
HOW TO DO IT Flattening the Curve: 3/9/2020 We’re all in this together, Together We Can Stop the Spread and we all have a role to play. • Practice . This means staying at of COVID-19 & Save Lives least six feet away from others. Without social distancing, people who are sick with COVID-19 will likely infect between 2-3 other people, and The COVID-19 is continuing to expand and affect our the spread of the virus will continue to grow. community. By making some important changes to the way we live • Stay home and away from public places, and interact with one another, we can stop the spread and save lives. especially if you are sick. • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when FLATTENING THE CURVE coughing and sneezing, throw the tissue away and then wash your hands. If the COVID-19 pandemic If we can slow the spread, That’s why orders that promote social • Avoid touching your face including your eyes, continues to grow at the just as many people might nose and mouth. current pace, it will eventually get sick, but the distancing are being put in overwhelm our health care added time will allow our place. By flattening the curve • Disinfect frequently touched objects and system, and in-turn, increase health care system to — reducing the number of surfaces, like door knobs and your phone. the number of people who provide lifesaving care to the people who will get experience severe illness or people who need it. COVID-19 in a short period death. of time — we can save lives. HOW TO STAY CONNECTED & ENGAGED

There are many things we can do to stay connected #of Without with one another and to maintain our well-being Healthcare System Capacity during this time. Here are some ideas: cases Protective • Call or video chat with friends, neighbors Measures and family. With Protective • Go for a walk outside, but keep your social distance. Measures • Plan a family game night with people who already live in your home. • Read a good book, listen to music or stream a favorite show. IT Flattening the curve has been a successful strategy to combat other public health • Cook a healthy meal. crises in our history. In 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic, cities that put social • Get a head-start on spring cleaning. WORKS distancing measures in place saw much fewer cases of severe illness and death. • Do arts and crafts — get creative and use what’s available in your home.

For more information about COVID-19, visit: www.jeffco.us/coronavirus Public Health