00 The fund is also available for use in cases of adversity. degrees at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. care nursing, and low birth weight infants. She collab­ Payment from First Pennsylvania Bank (for Nursing Home cases will be given special consideration. Since 1979, Dr. Schraeder has been on the faculty orated with M. Donor on The Child in Chronic Respi­ Christmas checks & clothing) ...... 1, 900.00 All things being equal, first consideration will be given to of the College of Allied Health Sciences' Department ratory Failure, a chapter in the book, Neonatal and Miscellaneous ...... 234.00 Life and Active members. However, all applications received of Nursing. She is currently an associate professor and Pediatric Critical Care Nursing. TOTAL RECEIPTS ...... $ 30,308.50 will be reviewed and given consideration. teaches courses in family normal pregnancy, perinatal Dr. Schraeder is a member of the American Nurses All or a portion of the amount distributed to a recipient from care, human sexuality, care of well and sick infant and Association, Pennsylvania Nurses Association, Sigma the Relief Fund may have to be reported to the Internal child, and leadership. Theta Tau , Sigma Xi, and many other professional or­ Disbursements: Annual Luncheon Expenses ...... $ 3,174.38 Revenue Service as taxable income. Each recipient will re­ Before coming to Jefferson, Dr. Schraeder was head ganizations. Luncheon Refreshments ...... 469.90 ceive a statement at the end of the year showing what portion nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Intermediate Unit Luncheon Floral Arrangements ...... 195.50 of the distribution to her/him should be reported. Luncheon Photos ...... 43.30 During 1984 we have been able to assist eight of our grad­ Alumni Room Expenses: uates from the relief fund . IF YOU KNOW OF ANY JEFFER­ (stamps, stationery, printing, etc) ...... 4,208.12 SON OR WHITE HAVEN GRADUATE IN NEED OF Rental 30 Tables for Luncheon ...... 149.50 ASSISTANCE, PLEASE LET US KNOW AS SOON AS International Annual Bulletin Printing for (1983-1984) ... . 16,076.66 POSSIBLE. Expenses for Seminar ...... 544.40 An application for Relief Fund benefits can be found in the Honorarium for Seminar Speakers ...... 600.00 back of this bulletin. Travel As A Nurse Contributions ...... 300.00 Contributions to the "Decade Fund" 10,000.00 Wages and Honorarium ...... 4,516.00 As summer approaches, I find myself getting restless. I study my photo albums; scan the book store shelves for the Collector of Internal Revenue (withholding tax) ...... 930.20 latest editions of Baedeker and Foeders' guides; remember Purchase of 2 Typewriters & Accessories . . . 844.63 NURSES' SCHOLARSHIP FUND the fun of stocking up on "travel goodies" - portable clothes Miscellaneous Expenses ...... 410.20 lines, blow-up hangers, tiny tubes of tooth paste and bottles The Clara Melville-Adele Lewis Scholarship Fund contin­ Birthday Arrangements-6 ...... 181 .79 of shampoo. It is summer and it is travel time. The month of ues to provide scholarships to Diploma and White Haven TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ...... $ 42,644.58 June brings the annual Sigma Theta Tau international re­ graduates. . search conference held this year in Tel Aviv, and the Inter­ Scholarships will be available for summer, fall and spnng Cash balance as of December 31, 1984 national Council of Nurses' Meeting in Jerusalem. The General Fund- Checking account ...... 7,064.64 semesters. increasing interest of my fellow nurses in attending these and Each application received will be reviewed by the Schol­ other international meetings mirrors my own enthusiasm for Relief Fund arship Committee; preference will be given to the applicant Total Assets as of December 28 , 1984 ... $717,989.78 international travel ; and more specifically, international travel who has been a member, who is most active in the Alumni Annual Income ...... 44,673.24 as a nurse. Association , and who has most nearly completed require­ Relief Benefits for members-8 ...... 17,800.00 In 1983 I had the opportunity to present a research paper Christmas Checks -12 ...... 1,800.00 ments for a degree. in Madrid, Spain; and in 1984 I presented a paper in Seoul, Please read the Scholarship Committee report, see index Korea. During the latter meeting and a subsequent study tour, Scholarship Fund Market Value ...... 104,465.40 for page. I met formally and informally with nurse colleagues in Korea A Scholarship application can be found in the back of this Book Value ...... 93,207.65 and Taiwan, Republic of China. Also joining us on the tour Scholarships Awarded-5 ...... 10,000.00 bulletin. were nurses from Australia, Nigeria, Liberia and Thailand. Dr. Susie Kim and daughter To my dismay I will not be going abroad this year, but I would Caroline Masuda like to reminisce about my adventures and to share with you egate stood up I felt a surge of energy and pride. It was Treasurer my thoughts about traveling internationally as a nurse. wonderful to consider that despite our differences in dress, "Welcome Honorable Nurses" proclaimed the sign outside color, and language we shared a very fundamental value of our Seoul hotel. It is safe to say that not one of us in the study commitment to helping others. In addition to my conscious tour, from newly graduated staff nurse to dean emeritus, had awareness of lofty ideals, I found myself delighted to be a ever before been described as "honorable" nurse. The name member of such an exotic group! It was fun to see nurses in of our group, Sigma Theta Tau , National Nursing Honor So­ dashikes and turbans, others in the beautiful hanbok of our ciety, had obviously picked up something in the translation, host country, and my American colleagues dressed to the and we were thrilled. We felt suffused with pride in ourselves "nines" for the gala opening of the meeting and planning and in our profession. This professional pride was at a very sessions. Thanks to the diversity of dress and culture and high level throughout the tour as we celebrated ourselves and the Koreans' gift for form and celebration the meetings were our profession. a visual delight. Equally memorable and often moving were My memories of some peak experiences have sustained the papers presented by this international group of nurses. this pride for me. In particular I remember the opening ses­ The papers discussed frankly the needs of the people and sions of the Korean meeting which was co-sponsored by the challenges which face nurses who care about those needs. Sigma Theta Tau and the Korean Academic Nurses' Society. A highlight for all of us was a paper presented by Susie I was especially stirred by the calling of the roll of delegates Kim , R.N ., D.N.S. , an outstanding nurse in the field of wom­ f ~om the countries represented at our meeting. As each del- en 's health care. She described some of the cultural and

4 5 Dr. Kim 's recommendations and her willingness to share with us some of the powerful cultural influences that shape Korean women's lives heightened our appreciation of the style and accomplishment of our Korean nurse colleagues. Their style was one of sophisticated assertiveness combined with gentleness and sensitivity, and their accomplishments are impressive. There is university based education for all nurses. Korea now has 13 Master of Nursing Programs and two Doctor of Nursing Science Programs. Community health practitioners, nurses who have completed their basic nursing education and a 24 week program, provide primary health care in the rural towns and villages. A highlight of our study tour was a site visit to a village to see a nurse practitioner in action. This young woman provided a// of the primary health care to the village. Data presented at the conference con­ firmed that there was widespread acceptance of and satis­ faction with these community nurses. On every measure the people in the village preferred them to the public health doc­ Korean nursing students in traditional dress The night market in Taiwan Modern intensive care nursing in Taiwan tor. A study from two major health institutions indicated that the care provided by community nurses was qualitatively equal our arrival. Formal meetings, tours of hospitals and health nursing team to provide health teaching, pre-operative prep­ legal barriers experienced by Korean women in their tradi­ to and economically more efficient than care provided by care facilities, and opportunities for individual dialogue rein­ aration and discharge teaching to all cardiac surgery patients. tional patriarchal society. We learned of the three rules which regular medical doctors. We learned that even internationally, forced for me the commonalities of our interests and experi­ It also has a well-appointed and very modern intensive care have shaped women's experiences. The first rule, the Virtue when it comes to health, "nurses do it better." ences as women and as nurses. Like their American nursery and adult critical care unit. of Three Obediences prescribed that a woman was subject After bidding a teary and affectionate farewell to our Ko­ counterparts, nurses in Taiwan, the Republic of China, are We spoke with the director of nursing who shared with us to her parents before marriage, to her husband after her rean nurse colleagues we flew on to Taiwan, the Republic of struggling to upgrade the educational preparation of nurses her goals for the coming year: marriage, and to her sons in later years. This rule effectively China. Like Korea, the clearest impression of my visit there and to reconcile the humanistic aspects of care with high • increase the education level of her staff. placed control of all aspects of a woman's life in the hands of is again, a visual one. Representatives from the Taiwan Nurses technology. We had wonderful opportunities to see the Tai­ • introduce a less "task-oriented" approach to nursing care. her father, her husband and her sons. The second rule, Wom­ Association met us at the airport with banners proclaiming wanese expression of the latter issue in the coexistence of • find ways to provide flexible scheduling for nurses who en's Seven Evils subjected a woman to divorce if she dis­ modern western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. wished to combine their nursing careers with the re­ honored her parents-in-law, failed to bear a son, was talkative, We visited the "night market" where we watched individuals sponsibilities of a young family. committed adultery, was jealous, had "bad" diseases or stole. seeking relief from near-sightedness by drinking the bile of Sound familiar? Nursing with its values and challenges is The third rule, Dishonor of Two Husbands demanded the snakes that have been freshly killed before our eyes. We truly a world-wide profession. Returning to my original prem­ complete faithfulness of a widow to her deceased husband. decided not to purchase dried, formerly creepy-crawly things ise I urge you to travel and do it as a nurse. It's a great way Dr. Kim described some of the hardships these customs which are the traditional cure for hemorrhoids, constipation to meet new colleagues, and it can broaden your perspective, perpetrated on women's lives. For instance women who de­ and impotence. We found the night market to be quite a putting you in touch with the universal importance of our livered sons were given the most nutritious foods and had up contrast to the modern 400 bed hospital we visited. We noted profession. It's a sure cure for burn-out, it's fun and tax to 100 days to recuperate from the birth, while women who computers in every nurses' station, and small refrigerators deductible! delivered daughters were considered to have "lost face," and and beds for relatives in every patient's room. The hospital Barbara D. Schraeder, Ph.D., R.N. were expected to resume their normal activities within two to has an open-heart surgery program and cardiac surgery Photographs Courtesy of: Karen Arnold. R.N. Staff Nurse T.J.U. and Barbara Schraeder, R.N. three days of their delivery. Another example of the misery caused by the three rules was the blame placed on a daugh­ ter-in-law if her new family experienced physical or financial hardship within three years of her marriage. The daughter­ in-law was considered the cause of the misfortune. In general the effect of the rules was to give women's lives definition only in the context of a relationship with a dominant superior male. Dr. Kim 's speech was particularly striking to the American nurses who could not help but look at their sophisticated, confident, well-educated and well-respected Korean col­ leagues and wonder how they had overcome such discrimi­ natory beliefs which seemed to be so deeply embedded in their culture. We were further impressed by Dr. Kim's descrip­ tion of the enormous progress that has been made and her outline of solutions to the problems of ensuring optimal health care for women and children. These suggestions have world­ wide applicability and include: • the creation of a system of primary health care that provides access to services for everyone. • a greater role for women as health care providers • the creation of programs that strengthen the family and the position of women within the family • increased emphasis on health education in the schools • the development of a life-long health education program directed toward women. A Korean Family 7 ' 6 Tempus Fidgets

Introduction RULES One of the functions of an Annual Bulletin for an Alumnae was not routine. Nor did we have faculty members who would Spruce Street Nurses' Residence organization is to keep the Alumnae up-to-date on the events supervise and help us when something new was to be tried. and happenings of the school. However, because our school We really did learn by trial and error. The head nurses, if you Each Student must make her own bed and leave room in order, before going on duty. . has completed its mission and closed, our Bulletin has or had one, would help if necessary, but you were expected to Soiled linen must be taken to Housekeeper's office, Saturday's and Monday's- 8 to 4 P.M. At that t1me, secure should take on a different mission: that of recording our past know how to do anything that had been discussed in class. clean linen. Needed repairs should be reported to the Housekeeper. as seen through the eyes of the people who lived through the Despite all our trials and tribulations, we managed to get Food must be kept in tightly covered tin containers. experiences. When classmates get together there is always through those first six months. Miss Shoemaker had told us Valuables and money are kept in owner's room at own risk. a period of "Do you remember?" and "I remember." These in Ethics class that we were a liability to the hospital until we Lights must be out in Student's rooms by 1 0.30 P.M . and quiet must prevail in rooms, halls and bath rooms. can be shared in our Bulletin and far away classmates can were capped and could work the ten hour shift with a few No visiting allowed after 10 P.M. . read, laugh or cry, and also recall the halcyon days of Jeff. exceptions which were twelve hour shifts. Although we had Students coming off duty at 11.30 P.M. , must go promptly to their own rooms and have lights out by 12.30 A . ~. With that in mind, we shall begin our nostalgic journey on been sixty-three strong to start, a total of forty-five were Fire hazards, forbid the use of all Electrical Appliances in sleeping rooms. Laundnes and Kitchenettes are available September 1, 1938 at 6 P.M. capped in the Jefferson College auditorium in February 1939. in Nurse's Residence. There were four of us who approached the tables set up in We were the first class to be capped outside the Nurses' Papers and magazines must be returned to tables, and not left on chairs and floor. 1014 Spruce Street that fateful September evening- Alice Home, and besides our mothers and other female relatives, Students are expected to wear dressing gown and slippers, on their way to and from bath rooms. D., Dorothy C., Sylvia H., and Alice B. Miss Rohde, one of our fathers and brothers could also attend. The February Lights must be turned out, when Students leave their rooms. the housemothers, asked us if we objected to rooming to­ class had had a ceremony in the "Rec" room but most men Punctual attendance is expected of each Student at breakfast. gether, (did we really have a choice?), and then had us sign were excluded because they were only permitted in the parlor Students oversleeping will be penalized. in . She assigned the house man to escort us to room 400 in of 1012. It was quite an occasion! I remember the one straight Smoking allowed only in Tea Room and Lounge on first floor...... 1018. He took us to the fourth floor of 1016, then out the pin that Miss Shoemaker used didn't hold too well , and the Smoking not permitted in bed rooms, corridors, stairs or bath rooms. Smok1ng IS never perm1ss1ble 1n umform. window, across the fire escape into 400 of 1018. There we cap went lopsided. It has done it ever since. I must have a Forfeiting of late permission, is the penalty for not obeying these rules. found five cots, one bureau, two, five drawer chests and three pointed head. Margaret M. Jackson, R.N. desks. One cot had some things on it, so we knew it was The next morning Miss Shafer gave us our first "nursing" (From the memoirs of Elaine Stong Kimbel, Class of 1946) taken. Oh yes, there was a big wooden wardrobe and two assignments. Mine was Central Dressing Room. CDR was closets. The klinker was that one closet opened into a two located in what had been the Accident Ward of the old hos­ bed room which was occupied by upper classmates of the pital. You could enter through the ground floor or by way of February class. Also, on fourth floor was another two bed the court yard. Miss Umberger demonstrated the dressing room, a single room and a bath. The ten of us who occupied carriage technique because we had not yet had sterile dress­ that floor had one sink, one john and a shower. So we man­ ing technique, or any clinical nursing courses. We had had aged quite well. Brushing our teeth and the other morning Microbiology and were expected to utilize all we had learned functions sometimes posed problems, but none of us came there about germ transference. This experience lasted three from homes with more than one bath, so we were used to weeks. We were not put on night duty although the student sharing. was expected to have one week of nights and it was twelve The next morning our true introduction to the real world of hours for seven nights a week. Now that we were capped we a probationer began. We lined up along the wall for the caf­ looked forward to a half-day off each week. Of course, we eteria line and met Annie Shafer for the first time. She was only worked half-day on Sunday. to become a very important and valuable teacher as our three My second assignmeht was Women's Special. That was years progressed. The first meeting was a bit scary, though. real nursing! I learned to give hypodermics to real people, She reigned supreme on the breakfast line. It was from her not an orange. It was there that I first helped with drawing that ward assignments were received, as well as orders not blood for a tranfusion. The student's job was to be lower than to lean against the door. the donor's arm, and he was on a stretcher, and suck the air It was in the cafeteria line that I met Barbara Schutt, who out of an Erlenmyer flask to form a vacuum so the blood was to become an excellent editor of the American Journal would flow in . All the time, swirling the flask to mix the citrate of Nursing. She had just completed training and was awaiting so the blood wouldn't clot. It was also her job to watch the State Board results before going on to start her career beyond amount in the flask so the donor would not be over-bled. Jeff. Here, too, began relief hours for me. This meant two My first ward assignment was Women's Surgical on fourth hours off during the day; unless, of course, classes were floor. The probies really started at the bottom rung of hospital scheduled. Then, the time off was spent in class. housekeeping which Dr. Bucher told us was what nursing Sleeping in class was the only way to go. After the rushing was. We collected face towels, counted them, and took them and work of the wards, no one could stay awake when she to the freight elevator. We washed bedside tables, and swept sat down in class. Elbows were jabbed into one's neighbor, the floor. As we progressed through what was really a pro­ as well as requests for an ink transfusion when pens ran dry. cedure book, new chores and tasks were added: carbolizing Notes were usually sparse because notebooks were rarely bedpans, emptying and measuring contents, carbolizing beds remembered. after discharge, bed making and finally caring for a human But today memories crowd in and those busy and generally being. exciting days cause classmates to reminisce about many Actually, the procedure book was dictated to us by our common recurring events. How many can remember knock­ nursing arts instructor, there was not one on any of the floors, ing the chart rack over and breaking all the thermometers for so you had to rely on your memory for any procedure which the ward? Because we were in training at the end of the

8 9 depression, money was scarce, and to replace ten to fifteen the hospital. Watching it was one way to pass the twelve thermometers at sixty cents each was a real disaster. How hours of each night. JEFFERSON PROJECTS GROW many can remember Miss Hawke holding up the wall on third Our third year included Maternity and Forty-ninth Street. floor? She had total visual command of the whole floor from All our belongings had to be moved out to Pennsylvania that vantage point. Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases, because we were From third floor, I went to sixth floor and the domain of to be there for three months. While there, we had a whole Miss Lewis and Miss Dute. I was assigned to Center Corri­ day off a week. And, if we took a patient to an evening activity, dor, a complex of six private rooms and two baths. I believe we were given extra time off. I learned more nursing there than any place else in the hos­ We did get one full day off at Jeff in our three years. It was pital. Probably because we had classes in medical and surg­ during the Christmas Season of our senior year. I was in Diet ical nursing and I was able to apply and utilize the material. Kitchen at that time. Diet Kitchen is memorable for the funny Of course, it was ·on sixth floor that you looked forward to two things that happened. Mary Rita and I were the cooks and half-days a week-yours and Miss Lewis'. If the two fell on we burned ten cups of rice. We tried to fix spaghetti so it the same day, you felt cheated . But the summer finally came would be long, so we stood it up in the pot. Needless to say and it was vacation time. -disaster. However, I did learn to make an egg souffle which Vacation that year was a trip to the 1939 World 's Fair in did not fall. New York. That is all I remember of that three weeks - one At last, it was time to finish the 1095 days required by the day at the Fair. State of Pennsylvania. I ended training in CDR, but making In the fall , the class moved into specialties and night duty. IV solutions. This was the job I was to have as a graduate. The course in Urology proved to be a killer and more than My finishing day is a very clear memory. I wore the same half the class had to repeat when it was given to the February clothes I entered in and walked up Chestnut Street to Wan­ half of the class. I still don't know the components of urine or amaker's crying. the parts of a cystoscope. Our graduation date was April 30, 1942. Everyone had to I was on night duty over Christmas in Corridor (third floor have taken State Boards and the February class was in­ again). It was cold sitting by that balcony door. Miss Shafer cluded. The U.S. Army Nurse Corps got most of our class told me to "take the clean linen out of the dirty linen hamper and there are many times my experiences from Jeff got me and push it against the door jamb." Corridor was six semi­ through a difficult situation. Jeff gave me a deep and firm private rooms which were full most of the time. Night duty belief in the value of nursing and what good nurses can do was from 9 P.M . to 7 A.M. , seven days a week and lasted for for those entrusted to their care. Although this belief has eight weeks. Classes, of course, were held as usual, but were grown and changes as degree on degree of college work has The Bodine Center for Radiation Therapy generally scheduled for early morning (before going to bed) enlarged it, it did come from our few teachers and many head or late in the afternoon, so you could get supper. Meals were nurses who pushed, demanded and helped me learn the Jefferson was pleased to name its new Center for the served to the nurses at times which would not interfere with values I hold today. The Ground Floor (first underground level) will house the University's late President and Chairman, William W. Bodine, patient's meals. And , you had a half hour for a meal, this had The friendships formed under these trying conditions have professional staff, labs and treatment areas. The basement Jr. It is being constructed on 11th and Sansom Streets be­ to include bathroom, waiting for an elevator, and waiting in lasted as true friendships throughout the years. floor (second underground level) will contain all of the patient neath the New Hospital Building. When completed in the Fall line. Yet, we did gain weight! I hope others might submit their rememberances of training treatment planning functions, a small operating suite and a of 1986, the Bodine Center will have three levels. The en­ This second year also included Pine Street. The water at Jefferson. high energy accelerator room . When completed, the Bodine trance will be on the street level and will be utilized for initial bugs came out at night and scared the bejabbers out of you . Center will be one of the most advanced radiation therapy patient examinations, follow-up and multi-disciplinary clinics. They were three inches long and would fly. It was at Pine Alice C. Boehret, R.N., Ed .D. facilities in the world. Street that I learned what a "red-light" house was. The light Class of 1942 would go on and off all night long in the little street behind On The Move

. The .entire Division of Ultrasound and Radiologic Imaging These moves will centralize a large portion of Jefferson's IS movmg from 5th floor Curtis to expanded facilities on 7th diagnostic imaging capabilities, and will be the largest con ­ floor Thompson and Main and part of 8th floor Main. centration of high technology imaging equipment in the Del­ Computer Tomography (CT) is moving from its current space aware Valley. on 5th floor New Hospital and second floor Main to 1Oth floor Main where it will join a newly acquired Super Conductive Margaret M. Cossman , '47 Resonance Imaging Machine (MRI) .

Medical Office Building

Located at 1100 Walnut Street, the new building will con­ cial tenants. A Cardiac Rehabilitation/Fitness Center is also tain the offices of staff physicians with an ambulatory surgical being considered. When completed in the fall of 1985, the center. Office space will be available on the third through the building's exterior will be the same reddish brick used on the ninth floors. The ambulatory surgical center is planned for Celebrating National Nurses Day at Jefferson Scott and Barringer buildings. the second floor. The first floor will be available for commer-

10 11 *Ruth McCabe Cropper Rhoda Slaybaugh Krumrine P. 0 . Box 40, 15th & Jacqueline Avenue 18 Oaklawn Avenue, Glenhead Fiftieth Anniversary- Class of 1935 Ocean City, MD 21842 Long Island, NY 11545

Erma McCullar O'Donnell Alma Snyder Miller tSarah Ainsworth O'Malley 6517 Allman Street 80 W. Baltimore Avenue, Apt. C 502 Philadelphia, PA 19142 Lansdowne, PA 19050 *Margaret Armstrong Tunnard 79 E. Ashland Street tEieanor McCulley Lau *Agnes Steele Picone Doylestown, PA 18901 31 Wakefield Avenue Helen McDaniel Hall Port Washington, Long Island NY 11050 *Ruth Baird Judd 2522 Belport Lane 126 Shaffer Road Sacramento, CA 95821 Rebecca Stees Feltwell King of Prussia, PA 19406 26 Woodland Road tMary McMullen Rosnic Sewickley, PA 15143 Ruth Barrett Margaret Mackintosh Gertrude Swoyer Rhoads Helen Dill Maddock (WH) *Marion Battin Howe 11 084 88th Avenue, North 55 Anchor Drive 78 Pennsylvania Avenue *Arlene Martin Walther Seminole, FL 33540 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Binghamton, NY 13903 RFD 2, Rte. 74 W Willington, CT 06279 Priscilla Vanderslice Margerum Marjorie Ferguson (WH) *Anna Biddle Robertson 8101 Connecticut Avenue tRuth Massey tEsther Waller Helen Fulk Campbell (WH) Chevy Chase, Md 20815 tDorothy Packer LaVerne Weigand Elinor Hancock (WH) Anne Blacksmith Irene Krauser Supple *Esther Patton Weber *Martha Willing King t Mary Hancock Dierman (WH) tLaura Burton McCabe tlnez Gnau 310 South Avenue Box 242-2015 Ridge Road 102 Park Street Beacon, NY 12508 Perkasie, PA 18944 Gloversville, NY 12078 Margaret Humenay (WH) *Christella Campbell Butler tAiice Henry Beyer R.D. #1, Box A-584 Margaret Rakestraw Schmitt *Eleanor Henry Porter Esther Latsha Neidig *Helen Wintermyer lbaugh Marie McGeehan Fripp (WH) Roaring Spring, PA 16673 6032 5th Avenue P.O. Box 296 725 Chestnut Street, Apt. 506 335 N. 6th Street Sunbury, PA 17801 Kenosha, WI 53140 Columbia, PA 17512 tPansy Raper (WH) Jean Chaapel Freeman Westport, MA 02790 10406 Santa Gertrudes *Evelyn Rolland Curran *Louise Herrold Ellis tGeorgianna Zetterlund Kirk tMary Rice (WH) Whittier, CA 90603 9974 Haldeman Avenue 408 22nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19115 Helene Baker Saltzer (WH) Rose Richman (WH) Mary Claybaugh May Bellaire Beach, FL 33535 Noble Building R.D. #2, Box 162 Catherine Ross Sullivan 705 Britain Avenue Gretchen Stoutenberry (WH) Shippensburg, PA 17257 Helene Hulgus 2569 8th Street Hartford, CT 061 06 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 *ATTENDED LUNCHEON tEiizabeth Coldren Hoaglund *Geraldine Hyde Powers 1850 Crestlyn Drive tDECEASED *Mary Rotz Evans York, PA 17403 *Mary Coles Moore 2505 Foulk Woods Road R.D. #5, Box 171 Wilmington, DE 19810 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Gertrude Jones Saunders *Blanche Rushin tRebecca Kaplan Yuninger *Ellen Crawford Teague 55 A Locust Court Apts. 59 3 Oak Road New Rochelle, NY 10801 Philadelphia, PA 19118 *Flora Keat 28 E. Union Blvd. Mary Schaeffer Ries Bethlehem, PA 18018 tLucille Edmonds Hand Millersville Manor, Apt. B-1 0 Lee Avenue Stella Keller Godshall *Pauline Latsha Tharp Sara W. Entricken 21133 S.W. 85th Avenue, Apt. 311 Millersville, PA 17551 3203 Hickory Drive, Hickory Hills Valley Stream Apts. V-201 Lansdale, PA 19446 Miami, FL 33189 Hendersonville, NC 28739 *Jane Sharbaugh Ryan 2051 Mendocino Lane *Frances Kelly Fisher tlrma Lee Harris tLaVere Fehr Phillips Altadena, CA 91001 813 Madison Avenue *Mildred Lyons Stouth Elizabeth Gilbert Gallahger York, PA 17404 261 Prince Frederick Road Margaret Sipple Monaghan 1592 Wilshire Road 10 23 Brock Street Marie Kelly Klaus King of Prussia, PA 19406 Berkley, Ml 48072 Ashland, PA 18212 tRita Kratzer Roeder

13 12 Nursing Students Benefit From Grant Program

The Nursing Education Grant Program which was insti­ tuted at CAHS is based on a similar program at Rush Uni­ versity in Chicago. The program provides nursing students who show need with $2500 annually. That amount is ex­ changed for a commitment to work as a nurse, at full pay and benefits, at Jefferson Hospital within 30 days of graduation. Someone who begins the program as a junior makes a two­ year work commitment to the hospital; the commitment is one year for a student who receives the aid only as a senior. If that commitment is honored, fully and satisfactorily, the CAHS graduate has "repaid" his or her grant-and doesn't have to face years of indebtedness. TO BE 90 OR MORE, our special graduates of the School of Nursing. The program, which was three years in the planning and development stages, currently involves 15 juniors and 5 sen­ Frances M. Grove, Class of 1917 Mary R. Godfrey, Class of 1909 iors, and the number of students will increase next year. Birthday, August 18, (age 92) Birthday, January 25, (age 99) "The Nursing Education Grant Program is a collaborative RD #1- Box J47 122 McColly Street effort benefitting the College of Allied Health Sciences, Nurs­ Tionesta, PA 16353 Ligonier, PA 15658 ing Service of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, and our Nursing Education Grants Award- Key figures in the new nursing students. These grant programs are 'self-help' pro­ Nursing Education Grant Program are Lawrence Abrams, Nora Shearer Parsons, Class of 1912 Viletta Emig, Class of 1922 Birthday, September 24, (age 93) grams for our students," says William Thygeson, CAHS di­ Ed.D., left, dean, CAHS; Mary Ann McGinley, R.N., M.S.N. , Birthday, May 2, (age 94) Barley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center rector of student affairs and services. associate hospital director for nursing service; John Mc­ 1036 W. Market Street "The hospital benefits because the program reduces the 1175 Barley Road Guigan Jr. and Katherine Weidner, juniors in the CAHS de­ York, PA 17404 need for costly recruitment, orientation and training. The hos­ York, PA 17404 partment of nursing, two of the 20 grant recipients this year; Frances Butler Pangburn, Class of 1916 pital is guaranteed a certain number of well-prepared nurses, Mary D. Naylor, R.N., Ph.D., chairman, department of nurs­ Henrietta L. Bigney, Class of 1920 Birthday, May 26, (age 96) all of whom have completed rotations there, and have some ing, CAHS; and William Thygeson, director of student affairs Birthday, April 20, (age 94) 39 South 4th Street familiarity with the hospital's personnel and practices. Also, and services, CAHS. Not pictured but also instrumental in P.O. Box 542 Lewisburg, PA 17837 the hospital staff can become acquainted with students when establishing the program was Michael J. Bradley, executive Greenville, ME 04441 they are in the Department of Nursing. It seems appropriate hospital director. A cooperative effort of CAHS and T JUH, Florence (Bonnie) Browning, Class of 1916 that Nursing Service would consider the college as a prime the program provides one-year grants of $2500 to eligible Birthday, February 10, (age 93) source of qualified professionals," comments Thygeson. students. In return, graduates agree to accept a year's 2531 S.W. Spring Garden Although similar programs exist, they were usually not es­ employment at T JUH as clinical nurses, at full salary and Singleton tablished to provide financial aid. They evolved during a nurs­ benefits. Portland, OR 97219 ing shortage and were used primarily to enhance recruitment. The emphasis of the CAHS Nursing Education Grant Pro­ gram is on helping students who need financial aid, and pro­ viding a flexible work commitment. As students the participants Bequests have no special obligation to the hospital, but best of all, We have received a number of questions concerning be­ there's a guaranteed job waiting. quests to the Nurses Alumni Association. If you are thinking "First jobs are hard to find now, even for nurses," says about such a bequest, we would suggest the following sample BELIEVE IT OR NOT?? Heidi Shore-Brown, a nursing senior in the program. "I'm glad paragraph for your consideration: I won't have to look for a job- especially since I'd have to The following was taken from the bills of two patients in the same hospital, one in 1985 and one in 1949. do that around finals time." I give to the Nurses Alumni Association of the 1985 1949 And CAHS benefits too, "because it provides us with ad­ School of Nursing, Diploma Program, College of Private room-13 days at $9.00/day ditional aid money," says Thygeson. How? The Jefferson Allied Health Sciences, Thomas Jefferson Uni­ Private room -13 days at $498.00/day $117.00 Hospital's Department of Nursing Service provides the fund­ versity, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or $6474.00 17.00 ing for the program, but as the nursing graduates fulfill their its successors, the sum of 988.50 Laboratory Laboratory 2.75 employment obligation, Nursing Service will be reimbursed dollars (or identify the property, such as stock, or 235.42 Pharmacy Pharmacy 15.00 by the University Benefits Program. indicate a percentage of the estate, if appropri­ 2732.50 Operating room Operating room/recovery 15.00 Though the program is need-based, it is also competitive, ate), to be used for its general purposes. 418.00 Anesthesia Anesthesia supplies 2.00 and only outstanding students are selected. To stay in the 374.90 Surgical dressings Med. & surgical supplies 1.00 program, students have to maintain satisfactory academic This suggested clause is exclusively for the information of 36.50 Personal items Personal items 35.00 records. our alumni and friends. You should, of course, consult your 70.00 X-ray Cardiology-EGG $204.75 "If this program proves to be a success in nursing, we will own attorney as to the applicability of any item to your own $11,329.82 Total Total consider similar grant programs for our other allied health situation. programs," concluded Thygeson.

15 14 Nursing Alumni Association Resume of Minutes of Alumni Association Meetings Hosted by September 11, 1984-16 members present. Report of the election as follows : Alumni Office and Department of Nursing Committee reports were given. First Vice President-Janet Hindson Flowers were sent to Frances Pangburn, class of 1916, to Recording Secretary- Betty Piersol honor her 96th birthday, and to Helene Weber, class of Board of Directors-4 elected: Members of the Nurses Alumni Association attended an faculty members during the tour. Students demonstrated how 1923, to honor her 90th birthday. Alice Boehret Open House in the Department of Nursing on January 8, they use the computers and clinical equipment to strengthen Scholarship was given to Joanne Farley, class of 1976. Doris Bowman 1985. Dr. Mary Naylor, chairman of the department, wel­ their skills. Jeanne Holzbaur comed the group. Following her remarks, she introduced As­ Florence Roche, R.N. '56, president of the Nurses Alumni November 13, 1984-17 members present. Dorothy Ranck sistant Professor Sharon Renshaw, R.N ., M.S.N ., who is Association, expressed her thanks to Dr. Mary Naylor and Committee reports were given. A recommendation was made and approved that the Board coordinator of the Learning Resource Center. Ms. Renshaw Mrs. Janet Waxman , assistant director of development and Flowers were sent to Alice Worthington , class of 1919 and of Directors handle any business that may come up dur­ gave the alumnae a preview of what they would see when director of alumni programs, for their efforts in coordinating Viletta Emig, class of 1923, in honor of their birthdays. ing the summer months. they toured the Learning Resource Center later that evening . the nursing alumni visit. The satelitte committee will plan a program and select a The center, located on the star floor of the Edison Building, "The tour of the Learning Resource Center for the alumnae date for a seminar to be held in the spring of 1985. was built in 1983. It was designed to help student nurses · was both eye-opening and educational," Ms. Roche said. It was recommended and approved that we continue to Respectfully submitted, acquire special skills before they need to use them. The "Our members thoroughly enjoyed the tour and the dinner. give Christmas checks to our graduates who are sick or facility houses a 12-bed clinical unit used for simulated pa­ We were impressed by the students' enthusiasm in their dem­ in nursing homes. tient-care sessions, and individual study carrels where stu­ onstrations of their clinical skills. Such advanced technology Betty Piersol dents can practice their clinical skills or view instructional and in education as television and video cassettes plays a re­ January 8, 1985-22 members present. Recording Secretary audiovisuals without interruption. markable role in today's learning arena. The faculty was very Committee reports were given. Alumnae had the opportunity to chat with students and impressive in its eagerness and interest in the program." The satellite committee reported that there will be an all day seminar on Saturday, March 23, 1985. ALUMNI OFFICE NEWS Following the meeting, the group was invited to be guests On June 10, 1985, it was two years since we moved into of the Department of Nursing. We toured the teaching our present office, room 105, Edison Building; time moves facilities, including the Learning Resource Center, lo­ on and this past year has been a busy one. cated on the 13th floor of the Edison Building. We were Betty Piersol and Peggy Summers have so generously also guests at a delicious buffet dinner, which was served taken over the "running " of the office for me, while I have in the department. been recuperating from a total hip replacement, done late in 1984. March 12, 1985 -18 members present. The names and addresses of all our graduates are on the Committee reports were given. computer and one of my aims this year was to have the The ballot was presented and accepted. maiden name of each married graduate included on the com­ A seminar will be held on Saturday March 23, 1985, the puterized listing, which is up-dated monthly. The computer theme is "Challenge of Nursing in the Eighties." list gets constant use and is often referred to as "the bible." Flowers were sent to Bonnie Browning to honor her 93rd With the maiden names included on the computer list it will birthday and to Mary Godfrey to honor her 99th birthday. make it much easier to identify our graduates. It was recommended and approved that the $1 ,000.00 be­ I am proud of our office, and it is a pleasant place to work. quest from the estate of Maude L. Metzger, class of The plants on the window sill, facing Ninth Street, attract a Dr. Mary Naylor welcomes members of the Nurses Alumni Sharon Renshaw, R.N., M.S.N., describes Learning Re­ 1934, be placed in the general fund . lot of attention from passers-by. Association source Center You are always welcome, and , of course, you are invited May 14, 1985-16 members present. to visit the office. Located in room 105, Edison Building, 130 Committee reports were given. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107. The Flowers were sent to Henrietta Bigney, class of 1920 for phone number is (215) 928-8981. I am usually in the office her 94th birthday. every Tuesday, 10 A.M . to 3:30 P.M., and occasionally on Four scholarships were given: Wednesday. When I am not in the office, phone calls will be Aileen lshiun MacMillian-class of 1976 answered by the CAHS Alumni Office, room M-6, Jefferson Catherine Glavey Dowhy-class of 1975 Alumni Hall, 1020 Locust Street, Philadelphia. Katherine Gillen Leslie-class of 1980 Our office works closely with the CAHS Alumni Office, its Judith Ann Troutman-class of 1980 staff, Janet Waxman and Carolyn Robinson who have been The Scholarship committee recommended and it was ap­ a great help to us, we value the good working relationship proved that scholarships be given to diploma graduates between the two offices. who are attending school on a part-time basis, working The following Graduation Exercises Programs are missing toward a degree in nursing. The only specification is that -1918, Spring of 1945, 1946, 1952 and 1956. If you do not they carry a minimum of six credits a semester. wish to part with the original copy, we would be happy to have The seminar held on Saturday March 23, 1985 was very a copy made for our files and return the original copy to you . interesting and enjoyed by those present. The attend­ ance was fair. J. Nursing student explains assisted patient ambulation to nurs­ Nursing Student demonstrates patient simulation on com­ Martha E. Riland ing alumnae (left to right) : Evelyn Dute, '36; Betty Piersol, puter to (left to right) Margaret Summers, '41; Dorothy Cloud, Alumni Coordinator '34; and Jacqueline Harris, '61 '42; and Grace Spena, '71

16 17 SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT COMMITTEE REPORTS 1984-1985 SATELLITE COMMITTEE REPORT The Scholarship Committee met several times during the The Committee in May took action to grant scholarships to The Satellite Committee of the Nurses' Alumni Associa­ ye ar and we are pleased with the increased number of appli­ part time, as well as full time applicants, provided the appli­ tion held its second annual seminar program on Saturday, March 23, 1985 in Jefferson Alumni Hall. cations and requests for information. We hope that this ap­ cant is enrolled in a program leading to a degree in nursing parent interest in seeking additional educational preparation and enrolled for a n;J inimum of 6 credits. Program : "The Challenge of Nursing in the Eighties." in nursing will continue and wish to encourage our graduates We are encouraged by the following letters received from Collaboration: The Future of Nursing At Jefferson: who are enrolled in a program leading to a degree in nursing our graduates and wish them well in the pursuit of an ad­ Clinicians and Educators Collaborate to apply for scholarship assistance. vanced degree. -Mary Naylor, R.N ., Ph.D. -Therese S. Richmond, R.N., M.S.N. , CCRN -Judith Winterhalter, R.N., M.S.N. The following graduates of the School of Nursing were Summer/Fall Judith Troutman (1980) Careers: Finding your Niche in Nursing awarded scholarships: 1985 Catherine (Giavey) Dowhy (1975) -Janie Brown Nowak, R.N. , Ed.D. Marguerite (Johnson) Domenick (1956) Communication: Luncheon and Program Spring 1985 Aileen (lshuin) Mac Millan (1976) Patricia (Mazakas) Van Strein (1960) Katherine (Gillen) Leslie (1980) - Systems Theory: A Tool to Unify Professional Practice Doris E. Bowman, Chairman -Ruth R. Levine, Ed .D ., OTR The response of those who attended was enthusiastic. However, due to the decreased number of participants and Challenge of Nursing in '80's (left to right) Florence Roche, Permission was given for reprinting portions of the following letters: rising costs, the committee will need to address the feasibility Alice Chase, Barbara Schraeder and Grace Spena. of sponsoring future programs. The program was most timely and provided an educational Janet Waxman, Assistant Director of Development and stimulus to all present, as well as an opportunity for our Director of Alumni Programs for CAHS and CGS coordinated alumni to share ideas and experiences. Graduates Appreciate Alumni Scholarships the efforts of the Program Committee consisting of Alice Chase, '52, Jacqueline Harris, '61 , Dolores Heckenberger, '55, Sandra Payne Kenton, '68 , Kay K. Kinsey, '63, Valerie Respectfully submitted, To encourage our graduates to apply for scholarships spon­ with you excerpts from the letters of some of our recent O'Donnell, '64, Florence Roche, '56, Barbara Schraeder, '65, sored by the Nurses Alumni Association, Miss Doris Bowman, scholarship recipients : Grace Spena, '71. The committee is indebted to Janet Wax- chairman of the scholarship committee, would like to share man for her continued support and commitment. Grace A. Spena, R.N ., '71

Your financial assistance is sincerely appreciated. Your Kate G. Felix, a 1973 graduate who was recently accepted help is playing a major role in the realization of both my in a graduate program at the University of Washington , Seattle, educational and nursing goals, writes Judy Troutman, '80. shared her feelings with Miss Bowman. Because certain ed­ ucational documents were not available for Ms. Felix, she had to take equivalency exams in order to be accepted. I SOCIAL COMMITTEE passed the exams and I received some of the highest I wish to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to scores ever recorded by any nurse seeking admittance the committee for granting me a scholarship that will to the University of Washington's nursing program. My The annual luncheon was held May 4th, 1985 at Jefferson enable me to complete my bachelor's degree in nursing. passing is the result of Jefferson's legacy of educational Alumni Hall. There were 315 in attendance. A business meet­ Though I realize the importance of continuing education, excellence and your efforts as director of nursing of Jef­ ing was held in the Solis-Cohen Auditorium prior to the lunch­ I will always cherish my basic nursing training received ferson's program. At Jefferson, we were not TRAINED, eon. The anniversary class of 1945 had the largest number at Jefferson. I am, and always will be proud to say, I'm a we were EDUCATED as nursing professionals. I have present for the luncheon. Jefferson nurse, Kathy Glavey Dowhy, '75. achieved my goals. Ms. Felix is currently a graduate student The fiftieth anniversary class (1935) were guests of the at the University of Washington. The program at the Univer­ Alumni Association. Mrs. Verna Keller Roberts, class of 1921 sity of Washington has recently been recognized as the num­ was the oldest member in attendance and was presented ber one program in the nation, based on a study prepared by with a corsage. A 1956 graduate, Marguerite Domenick, has recently been nursing deans in the United States. Twenty states were represented at the luncheon. The flow­ accepted at St. Joseph's University. She recently thanked ers from the head table were given to Janet Hindson, class the scholarship committee for her scholarship. She writes : I of 1950. Janet was a patient in Thomas Jefferson University will continue to support the Nurses Alumni Association, Hospital on the day of the luncheon. so that in the future other alumni will be able to take The annual luncheon for 1986 will be Saturday May 3rd, at advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Jefferson Alumni Hall, 1020 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Cathleen Keating '53

18 19 August 15, 1984- August 15, 1985 Elizabeth Stephan Miller Janet MacDonald Coats Virginia King Parry FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Marian E. Smith Marion Jones Tracey Anne Hare lnemer contributions received after August 15, 1985 will be acknowl­ lnga-Lisa Olofson Wheat Stella Jedrziewski Wawrynovic Helen Thomas Reistle we thank each and everyone of you for your g~nerous edged and gratefully accepted, but your name will not appear Thelma Marks Saylor Helen Job Enterline Esther Milewski Kahn giving, continued support and loyalty to your Alumm Asso­ Margaret Pound Ransom Goldie Byers Pringle in the Bulletin. Virginia Hershey Donahey ciation. The contributions brought the total to $17,246.00. All Dorothy Brede Connole Esther Armitage Musselman Jeanne Cresswell Zukoski Louise Evert Keich Ruth Paden Frazier Betty Jane Metzger Shaw Mildred Cook Cox Margaret Fisher Reed Mary Jane Meenahan Trueheart Anna Woodring Crofford Grace Bardo Roupp Thelma Weaver Taylor Marie Hosterman Breon 1909-1924-$190.00 1930-$245.00 Leona Clouser Gehris Ruth Holbrook Ruth I. Sunderland Mary Robinson Godfrey '09 Minnie Souder Ruh Martha Long Garver 1937-$415.00 Eva Fedock Swantko Jean Farrell Kehm Frances Butler Pangburn '16 Dorothy Schenck Ragan Kathryn West Magin Alice Leatherman Fulmer Ruth Nettles Painter Betty Calhoun Suttles Henrietta Bigney '20 Hazel Oberdorf Mildred Brown Breisacher Etta Heal Baker Aida Newcomer Knodel Ruth E. Jones Schmitt Jennie Kutz '21 Grace Whitesell Schmidt Thelma McArthur Wolford Vivian Passmore Murray Gladys Welty Reichard Anna Stranko Russin Verna Keller Roberts '21 Ellen Piatt Vetenko Nina Irvin Studebaker Margaret C. Taylor Averene Summerfield Murphy 1944-$180.00 Claudia Starr Wiedlund '22 Mildred Huber Bentz Muriel Stevens Canis Gertrude Nichols Sessions Ellen Remensnyder Carlton Elizabeth Smith Alt Clara Brunner '23 Florence C. Heist Elmina Sachs Hanges Mildred Woodhead Hawkesworth Alma Shaffer Shofstall Mary Thomas Dickerson Jean Heine Arnold Edna Fortner Feloni Marjorie Fink Searing 1925-$150.00 Annetta Moffett Whitehead 1934-$315.00 Laura Zukowski Johnson Margaret Foor Miller Jean McMullen Koutsourus Marian Styver Carey Blanche Ford Angela Cozza Helyn Long Romberg Florence Eisenbrown Corts Rosie Smith Jones Alverta Haines Kaufmann Ella Engel Kelsh Margaret Clayton Schellenger Pauline Davis Leager Maureen Sharpless McCool Mildred Kroupa Okunishi Dorothy Confer Stephens Mildred Dore Estrada Elizabeth Killinger Mowday 1941-$425.00 Amy Wilson Allen Clara I. Luchsinger Kathleen Warner Armitage 1931-$505.00 Caroline Hill Masuda Ruth Kiefman Giletto Mary Snook Smolkovic Verna Hertzler Diehm Helen Gilbert Haas Mary Kalbach Bistline Harriet Spatig Zeller Ethel Heller Todaro Helen Reimer Motsay Marion Robinson Briggs Helen Walp Hubbard Florence Shiva Keffer Jean Lockwood Wagner 1945-$435.00 Ruth Spencer Dunfee Lillian Dillard Hartman Agnes Kevel Henry Josephine Barbour Moellers Ida Jean Fluck Bertram Evelyn Wilson Frazier Sara Gilbert Conrad Minnie Bartash 1938-$160.00 Kathryn Duffy Quackenbush Ruth Rohr Starner Marie Keene Lawton Anna V. Lucas Edith Owen McCutcheon Frances Huston Rumberger Doris Heaps Parrish Julia Tyler McCracken 1926-$85.00 Sue Williams Wells Mary Reeder Copeland Gene Roush Jerabek A. Janice Kline Jacoby Dorothy Wall Ghares Martha Bray Clark Marie Hosage DeStefano Madeline M. Ullam Frances Soltys Wolicki Charlotte Cooper Phillips Anna Jacoby Gehrke Ruth Smith Davis Virginia Emmert Leo Edith Gendebien Reeves Perma Ehrhart Davis Catherine Hankee Shinton Mildred Myers Smith Marjorie Workinger Anna Scafa Scanlon Emily Clark Nichols Anna Haines Heermans Geraldine Halvorsen Wagner Betty Piersol Alice Casper Wright Mary Taylor Lawley Lida Pardee Goodell Margaret Summers Betty Moyer Greenwood Catherine Smulling Gair Phoebe Fitz McCleaf Elizabeth Youngblood Gaul Elinor Miller Wentzell Geraldine Williams Waters Caroline Roberts King Dorothy T. Peterson Virginia Kinter Hatton Jean Fishel Carter 1935-$700.00 Sophia Pickens Driscoll 1927-$120.00 Mildred English Hively Kathryn V. Bastian Lenore Brady Strigari Ellen Crawford Teague Harriet H. Werley Isabella Kevel Heverly Evelyn Reeser Arnold Mildred Greenlee Durham Thelma Shetzley Fleming Evelyn Rolland Curran Myrtle Stickler Lee Emma Bahner Mary E. Smith 1942-$630.00 Kathryn Fowler Hood Mary Coles Moore Filomena Tiracchia Doherty Helen Rodewig Gladys Reed White M. Elaine Anderson Barrick Stella Keller Godshall Martha E. Riland Mary Crowe Murtha 1939-$110.00 Anna Alexander Krall Col. Catherine T. Betz USA (Ret.) Esther Patton Weber Margaret Carey Mildred Schoch McGee Edna Garretson Eyler Doris Jones Schecter Dorothy Dusman Mowery Helen McDaniels Hall Esther Weiss Wilson Dorothy Ranck Dorothy Maag Frizen Evelyn White Collett Blanche T. Rushin 1932-$230.00 Lorraine Pensinger Phillips Sylvia E. Hendrickson Betty Hechler Fleming Florence Detwiler Hammond Margaret Armstrong Tunnard 1928-$175.00 Dorothy Pfeiffer Lepley Lois Longacre Kelly Christine W. Lindes Park Mary Rotz Evans Edna W. Scott Marie Scherer Maxwell Olga Dygan Mitchell Irene Lauver Polner Geraldine Hyde Powers Frances Pierson Woolf Emma Phoebus Kelly Mary Schwab Gregg Rebecca Moore Wilson 1946-$310.00 Martha Latsha Tharp Margaret Wilson Kenerup Ellen Coulbourn Wise Catherine Wilson Campbell Grace Jennings Dunkleberger Elaine Schappet Haines Marian Battin Howe Grace Breunig Meikle Dorothea Bulette Hattie Kellner O'Connor Ellen McCurley Steward Betty Kimmel Frommelt Ruth McCabe Cropper Elizabeth Neely Joy Mildred Smith O'Connor Sally McHugh Luscombe Jeanne L. Supplee Ruth Baird Judd Margaret Martin Lauchle Mildred Garman Jeffers 1940-$855.00 Madaline Kinch Knight Jeanne Lebkicher Jean Chaapel Freeman Beatrice Noll Smith Erma Coup Painter Mary R. Martin McCoy Rhoda Burg Weisz Evelyn Swartzlander Riggin Christella Campbell Butler Laura Carleton Short Dorothy Bates Young Mary Flyte Rosser Jane Metzler Flack Nelmah Faust Shaffer Rebecca Stees Feltwell Thelma Showers Morris Alice Freed Moore Rosalyn Hosterman Boyle Elaine Stong Kimbel Esther Latsha Neidig 1929-$400.00 Lucille Harpel Helen Gipe Loughry Nancy Habecker Maxwell Betty Weldon Saunderlin Helen Miller Harding Blanche E. Metz Henderson Evelyn Miller Flickinger Sara Werstler Joyce Rose Sproch Mary Holzman McQuown In memory of deceased Verna Weiss Herber Adeline Roth Miller Ida Griffiths Varga Sydney McClure Bechtel Jean Gilbert Metzler Mabel Nutter Nutter classmates-$20.00 Dorothy Cohick Rosenberg 1933-$430.00 Dorothy Fraley Templeton Jeanne Null Collevechio Hazel Besecker Beach Hope Kramer Mood Catharine Gray Paine 1936-$365.00 Rose Pesci Nicastro Ann Williams Candler Ellora Endicott Meyer 1947-$610.00 Helen Deane Kiraly Lydia K. Yerkes Ruth Thorp West Barbara Young Cornell Violet Garrett Hyman Ann Zimmerman Boyer Elizabeth Romich Cobb Myra Cleo Snyder Dunkle Mary R. Zeit Wittman Frances Wildonger Norma Zeigler Smith Florence Bell Mitchell Marion Pollitt Carey Evelyn L. Dute Mabel C. Prevost Bernice Wigglesworth Sprecher 1943-$285.00 Arlean V. Miller Chloe Swisher Ericksen Clara Sweeney McArthur Zelda Rowe Mencer Janet Hicks Arnold Vivian Moyer Betty Steward McConnell Katherine Kinch Leach Louise Huegel Hafer Nora Shoemaker Ehrig

20 21 1955-$195.00 Barbara Heaps Vitelli Janet Walker Respess Rosalinda Memendez Heayn Nancy Dunkle Konstanzer Judith Ruebman Mearig Marie Louise Baloga Peters Joan Chadwick Gamer Judy Abbott Getz Daveen Jones Edmiston Mary Louise Moore Brumbaugh Kathryn Yurkovich Mihalick Irene Evancho Werner Barbara G. Smith Nancy Schraga Wilson Beverly Wallace Wealthy Morrow Shutt Sandra Mathie Manning Margaret M. Cossman Elizabeth J. Patten Ward Carolyn Widman Bohn Marianne Gaspari Collins Ellen Baran Stahl Sally Ann Giorgio Harris Elizabeth Martin Spencer Audrey Titlow Priga Dianne Keegan Aufderheide Jean Hillerstrom Rakey Barbara Fisher Ackerman Claire Corson Scott Elizabeth Jackson Watkins Naomi Walls Wilson Adrienne Lowe Daughenbaugh Marilyn Bergner Geraldine Stemler Strye Julia C. Stout Nannette Delong Smith Carolyn Ressler Goepfert Jenny Jongenberger Adams Annie Eldredge Kahn Shirley Mackley Hoffert Jane Mahoney Dynan Paula Correnti Tyler Elizabeth Jones Hubbs Barbara Ott Keller Linda Lake Boyle Ruth Swinehart Merroth Helen Koerner Corrigan Adrienne Marasco Rodgers Louis Russell Foxen Marlene Sovin Croce-Burgess June Matsuo Fujita Laura Bielan Tobia Dawn Deitman John 1961-$135.00 Catherine Materia Teti Kristina Hancock Reede Jane Treon Reitz Jane Heffelfinger Whipple Marjorie Ross Berrier Anita Harbison Karpetsky Rosemarie Colleluori Malizia Elizabeth Feiler McNulty Elinore Satterfield Lynch Loretta Davis Cunninghame Sandra Schmidt Kolodzieg Jane McGarvey Wuerth 1956-$250.00 Virginia Sturges Lawrence Jean Hohe Larkin Edrie Wilson Brennan Linda M. Barbour Borden Norr:na Dawson Ruth Groves McCormick Germaine Ross Nadler Ann Barron McBeth 1966-$250.00 Linda Zwick Reichel Elizabeth Rau Berardi Doris Young Moore Margaret Henry Jones Marion Heilner McGarrey Judith Kramen Seltzer Florence Roche Janet Edwards Maurer Diane Palmer DeHuff Betty Lou Simonson Woods Bonnie Ann Crofford Marilyn Robertson Glauber 1970-$155.00 Barbara Hendershot Marks Helen Sheriff Rightor Ethel Faust Bazemore Patricia Downey Houck M. Joyce Wyse Hagopian Gail Kaempf Emma Lutz Subers Marjorie J. Whiteleather Schramm Carolyn Doorly Vizzard Mary Lou Smith Lebsack Joan Elbertson McGinnis Julianne Marcincin Darrow II Irma Schuetz Heller Clara C. Richardson Flynn Barbara Borrell Fleishman E. Carol DuCoin Moan Jean Krasinsky Pike Rose Ann Slovich Provost Elaine Gover Hampton Barbara Canal Obin Clare Marie Karabasz Marguerite Johnson Domenick Alice Coligan Conte Carol Stevens Covert 1951-$320.00 Dorothy Carver Petrozzi Cynthia Stroup Beal Jeanette Plasterer 1962-$105.00 Barbara Shermer Ruehl 1957-$200.00 Maria Gratzik Marinelli Jane Hawk Aires Marcie Grieshaber Moore Suzanne Barclay Levine 1948-$453.00 Carol Hyland Gray Suelin Hom Makowski Arlene Yohey Watkins Nancy Thompson Powell Marian Krahling Hammond Judith Hagelgans Hoefle Jeanne Seely Abbott Kathleen McCarthy Whalen Rachel Irvine Herbert Jeanne Holzbaur Carole Costello Tomlinson Nancy Scull Brainard Mary Alice Duckworth Bopf Catherine Blake Cavanaugh Mary Patricia Long Haupt Mary Kate Weber Morgan Susan Eckerd Leake Susane Berkowitz Zamitis Rose Marie Tomasello Marge Connors Marchant Margaret Basler Blaine Dorothy Dewees LoSasso Frances Falcone Baumgartner Tracy Valentine Booth Gretchen Aschenbach Baker Sophia H. Gormish Dolores Pauster Gorham Suzanne Rumberger Carter Esther Warthin Webb 1971-$310.00 Nancy Weikel Ritzman Marian Hoffman Narbuth Carol Frame Green 1967-$235.00 Peggy Eckhart Hess Louise LaFleur Giese Marilyn Sparrow Marshall Patricia Koder Daniels Rita Haedel Becchetti Doris Burke Hano Mary Eichman Cowen Lynn Streeper Lois Bilger Kelley Virginia Wesley Dorman Carol Sochouka Knickerbocker Kathryn Hudak Behm Marian Thorp Williams 1963-$210.00 Doris Haines Stevens 1958-$277.00 Jill Simpson Bower Eileen Blum Moran Betty Johns Budrow Mary Elizabeth Speicher Gillin Jacqueline Simons Alvarez Louise Williams Dunn Grace Ann Spena Mary Anne Dutt Vernallis Marilyn Ruble Scelba Anne Olivia Carballo 1952-$140.00 Annunciata Sakella Daneman Ruth Hoffman Pearson Kathryn Hafer Eyrich Jean Allen McConnell Amber Phillips Smith Ann Savage Walters Yvonne Foster King Mildred Newby Riff Nancy M. Gallagher Gerry Dougherty Popolow Bertha Destan Albino Vetro Stackhouse Drosalina Riccio Riffle Linda Broomall Scazafabo Phyllis Russell Szewczak Dorothy Fanelle Brown Verna McGafferty Walters C. Ann Oberholtzer Brugger Geneva Hunsinger Bowman Denise Dougherty Becht Mercedes Breen Christ Doris Shoemaker Townsend Joanne M. Balmer Nancy Greising Wilhelm Linda Doll Eppley Deidre Mullin Yuknavich Betty Towsey Daughenbaugh Loretta Rich Kurland Karen Neubeck Brady Mitzi McFadden Haeberlein Barbara Wilson Kelso Kathryn M. Francis Louise Swartz Lorah Margaret Hannigan Bethanis Karen Lawer Bedell Ann Summers Nesbella Barbara Hand Brodovsky Loretta Suber Heyduk Dorothy Peterson Turnbow Marjorie Haines Powell Eloise Hippensteel Bernadine Tichey Gashow Judy Jones Mary Greenwood Schaal 1968-$400.00 Faye Deiter Groff Jane Beard Maxwell Mary Ellen McDonald Kathryn Van Dyke Hayes Shirley Darling McDonald Marlene Royer Harris Karen Barnum Kushto Barbara Wilhelm Tichian Muriel LeVan Keller Jean Pritchard Monaghan Suzanne Vache' Blackburn Anne Vogel Clayton 1972-$275.00 Ruth Montgomery Penta 1953-$45.00 1959-$386.00 Mary Webb Hulick 1949-$375.00 1964-$195.00 Sandra Payne Kenton Cathleen Margiasso Keating Thelma Stiles Malecek Nancy Shaffer Stanton Louise Dietz Strayer Barbara Nase Anderson Virginia Bozarth Waldron Ellen Boyer Irene Gibson O'Brien Susan Lesley Derrickson Lorraine Milewski McCall Margaret Grace David Lorie Crumlish Brown Constance Cmar Brophy Jane Reimer Lemmon Barbara Smith Prendergast Ruth Lange Wettig Jeraldine Marasco Kohut Kathleen Suber Carlson Betty Hughes Kosko Cheryl! Baumgartner Meyer Lucille Flavell Henkelmann Beth Reed Mary Squires Getz Jane A. Hudson Sandra Snider Phyllis Schadel Huntzinger 1954-$320.00 Judith Downing Maloney Bonnie Inghram Siegrist Carol Karnes Wenzel Christine Quinn Hodder Jane Kauffman Miller Doris Henry Schramm Patricia Gardner Marguette Margaret Browne Kern Elizabeth Ossman Kathleen Konrad Smith Bette Mengel Barkey Louisa Manhart Hoch Roanne Axelson Heise Elizabeth Jane Masten Cahall Colleen Mooney Wagner Christine Sachs McCann Helen Fetsko Besecker Penelope Jones McAiees Halina Piekarska Warmbrod Doris Graver Schuman Carol Jones Stange Mary Fisher Fish Mary Ann Stauffer Grace Greene Braun Janet Ball Lyons Elsie Skvir Nierle Nancy Davis Crawford Deborah Waters Wayne Carol Stuart Baxter Carol Parzniewski Teplick Beth Korin Sherr Joanne Duffield O'Brien Joanne Scherer D'Aionzo Donna Furlong Miller Patricia Weber Steinhagen Margaret Kunzler Leach Patricia Moffitt Mueller Florence Servello McAlpin Anne Major Jones Joyce E. Price, M.D. Sarah Hindson Wagner Mary Lou Woerner Schubel Gina Rosenfeld Friedman 1973-$215.00 Mary Lee Stoutenburg Russell Catherine May Dirr Helen E. Daugherty Barrett 1960-$325.00 Bonnie Esten Zuckerman Rena Sauvageot Graham 1965-$240.00 Eileen Gannon Fagnani Barbara Zellner Susan Broadwater Franklin Nancy Cole Schmidt Susan Wilhour Smeltz 1950-$605.00 Madeline Henly Glass Joanne Bender Peters Barbara Lynch Hummer Ellen May Whitehorne 1969-$265.00 Anne Werner Breach Martina Mockaitis Martin, M.D. Catherine Mikota Branton Jane Snyder Wilgus Judith Larson Moyse Hope Russo Schooley Janet Hindson Joan Driscoll Perkins Barbara Willey Blood Rose Glaude! Mulligan Patricia Narusiewicz Yurick

23 22 Kristen Sharpe Haag Gina Corotto Kramer Sari Rose Krafft Doris Gloeckler DeBias Patricia Dwyer Cappello Janet D. Welsh Marianne Maxwell Ostrow Mary Beth Henry Patricia Maro Sherf 1Jn .memoriam Anne McColgan Curry Jessica Robinson Ross Kate G. Fleix Katherine Martens Schultz Karen Huber Ciarrochi Joan Frelond Sato 1919 Evelyn Brown Hanst 1934 Maude L. Metzger Terry Mayne Colella 1919 Alice Worthington Kathleen Kenney Collura 1981-$160.00 1935 A. Inez Gnau Barbara Bachman Symons 1921 Della Peterman Speidel Elizabeth McGrory Berry Lisa Kelly Sakser 1935 Mary McMullen Rosnic Shelah Hoberman Luber Judith McClellan Delucca 1922 Sarah Elizabeth Rowe 1937 Linda Gordon Ethel Marshall Shannon Patricia Thompson Jenkins 1922 Anne Gonder Ward 1937 Jean Smoker Ricci Sylvia Spaeth Gertrude Haugh Foreaker Karen Richard Emerle 1922 Helene Weber 1937 I I Debra Graham McGarry Margaret Kipikash Petrone I ' Karen Mirecki Webster 1923 Gladys Rue 1974-$155.00 Kathleen Tregear 1938 Isabelle Williams Snedaker Diane Callum Buza 1924 Johanna Bakkelid Campbell 1939 Jeanne Margraf Wagner Irene Sabins Repka Florence Gugliotta Stolpe Janeane Dupont Sloane 1926 Nellie Shermer Waterman Nancy Hampton Hilkert Kathleen Browne Rodriguez 1942 Jane Metzler Flack Debora Boyle Borkowski Clare McDonald Poplaski 1926 Laura Deitrich Gross 1944 Janet Keesports Kinch Gail Sitvarin 1931 Esther Cowen Huntsberger Margaret Jane Smith 1982-$21 0.00 1945 Olive Elizabeth Thomas Hall Sondra Gallagher 1931 Bernice Goodnow Cottrell 1947 Margaret Ott Martin Kathy Santangelo Maude Sanders Schwab Rae A. Matz Fierro 1932 Mildred Bucher Price Cheryl James Hill Jane Linardo McClory 1960 Virginia Grace Coleman Nill Susan Sheaffer Cantwell 1933 Harriet Breisch March Suan Solecki Frances Bard-housemother 1978-$200.00 Maria Dildine Pepper Theresa McGarrigle Healy circa-1947-1965 Alice Leisch Guarino Wendy Obst Manganiello Margaret A. O'Kane Lorraine McCullough MacFeeters Theresa A. Sylvester Linda Heinold Muelenaer 1975-$290.00 Maryanne Heinick Carol Miller Muller Germaine E. Scott Marie Waldron Hopkins Heidi Riesdorph Denise Bertram Capaldi Theresa Heim Cook Diane Scott Ross Linda Bingaman Napieralski Sandra Krebs D'Amelio Regina lnsogna Procopio Regina Dreyer Klinger Duane Stanton John T. Hitchens Judi Phillips Vadurro Patricia Jenkins Barnard Patricia Dick Walsh Jan Ellen Stasche' Vanderveer Maria Triolo Glavey Leslie Wilkinson Stickley A Prayer For The Mature Theresa O'Brien Joan Wolbert Reimer Janet Holliday Reed June Matthews DeMoya Lord, Thou ~nowest better than I know myself that Rhonda Mote Pierce Cathy Glavey Dowhy I am grow1ng older, and will someday be old. Janet E. Moore Joanne Stock Petrelli Anne Spohrer Woods Keep me from getting talkative, and particularly from 1979-$285.00 Susanne McCullough Hoffman the fatal habi~ of thinking I must say something Nora Stockmann Jens Deborah Frost Horowitz Karen Hollander Bernardini on every subject and every occasion. 1 1 1976-$240.00 Anita Finkleman Devlin Release me from craving to try to straighten out Deborah Samuel Timpano Karen Patterson Taylor everybody's affairs. Margaret Osborn Montgomery Carmen W. Russo, CRNA L. Jeanne Humphreville Leisner Lynne Arnold Lees Mak~ me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful but not bossy. Helene Stair Karen Asper Jordan W1th. my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to Joanne M. Farley Sandra Lee Wilson u~e 1t all-but Thou knowest Lord, that 1 want a few Leslie May Tahsler Kathleen McAndrew Corse Donna Kobrynski Molyneaux Diane Wolvin Hinkel fnends at the end. Donna Orsine Simone Susan O'Donnell Hagan Kathleen Ghegan D'Aiessandro Ke~p my mi~d free from the recital of endless details; Janice Richmond Malloy g1ve me w1ngs to get to the point. Kathy Ankenbrand Cochlin Cheryl Brian Sharon Miller Chilton Eleanor Hansell Cunningham Seal my lips on my many.aches an.d pains. They are increasing, Betsy Souders Machalette Cynthia Baxter Barrett and my love of rehearsing them IS becoming sweeter as the Aileen lshuin MacMillan Kathleen A. Kelley Veronica Tiver Metkus Donna Callahan Stabler years go by. Suzanne M. Tomlinson Judy DiCristofaro Theresa McGlynn Rupp Teach r:ne the glorious lesson that occasionally it is Maureen McAveney possible that I may be mistaken. Karen C. Guida Shauger 1980-$145.00 Help me to extract all possible fun out of life. There are 1977-$355.00 Donna Kloss Casey s~ many amusing things around us, and 1 don't want to Susan Burrell Sawula Sara Scheidt Cheryl Lee Kline Susan Albrecht Curcio m1ss any of them. Amen. Betty Ann Beck Hedges Kathy Gillen Leslie Patricia A. Pryor Lisa Burkeitt Linda Lotter Romano Marci Force Green

25 24 the annual luncheon 25th Anniversary Class of '60

Head Table and 50th Anniversary, Class of '35

Cathleen Keating , Mary Ann McGinley, Mary Naylor, Margaret Summers.

Caroline Masuda, Janet Waxman, Carolyn Robinson .

...,.._,..,..,.._...,.... ___._ ~:...-;B;:e:t:ty Piersol, Florence Roche, Doris Bowman, Mabel Prevost

President, Florence Roche, '56 and Verna Keller Roberts, '21 , oldest member present 35th Anniversary Class of '50 1Oth Anniversary Class of '75

26 27 Dorothy Smith Bennett, RR 1, 18306 Killian Road , Spencerville , IN Mary R. Crowe Murtha (Joseph) , 25 Grandview Avenue , Pleasantville, 46788. NY 10570. In September 1984 I had a total hip replacement done . Class Notes Mae Faust Mitchell (W. H.) , 2550 South 11th Street, Allentown, PA Thanks and praise to modern medicine! I can now walk, dance and 18110. drive my car, I feel like a new person. Margery Bargar, Cornelia Nixon Davis Nursing Home, Route 1, Box Ruth E. Smith Davis, Box 75 Cokesbury Village , Hockessin , DE 19707. 644, Wilmington , NC 28405. Class of 1932 Class of 1909 . 1 am still happy here at Cokesbury Village; we are taken care of very Mary Robinson Godfrey, 122 McColly Street, Ligon1er, PA 15658. My Dorothy Bates Young, 2714 Broad Street, Easton, PA 18042. Sorry I well, either well or sick. An addition is to be added to the health care Laura Carleton Short, 802 Broad Street, Apt. 15A, Selinsgrove, PA best regards to everyone. was unable to come to the luncheon this year. Hi to all my classmates , center, because we are living longer than expected . 17870. My youngest granddaughter was married June 15, 1985 in I wish them well. Lyndonville , VT and I was able to attend. My oldest grandson is going Martha Bray Clark, 4026 Greensburg Pike , PA 15221 . I'm Class of 1916 . Pi~sb~r9h , to Pittsburgh Law School and the youngest one will get a B.S. in nursing Adeline Roth Miller (Benjamin) , 6704 Glen Avenue, Glenn Dale, MD still doing my "thing ." I'm a at c1t1zens; pres1.dent of Frances E. Butler Pangburn, 39 South 4th Stree.t, Lew1sb.urg, ~A volu~teer ~en10r next May from the University of Georgia . 20769. Keeping in touch with all of you is very heartwarming, we hope 17837. 1 am still in good health and e~IOY spending my wmters In Evergreens (pinochle club) , and v1ce pres1dent of our woman s club . all are keeping well , busy and happy, wherever you are . Another jaunt Cherry Hill , NJ. 1 returned to Lewisburg 1n Apnl, so I was not a~le to Hope to make our 60th anniversary next year. Class of 1929 to England is being discussed as well as family trips in the U.S .A. attend the luncheon this year. My warmest regards to the Alumni, and Phoebe Fitz McCleaf, 107 S. Oiler Avenue, Waynesboro, P~ 17268. Hazel Besecker Beach (Justice H.), 3210 Overbrook, N.W. Canton, Cheerio! hopefully I'll be with you at the luncheon next year. 1often think of good old (and new) Jeff with pleasant memones of the OH 44709 . In October 1984 I went to see Alice Worthington at Meno Mildred Garman Jeffers (Arthur W.), 306 West 19th Street , Ship old . Nursing Home in Chambersburg, PA. That is my hometown. I am Bottom, NJ 08008. Recovering after a long siege with hip surgery. Best Class of 1917 getting older but still on my feet and going places . Frances M. Grove, RD #1, Box J47, Tionesta, PA 16353. Best regards wishes to all. I am sorry I could not attend the luncheon this year. to everyone . Class of 1927 . Verna R. Weiss Herber, 416 W. South Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. Erma Coup Painter, Pine Street, R.D. #3, Box 231 , Milton, PA 17847. Martha E. Riland, Logan Square East #802, 2 Franklin Town Blvd:, Zelda Rowe Mencer, 314 April Drive , Camp Hill, PA 17011. I was Kindest regards to all our wonderful Jefferson nurses. Philadelphia, PA 19103. I moved ~o Logan Sq.uare East a. yea~ ago th1s Class of 1920 . happy to return for the reunion in 1985, I enjoyed the luncheon and Emma Phoebus Kelly (Warren) , 1110 Burmont Road, Drexel Hill , PA Henrietta L. Bigney, PO Box 542 , Greenville, ME 04441. I am 1n my past June; it is a life care residential commun~ty. Everythmg IS for o~r meeting my friends . It has been three years since I attended the luncheon. 19026. Nothing new to write about, I'm still very active. There are many 93rd year, living in a senior citizen unit. I'm lam.e due to a!ractured hlp convenience , 1 enjoy living here . I have recovered from a total hlp more wrinkles in my face and arms . _plus old age, but 1take care of myself. Enjoyed heanng from old replacement. Class of 1930 friends in the last bulletin. Margaret A. Carey, Box 974 , Paulsboro, WA .98370 ..In early March Blanche Ford, Box 13 Park-1119 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL 33957 . we returned from spending four months 1n Mex1co . I enjoyed each day .. I'm still an active volunteer and enjoy it all , church, shell club and Class of 1933 Class of 1921 . . Without Helene, Martha, Bernice, myself and a few others the Alumni community work, on Sanibel. Martha Long Garver (Charles) , 228 N. Narberth Avenue, Narberth, verna M. Keller Roberts, 11V2 Main Street, Dnfton , PA .18221. It IS would never have had a relief or educational fund. PA 19072. We are well and happy. Enjoying our two nice grandchildren , wonderful to remember all we learned at Jefferson Hospital. .It made Muriel Stevens Canis (Elwin) , 98 Durland Avenue , Elmira, NY 14905. Andy is 8 years and Elizabeth is 5 years . Doctor Garver retired and is our life more useful and happy. 1 have four children and s1x great Filomena Tiracchia Doherty, Lions Hea?. North, 36 R~gent Circle, Since retiring my husband and I enjoy traveling . In May we toured the busy keeping our grounds in flowers and shrubs, a nice hobby for him. Brick Town NJ 08723 . Nothing more exc1t1ng than reaching the w?n­ grandchildren. canyons of Arizona. We also enjoy our four granddaughters. derful age of 80 on February 20, 1985. I'm feeling great, I worked t1lll Elizabeth H. Romich Cobb, 12 High Street, Carbondale , PA 18407. I Thelma McArthur Wolford, Country Home R.D. 3, Box 92 , Indiana, Frances Glendenin Platt, Masonic Home, Elizabethtown , PA 17022. was 77 . was saddened to learn of the death of three of my classmates . (Carolyn Best regards to all. PA 15701 . In late 1984 and early 1985 I spent four months in a hospital , Olsen, Nell Gulp and lsa King) , I was friendly with all three . I enjoy the Isabella R. Kevel Heverly, 421 Burns Drive, Springfield , PA 19064. the first time in my life . I'm 77 years old and now retired. Henrietta Fitzgerald Spruance, Cadbury #409 , 2~50 Route 38 , Cherry bulletin, to me it is very interesting . Hill, NJ 08002 . Hello and best wishes to all my fnends at Jefferson. Frances Baker Crossan, 147 Prospect Avenue, West Grove, PA 19390. Nina Irvin Studebaker, 4739-55th Street, San Diego, CA 92115. My Marion Pollitt Carey (James) , 2513 Kings Drive , Lewes, DE 19958. husband Marvin died suddenly of a heart attack two years ago . Katherine Flickinger Aagaard, 354 Cummor Avenue, Glen Ellyn , IL Myrtle L. Stickline Clough Lee (Reuben), 301 McMechen Street, No special news . I enjoy reading the "Jeff" bulletin and doings of my classmates . Hello to all . 60137 . Hello to everyone. Baltimore, MD 21217. In June 1984 (at the a9e of 81) I was marned Hazel V. Oberdorf, 139 North 2nd Street, Lewisburg , PA 17837. I had to Reuben Lee , a retired Westinghouse Electr!c engmeer. o.f m~ three a low anterior resection and spleenectomy, due to diverticulitis and Chloe B. Swisher Ericksen (Arthur N.), 1836 Salem Road, Colony Class of 1922 . children, one is a nurse living in Dallas, TX; she 1s ~ff.a1rs.d1rector perforated bowel , slow recovery. My love to all friends at "Jeff." Park, Wyomissing, PA 19610. We have two sons Leif and Nils, and Claudia Starr Wiedlund, 6800 Mayfield Road, Apt. A-733, Mayfield for American Cancer Society. My younger daughter IS 11ymg In York, Ella Engel Welsh, Box 363 Rt. 2, Elberta, AL 36530. My multiple three grandchildren , Kirsten , 16 years; Leif II, 15 years and Tor, 13 PA, and deep into the ways of the My Enc, the oldest Heights, OH 44124. com~uter. s~n , sclerosis is getting worse but I still get around by using a walker and a years . Nils and family live in Vermont and Leif and family live in Birds­ is a veterinarian (VMO) in New Hampsh1~e . I ~ave f1v~ grandsons . My Viletta M. Emig, Barley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 1775 Barley cane . Sorry I couldn 't make the reunion . I gave my "pinkie" uniform, boro , PA. My husband, Doctor Arthur, retired, received a 50 year husband and 1 live a very full and act1ve l1fe. Bes1des our ch~rch plaque in March from the Pennsylvania Medical Society. Road , York, PA 17404. apron, bib and cuffs, to the Alumni Association; they will be placed in activities, we volunteer for Meals on Wheels , high school math tuton~g, the nursing archives. serve in a food closet and an over 60 employment agency. In Apnl I Helen L. Deane Kiraly (Paul J.), 2592 Locust Lane, Allison Park, PA Class of 1924 15101 . I have spent the greater part of the past two years in the hospital had a lens implant on my right eye. The one done on my left eye was Class of 1931 Kathryn L. Tash, Southampton Estates , Street Road , #C-119, very successful. My regards to Martha Riland. for a heart condition . Southampton , PA 18966. Emma M. Bahner, Ridgecrest Apt. 617, 20 Knollridge Road, Salem, VA 24153 . Looking forward to our 55th anniversary in 1986. Vivian Passmore Murray, 3026 Old Freeport Road , Natrona Heights , Class of 1928 PA 15065. Nothing new, time goes by so quickly and I seem to be Class of 1925 . Evelyn Reeser Arnold (Walter), 1201 Bahama Bend H-1 , Coconut developing a few more aches and pains. Take care Betty Piersol and the Marian Robinson Briggs, 150 Terrace Dnve, Lancaster, PA 1!601 . I Margaret N. Wilson Kenerup, Lake Manzanedo, R.D. 4, Box 438, Creek, FL 33066. Luckily both my husband and I are in good health, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 . I am still living ~lone in the Poco nos and best of health to you as you continue to serve Jefferson in so many am now living in a lovely little house in the count.ry~~o ~teps 1.nto my we travel and visit with 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren , with ways . garden with blue sky above and lots of sunshine; 1t s like l1v1ng ou~ enjoying it. My health is fairly good , I can st1ll take care of my home another expected in late summer. doors , 'quite a change. 1was sorry not to be able to get to the Alumni and grounds. My son, daughter-in-law and grandson keep me happy. Ellen E. Piatt Vetenko (Howard) , 8 K-Townhouse Road , Broad Brook, Dorothy T. Peterson, Paul's Run Apt. A-239, 9896 Bustleton Avenue, Luncheon, it was our 60th . Best w1shes to all. CT 06016. Howard had a heart attack in August 1984, and he is fine s. Elizabeth Neely Joy, 786 Hope Street! Mountain View, CA 84040 . Philadelphia, PA 19115. I have returned to Philadelphia and am now I'm doing pretty well. Hope to come East 1n 1986. now. I'm busy living each day as it comes . Sarah is chief therapist for Mildred Kroupa Okunishi, 4551 Hurley Street , Philadelphia, PA 19120. living at Paul 's Run which is a "life-time care place. " I would enjoy oncological unit at University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester. A year ago 1had a heart attack and wa~ take~ ~~the emergency ro~m, Frances Pierson Woolf (Kenneth), 1605 Mon~outh Driye, Sun City hearing from my classmates. then the intensive care unit of the Parkv1ew diVISIOn of the Metropolitan center, fL 33570 . I'm still doing volunteer work 1n our reg1onal medical Mildred Huber Bentz (Francis), Heatherwood Box 76, R.D. #3, Apt. Hospital as that is the nearest hospital to us . We went to a Jefferson Mary Taylor Lawley (William B.) , Route 1, Box 592 , Lacombe, LA 102 Honeybrook, PA 19344. We love our new home here at Heather­ center and enjoying it tremendously. 70445. Bill and I enjoy a contented, semi-rural life, with gardening , doctor f~r many years but Dr. Kotin died and I feel lost. wood . Beautiful people in charge , loving and caring. It is a place where Margaret E. Martin Lauchle, 5909 Grand Avenue , Downers Grove, IL golfing and community affairs filling our time . Our 3 children have you feel secure in that they also have a beautifully kept Hickory House Antionette Laudano Ronayne, (W.H .), 75 Bradley Avenue , Meriden , 69516. 1feel sadness at the loss of more of my classmates . A s1x week provided us with a total of 6 grandchildren. Hope to get to Philadelphia for those who become ill. Love to all . CT 06450 . trip at holiday time helped my own lone.liness: I sa~ my.two dau9hters in 1991 for our 60th reunion . who live in California and Texas; also fnends 1n Cal1forn1a and Anzona. Virginia Emmert Leo, 1749 Edgewood Hill Circle , Hagerstown , MD Class of 1934 Class of 1926 . Best wishes to all. 217 40 . Just waiting to attend our 55th anniversary next year. Alice Casper Wright, 199 W. Vine Street, Apt. 42 , Hatfield , 9440 . Marie Keene Lawton (Benjamin) , R.R . #1 , Box 490, Old Littleton ~A ~ Mary A. Stauffer Malick (Alton W.), R.D. #2, Box 372 , Sunbury, PA 1am 81 and full of arthritis, but still drive my car and am act1ve 1n local Marie Hosage DeStefano, 78 South Welles Street, Wilkes-Barre , PA Road , Harvard , MA 01451. Ben retired August 1st, 1984. Since then organizations . Just a little slower at everything. 17801 . 18702. Hello to everyone. we have had many lovely trips and also many visits to and from our

28 29 three children and eight grandchildren , who live in Vermont, Massachu­ Class of 1936 Dorothy Pfeiffer Lepley, 4129 Greenvale Drive , South Euclid , OH Sophia Pickens Driscoll (John) , 1311 Puritan Avenue , Woodbury, NJ 44121 . I am enjoying retirement and good health . I do a bit of traveling 08096. I'm retired and John is semi-retired . We are doing a lot of setts and Colorado . Thelma Marks Saylor (Blair) , 243 Calle de Madrid, Tucson , AZ 85711. Blair and 1retired January 1, 1985. We enjoy our house in Mexico on and volunteer for the American Red Cross and the Office on Aging. traveling and cruising . Trying to get it all done as long as our health Helen Reimer Motsay (D .S. , M.D.), 305 Chemung Street , Waverly, the Sea of Cortez. Greetings to all. holds up. NY 14892. 1 had a fun reunion with Peg Snear and her husband at Olga Dygan Mitchell, B1220 Park Drive Manor, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Corning Glass Center last fall. They were on a "foliage " tour in our area. Myra Cleo Snyder Dunkle, P. 0. Box 501 , Crescent City, FL 32012 . I'm still dividing my time between Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Alabama Harriet H. Werley, 6809 N. Seville Avenue , Milwaukee , WI 53209 . Spent the holidays with our children in Long Island and Massachusetts. During May and June of 1984 I took a wonderful trip to the South and Florida. Doing volunteer work in between . I'm still working full time at the University of Wisconsin . In March 1was in Florida , where I purchased a condominium at Port Pacific . Went to New Zealand, Australia , Fiji and cruised among the Class of 1940 St. Lucie . Yasawa Islands for three days and nights. On our return to the United States we stayed in Los Angeles for nine days and went sightseeing , Janet MacDonald Coats, P. 0. Box 534 , New Bern , NC 28560. 1retired in 1971 after 36 years in anesthesia (x-ray laboratory) at St. Lukes Class of 1942 Kathleen Warner Armitage, 116 N. Brown Street, Lewistown, PA returned home tired but happy. 17044. Loved seeing so many old friends at our 50th reunion in 1984. Hospital and Craven County Hospital, New Bern , NC. 1am widowed, Grace Jennings Dunkelberger (J. Roland), 201 Huston Avenue, Louise Evert Keich (Robert), 7820 Chambers Hill Road, Harrisburg , Stroudsburg , PA 18360. We are still enjoying our retirement. We spent Mildred Dore Estrada (Alfred A.), 103 NE 19th Avenue , Apt. 438-C , with no children . Since 1981 I have been in the Charles McDaniel rest PA 17111 . 1happily announce my pride in six grandchildren , the oldest home in New Bern; these places are for the "birds ." Hello to everyone. three weeks in California to celebrate our 35th (October 23rd) wedding Deerfield Beach , FL 33441 . We have moved from Ocean City, NJ to is a sophomore at Lehigh University and the youngest is 6 months old . Ell ora Endicott Meyer (Frederick), 570 Panoramic Highway, Mill Valley, anniversary, and the month of March at Myrtle Beach , South Carolina . my ancestral home for the summer, our address , P. 0. Box 262 , Smith­ I'm a forever young "grandma." Hope to see you all 1n 1986, God CA 94941. I attended the 45th reunion of our class at the alumni mill, PA 16680. willing. Love to all. Gladys K. Reed White, 313 Rocky Court West, Chalfont, PA 18914. Betty Piersol, 2601 Parkway, Apt. C-852, Philadelphia , PA 19130. I luncheon in May. It was great to see my classmates , Betty Piersol and In February 1985 , I was on a Caribbean cruise. I saw the Passion Play Mildred Cook Cox (J. Perry) , 815 Seacliff Road , Ocean City, NJ 08226 . other friends . at Oberammergau with my youngest daughter, Bette Ann, in September keep very busy, as each day there is something different to do . Peggy Our daughter, Virginia Rudolf, is getting her M.S. in oncological nursing Summers and I are planning a trip to Ireland sometime this fall. Sara L. Werstler, 814 Lancaster Avenue, Apt. 4, Bryn Mawr, PA of 1984. My oldest daughter, Mary Sue , and Gary Gross had a beautiful at Widener University. 19010. I continue to enjoy my retirement very much . baby girl, Suzanne , on November 5, 1984. My grandson Willie is 4 Catherine Smulling Gair, P. 0. Box 210247, Auke Bay, AK 99821. I'm Grace Bardo Ruopp (Ernest) , 25 Spruce Mt. Road, Danbury, CT years old. My son Jack and son-in-law Gary Gross are still taking care busy trying to relax more , and prioritize daily activities. See you all at 06810 . I'm retired and enjoy traveling in spite of arthritis. I swim daily, Helen Gipe Loughry, 51 Melrose Street, Melrose , MA 02176 . I'm of my printing business in Valley Forge Shopping Center. I keep busy our 75th anniversary. so far only my hands are affected. In 1984 we toured Greece , Yugo­ widowed and have three sons . Daniel is a lawyer; Kevin is in insurance with crafts and church work. and real estate ; and Justin is a lawyer. _ slavia, Austria and Germany, including the Passion play at Oberam­ Lois Longacre Kelly (Thomas), 11 Chapman Road , Pittsfield, MA mergau . In 1985 our tour was with a Colorado family to Seattle, Northern Mary Evelyn Flyte Rosser (Abe N.) , 10 East South Street, Apt. 620 , 01201 . We are both fine and busy, but miss our three sons who live in Cascade Mountains, Glacier National Park, and Yellowstone Nat1onal Wilkes Barre , PA 18701 . We are both enjoying our retirement. For our Virginia, California and Illinois. They all get home yearly to vacation at Class of 1935 Park. 45th wedding anniversary we are planning to spend several months in our nearby cottage . Esther Patton Weber (Paul), Box 242, 2015 Ridge Road, Perkasie , PA Europe. 18944. My husband and I are well . My whole family vacationed at the Sydney V. McClure Bechtel, 8552 W. Wings Lane , Crystal River, FL Class of 1937 Alice Freed Moore, 816 Bushnell , Caldwell , ID 83605 . 1have a new same time . My husband and I went to the Florida Gulf Coast, my Jean Heine Arnold, 43 N. Sunset Drive , Camano Island , WA 98292 . 32629 . Nothing exciting to report. I'm widowed and retired , have six daughter and her family on a Caribbean cruise , my oldest son and family job (volunteer) , helping to train the new junior volunteers at our local children and three grandchildren . Hello to everyone-it has been my privilege to call my Jefferson friends. hospital. It is frustrating, because I can 't even lower a bed rail , but 1 to Jamacia and my youngest son and his family to the East Coast of 1haven 't seen many of you for a long time . Hoping to see you at our Rhoda Burg Weisz (Paul B.), 3 Delaware Rim Drive, Yardley, PA Florida. What stories we all had to tell. love working with the young people . My husband , Jim, is temporary 50th reunion in 1987. Hope all of you plan to attend . chaplain at the College of Idaho , so he was pretty well tied down until 19067. On March 13th, 1985, my husband Paul was awarded the Stella Keller Godshall (Jacob M.), Valley Stream Apts ., Apt. V-201 , Mildred Woodhead Hawkesworth (Norman) , P. 0. Box 263, Goffs­ college was over in June . Jim just can 't seem to retire! He's tried three Perkin Medal at the Plaza Hotel , New York, New York. The Perkin Lansdale , PA 19446. Happy 50th anniversary to us. We had a lovely town , NH 03045 . Our son, Denis, married Bertelle B. Clemens , De­ times already. He's also taught a history course the last semester, the Medal has become recognized as the highest honor for outstanding Florida vacation , guests of Esther and Paul Weber. cember 8, 1984. She has a 14 year old daughter, Stephanie Clemens regular professor was on a sabbatical . work in applied chemistry in the United States. Geraldine Hyde Powers, 1850 Crestlyn Road, York, PA 17403. I have Hawkesworth. Denis has a 16 year old son , Bryan. Bertelle , Stephanie Margaret Foor Miller (Darrell G.), 155 Mt. Vernon Street, Dedham , Joyce Rose Sproch (Thomas) , 307 Alta Vita, Greensburg , PA 15601 . four children and six grandchildren , ages 10 to 22 years. I went back to and 1 spent two weeks in Orlando in February and we "did" Disney MA 02026 . This was my first visit to the alumni luncheon in thirty years . Tom has retired from radiology. We have been traveling and spending work after 20 years and spent 15 years in premature nursery, have been World , Sea World and Epcot. It was a tremendous, incredible , a~azing Enjoyed seeing all who were present and missed those that did not time in the Islands . and fun-filled experience . My mother is 97 years old . Her health IS good retired for 10 years and having a wonderful time traveling and playing attend. I am a grandmother of five . I look forward to attending our 50th Nancy Habecker Maxwell (Howard), 3113 Gladiola Drive , Colorado bridge . I have been a widow for 12 years. and she is here in New Hamsphire. Her memory is non-existent, but class reunion in 1990!!! Please come , everyone . we have ample help to jog her memory especially for past events . She Sp~ings , C_O 80907 . Max and I still enjoy traveling, as well as being Margaret Armstrong Tunnard (Edward), 79 E. Ashland Street, Doyles­ ret1red. I d1d have a chance to have lunch with six of my classmates in seems happy, is and active . My husband is feeling ~etter than he Class of 1941 town, PA 18901. In March I returned from spending two months in the past few months . has in several years. Life has been good to the whole fam1ly. Frances L. Huston Rumberger (Walter), 2111 Yale Avenue, Camp Hill , California; returning by way of Panama Canal, seeing Mexican and Rosalyn Hosterman Boyle, 3298 So. Eudora Street, Denver, CO 80222. Caribbean countries , wonderful trip! I'm also recuperating from total PA 17011 . Classmates , please make an effort to come to our 45th class After 22 ye~rs of nursing and 21 years of teaching special education , 1 hip replacement and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Class of 1938 reunion in May 1986. We would love to see you!!! Edith Owen McCutcheon, 70 Collins Road, Trenton , NJ 08619. Loving am now ret1red . Gene Roush Jerabek (George) , 3245 Southern Avenue , Kingman, AZ Martha Pauline Latsha Tharp, 21133 S.W. 85th Avenue , Apt. 311, my retirement, but there is too much I want to do for the little energy I 86401 . We enjoyed a visit with our son and family in Bremerhaven, Rose Pesci Nicastro (Gennar C.), 3443 School House Lane, Philadel­ Miami , FL 33189. In February I had surgery, bilateral ligation and have left to do it! Oh, well-1 have lots of company in the "getting old " West Germany over the Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday season in 1984. phia , PA 19144. On June 28 our daughter presented us with a hand­ stripping of thrombosed varicose veins. I am a member of senior adult department, Cheers!!! some grandson , Andrew Michael , what joy he has given us . I am now Josephine Barbour Moellers (Harry) , 7 E. Center Avenue, Maple and church sanctuary choirs , and we had our South Flonda Easter Madeline Ullom, Retired Col., 3255 N. Country Club Road, #29 , manager of a gift shop at Northeastern Hospital. What a tremendous Lt . Shade , NJ 08052. I am enjoying retirement; now I have time for all Pageant performance in April. I now have five grandchildren. Tucson, AZ 85716. In April, I was one of sixteen Army and Air Force challenge. Best wishes to all my classmates . those fun things , like trips , crafts , lunches etc . It is great. Mary W. Coles Moore (Carlton) , R.D. #5 , Box 171 , Bridgeton, NJ veterans (who were among those captured in the spring of 1942 when 08302 . We spend our winters in Florida since retiring . It is great to be the Philippines fell to the Japanese) to receive a bronze star on recog­ Ruth Kielman Giletto, 2020 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Class of 1943 celebrating our 50th anniversary. nition day. My son , Joseph B. Giletto , M.D. has moved to Dover, DE to practice Anne Hare lnemer (Michael), Millbridge Apts . 673 , Clementon , NJ ear, nose and throat. Blanche T. Rushin, 55A Locust Court, New Rochelle , NY 10801 . In Kathryn v. Bastian, 4208 Ford Road , Lawton, OK 73501. I have had 08021 . Our son, Timothy, a member of the State Department, will be 1984 I had a double by-pass . Hello to all my classmates . a fabulous year! I have a brand new knee and can walk without a limp Ethel Marie Heller Todaro, 1100 West Chester Pike , Apt. F-1, West sent to the American Embassy in Rio De Janeiro , Brazil as Vice Consul. Ellen Crawford Teague, 3 Oak Road via N.W. Avenue, Philadelphia, for the first time in years . Best wishes to all. Chester, PA 19382. For the past five years I have been director of Helen Thomas Reistle (Leo A.), 734 Kings Highway, Swedesboro, NJ nursing in the medical center of The Dunwoody Retirement Community PA 19118. Our 50th at "Jeff" WOW! What challenges we faced , what Mary E. Smith, 8 Henrietta Street , Red Lion, PA 17356. I am retired 08085 . I am enjoying retirement. 1984 was a red letter year for us. My in Newtown Square, PA . ~usband Leo developed lung cancer from asbestosis he got from work­ opportunities we had to help humanity. God Bless "Jeff." and enjoying every minute . l~g at D~Po _nt for 33 years . Rad iation therapy and a lot of prayer helped Helen McDaniels Hall (George) , 2522 Belport Lane , Sacramento , CA Geraldine Chamberlain Topping (Felix) , RD 2, Box 114, Montgomery, PA 17752. I am a part-time secretary. We have four children and eight h1m to lick 1t. At present time the cancer appears to have been eradi­ 95821 . 1am working in an extended care facility four days a week. We Class of 1939 cated , the asbestosis he will have to live with . toured Europe for 17 days this past July. We have lived in California Edna Garretson Eyler (Truman), 366 N. 4th Street, Gettysburg , PA grandchildren . My husband is a pilot and we enjoy flying over the since 1941. I attended the University of California, San Francisco for 17325. Dear Betty, in reply to your inquiry about Elizabeth Rowe . I country visiting our children and friends . Ruth L. Sunderland, R.D. 4, Box 7D, Colonial Hills , Lewistown, PA my medical laboratory internship many years ago. I would alternate knew Elizabeth ("Bess" to us) Rowe . She lived in Emmittsburg , Mary­ Margaret Summers, 2601 Parkway, C-852 , Philadelphia , PA 19130. 17044. I have been doing industrial nursing for the past forty years . between nursing and laboratory. My husband is a professional pianist, land about ten miles south of Gettysburg . She did private duty at the This has been a busy year for Betty Piersol and me . We worked in the Betty Calhoun Suttles, 2020 Oriole Drive , Ashtabula , OH 44004 . I having graduated from the Conservatory in San Francisco; he has Gettysburg hospital. Later she left the area and I did not see her again . Alumni Office while Martha Riland was recuperating from surgery; it is retired from EKG and Stress clinic. I have four lovely daughters, three retired due to illness . We have raised toy poodles instead of children ; She was a professional , complete with the starched umforms and long an eye opening experience . In September-October of 1984 , we spent grandsons and three granddaughters. My family is close by and 1am unfortunately we did not have any children. Enough about me . sleeves. two beautiful weeks in Switzerland . so lucky.

30 31 Class of 1944 Kathryn Fowler Hood , P. 0. Box 759 , Fort Pierce, FL 33454 . I'm Carol Stevens Covert (Elmer) , 715 Winchester Road , Broomall , PA Louise Dietz Strayer (Kermit), 362 S. Charles Street, Dallastown , PA Rosie Smith Jones (William E.), 1888 Delaware , Beaumont, TX 77703 . getting older, but still actively engaged in geriatric nursing , a new field 19008. We 're enjoying Elmer's retirement. We recently returned from 17313. I'm enjoying retirement so very much . We have two grandchil­ Retirement does take some adjustment; we are both well. I am still for me . a tour through Europe . Hope to visit the British Isles next year. Also we dren , Adam , age 2 years and Nikki , age 5 years . I enjoy spending time "cleaning out" and plan to send some old pictures fo r the Alumni Marian Kelly Carver (Clarence E.), 5201 Atlantic Blvd. , Apt. 107 , are the proud grandparents of Jennifer Miller, 3 years , and Matthew with them . I hope everyone writes a note next year, I would love to Miller, 1 year. Hope everyone is well and enjoying life . "scrapbook. " Jacksonville, FL 32207 . I am still working as a staff nurse on oncology know how everyone is and what they are doing . Jean McMullen Koutsouros (Alex) , 1207 Wedgewood Road , Flour­ floor at Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville , FL . I work the 11-7 shift, Class of 1948 Florence Servello McAlpin (Alton) , 8431 Hearth Drive #3 , Houston , four nights a week. There is much activity and holistic nursing jn this town , PA 19031. I'm still working , by choice . There are still some new Phyllis M. Russell Szewczak, 413 E. Montgomery Avenue , North TX 77054 . Time literally flies by, it seems as though I just finished places to go . department. I am a recovered cancer patient and attempt to relate in reading the latest alumni bulletin . I am back to work after a six month many areas . I am thinking about cutting back when I become 62 in Wales , PA 19454. Last May (1984) my oldest son Mark earned his Mary Elizabeth Thomas Dickerson, Rt. 2, Box 220A , Buchanan , VA hiatus; I am not quite ready to turn in my cap. Best wishes to former September. My husband is disabled and in a wheelchair now. Our Ph.D . in physiology; middle son David was married in June 1984; 24066. My best regards to everyone . classmates. daughter and her family live close by. She is also a recovered cancer youngest son Paul was married in September 1984; and younger daughter Marjorie Fink Searing, 1613 Wight Street, Wall , NJ 07719 . It was so patient, we have been so fortunate . Hello to all. Anne_married in April. I also have one older daughter Pat, who is nice to see and visit with classmates on our fortieth anniversary at the marned . Class of 1950 Col. Catherine T. Betz (Ret) , 3402 CRAIGO El Paso , TX 79904 . I am 1984 luncheon. My husband , Bob , died in September 1984 after a Elinore Satterfield Lynch (Norman) , Timber Road Box #12, Mt. Gretna, well , happy and enjoying my retirement, playing golf and traveling. Best Anne Olivia Carballo (Jose) , 6860 S.W. 99 Terrace , Miami , FL 33156 . lengthy illness . I am retired from nursing and keep busy with various PA 17064. I have been a school nurse for the past fifteen years . We wishes to all my classmates on our 40th anniversary-where have the My husband , Jose was elected chief of staff at Mercer Hospital , Miami activities and interests. for 19_8~. Our children : J.D. is a geologist with Marathon Oil Company; have three children . The girls are in health-related fields , and our son is years gone? in pre-med at Pennsylvania State University. My husband and I are in Elizabeth Wilson Smith All (Lowell) , 205 Virginia Avenue , Petersburg , John IS m law school at Stetson ; Jeff graduated in hotel and restaurant Dorothy Dusman Mowery (Charles W.), 16 Stone Mountain Road , good health. We enjoyed a trip to Italy and Greece last year. WV 26847 . I am on the Board of Directors of the Potomac Highlands management; Jim is at Florida University in interior design ; Anne is at Englewood, FL 33533 . I really enjoyed the alumni luncheon on the Mental Health Guild . Florida State in dietetics; and Amy is majoring in nursing at University Jane Heffelfinger Whipple (Harry) , 112 Centerbrook Road , Hamden, occasion of the 40th anniversary of my class (1945). It was fun to see of Florida. I work in the office with my husband. CT 06518 . September 23 , 1983 I was married to Harry W. Whipple . Mary Snook Smolkovic, 31 Sandra Place, Hamburg, NY 14075. I'm so many familiar faces . Together we have six children and four grandsons . Currently I'm head still enjoying good health , retirement , hobbies , family and friends . I am Doris Haines Stevens, 3185 Honey Run Drive , York, PA 17 404 . May Christine W. Lindes Park (Oliver) , 48 1/2 Mountain Spring Road , Far­ 1984 I sold my home in Erie , Pennsylvania and moved to York, PA. My nurse of chronic peritoneal dialysis unit at Yale New Haven Hospital , so happy to correspond with my old roommate Maureen Sharpless mington , CT 06032 . I fin ished seminary two years ago and am now a New Haven , CT. On May 21 I presented a paper to the national organi­ McCool. daughter, Rebecca, graduated from college in December 1984 with a commissioned minister in the Congregational Church. I like everything B.S. degree in geo-science; she is now attending York College for zation of nephrology nurses in San Diego , CA. about it. I am also a storyteller called "third wise woman ," and perform teaching credentials . Barbara Fisher Ackerman (F. Eugene, D.D.S.), Applebrook Farm , a great deal telling "stories to grow on ." Class of 1945 Nancy Weikel Ritzman (Elmer) , 1600 Patricia Avenue, Willow Grove , Linfield , PA 19468. This a year of celebrating graduation anniversaries Evelyn Louise White Collett (Milo J.) , 269 E. 9545 South , Sandy, UT PA 19090. We enjoyed a Caribbean cruise in August 1984 to celebrate for Gene and me . Gene is celebrating his 30th from University of 84070. Our girls are all married and I'm grandmother to five grand­ Class of 1946 Pennsylvania Dental School and my 35th from Jefferson- isn 't it Betty Kimmel Frommelt (J. Calvin), 502 Ramapo Avenue , Pompton our 35th wedding anniversary. I'm secretary of Bucks-Montgomery daughters and one grandson . I'm not able to work anymore , following Chapter of Emergency Nurses Association . wonderful? back surgery. Love to all my classmates and friends. Lakes , NJ 07442 . We welcomed our sixth grandchild in December 1984. I have finally unglued Cal from his practice long enough to enjoy Doris Burke Hano (George) , Rt. 1, Box 105, Warrenton , VA 22186 . A Mary Louise Moore Brumbaugh (Simon) , 7337 Central Avenue , Lemon Ida Jean Fluck Bertram (Walter H.) , 5133 Arbor Street, Philadelphia , relaxing vacations . six weeks refresher course for R.N.s in the sixties gave me courage to Grove, CA 92045 . It was wonderful to attend my 35th reunion and to PA 19120. I am working in an allergist's office . We have three daugh­ work again. I have done part-time 3-11 P.M. work for thirteen years , look in on my daughter Patty who is a freshman medical student at ters , all married , and six grandchildren . They give us much happiness. Betty Weldon Sunderlin (Lester) , Box 91, Quinton , NJ 08072. This Jefferson. summer we toured Norway, Sweden , and Denmark. We are enjoying I'm just a staff nurse on a medical-surgical floor, but 1do like my work. Ruth F. Rohr Starner (Alvin) , 995 Newtown-Richboro Road , Newtown , retirement. Thanks to Jefferson for a good training. Rose M. Glaude! Mulligan (Robert L.), 600 Brobst Street , Shillington , PA 18940. January 19841 had open heart surgery, aortic valve replaced Margaret M. Basler Blaine (R ichard ). 112 Fairmont Drive , Bel Air, PA 19607. Our daughter, Marta Ann was married February 16, 1985 Jeanne Null Collevechio (Tom) , 17 Linda Drive , Allendale , NJ 07401 . to Peter Jeffrey Lang . and by-pass. Dr. J.Y. Templeton was the surgeon . In January 1985 I MD 21014 . I would love to hear from former classmates . spent three weeks at Jefferson with pneumonia. I am enjoying good health and working on a part-time basis . Rachel Irvine Herbert, 2419 E. Helms Manor, Boothwyn , PA 19061 . Janet C. Hindson, 1014 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. 1was Doris M. Heaps Parrish, 147 Hartnell Place , Sacramento , CA 95825 . sorry to miss our 35th reunion and seeing everyone . Many thanks for Class of 1947 My daughter, Diane Herbert Garrett, a mechanical engineer, is Presi­ J· After my trip East to the Jefferson reunion , I went on a mini-cruise in Janet Edwards Maurer (Calvin) , 7752 Carrleigh Parkway, Springfield , dent/Chairman of the Board , Turbotron , Inc., San Diego , California . your visits , cards and plant. Everyone looked great on the group picture . September, plus a few other trips to see family. I'm still working part­ VA 22152 . It was nice to see Ellie Hippensteel this year at the Berwick You bet your bippy I'm proud. Will be looking forward to seeing everyone in 1990. time , quite enough to keep me busy. I Hospital in Pennsylvania. She was in the hospital with her students; I M. Arlene Yohey Watkins (George A.), 802 Oak Avenue, Lake City, Margaret J. Henry Jones (Donald E.), 3117 Catherine Avenue , Allen­ A. Janice Kline Jacoby, 2605 Bittersweet Drive, The Timbers , Wil­ was with my mother who had undergone a successful hysterectomy, FL 32055. I continue with VAMC in Lake City, where we are currently town , PA 18103. I spent a week in Dallas at AORN convention in mington , DE 19810. My husband , Donovan, died of a heart attack at thankfully it was benign . activating our new nursing home facility of one hundred and twenty February. I'm still working full-time and babysitting for my five grand­ home , October 25 , 1984. He had been a teacher in the area schools for Jane Treon Reitz, 8 Deer Run Drive , Cypress Creek, Myrtle Beach , beds . This is a never to be forgotten experience . Sorry I couldn 't make children very often . I enjoyed seeing my classmates at our 35th year reunion in May. thirty-two years. NC 29577 . I am presently office manager at Emergency Center-Myrtle the luncheon this year. Greetings to all my old friends . Geraldine Halvorsen Wagner (Walter) , 1022 Kendall Road , Woodland Beach . I co-authored a Drug and IV manual in 1981. I taught IV therapy Betty R. Martz Muthler (John K.), RD #4, Box 15, Jersey Shore , PA Germaine Ross Nadler, 4003 West Benden Drive, Murrysville, PA Heights , Wilmington , DE 19805. I retired after twenty-three years as a to nurses and medical students for eleven years. I have four children 177 40. I have been in my present position of for the 15668. My husband Ronald , died September 6, 1984. 1 have two relief nurse for General Motors. (twins) and two grandchildren . past 21 years . We have five children and five grandchildren . grandchildren living in the Harrisburg area. Charlotte Cooper Phillips (Ernest A.) , 201 Sierra Way, Auburn , CA Julia C. Stout, 718 E. Cameron Street, Shamokin , PA 17872. I retired Mercedes F. Breen Christ (William) , 33 Louise Drive , Milltown , NJ Clara C. Richardson Flynn (Owen) , 9021 Mojave Drive , Sacramento , 95603 . My daughter Addie and I visited son Bill and family in Los in July 1985 , after thirty-seven years at Shamokin State General Hos­ 08850. My husband and I recently spent a month traveling in Switzer­ CA 95826. No special news in our family this year. I just wonder where Angeles last summer and went to six events of the Olympics. I'm an pital. It's hard to believe , but I have looked forward to retiring . My best land , Austria, and Germany, a Christmas gift from our four children. It all the nurses are . Are nurses with degrees ever going to "work " in "inactive" R.N. now. In March my husband and I spent nine days in wishes to all of you. was fabulous. convalescent hospitals? I wonder what 's going to happen to long term Oahu , Hawaii . Our first time there and it was great. We have four Elizabeth Martin Spencer (Richard) , 125 Folcroft Avenue , Folcroft, care facilities when all the old timers , the old "trained nurses" are dead grandchildren, Leslie , 11 years; Melissa, 10 years; Christopher, 51/2 Faye Deiter Groff (Benjamin B.), 1241 Lampeter Road, Lancaster, PA and g~ne. It seems nurses with degrees can 't find jobs unless they have PA 19032. I'm clinical supervisor at Taylor Hospital in Ridley Park, PA 17602. Our grandson , Tyler Cameron Groff, was born January 7, 1985. years and Jared , 4 years. in the areas of operating room , recovery room , short procedure unit, expenence , so they come to us and we train them and give them Catherine A. Hankee Shinton, 1532 Vista Road , Lancaster, PA 17601. and G. I. laboratory. Shirley Darling McDonald, 29 Culberson Road , Basking Ridge , NJ experience and then they are gone . I know it's the low pay, but still 07920. I couldn 't write last year as I was too emotional. My second convalescent hospitals need super nurses , too . I wish I knew the answer I retired March 23rd , 1985. I had been a staff nurse at Lancaster Marie Louise Baloga Peters (Leo J. Jr.), 7018 Gate ridge Drive , Dallas , Osteopathic Hospital. husband Joseph McDonald died of pancreatic cancer. I've gone through how to get higher salaries for convalescent hospital nurses. I'm getting TX 75240 . I am still working part-time , as a nursing consultant, for the some dark days , but I am happy to say I am now fine . I recently frustrated; I'm director of staff development, but 1must work the floor Thelma Shetzley Fleming (John B.), 319 Ridgewood Road , Spring­ United States Public Health Service , in the Dallas Regional Office . returned from a six week trip in the United States and Canada; it was when there is absolutely no one else . field , PA 19064. I recently retired as director of nursing after ten years, Irma Schuetz Heller (Donald E.), P. 0. Box 168, Rehoboth Beach , DE fabulous. Perhaps next May I will get to the annual luncheon. from the Mary J. Drexel Home in Bala Cynwyd , PA. 19971. I retired from nursing in the Women's Correctional Institution , Class of 1951 Betty Hechler Fleming, 559 Brookwood Road , Wayne , PA 18087. My Niantic, CT on March 31 , 1981 . Don retired early from General Dynam­ Class of 1949 Jane E. Hawk Aires (Ramon) , 16653 Pineridge Drive , Granada Hills , lr husband , Paul , died December 12th, 1984 after a long illness (Parkin­ ics , Groton , CT. Now we enjoy the seashore in the summer and traveling Bette_Mengel Borkey (Eugene), 91 Burning Tree Lane , Flying Hills, CA 92344. Wonderful news! we 're grandparents. Garret Daniel was son 's and Alzheimer's disease) . in our motorhome many weeks of the year. Readmg , PA 19607. Sorry I couldn 't attend the luncheon this year, born June 1984 to our daughter Vicki and her husband Dan Tauchstone . hope to in the future . David and Patty expect their first child in September. Ray and I are

32 33 On November 10, 1984 the February '58 class got together at the City delighted. I've given up thoughts of nursing and have started a small Barbara Lynch Hummer (Thomas), 110 Railroad Street , Danville, PA Carolyn M. Ressler Goepfert (Joseph) , 30 Miller Avenue , Southamp­ Line Marriott for the weekend . Only Lorry, Josie , Ellie and Hoosier business doing hand knitting . I'm known as "Aire-Looms by Jane." 17821. We have one daughter and one son married; our youngest son ton, MA 01073 . I was promoted during the summer of 1984 to manager Quite a switch . Mother passed away in May of 1984, so reasons for is a junior in high school. I am still very involved in scouting and local were unable to join us , but we did talk with them . Isabella Young where of health services at Dennison National Company, where I've worked are you! since 1976. It is lots of work but a great challenge . I visited with Carol visiting in the East are slowly disappearing . school sports. Reigle Nystrom in August of 1984 when I was in Iowa; I hadn 't seen Dolores Ann Pauster Gorham (William) , 405 Atwater Road , Broomall, Barbara Battram Rhoads (Edwin) , 200 Rhoads Avenue , Selinsgrove , PA 17870. We have three children . One daughter has a BSRN , is her since 1966. We had a wonderful time reminiscing. Her two daugh­ PA 19008. I am looking forward to our thirty-fifth reunion next year!!! Class of 1956 Marilyn Robertson Glauber (Kenneth R.), 8239 Burnley Road , Tow­ married and has blessed us with our first grandchild. Our youngest ters are in college. My three daughters are ages 16, 14, and 10. I'm still Marian E. Hoffman Narbuth (Benjamin) , 1626 St. John 's Drive , El son , MD 21204 . Our son , Peter, has joined our family business , Glaub­ daughter and son are seniors at Pennsylvania State University. Since trying to get my B.S., maybe by 1990! Paso , TX 79903. Our son Edward graduated magna cum laude from ers Fine Candies , Inc ., and we have opened our fourth retail store . graduating from Jefferson , I have worked in maternity, geriatric care Dorothy I. Sampsell, Lt. Col., has been decorated with the Meritorious Texas Tech University in May. He received a B.S. in soils. In August Come see us . and as a records surveyor examining nursing homes . I have not worked Service Medal at Hanscom Air Force Base , Massachusetts. She is a our daughter Carol received a chemistry. Barbara is an honor for twelve years. I am now enjoying teaching an exercise class , taking chief nurse with the Air Force Clinic. The Meritorious Service Medal is student in the nursing program at the University of Texas , El Paso . This Florence Roche, 8318 Jeanes Street, Philadelphia , PA 19111 . I spent an exciting week in Dallas , Texas in March , at the AORN Congress . I a correspondence course in dressmaking , and assorted hobbies . I had awarded specifically for outstanding non-combat meritorious achieve­ past year I was involved in volunteer work in the school where Nancy a fantastic time reminiscing with my classmates at the Marriott in finally purchased my own home. ment or service to the United States . teaches . It has been satisfying to give that extra "push " to slow readers Philadelphia. and witness their success . Jean Krasnisky Pike (Ralph) , 10622 Mimosa Drive , Sun City, AZ. Class of 1961 85373 . Our daughter, Cynthia Marie Coughlin , graduated from Jeffer­ Joan Harmer Tribolet (Bob) , 2920 Grisdale Road , Roslyn , PA 19001. Marian Thorp Williams (Arthur R.) , 5812 Saul Street, Philadelphia, We have two daughters , the eldest is 21 , and graduated from Pennsyl­ Betty Lou Simonson Woods, 114 Grand Parkway North , 'Lewistown , PA 19149. We are enjoying our grandchildren , Richard Tustin II and son Medical College in June , 1985. My husband , Doctor Pike , and I PA 17044. Sorry I was unable to attend the luncheon this year due to live in Arizona during the winter; he is retired. We return to Newport, vania State University in May. Our youngest is 15. I am presently Lauren Williams Tustin , born May 1, 1985. another commitment the same day. I am now vice president for nursing Rhode Island for the summer. I am planning to make our 30th reunion. employed in geriatrics as restorative nursing supervisor. I'm also active in local politics . Enjoyed a great weekend at the City Line Marriott with service at Lewistown Hospital and enjoying all the challenges of this Class of 1952 Marguerite Johnson Domenick (Francis), 1905 Pinewood Drive, Al­ my classmates. difficult time we are in . Our children are grown- son Jamie , was Nancy L. Greising Wilhelm (George A.), 993 Bellaire Lane , Rockledge, toona , PA 16602. Thanks to the Alumni Scholarship Fund , I should married last fall ; daughter, Kimberly is in beauty school in Philadelphia. Shirley Hill Walker (Tanzii) , 8272 Williams Avenue , Philadelphia, PA FL 32955 . A really great year for us! We are tickled blue-blessed with have my degree by the end of the year from St. Joseph 's College in We welcomed a new member to our family in April , Heidi , an eight week 19150. We have one son , age 12 years. I have been employed with our first grandchild Joseph Hans Wilhelm in August 1984. I had a old Doberman puppy. She 's our second Doberman and we are delighted Maine . Community Health Services of Philadelphia (have worked in community quadruple cardiac by-pass in November 1984. Quite an experience, with her. I think about our education and can 't help comparing it to health nursing since 1959) . Presently I am the parent services manager nursing has really changed since those first heart surgery patients at today 's world ; also didn 'tthink I would ever be in a position to say "how Class of 1957 for West Philadelphia area office. I enjoyed renewing old friendships Jefferson with Dr. Gibbon . I feel great and am very busy, as ususal, but times have changed! " It sometimes makes one appreciate the orderli­ Carol Hyland Gray (Marvin), 6601 Pleasant Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211. and fond memories at our reunion at the Marriott. gradually learning to cut out that "superwoman" complex and take time Our first grandchild , Caroline El izabeth Gray was born December 8th ness of a world which will never return. to do the things that are essential to my own well being . Practicing what 1984. My husband continues to be a partner in the law frim of Golding, Joan Mosely Pesce (John) , 511 N. Oxford Avenue , Ventnor City, NJ Ann Barron McBeth (William) , 23 Circle Drive, Telford , PA 18969. you preach can really be difficult, at times , but we are all happy and Crews , Meekins , Gordon and Gray in Charlotte . To find myself a grand­ 08406. John and I have shared many experiences with our five children Class of 1961 , please keep in touch with me for our 25th reunion in well. Sorry to hear of "Radishes " (Joan Hardish Reid 1952) passing mother is unbelievable and I wonder where in the world the years have ages 16 through 24. None are married as yet. I have worked at Chil­ 1986. away. Remember how we used to sing "Danny Boy" out the windows gone. dren 's Seashore House in Atlantic City for the past sixteen years and of Sheppard Pratt when she was saying goodnight to Danny! Have a love pediatric rehabilitation. It was a great reunion our group had and Edrie Wilson Brennan (F. Thomas), 413 E. Penn Blvd. , Woodbury, NJ 08096. I'm still working part time for Reutter-Daisey in Thorofare , NJ. good year. Esther Lee Warthin Webb (Hamilton) , Box 552 Low, Locust Grove , we enjoyed sharing memories with each other. VA 22508. At the present time I am assisting in an internist's office as Our children are growing too fast , Ann is 16 and in 1Oth grade; Colin is a volunteer. Also taking liberal arts courses at the local community Bernadine Tichy Goshow (Jack) , 3742 Mechanicsville Place , Philadel­ 7 and in 2nd grade . Class of 1953 phia, PA 19154. I have been working since my graduation . The first Irene Gibson O'Brien, 22 Tomahawk Drive, Marlton , NJ 08053. I'm college and Mary Washington College . I belong to a great books pro­ Marjorie K. Ross Berrier (William), 11 -19th Street, Huntingdon , PA gram , travel and play lots of golf. four years I worked at Jefferson; for the past twenty two years I have employed at Garden State Community Hospital , Marlton , New Jersey. been gainfully employed as a maternity nurse. I have been on night 16652. Our oldest son , William , Jr., graduated from Penn State Uni­ I work in rheumatology and orthopaedics. Gretchen Aschenbach Baker (Theodore), 3 Linden Hill , Woodstock, duty all this time at Holy Redeemer Hospital. We have six children with versity, May 1984 on the dean 's list. He received a B.S. in aerospace VT 05091 . 1 continue to be active in nursing as supervisor for our local only one married and no grandchildren. I see my future as continuing engineering and was commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the United States Class of 1954 visiting nurse association . Our oldest daughter Beth was married in in this maternity and child related field . I thoroughly enjoyed our private Air Force . He received a scholarship from the USAF to the Air Force Rena Sauvageot Graham (Charles) , Rt 2 67371 Hanna Road , Quaker September 1984. Rebecca graduated from college in June . Life in "get together " with our classmates at the Marriott. It was super! Institute of Technology to pursue a master's degree in astronautical City, OH 45364 . I'm still school nurse and CPR instructor. Our second Vermont is exhilarating , lots of skiing in winter and tennis in spring , engineering. Our second son, Donald , graduated from Susquehanna grandchild arrived in June , our grandson is in kindergarten . I'm teach­ summer and fall. I would love to see any alumni traveling this far north , Grace Witt Becker (Alfred) , 2975 Antler Drive, Doylestown , PA 18901 . University in September 1985. I continue to work for the Pennsylvania ing first aid and CPR to area 4H Clubs and Vo-Agriculture Clubs . the latch string is always out. We have one daughter and one son, the oldest is 21 and a senior in Department of Health , where I am the area nurse coordinator for Hun­ college . I am glad to be back in this area again and I enjoyed seeing my Mary Lee Stoutenberg Russell (W. Horton) , 8915 Marksfield Circle, tingdon County. I received certification in Community Health Nursing Mary Catherine Eichmann Cowen (Mac) , 3636 Gloucester Drive , old classmates . through the American Nurses Association in December 1984. Louisville , KY 40222 . Our daughter Cheryl has a B.S. in nursing , is Bethlehem , PA 18017. Our daughter, Malia, got married in August. married and working for Blue Cross-Blue Shield , in Dallas , Texas . My Carolyn Doorly Vizzard (Joseph) , 2800 Stevens Street, Philadelphia, son David was married in December 1984 and works in sales in Fort Class of 1958 PA 19149. I am currently the coordinator of staff development/educa­ Lauderdale , Florida . I retired in January. Now I'm playing golf , bridge , Barbara J. Hand Brodovsky (Harvey S.), 13 Scarlet Oak Drive , Lafay­ Class of 1959 tion at Jeanes Hospital. and doing volunteer work. ette Hill, PA 19444. Our son , Bill, graduated from Ithaca College in Susan Lesley Derrickson (Thomas), 2 Sunset Lane, Milford, DE 19963. Barbara Borrell Fleishman, 235 Bethel Court, Oregon, WI 53575 . I'm Carol Stuart Baxter, 2251 Pimmit Drive #805, Falls Church , VA 22046. May of 1985 , majoring in physical therapy. Our son, Jeremy, is a I am director, Memorial home health services , Milford Memorial Hos­ working full time on a rehabilitation unit. My daughters are 15 and 18 , 1 am with Comprehensive Home Health Services (Camp Health) , for­ freshman , taking chemistry at Moravian College; he also plays soccer pital , Milford , DE . the oldest one is going to college in September. merly the Visiting Nurse Service of Fairfax County, Virginia. We are there. Carol Jones Stange (Frederick) , R.D. #3, Moscow, PA 18444. Our Barbara Canal Obin (Andrew) , 28 Magnolia Avenue , Denville , NJ constantly growing and expanding our services to meet the increasing Geneva Hunsinger Bowman, 1151 St. Joseph Street, Lancaster, PA daughter, Pamela, graduated this year from high school, and will con­ 07834. I'm working in a doctor's office , and hope all our classmates need for home care. If you are in the Washington , D.C. area, please 17603. The last of my three children graduated in June and entered the tinue her education in travel and tourism at Keystone Junior College in are planning to attend the reunion for our twenty-fifth anniversary. call me , (703) 734-9079 . It was wonderful to see many old classmates Air Force this fall. My work in psychiatry continues to be a challenge , LaPlume , Pennsylvania. and friends last year. which I enjoy. Nancy Davis Crawford (Donald) , 200 MacArthur Drive, Williamsville , Class of 1962 Helen M. Fetsko Besecker (Joseph) , 1209 Marietta Avenue , Lancas­ Yvonne R. Foster King, 2388 Dustin Circle , Spring Hill , FL 33526 . NY 14221 . My private practice as a medical social worker continues. I Suzanne Rumberger Carter, 4389 Hopkins Lake Drive, Duluth , GA ter, PA 17603. We now have two nurses in the family, Suzanne is a Since my retirement from the Air Force , I have moved to Spring Hill , am now a member of aging network services , a national organization 30136 . I am working as a radiology nurse at Emory University Hospital visiting nurse in Philadelphia. Kristin is nursing in Lancaster, and her where I work as an ob-gyn practitioner. I'm getting used to that good of clinical social workers helping families separated by distance . in Atlanta , and doing echocardiography part time. Our hospital just did twin Karla is an operating room technican . Our oldest son Jeb is an Florida living with a screened in swimming pool in the back yard. our first heart transplant. My children are Valerie , 22; Joe, 21; and Lisa, account executive with Merrill Lynch in Harrisburg. Eric is teaching 15, who is still with me . I love Georgia . Barbara Barrett Borkowski (Bernard B., M.D.), 303 Windy Bush Es­ computer electronics in Los Angeles , California . Joe is still in pediatrics Marian L. Krahling Hammond (Phillip R. Sr.), 896 Forrest Road , and I still do community theater, just finished the leading role as Mama tate , New Hope , PA 18938. We have two daughters . Deborah , 23 years old , is an R.N. graduating from Lankenau in 1982, and from Widener Class of 1960 Chambersburg , PA 17201 . I'm working in the office of Chambersburg Rose in the show "Gypsy." Life has been good to us. The sad news Joan Driscoll Perkins, P.O. Box 6959 , Alexandria , VA 22306 . I am ob-gyn associates with five doctors. We have two children in college . however is the death of my nephew, Paul Andrew Fetsko , age twenty in 1985 with a B.S.N. Karen , 20 years old , is a sophomore at West Virginia Wesleyan , studying fashion merchandise . I have not worked enjoying my work in the surgical intensive care unit at a hospital in My husband is busy with Case International dealership, acquiring his five, on March 10, 1985. His mother is Nadine Dopirak Fetsko, class Bethesda, MD. third store. We enjoyed a recent trip to Hawaii. of 1948. since I married, but I am very active in civic and policital organizations .

34 35 Marcie Grieshaber Moore, 140 N. Rockburn Street, York, PA 17402. Margaret Grace David (George) , 321 Bala Avenue , Bala Cynwyd , PA Judy Abbott Getz (Donald) , Edgewater, 1101 Airlie Road , Wilmington , Son Mark, a sophomore is a silver medalist in 100 yard breaststroke in 19004. Megan, age 14 , will be entering high school in the fall , and Jim , NC 28403 . We spent November 1984 in South America visiting with Barbara Shermer Ruehl (Victor E. Ill). "Woodhollow" 3491 Church YCIAA championships. age 7, finished first grade . George's real-estate investment and man­ ~ob and Lori Miles Eichfield , (Jeff 1965) . We traveled through Bolivia School Road , Doylestown, PA 18901. My husband Vic was recently agement companys continue to grow, for which we are all grateful! I promoted to assistant vice president for Mellon Bank. Terry Lefchick Lamberth, 726 Pomona Avenue, Coronado , CA 92118 . 1~to the Andes to LaPaz , and then Lake Liticoca and on to Machu have maintained my ties to Jeff through the Women 's Board , Martha P1cchu , Peru . We spent some time at their home in Rio deJaniero . Dorothy Carver Petrozzi (John) , 87 Algonquin Trail , Medford Lakes , 1984 was fantastic! We had a marvelous six month holiday in England Jefferson Committee and the "Hello Hospital" program for first grade and Europe , and visited friends in many countries . We picked up our NJ 08055. I hope to see everyone at the alumni luncheon in 1986 for students attending Philadelphia Public Schools . I have also fallen in Virginia Beyer lv~s, 4904 S. Tupelo Turn , Wilmington , DE 19808. 1 our 20th reunion . ' car at the factory in Stuttgart, Germany and that alone was quite an love with tennis and have a tennis elbow to show for my efforts. We passed the Amencan Nurses Association certification test for com­ experience . We had our own flat in London which we used as home spent a week skiing in Utah with Patti White Block and husband Bob , munit¥ health nurse . I continue to work as community health nurse Clare Marie Karabasz, MSN, Lieutenant Colonel , Army Nurse Corps , base . From there we planned our trips and went anywhere at anytime. class of 1967, in March. Eileen Cancelli DeSipio and family are our ~oordma~or at ~AMC , Wilmington, DE . I have two daughters , Varesha Nurse Methods Analyst, Frankfurt Army Regional Medical Center (Ger­ Some friends allowed us to use their Swiss chalet in the Alps on the neighbors since we moved two and a half years ago . For the record­ IS attending Un1vers1ty of Delaware , and Alisia is a sophomore in high many) Box 13, APO New York 09757. edge of the Matterhorn. It was in a tiny French speaking village , 6,000 school. they both look like a million dollars , better than when they were 18, if E. Carol Moan (James) , 1116 Linwood Avenue , Collingswood , feet up , and nowhere near tourist areas. Skiing was the prime interest Du~oin that's possible! My best to all. Nancy Schraga Wilson (Cal) , 17 4 Edgehill Road, Syracuse , NY 13224. J1m works at RCA and Jimmy, age 15, is busy with activities and we had lots of snow and more falling during the end of May and ~J ~8108 . 1n h1s nmth grade . I'm working in radiation oncology at Cooper Hospital early June , a lovely time . We had lots of wonderful adventures and Barbara Nase Anderson (Robert) , 907 Bayler Drive , Newark, DE On Ju~e 17 I .grad~ated from the nurse practitioner/clinician program mfam1ly pract1ce . I m still coordinator of medical services at residential bought lots of lovely things , since we shopped only at factory outlets ; 19711 . Bob was recently promoted to lieutenant colonel . He spent an as ~l.m1cal stud1e~ nurse . Nursing in a research field has been very facility for dependent children . exc1tmg . Our fam1ly relaxes together by going sailing or skiing . the prices are so affordable for crystal , wools , bone ch ina , and anything interesting summer, 1984 , at the American Embassy in Syria. Cheryl , one can imagine . We hated to leave . Here at home I stay fairly busy. age 12, was selected for the John Hopkins talent search . David , age 8, ~arolyn Ruth Widman Bohn (William) , 1262 Paso Fino Drive , War­ Patricia Downey Houck (Gary L.) , 7432 Wells Drive , Harrisburg , PA Work some days at the neonatology unit, a very busy one . We do over enjoys soccer. I'm working in MICU at the Medical Center of Delaware . nngton, PA 18976. Hello to all my classmates! It doesn 't seem like 17112. We welcomed the birth of our daughter, Kara Ayn , October 1O , five hundred deliveries every month , we have the third busiest obstetric Jeraldine Marasco Kohut (Sylvester), 5249 Andrea Drive , Wescos­ twen.ty year~ since we were all together. I am working part time in 1984. What a joy!!! Mother, dad and brother, stepson Gary Jr. , 9 years department in the whole state of California. My husband , being fully ville , PA 18106. Hello from Wescosville . In August of 1984 we moved Nornstown m the operatmg room . Bill and I and the chi ldren ages 14 old , are loving every minute of it-well, almost! and 12, are all doing fine . ' retired , is devoting all his time to his newest hobby- becoming a for Syl to accept the position at Kutztown University as the dean of the Judith Kramen Seltzer (Leonard) , 713 Severn Road , Wilmington , DE computer whiz. We have already begun to plan the next six month College of Education. Jeremy is fine and will be going to first grade this Lois G. ~ussell Foxe~ (Gary) , 2448 E. Orangeview Lane , Orange , CA 19803. I am. very happy working in my husband 's allergy practice . 1 holiday to England and Europe for January 1986. Can hardly wait! fall . 1 am the director of nursing at Westminster Village , a retirement 92667. Its hard to believe 1t has been twenty years since we graduated. wrote an article for the Delaware Medical Journal on the "Effects of community in Allentown. Our book, Caring for the Terminally Ill, is off Sorry ~o have missed the luncheon this year, I went last year, but other Passive Smoking ." press and selling . Reality Orientation for the Elderly is in its third edition. commitments kept me from traveling to the East. It has been a hectic Class of 1963 ~onnie Ann Crofford, 45 Sullivan Road , Wayne , PA 19087. I'm work­ Dr. Joseph Rodgers , M.D ., associate dean of the Jefferson Medical history making time here in Orange . I work at St. Joseph Hospital Marjorie J. Haines Powell (Alfred) , 131 Dawn Drive , Mt. Holly, NJ mg ~s a.clinical ~pecialist in gerontology/neurology at Bryn Mawr Re­ 08060. Hi to all! Brian and Leigh have joined the working force . Leigh College , is a contributing author for the third edition . where the Frustaci septuplets were born on May 21 . Such excitement and then sadness for the little ones that didn 't make it. habilitation Hospital, Malvern , PA. It is an exciting and ever challenging graduated from Virginia Tech number one with an M.B.A. Miles is a Margaret Kunzler Leach (Gary) , 14331 Broadgreen , Houston , TX 77079. jOb . junior at University of Delaware and Mike a freshman soccer player at My husband is a board certified radiation therapist in private practice . Anita Harbison Karpetsky(Timothy, M.D.), Box279, Riderwood MD ~ancy Scull Braina~d, ~872 85th Street, North Seminole , FL 33543. Longwood College in Virginia and doing well. Margie , a high school Our son , Andy, is 15 and our daughter, Margot, is 13. I continue my 21139. I married Tim one week after graduation. 1 earned my B.S., I a. nursmg mstructor at St. Petersburg Junior College . 1 junior, has joined mom as an employee at the Masonic Home . My interests in art, piano and tennis and the "challenge" of raising teenagers. M.S., and M.Ed. at Johns Hopkins University. I have been assistant f!1 cur~ently Will teachmg at Pasco Hernando Community College in the fall . 1 position is still very challenging ; Fred is trying to keep up. director at a .Baltimore , Maryland , Diploma Program . Tim graduated ~egm Mary Lou Woerner Schubel (David) , 15 Skyview Drive , Coatesville , rece1ved my MSN at University of Pennsylvania in August 1984. Loretta Rich Kurland (Bob) , 1640 White Pines Court, Naperville, IL PA 19320. We are all doing well . Dave is still teaching auto mechanics from M.I.T. m 1966, and Hopkins , Ph .D. in 1970. He is with the Departm~nt of ~efe.nse: After twenty years of happy childlessness , we Tracy Valentine .Booth (Donald) , 35 Foreside Road , Cumberland , ME 60540 . Our oldest son Bob is a freshman at Indiana University. David , and I'm now working part time at a private psychiatric hospital. David 's 04110. I ha~e enjoye~ the study of ministry this year. It's a complement our middle son , will be going there next fall. Mark is a freshman in high are adoptmg twm g1rls m September, hope the thirteen cats like them . son Jeremy, will soon be 3 years old ; yes, that's right we are grandpar­ Would love to hear from classmates . to the part-t1me nursmg , landlady, homemaker, etc. Visitors are always school. ents. Dan starts at Drexel in the fall and is looking forward to city living . welcome. Remember the fraternity parties we used to attend there , the cycle Sandra Schmidt Kolodziej (John) , 5524 Alakoko Place , Bay St. Louis , Dorothy Fanelle Brown (Douglas) , 6016 N.W. Williams , Lawton , OK Mona Kadushin Berch (Mark) , 492 Naylor Place, Alexandria, VA 22304. 73505 . I got my master's in nursing in 1983: now I am teaching in an continues. MS 39520 . I enjoyed seeing everyone at the May luncheon and espe­ cially seeing how much Jefferson has changed . The last time 1 was in I am now a part-time group facilitator with the Navy alcohol and drug associate degree nursing program in Lawton . Our daughter Kim goes safety action program . to Oklahoma State University in the fall. Class of 1965 Ph i!adelphia was in 1968. John is project manager for Offshore Navi­ Jenny Jongenburger Adams (James R., M.D.), 18 Country Lane , gation Inc., !n New Orleans , Louisiana. I am working as emergency Nancy M. Gallagher Keenan (Robert M.), 912 Ventu ra Drive , Tacoma, Northfield , IL 60093 . Life is very busy and happy with three children , a room supervisor at Hancock General Hospital in Bay St. Louis. We are WA 98465 . I am enrolled in Seattle Pacific University RNB Program, busy husband , a new house , and a full time job trading financial futures hoping_for.a new facilit.Yby December 1986. Chris is 18 and-graduated II estimated date for completion is June 1986. I have completed ten years at the Chicago Board of Trade. fourth 1n h1s class of eighty-five , from Bay St. Louis College and is off Class of 1967 as unit manager, peritoneal dialysis at the Northwestern Kidney Center, to University of No~re . Dame on a four year NROTC scholarship . Kelly Seattle, WA. Adrienne Lowe Daughenbaugh, 11 Forest Drive, Northfield , NJ 08225. Jacqueline Simons Alvarez (Daniel) , 83 Walnut Drive Seaford DE I am still working as forensic medical investigator for Atlantic County IS 16 and Will be a jUnior at Our Lady Academy; she continues on the boar~ of Princes ' Shoppe Teen , plays tennis and works part time as 19973. I'm pleased that my husband , Daniel , was elect~d preside~t of Mary Anne DuH Vernallis (Samuel), 8221 Treebrooke Lane, Alexan­ Medical Examiner Office . A very exciting field! My children are rapidly the Medical Society of Delaware for 1984-1985. dria, VA 22308 . Graduated from Northern Community College with becoming young adults , Lori is now 14 and Craig is 11 . cas~1er at the supermarket. Kaaren is 13 and in eighth grade; associate in general studies , summa cum laude in 1984. Presently I she IS a jUnior vars1ty cheer leader for St. Stanislaus (boys high school Carol Sochovka Knickerbocker (Ripley) , 3530 Imperial Avenue , Mid­ have senior status at George Mason University in B.S. program . I work Dianne Keegan Murray-Aufderheide (Guy) , 5730 Brushy Creek, Dallas across the street) , and continues to play soccer and tries to stay one l~nd, TX 79707. Our sons are Erik, 8 years old and Chris , 6 years old . part time as ahousing counselor dealing with problems of the homeless . TX 75252. We moved to Dallas last spring (1984) and love it. I have step ahead of mom. We are one hour from New Orleans so feel free to I m employed two days a week at a nurse clinician in a Texas Tech My husband , Samuel , is a captain in the United States Navy. We have three children, Bill17 , Kevin 15 , and Robin 10. I remarried in November call or stop if any of you are in this area. satellite medical school prenatal clinic. My husband is a commercial 1983. I am currently a design consultant for artwork and accessories . two sons , Todd 13 and Aaron 9. Barba':ll OH Plamondon (Lynn) , 5041 Barrowe Drive, Tampa , FL 33624. loan officer at Republic Bank, First National Midland and believe it or I am still a tenn is nut. not-a native of Maine . Mary Greenwood Schaal (Daniel) , 725 Fountain Court, Cinnaminson , l .marr!ed Lynn in June 1985. I am presently employed at the Commu­ NJ 08077. I am assistant professor, department of nursing at Rutgers Janet Walker Respess (James) , 1062 Missouri Street, San Diego , CA nity D1ai¥SIS Center of Tampa and will assume the position of charge Rita Haedel Becchetti (Stan) , 12 Briarbrook Trail , St. Louis , MO in Camden . I'm also a doctoral candidate at Rutgers . We have two 92109 . Our beautiful daughter, Chloe Alice , was born November 22 , nurse th1s fall. Lynn IS an agent with the Internal Revenue Service , in 63131 . I .have been working .as an instructor for three years at Mid­ children , Jennifer, 16 and Danny, 12 . 1984. My husband Jim , continues with post-doctoral work in molecular other words a CPA. We love Tampa and are very happy. ~es~ Institute for med1cal ass1stants in St. Louis . Our daughter Mere­ biology at the University of California , and I'm working part time in the dith ~~ 15 years ol.d and our son Chris is 13 years old. My husband , operating room at University California San Diego Medical Center. Class of 1966 Stan , IS a v1ce president at A.G. Edwards and Sons, St. Louis . We have Class of 1964 We 're still enjoying sunny southern California . Where have the past Judith Hagelg~ns Hoefle (William D.), 2215 McKinley Court, Ames , been here for six years . I would love to know if any other Jefferson Carol Parzniewski Teplick (Steve). 255 W. Summit Avenue , Haddon­ twenty years gone? 10 50010 . I ret1red from nursing to be a full time wife/mom/chauffeur graduates live in this area. field , NJ 08033 . I'm working as rehabilitation nurse in our community. Ellen May Whitehorne (Joseph) , 5533 Eastbourne Drive , Springfield , etc. Bill he~d~ small anim~l s~rgery at Iowa State University Veterinary Geraldine Dougherty Popolow (Michael) , 828 Brookside Road , Potts­ Steve is still in radiology at Hahnemann . Jen and Joanna, our daughters VA 22151. We remain in the Washington area and I love it. Our oldest College. Billy IS 15 and Pa1ge IS 13, happy, healthy and active teens . are ages 13 and 9. town , PA 19464. I married Michael Popolow, Jefferson Medical Col­ daughter, Nell , entered Penn State University this September. The other Suzanne Barclay Levine (David) , 5454 E. Galbraith Road , Cincinnati, lege, class of 1966, in August 1984. I'm still working as vice president Penelope A. Jones McAiees (David) , 119 Jackson Court, Richland , two are not far behind her. I am now president of the Virginia Emergency OH 45236. We moved to Cincinnati in June of 1984· David is now with and chairman , department of nursing at Abington Memorial Hospital. WA 99352 . We have a son , Jason David , born May 21 , 1984. We are Nurses Association (formerly EDNA) and also working in an emergency Good Samar ita~ Hospital. Last October, through the Bulletin , Mary preparing for a return move to Bellevue , Washington . room . In my spare time I'm working on a degree in data processing. Brecker Butkovich found me . What a wonderful reunion we have had Jill L. Simp~on (John. R.), 93 Wellington Blvd ., Wyomissing , after eighteen years. PA 19610. I m workmg full t1me as an ob-gyn nurse practitioner for Planned Parenthood, Berks County. 36 37 Margaret A. Browne Kern (George W. IV) , Tupelo Hill R.D. #2, P.O. October 29 , 1984, weighing 7 pounds , 3 ounces , a pleasant, happy great joy. She is tall , four feet, six inches now and is interested in Marilyn Ruble Scelba (James) , Suddenly Farm, R.D. #7, Box 44, baby. dancing and piano. I would love to hear from my classmates , or anyone Medford , NJ 08055 . I am busy. with Jim and our three daughters Box 529B , Glenmore, PA 19343. We have moved to the country. In May I graduated from Immaculata College with a B.A. in history. We nearby. running our ninety acre farm . I'm also returning to school nursing in Hope C. Russo Schooley (Joseph), 194 Pearl Croft Road , Cherry Hill , the fall, on a part-time basis . had our sixth child in April. NJ 08034. Hello to all! I'm working in the office of our electrical Catherine Blake Cavanaugh (Dan), 431 Dearnley Street, Philadelphia, contracting business. We have two boys; Joe is 14 years old and Nate PA 19128. We moved into the "new" 200 year old house , the wee mite , linda E. Miller Crouch (Col. James E.), 513-B Upper Simonds Loop , Kathleen A. Suber Carlson (Charles F. Mebus), 10 Dogwood Court, Camp Hill , PA 17011 . I'm forging ahead in my pursuit of a BSN in the is 12 years old . A busy life , but we are enjoying it. this year. Our twin boys are now 71/2 years old . I completed my B.S.N. Presidio of San Francisco, CA 94129 . Linda is the recipient of the last year and obtaining my M. S.N. from Widener University. I'm teach­ Jefferson advanced R.N . program in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It's Kathle~n Shanahan Huffman (Gerold) , 110 Plymouth Place, Mer­ Bovard award. The Evangeline G. Bovard award is given to the hospital 's ing at a Diploma School of Nursing . outstanding Army nurse for the previous year. The award was given three short years before our 20th anniversary-how about a planning chantville , NJ 08109 . Jerry and I are fine . We are enjoying our daugh­ February 2, 1985. Recipient of the award was Major (P) Linda E. committee , contact me , I would love to hear from all of you . ters growing more independent as they grow older. I just obtained my Catherine Randazzo Schanz (Douglas) , 2665 Summit Ridge , Roan­ Crouch , ANC , chief of Central Materiel Service since August 1983. Dolores Crumlish Brown (Earl) , 1018 Centre School Way, West Ches­ real estate license. Jerry is busy with engineering . Hi to fellow class­ oke, VA 24012. We are happy to announce the birth of Jennifer Michelle, Before returning to Letterman she served in Belgium (for 14 months) ter, PA 19380. We had our fourth child at Jefferson in May 1985. mates . October 26, 1984. Melissa is 8112 years old. I'm still working part-time on oncology and taking courses towards my B.S.N. where she was chief of Ambulatory Nursing at the 196th Station Hos­ Virginia J. Bozarth Waldron (Bob) , 8803 Pensacola Place , Upper Jane L. McGarvey Wuerth (Bruce) , 505 Cheltena Avenue, Jenkintown , pital, SHAPE. Linda began her Army career in 1966 as a priv.ate first Marlboro, MD 20772. In August 1984 I was appointed the nursing PA 19046. The children are growing fast. Bob was in second grade at Marge Connors Marchant (Bill) , 5206 Tierra Bonita Drive, Whittier, CA class in the Army Student Nurse Program. She was commiSSioned 1n administrator at Clinton Community Hospital. We are undergoing major age 7. Kathleen is 4 years and Laura is 2 years. We added a Labrador 90601. Giving anesthesia sure keeps me busy, but not too busy for my 1968 and went almost immediately to Vietnam where she served at the physical and philosophical changes at the hospital , so that my position to our family, so Bruce has no excuses for not getting any pheasants husband and I to take advantage of living in southern California . Scuba 91 stand later at the 24th Evacuation Hospitals. After a year's stay in is a real challenge. this year. diving , tennis , crafts and our touring motor cycle seem to fill in the the states she returned to Vietnam (1970-71) , this time seeing duty at gaps. the 12th, the 93rd and , again at the 24th Evacuation Hospitals . Stateside Pat A. Moffitt Mueller (Frederick) , 3105 Eastern Blvd ., York, PA linda Zwick Reichel (Jeff) , 1060 Congress Valley Road , Napa, CA assignments have included Fort Rucker, Alabama , twice; Fort Hood , 17402. I'm working on call for the York visiting nurse association. 94558. I continue working part time in my husband 's office (plastic Texas, and Fort Bragg , North Carolina, where she was on staff at surgery) . Our two children, David 12 and Lauren 8 are busy with sports Catherine May Dirr (John), 2 Arbor Road , Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 . and piano as well as helping work our small co-owned vineyard. Womack Army Hospital and later became chief nurse of the 5th Combat 1 am married to John Dirr, Jr. , we have three children, Jacqueline 10, Class of 1971 Support Hospital there . Jessica 9, and John Paul Ill 7. I'm working part time in Garden State Kathryn M. Francis, 8907 Wagtail Cove , Austin, TX 78748 . Wow­ After graduating from Jefferson she later earned her bachelor's in Community Hospital in the operating room . another year gone! I'm still in the Air Force and received my senior Class of 1970 nurse badge this year. Still surviving as charge nurse of a hectic multi­ public administration (B .P.A.) from the University of San Francisco , Suelin Hom Makowski (Stephen), 1702 Aliens Creek Drive, Clear­ and has 11 hours towards her master 's in public administration with Eileen Gannon Fagnani (Roger) , 17863 Farmcrest Court, Northville , service unit. I continue to enjoy life in Texas, but looking forward to Ml 48167. Our family moved to Northville. Roger has taken a position water, FL 33546. I'm continuing to work as coordinator at Clearwater going overseas by next year. Regards to all my classmates . emphasis on health services administration . She is currently enrolled cardiac rehabilitation . A true joy has entered our lives, we adopted a in the command and general staff correspondence course and the health with AAR Brooks & Perkins Company as general manager of the Livonia plant. Our son Mark is 9 years old and our daughter Kara is 6 baby boy, Stephen Michael . Lyn Broomall Scazafabo (Ralph) , P. 0. Box 445, Ripley, NY 14775. care administration correspondence course. We have moved to Ripley, where my husband is high school principal. Awards for her service in various assignments have included the years old. I'm keeping busy with volunteer work, golf, tennis and bridge. Maria Gratzik Marinelle (Alfred), 1229 Cardinal Lake Drive, Cherry Sending best wishes to the class of '68 . I am working in an intensive care nursery at Hamot Medical Center in Bronze Star Medal , two Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Com­ Hill, NJ 08003 . Fred and I have recently moved to a new home in Cherry Erie, PA. It is a level three nursery and regional center for high risk mendation Medals and the Good Conduct Medal for her enlisted serv­ Janet Ball Lyons (David) , 411 Washington Avenue , Haddonfield , NJ Hill and have been spending our time remodeling and redecorating it. obstetrics. I would love to hear from any of you who are practicing in ice . She also holds the Expert Field Medical Badge . 08033 . We are eagerly awaiting the birth of our fifth child in December. Our son, David is now 2V2 years old . I am currently working as a pool neonatal and can share ideas about primary nursing ; sib and grand Present for the ceremony and cake cutting were her husband , Col. Dave is busy with his law practice and our children , ages 2 to 11 years , person in the operating room at Garden State Hospital. parent visitation; current nursing research anyone is doing in neo and James E. Crouch , chief of DCSPER, Sixth U.S. Army, and their seven are a lively lot. I've been working part time with an adolescent pregnancy Linda J. Moore Fekete (John), 170 Evergreen Court, Holland, PA discharge; outreach and nutrition standards of care and protocols . We year old daughter, Maggie . program and slowly working on my BSN. 18966. I'm a staff nurse in intermediate cardiac care unit part-time . are in the process of updating and changing many things in our hospital . Karen Neubeck Brady (Hugh), 457 Beach 145 Street, Neponsit, NY Rose Ann Slovich Provost (Art), RD #5 , Box 922, Meadville , PA It is very exciting and we need to link in to some good professional 11694. We are still living at the beach. My husband is now working at 16335. I recently resigned from my position as nursing supervisor, and networking in neo . Thanks . Eastern Airlines and I try to take advantage of the travel benefits . Hope Class of 1969 am currently employed at Allegheny College in student health , with Kathryn Hudak Behm (Kurt) , 283 Hilldale Road , Villanova , PA 19085. all are doing well . Rosemarie Collelouri Malizia (John) , 35 Iroquois Road , Richboro , summers and holidays off -yeah! Also, my family will be able to go to I retired from active nursing until my children , ages 21/2 and 61/2 are Karen Lawer Bedell (John) , 110 Georges Drive , Hollister, CA 95023 . PA 18954. Hi and best wishes to all! We are doing fine. Our sons , college tuition free. Now that's a real bonus when there are six people raised. I hope then to resume my career. Richie 11 and John 15, are now in junior high and high school , and we 1 am associate director of allied health programs at Gavilan College, in your family. Eileen Blum Moran (James) , 452 Howell Street, Philadelphia , PA still find this fact hard to believe . My husband John is manager of the Gilroy, CA. 19120. I'm working part time as an instructor at Holy Family College. Juniata Apothecary where he has worked for nineteen years . I'm work­ Alice Coligan Conti (Dan) , 845 Newton Avenue , Williamstown , NJ Our daughter, Erin , is now 3 years old . ing at Holy Redeemer Hospital, 11-7 shift , full time , in the delivery 08094 . I'm still working part time. Robyn is now 8 years old and Class of 1968 room . We live in Bucks County and love it. I hope to see many of you involved in dance and Brownies . Jason is 7 years old and involved in Grace Ann Spena, 2551 S. Sartain Street, Philadelphia , PA 19148. Beth Karin Sherr (Mitchell) , 4809 Live Oak Court, Fort Wayne , IN hockey and with his new puppy. I went to a luncheon on February 20, at our 20th reunion in 1989. Sharon and Alice, please drop me a line , I Hello! to all of my former classmates. I graduated in May 1985 from 46804. 1 am still with physicians' health plan, an IPAIHMO, and we are 1985, in honor of Dr. Keiserman, former director of the emergency would love to hear from you . Villanova University with a master's degree in nursing administration . now over 12 ,000 members and growing. Mitch continues to enjoy his room at Jefferson. Finished at last!!! Kristina Hancock Reede (Lannie L.), 554 E. Linn Street, Bellfonte , PA private law practice and teaching at Purdue. The "girls," Arrie is 9, Eliza Kathleen Dooley Hyde (Jack), 459 Fruitwood Drive , Bethel Park, PA and Jenny are 5, are wonderful. I would love to show my classmates 16823. Our children are , Andrea, age 7 and Jeffrey, age 4. I continue Lynn Streeper, 511 Donna Circle, Broomall , PA 19008. 1 have just 15102. We recently moved to the Pittsburgh area . Since our move , 1 Hoosier hospitality-so stop by Fort Wayne. to work part time , three days, for family practitioner. started doing visiting nursing , and love it! I continue with karate and have not worked; but, Sarah 5 years old and John 2 years old , keep me tai ' chi. Finished my BS in psych in May 1984, and hope to begin work Halina Piekarska Warmbrod (Jim) , 347 North Edenwood , Jackson , Marlene Savin Croce-Burgess (Jack) , 41 N. Bellmawr Avenue , Bell­ busy. on my master's soon. TN 38301. Jim and I are enjoying life and watching the children grow­ mawr, NJ 08031. We had our first child in April1985 . Cynthia A. Stroup Beal (Earl, Jr.), RD #1, Box 465 , Centre Hall , PA Captain Annette Brownstein, 4901 E. Sunrise Drive , #914, Tucson , up . Stephanie is 14 , Monica 121/2, and James 91/2. We still enjoy the Linda Lake Boyle (David 1) , 11812 Hunter's Cove, Omaha, NE 68123. 16828. I am still working part time in a prenatal clinic with two mid­ AZ 85718 . I'm still on active duty with the Air Force . After four and one outdoors and try to backpack and canoe as often as we can . Took a I'm still with the Air Force , now living in Omaha. We finally adopted a wives. Earl continues to train and race harness horses. Rebecca is 7 half years of being stationed overseas , Korea and West Germany, I'm wonderful wilderness trip down the Green River in Utah in the summer beautiful little boy, named Mark David . We received Mark when he was years old , and was in first grade this year. I attended a meeting at of 1984. back in the United States . After years of part-time college courses the five days old ; he was 1 year old in June 1985. Jefferson in March and spent the night at the nurses residence. What Air Force is sending me back to school , full time . I should have my BSN Bonnie Inghram Siegrist (Christopher) , 119 Krumbhaar, Houma , LA fond memories came to me, being there. Jean Hillerstrom Rakey (Russell), 1180 Sharon Drive , Florissant , MO fro~ the ~niversity of Arizona in May 1986. School has curtailed my 70360 . I continue to work on my BSN . Our children are Brett 13 , Todd 63031. I remarried on December 22 , 1984. Julianne Marcincin Darrow (John) , 15 Annesway, Landenberg , PA act1ve soc1al l1fe, but I st1ll manage some short trips and pool time to 11 , and Christine 8. I would love to see any alumni that might be in this Daveen Jones Edmiston, 427 E. Union Avenue , Bound Brook, NJ 19350. I'm director of nurses at Millcroft Retirement Center. We have maintain my sanity. Any classmates coming through Tucson are more area . 08805. My son Richard is 9 years old and enjoying 3rd grade, baseball two girls, Jennifer, age 12 and Jessica, age 9. than welcome to visit. I hope to make it to our 15 year anniversary in Elizabeth J. Masten Cahall (Arthur B. Ill (Buck)), 120 West Street , and soccer. I'm still working as an office nurse for a fam1ly pract1ce Lynne Roat Juel, Rt. 1, Box 133, Inman , SC 29349 . Things have been 1986, if it is after finals. Harrington , DE 19952. I have returned to work after thirteen years . I physician . in an uproar here, but I think they are settling down to a dull roar. 1 am Carole Malek Gennello (Michael), 405 Apple Road, Edgewater Park, am working part time at my local hospital where I started . I have taken Rosalinda Menendez Heayn (Joseph), 2229 Fuller Street, Philadel­ working full time as assistant director of nursing in a skilled nursing NJ 08010. I'm working in the rehabilitation center at Our Lady of a critical care course and worked in CCU. Presently I work 1n spec1al facility. I never would have believed this type of nursing was so chal­ Lourdes Medical Center in Camden . Our children are , Kimberly 10, care and step-down unit. Buck is selling real estate and our Dalmatian phia, PA 19152. Now we have two beautiful boys . Christopher, 4 years old , enjoys a Montessori preschool in the morning. David Alan arrived lenging and full of responsibility. Heather was 7 on August 23, and is a Heather 4, Keith 2112 , and Stephen 9 months. had pups in May.

38 39 intermediate care unit. Our children are: Paul 10, Cristina 8, and Class of 1972 Denise Bertram Capaldi (Neil) , 5209 Craven Court, Bensalem , PA Jane Ann Dugan Vaccaro (John) , 15805 Sunny Cove Drive , SE Olalla , Christine Quinn Hodder(Philip) , 4219 Hill Forest Drive , Kingwood , TX Jeff 6. 19020. Nicholas Andrew, was born September 8, 1984. Michael is WA 98359. John (Cookie) and I have been married fo r eight years . We 77345 . We have been residing in Texas for three years. Still lots of the Shelah Hoberman Luber (Robert) , 4010 Winchester Road , Allentown , now 5 and Christine is 3. I'm presently working part time in pediatrics had a baby boy Christmas Eve 1984. I'm working as a community South left to explore . PA 18104. My husband is in general practice in Allentown. We have in a local hospital. health nurse tn a mostly rural area . Sally Plumly came out to visit me three children , Harold 7, Mark 4, and Elizabeth 1. I would love to hear Constance Cmar Brophy (Terry) , 605 East Wadsworth Avenue, Phila­ Regina (Jeanne) Dreyer Klinger (Frank) , 112 Birch Road , Franklin, for vacation , fell in love with one of our friends , and now lives in a little from other classmates . delphia, PA 19119. Hello to everyone! I finally finished my undergrad­ PA 16323. It was good to see some familiar faces at our tenth reunion. house in the woods about twenty miles from me. uate work at LaSalle in 1984; graduated magna cum laude. I am currently Jean Smoker Ricci (Hank) , 41 Elisa Lynn Way, Langhorne, PA 15047. Frank is doing well in his general and vascular surgical practice , in a Mary Fitzgerald Madaline (Garry) , 8030 Lexington Avenue , Philadel­ perioperative nurse manager at Northeastern Hospital. Terry, Colleen , We have two children , Gina 9 and Hank Ill 8. · small town near Ptttsburgh. We have two small children , both girls, phia , PA 19152. I've been married to Garry for nine years now and have 5 years and Janelle , 4 years are all doing well. Mary 3 and Amy 2. two daughters , Angela 5 and Theresa 3. I'm living in Northeast Phila­ Sandra Snider, 1013 Clinton Street, Philadelphia , PA 19107. I finally delphia, and working part time at Nazareth Hospital on a surgical­ Class of 1974 Judi Phillips Vadurro (Ron) , 164 Kendall Blvd ., Oakly, NJ 08107 . 1 received my BSN! I graduated June 7, 1985. Now I will have two Jeff orthopaedic floor. Margaret Ott Martin (Michael) , 2001 Apricot Glen Drive , Austin , TX received my MSN in perinatal nursing from University of Pennsylvania pins . I'm looking forward to our next reunion. 78746. Our second son Andrew joined our family January 30, 1985. tn August 1984. Joyfully, we announce the birth of our second daughter, Mary Howell Wendel (Chris), 2519 Deepwood Drive , Wilmington , DE Nancy Shaffer Stanton (James) , 320 West Avenue , Elmira, NY 14904. Christopher is now 31/2 years old. I am quite busy and enjoy life in Meryn Eltsabeth tn February 1985. Currently I am a clinical instructor 19810. We just moved back home from Pittsburgh where we moved I'm still teaching, full-time , at a three year diploma school. Jim is Texas . of obstetrics at University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing . three years ago for Ch ris to do a cardiology fellowship . We had a son , working hard as a bank manager. My stepchildren have grown tremen­ Susan Sheaffer Cantwell (Jeffrey) , 389 Evergreen Road , King of Prus­ Tim , January a year ago and have collected two dogs , Kate and Molly. dously since our marriage four years ago . Chris is 17 years old and sia , PA 19406. Jeff and I celebrated our tenth anniversary in June. Patricia Ellis Pagano (Joe) , RD #1 , Box 346J , New Columbia, PA 17856. I'm working full-time as staff nurse in a ICU-Shock Trauma unit Ruth Keers Eanes (Richard) , 125 Crooked Billet Road , Hatboro , PA Nellie is 13 years old ; living with teenagers is a challenge . I'm proud to Matthew is 7 and Kathryn Katie, is 4. Jeff's job as the eastern region 19040. We have one son , 4 years old and another child on the way. 1 announce that I graduated with my MSN from State University of New sales manager for a California based company keeps him busy and at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville , Pennsylvania. We have two lovely daughters , Angela 6 and Adrienne 3. sttll work at Jefferson tn the ICN part-time , and still going to school for York this past May. It's been a long three year struggle , especially while traveling quite a bit. My job as mommy is always busy and I escape one a BSN . working . I miss everyone in the class and hope I can make the next day a week to work at Lankenau Hospital's IV. team . Janet Stockton­ Bonnie ~aymon Morris (Wayne) , 137 Hanover Circle , Bogart, GA reunion . where are you? Anne Lenhardt Cadez (Thomas) , 71 Inglewood Ontario, Canada LONIKO . 30622 . I ve been married to Wayne for nine years . We have two little I'm still a flight attendant for American Airlines and recently spent two Deborah Waters Wayne (Vince), 6053 Wenrich Drive , San Diego , CA Cheryl James Hill (Carl) , 9303 Lincolnwood Drive, Evanston , IL 60203. girls, Christina Noell , 5% and Jessica Joy 3. I'm working in my hus­ months in Germany to learn the langauge . By learning fluent German 1 92120 . I have just completed my first year, full time, in graduate school Carl and I were blessed with our second child, Megan Michelle, on band 's office one day a week doing payroll , taxes , bookkeeping , etc . was able to begin European flights which I'm now enjoying . I've been at the University of San Diego . I'm still working at Gross mont Hospital. April29, 1985. Little Carl is 3 and is just as tickled as we are with her. We ltve tn bulldog country; what used to be Hershel Walker territory. 1 married to a native German for four years, and we moved to Canada Vince and I bought a house in November and have been busy with Carl's medical practice is doing well. I miss seeing everyone . get to Phtladelphta once or twtce a year, but usually not during alumni several years ago . landscaping and redecorating . luncheon time . Love to all . Bonnie and Wayne were expecting their Maria Dildine Pepper (L. Douglas) , 105 Orchard Avenue , Bellvernon , third child in April1985 . Marian Maguire Mee , 37 Brownstone Lane , Horsham , PA 19044. I'm Donna Furlong Miller (Carl), 3770 SE Quanset Terrace , Stuart, FL PA 15012. Douglas and I are enjoying our three precious children and still wo~king in the oper~ting room at St. Christopher 's. We recently 33494. We moved to Stuart the summer of 1984 when Carl became each other as we celebrated our eleventh anniversary August 2, 1985. Joyce Ettenger Duffendach (John , M.D.), 1706 Baltimore Pike , Get­ moved tnto a new home tn Horsham and love it. vocational director for the school system . We also welcomed our 3rd I am fortunate to be married to my best friend. Yes girls, he still whistles tysburg , PA 17325. I have a BS in international law from Lycoming child , Amy Elizabeth in May 1985. I am on a leave of absence . for me, not so much outside windows , but in crowded shopping malls College . I married Dr. John Duffendach , a family physician , practicing Debbie Marple O'Connor, 1260 Pennsylvania Avenue , Oreland, PA and the supermarket. My love to all of you , and remember to be true to tn Gettysburg , PA. We have two daughters, Sarah , 28 months , and 19075. Since our last reunion we've been blessed with two children . Amy Eli.zabeth , 4'. and Kyle Scott, 15 months . I am currently working Class of 1973 yourself. Always , Maria . Rebecca , 2 months . I am a family planning practitioner. 1 spent a year Karen Huber Ciarrochi (John), 512 Clothier Road , Wynnewood , PA in Africa at a Missionary Hospital in Zambia. as a relief supervisor at Suburban General Hospital , but still active in Wendy Obst Manganiello (Paul) , PO Box 1001 , Norwich, VT 05055 . emergency care , and received my CEN in February 1982. 19096. Our girls are growing up so quickly, time sure marches on! We are now living in a new home in Vermont. Marc is 6 and Lisa is 4. Michelle will be 5 years old and Stefanie is 2 years old . Best wishes to Dale Barraclough Beloff (Samuel) , 328 Baldwin Road , Glassboro , NJ Paul continues happily in his infertility practice and I am working per Cheryl Mueller Friedman, 186 Lookout Lane, Willow Grove, PA 19090. everyone . 08028. I'm still working in ICU , at St. Chris . Sam , my husband , is now We had a baby girl in November f 984. diem med-surg and loving it. in sales for a surgical supply company and is doing very well . Jared is Kate G. Felix (Scott D. Snyder) , P. 0. Box 98476, Tacoma, WA 98498 . 3 years old and quite a guy. Our new baby is due in October. My love to Mary Reustle Eddis, 10926 Heflin Road , Philadelphia , PA 19154. I'm We 're finally settled in the Great Northwest. Scott was selected , one of Class of 1975 everyone . still working in Jefferson 's operating room on a part-time basis . We the few, for a residency in emergency medicine in the Army. I've been Cathy Glavey Dowhy (Dennis) , 128 Lambert Street, Atco , NJ 08004 . have three children , Kevin 5, Beth 3, and Katie 1. working on call in an ICU/CCU while waiting to start graduate school. Nancy Bauer Schmoyer, 252 W. State Street, Doylestown , PA 18901. I will graduate from Stockton State College in May 1986 with a BSN Terry Scanlon Richmond (lan) , 608 Woodcrest Avenue , Ardmore , PA Hope you are all well and happy. (finally!) Besides school , I'm busy with the family: Bernadette , 4 years I was unable to attend our reunion for the same reason as in 1980, it 19003. We have an adorable 6 month old boy named Eric . Gina Corotto Kramer (Kenneth), 158 Shawnee Avenue , Easton , PA old and Dennis , 5 years old. My husband , Dennis is still with the was too close to my due date . Since our last reunion we 've squeezed in Nancy Spohrer Woods (John) , 9548-A State Road , Philadelphia, PA 18042. Things are still busy here in Easton . Jon an is 10, Sarah 8, Gordy Camden Fire Department, but is also attending Stockton State College a total of four children . Very busy, I abandoned nursing in 1980. Since 19114. We have two ch ildren , Jennifer 8 and Brian 3. I'm working in 4, Laura 3, and Nathaniel joined us in December 1984. I haven 't had to obtain a BS in computer technology. then I've taken on aministry which includes singing , clowning , puppets , labor and delivery at the Naval Hospital. I began at the University of time to add any animals to my nine cats and two dogs . and magic. We also head up a home-schoolers organization . Jerry and June Matthews DeMoya (Jose) , 1763 Sylvan Hill Road , Elizabethton , I have a great life . Pennsylvanta tn September for MSN in nurse-midwifery. 1 was com­ Jo Anne Bender Peters (Lewis) , 205 Claiborne Way, Sewell , NJ 08080. TN 37643. I'm back to work full time , 11-7, after a 19 month hiatus . I missioned 2nd Lt. in the Army Reserve in December 1984. My hus­ In January 1985 , I accepted a new position as operating room super­ do relief supervision and work the rest of the time on a surgical floor. Betty Boyle Adomanis, 16 Shadow Stone Drive, Blackwood , NJ 08012. band , John is still in the Army. visor in a small community hospital , ninety seven beds, they are very Margo Kristina is 4, and John Dionisio is 19 months. How fast time We have two boys , Joe and Jeff. I'm working in ICU at Cooper and plan Nora Stockman Jens (Kurt) , 365 Old Blue Rock Road , Millersville PA progressive . It is a very nice challenge . flies . to win the Iotter',' and retire early. 17551 . I'm doing the bookkeeping at Kurt 's office when I'm not cha~ing Barbara Willey Blood (Gerald) , Box 557 , Glennallen, AK 99588. Our Maria Triolo Glavey (Gerard) , 2206 Carlton Lane , Wilmington , DE Gloria Christopher Downey (John) , 11317 College View Drive , Whea­ after Katie 6, David 4, and Willie and Nora Beth 14 months . I'm second child, Matthew, was born March 11 , 1985. I've retired from 19810. Our daughters , Lisa 5 and Stephanie 2, are very active. We ton , MD 20902 . We moved to the D.C. area . We have four children­ considering CRNA program or medical paralegal program a few years nursing , but will still work in medical records at Faith Hospital. moved to a larger home , still in Delaware. I recently returned to work Jill6, Anne 4, John Jr. , 2, and George 10 months. I received my BSN down the road . part time in MICU after a two and one half year vacation . My husband 's Susan Broadwater Franklin (Donald) , 15 Oxley Drive , Mechanicsville , from the University of New England in May 1984, but I'm still retired Honor Watters, Box116, RD #3, Malvern , PA 19355. No gossip from MD 20659 . Don and I are happy to announce the arrival of our beautiful alma mater, Villanova, is national basketball champion . from nursing to be a "mom " for a bit longer. We 'll be stationed at Walter me . I never did, nor will I ever gossip. baby girl , Stephanie , who arrived on October 3, 1984. The three of us Theresa O'Brien, 1179 Plowshare Road , Bluebell , PA 19422. Jefferson Reed Army Medical Center for the next three years , and then on , to wherever John 's army career takes us. Barbara Webb Folger, 5680 Greens Drive , Wescosville , PA 18106. moved into our new home in November, and I've stopped working for continues to be my place of employment. In September 1984 I accepted We have two boys , 5 years and 1 year. now. Being a full-time mother and housewife is a very pleasant change. the nee position fo r obstetrics , a blend of healthy and high risk women , Carol Ann Dougherty Mashouf (Richard) , 930 Indian Creek Way, Hor­ make my position very interesting . I have returned to school , this time Susanne McCullough Hoffman (Gregory, M.D.), 4167 Woodstock Drive, Bonnie Esten Zuckerman (Murray) , 10 Lenape Road , Richboro , PA sham , PA 19044. I'm so sorry I was unable to attend our reunion . My Villanova , for a MSN in nursing administration . Fort Wayne, IN 46815 . We have a new addition to our family, Clair 18964. 1984 was a highlight year -I completed my MSN at Villanova husband had an ultrasound conference in France that week (he 's a Suzanne was born February 27 , 1985. in mid December and our second child , Emily was born December Florence Cox Zapolski , 3702 Corral Canyon Road , Bonita , CA 92002 . radiologist) , and we made a vacation out of the trip. I was there in 30th . Our oldest daughter, Nickie was 5 in September 1985 , she 's We have a beautiful baby girl , Lisa Marie , born January 27 , 1985. I am thought and spirit, I know it was a wonderful time . A little update on Class of 1976 definitely the "proud sister." We are very happy and are enjoying our still working full time as an operating room clinical instructor. my life . I was remarried two years ago to a radiologist from North Penn Janice Richmond Malloy (Michael) , 515 B1 , West Court, Andalusia , two girls. Hospital. Yes , we met and fell in love at work . In December we had a Linda Bingaman Napieralski (Thomas J.) , 609 Jackson Road , Atco , PA 1902~ . I finally married Mike Malloy (Nancy Malloy Quinn 's brother) baby, Justin Bijan . My other son , Jeffrey, is 7 years old , how time flies . Kathleen M. Kenney Collura (Paul) , 602 Northlawn Drive , Lancaster, NJ 08004. Linda and Thomas were anxiously awaiting the birth of their af~er dattng htm stnce March of our senior year. Married life is great. I PA 17603. I'm still working part time at St. Joseph Hospital in the first child , early in June 1985. Professionally, I am working part time giving chemotherapy in an on­ sttll work at Jefferson as a clinical nurse IV. Greetings to my former cology office in Northeast Philadelphia . Hello to everyone. classmates.

40 41 Wendy Wheeler Landolfi (Joseph) , 19 Vincent Avenue , Belmont, MA Karen Louise Richard Emerle (Robert), 726 Girard Avenue, Lansdale, Leslie Wilkinson Stickley (Bill) , 546 Parkway Avenue , Penndel , PA Class of 1979 02178 . 1 graduated from Northeastern University and am a master's PA 19446. We have moved within the year to a new home. Our first 19047. I'm still working at Pinehill in the Northeast four days a week. Sharon Marie Miller Chilton (Mark D.), 2991 School House Lane, degree candidate at Yale University. I will receive my MS in psychiatric child, Kristy, is 5 years old. I'm sill working at North Penn Hospital in Bill is now district coordinator for IHOP. Bill , Jr. was 3 in June , and Philadelphia, PA 19144. We have a new addition to our family, Matthew mental health nursing from Yale University. I am employed at North­ the operating room. They expected their second chi ld in June 1985. Rachel Marie was 1 on July 6. They keep us busy, but both are our Douglas was born April 3, 1985, and weighed six pounds nine and pride and joy. I would love to hear from classmates . eastern Correctional Center, Concord as a counselor. Joseph is a grad­ Judith L. McClellan Delucca (Leopolda) , 2626 Woodland Drive, Fort three quarter ounces. Mark finishes his orthopaedic residency in Feb­ uate of Northeastern 's Graduate School of Criminal Justice and is Dodge , lA 50501. Our daughter is 2 years old now and a great source John T. Hitchens, CRNA (Kathleen) , Box 336 , Fallston , MD 21047 . ruary. Everyone is doing fine. employed as a public relations representative for the Massachusetts of joy for both of us. Poldo's practice is booming and I'll receive my I'm pleased to announce the arrival of Joshua Thomas Hitchens , born Cynthia Baxter Barrett (Brian), 13 Everett Avenue , Willow Grove , PA Department of Correction in Boston . bachelor's degree in nursing soon . September 28, 1984. Warmest regards to all. 19090. Our second child , Jessica , was born February 14, 1985. 1am Leslie May Tahsler (Bruce) , 36 Hendricks Street, Ambler, PA 19002. Patricia Thompson Jenkins (David), RD #2 , Box 24 , Franklin Avenue , Jan Ellen Stasche Vanderveer (Harry), 317 St. Andrews Drive , Selma , still working part-time at Rolling Hill Hospital in ob/gyn and nursery. 1 Susan Mary was born June 8, 1984; I love being a mother. I'm working Berlin , NJ 08009. I continue to work part-time in medical-surgical at AL 36701 . Hi everyone! hope all is well with each of you . We moved am also substituting as a school nurse in our district and hope to get a part time at Chestnut Hill Hospital in obstetrics . WJH . Our girls keep me busy, Kelly is 3 and Kristin is 2. again, seventh time since graduation , but this time into our own home . full-time position there sometime within the next year. Joanne M. Farley, 3710 Poppy Drive , Philadelphia, PA 19136. I re­ Patricia Maro Sherf (Tom) , 263 Chestnut Avenue , Evesham Township , Harry continues to work for Hammermill Paper Company, as a forest Susan O'Donnell Hagan (Kevin), 2 Overlea Road, Norfolk, MA 02056 . ceived my BSN from LaSalle University May 1984. I'm currently at­ NJ 08004 . Our children are Tommy 6, Kristina 4, and Julie 2. All the nursery superintendent. I returned to nursing last November, I am now Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to say that our son , Ryan Patrick, was born tending the University of Pennsylvania full time to obtain MSN as a Sherfs are doing great. In September our son and daughter will both be unit coordinator of the newborn nursery at the local hospital here in March 1, and /love being a mom . Selma. It has been a challenge working fulltime and being a mom to critical care clinical specialist and working part time at the Hospital of in school , so I have also returned to school to major in management. Kathleen Ghegan D'Aiessandro (Dominic) , 501 Erhardt Avenue , Bev­ University of Pennsylvania as a staff nurse in the MICU. Our "preemie" is off her apnea monitor and healthy and robust. Tom two young girls , Greta is 4 and Sarah is 2. We are all doing fine and enjoying our new home. I would love to hear from a Yankee , so drop a erly, NJ 08010. I'm working parttime in intensive care . Enjoy being a Donna Kobrynski Molyneaux (Patrick), 3131 Eisenhower Road, Nor­ and I celebrated our eighth anniversary in July 1985. line anytime. full-time mother, Kristen Elizabeth was born March 7, 1984. ristown , PA 19403. Pat and I are pleased to announce the birth of our Barbara Bachman Symons (Thomas), 3519 Oakmont Street, Phila­ Sandra Lee Wilson (Robert F.), 111 N. Huntington Avenue, Margarte , second son , Daniel Patrick, born March 9, 1985, weighing eight pounds delphia, PA 19136. I'm still working at Jefferson in the Student and Diane L. Scott Ross (Charles), 3 Franklin Drive , Somers Point, NJ 08244. Our first baby was born March 2, 1985 , Charles Douglas Ross NJ 08402 . I'm still working for the southern New Jersey Peer Review fourteen ounces and twenty-one inches long. Matthew Ryan is now 3 Employee Health Service and attimes debating if a MSN is in my future. Organization , doing utilization review. It's different from staff nursing. years old. I'm still working at Jefferson, and Pat took a job with an Ill. I'm still working at Shore Memorial Hospital in the recovery room. Terry Mayne Colella (Thomas) , 5305 Andrea Drive , Wescosville , PA All is going quite well , we 're very happy and busy. Bob and I just bought a house in Margate . accounting firm in West Chester in December. 18106. I'm keeping busy with our two year old , Nicholas. I work part Karen Asper Jordan, 1816 Glenifer Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141 . Heidi Riesdorph, 189 W. Sparks Street, Philadelphia , Pa 19120. 1am Carmen W. Russo, CRNA, BA (Robin), RR 1-67C Salina Road, Sewell , time in Philadelphia . They were expecting a sibling for Nicholas in early NJ 08080. I enjoyed seeing fellow classmates at our 5th year reunion Our daughters Rashida, 14 years and Thurayya, 12 years are attending presently attending Gwynedd Mercy College full time and plan to grad­ September. in 1984. I just returned from two weeks in Rio. This summer I bicycled acting class at the New Freedom Theater. I am presently on the Cecil uate with a biology degree in May 1986. I expect to get married July Doris Gloeckler DeBias (Glenn), 1416 Nancy Drive , Southampton, PA through France. B. Moore Memorial Committee. On May 4, 1985 we had a 20 year 20 , 1985. I continue to work part-time at Mayo Nursing Center. 18966. No new bambino news; news flash though , our first born son , reunion and march to reinact the demonstration at Girard College and Kevin Anthony, beat malignant kidney cancer the summer of 1984 and Carol Miller Muller (Carl), 1024 Martha Blvd ., Atco , NJ 08004. I'm L. Jeanne Humphreville Leisner (William) , 342 V Hagan Road , Cape honor a hero. Rashida, acting swiftly, helped stop amugging in process! so far all progress reports have been negative for metastasis . Our two now working parttime in labor and delivery at Garden State Hospital. May Court House, NJ 08210. Bill and I are finally enjoying our newly She alerted an adult, phoned the police, and gave a description of the I'm spending the remainder of the time enjoying our new daughter, year old, Matthew, is good as gold and disease free . built home. Randy is now 2112 and doing great. If anyone gets down to assailant. Enka , who was born June 10 , 1984. the shore this summer, look us up . Sari Rose (Rudolph), 8528 Deer Creek Lane, Warren, OH 44484. Margaret Osborn Montgomery, 114 Botanic Court, Upper Darby, PA Kram We have rounded out our family with the birth of our son , Daniel Owen Linda Heinold Muelenaer (Brian) , 8532 Sumac Drive, Baldwinsville , Karen Hollander Bernardini (Richard), 2220 Knorr Street, Philadel­ 19082. 1 am currently working in intravenous therapy at Delaware on November 30 , 1984. Leslie is almost three and she loves her baby NY 13027. Brian and I are doing well. We are planning a move back to phia, Pa 19149. Things are going well. We 're really enjoying our one County Memorial Hospital. I have a 3 year old son, Brandon David, Pennsylvania soon. On October 7, 1984 we became the proud parents brother. year old daughter, Lisa. I'm working part-time at Children 's Hospital in who is keeping me busy. Hello to all my classmates . of a wonderful baby girl , Morgan Elizabeth. the short stay unit. Andrea Rothman Mann (Robert) , 17 Hickory Drive , Horsham, PA Kathy Ankenbrand Cochlin (Robert) , 477 Stewart Drive, West Chester, 19044. Our daughter, Lauren Elizabeth , was born in August 1984. Lorraine J. McCullough MacFeeters (Richard John) , 865 Wayside PA 19380. I'm working part time in the nursery at Chester County Deborah Frost Horowitz (Richard) , 101 Main Street, Riverton, NJ Since then life has not been the same . I plan to return to work full time Lane , Haddonfield , NJ 08033 . Our son , John Russell, was born Jan­ Hospital. The girls are getting big , Karyn is 5 and started kindergarten uary 25, 1985. I'm currently a full-time mom . My husband 's dental 08077. I'm interested in client referrals for family nurse practitioner in September. this fall. Kelly was 2 in July. We travelled to the Outerbanks of North practice is doing well in South Jersey. Our greetings and best wishes to (MSN) specializing in the adult, after August 1985. Please call . Doris C. Lawson Green (John) , PO Box 512 , North Bend, PA 17760. Carolina this past spring. everyone. Catherine Stout Ishman (Raymond), RD #1 , Cloverfields , Wheeling, My daughter, Christina, age 4 and I, live in the mountains of North Eleanor Hansell Cunningham (John) , 633 Park Avenue, West Bristol, WV 26003. We moved to Wheeling in June of 1984. Ray (JMC '81) is Central Pennsylvania , where I am a logger. I use my nursing back­ Alice Leisch Guarino (Carl), 60 Cedar Drive , Richboro , PA 18954. PA 19007. I'm still at home . In September both boys will be in school , a staff physician at the trauma center of Ohio Valley Medical Center. 1'm ground very frequently as logging and sawmill operation is a hazardous Best wishes to everyone in the class of '78. We 're happy to announce J.R. in second grade and Ryan in kindergarten . John is doing fine , still that our first baby arrived in June 1985. a staff nurse at a mental health center. We just moved into our first profession . 1married my partner, John Green. We love the mountains with S & C in Philadelphia. Seems hard to believe it's almost 10 years house. and especially hunting. I would love to hear from long lost friends. Ann Rodden Elkind (Kenneth), 651 Stockton Circle , Ridley Park, PA since our Jefferson days . Diane Callum Buza (Richard), 804 Lion's Back Drive , Huntingdon, PA 19078. Ken and I are well. Our daughter, Jac/ynn, was one year old in Cheryl A. Grimes Allen (Thomas J. Jr.), 146 High Street, Jefferson, Betsy Jane Souders Machalette (Michael) , 304 Garth Road, Oreland, 16652. Dick and 1are enjoying life in Central Pennsylvania with our two November 1984. Time flies when you are having fun. I would love to MA 01522 . I graduated from Jefferson 's advanced placement BSN PA 19075. I'm taking time off from my part-time hemodialysis job to hear from you. girls, Allison 2 and Leslie 7 months. program in June 1984. On November 3, 19841 was married to Thomas be at home with Susie 4 and Kristina, born in Apri/1985. I love being Joseph Allen , Jr. Warmest regards to everyone . Sondra Gallagher, 3450 Commerce Circle, Brookhaven, PA 19015. Janet Holliday Reed (David M., M.D.), One Valley Road #209 , Stam­ home, but also looking forward to returning to work in November. ford , CT 06902 . We moved to Stamford, where David is taking over the Hello to everyone . I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on February 2, Karen Eltonhead Policare (Michael) , 1127 Washington Avenue, Allen­ Aileen lshuin MacMillan (Fred) , 7337 Hiola Road , Philadelphia , PA practice of a retiring surgeon . Our first baby will be due in September 1985. I am enjoying my work as a nursing supervisor in a community town , PA 18103. I have been working the past four years at the Lehigh 19128. I graduated from Gwynedd Mercy College in August with my and we are thrilled. I'd love to hear from you . BSN . Jeffrey is now 3, Sarah is 15 months , and number three is due health center in Chester, PA. Valley Hospital Center in Allentown , Pennsylvania, as a critical care Gail Sitvarin, 513 B2 Windsor Court, Andulusia, PA 19020. I will Faith Gumann Collins (Joel), 544 Vincent Blvd ., Alliance , OH 44601. staff nurse . My husband Michael and I are the proud parents of a baby November 1. Joel and I were married on May 11 , 1985. Joel is the professor of art complete my B.S.N. in June 1986. boy, Jonathan Michael , born August 1, 1984. Suzanne M. Tomlinson, 63 Lindsley Avenue, Irvington, NJ 07111 . I at Mt. Union College . I am presently looking for a new job and will will be getting married on November 23, 1985 to Frank Kunis. Best to Rae A. Matz Fierro (Maurice) , 809 Willow Way, Somerdale, NJ 08083. complete my degree at the college . Hello to my classmates . Susan Wilson Peacock (Jay) , 2117 First Avenue , Allenwood , NJ 08720. everyone Our son , Nils , was born December 10, 1984. We are very happy that I'm a staff nurse in intensive care unit at Community Memorial Hospital , we have started our family. I work parttime in the operating room at Linda Parr Southwick (Steven B.) , 4419 BAlan Drive , Baltimore , MD Toms R1ver, NJ. In August 1984 I graduated from Monmouth College Karen C. Guida Shauger (Deane) , 530 Wayne Drive #210 , King of 21229. I moved to Baltimore after my June 1, 1985 marriage to Steve. (BSN) . Jay and I had our first child in October 1984. Prussia , PA 19406. On September 7, 1985 I was married to Deane Jefferson . Marriage is great. I would love to know if there are any other alumni in Shauger. the Baltimore area, please write . Anita Finkelman Devlin (Joe) , 109 West Jackson Street, York, PA Class of 1978 Rhonda Mote Pierce (Jeff) , 16 Rickmar Lane , Frazer, PA 19355. We 17403. Joe purchased his own practice in July 1985. Rose Marie is 4 Joan Wolbert Reimer (Chip) , R.D. #2, Box 440C , Sunnyhill Avenue , Class of 1977 are doing great; Kelly is 2 years old . I'm working in ICU/CCU at Paoli and Joey is 2, and our third child, Kelly Anne , arrived in August. It just Karen A. Mirecki Webster (Philip), 711 Seminole Avenue , Philadel­ Franklinville , NJ 08322. I'm working one day a week at Garden State Hospital. Jeff is working at a sports rehabilitation center in Paoli. We seems like yesterday we were students, sneaking in late to the Martin phia, PA 19111 . We had our first child, a baby girl , Sarah Beth, born Hospital; also teaching maternity fitness for West Jersey Health Sys­ bought a townhouse and just love it. Residence . I've run into several Jeff nurses here in York, one teaches in October 1984. I am now working in a supplementary position at Holy tem . Our boys , Shawn , will be 5, and Kevin is 3. I keep busy with work, in a licensed practical nurse school and one is a nurse practitioner. There Redeemer Hospital on a medical-surgical unit. family and the care of our large yard and various animals . Joanne Stock Petrelli (Gene) , 16 Washington Drive , Havelock, NC is also a Jeff nurse from around 1910 who lives at the Hahn Home. 28532 . Our second child is due August 9th , 1985. We 're just everywhere.

42 43 CAPS Theresa McGlynn Rupp (James P.), 52 Northshore Drive, Seaford , and 1 have been living in our new home for about a year now. I enjoy Jefferson caps may be purchased from Student Profiles, Inc., 1001 Washington Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428, at a DE 19973. We are proud to announce the birth of our second child , my work, and have a good time . cost of $9 .00 each (minimum 2 caps) , plus a one dollar postage and handling charge . Christopher James , born July 2, 1985. Jessica Robinson Ross (Terence) , 10023 Spruce Ridge , Converse , TX Identification and an order blank may be obtained by directing correspondence to the Director, Student Affairs and Donna Callahan Stabler (Craig) , 7740 Camino Real #G-309 , Miami , 78109 . We are happy to announce the birth of our first child, a daug~ter, Miriam Anne born November 25 , 1984. At present I am not workmg. Services, College of Allied Health Sciences, Thomas Jefferson University, 11th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19107. FL 33143 . I finally earned my B.S.N. in December 1984 , at the Univer­ My husband 'is starting the second year of a cardiology fell.owship at sity of Miami. I'm still working in CCU . Craig is in his final year ?f orthopaedic residency and will be doing a sports medicine fellowship Brook Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston , San Anton1o , TX. for a year in Cincinnati , starting in July 1986. Carol Ann McNeil Pilla (Timothy). 8953 Ashton Road , Philadelphia, PINS 1 , Jefferson pins may be purchased from J. E. Caldwell and Company, Chestnut and Juniper Streets, Philadelphia, PA Judy DiCristofaro, 3215 BRed Lion Road , Philadelphia, PA 19114. I PA 19136. graduated from Jefferson 's Advanced Placement with my am enjoying a new apartment and new life . Looking forward to com ­ B.S.N ., summa cum laude in June 1985. Tim and I bought a new home 19107 (graduates pnor to 1969) and from Neff Jewelers, 742 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 (graduates 1969 and pleting my B.S.N. in December 1985. I'm ready to make changes . Hello and are awaiting the arrival of our first child in September 1985. after) . to all. lde~tification may be obtained by directing correspondence to the Director, Student Affairs and Services, College of Allied Class of 1981 Health Sc1ences, Thomas Jefferson University, 11th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Irene Babins Repka (Mark) , 94th General Hospital , APO New York, Class of 1980 NY 09757 , Box 28 . I've been married two years this October. We moved Marianne Maxwell Ostrow (Curt) , 131 Pulaski Avenue , Blenheim , NJ to Frankfurt, Germany in July 1985 for three years . All who are inter­ TRANSCRIPTS ested in keeping in touch , please write . 08012 . I graduated in June 1985 from Jefferson 's APRN program , and All requests for transcripts must be submitted in writing to the Registrar, College of Allied Health Sciences, Thomas received my BSN. I am looking forward to earning my master's degree . Sylvia Spaeth Brayton (Charles). 2101 Chestnut Street , #1619 , Phil­ J~fferson University, 11th. and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Telephone (215-928-8894) . Requests should be sub­ Kristen M. Sharpe Haag (Ted) , 43 Bon Air Drive , Marlton . NJ 08053 . adelphia, PA 19103. Probably by the time this is printed I will be Sylvia M. Spaeth-Brayton . I will be or was married on October 5, 1985 here mitted at least a month pnor to the date needed, giving the name of the institution to which you want them to be sent. There is Our first baby, Ryan Powell , was born February 12, 1985, weighed a $2.00 fee for each transcript. Checks should be made payable to the College of Allied Health Sciences, Thomas Jefferson seven pounds and fourteen ounces and was twenty one inches long . I in Philadelphia. My thanks to Angela Siliani Mihalanas for being a part University. am enjoying motherhood , and working part time in a doctor's office . of my wedding party. I'm still at the Hospital of University of Pennsyl­ vania on maternity I and nursery and attending the APRN program at Marci A. Force Green (Robert). 12 Centennial Road , Sicklerville , NJ Jefferson . I really enjoy being back on campus. My best to all the class 08081 . I am a clinical Ill and work in Jefferson 's rehabilitation unit. I of '81 and remember 1986 is five years for us . Let's all get together and CLASS ADDRESS LISTS received my certification in rehabilitation nursing in December 1984. share the good times again . Our daughter, Emily, was two years old May 24 , 1985. Class lists are available from the coordinator of the Alumni Office at a charge of $2.50 per list. Please enclose a long self­ Lisa Kelly Sakser (Ernest) , 32 Wynmere Drive , Horsham, PA 19044. addressed envelope. If you have occasion to write to the Alumni Association , please use your first name, maiden name, married Lisa Burkeitt, Box 3354, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Ernie and I are planning another trip to Australia and New Zealand for name; also, include the year graduated. Center, Riyadh 11211 , Saudi Arabia. Our oncology unit is now a bone next March . I'm still teaching at PIC Career Institute. We urge you to notify the secretary of the Alumni Association of any corrections, marriages, deaths or changes of address. marrow transplant unit and I just love it. I will probably spend another Help us ke.ep errors at a minimum and our files accurate. year in "the Kingdom ." Kathleen Browne Rodriguez (Raymond) . 925 Spruce Street, Philadel­ phia , PA 19106. I was married to Raymond Rodriguez on April 20 , Terri Koch Martin (Terry) , 3943 Stonecliffe Drive , Monroeville , PA 1985. We are both TJUH employees . I am a staff nurse in labor and 15146. We are proud to announce the birth of our son , Steven Daniel delivery and Ray is a resident in internal medicine . on August 15 , 1984. Marla A. Pantalone, 8150 Geneva Court, Apt. B-120, Miami , FL Susanne Welz Hoshino (David) , RD #1 , Box E, New Church , VA 33166. 1 finished my BSN in May 1985. I live in Florida and I am 23415. I am enjoying rural life on the peaceful eastern shore of Virginia , studying at the University of Miami . I'm going full-time to get a MSN CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM with my husband David and four year old son , Max. I administer a in nurse midwifery, and plan to graduate in May 1987. Kim 's working medically supervised weight loss/fitness program which I developed . in an HMO down here. No idea where we will settle when we are all Kathy Gillen Leslie (Scott) , 136 Ridgefield Drive , Middletown , CT done . Hi Paula! PRESENT NAME------SPOUSE 'S NAME ______06457 . I'm still working at the Meriden VNA and I'm working towards my BSN. Class of 1982 NAME WHEN GRADUATED------YEAR _____ Susan Albrecht Curcio (Joseph) , 6910 Chelwynde Avenue , Philadel­ Susan Solecki , 1968 Beyer Avenue , Philadelphia , PA 19115. I'm work­ phia, PA 19142. Joe and I have a new son , Kyle , born December 27 , ing on an oncology unit at Hahnemann Hospital. Also going for my FORMER ADDRESS ______1984. I'm still working full-time at Jefferson on 3 East , oncology, as a B.S.N. at Hahnemann University. clinical Ill. I'm still taking courses towards my BSN. Hello to all my Theresa Heim Cook (James) . 338 Cleveland Avenue , Charlottesville , NEW ADDRESS ______fellow classmates . VA 22903. I'm working part-time at University of Virginia Hospital on Donna Kloss Casey (Joseph) , 866A Aston Mills Road , Aston, PA, an hematology/oncology unit. Jonathan is now 81/2 months old ; Jim PRESENT PHONE NUMBER (Area Code)------19014. On March 7, 1985, we were blessed with a wonderful little and I are really enjoying him. bundle named Christopher Joseph . who weighed in at eight pounds and Linda Yarnell Sohanic (Michael). 2 Providence Drive , Doylestown , PA eight ounces . I returned to work after a three-months maternity leave. 18901 . 1 married Michael Sohanic on November 17, 1984. I'm still PRESENT POSITION------working as a staff nurse in ICU/CCU at Doylestown Hospital. Katherine E. Martens Schultz (John J.) , 162 Whitemarsh Way, Delran , PERSONAL NEWS ______NJ 08075 . We had a seven pound , six ounce baby girl , Kate , on July Sandra Krebs D'Amelio (Louis) , 949 D, lnnsbruck Drive , Hummels­ 18, 1984. We have a home in suburbia and we are getting a station town , PA 17036. I'm working in the ped iatric ICU at the Hershey wagon . I am an expert on diapering , burping and cooing . We expect a Medical Center. Lou is doing his general surgery residency and will second visit from the stork in July. finish in three years . All is well in Chocolatetown . Ann Petit Fariss (James B.). 400-E Montrose Drive, Greensboro , NC Duane Stanton (Colleen) , 1419 State Road #30 , Phoenixville , PA 27407 . I'm a hospital staff nurse , primary nurse . I spent four years at 19460. 1 transferred from ICU/CCU to cardio-pulmonary therapy unit at the University of Virginia working in general surgery and getting my Paoli Memorial Hospital. BSN . Have been enjoying married life since June 2, 1984. Patricia Jenkins Barnard (John) , 15 Ambling Lane , Levittown , PA Anne O'Malley Delengowski (Thomas) , 113 Weston Avenue , Gloucester 19054. We are pleased to report that the newest member of our family City, NJ 08030 . I work on 3 West at Jefferson and am a clinical IV. In arrived on August 5, 1985; weighing in at 8 pounds , 12 ounces and 1982 I got my BSN from Thomas Jefferson University, and in 1984 I sporting a head full of black hair. His name is Adam Daniel. Matthew got my MSN from the University of Pennsylvania . is quite pleased with his "baby " and shows interest in being a good Valerie Burns DiBartolo (Stephen), 412 Winding Way, Clementon , NJ brother. Adam was born at Jefferson . the nurses were terrific to both Mail to : Nurses' Alumni Association , Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107. (1 05, Edison) 08021 . I'm working on a medical-surgical unit at JFK Hospital. Stephen of us .

44 45 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR RELIEF FUND BENEFITS COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES 1. Membership in the Association for one year preferred; however, all requests will be given consideration. THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY All things being equal, members will be given first consideration. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 191 07 APPLICATION FOR RELIEF FUND BENEFITS THE FOLLOWING ARE ENTIRELY EXCLUDED: APPLICANT'S STATEMENT 1. Pregnancy and its complications IMPORTANT: See Opposite Page 2. Cosmetic surgery PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Miss 0 3. Dental surgery and/or complications. Mrs. 0 Mr. 0 _____ ------:-:-::-:::-:-:-~:------~YE;:;A;RAPPLICANT"S NAME MAIDEN NAME ~oF;-;G;;;R;;:;;AD:;;-u;;AT~Io;;:;N HOW TO APPLY FOR RELIEF FUND BENEFITS

Address ______~:------~sT~~~E------~z;IP~ STREET CITY 1. Complete your part (the top portion) of the Benefit Form and sign the authorization at the bottom.

Telephone No. (Area Code)------­ Social Security No. ______2. Have your physician complete his or her part of the Benefit Form. TYPE MEMBERSHIP Signature------~::-:-:-=-=:::-:::::=:=:::::::::::------Date------­ 0 LIFE APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE 3. If the Alumni member cannot complete the Benefit Form, the person submitting the form must show his or her relationship Relationship to to the member when signing and give address and telephone number. 0 ACTIVE Applicant------4. The completed Benefit Form should be sent to:

Address------~~----~~---~z~STREET CITY STATE 1 p~-- The Treasurer Telephone No. (Area Code)------Jefferson Nurses' Alumni Association Have you received Alumni benefits before? 0 Yes, Date------0 No Thomas Jefferson University 11th and Walnut Streets Attending Physician Statement Philadelphia, PA 19107

Patient's Name------

Diagnosis (If injury, give date of accident)------

Date first consulted for this illness------Length of illness------

If patient hospitalized: name of hospital ______

From ______To-----:-:==----- DATE DATE If patient in nursing home or extended care facility: Name of Facility------

Address of Facility------

______Degree ______Physician's Signature -

Address ------:=::------~~---;z;;;P_ Telephone No. ______STREET CITY STATE 1


1 hereby authorize the above named physician to release any, and all information requested by the Jefferson Nurses' Alumni Association with respect to this claim for Relief Fund Benefits.

Signature------==-~=-::-=-==::=::::-:::::::------Date-----­ APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE Relationship to Applicant------REV. 8/84


SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Purpose: To assist members of the Alumni Association in the pursuit of full-time college preparation for a degree in nursing.

1. NAME: ______~~~~ ------~==~~------~~------General Requirements: ILAST NAM E) (FIR ST NAME) (M IDDLE INITIAL) (MAIDEN NAME) Membership in the Alumni Association (Continuous membership from the time of graduation is preferred). 2. ADDRESS: ______-= ~~~==~------~~~~------At least one year of professional experience as a registered nurse. INUMBER AN D STREET) (C ITY AND STATE) (ZIP CO DE) Enrolled full-time in an accredited program, leading to a degree in nursing. 3. Date of Graduation: ______Social Security Number: ______Telephone Number: _____

Two satisfactory references. 4. Please have the following references sent to the Chairman, Scholarship Committee: Director or Dean of the school you plan to attend Director of the program at the time you graduated from your basic program Awards: Scholarships may be awarded annually to applicants meeting the general requirements.

All other things being equal, preference will be given to those who have been most active in the Association and 5. Positions held. Arrange in sequence, listing present or last position first. who have most nearly completed degree requi rements. Title of Position Name of Employer Address Dates of Employment Application Procedure: Applications are available from the Chairman, Scholarship Committee, Jefferson Nurses' Alumni Association (Thomas Jefferson University, Edison Building, Room 105, 130 South 9th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107). Submit application with references at least four weeks prior to the regularly scheduled meetings of the Alumni 6. Are you a member of the Alumni Association? ___ _ Association (second Tuesday of September, November, January, March and May) .

Each application is given careful consideration and considered on a first come, first served basis. 7. List your activities in professional organizations.

Amended March 1984 Spring 1978, 1982 Fall1977, 1976

8. Proposed program of study and plans for your future professional career:

School in which you are enrolled------Address of school ______

Tuition cost ______Other expenses ______Amount of scholarship desired ___ _

Describe Program (Include how much of the program you have completed at the time of this application and your plans for completing the program . (Continue on the back, if necessary).


Date ______



48 49 Nurses Alumnae Association of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 11th & Walnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19107

JEFFERSON NURSES' ALUMNI MEMBERSHIP Wife or Present Name ______Husband, ______

Present Address---::----,---,-,--,---,-,------­ street and Number

Cit y and State Name When Graduated ______Year __ Employment Position------Area Code ___ Telephone No. ______

Date Dues Paid------______Treasurer

YEARLY STATEMENT Please complete the above card and return with Check, Money Order or Postal Note made payable to JEFFERSON NURSES' ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Membership - All those actively engaged in the Nursing profession or desiring membership in the association. (See By-Laws)

Dues $10.00 a year

Respectfully yours,




MAY 3, 1986

11:30 A.M.


1 020 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107