WALLACE, Kira From: EVANS, Angela Sent: Monday, 13 January 2020 1:51 PM To: Sharon Durham; 'Tania Reeves'; COOK, Tony; SEELEY, Nick;
[email protected] Cc: MORAITIS, Deborah; DAY, Laura; MARA, Kevin; Kristina Pace; HUNT, Jeff Subject: Air Con Newsletter - 10 January 2020 Attachments: AC Program Newsletter issued 10 January 2020.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Categories: Media/Newsletters/News Good Afternoon Please find attached the AC Program newsletter as at 10 January 2020. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Ange Angela Evans Principal Advisor Office of the Assistant Director-General, Infrastructure Services Branch Queensland Department of Education Government P: 07 3034 6008 I M: s.47(3)(b) - IContrary E:
[email protected] to Public Interest Level 19 I AM60 I42 - 60 Albert Street I Brisbane QLD 4000 I PO Box 15033 I City East QLD 4002 Please consider the environment before printing this email. Released under RTI Act by DoE 1 RTI Application 200360 - File A - Document 1 of 559 Air Conditioning (AC) Program Issued: 10 January 2020 School Assessments ComJ)leted 301 of which - 3,500 Schools Announced Spaces Approved for AC 158 131 12 124 Schools at Design/Tender Stage Schools at Contract Award Stage Schools Completed Spaces AC Design/Tender Contract Award Completed Overall 2019-20 AC Budget / $67M Announceables Contracts awarded at a total of 143 schools Total Budget * including: 131 schools at contract award stage Priority AC Program Refer to Appendix B for full list of schools 12 schools at completed stage $50M $12M \.