Minutes of Ordinary Meeting Held Thursday 20 December 2018

Held in the Simeon Lord Room Library / Museum Building Redbank Street, Esk


Cr G D Lehmann (Mayor) Cr D Hall (Deputy Mayor) Cr H Brieschke (Councillor) Cr S Choat (Councillor) Cr C Gaedtke (Councillor) Cr M Ogg (Councillor) Cr B Whalley (Councillor)

Mr R Bain (Chief Executive Officer) Mr M McGoldrick (Director Corporate and Community Services) Mr A Johnson (Director Operations) Mr P Tabulo (Director Planning and Development) Mr G Smith (Director Finance) Mrs K Jones (Director HR and Customer Service) Mrs S Pitkin (Minute Secretary) Ms M Maeseele (Communications and Marketing Manager)

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018


Acting Chief Executive Officer Arrangements 2 January 2019 - 20 Kilcoy Motorcycle Club Inc – Event January 2019 ...... 76 Management Plan 2019 ...... 65 Application for rebate - 532 Old Mount Kilcoy Race Track – Trackside Pavilion Beppo Road Mount Beppo ...... 50 Kitchenette...... 68

Business arising out of minutes of Leave of Absence ...... 3 previous meeting ...... 3 Matters of Public Interest ...... 3 CEO Final statement ...... 76 Mayor Lehmann – Matters of Public Closure of Meeting ...... 76 Interest ...... 3 Community Assistance Grants – Somerset Mayor’s and Councillors’ Reports ...... 73 Excellence Bursary 2018 – 2019 – Mayor's Report ...... 74 Andrew Bremner ...... 72 Meetings authorised by Council ...... 73 Confirmation of Minutes ...... 3 Consideration of notified motions ...... 75 Natural Resource Management Monthly Cr Brieschke - Councillor report ...... 73 Report - November 2018 ...... 4 Cr Brieschke - Matters of Public Interest . 3 Cr Choat - Councillor report ...... 74 Offer for lot 116 RP816952 ...... 52 Cr Choat - Matters of Public Interest ...... 3 Opening of Meeting ...... 3 Cr Gaedtke - Councillor report ...... 74 Cr Hall - Matters of Public Interest ...... 3 Petition – Larkhill Boundary Road ...... 71 Procurement policy change ...... 51 Development Application No 18041 - Lake Manchester Road and Waverley Road, Receipt of Petition ...... 75 Lake Manchester ...... 6 Reception of notices of motion for next Development Application No 6907 - meeting ...... 75 2889 Forest Hill – Fernvale Road, Revised Speed Limit – Muckerts Lane .. 70 Lowood ...... 19 Service of notices of intention to sell land Environmental Services Monthly Report for overdue rates or charges ...... 51 November 2018 ...... 47 Neighbourhood Centre Esk landfill upgrade grant ...... 53 Service Report for the period 1 November – 30 November 2018 ...... 54 Fencing Fernvale Campdraft Grounds .. 67 Somerset Visitor Guide – recommended charge ...... 73 Items for reports for future meetings ..... 76 Street Trees – Gunyah Street, ...... 69


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Opening of Meeting The Mayor, Cr Graeme Lehmann, opened the meeting at 9.03am.

Leave of Absence Nil

Confirmation of Minutes

Decision Moved – Cr Hall Seconded – Cr Ogg

“THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 12 December 2018 as circulated to all Members of Council be confirmed”. Carried

Business arising out of minutes of previous meeting Nil

Matters of Public Interest

Cr Hall - Matters of Public Interest Cr Hall wished all Council staff, Councillors and residents of Somerset a Merry Christmas and Happy New year, and asked that everyone come back healthy and safe in the new year.

Cr Brieschke - Matters of Public Interest Cr Brieschke noted that the Council’s School Holiday Program has commenced with a variety of activities for children to participate in across the region at local sport centres, pools and libraries right up until 26 January, 2019.

Cr Brieschke also encouraged people to take an evening drive to look at the Somerset Christmas Lights entries around the Somerset Region, from Coolana to Sandy Creek, Kilcoy. There are 39 entries in the Somerset Regional Council Christmas Light Competition, but there are so many more to see.

Cr Choat - Matters of Public Interest Christmas is a time for gathering with family and friends. At Christmas time we celebrate the birth of Christ through thinking of others and the giving of gifts and good wishes. The holidays can be a time of risk on our roads and Cr Choat asked that all residents take extra care and enjoy time with family and friends and return for a safe and prosperous 2019. Cr Choat wished all residents, Councillors and staff a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mayor Lehmann – Matters of Public Interest The Mayor congratulated Mr Bob Bain, CEO, on his last Council meeting. The Mayor wanted to go on record to thank Bob Bain for 18 years and for everything you have done and achieved while at Somerset.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Subject: Natural Resource Management Monthly Report - November 2018 File: Governance - Reporting - Officer Reports Action Officer Ref: NRMO

Background/Summary It is with pleasure that I provide the following summary of the Natural Resource Management Officer activities for November 2018:

Land for Wildlife

• Attendance at the Land for Wildlife steering committee meeting held 21 November, with a particular focus on administrative changes to the program whereby the 11 participant Local Governments in South East will collaboratively facilitate a Regional Coordinator position (hosted by Sunshine Coast Regional Council). Pending agreements, this new arrangement is anticipated to commence in Jan 2019, resulting in minimal disruption to the delivery of regular services to the program membership.

Somerset Flora and Fauna

• An official assessment of the Somerset Region Flying Fox Roosts was not undertaken within the November period, although incidental observations of Somerset roosts indicate that significant migration between roosts (within and beyond the Somerset region) is occurring, resulting in fluctuating numbers and occupancy at many of the roosts. It is suspected that this may be due to availability and proximity of food resource (where flowering is occurring).

• Two reports of aggressive Magpies were investigated within this period, to determine if relocation may be warranted. No relocations occurred as aggressive birds could not be located.

• Attendance at the South-East Queensland Fire and Biodiversity Consortium 2018 Forum (in association with the Ecological Society of Australia Conference), 26 November 2018.

• Investigation of three cases of reported vegetation clearing within this period at Bryden, Mount Hallen, and Lake Atkinson.

Catchment Management

• Ongoing project development is being undertaken to formalise the delivery of Resilient Rivers funding granted to Somerset Regional Council for local projects. These include:

o ~$120,000 for Black Snake Creek rehabilitation – Currently in discussions with landholders regarding participation and site identification, and seeking appropriate third-party delivery arrangements/contracts.

o $105,000 for Recreational investigation of Hills Crossing and Savages Crossing – institutional paperwork for this collaborative funding and project is underway, with the Seqwater lead tender process anticipated in early 2019.

• Council has supported participation in the Mid River On-site Wastewater Risk


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Mitigation Program (stage 2), which will see grants for approved Treatment System upgrades being offered to those participant landholders along the identified stretch of the Mid Catchment. Formal arrangements for this program are being progressed by Officers, with anticipated project commencement in early 2109. On 7 November 2018, Somerset staff met with Sunshine Coast Council Officers (who also administer a similar program with Seqwater) to discuss program design and roll out options.

• Meeting with QUU and their contractors regarding the delivery of the new Lowood Sewerage Treatment Plant and associated infrastructure construction – 12 November 2018.

• Attendance at the Mid Brisbane Partnership Committee meeting 14 November 2018, seeking to prioritise private landholder grant investment along the Mid Brisbane Catchment, to improve water quality and riparian condition.

Fire Considerations

• Council working with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) to review the application of Council Policy OP 14 Hazard Reduction Burn Policy in respect of customer and administrator (QFES) feedback.

Collaborations • Council continues to support the Kilcoy State High School Agricultural studies students to undertake practical assessment and general maintenance elements at Hopetoun Fields, Kilcoy. During this period, discussions were held with Toogoolawah State High School to consider a similar collaborative model in respect of the Condensery grounds on Cressbrook Creek. A project model/design is being investigated.

• On 8 November 2018 Somerset Regional Council hosted the SEQCMA Board meeting (An advisory body to regional natural resource management group Healthy Land and Water) at Kilcoy Information Centre. Council officers, in collaboration with Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare also facilitated a tour of the natural enhancements in Yowie Park adjacent to the centre.


• Attended Safe Dog Handling training at Esk administration 20 November 2018.

Attachments Nil

Recommendation THAT the Natural Resource Management Monthly Report for November 2018 be received and the contents noted.

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Gaedtke

“THAT the Natural Resource Management Monthly Report for November 2018 be received and the contents noted." Carried


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Subject: Development Application No 18041 - Application for a Development Permit for a Reconfiguring a lot (Subdivision -Two into Four lots) File No: DA18041 Action Officer: SP - MJ Assessment No: 35904-00000-000


Subject Land Location Lake Manchester Road and Waverley Road, Lake Manchester Real Property Description Lot 20 on SP284956; and Lot 31 on S311542 Combined area 203.413 hectares Current land use Vacant and Rural grazing

Somerset Region Planning Scheme Version Three Zone Rural

ShapingSEQ Land Use Category Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area

Application Proposed Development Subdivision – Two Lots into Four Lots Category of Assessment Impact Applicant/s Barry Kelly and Gregory Kelly Applicants contact details c/- SMK (Gatton) Pty Ltd PO Box 109 Gatton QLD 4343\ Attn: Dan Lawless Email: [email protected]

Date application received 25 September 2018 Date properly made 25 September 2018

Referral Agencies Advice agencies Powerlink Queensland

Public Notification Total Submissions Received Nil

RECOMMENDED DECISION Approve the Development Application No. 18041 subject to the requirements and conditions contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

2.0 PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to reconfigure two lots by subdivision and create four new rural lots. The proposed reconfiguring plan is provided at Attachment 1. The applicant has not proposed further improvements on the site.

Details of the proposed Lots are as of follows:


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Existing Lot Existing Area Proposed Lot Proposed Area and Frontage Lot 20 171.038 hectares Lot 1 118.95 hectares and 1.931km Lot 2 52.09 hectares and 1.476km Lot 31 32.375 hectares Lot 3 24.24 hectares and 859.64 metres Lot 4 8.14 hectares and 795.5 metres

The applicant has not proposed changes to shared boundaries between the subject and neighbouring lots.

Lot 20 is currently severed by Lake Manchester Road and after the proposed subdivision, Lake Manchester Road will form the whole of boundary between the two newly created lots. Proposed Lot 2 is further severed by Waverley Road at the north-eastern sector, the applicant has not proposed subdivision for these two parcels of land under this application.

Lot 31 is currently severed by Waverley Road and after the proposed subdivision, Waverley Road will form the whole of boundary between the two newly created lots.

3.0 SITE DETAILS AND SURROUNDING USES Both lots are irregular shaped rural properties, currently used solely for grazing and are not improved by structures. The subject site is surrounded by other neighbouring properties to all directions. The site is heavily vegetated and has an undulating topography. Sections of Lake Manchester Road and Waverley Road are unformed road, the applicant has not proposed to alter the road reserves.

The subject site is burdened by Powerlink easements. The proposed development will not affect the function of the easement. Referral to Powerlink is required under the Planning Regulation 2017 and this will be further discussed in section 7.0 of this report.

The surrounding land uses are predominately rural consisting of mixed size lots. The property is near the council boundary with Brisbane City Council to the east.

4.0 STATE ASSESSMENT 4.1 Vegetation Management Act 1999 As per the Development Assessment Mapping System, the site contains regulated vegetation. The State Assessment and Referral Agency has advised that no referral is required as the proposed new boundaries will not be severing areas containing mapped regulated vegetation.

4.2 Environmental Protection Act 1994 The site is not listed on the Contaminated Land Register or the Environmental Management Register.

4.3 ShapingSEQ and Planning Regulation 2017 ShapingSEQ has identified the site to be located within the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area. Pursuant to Schedule 10, Part 16, Division 1 of the Planning Regulation 2017, reconfiguring a lot is prohibited development if the site is located within the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area, unless the reconfiguration is an exempt subdivision.

As the proposed reconfiguration is considered as an exempt subdivision (dividing one lot into two lots if the divided lot is severed by a road that was gazetted before 2 March 2006 and the road forms the whole of boundary between the lots) by the Regulation, therefore Schedule 10, Part 6, Division 1 of the Planning Regulation 2017 does not apply to the development application.


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5.0 COUNCIL ASSESSMENT An assessment against the relevant parts of the planning scheme is set out below.

5.1 Code Compliance Summary

Applicable Code Compliance with Performance Overall Outcomes Outcomes Reconfiguring a lot code Yes PO1 Services, works and infrastructure code Yes PO1 and PO2 Transport, access and parking code Yes Complies Biodiversity overlay code Yes PO4 and PO14 Bushfire hazard overlay code Yes PO1 and PO4 Catchment management overlay code Yes Complies Flood hazard overlay code Yes PO4 Infrastructure overlay code Yes PO2 Landslide hazard overlay code Yes Complies

Reconfiguring a lot code

Performance outcome Example Lot size and subdivision design PO1 AO1.1 Lot size and dimensions: The minimum lot size and dimensions complies with Table– Minimum (a) provide sufficient area for the siting and Lot Size and Dimensions. construction of buildings and structures; (b) provide for safe vehicular and pedestrian access; (c) respond appropriately to site characteristics including slope of the land and topography; and (d) are consistent with the intended character of the zone.

Performance Outcome Assessment Three out of the four proposed lots created will have an area less than the minimum lot size and dimensions stipulated by the Code.

It is considered that all proposed lots will provide sufficient areas for the siting and construction of buildings and associated infrastructures and will be provided with safe vehicular and pedestrian access.

Although the proposed lots contain undulating topography, each proposed lot will have sufficient area to provide for residential uses and provide areas consistent with other existing lots in the locality.

Services, works and infrastructure code

Performance outcome Example PO1 AO1.3 Premises have an adequate volume and supply Where the site is not located in a of water that: reticulated water supply service


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catchment area, the development is (a) meets the needs of users; provided with a potable water supply from (b) is adequate for fire fighting purposes. a tank with a minimum storage capacity of (c) ensures the health, safety and 45,000 litres per dwelling. convenience of the community; and (d) minimises adverse impacts on the receiving environment. PO2 AO2.2 Provision is made for the treatment and Where the site is not located in a disposal of sewage and effluent to protect reticulated sewerage service catchment public health and prevent contamination of area, the development is connected to an soils, ground water or surface water or on-site and efficient on-site waste water adversely impact on water quality. disposal system in accordance with Queensland, Plumbing and Wastewater Code and Australian Standard A3500.

Performance Outcome Assessment The site is not located within a reticulated water supply service catchment area or reticulated sewerage service catchment area.

The applicant has not proposed improvements to the newly created lots. Therefore, it is unreasonable and irrelevant to require or condition the applicant to provide water tanks or on-site sewerage treatment systems as part of this development.

Biodiversity overlay code

Performance outcome Example Matters of State Environmental Significance PO4 Where for Reconfiguring a Lot Development on land adjacent to areas AO4.2 identified as containing MSES protects the biodiversity values of MSES and: A minimum setback of 50 metres is provided between a new boundary (a) does not interrupt, interfere, alter or created by reconfiguring a lot and areas otherwise impact on underlying natural identified as containing MSES on the ecosystem processes such as water Biodiversity overlay maps OM003a-b. quality, hydrology, geomorphology and biophysical processes; (b) avoids noise, light, vibration or other edge affects, including weed and pest incursion on identified biodiversity values.

Note - A supporting Ecological Site Assessment is prepared in accordance with SC6.1 - Planning Scheme Policy 1 – Ecological Site Assessment Guidelines.

Performance Outcome Assessment Pursuant to the Somerset Region Planning Scheme Version Three, the subject site is not identified to contain areas of regulated vegetation.

The State recently updated the Development Assessment Mapping System and has now identified the subject site as containing Category B and C regulated vegetation.


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As discussed in 4.1, referral to the state department is not required. However, local government assessment will still be carried out against the Biodiversity code.

The applicant has not proposed clearing of vegetation to facilitate the development. The new boundaries created will be following the existing road reserve and will not interrupt, interfere, alter or impact on the natural ecosystem. The applicant has not proposed alterations to shared boundaries with neighbouring lots.

Finally, given the areas of the lots are widely identified to be affected by regulated vegetation, it will be difficult for the new boundaries to be setback 50m from these areas.

It is considered the development proposed satisfies PO4 of the Biodiversity overlay code.

Koalas PO14 Where in a Secondary Habitat Area Development is sufficiently setback and AO14.2 minimises impacts on koalas, koala habitat No acceptable outcome provided. values, and koala habitat connectivity and employs measures to manage impacts on Where for Reconfiguring a Lot koala biodiversity values. AO14.4 A minimum setback of 50 metres is provided Note - Koalas are listed as vulnerable under between a new boundary created by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity reconfiguring a lot and areas mapped as Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Referral bushland koala habitat on Biodiversity under the EPBC is required for certain overlay maps OM-003c-d. actions. Where within the Rural zone or Rural Note - Where a suitably qualified person residential zone demonstrates that the mapped koala habitat AO14.6 values attributed to the site are not present Where within the Rural zone or Rural on the site the above performance outcome residential zone the minimum setbacks may not apply (subject to Council discretion). identified in AO14.3 to AO14.5 are taken to be 100 metres.

Performance Outcome Assessment The applicant has not proposed vegetation clearing to facilitate the development.

Given the large areas of the lots are affected by Secondary koala habitat area, requiring the new boundaries to achieve a setback of 100m will be impossible. The development is considered to have minimal impacts on koalas, koala habitat values and koala habitat connectivity.

Bushfire hazard overlay code

Performance outcome Example PO1 AO1.1 Development does not increase the number of Development does not increase the persons living or working on land subject to number of lots in areas of Very High Very High (potential intensity) Bushfire Hazard (potential intensity) Bushfire Hazard or or High (potential intensity) Bushfire Hazard High (potential intensity) Bushfire Hazard identified on Bushfire Hazard Overlay Map as identified on Bushfire Hazard OM-004a-b. Overlay Map OM-004a-b.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Performance Outcome Assessment Site vegetation is a daily management process undertaken by grazing of stock.

The newly created lots will contain areas identified to be Very High, High, Medium (potential intensity) and Potential impact buffer bushfire area.

The applicant has not proposed building footprints nor improvements as part of this development application.

There are also adequate areas allowing any future developments to be developed outside identified bushfire hazard area.

PO4 AO4.1 In Medium (potential intensity) Bushfire Development for Reconfiguring a Lot in a Hazard Areas as identified on Bushfire Medium (potential intensity) Bushfire Hazard Hazard Overlay Map OM-004a-b, vehicular Area as identified on Bushfire Hazard access is designed to mitigate against Overlay Map OM-004a-b incorporates a bushfire hazard by: perimeter road firebreak that:

(a) ensuring adequate access for fire (a) is located between the boundary of fighting and other emergency the lots and stands of native vehicles; vegetation; (b) ensuring adequate access for the (b) has a minimum cleared width of 20 evacuation of residents and metres; emergency personnel in an (c) has a constructed road width of six emergency situation, including metres; and alternative safe access routes should (d) is constructed to an all-weather access in one direction be blocked in standard. the event of a fire; (c) providing for the separation of AO4.2 developed areas and adjacent The road design is capable of providing bushland. access for fire fighting and other emergency vehicles. Note - Where it is not practicable to provide firebreaks in accordance with A03.1 Fire AO4.3 Maintenance Trails are provided in In areas of Medium (potential intensity) accordance with the following: Bushfire Hazard as identified on Bushfire Hazard Overlay Map OM-004a-b, roads are • located as close as possible to the provided in accordance with the following: boundaries of the lot and the adjoining hazardous vegetation; (a) Roads are designed and constructed • the minimum cleared width not less than with a maximum gradient of 12.5 6 metres; percent; • the formed width is not less than 2.5 (b) Cul-de-sacs are not used except metres; where: • the formed gradient is not greater than 15 percent; (i) a perimeter road designed in • vehicular access is provided at both accordance with AO3.1 ends; isolates the development from • passing bays and turning areas are hazardous vegetation; and provided for fire-fighting appliances (ii) the cul-de-sac are provided either located on public land or in an with alternative access linking access easement that is granted in


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favour of the Local Government and the cul-de-sac to other through QFRS. roads; and (iii) the maximum length of the cul- de-sac is 200 metres.

Performance Outcome Assessment All newly created lots can be accessed via formed road, which allows access to the lots for fire fighting and other emergency vehicles and allow safe evacuation of residents in an emergency situation. No new roads are proposed as part of the application.

Flood hazard overlay code

Performance outcome Example Extreme Flood Hazard Area PO4 Where for Reconfiguring a Lot Development is located and designed to: AO4.3 Additional lots, except where for the (a) maintain and enhance the flood purposes of public open space: conveyance capacity of the premises; (b) not increase the number of people (a) are not located in areas of calculated to be at risk from flooding; Extreme flood hazard area as (c) not increase the flood impact on identified on Flood Hazard adjoining premises; Overlay Map OM-007; or (d) ensure the safety of all persons by (b) are demonstrated to be above the ensuring that development levels are defined flood level. set above the defined flood level; (e) reduce property damage; and (f) provide road access to buildings above the level of the 1% AEP flood level.

Note - in the event that a lawful building or structure is destroyed by flood or other event the building may be replaced in situ where there is no increase in:

(a) gross floor area; or (b) the number of dwellings or bedrooms on the premises.

Performance Outcome Assessment Pursuant to the Somerset Region Planning Scheme Version Three, the newly created lots will be affected by Potential flood hazard area.

However, as identified by the adopted Brisbane River Flood Catchment Study (which will be included in the next planning scheme amendment), the site is affected by Extreme, High, Significant and Low flood hazards.

The newly created lots will only partially be affected by the Extreme flood hazard and there are adequate areas allowing any future developments to be developed outside flood affected area. The development will not increase flood impact on adjoining premises.


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Infrastructure overlay code Performance outcome Example High voltage electricity transmission lines PO2 AO2.1 High voltage electricity transmission lines: Development is not located within a high voltage electricity transmission line (a) are protected from encroachment by easement as identified on the incompatible development; and Infrastructure overlay maps OM009a-g. (b) sensitive land uses are appropriately separated from high voltage electricity transmission lines to protect public health and safety and to minimise the likelihood of nuisance or complaint.

Performance Outcome Assessment The newly created lots will continue be burdened by the existing powerline easement.

Referral to the relevant authority is required pursuant to the Planning Regulation 2017. The relevant authority has assessed the development and supports the application, subject to conditions. Section 7.1 further discusses this matter.

6.0 OTHER PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Environment The proposal will not lead to environmental degradation and as such there are no environmental considerations for the proposal.

6.2 Heritage There are no known heritage places within or adjoining the site area.

6.3 Infrastructure Existing infrastructure servicing the site will not be affected.

6.4 Infrastructure Charges Infrastructure charges do not apply for a rural reconfiguration of a lot application.

7.0 STATE AGENCY REFERRALS 7.1 Advice Agency – Powerlink Queensland As the site is burdened by powerline easements, referral to Powerlink Queensland is therefore required under Schedule 10, Part 9, Division 2 of the Planning Regulation 2017.

Powerlink has assessed the impact of the proposed development on its infrastructure and supports the application, subject to the inclusion of conditions provided in its response. The agency response is referenced as DA3089 and dated 18 October 2018. Refer to attachment 2 and Schedule 3 of the recommend Decision Notice.

8.0 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION The Public Notification part for the application was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act 2016. The public was invited to make submissions regarding the development between 6 November to 27 November 2018. Council has received the ‘Notice of Compliance’ in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

During the notification period, no submissions were received for the proposed development.


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9.0 CONCLUSION The development is for a subdivision in the Rural zone. The lots created will have areas less than the minimum lot size and dimensions stipulated by the Reconfiguring of Lot code for Rural zone. However, officer has assessed the plan of subdivision and deemed all proposed lots will provide sufficient areas for future developments.

The development has been assessed against all relevant assessment benchmarks and considered the risk and the impacts created by this development are acceptable and can be mitigated through development conditions.

Powerlink, as an advice agency has reviewed the application and provide conditions to accompany the development approval.

10.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Proposal Plan, Drawn and Prepared by MJB at SMK (Gatton) Pty Ltd, Ref: 18015 – 1, Dated 8 June 2018. 2. Powerlink Queensland advice agency response dated 18 October 2018 and referenced DA3089.

RECOMMENDED DECISION THAT Council approve the Development Application No 18041 for a Development Permit for a Reconfiguring a Lot (Subdivision – Two lots into Four lots) on land described as Lot 20 on SP284956 and Lot 31 on S311542 and situated at Lake Manchester Road and Waverley Road, Lake Manchester subject to the requirements and conditions contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

THAT Council report for this application be published to the website as Council’s Statement of Reasons in accordance with the s63(5) of the Planning Act 2016.

SCHEDULE 1 – GENERAL CONDITIONS Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 1.1 Carry out the development generally in accordance with the At all times material contained in the development application, supporting documentation and the plan(s) listed below, except where amended by these conditions of approval. Proposal Plan, Drawn and Prepared by MJB at SMK (Gatton) Pty Ltd, Ref.: 18015 – 1, Dated 8 June 2018.

1.2 Comply with the relevant provisions of the Somerset Region At all times Planning Scheme, Planning Scheme Policies and Local Laws.

1.3 Pay to Council any outstanding rates or charges or Prior to Plan of expenses that are a charge over the subject land levied by Subdivision Council; and/or levied but not fully paid over the subject Endorsement Request land.

1.4 A Licensed Surveyor must install new Survey Marks in their Prior to Plan of correct positions in accordance with the Survey Plan and Subdivision the work must be certified in writing. Endorsement Request


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SCHEDULE 2 – ENGINEERING Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 2.1 Bear the costs of works carried out to Council and utility Prior to Plan of services infrastructure and assets, including any alterations Subdivision and repairs resulting from compliance with these conditions. Endorsement Request

2.2 Meet the cost of all works carried out to infrastructure, Prior to Plan of services and public utilities, including any alterations Subdivision resulting from compliance with these conditions whether Endorsement Request carried out by Council, or otherwise.

2.3 Repair any damage to Council infrastructure that occurs Prior to Plan of during any works carried out in association with the Subdivision approved development. Endorsement Request

2.4 All works are to be designed and constructed in accordance At all times with the requirements of the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

Vehicle access 2.5 All vehicular access shall provide convenient and safe Prior to Plan of access and egress from the site in accordance with Subdivision Somerset Regional Council Design Standards. Endorsement Request

2.6 The landowner is responsible for maintenance of vehicular At all times access for the property, from the road carriageway to property boundary in accordance with Council’s Policy and Standards

2.7 When creating new accesses for the lots, make an access Prior to application to Council and pay the required fees. Commencement of Access works

Stormwater 2.7 Stormwater Drainage and flows are to have a no worsening At all times effect on adjoining, upstream, or downstream landholders.

Erosion and sediment control 2.8 Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be implemented, At all times as necessary, and shall be maintained to Council’s satisfaction at all times during the course of the project. Should Council determine that proposed controls are ineffective or a downstream drainage system has become silted, the developer will:

▪ Be required to install additional measures ▪ Be responsible for the restoration work.

SCHEDULE 3 – REFERRAL AGENCY Powerlink Queensland Advice Agency Response 3.1 Pursuant to section 62 of the Planning Act 2016 the Assessment Manager must, other


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than to the extent a referral agency’s response provides advice, comply with the all referral agency responses and include conditions exactly as stated in the response.

3.2 Powerlink Queensland, as an Advice Agency, has assessed the impact of the proposed development regarding a transmission entity easement which is part of the transmission supply network and requires Council to include the referral agency response in Council’s Schedules of Approval for the development application.

3.3 Powerlink Queensland advice agency response dated 18 October 2018 and referenced DA3089.

SCHEDULE 4 – ADVICE Assessment Manager This approval has effect in accordance with the provisions of section 71 of the Planning Act 2016. [A copy of section 71 will be enclosed with the Decision Notice].

Currency Period - Pursuant to section 85 of the Planning Act 2016 the approval will lapse if the first change of the use under the approval does not start within the ‘currency period’ – being four (4) years starting the day the approval takes effect.

This approval requires Council to approve a plan of subdivision before the plan can be registered or otherwise recorded, pursuant to Part 9. Section 69 of the Planning Regulation 2017.

The applicant may make representations (change representations) about a matter in this development application within the applicant’s appeal period under the process established in chapter 3, part 5, subdivision 1 of the Planning Act 2016.

The Planning Act 2016 provides for a person to make a change to this development application outside the applicant’s appeal period, following the process outlined in chapter 3, part 5, subdivision 2 of the Act.

The form Application to Approval Plan of Subdivision [version 1.0 effective 3 July 2017] must be completed by the person requesting development assessment of this conditional approval. The form must be submitted to Council and must be accompanied by the relevant fees, and a compliance summary of development conditions. If there is insufficient space on the form, the person must attach extra pages outlining compliance.

Landowners are responsible for the construction and maintenance of any vehicular access for the property, from the road carriageway to property boundary in accordance with Council’s standards. Approval is to be sought from Council and the landowner must advise all potential purchasers accordingly.

The Plan of Subdivision will not be released until all works are completed to Council’s satisfaction or uncompleted works are suitably bonded.

Any further developments of the site may require further approvals.

Please contact the relevant authority for advice relating to the easements on site.

Attachments for the Decision Notice include: • Proposal Plan, Drawn and Prepared by MJB at SMK (Gatton) Pty Ltd, Ref: 18015 – 1, Dated 8 June 2018.


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• Powerlink Queensland advice agency response dated 18 October 2018 and referenced DA3089.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council approve the Development Application No 18041 for a Development Permit for a Reconfiguring a Lot (Subdivision – Two lots into Four lots) on land described as Lot 20 on SP284956 and Lot 31 on S311542 and situated at Lake Manchester Road and Waverley Road, Lake Manchester subject to the requirements and conditions contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

THAT Council report for this application be published to the website as Council’s Statement of Reasons in accordance with the s63(5) of the Planning Act 2016.

SCHEDULE 1 – GENERAL CONDITIONS Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 1.1 Carry out the development generally in accordance with the At all times material contained in the development application, supporting documentation and the plan(s) listed below, except where amended by these conditions of approval. Proposal Plan, Drawn and Prepared by MJB at SMK (Gatton) Pty Ltd, Ref.: 18015 – 1, Dated 8 June 2018.

1.2 Comply with the relevant provisions of the Somerset Region At all times Planning Scheme, Planning Scheme Policies and Local Laws.

1.3 Pay to Council any outstanding rates or charges or Prior to Plan of expenses that are a charge over the subject land levied by Subdivision Council; and/or levied but not fully paid over the subject Endorsement Request land.

1.4 A Licensed Surveyor must install new Survey Marks in their Prior to Plan of correct positions in accordance with the Survey Plan and Subdivision the work must be certified in writing. Endorsement Request

SCHEDULE 2 – ENGINEERING Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 2.1 Bear the costs of works carried out to Council and utility Prior to Plan of services infrastructure and assets, including any alterations Subdivision and repairs resulting from compliance with these conditions. Endorsement Request

2.2 Meet the cost of all works carried out to infrastructure, Prior to Plan of services and public utilities, including any alterations Subdivision resulting from compliance with these conditions whether Endorsement Request carried out by Council, or otherwise.

2.3 Repair any damage to Council infrastructure that occurs Prior to Plan of during any works carried out in association with the Subdivision


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approved development. Endorsement Request

2.4 All works are to be designed and constructed in accordance At all times with the requirements of the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

Vehicle access 2.5 All vehicular access shall provide convenient and safe Prior to Plan of access and egress from the site in accordance with Subdivision Somerset Regional Council Design Standards. Endorsement Request

2.6 The landowner is responsible for maintenance of vehicular At all times access for the property, from the road carriageway to property boundary in accordance with Council’s Policy and Standards

2.7 When creating new accesses for the lots, make an access Prior to application to Council and pay the required fees. Commencement of Access works

Stormwater 2.7 Stormwater Drainage and flows are to have a no worsening At all times effect on adjoining, upstream, or downstream landholders.

Erosion and sediment control 2.8 Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be implemented, At all times as necessary, and shall be maintained to Council’s satisfaction at all times during the course of the project. Should Council determine that proposed controls are ineffective or a downstream drainage system has become silted, the developer will:

▪ Be required to install additional measures ▪ Be responsible for the restoration work.

SCHEDULE 3 – REFERRAL AGENCY Powerlink Queensland Advice Agency Response 3.1 Pursuant to section 62 of the Planning Act 2016 the Assessment Manager must, other than to the extent a referral agency’s response provides advice, comply with the all referral agency responses and include conditions exactly as stated in the response.

3.2 Powerlink Queensland, as an Advice Agency, has assessed the impact of the proposed development regarding a transmission entity easement which is part of the transmission supply network and requires Council to include the referral agency response in Council’s Schedules of Approval for the development application.

3.3 Powerlink Queensland advice agency response dated 18 October 2018 and referenced DA3089.

SCHEDULE 4 – ADVICE Assessment Manager


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This approval has effect in accordance with the provisions of section 71 of the Planning Act 2016. [A copy of section 71 will be enclosed with the Decision Notice].

Currency Period - Pursuant to section 85 of the Planning Act 2016 the approval will lapse if the first change of the use under the approval does not start within the ‘currency period’ – being four (4) years starting the day the approval takes effect.

This approval requires Council to approve a plan of subdivision before the plan can be registered or otherwise recorded, pursuant to Part 9. Section 69 of the Planning Regulation 2017.

The applicant may make representations (change representations) about a matter in this development application within the applicant’s appeal period under the process established in chapter 3, part 5, subdivision 1 of the Planning Act 2016.

The Planning Act 2016 provides for a person to make a change to this development application outside the applicant’s appeal period, following the process outlined in chapter 3, part 5, subdivision 2 of the Act.

The form Application to Approval Plan of Subdivision [version 1.0 effective 3 July 2017] must be completed by the person requesting development assessment of this conditional approval. The form must be submitted to Council and must be accompanied by the relevant fees, and a compliance summary of development conditions. If there is insufficient space on the form, the person must attach extra pages outlining compliance.

Landowners are responsible for the construction and maintenance of any vehicular access for the property, from the road carriageway to property boundary in accordance with Council’s standards. Approval is to be sought from Council and the landowner must advise all potential purchasers accordingly.

The Plan of Subdivision will not be released until all works are completed to Council’s satisfaction or uncompleted works are suitably bonded.

Any further developments of the site may require further approvals.

Please contact the relevant authority for advice relating to the easements on site." Carried

Subject: Development Application No 6907 - Request to Extend Period of Approval File No: DA6907 Assessment No: 02597-00000-000; 02597-05000-000; 02596-20000-000 Action Officer: SP - JB


Subject Land Location 2889 Forest Hill – Fernvale Road, Lowood Real Property Description Lot 5 RP860788, Lots 4 and 7 SP108463 Area 8.1578 hectares Current land use Vacant


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Easements Easement D on RP136773 Easement C on RP136773 Drainage purposes.

Planning Scheme Planning Scheme Former Esk Shire Planning Scheme 2005 (as amended) Zone Rural Precinct Rural Pursuits Structure Plan Residential Precinct Town Zone (Lowood)

SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031 Designation Urban Footprint

Application Original Category of Assessment IMPACT Original Date of Approval 12 November 2008 Submissions received One Original Approval Combined Development Application for:

Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for Residential Purposes; and

Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for the creation of 79 allotments and new roads from 1 lot; and

Council make a notation on the Esk Planning Scheme 2005 Maps to include the subject properties within the Residential Precinct of the Town Zone for Lowood.

Applicant Details Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd for Face Investments Pty Ltd

Owner Details Face Investments Pty Ltd Keith Worboys, Director PO Box 787 Oxenford Qld 4210

State Agency Referrals Concurrence State Assessment Referral Agency (SARA)

RECOMMENDED DECISION Approve the request to extend the development approval for Development Application No 6907 until 18 November 2022, subject to the conditions and requirements contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

2.0 BACKGROUND TO APPROVAL On 12 November 2008, Council approved a Combined Development Application involving:

• Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for Residential Purposes; and • Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for the creation of 79 allotments and new roads from 1 lot; and • Council make a notation on the Esk Planning Scheme 2005 Maps to include the subject properties within the Residential Precinct of the Town Zone for Lowood.


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On 22 October 2012, Council extended the currency period for a further four years up to and including 18 November 2016.

On 1 July 2016, Council received a second Request to extend the Relevant Period for a further four years until 18 November 2020.

On 8 July 2016, Council advised the Developer that in deciding the request to extend the approval period Council must have regard to the consistency of the approval, including its conditions with the current laws and policies that apply to the development. Consequently, the following information was requested in accordance with section 388 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009:

• Provide a Site Based Stormwater Management Plan (prepared by a qualified engineer), which conforms to Council’s Development Procedures Manual. The SBSMP should include the following:

o Quantity and quality of stormwater to be released from the development; o All sources of potential contamination, including but not limited to the actual and potential release of all contaminants; o The potential impact of these sources; o Impact of the release of stormwater from the development on the quality and integrity of the receiving environment; o Measures to be implemented to prevent the likelihood of stormwater contamination; and o Maintenance schedule; and

• Provide a Flood Study (prepared by a qualified engineers), which conforms to Council’s Development Procedures Manual.

3.0 PROPOSAL The landowner has requested an extension to the existing residential subdivision approval under DA6907.

In response to the request, the Developer was advised that Council no longer considers a Detention Basin in the upstream Eagle Rise Park as an acceptable solution for the approved residential development under DA6907. Therefore, a detention facility was necessitated onsite to ensure pre-development conditions were maintained to properties downstream of the subject site.

In view of the above, the Developer submitted a revised Site-Based Stormwater Management Report and Flood Study for quality and quantity stormwater provisions to meet current Council Legislation and the State Planning Policy requirements.

The Site Based Stormwater Management Report and Flood Study included a local flood assessment that included a local hydrologic and hydraulic model being developed to analyse local catchment flooding for a range of flows up to the 1% AEP event. This showed that: o Forest Hill – Fernvale Road is inundated to depths up to 0.3m during a 1% AEP event. As a result, the development will include a relief channel adjacent to the road reserve. o An on-site Detention Basin should be included in the overall design to lower peak discharges.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018 o Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) measures be incorporated into the design to mitigate impacts to the quality of runoff, with the inclusion of two (2) bio-retention basins as part of the proposed development.

In conjunction with the above reports, the Developer provided a revised Subdivision Plan which incorporates the required stormwater management measures for the proposed development. The revised layout also includes access handles to proposed Lots 4, 5, 36 and 66, but does not include a Staging Plan. Design details are provided as follows: o Lots 19 to 25 (7 in total) have been removed to provide a Council Drainage Reserve to contain the on-site Detention Basin and Bioretention Basin A and a QUU Owned Sewer Pump Station on two new parcels of land in this area. o A suitably sized detention basin is now located on-site to ensure pre-development conditions are maintained to properties downstream of the subject site. o The rear boundary of Lots 36 to 38 required minor amendment to provide additional land to Forest Hill Fernvale Road for drainage purposes. o The western catchment impacting the site will be conveyed overland around the internal development to the Legal Point of Discharge. The stub road and associated pipework previously extending to the western boundary is not required and has been removed. Lots 14 to 18 have been amended to suit the removal of the stub road. o Lots 14 to 18 will provide a drainage easement at the rear (8m wide maximum width) in lieu of a drainage reserve to cater for overland flow from the western catchment. The final extent of the required easement width (to wholly contain the overland flow) will be confirmed at the Detailed Design Phase, as part of Operational Works development application. o Stormwater Quality treatment is catered for on-site with two (2) bioretention basins, namely Bioretention Basin A and B.

A copy of the revised Subdivision Plan is provided at Attachment 1.

4.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Section 388 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 applies to a request to extend the relevant period of a development approval before the approval lapses.

In deciding the request made under section 388 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the assessment manager may consider any matters that the assessment manager considers relevant, even if the matter was not relevant to assessing the development application.

In assessing the request to extend the relevant period, the following matters are considered applicable:

• The consistency of the approval, with current laws and policies applying to the development; • The age of the approval and the community’s current awareness of it; and • The implications that the proposed extension would have on applicable infrastructure charges for the development.

4.1 Consistency with Current Laws and Policies The original approval was assessed against the former Esk Shire Planning Scheme 2005 (as amended) and resulted in approval. The approval involves a Combined Development Application including:

• Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for Residential Purposes; and


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• Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for the creation of 79 allotments and new roads from 1 lot; and • Council make a notation on the Esk Planning Scheme 2005 Maps to include the subject properties within the Residential Precinct of the Town Zone for Lowood.

The application was made over Lot 5 RP860788; Lots 4 and 7 SP108463 on land fronting Forest Hill – Fernvale Road, Lowood; and the Site contains an area of 8.1578 hectares.

In terms of Councils planning intentions for the region, the approved development is consistent with the planning intent expressed in section 3.3 of the Strategic Framework in Council’s Somerset Region Planning Scheme, when regard is had to the following:

• The approval involves an urban activity in an area which is intended to be developed for urban purposes; • The development maximises the efficient and timely use of designated urban land and infrastructure; • The approval is consistent with Council’s Infrastructure Charges applicable to residential development; • The development assists in the achievement of dwelling targets set for Somerset Region by the SEQ Regional Plan; • The development assists in the achievement of housing choice and affordability through the provision of residential lot sizes averaging 600m2 to 800m2, with some larger lots that are responsive to the diverse needs of the community; • Access arrangements have been achieved connecting the site to Forest Hill – Fernvale Road; and • The development will contribute to the achievement of a compact urban form that will be efficiently serviced by a range of urban infrastructure, including reticulated sewerage and water infrastructure, underground electricity, telecommunication services and efficient road networks.

The approval remains consistent with the former Esk Shire Planning Scheme 2005 (as amended); and with the requirements of the current State Planning Policy.

Council Officers have reviewed the conditions of approval previously issued in Decision Notice dated 18 November 2008 and Infrastructure Charges Notice. Where necessary the conditions and Infrastructure Charges Notice have been amended to reflect the revised subdivision layout and the current legislative framework as part of the decision for the extended approval period in accordance with sections 388(1) and 976B of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA).

In addition, section 959D of the SPA provides that the Act no longer applies to a water connection aspect approved as part of an existing development approval. Therefore, conditions relevant to water and sewerage connections are of no effect and so it is appropriate that they instead be replaced with a condition requiring the applicant to supply evidence they have obtained a water approval from Queensland Urban Utilities under the South-East Queensland water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring Act) 2009.

4.2 Age of Approval and Community Awareness of the Development The original application was approved and took effect in January 2009. The application was Impact assessable and one submission was lodged during the notification period. The submitter raised concerns regarding dividing fence and stormwater flows. These issues were addressed in the assessment of the application and conditioned as part of the approved development. The submitter did not appeal Council’s decision.


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Since the application was approved, the Somerset Region Planning scheme has taken effect. The subject Site is in the Emerging Community zone and designated within the Urban Footprint under Shaping SEQ. The approved development is defined as Reconfiguring a Lot under the Somerset Region Planning Scheme. Should the request to extend the relevant period be refused, an Impact assessable development application for reconfiguring the site would be triggered and it would be possible for a member of the community to make a properly made submission.

The Decision Notice remains publicly available on Council’s eServices portal. The period that has elapsed since the original application is noted. However, the Developer has liaised with Council Officers during the past two years to bring the development in line with the current Legislative framework for residential development per the Somerset Region Planning Scheme and the current State Planning Policy.

4.3 Infrastructure Charges Infrastructure Charges do apply to the approved development and have been revised to reflect the revised subdivision design and current charges.

5.0 OTHER PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Referral Agencies The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning was a referral agency. The Department supports the request to extend the currency period. A copy of the Extension to the relevant period Decision Notice will be provided to the Department.

6.0 CONCLUSION After considering the request to extend the relevant period against the applicable legislation and planning instruments, it is recommended that the application be approved and the relevant period be extended for a further 6-year period until 18 November 2022, taking into consideration that 2 years has elapsed since lodgement of the request on 1 July 2016. The extended period will end 18 November 2022.

7.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Revised Layout Plan Lots 1-72 on Drawing No. 07175-10B dated 23.6.08 drawn by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd and amended 22.11.18 to suit stormwater management requirements.

2. Draft SRC Infrastructure Notice.

RECOMMENDED DECISION THAT Council approve the request to extend the Relevant Period for DA6907 until 18 November 2022 for a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for the creation of 72 allotments and new roads from 3 lots on land described as Lot 5 RP860788, Lots 4 and 7 SP108463, fronting Forest Hill -Fernvale Road, Lowood and subject to the revised requirements and conditions contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

SCHEDULE 1 – Planning Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 1.1 Carry out the Development generally in accordance with At all times the material contained in Development Application No: 6907, supporting documentation and the plan(s) listed below, except where amended by these conditions of approval:


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• Proposed Layout Plan Lots 1-79 on Drawing No. 07175-10B dated 23.6.08 drawn by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd; • Plan of Subdivision Entrance off Forest Hill- Fernvale Road, Lowood Drawing No: SK01-A, Project No: QC070426 dated 20.05.08 prepared by Burchill VDM; • Planning Report prepared by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd; • Stormwater Schematic Plan identifying the channel profile and easement widths of two open stormwater drains that traverse the site. Open drain capacity calculations to cater for flows associated with major storm events; • Land Resources and Good Quality Agricultural Land Assessment prepared by WP Thompson, Land Resources Assessment and Management Pty Ltd; • Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report prepared by Belleng VDM Ref: QE070426/2007- 0426/TNIA_07_0426 dated 4 July 2008; • Department of Infrastructure and Planning Concurrence Agency Response; and • Queensland Department of Main Roads Concurrence Agency Response – conditions apply.

1.1 Carry out the Development generally in accordance with At all times the material contained in Development Application No: 6907, supporting documentation and the plan(s) listed below, except where amended by these conditions of approval:

• Proposed Layout Plan Lots 1-79 on Drawing No. 07175-10B dated 23.6.08 drawn by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd and amended 22.11.18 to suit stormwater management requirement; • Plan of Subdivision Entrance off Forest Hill- Fernvale Road, Lowood Drawing No: SK01-A, Project No: QC070426 dated 20.05.08 prepared by Burchill VDM; • Planning Report prepared by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd; • Stormwater Schematic Plan identifying the channel profile and easement widths of two open stormwater drains that traverse the site. Open drain capacity calculations to cater for flows associated with major storm events; • Land Resources and Good Quality Agricultural Land Assessment prepared by WP Thompson, Land Resources Assessment and Management Pty Ltd; • Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report prepared by Belleng VDM Ref: QE070426/2007-0426/


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TNIA_07_0426 dated 4 July 2008; • Department of Infrastructure and Planning Concurrence Agency Response; and • Queensland Department of Main Roads Concurrence Agency Response – conditions apply; and • Site-Based Stormwater Management Report and Flood Study, prepared by Water Technology dated 23.11.2018.

1.2 A legible copy of this Development Approval package is to At all times be available on the premises during construction.

1.3 Pay to Council any outstanding rates or charges or Prior to endorsement expenses that are a charge over the land holdings and of Subdivision Plan levied by Council’ and/or levied but not fully paid over the land holdings.

1.4 Meet the cost of all works carried out to infrastructure, At all times services, and public utilities, including any alterations resulting from compliance with these conditions whether carried out by Somerset Regional Council or otherwise.

1.5 Repair any damage to Council infrastructure that occurs At all times during any works carried out in association with the approved development.

SCHEDULE 2 – Environmental Assessment Manager 2.1 This approval does not authorise the release of a At all times contaminants that cause or are likely to cause any environmental nuisance to any premises beyond the boundaries of the approved place.

2.2 Noise levels from construction work shall at all times At all times comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

2.3 All construction/demolition waste or other waste is to be At all times removed from the site and deposited at an approved waste disposal facility in a manner acceptable to Somerset Regional Council unless otherwise authorised by Council.

2.4 The holder of this development approval must not: At all times

▪ Release stormwater runoff into a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or a water that results in a build- up of sand, silt or mud in the gutter, drain or water; or ▪ Deposit sand, silt or mud in a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or water; or ▪ In a place where it could reasonably be expected to move or be washed into a roadside gutter,


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stormwater drain or water and result in a build-up of sand, silt or mud in the gutter, drain or water.

SCHEDULE 3 – Engineering Assessment Manager General 3.1 The Developer within 4 years of the development approval Prior to endorsement must commence Operational Works required for the of Reconfiguration of development, including roads, stormwater drainage, water Lot Plans supply and sewerage works.

3.1 Make an Operational Work application to Council and pay Prior to the the required fees where an application involves commencement of earthworks, erosion and sediment control, roadworks, car Operational Work parks, landscaping, clearing and stormwater drainage required as stated in the following conditions.

3.2 The Developer will bear the cost of any alterations Prior to endorsement necessary to public utilities resulting from compliance with of Subdivision Plan the conditions of this approval.

3.3 The Developer is to carry out all works required by the Prior to endorsement conditions of approval at no cost to Council. of Subdivision Plan

3.4 Six (6) weeks maximum after DA approval submit a list of Prior to endorsement road names for all new roads, along with the reasons for of Reconfiguration of selecting such names, for the road names to be considered Lot Plans and approved by Council.

Note: The proponent is responsible for the cost of road signs and installation. Street nameplates are to comply with Councils standards. Please contact Councils Technical Officer regarding this requirement.

3.4 Submit a list of road names for all new roads, along with Prior to endorsement the reasons for selecting such names, for the road names of Subdivision Plan to be considered and approved by Council.

The proponent is responsible for the cost of road signs and installation. Street nameplates are to comply with Council standards.

Monetary Contributions / Headworks / Securities Sewerage Headworks 3.5 Pay to Council at the rate applicable at time of payment, Prior to endorsement the sewerage headwork contribution towards the cost of of Reconfiguration of augmenting the Sewerage Scheme in accordance with Lot Plans Councils Planning Scheme Policy No. 5, Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks and Works External.

In accordance with the current sewerage headworks contribution, an amount of $3490 per additional allotment created is payable, giving a total of $275,710 for 79


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Water Headworks 3.6 Pay to Council at the rate applicable at time of payment, Prior to endorsement the water supply headworks contribution towards the cost of Reconfiguration of of augmenting the Water Supply Scheme in accordance Lot Plans with Councils Planning Scheme Policy No. 5, Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks and Works External.

In accordance with the current water supply headworks contribution, an amount of $3300 per additional allotment created is payable, giving a total of $250,800 for 76 allotments. (79 – 3 existing lots)

Recreation Contribution in Lieu 3.7 Pay to Council at the rate applicable at time of payment, Prior to endorsement a monetary contribution towards the provision of of Reconfiguration of recreational space within the Region in accordance with Lot Plans Council’s Planning Scheme Policy No. 7, Provision of Park.

In accordance with the current Parks Contribution, an amount of $3600 per additional allotment created is payable, giving a total of $273,600 for 76 lots (79-3 existing lots).

Operational Works Roads 3.8 The Developer must make an Operational Works Prior to endorsement Development Application to Council, including lodgement of Reconfiguration of of Engineering Drawing and Specifications designed in Lot Plans accordance with Council’s Development Design Manual, and pay the required fees for its review of the Engineering Drawings and Specifications including pre-start and initial inspections at the required hold points of the construction for its approval.

3.5 It is required that the design and construction of civil Prior to Compliance components of the Operational Work are to be certified by Assessment a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ), including:

• Plans and specifications must be prepared and certified with the Operational Work application. • Certification that the works have been undertaken in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and to Council’s requirements.

3.6 All works are to be designed and constructed in At all times accordance with the requirements of the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.7 Dedicate, design and construct all new roads as illustrated Prior to endorsement on the approved plans, with concrete kerb and channel of Subdivision Plan


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(including drainage and associated works) in accordance with Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.8 Road reserve and carriageway widths to be in accordance Prior to endorsement with the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards. of Subdivision Plan

3.9 After Operational Works approval the Developer must Prior to endorsement dedicate and construct all new roads as illustrated on the of Reconfiguration of approved plans, in accordance with Councils Development Lot Plans Design Manual and Standard Drawings. The work after payment of a maintenance bond being 5% of the cost of the work will be then placed on maintenance for a period of 12 months. This maintenance bond will then generally be returned if the work has performed satisfactorily for the maintenance period or after any further repairs have been performed.

3.9 Upon receiving the certification by a RPEQ, and Prior to endorsement submission and approval of as constructed drawings and of Subdivision Plan documentation, Council will accept the works as “On Maintenance”.

Council will bond the developer for an amount equal to 5% of the operational works and the Developer is required to maintain all works for a period of 12 months for civil works and 18 months for landscaping (maintenance period) from the date of “On Maintenance”. Any defective works must be rectified within the maintenance period.

At the end of the maintenance period the works shall be inspected and if satisfactory, shall be placed “Off Maintenance”. Bonds or other securities will be released after the works have been placed “Off Maintenance”.

3.10 Provide road widening allowing for a 4-metre wide verge, Prior to endorsement design the external intersection and obtain Operational of Subdivision Plan Works approval for the work and as per the requirements of the Main Roads Department. All alterations to external services to accommodate the intersection works will be borne by the Developer.

3.11 Provide written approval from the Department of Transport Prior to Operational and Main Roads to carry out works on a state controlled Works road.

3.11 Install all traffic signs in accordance with the Manual of Prior to endorsement Uniform Traffic Control Devices. of Reconfiguration of Lot Plans

3.12 Install all traffic signs and line markings in accordance with Prior to endorsement Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. of Subdivision Plan

3.12 Provide 6m x 3 chord truncations on property boundaries Prior to endorsement 3.13 at all road intersections. of Subdivision Plan


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Remove all improvements and obstructions from the area of the corner truncation(s) and area of dedicated road.

3.14 All earthworks to be constructed in accordance with At all times AS3798. Fill material is to be placed, compacted, and tested by a suitably qualified inspection and testing organization.

3.15 Rehabilitation of dam sites, including methods of Prior to endorsement construction, management and supervision is to ensure of Subdivision Plan that the site will be suitable for the proposed use. Test results as required and a certificate of quality and uniformity is to be provided by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ).

3.16 All existing dams that are within the site or across proposed Prior to endorsement lot boundaries shall be removed. of Subdivision Plan

Vehicle Access 3.13 All vehicular access for new allotments shall provide Prior to endorsement convenient and safe access and egress from the site in of Reconfiguration of accordance with Council’s Policy No. 8 – Standards for Lot Plans Road and Footpath Construction. The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers, from road carriageway to property boundary, to Councils standards and the satisfaction of the Manager Operations, and the Developer shall advise all potential purchasers accordingly.

13.17 All vehicular access for new allotments shall provide Prior to endorsement convenient and safe access and egress from the site in of Subdivision Plan accordance with Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

13.18 Construct a minimum 3-metre sealed driveway for the full Prior to endorsement length of each access handle to proposed lots 4, 5, 36, and of Subdivision Plan 6 in accordance with Council standards.

Footpaths 3.14 Provide a concrete footpath with a width of 1.5 metres Prior to endorsement 3.19 along the road fronting Lots 1-21, road fronting Lots 24-42, of Subdivision Plan and connecting across the drainage easement to Lot 72 at a minimum in accordance with IMEAQ Standard Drawings.

Street Lighting 3.15 Install street lighting in accordance with AS1158 – Code of Prior to endorsement 3.20 Practices for Public Lighting as follows: of Subdivision Plan

▪ Local streets and minor collectors (1 to 300 lots) – Lighting Category P5. ▪ Trunk collectors greater than 300 lots – Lighting Category P4.


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▪ Local streets and minor collectors (1 to 50 lots) – Lighting Category P5 ▪ Collector Roads – Lighting Category P4.

Install all street lighting on the same side as footpaths, where applicable.

Obtain certification of street lighting installation by a RPEQ.

Sewerage Supply General Services 3.16 Obtain written permission from the owners of properties With Operational affected by any required sewerage supply construction Works Plans works to enter their properties and undertake the works.

3.17 Submit a Sewerage Reticulation Analysis Report that With Operational demonstrates that the proposed pipe sizes and connection Works Plans points are adequate for the development including the total catchment upstream of the proposed development.

3.18 Submit Operational Works plans and pay the prescribed Prior to Operational fee for the design of a Gravitational Sewerage Supply with Works approval appropriate house connection branches, designed so as to command the whole of each of the proposed lots with appropriate pump stations and manholes in accordance with the Sewerage Code of Australia WSAA Code WSA- 02. All work on live sewer mains is to be carried out by Council at no cost to Council.

3.19 Construct the approved sewerage supply and submit as Prior to endorsement constructed drawings certified by a RPEQ that the work has of Reconfiguration of been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. Lot Plans The works will be then placed on maintenance for a period of 12 months after payment of a maintenance bond being 5% of the cost of the work. This maintenance bond will then generally be returned if the work has performed satisfactorily for the maintenance period or after any further repairs have been performed.

Water Supply 3.20 Obtain written permission from the owners of properties With Operational affected by any required water supply construction works Work Plans to enter their properties and undertake the works.

3.21 The water reticulation should provide a minimum 150mm With Operational ring water main connecting at or near Lot 1 and again near Works Plans Lot 36 to Councils 150mm water main in Forest Hill- Fernvale Road.

3.22 Submit Operational Works plans and pay the prescribed Prior to Operational fee for the design of a Reticulated Water Supply System Works approval together with any necessary valves and fire hydrants, in accordance with the Water Supply Code of Australia WSAA


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Code WSA-03, which connects into Councils existing reticulation system.

3.23 Construct the approved water reticulation mains and Prior to endorsement submit as constructed drawings certified by a RPEQ that of Reconfiguration of the work has been carried out in accordance with the Lot Plans approved plans. The works will be then placed on maintenance for a period of 12 months after payment of a maintenance bond being 5% of the cost of the work. This maintenance bond will then generally be returned if the work has performed satisfactorily for the maintenance period or after any further repairs have been performed.

3.24 Water mains at cul-de-sac heads are required to be looped With Operational around to join back onto itself. Works Plans

3.21 Connect the development to a reticulated water supply, Prior to endorsement sewer infrastructure, underground electricity supply, and of Subdivision Plan telecommunications utilities in accordance with acceptable standards of the relevant regulatory authority so that it is available to each allotment.

3.22 Electricity /telecommunication /water supply /sewer drawings must be co-ordinated with the civil engineering design details, to ensure that service clashes are avoided.

3.25 Supply and install all service conduits required in Prior to endorsement 3.23 connection with the development prior to completion of of Subdivision Plan road works and footpaths.

Service conduits are to be installed under roads and concrete footpaths where required.

3.26 Place blue raised pavement markers on the centreline of Prior to endorsement the road opposite each fire hydrant and where serviced by of Reconfiguration of kerb and channel, place brass water and electricity markers Lot Plans in the kerb line at each service crossing.

3.24 Install hydrant and valve location indicators and where Prior to endorsement serviced by kerb and channel, place brass markers in the of Subdivision Plan kerb line at each service crossing. (Water, Sewer, Electricity and telecommunications)

Stormwater Management 3.27 Obtain permission for the discharge of stormwater With Operational 3.25 drainage to a lawful point of discharge from the owners of Works Plans properties affected by any stormwater discharge from the site.

Note: Such consent may require supporting engineering plans and calculations.

3.28 Implement stormwater drainage in accordance with Prior to Operational


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Council Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 – Standards for Works Plans Treatment of Stormwater Drainage and the accompanying stormwater drainage assessment report.

3.26 Design and construction of all stormwater drainage works As part of Operational must comply with the relevant section/s of the Queensland Works Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) and the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.29 Where stormwater cannot be discharged to the kerb and Prior to Operational channel provide inter-allotment drainage designed in Works approval accordance with QUDM.

3.27 Where stormwater cannot be discharged to the kerb and As part of Operational channel, provide inter-allotment drainage in accordance Works with Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) and Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.30 Fill, compact and grade all low lying land being subdivided As part of Operational 3.28 to ensure each allotment is drained adequately by Works gravitation to the drainage system within the subdivision.

3.29 Stormwater Drainage and flows are to have a no worsening At all times effect on adjoining, upstream, or downstream landholders.

3.30 Adjoining properties and roadways to the development are Prior to endorsement to be protected from ponding or nuisance from stormwater of Subdivision Plan as a result of any site works undertaken as part of the proposed development.

Easements 3.31 Provide an easement over stormwater drains, water mains Prior to endorsement and sewerage rising mains located within private property. of Reconfiguration of Lot Plans The easement widths may vary but must extend to include top of batters of open drains and/or flood paths and provide suitable means of access for machinery around headwalls and steep batters to enable maintenance operations to occur without encroachment onto private property.

The easement is to be dedicated at no cost to Council.

The proponent in a form satisfactory to Councils Solicitor shall prepare all easement documentation.

Note: Easements required for the discharge of stormwater over adjacent properties must be agreed to in writing by the owner of the property.

3.31 Provide an easement over stormwater and inter-allotment Prior to endorsement drainage located within private property. of Subdivision Plan

The easement widths may vary but must extend to include top of batters of open drains and/or flood paths and provide


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suitable means of access for machinery around headwalls and steep batters to enable maintenance operations to occur without encroachment onto private property and are to be in accordance with Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM). The easement is to be dedicated at no cost to Council

All easement documentation shall be prepared by the proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor.

Note: Easements required for the discharge of stormwater over adjacent properties must be agreed to in writing by the owner of the property.

3.32 Dedicate land subject to flooding during an ARI 100 year Prior to endorsement flood event or land required for detention basins or similar of Reconfiguration of as an easement for drainage purposes or open space. The Lot Plans easement is to be dedicated at no cost to Council. The proponent in a form satisfactory to Councils Solicitor shall prepare all easement documentation.

3.32 Dedicate private land subject to flooding during a 1% Prior to endorsement Average Exceedance Probability (AEP) or Q100 flood of Subdivision Plan event as an easement or reserve for drainage purposes. The easement or reserve is to be dedicated at no cost to Council. The proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor shall prepare all documentation.

3.33 Dedicate all land shown as open space and drainage on Prior to endorsement the proposal plan of subdivision as drainage reserve only. of Subdivision Plan The reserve is to be dedicated at no cost to Council. The proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor shall prepare all documentation.

The land identified as drainage reserve must be rehabilitated and removed of all weed species.

Utilities 3.33 Connect the approved development to electricity/ Prior to endorsement telecommunications infrastructure in accordance with of Reconfiguration of acceptable standards of the relevant regulatory authority or Lot Plans have the work bonded.

3.34 All entry statements, fences, acoustic barriers, batters, At all times retaining walls and buffer/screen plantings must be located entirely within private land and not within the public road reserve.

Traffic Acoustic Barrier 3.34 The Developer is to design and construct a 1.8-m high Prior to Operational 3.35 acoustic barrier along the northern and western boundaries Works approval of the subject site, to reduce any impacts on the amenity of the area. The design of the barrier is to be approved by Council.


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3.35 The Developer is to design and construct a 1.8-m high Prior to Operational 3.36 acoustic barrier along the allotment frontages nearest to Works approval Forest Hill-Fernvale Road as identified in Table 4.1 and in Figure 4.1 of the Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report prepared by Belleng VDM Ref: QE070426/2007-0426/ TNIA_07_0426 dated 4 July 2008, to ensure that the noise amenity for the future residents of the Estate is protected. The design of the barrier is to be approved by Council.

3.36 Landowners are to construct and maintain any vehicular At all times access for the property, from the road carriageway to property boundary, after Councils approval to Council standards and the satisfaction of the Manager Operations, and the applicant is to advise potential future landowners accordingly.

3.37 The Reconfiguration of Lot Plans will not be released until At all times all works are completed or uncompleted works are suitably bonded and approved by Council.

3.38 The applicant or the applicants agent shall complete Prior to required documentation and arrange a pre-start meeting commencement of with Councils Technical Officer, supervising Engineer and Operational Works the Contractor prior to any works starting at the site.

3.39 The contractor shall implement all relevant sediment and At all times erosion control measures and temporary fencing as identified on the approved engineering drawings for this development.

Initially, those measures which are applicable prior to the commencement of the proposed development works shall be implemented.

Councils Technical Officer shall access the sediment and erosion control measures and temporary fencing implemented, and any alterations and/or supplementary works required shall be incorporated during the construction process.

All sediment control devices and sediment collection points shall be regularly monitored, sediment removed as necessary and devices maintained responsibly during construction and maintenance period of the development works.

3.38 Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be implemented, At all times during the as necessary, and shall be maintained to Council’s course of the Project satisfaction. Should Council determine that proposed controls are ineffective or a downstream drainage system has become silted, the developer will:

• Be required to install additional measures.


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• Be responsible for the restoration work.

Should the developer fail to complete the works determined by Council within the specified time, the Council will complete the work and recover all costs from the developer associated with the work.

3.39 Prepare an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan designed As part of the by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland lodgement of the (RPEQ). Implement all relevant sediment and erosion Operational Works control measures and temporary fencing as identified on application the approved engineering drawings as part of the operational works. All sediment control devices and sediment collection points shall be regularly monitored, sediment removed as necessary and devices maintained responsibly during construction and maintenance period of the development works.

3.40 Where vegetation is removed, the vegetation waste shall At all times be disposed of by:

▪ Milling ▪ Chipping and/or mulching ▪ Burning provided fir permits are in place from the local Fire Warden.

Waste other than vegetation waste, generated as a result of the Operational Works shall be disposed of to an approved disposal facility via an approved waste receptacle and/or collection service.

3.40 Where vegetation is removed, the vegetation waste shall At all times be disposed of by:

i) Milling; ii) Chipping and/or mulching; iii) Disposal at an approved waste disposal facility.

No incineration of vegetation or waste will be permitted at the site. Waste other than vegetation waste, generated as a result of the operations shall be disposed of to an approved disposal facility.

3.41 Construction work is to be carried out only between the At all times hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Saturday, with no work to be undertaken on Sundays or Public Holidays.

3.41 Construction hours are 6:30 am to 6:30 pm Monday to At all times Saturday, with no work to be undertaken on Sundays or public holidays. Noise levels from construction work shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.

3.42 The applicant shall be responsible for protecting nearby At all times


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property owners from dust pollution arising from the construction and maintenance of the works required by this approval and shall comply with any lawful instruction from Council’s Manager Operations if in his opinion a dust nuisance exists.

3.43 Upon completion of the internal civil works, a Certificate At all times shall be issued by a REPQ certifying that the work has been constructed in accordance with Council construction standards and in compliance with the construction plans and specifications.

All work shall be supervised by a RPEQ competent in the construction of the works.

Council may request evidence of the principal contractors competency. It is expected that the RPEQ will undertake all the necessary inspections to validate the certification.

3.44 Upon receiving the certification by a RPEQ, and At all times submission and approval of as constructed drawings and documentation, Council will accept the works as “On Maintenance”.

Council will bond the Developer for an amount equal to 5% of the Operational works and the Developer is required to maintain all works for a period of 12 months (maintenance period) from the date of “On Maintenance”. Any defective works must be rectified within the maintenance period.

At the end of the maintenance period the works shall be inspected and if satisfactory, shall be placed “Off Maintenance”. Bonds or other securities will be released after the works have been placed “Off Maintenance”.

3.45 Restoration Work at Developers Expense: At all times

▪ Should Council determine that erosion or sediment damage has occurred on the site, or a downstream drainage system has become silted, the developer will be responsible for the restoration work. ▪ Restoration work will be completed within fourteen (14) days from the time of notification. ▪ Should the developer fail to complete the works determined by Council within the specified time, the Council will complete the work and recover all costs from the developer associated with the work.

SCHEDULE 4 – REFERRAL AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS Concurrence Agency Status Agency Response: Recommend Conditions Apply 4.1 The Department of Main Roads is a concurrence agency under the Integrated Planning Regulation 1998 for the purposes of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.


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The DMR has assessed the impact of the proposed development on the State- controlled road network and requires Council to include the ‘conditions of development’ in the Schedules of Approval as indicated on the attached Statement of Reasons. Reference: E60593 830/249 P72338 Tracker 4056.

4.2 The Department of Main Roads Agency Response (Conditions and Statement of Reasons) will be attached to Council’s Decision Notice for DA 6907.

DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING Response to Request to extend relevant period 4.3 Reference SPD-0716-028890 dated 29 July 2016.

4.4 Copy of response will be included in Decision Notice for DA6907.

SCHEDULE 5 – ADVISORY NOTES No Advice 5.1 All works shall be carried out in accordance with the Workplace, Health and Safety Act (as amended) and the workplace Health and Safety Regulation (as amended).

5.2 All Operational Work is to comply with relevant codes for design and construction.

5.3 All building work is to comply with the provisions contained in the Building Act; the Building Regulation, the Building Code of Australia, the Queensland Development Code and relevant Australian Standards.

5.4 Separate development approval is required for any building work and plumbing/drainage works necessitated by the conditions contained in this approval.

5.5 The Applicant has the Right of Appeal to the Planning and Environment Court regarding the conditions of this approval.

Should the Applicant notify Council in writing that the conditions of approval are accepted without dispute and that the right of appeal to the Court will not be exercised, the Decision Notice may be taken to be the development permit.

5.6 All plumbing and drainage work is to comply with the provisions contained in the Queensland Sewerage and Water Supply Act; Standard Sewerage Law and the Standard Water Supply Law; the relevant Australian Standards including AS/NZS 3500 – 1998 – National Plumbing and Drainage Code and Council Policies and requirements.

5.7 The Plan of Survey will not be released until all works are completed or uncompleted works are suitably bonded and approved by Council.

5.8 Biosecurity Queensland should be notified on 13 25 23 of proposed development(s) occurring in the Fire Ant Restricted Area before earthworks commence. It should be noted that works involving movements of soil associated with earthworks may be subject to movement controls and failure to obtain necessary approvals from Biosecurity Queensland is an offence.

It is a legal obligation to report any sighting or suspicion of fire ants within 24 hours to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.


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The Fire Ant Restricted Area as well as general information can be viewed on the DAF website www.daf.qld.gov.au/fireants

Decision: Moved - Cr Gaedtke Seconded - Cr Ogg

“THAT Council approve the request to extend the Relevant Period for DA6907 until 18 November 2022 for a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for the creation of 72 allotments and new roads from 3 lots on land described as Lot 5 RP860788, Lots 4 and 7 SP108463, fronting Forest Hill -Fernvale Road, Lowood and subject to the revised requirements and conditions contained in the Schedules and Attachments.

SCHEDULE 1 – Planning Assessment Manager No Condition Timing 1.1 Carry out the Development generally in accordance with At all times the material contained in Development Application No: 6907, supporting documentation and the plan(s) listed below, except where amended by these conditions of approval:

• Proposed Layout Plan Lots 1-79 on Drawing No. 07175-10B dated 23.6.08 drawn by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd and amended 22.11.18 to suit stormwater management requirement; • Plan of Subdivision Entrance off Forest Hill- Fernvale Road, Lowood Drawing No: SK01-A, Project No: QC070426 dated 20.05.08 prepared by Burchill VDM; • Planning Report prepared by Schlencker Surveying (Qld) Pty Ltd; • Stormwater Schematic Plan identifying the channel profile and easement widths of two open stormwater drains that traverse the site. Open drain capacity calculations to cater for flows associated with major storm events; • Land Resources and Good Quality Agricultural Land Assessment prepared by WP Thompson, Land Resources Assessment and Management Pty Ltd; • Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report prepared by Belleng VDM Ref: QE070426/2007-0426/ TNIA_07_0426 dated 4 July 2008; • Department of Infrastructure and Planning Concurrence Agency Response; and • Queensland Department of Main Roads Concurrence Agency Response – conditions apply; and • Site-Based Stormwater Management Report and Flood Study, prepared by Water Technology dated 23.11.2018.


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1.2 A legible copy of this Development Approval package is to At all times be available on the premises during construction.

1.3 Pay to Council any outstanding rates or charges or Prior to endorsement expenses that are a charge over the land holdings and of Subdivision Plan levied by Council’ and/or levied but not fully paid over the land holdings.

1.4 Meet the cost of all works carried out to infrastructure, At all times services, and public utilities, including any alterations resulting from compliance with these conditions whether carried out by Somerset Regional Council or otherwise.

1.5 Repair any damage to Council infrastructure that occurs At all times during any works carried out in association with the approved development.

SCHEDULE 2 – Environmental Assessment Manager 2.1 This approval does not authorise the release of a At all times contaminants that cause or are likely to cause any environmental nuisance to any premises beyond the boundaries of the approved place.

2.2 Noise levels from construction work shall at all times At all times comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

2.3 All construction/demolition waste or other waste is to be At all times removed from the site and deposited at an approved waste disposal facility in a manner acceptable to Somerset Regional Council unless otherwise authorised by Council.

2.4 The holder of this development approval must not: At all times

▪ Release stormwater runoff into a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or a water that results in a build- up of sand, silt or mud in the gutter, drain or water; or ▪ Deposit sand, silt or mud in a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or water; or ▪ In a place where it could reasonably be expected to move or be washed into a roadside gutter, stormwater drain or water and result in a build-up of sand, silt or mud in the gutter, drain or water.

SCHEDULE 3 – Engineering Assessment Manager General 3.1 Make an Operational Work application to Council and pay Prior to the the required fees where an application involves commencement of earthworks, erosion and sediment control, roadworks, car Operational Work


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parks, landscaping, clearing and stormwater drainage required as stated in the following conditions.

3.2 The Developer will bear the cost of any alterations Prior to endorsement necessary to public utilities resulting from compliance with of Subdivision Plan the conditions of this approval.

3.3 The Developer is to carry out all works required by the Prior to endorsement conditions of approval at no cost to Council. of Subdivision Plan

3.4 Submit a list of road names for all new roads, along with Prior to endorsement the reasons for selecting such names, for the road names of Subdivision Plan to be considered and approved by Council.

The proponent is responsible for the cost of road signs and installation. Street nameplates are to comply with Council standards.

Operational Works Roads 3.5 It is required that the design and construction of civil Prior to Compliance components of the Operational Work are to be certified by Assessment a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ), including:

• Plans and specifications must be prepared and certified with the Operational Work application. • Certification that the works have been undertaken in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and to Council’s requirements.

3.6 All works are to be designed and constructed in At all times accordance with the requirements of the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.7 Dedicate, design and construct all new roads as illustrated Prior to endorsement on the approved plans, with concrete kerb and channel of Subdivision Plan (including drainage and associated works) in accordance with Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.8 Road reserve and carriageway widths to be in accordance Prior to endorsement with the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards. of Subdivision Plan

3.9 Upon receiving the certification by a RPEQ, and Prior to endorsement submission and approval of as constructed drawings and of Subdivision Plan documentation, Council will accept the works as “On Maintenance”.

Council will bond the developer for an amount equal to 5% of the operational works and the Developer is required to maintain all works for a period of 12 months for civil works and 18 months for landscaping (maintenance period) from the date of “On Maintenance”. Any defective works must


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be rectified within the maintenance period.

At the end of the maintenance period the works shall be inspected and if satisfactory, shall be placed “Off Maintenance”. Bonds or other securities will be released after the works have been placed “Off Maintenance”.

3.10 Provide road widening allowing for a 4-metre wide verge, Prior to endorsement design the external intersection and obtain Operational of Subdivision Plan Works approval for the work and as per the requirements of the Main Roads Department. All alterations to external services to accommodate the intersection works will be borne by the Developer.

3.11 Provide written approval from the Department of Transport Prior to Operational and Main Roads to carry out works on a state controlled Works road.

3.12 Install all traffic signs and line markings in accordance with Prior to endorsement Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. of Subdivision Plan

3.13 Provide 6m x 3 chord truncations on property boundaries Prior to endorsement at all road intersections. of Subdivision Plan

Remove all improvements and obstructions from the area of the corner truncation(s) and area of dedicated road.

3.14 All earthworks to be constructed in accordance with At all times AS3798. Fill material is to be placed, compacted, and tested by a suitably qualified inspection and testing organization.

3.15 Rehabilitation of dam sites, including methods of Prior to endorsement construction, management and supervision is to ensure of Subdivision Plan that the site will be suitable for the proposed use. Test results as required and a certificate of quality and uniformity is to be provided by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ).

3.16 All existing dams that are within the site or across proposed Prior to endorsement lot boundaries shall be removed. of Subdivision Plan

Vehicle Access 13.17 All vehicular access for new allotments shall provide Prior to endorsement convenient and safe access and egress from the site in of Subdivision Plan accordance with Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

13.18 Construct a minimum 3-metre sealed driveway for the full Prior to endorsement length of each access handle to proposed lots 4, 5, 36, and of Subdivision Plan 6 in accordance with Council standards.



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3.19 Provide a concrete footpath with a width of 1.5 metres Prior to endorsement along the road fronting Lots 1-21, road fronting Lots 24-42, of Subdivision Plan and connecting across the drainage easement to Lot 72 at a minimum in accordance with IMEAQ Standard Drawings.

Street Lighting 3.20 Install street lighting in accordance with AS1158 – Code of Prior to endorsement Practices for Public Lighting as follows: of Subdivision Plan

▪ Local streets and minor collectors (1 to 50 lots) – Lighting Category P5 ▪ Collector Roads – Lighting Category P4.

Install all street lighting on the same side as footpaths, where applicable.

Obtain certification of street lighting installation by a RPEQ.

General Services 3.21 Connect the development to a reticulated water supply, Prior to endorsement sewer infrastructure, underground electricity supply, and of Subdivision Plan telecommunications utilities in accordance with acceptable standards of the relevant regulatory authority so that it is available to each allotment.

3.22 Electricity / telecommunication / water supply / sewer drawings must be co-ordinated with the civil engineering design details, to ensure that service clashes are avoided.

3.23 Supply and install all service conduits required in Prior to endorsement connection with the development prior to completion of of Subdivision Plan road works and footpaths.

Service conduits are to be installed under roads and concrete footpaths where required.

3.24 Install hydrant and valve location indicators and where Prior to endorsement serviced by kerb and channel, place brass markers in the of Subdivision Plan kerb line at each service crossing. (Water, Sewer, Electricity and telecommunications)

Stormwater Management 3.25 Obtain permission for the discharge of stormwater With Operational drainage to a lawful point of discharge from the owners of Works Plans properties affected by any stormwater discharge from the site.

Note: Such consent may require supporting engineering plans and calculations.

3.26 Design and construction of all stormwater drainage works As part of Operational must comply with the relevant section/s of the Queensland Works Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) and the Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.


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3.27 Where stormwater cannot be discharged to the kerb and As part of Operational channel, provide inter-allotment drainage in accordance Works with Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) and Somerset Regional Council Design Standards.

3.28 Fill, compact and grade all low lying land being subdivided As part of Operational to ensure each allotment is drained adequately by Works gravitation to the drainage system within the subdivision.

3.29 Stormwater Drainage and flows are to have a no worsening At all times effect on adjoining, upstream, or downstream landholders.

3.30 Adjoining properties and roadways to the development are Prior to endorsement to be protected from ponding or nuisance from stormwater of Subdivision Plan as a result of any site works undertaken as part of the proposed development.

Easements 3.31 Provide an easement over stormwater and inter-allotment Prior to endorsement drainage located within private property. of Subdivision Plan

The easement widths may vary but must extend to include top of batters of open drains and/or flood paths and provide suitable means of access for machinery around headwalls and steep batters to enable maintenance operations to occur without encroachment onto private property and are to be in accordance with Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM). The easement is to be dedicated at no cost to Council

All easement documentation shall be prepared by the proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor.

Note: Easements required for the discharge of stormwater over adjacent properties must be agreed to in writing by the owner of the property.

3.32 Dedicate private land subject to flooding during a 1% Prior to endorsement Average Exceedance Probability (AEP) or Q100 flood of Subdivision Plan event as an easement or reserve for drainage purposes. The easement or reserve is to be dedicated at no cost to Council. The proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor shall prepare all documentation.

3.33 Dedicate all land shown as open space and drainage on Prior to endorsement the proposal plan of subdivision as drainage reserve only. of Subdivision Plan The reserve is to be dedicated at no cost to Council. The proponent in a form satisfactory to Council’s Solicitor shall prepare all documentation.

The land identified as drainage reserve must be rehabilitated and removed of all weed species.


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3.34 All entry statements, fences, acoustic barriers, batters, At all times retaining walls and buffer/screen plantings must be located entirely within private land and not within the public road reserve.

Traffic Acoustic Barrier 3.35 The Developer is to design and construct a 1.8-m high Prior to Operational acoustic barrier along the northern and western boundaries Works approval of the subject site, to reduce any impacts on the amenity of the area. The design of the barrier is to be approved by Council.

3.36 The Developer is to design and construct a 1.8-m high Prior to Operational acoustic barrier along the allotment frontages nearest to Works approval Forest Hill-Fernvale Road as identified in Table 4.1 and in Figure 4.1 of the Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report prepared by Belleng VDM Ref: QE070426/2007- 0426/TNIA_07_0426 dated 4 July 2008, to ensure that the noise amenity for the future residents of the Estate is protected. The design of the barrier is to be approved by Council.

3.37 The Reconfiguration of Lot Plans will not be released until At all times all works are completed or uncompleted works are suitably bonded and approved by Council.

3.38 Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be implemented, At all times during the as necessary, and shall be maintained to Council’s course of the Project satisfaction. Should Council determine that proposed controls are ineffective or a downstream drainage system has become silted, the developer will:

• Be required to install additional measures. • Be responsible for the restoration work.

Should the developer fail to complete the works determined by Council within the specified time, the Council will complete the work and recover all costs from the developer associated with the work.

3.39 Prepare an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan designed As part of the by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland lodgement of the (RPEQ). Implement all relevant sediment and erosion Operational Works control measures and temporary fencing as identified on application the approved engineering drawings as part of the operational works. All sediment control devices and sediment collection points shall be regularly monitored, sediment removed as necessary and devices maintained responsibly during construction and maintenance period of the development works.

3.40 Where vegetation is removed, the vegetation waste shall At all times be disposed of by:


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i) Milling; ii) Chipping and/or mulching iii) Disposal at an approved waste disposal facility.

No incineration of vegetation or waste will be permitted at the site. Waste other than vegetation waste, generated as a result of the operations shall be disposed of to an approved disposal facility.

3.41 Construction hours are 6:30am to 6:30pm Monday to At all times Saturday, with no work to be undertaken on Sundays or public holidays. Noise levels from construction work shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.

SCHEDULE 4 – REFERRAL AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS Concurrence Agency Status Agency Response: Recommend Conditions Apply 4.1 The Department of Main Roads is a concurrence agency under the Integrated Planning Regulation 1998 for the purposes of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994. The DMR has assessed the impact of the proposed development on the State- controlled road network and requires Council to include the ‘conditions of development’ in the Schedules of Approval as indicated on the attached Statement of Reasons. Reference: E60593 830/249 P72338 Tracker 4056.

4.2 The Department of Main Roads Agency Response (Conditions and Statement of Reasons) will be attached to Council’s Decision Notice for DA 6907.

DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PLANNING Response to Request to extend relevant period 4.3 Reference SPD-0716-028890 dated 29 July 2016.

4.4 Copy of response will be included in Decision Notice for DA6907.

SCHEDULE 5 – ADVISORY NOTES No Advice 5.1 All works shall be carried out in accordance with the Workplace, Health and Safety Act (as amended) and the workplace Health and Safety Regulation (as amended).

5.2 All Operational Work is to comply with relevant codes for design and construction.

5.3 All building work is to comply with the provisions contained in the Building Act; the Building Regulation, the Building Code of Australia, the Queensland Development Code and relevant Australian Standards.

5.4 Separate development approval is required for any building work and plumbing/ drainage works necessitated by the conditions contained in this approval.

5.5 The Applicant has the Right of Appeal to the Planning and Environment Court regarding the conditions of this approval.


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Should the Applicant notify Council in writing that the conditions of approval are accepted without dispute and that the right of appeal to the Court will not be exercised, the Decision Notice may be taken to be the development permit.

5.6 All plumbing and drainage work is to comply with the provisions contained in the Queensland Sewerage and Water Supply Act; Standard Sewerage Law and the Standard Water Supply Law; the relevant Australian Standards including AS/NZS 3500 – 1998 – National Plumbing and Drainage Code and Council Policies and requirements.

5.7 The Plan of Survey will not be released until all works are completed or uncompleted works are suitably bonded and approved by Council.

5.8 Biosecurity Queensland should be notified on 13 25 23 of proposed development(s) occurring in the Fire Ant Restricted Area before earthworks commence. It should be noted that works involving movements of soil associated with earthworks may be subject to movement controls and failure to obtain necessary approvals from Biosecurity Queensland is an offence.

It is a legal obligation to report any sighting or suspicion of fire ants within 24 hours to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

The Fire Ant Restricted Area as well as general information can be viewed on the DAF website www.daf.qld.gov.au/fireants." Carried

Subject: Environmental Services Monthly Report November 2018 File: Environmental Management - Reports - Environmental Health Reports Action Officer: MES

Background / Summary In delivering on the themes identified in Council’s current Operational Plan, it is with pleasure that we submit a synopsis of the section’s activities during the month of November 2018.

Invasive Animal Control The following is a summary of pest animal control activities for the month:

Wild dogs • 1080 Baits injected: 597 • The next advertised 1080 baiting program day will be held on the 11 February 2019 • Dingo scalps presented: 4

Rabbits • Officers have been working with landholders to control rabbit infestations in the following areas; Minden, Colinton, Mt , Clarendon and Lower Cressbrook. • Officers are continuing to work closely with Seqwater in controlling rabbits around Somerset Dam and . • Officers have detected an outbreak of Calicivirus that has had good effect on the rabbit population. Samples have been collected and provided to Biosecurity Queensland to establish the strain of the virus.


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Foxes • Officers have been working with landholders in-Sandy creek, Hazeldean and that are being impacted by foxes.

A summary of pest plant and other vegetation treatment activities for the month is as follows:

• Fireweed –Coominya, Neurum, Wanora, Talegalla, Fernvale, Glamorganvale, Clarendon, Jimna, Esk, Atkinson Dam and Mt Tarampa. • Annual ragweed – Mt Beppo, Coal Creek, Colinton, Harlin, Esk, Lowood, Biarra and Toogoolawah, • Groundsel – Neurum, Harlin and Glamorganvale. • Giant rat’s tail grass – Mt Kilcoy, Wivenhoe Pocket, Sandy Creek, Wivenhoe Pocket and Monsildale. • Main Roads Guide Post Spraying- , Esk Kilcoy Road, D’Aguilar Highway East and West, Kilcoy Murgon Road and Somerset Wivenhoe Road. • Main Roads Element 5 – Brisbane Valley Highway, Gatton Esk Road, Somerset Wivenhoe, Forest hill Fernvale Road, Coominya Connection Road, D’Aguilar Highway Est and West, Esk Kilcoy Road, and Mt Glorious. • Council controlled land – Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Lowood, Kilcoy Show grounds fat cattle yards, Lowood Minden Bikeway. • Herbicide applied – 28, 058L

Compliance under the Biosecurity Act 2014 Information notices: 6

CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUESTS Regulatory Services Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 Dog Attack on a Person 1 1 3 1 4 10 Dog attack on Another Animal 5 3 5 6 3 22 Barking Dogs - 9 21 5 6 7 27 Animal Issues - Miscellaneous 22 11 50 11 5 99 Dogs Wandering at Large 20 16 8 13 15 72 Livestock Wandering at Large 13 15 34 22 15 99 After Hours Emergency call out Dogs 1 3 0 1 1 6 After Hours Emergency call Out Stock 3 6 8 10 5 32 Request for Animal Traps 0 8 5 7 7 27 Request to Impound Animals 12 17 12 9 9 59 Abandoned Motor Vehicle 3 6 3 2 2 16 Illegal Camping 1 0 0 3 4 8 Visual Pollution 2 1 1 2 0 6 Local Law Investigations – other local law 2 issues - 2 3 5 4 16 Overgrown Allotments 1 5 5 3 16 30 Restricted activity – Selling Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unlawful Materials on Footpath 1 2 0 1 2 6 Litter and Illegal Dumping of Rubbish less 4 than 200 litres - 2 3 0 1 10 Total Regulatory Services CSR's 98 121 148 101 98 545


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Pest Management Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 Pest Plants - Council Land 1 0 1 0 1 2 Pest Plants - Private Land 11 3 3 8 11 25 Pest Plants - Road Reserves 1 0 0 2 2 3 Pest Animals - General Enquires 12 13 12 10 13 47 Total Pest Management CSR's 25 16 16 20 27 77

Environmental Health Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 General Environmental Complaints 1 1 2 3 1 7 Food Premises Complaints 1 1 1 4 0 2 Miscellaneous Health Issues 2 1 1 2 0 3 Mosquito Complaints 0 0 0 0 0 0 Environmental Issues - Dust Nuisance 2 0 0 0 0 2 Environmental Issues - Light Nuisance 0 0 0 0 0 0 Environmental Issues - Noise Nuisance 2 0 4 4 2 2 Environmental Issues - Odour Nuisance 0 0 0 0 2 0 Environmental Issues - Smoke Nuisance 1 2 0 1 1 3 Environmental Issues - Water Pollution 0 1 0 1 0 1 Local Laws - Illegal Vending 0 0 0 0 1 0 Local Laws - Obstruction of Footpath by a Business 0 0 0 1 0 0 Illegal Dumping - over 200L 2 2 3 2 0 4 Illegal Dumping - Asbestos 0 0 0 1 0 0 Illegal Dumping - Tyres 2 0 3 0 0 2 Total Environmental Health CSR's 13 8 14 19 7 0 61

Total all Environmental Services CSR's 136 124 178 140 132 710

Dog Registration Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 Dogs Registered 3801 235 23 50 2 4111 Unpaid Notices 380 357 182 133 34 34 Infringement Notice Issued 6 4 6 8 10 34 Registration Compliance activities 5 8 55 34 6 108

Animal Pound Operations Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 Dogs 11 14 2 11 10 48 Cats 8 9 7 0 10 34 Stock 0 4 2 5 0 11

Inspections and Approvals Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 18-19 Food Business Inspections 11 6 13 12 6 48 Food Business Re-inspections 0 0 3 4 3 10


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Kennel Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poultry Farm Inspections 0 0 0 0 3 3 Local Law - Prescribed Activity Approvals 3 11 4 10 3 31

Food Safety Training Council subscribes to the I’m ALERT food safety training package which offers food businesses, community groups, schools and the general public access to free online interactive food safety training. Just go to www.somerset.imalert.com.au

A total of 21 users completed the training during the month of November.

Attachment Nil

Recommendation That the report be received and the contents noted.

Decision: Moved - Cr Brieschke Seconded - Cr Choat

“THAT the report be received and the contents noted." Carried

Subject: Application for rebate - 532 Old Mount Beppo Road Mount Beppo File Ref: Rates and government valuations - rate payments - rebates Action Officer: DFIN

Background/Summary Council has received a request for a rate rebate for 04909-00000-000 - 532 Old Mount Beppo Road Mount Beppo - L 1 RP841728. This property contained two dwellings and was categorised for rating purposes as “Land, outside of an Urban Fire Area, which is used for the purposes of an Approved Dwelling and a Secondary Dwelling, where such land is the owner’s Principal Place of Residence.” (category 111)

The owner confirms that the secondary dwelling burned down on 20 September 2018.

Attachment Email of 5 December 2018 with names removed

Recommendation THAT a rate rebate of $95.24 be allowed for hardship reasons for property 04909-00000-000 - 532 Old Mount Beppo Road Mount Beppo - L 1 RP841728 being the difference in the net minimum differential general rates between rating category 11 and category 111 for the period 1 July 2018 to 31 December 2018 following the destruction of a secondary dwelling at that property.

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Gaedtke

“THAT a rate rebate of $95.24 be allowed for hardship reasons for property 04909-00000-000 - 532 Old Mount Beppo Road Mount Beppo - L 1 RP841728 being the difference in the net minimum differential


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

general rates between rating category 11 and category 111 for the period 1 July 2018 to 31 December 2018 following the destruction of a secondary dwelling at that property." Carried

Subject: Service of notices of intention to sell land for overdue rates or charges File Ref: Sale of land for overdue rates Action Officer: DFIN

Background/Summary Council issued 26 notices of intention to sell land for overdue rates or charges on 18 October 2018 including to the owner of the following property:

• 80025-50000-000 - lot 91 LX2538 – 28 Dingo Parade Jimna

Council has been unable to successfully serve the above notice.

It is recommended that substituted service provisions be used to serve legal notices associated with this action. While the substituted service method is expensive, Council has successfully recovered the costs on each occasion this method has been used in the past.

Attachment Nil

Recommendation THAT the service of the notice of intention to sell land for overdue rates or charges in respect of property 80025-50000-000 using the method set out in section 239 (3) of the Local Government Act 2009 be endorsed.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Ogg

“THAT the service of the notice of intention to sell land for overdue rates or charges in respect of property 80025-50000-000 using the method set out in section 239 (3) of the Local Government Act 2009 be endorsed." Carried

Subject: Procurement policy change File Ref: Corporate management - policy - policy development Action Officer: DFIN

Background/Summary Council adopted a procurement policy on 13 June 2018 that allowed for an increase in the transaction limit for credit card purchases from $1,000 to $2,000 provided the relevant cardholder is authorised by the Chief Executive Officer.

Credit card purchases are promoted internally as a way of optimising payment timeframes and containing administration costs. Aggregate card purchases have doubled in value since the


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018 policy change while the number of payments to suppliers made by other means has been reduced by around 23%.

A further change to the procurement policy is sought to encourage more credit card transactions while still retaining effective control over Council expenditure.

Attachment Procurement policy

Recommendation THAT the following clause be added to the Procurement Policy below the words “acknowledgement statement annually before the end of March”:

Cardholders are required to instigate all purchases that are possible to be made using credit card under this policy by credit card except where the Chief Executive Officer authorises generally (eg by type) or specifically in writing otherwise.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Hall

“THAT the following clause be added to the Procurement Policy below the words “acknowledgement statement annually before the end of March”:

Cardholders are required to instigate all purchases that are possible to be made using credit card under this policy by credit card except where the Chief Executive Officer authorises generally (eg by type) or specifically in writing otherwise."


Subject: Offer for lot 116 RP816952 File Ref: Council properties - disposal Action Officer: DFIN

Background/Summary Council owns a freehold lot along Wivenhoe Somerset Road described as L 116 RP816952 occupying 29 square metres.

Section 236(1)(c)(iv) is attached and provides for the disposal of land without public tender in cases where the land is impracticably small and has only one adjoining landowner.

There are cost implications to Council in holding L 116 RP816952 as freehold land and it is considered that the land has potential value only to the adjoining property owner for development purposes and would have no value to any other person.

The adjoining owner’s (lot 111 SP167564) views were sought on possible options available to Council including either selling L 116 RP816952 or converting the tenure of L 116 RP816952 so that it does not attract State Government levies.

State legislation prevents subdivision in this area. The owner of L 111 SP167564 has written offering to purchase L 116 RP816952.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Attachment • Section 236 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 • Section 104 of the Local Government Act 2009 (sound contracting principles) • Map of L 116 RP816952 and L 111 SP167564 • Letter to the owner of L 111 SP167564 of 6 December 2018 • Email from the owner of L 111 SP167564 received 17 December 2018

Recommendation THAT Council accepts the offer dated 17 December 2018 from the owner of L 111 SP167564 to purchase Council freehold lot L 116 RP816952 because L 116 RP816952 is not suitable to be offered for disposal by tender or auction due to its small size and shape, L 116 RP816952 adjoins only L 111 SP167564 and could not viably be acquired or used by any person other than the owner of that adjoining property, it is in the public interest for Council to dispose of L 116 RP816952 without advertising for public tenders or holding an auction and because this disposal is in accordance with sound contracting principles.

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Whalley

“THAT Council accepts the offer dated 17 December 2018 from the owner of L 111 SP167564 to purchase Council freehold lot L 116 RP816952 because L 116 RP816952 is not suitable to be offered for disposal by tender or auction due to its small size and shape, L 116 RP816952 adjoins only L 111 SP167564 and could not viably be acquired or used by any person other than the owner of that adjoining property, it is in the public interest for Council to dispose of L 116 RP816952 without advertising for public tenders or holding an auction and because this disposal is in accordance with sound contracting principles." Carried

Subject: Esk landfill upgrade grant File Ref: Waste management - design and construction - landfill Action Officer: DFIN

Background/Summary Council resolved as follows on 26 September 2018:

“THAT the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to apply for subsidy towards the cost of installing a weighbridge at Esk landfill plus related items such as roadworks, bollards, fencing and signage."

The State has indicated that it will be compulsory for landfill operators to install a weighbridge. Deeming provisions will apply for operators who do not have a weighbridge.

On 14 December 2018, Council received advice from the State Government that Council’s application for funding under a waste levy grant program was successful. Council’s application was for the installation of a weighbridge and related software and ICT assets, gatehouse, service relocation and installation, upgrading the internal road network, signage, CCTV and security, perimeter fencing and other requirements at a total cost of $299,790.54.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

The State Government has agreed to fund 80% of this and has set the following condition:

“All projects funded under 2018-19 LGLRGP must be completed by 28 June 2019. Requests for extensions of time to complete approved projects are unlikely to be considered. In accordance with Section 4.1.31 of the agreement, all final reporting and claims for payment are to be submitted to the Department within one month of the approved project completion date.”

It is likely that many local governments will now be seeking to install weighbridges over the next six months. Council has sought quotations from two weighbridge supplier/installers (attached). The larger weighbridge (22.5 metres/ 80 tonne) quoted is considered suitable.

It is recommended that Council enter into a contract for the supply and installation of a weighbridge in December 2018 in order to ensure that the 28 June 2019 deadline is met.

Attachment Letter of 14 December 2018 from the Department of Local Government Racing and Multicultural Affairs Excerpt from quotations from Precia Molen and Ultrahawke for similar weighbridges

Recommendation THAT the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to contract with Precia Molen for the supply and installation of a weighbridge and related items at Esk landfill on the basis that the timeframes required by the State Government and the specialised nature of the goods and services that are sought mean it would be impractical or disadvantageous for the local government to invite further quotes.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to contract with Ultrahawke for the supply and installation of a weighbridge and related items at Esk landfill on the basis that the timeframes required by the State Government and the specialised nature of the goods and services that are sought mean it would be impractical or disadvantageous for the local government to invite further quotes." Carried

Subject: Somerset Region Neighbourhood Centre Service Report for the period 1 November - 30 November 2018 File Ref: Community services - service provision - Community Development Action Officer: CDC

Background/Summary Activities throughout the month included:

• The Thursday Club met each Thursday throughout November. The group continues with their craft and board games activities. The number of regular attendees has grown and the group have requested extra tables to accommodate. Activities this month were varied and have included making Christmas decorations.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

• Toogoolawah Women’s Group continues to meet twice monthly, although the group has a break in December and January, meeting again regularly from February after a meet and greet in late January. This month included their Christmas break-up luncheon with 24 attending.

• The Toogoolawah Mothers group attracted five new mothers this month. The library’s First Five Forever program commenced at the group and will be held on a regular basis. The mothers appreciate having the children being entertained enabling them to share more social time together, one of the main purposes of the group.

• This month’s Cuppa and Chat included a talk by the health promotions officer from Ipswich.

• Rural Minds workshops were held in Esk and Kilcoy. These workshops have been held throughout eastern Australia and are aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues impacting farming/rural communities. There were nine attendees at both workshops with six being farmers. All attendees felt the workshops were highly beneficial helping raise their understanding and providing some brief early intervention strategies.

• Focus on Farmer Dinner and Information evening was held in Esk with 124 farmers attending. Six speakers presented various topics. The evening included a formal question and answer session followed by an informal networking session, allowing farmers to socialise or approach the speakers on a face to face basis. All farmers received information kits which included sheets on income support, health and mental health services and other relevant literature. Feedback from the evening was 100% positive, with many requesting similar events in the future. This event was made possible by drought community support funding.

• Kilcoy Mobile Hub had an emphasis on disability service. Three residents attended.

Meetings/attendances throughout the month • Coordinated the Kilcoy and Brisbane Valley Interagency • Attended the Toogoolawah Women’s Group Christmas break-up lunch • Attended West Moreton Local Level Alliance meeting (representing Brisbane Valley) • Presented to the Local Level Alliance meeting (representing Kilcoy/Jimna) • Attended Corporate Services meeting • Attended the Department of Communities, Disability and Seniors Neighbourhood Centre’s Quarterly Meeting • Hosted Kilcoy Cares meeting

Future Planned/Proposed Events and activities • Mount Beppo Fire Recovery barbecue – Mount Beppo - December • Lady Farmers Day Out – January • Kilcoy Cares Book Launch – Kilcoy - February

Somerset Region Neighbourhood Centre Service usage Events/Activities

Group/event Date Location Topic Number Number new name attendees attendees


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Thursday Club 1 Nov Toogoolawah General craft 13 0 8 Nov Jewellery 18 3 15 Nov making 19 0 22 Nov General craft 18 0 29 Nov General craft 19 0

Toogoolawah 7 Nov Toogoolawah This month 5 0 Mothers Group 14 Nov included First 10 4 21 Nov Five Forever 8 1 28 Nov 9 0

Toogoolawah 14 Nov Toogoolawah Included Around 25 0 Women’s 28 Nov Community Christmas Group 31 Oct Connection lunch Point Cuppa and 2 Nov Esk Health 8 0 Chat Community promotions Connection Point

Information and referrals

Referring Total number of Any trends (including topic How enquirers centre/role people assisted and location) heard about the service Esk Community 3 Legal, DV and recycling(1) Repeat (2) Connection Point Employment services (1) Colocation (1) Transport options (1)

Kilcoy Community 0 Connection Point mobile

Toogoolawah Not open for info Community /referral Connection Point

CDC 9 Aged Care services (2) Referred from Mt Archer/Esk agencies (3)

Home modifications (1) Esk Council referral (6) Job Opportunities - youth (1) Kilcoy

Transport for aged (1) Esk

NDIS (1) Esk

Indigenous services youth (2) Lowood

Bill relief (1) Toogoolawah


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Attachments Nil

Recommendations THAT the Neighbourhood Service Centre Report for the month of November 2018 be received.

Decision: Moved - Cr Gaedtke Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT the Neighbourhood Service Centre Report for the month of November 2018 be received." Carried

Subject: Somerset Libraries’ Officer Report - November 2018 File Ref: Officers report Action Officer: Regional Librarian

Background/Summary 8760 visits to Somerset Libraries were recorded in the month from November 2018.

453 attendances have been recorded at community program sessions and outreach events where library staff presented a variety of literacy opportunities and activities.

Somerset Libraries’ statistical snapshot for 1- 30 November 2018:

Somerset Libraries 2017 2018

Customer Service Visits to library branches (Appendix A) 9122 8760 Enquires answered 2577 1270 New membership (Appendix B) 71 87 Loans of library stock (Appendix C) 5874 5756 eBook loans (Appendix C) 233 357 eAudio loans (Appendix C) 82 232 Digital magazines (Appendix C) 39 63 6228 6408 Total loans Reservations of library stock (Appendix C) 1460 1375

Computer usage (Appendix D) Hours of public computer use 827 757 Hours of Broadband for seniors kiosk use 399 275 Total hours of computer usage

IT training (Appendix E) BFS Training 29 14 eDevice Training 14 26 Community programs (Appendix F)


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Storytime attendances 249 276

Outreach and events attendances 110 177 Total community program attendances 402 453

Somerset Libraries Facebook page The Somerset Libraries Facebook page was successfully launched in November. The benefits of having a social media presence are many and will allow for -

• Better communication • The ability to respond to positive and negative feedback • Provide another channel for libraries to market and advertise events and activities • Allow us to understand our users better

The library service looks forward to better engagement with the community and to building a comprehensive information resource for residents.

First Five Forever All Queensland public libraries have received their new four-year service level agreement regarding First Five Forever Funding.

The new funding period runs from 1 January 2019 – 30 June 2021. Somerset Libraries will receive an allocation of $ 17,972.78 per financial year.

First Five Forever is a family literacy program delivered by public libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKCs) which aims to provide strong early literacy foundations for all Queensland children aged 0-5 years. First 5 Forever connects families to the information, resources and support they need to build the best foundation for their child’s future language and literacy development. First Five Forever projects held throughout the Somerset region over the past four years include -

• The establishment of Baby Bounce sessions for children aged two years and under in all library branches. • The establishment of Toddler Tuesday in Lowood Library - a varied program of sensory, dance and technology sessions for children aged two and under and their parents and carers. • The establishment of over 20 pop up libraries in varied businesses and community centres across the region. • Partnership work and the establishment of pop-up playgroup in the southern part of the region. Alongside Playgroup Australia, Mercy and Anglicare, Somerset Libraries host playgroups in Atkinson Dam, Coominya, Patricks Estate and Mount Tarampa. • Playgroup and day-care promotion at centres around the region.

Tech Savvy Seniors grant Somerset Libraries were successful in obtaining a grant of $13,000 from the State Library of Queensland to run a series of technology workshops for Somerset residents aged 50 years and over in 2019.

The grant will allow Somerset Libraries to provide a variety of learning opportunities for its senior population by providing a combination of roving and in-house training opportunities.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Using a combination of Telstra training resources and State Library training packages, it will be the ability of well trained staff to tailor sessions to suit people’s needs. Somerset will be able to show the library as being a responsive service, willing to meet the needs of it's community by being able to conduct sessions around the region.

Library workshops A total of 25 enthusiastic participants attend two jewellery making workshops held in Kilcoy and Esk libraries over morning tea. Participants were taught the art of chain maille jewellery. Both mornings were a great success with requests for the workshops to be held on a more regular basis.

Online resources Somerset Libraries have added to their online resource portfolio with the addition of three new online resources for library members.

Literacy Planet is an Australian literacy resource which encourages the learning of essential English literacy skills through a motivational learning platform that is fun and compelling for students of all ages and ability. Transparent Language is a personalised language-learning system of over 80 languages available with 17 ESL courses. Whilst Universal Class provides library members with over 400 online, self-paced, adult education courses across a wide variety of interesting and useful topics. All classes have clearly defined goals and a real instructor who monitors and assists with your progress.

Attachments Nil

Recommendation THAT the Somerset Libraries’ report November 2018 be received.

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT the Somerset Libraries’ report November 2018 be received."


Subject: Sport and Recreation report - November 2018 File Ref: Governance - Reporting - Officer Reports Action Officer: SRO

Background/Summary The following report contains an overview of current activities of the sport and recreation officer (SRO) and an update of projects in planning phase and future proposals as of the end of November 2018.

Vibrant Somerset

1. Operate Indoor Sports Facilities


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Points note that the highlights are from the October sports facility reports.

Fernvale Indoor Sports Centre

• There were 1,580 attendees at the centre in October. Attendances were higher than figures recorded in the previous month however lower than the same time last year as highlighted by the table below.







0 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mch Apr May June

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Average

• Gym memberships for October were slightly lower than the figures recorded in the previous month however higher than figures recorded during the same period last year. • Internal marketing included keeping the facebook page updated with regular posts on the facebook page as well as other forms of social media including instagram and community facebook pages are achieving a high following from the community with a high response rate to these posts. • External marketing included a ‘Spring into Action’ promotion which included a Spring Support Pack which included an initial consultation with program and fitness testing, 3 week nutrition plan, bonus personal training session and 2 free 5 day passes for family members and friends.

Toogoolawah Community Gym • Attendances in October were higher than the figures recorded in the previous month. • Internal marketing initiatives included putting more posters around the centre, in-house challenges, free passes available to the community, promotion of programs and classes and local events and activities on offer for the community.

• External marketing initiatives for October included the following:

o Permanent space in the local newspaper. o Several adverts in local papers and a leaflet drop. o Promotion of programs, classes and local events and activities on offer to the community. o Sponsored several fundraisers in Somerset. o Free passes have been left at various businesses in Toogoolawah. o Regular facebook updates.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

o Space in the local high school newsletter promoting the gym. o Posters have been placed around town. o Talks to various community groups. o Promotion of personal training.

Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre and Gym • There were 2,060 attendees at the centre in October. Attendances were higher than figures recorded in the previous month. The graph below illustrates the figures recorded over the past several months.

2017-18 2018-19 Average Linear (Average) 2750






• Memberships were slightly lower than the previous month. • Internal marketing initiatives included several internal promotions with challenges, promotion of programs, challenges and activities available for the community, suggestion box with a monthly prize, friends in fitness newsletter and the ‘What’s happening in Somerset’ wall.

• External marketing initiatives for September included the following:

o Weekly column for the local paper. o Promotion of programs and events. o Leaflet drop with specials and new classes. o Sponsored several events around Kilcoy. o Corporate membership packages offered to local businesses. o Free passes given to allied health services to hand to their patients. o Regular facebook updates with an increase on members from the previous month. o Jayne McKenzie is attending all external meetings such as Somerset Interagency Meeting, Youth Meetings, and Ladies Groups. o New classes created from the Active Ageing program held by Council. o Developed a relationship with Head Space for a group of young people at risk to attend the centre and play table tennis. o Working with Kilcoy Respite to offer rehab classes for 8-10 of their patients

2. Swimming pools maintained in operating condition

Kilcoy Aquatic Centre • There were 2,627 attendances recorded for October; attendances are higher than last


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

month however lower than attendances recorded at the same time last year. Operators feel this was due to the lack of good weather and cool water temperatures throughout the month of October. The graph below illustrates attendance trends from previous seasons.









0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mch Apr May Jun July Aug

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 Average

• Internal marketing initiatives included regular updates on facebook, website and the creation of flyers for all programs. • External marketing initiatives were achieved through new facility signs and banners placed at the front of the centre to encourage community interest. • Centre programs that are available to the community include aqua aerobics, squad training, learn to swim and pool parties. • There were no incidents recorded for the month of October.

Toogoolawah Pool • There were 1,121 attendances recorded for October; attendance figures are lower than figures recorded during the same period last year however higher than the previous month. • Internal marketing initiatives included regular updates on facebook, website and the creation of flyers for all programs. • External marketing initiatives were achieved through new facility signs and banners placed at the front of the centre to encourage community interest. • Centre programs that are available to the community include aqua aerobics, squad training, and learn to swim. • There were no incidents recorded for the month of October.

Lowood Pool • There were 2,255 attendances recorded for October; attendance figures are higher than the figures recorded during last month and also last year. The graph below illustrates the increase of numbers in comparison to last year.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018






0 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mch Apr May Jun July Aug

2017-18 2018-19

• Marketing and promotional initiatives included regular facebook updates and flyers for the promotion of programs There were several activities and events held over the month to encourage participation which has been well received by the community. • There were no incidents recorded in the month of October. • Several maintenance issues were addressed including repair of the solar heating system that has been affecting the temperature of the pool.

Esk Pool • There were 375 attendances recorded for October. These figures are the first for the 2018/2019 season and are higher than the figures recorded during the same period last year. • Marketing and promotional initiatives included regular facebook updates and flyers for the promotion of programs. The change and addition of operating days have been welcomed by the community. • There were no incidents recorded in the month of October.

The SRO is assisting FMC with on-going maintenance issues at the various pools which are continuing to be monitored and solutions sought.

3. Increased awareness of sport, recreation and healthy lifestyle issues relevant in the region

The SRO ensured Active and Healthy Council website page was up to date with relevant information.

The SRO provided information to community sporting groups on upcoming funding opportunities, referrals to free webinars, workshops and other educational opportunities.

4. Assessment of the needs of the community for the delivery of sport and recreation

The SRO attended the monthly Lowood Recreation Complex Association meeting, various issues were discussed and resolved.

The invitation to the Stags and Eagles to utilise the Fernvale Sports Park Rectangular field


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018 were sent after the Master Plan was adopted by Council and accepted by the Committee.

5. Community participation in physical activity

December-January School Holiday Activities 2018/19 The SRO continued working on the December-January School Holiday Activities. There will be a number of activities on offer to the community over the school holiday period, activities include pool movie nights, library activities and Christmas events.

Somerset Rail Trail Fun Run 2019 The SRO has commenced preparations for the 2019 event. The date of Sunday, 14 July 2019 has been set for the event with the event taking place from Lowood to Fernvale again. At the most recent team meeting there was discussion around the inclusions of a 48hr flash sale prior to the online registrations go live on Friday, 5 April 2019.

Australia Day Pool Events 2019 The SRO has continued coordinating inflatables and activities at all of the pool sites for Australia Day.

LIFE – Workplace Wellness The SRO continued to encourage fellow Council staff to get involved in the free LIFE activities that are on offer on a weekly basis.

2019 Somerset Schools Cup The SRO has continued to liaise with the relevant schools for the 2019 Somerset Schools Cup. A tentative date of 23 August, 2019 has been set. The SRO will ensure progress is maintained leading up to the event.

Fernvale Memorial Park Exercise Equipment The SRO continued liaising with Forpark Australia with regard to the location of the equipment and other details regarding the project.

6. Develop appropriate management strategies

The SRO liaised with management at Somerset Sport and Aquatics, Aqua Antics, Somerset Health and Fitness and the facilities maintenance coordinator regarding various facilities.

7. More community participation in physical activity through progressively implementing Parkland Strategies and Recreation Framework

Recommendation 3.6.1 – the SRO continues to communicate with clubs and the community on matters relating to sport and recreation through email notices and information on the Active and Healthy Council website page kept up to date.

8. Multiple use of recreation reserves

The SRO continued to liaise with user groups at the Fernvale Sports Park, Lowood Recreational Complex and Esk Recreational Grounds regarding various matters.

9. More information is made available to clubs to enable the clubs to operate effectively

Club Liaison • Several emails were sent to Somerset clubs this month. These included reminders for


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

upcoming events, the latest grant information and information on upcoming workshops and webinars.

10. Grants approved

Nothing to report this month.

11. Sports equipment library developed

November Esk - 10 Lowood - 2 Toogoolawah - 1 Kilcoy – 0

There were a total of 13 loans from the Active and Healthy Resource Centre in the month of November.

Attachments Centre Attendance figures for the month of October for the Fernvale Indoor Sports Centre, Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre, Toogoolawah Community Gym, Kilcoy Aquatic Centre, Toogoolawah Swimming Pool and Lowood Swimming Pool.

Recommendation THAT the report be received.

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Ogg

“THAT the report be received." Carried

Subject: Kilcoy Motorcycle Club Inc - Event Management Plan 2019 File Ref: Council properties - leasing out - Council Land and Buildings - Doc Id. 1082285,1081144 Action Officer: DCORP

Background/Summary Council has previously resolved to grant a lease to the Kilcoy Motorcycle Club (the Club) over Lots 1 and 2 SP134321 located at Neurum Road, Kilcoy.

The lease document requires the preparation of an annual event management plan. Please find attached the proposed Event Management Plan for 2019.

The event management plan approved for 2018 included:

Practice (incl. Come and Try Day) 15

[N.B. Two (2) practice days will be “Divi days” which are for junior riders from Div 1 50cc to 65cc bike capacity only].

Competition (Club Race Days and National / State Events) 12


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

[N.B. The Club are in the process of applying for a round of the South (11 events, 1 of East Queensland Junior MX Series, which would be a two day event which is 2 day on a weekend some time between August and October. Nominations events) for this series have not been released yet. Two days have been included in the number of competition days on the presumption that the Club will be successful.

Coaching 10 TOTAL 37

The event management plan proposed for 2019 includes:

Practice (incl. Come and Try Day) 15

[N.B. One (1) practice days will be “Divi days” which are for junior riders from Div 1 50cc to 65cc bike capacity only].

Competition (Club Race Days and National / State Events) 14

N.B. Two-day events include - (11 events, 3 of which are 2 day • Sunshine State MX Series to be held Saturday 11 and Sunday events) 12 May (Round 4) • Junior MX Series to be held Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August (Round 1) to be confirmed • Women on Wheels (WOW) MX Series dates to be confirmed

Coaching 10 TOTAL 39

Please note that the attached calendar does not identify all specific dates as the dates for the women on wheels MX series have not been announced.

From time to time coaches throughout Australia will book the track for between 1 - 4 days for an intensive coaching school to be held on a weekend or during school holidays. Rider numbers would be approximately 10 - 40 depending on the length of the coaching clinic, and the number of coaches available to provide tuition as per student / teacher ratios.

The Club advises that as the riders will be learning different skills including off bike fitness, nutrition etc they are not as noisy as on a race day. The focus is more on developing skills than speed. It is also a requirement of Motorcycling Australia that all riders must complete 5 hours of competency with an accredited coach prior to moving up to a higher capacity bike.

As per the Event Management Plan for 2019, any additional or substitute days need to be approved by Council.

Attachments Attachment A - Proposed Event Management Plan 2019 Attachment B - Event Calendar 2019

Recommendation THAT Council:


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

(i) Approve the proposed Calendar of Events for 2019 for the Kilcoy Motorcycle Club, comprising 14 competition days, 15 practice days and 10 coaching days.

(ii) Require the Club to make separate application for any coaching clinics once specific dates have been identified, and

(iii) Approve the Event Management Plan.

Decision: Moved - Cr Hall Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council:

(i) Approve the proposed Calendar of Events for 2019 for the Kilcoy Motorcycle Club, comprising 14 competition days, 15 practice days and 10 coaching days.

(ii) Require the Club to make separate application for any coaching clinics once specific dates have been identified, and

(iii) Approve the Event Management Plan." Carried

Subject: Fencing Fernvale Campdraft Grounds File Ref: Council Land and Buildings Action Officer: DCORP

Background/Summary Council has previously discussed the boundary fence at Fernvale Campdraft Grounds Banks Creek Road Fernvale.

After consultation with the stakeholder groups it has been determined that a proprietary plastic fencing product supplied and installed by Polvin Fencing is the only alternative acceptable to all groups and fits within budget. The product was also used at the Fernvale Sports Park and has performed very well at that location.

Polvin fencing will supply and install their product however they will not remove or dispose of the existing fence this will be an additional cost.

The Budget allowed in the current year is $15,000 however the quotation received is for an amount of $19,044, which is over budget. The quotation included two double gates however the current gates will have to remain as they are 5.2m and 8m wide. The Polvin plastic gates are only 5m wide and are too small for use in this location.

Council’s Procurement Policy states that “Sole Supplier Arrangements - Where goods or services up to a value of $15,000 are required and it is believed that only one supplier is legally or reasonably available to Council, the Chief Executive Officer may authorise the purchase after being satisfied of the authenticity of the case, reasonableness of the proposed cost and the availability of a budget for the expenditure.” As the amount required for the sole supplier is over $15,000 a decision of Council will be required to authorise the purchase in accordance with section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Attachments Polvin Fencing quotation

Recommendation THAT Council proceed with the fencing of the Fernvale Campdraft grounds – Banks Creek Road Section for $19,044 and that there will be additional costs in the demolition and removal of the existing fence, and in accepting the quotation Council is doing so in accordance with section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

Decision: Moved - Cr Hall Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council proceed with the fencing of the Fernvale Campdraft grounds – Banks Creek Road Section for $19,044 and that there will be additional costs in the demolition and removal of the existing fence, and in accepting the quotation Council is doing so in accordance with section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012." Carried

Subject: Kilcoy Race Track - Trackside Pavilion Kitchenette File Ref: Council Properties - Design and Construction - Kilcoy Showgrounds Action Officer: DCORP

Background/Summary The Kilcoy race Track Trackside Pavilion was completed several years ago. The building was completed without any catering facilities at all. Council had Budgeted to complete the Kitchenette for the Pavilion in the 2016/17 year and the following year. The Budget allocation was $15,000. Funds have been expended (approximately $8,000) against this Budget and the area has been altered to create a gyprock lined shell for the kitchenette and a store room.

Discussions with the race club President and Secretary have taken place along with a site visit. A rough plan of the area and the requirements has been drawn (copy attached).

Quotes to carry out all the work were called from: Elken Cabinets, Danial Banditt Constructions, Des Shield, Aspect Cabinet Makers and MCA Cabinet Makers. Three quotes were received with three others not responding to the Quotation request. The quotation summary and copies of the quotes received is attached.

Two of the quotations received include the supply and installation of the cabinetry but not the other carpentry, electrical and plumbing works.

For this reason, it would be more advantageous to Council to accept the Quotation that includes all the work requested to be done in the Kitchenette as well the supply and installation of the dishwasher.

Attachments Summary of Quotations received

Recommendation THAT Council accept quotation No 1 on the attached list of Quotations received.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Decision: Moved - Cr Gaedtke Seconded - Cr Whalley

“THAT Council accept quotation No 1 on the attached list of Quotations received." Carried

Subject: Street Trees - Gunyah Street, Toogoolawah File Ref: Roads - maintenance - vegetation - tree planting - roadside Action Officer: DOPER

Background/Summary A resident fronting 9 Gunyah Street, Toogoolawah has written to Council concerned about a pine tree on the footpath which is leaning towards their house. They are concerned that branches from the south and east side of the tree have been cut off by Energex contractors and have left the north and west sides untouched which is causing it to lean and may land on their house in a storm event. Further, there is a pine tree fronting McConnel Park in Gunyah street that has apparently hit by a lightning strike last year and is dying from the top.

Council officers inspected the trees as per Council’s management of trees procedure. The outcome of this inspection indicates that the pine tree in front of 9 Gunyah Street is in reasonable health but concur it is leaning towards their property and could impact on their property should the tree fail. Further, the tree trunk/roots are impacting on Council stormwater drainage and not desirable.

The pine tree in front of McConnel Park is in poor health and appears to be dying. Due to potential future hazards with this tree, action is required. However, as the history of these trees is unknown, and as per the management of trees procedure, Council officers are bringing this matter to Council for further determination.

Council may wish to consider the following options:

1. Engage a qualified arborist to assess the trees and prepare a report to determine an action plan for the ongoing management of trees. The cost to engage a suitably qualified arborist to undertake site visit and prepare report will cost about $2,000.

2. Proceed to remove the trees which will eliminate future risk to Council should the trees fail. The removal of the trees will also improve stormwater drainage adjacent the trees. The cost to remove the trees will cost about $2,700.

Attachments Location and Photos of Trees

Recommendation THAT Council proceeds to remove two pine trees in Gunyah Street, Toogoolawah at a cost of about $2,700 excl GST. Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council proceeds to remove two pine trees in Gunyah Street, Toogoolawah at a cost of about $2,700 excl GST.” Carried


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Subject: Revised Speed Limit - Muckerts Lane File Ref: Traffic and transport - planning - traffic speed (1046690, 1064704) Action Officer: QAO / SES

Background/Summary The issue of the posted speed on Muckerts Lane has been raised recently on two separate instances. A speed limit review was conducted in accordance with the speed limit review processes outlined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Part 4: Speed Controls, using the integrated Qlimits software and traffic data from December 2016. When undertaking speed reviews, the following criteria are considered when determining the appropriate speed limit: 1. Road Function, 2. Prevailing Speeds, and 3. Speed Environment.

Muckerts Lane consists of a 1.4km section of bitumen seal and a similar length of gravel formation, and the general rural speed limit (100km/h) currently applies.

The outcome of the speed review suggested a speed limit of 80km/h is appropriate for Muckerts Lane.

The prospect of a large subdivision adjacent to this road is also a consideration in selecting a suitable speed environment.

The application of a consistent speed limit along the full length of this road is considered appropriate.

Attachments Nil

Recommendation THAT the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Muckerts Lane from 100km/h to 80km/h be submitted to the Speed Management Advisory Committee for consideration.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Hall

“THAT the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Muckerts Lane from 100km/h to 80km/h be submitted to the Speed Management Advisory Committee for consideration." Carried

Subject: Petition - Larkhill Boundary Road File Ref: Governance - council meetings - petitions (1080681) Action Officer: DDM

Background/Summary Council received a petition from residents regarding the condition of Larkhill Boundary Road and seeking the unsealed section to be bitumen sealed. This section of the road is west of Marburg Road in the Lark Hill locality.

Expectations of the public regarding the level of service provided by the road network are increasing over time. Unsealed roads are often viewed as being not acceptable, due to concerns such as dust nuisance, corrugations, loose material, and environmental concerns.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Over many years, Council has progressively bitumen sealed unsealed roads, on a priority basis.

Council has been using a prioritisation process to support the decision-making process for upgrading unsealed roads for a number of years. The current prioritisation process involves consideration of the following criteria:

• Traffic Volumes • Percentage of heavy vehicles • If a road is a school bus route • Crash History • Road function • Maintenance frequency • Number of dwellings • Number of dwellings less than 40 metres from the road • Low or High-Speed traffic environment • If the project completes the sealing of a through road

Roads are generally considered for sealing when they have reached 50 or more vehicles per day and will then will be prioritised on the above criteria.

For Larkhill Boundary Road, the existing traffic count is 37 vehicles per day (2018) with maintenance grading carried out on a needs basis. The road does not rank in the top 50 of roads to be bitumen sealed.

It is noted that the residents state that the graded condition does not last for any great length of time. It may be that Council considers the use of a road stabilising agent for this road (such as PolyCom). Council has recently trialed Polycom on other Council Roads which are subject of higher traffic volumes, roads on steep grades, isolated roads or roads with known erosion problems. The outcome of this trial has been effective with improved binding of gravel, less dust generation, smoother road formation, and longer durations between maintenance grading.

Should Council wish to consider utilising a stabilising agent within the next grading maintenance round it is estimated to cost an additional $13,600 excluding GST to treat the 1.7km unsealed section of Larkhill Boundary Road.

Attachments NIL

Recommendation THAT Council advises residents that Larkhill Boundary Road will continue to remain on Councils Forward Works List for consideration at future budgets.

THAT Council proceeds with incorporating stabilising agent on Larkhill Boundary Road with the next round of maintenance grading works, funded from Council Road Maintenance program.

Decision: Moved - Cr Whalley Seconded - Cr Ogg

“THAT Council advises residents that Larkhill Boundary Road will continue to remain on Councils Forward Works List for consideration at future budgets.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

THAT Council proceeds with incorporating stabilising agent on Larkhill Boundary Road with the next round of maintenance grading works, funded from Council Road Maintenance program." Carried

Subject: Community Assistance Grants - Somerset Excellence Bursary 2018 - 2019 - Andrew Bremner - Doc Id 1079668 File Ref: Community Relations - Sponsorships - Somerset Excellence Bursaries Action Officer: DHRCS

Background/Summary Council has received an application for financial assistance from Denise Bremner mother of Andrew from Fernvale. Andrew has been selected as a member of the South-East Queensland Cricket Team, Regional level and has been invited to attend the Tamworth Cricket Association Under 14 Carnival being held in Tamworth, 7-11 January 2019.

This is the first occasion that Andrew has applied for an Excellence Bursary.

This application is considered as part of the Community Assistance Grant Policy which provides for a payment of $100 for Regional Level representation.

Attachments Nil

Recommendation THAT Council approve the application as summarised in this report and grant a Regional Level Sporting Excellence grant of $100 to Denise Bremner mother of Andrew Bremner, who has been selected as a member of the South-East Queensland Cricket Team, Regional level and has been invited to attend the Tamworth Cricket Association Under 14 Carnival being held in Tamworth, 7-11 January 2019.

Decision: Moved - Cr Hall Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council approve the application as summarised in this report and grant a Regional Level Sporting Excellence grant of $100 to Denise Bremner mother of Andrew Bremner, who has been selected as a member of the South-East Queensland Cricket Team, Regional level and has been invited to attend the Tamworth Cricket Association Under 14 Carnival being held in Tamworth, 7-11 January 2019." Carried

Subject: Somerset Visitor Guide - recommended charge File Ref: Officers reports Action Officer: Veronica Eagle - KVISO

Background/Summary The visitor information centres are receiving requests from multiple real estate agents to provide boxes of the Somerset visitor guides for their business purposes that are not


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018 specifically tourism related. Visitor information services officers have been advising real estate agents to send their clients to the visitor information centres to collect information and maps on the region opposed to sending boxes of the guides to real estate agents. This is not occurring. Real Estate agents are prevented from ordering boxes of the guides through Council’s distribution warehouse as only tourism operators are permitted to request boxes of the guides. The concern is that tourism operators (who in many instances have paid for advertising in the guide) are missing out on potential business by promoting Somerset outside of our region because several boxes of brochures have been taken by local real estate agents.

It is recommended that Council impose a cost recovery fee for real estate agents who would like to obtain a box of tourism guides at $50 per box ($1 per copy).

Attachments Nil

Recommendation THAT Council charge real estate agents $50 per box (50 guides) of the Somerset Visitor Guide for their business use.

Decision: Moved - Cr Gaedtke Seconded - Cr Ogg

“THAT Council charge real estate agents $50 per box (50 guides) of the Somerset Visitor Guide for their business use." Carried

Meetings authorised by Council Nil

Mayor and Councillor Reports

Cr Brieschke - Councillor report - Nov 15 Toogoolawah High School Gr 12 Graduation 16 Toogoolawah High School Year 12 Formal Debuts 21 Toogoolawah Show Society meeting 23 Lowood Slimmers Dinner 26 Somerset Regional Art Gallery The Condensery, meeting 26 Focus on Farmers Evening, Somerset Civic Centre, Esk 30 Somerset Region Community Support Association AGM Esk Dec 3 Christmas Lights Competition 5 Christmas Lights Competition 6 Christmas Lights Competition 10 Star Lite Dancers Christmas Concert 11 Toogoolawah Fire Appeal Information Evening 15 Toogoolawah Christmas Tree 18 Toogoolawah and District History Group Christmas Lunch

I would like to congratulate the Toogoolawah Christmas Tree Committee on such a well-run event last Saturday night. A large crowd turned out for the annual carnival with a twilight market, free rides for the kids and Santa giving presents out.


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

I would like to wish my fellow Councillors and Staff a Merry Christmas and Safe and Prosperous New Year.

Cr Choat - Councillor report - 12/12/2018 Council General Meeting and Workshop - Council Chambers Esk 12/12//2018 Lowood Local Ambulance Committee Christmas Function 13/12/2018 Presentation Night Lowood State School 15/12/2018 Esk Races 15/12/2018 Toogoolawah Christmas Tree 15/12/2018 Carols in the park Esk 16/12/2018 Lockyer LNP AGM 17/12/2018 Christmas visits to Council offices and VICs

Cr Choat reported that this year’s Toogoolawah Christmas Tree event was outstanding.

Cr Gaedtke - Councillor report - 12 December Mt Kilcoy State School Awards Night 14 December Picturing Innovation Exhibition Official Opening – The Condensery 15 December Community Carols – Kilcoy Combined Churches 18 December Official Opening Kilcoy Police Station 20 December Somerset Regional Council – Christmas Gathering 20 December Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc. – Christmas Gathering

Mayor's Report - Friday 8.45am Prenzlau State School Awards 30 November 2018 10.30am Somerset Regional Community Support Association AGM at Esk

Saturday 9am Fernvale Junction Feast and Trade Show 1 December 2018 11.30am Toogoolawah Men's Shed Christmas Break Up at Toogoolawah 4pm Esk Community Christmas Carnival

Sunday 2.30pm Esk Community Choir Christmas Concert at Esk 2 December 2018

Tuesday 6pm Bendigo VIP night at Coominya 4 December 2018

Wednesday 9.30am South East Queensland Pest Advisory Forum 5 December 2018 Somerset Civic Centre - Welcomed attendees 11.30am Photo with Kilcoy Race Club Members to commemorate new Finishing Post 12.30pm Somerset Tourism Volunteers Christmas lunch at Kilcoy

Tuesday 9am Teleconference - Council of Mayors regarding 11 December 2018 Queensland Urban Utilities membership

Thursday 12noon Leukaemia Foundation Christmas Lunch at 13 December 2018 Plainlands Hotel


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

1pm Healthy Land and Water Report Card at Laidley Sports Complex 5.30pm Lowood State School presentation night

Friday 12noon Town Proud promotion with Gatton Star 14 December 2018 6pm Lowood Lions and Churches Working Together - Carols in the Park at Lowood

Tuesday 8am Meet and Greet with Mr Jason Bradshaw at Esk 18 December 2018 10am Opening Kilcoy Policy State with Cr Hall 12.30pm Toogoolawah Historical Group Christmas break-up at Toogoolawah 6.30pm Somerset Wivenhoe Christmas break-up at Glamorganvale Hotel

Wednesday 3pm Lockyer Valley Somerset Water Collaborative 19 December 2018 Meeting at Gatton

The Mayor wished everyone a Merry Christmas and safe travels, look forward

Decision: Moved - Cr Choat Seconded - Cr Brieschke

“THAT the verbal and written reports of Mayor Lehmann, Crs Brieschke, Choat and Gaedtke be received and the contents noted.”


Receipt of Petition Nil

Consideration of notified motions Nil

Reception of notices of motion for next meeting Nil

Items for reports for future meetings Nil

Subject: Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer Arrangements 2 January 2019 - 20 January 2019 Ref: Officer report Officer: CEO

Decision: Moved - Cr Brieschke Seconded - Cr Whalley

“THAT to remove any doubt, between the termination date of the current Chief Executive Officer and the commencement of the new Chief Executive Officer, Council appoints Director Finance as acting Chief Executive Officer and appoints Director Corporate and Community


Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 20 December 2018

Services as acting Chief Executive Officer in Director Finance’s absence." Carried

Chief Executive Officer - Farewell

On the eve of his retirement from the position of Chief Executive Officer, Mr Robert Bain, Chief Executive Officer, placed on record his thanks to Somerset Regional Mayor and Councillors, and Council staff, after 18 years service with Council. Mr Bain noted that it had been a fun time and a good journey, and a success for himself and his family. Mr Bain hoped that he was leaving Council in a better place than when he arrived.

Closure of Meeting

Summary There being no further business, the Mayor, Cr Graeme Lehmann closed the meeting at 9.30am.