AALUMNILUMNI NNEWSEWS 6060 YYEARSEARS JYM!JYM! 19531953--20132013 60th Anniversary Edition Newsletter for Alumni and Friends of the Junior Year in Munich DETROIT OFFICE Junior Year in Munich Wayne State University 906 W. Warren Ave. 401 Manoogian Hall Detroit MI 48202 Tel. (313) 577-4605 Fax (313) 577-3266
[email protected] MUNICH OFFICE Junior Year in Munich an der Universität München Richard-Wagner-Str. 27 80333 Munich, Germany Tel. 011-49-89 / 52 30 26 36 Fax 011-49-89 / 52 30 26 38
[email protected] Cover photo: ©digitalcat / Foter.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Learning by doing since 1953! 3 Mark‘s page er! Das war in Mode... ren die 50ig Das wa Frauen: Petticoats, Bleistiftröcke, Capri-Hosen, Pferdeschwanz, Betonfrisur Männer : Tolle, Pomade und Rockabilly -Ära denauer Hütte mit Anzug, Perlenhemd A Jeans + Lederjacke à la James Dean. Political and Cultural Events (1953-1959) Berlin is center stage of the cold war between the soviets and the western allies, divided in to four sectors 17 June 1953 Soviet troops defeat the construction workers uprising in East Berlin. 9 October 1953 Konrad Adenauer is elected to German chancellor for the second time. 17 June 1954 „Day of German Unification“ celebrated for the first time. 1 April 1955 Lufthansa starts airline operations. 9 May 1955 Federal Republic of Germany becomes a member of NATO. 3 May 1957 FRG turns equal rights for women in to law.