■f-'- • ^ 1 THE WBATHBH. n e t p r e ss r u n a v e r a g e d a il y CIRCULATibN OP THE EVENING HERALD Showery, clearing tonight. Fri­ for the month of June. 1020. day fair and somewhat warmer. 4 , 8 3 7 PRICE THREE MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1926. (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLIV., NO. 243. Olassilled AdTertlsing on Page 6 <9 - ENEMIES IN SHACKLES BULGAR TSAR HAS GONE Its Occupants Are Still Missing MUM FOR 7 HOURS A-WOOING, NOT FLEEING. FAMED LAWYER MANCHESTER HOLDS FORT TO BYSTANDERS HIT Ossining, N. Y., ’July 15.— Sofia, July 15.— Tsar Boris of That Joseph Fria and Joseph Bulgaria has gone abroad to find Proveiano, two murderers and a bride, and not to escape plot­ DIRECTS YEGGS, bitter enemies, who are both GIRL ESCAPES SPITE MAN SHE ters at home, Premier Lyaptcheff AS THUG, COPS in the Sing Sing death house, said today. reached there today uninjured "Reports that Boris is being caused prison attendants to CATSKILLFIRE forced out by military and po­ STAGOATTLE B A R JS TOLD marvel, for they were brought • C A U ^ A E T in handcuffs from Rochester, litical groups are part of a gross intrigue concocted in circles and were linked together in hostile to Bulgaria." he declared. spite of the bitter hatred each Jennie, Bansoh) Teacher, "Very likely, however, there is Gunman Shot Down by Po­ niinois Law Head Tells has for the other. Hartford Divorcee Sticks truth in the supposition that the Fria had been taken out on a court order to testify Against king Is looking for a spouse." Miss Bissell of Wapping, American Assn. Amazing Provecano, whom he testified, Boris is on his way to Italy. lice on Broadway; Bul­ Around, Thom in Side of plotted with him to murder \ $>- James Lembardl in Rochester. 2 Rockville Yonng Women lets Spray on Theater Story of Formal Bank Neither man spoke a word to Honeymooners at High the other during the seven HEAVY MOTOR FALLS Cracksmen’s Association. hour ride. Among Fortunate Ones. land Lake, Winsted. Crowd— Six Wounded. <» Two telegrams received today by th« parents of Miss Jennie Bau> FOREMAN IS HURT New York, July 15.— Glen Mil­ Denver, July 15.— Delegates at­ Winsted, July 15.— The High­ sola of 117 Prospect street, con­ ler, youthful alleged gunman of tending the annual convention of GRAMT CO. LEASES land Lake colony here is all work­ tained ' the information that she Buffalo, N. Y., who after attempt­ the American Bar Association here ed up over the queer t dispossess today were discussing a speech of had escaped death in the fire that proceedings, with the queerest ac­ Paul Cook of Vernon, injured ing to hold up n restaurant last SOUTH EN l STORE destroyed the Twilight Inn at Oscar Carlstrom, attorney-general Haines Falls, N. Y., and that she companiment of love tangle and night was captured by police in a gun hattVe on Broadway In which of Illinois, In which Carlstrom de­ expected to reach Manchester this loc. ’ ntvrtisanshlp that even queer at Bon Ami Plant— Great clared there existed In the United evening at 5 o’clock. Winsted has over known or heard theater crowds were thrown Into a Alght, the fate of John R. Luxton and his family is one of the un- The messages received said no panto, was In a serious condition in Holved mysterlcB of the Lake Denmark blast. This is his home, near States an organization of cracksmen word of the fate of the Misses Jul­ of. Chain Corporation to Start Toe Partially Amputated. Polyclinic hospital today with four the scene of the explosion, but no trace of tlie people has been obtained. known as the Bank Robbers’ Asso­ ia and Elizabeth Grotta of Rock­ Mrs. Marion Hemming, a Hart­ bullets In his body. ciation in America, whose activities ville and Miss Bldwell of Wapplng. ford grass widow, is holding the are protected by one of tho most Business Here on Sept. 1; fort In a summer cottage which Is Six bystanders were wounded as These four were employed la the bullets sprayed on packed crowds brilliant lawyers in the east. Inn when the fire occurred. either owned or controlled by While trying to hang a motor Small, Select Group. Louis S. Gritting, a former Hart­ weighing in the neighborhood of on the sldownlk. Hundreds sought MOCK ARMY TRIAL LESS THAN 3 MILL Miss Bausola is a school teach­ There are only 300 first-class Over $50>000 Involved. er and on the recommendation of ford resident, and inflicting her shelter in doorways, others fell on half a ton in the spar mill of the their faces and men and women bank robbers and safe crackers In some of her school teacher friends presence and that of her boy, off­ Ortord Soap Company’s plant of the . United States, declared Carl­ spring of a marriage earlier than knocked each other down as Miller AMUSES SOLDIERS TAX IN 9TH DIST. she decided to spend her vacation Hilliard street this morning, Paul poured a rain of bullets on police strom, and these are banded to­ The T. W. Grant Company this at work in the mountain resort. that to Raymond Hemming of New gether in an organization which pro­ Haven, ns a persistent reproach to Cook, of Vernon, was Injured when who had cornered him. He was morning accepted the offer of Ab- Her parents say that although she vides for the defense of any mem­ knew the Rockville girls and the Grlfflng, who Is trying to enjoy a the heavy machine toppled over on trying to reload his revolver when r'^ham Padrove and Louis Jaffey, ber who may be arrested and pro­ Wapplng girl, she went alone to honeymoon, in an adjacent cottage him. Whether or not he was injur­ captured. owners of the new building, lo­ Miller entered Maloney’s Lunch ''Wagon Sergeant” Zaleski About so Present at School vides measures aiding them to es­ the Catskills. She was employed with the brand nrW wife f'-r whom ed Intern.illy* has not as yet been capes from the scenes of their cated just south of tfie Waranoke Mrs. Hemming Insists, ha jilted ascertained. His visible injuries Room, 854 Eighth Avenue, a little in the linen room of the big Inn her after having prevailed on her are lacerations of tho scalp and after S o’clock with a pistol in his Meeting — Officers Re­ crimes. Inn, to lease for a term of ten and it is believed the other girls to get a divorce in order to marry the big toe of his right foot so bad­ hand. He demanded the cash reg­ of Howitzer Co. Sentenced Its headquarters, Carlstom said years the store in the building at were employed as waitresses. 'They are Syracuse, N. Y., and except that have been away about three weeks. him. ly smashed that it had to bo par­ ister be opened. When John Lang, one time occupied by "The Fair” Pooh-Pooh! the cashier, refused, the robber there is no competition. It closely News diepatches late this after­ tially amputated. by Judge Quish. elected— Talk Over Rec. and will also take a part of the Mrs. Hemming and Grlfflng had Details Mi.«sing. struck him on the head with the pis­ parallels the association of the boot­ noon said that all the Connecticut been friends for five years, accord­ Just what caused the accident is tol. Lang fell to the floor. legging gangs in Chicago. store now occupied by Abraham girls had escaped. ing to that lady’s story, and Grlf- hard to ascertain. Cook who is Walters Attack Robbers. While this statement fell like a Padrove. This will make neces­ fing admits the acquaintance but foreman of the millwrights had Before the robber had a chance (By Staff Correspondent) Less than 50 people, a number bombshell In the ranks of attorney- sary, alterations in the building DEATH LIST NOW 18 declares there is nothing to the erected a scaffold and a chain hoist to press the keys on the register Camp Trumbull, Nlantic, July 15, of them either committee members generals of the United States and which will cost in the vicinity of $5,000 and the terms of the lease "engagement.” to lift up tho motor which was to several waiters were upon him. — Company G and the Howitzer or workers in the schools, attended Canada at the meeting of the Inter­ Feared Bodies of Some Victims be hung on the ceiling. He was national Association, Carlstrom are such that the highest price per At "M events, Grlfflng wants Harry White, who vaulted over the Company have not only gained the annual meeting of the Ninth Were Burned to Ashes. Mrs. Hemming to go away from standing on the scaffold when the counter, took the man by the back would not go Into details on tho square foot of interior Is being motor slipped from the sling in recognition here from a military Scliool District in Hlgli school hall matter, being contented merely with paid by them, than any other store the' cottage, which she occupies by of the neck, pushed him out into Haines Falls, N. Y., July 15. some way and forced him to fall last night. Aside from some discus­ stating the “ bare facts," and de­ in Manchester. -Irtue of having got there and tag­ the street and threw him down on standpoint but also have taken the With twelve bodies recovered and from the scaffold.
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